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A&E Briefs

The Pierce College Music Department has announced the schedule for the free Thursday Concerts at noon this semester.

The concerts will take place in room 3400 of the music department. Doors open at 12:45 as the concerts begin at 1 until 2 p.m. with doors being locked at 1 p.m. The first concert will be on Thursday March 14, 2013 with the group “Trios” performing.



The Pierce College Theater Department will be hosting their first production for the Spring semester. “Laughter on the 23rd Floor,” a play inspired by Neil Simon, takes place in the early 1950s during the rise of McCarthyism in the television industry with a comedic twist.

Laughter on the 23rd Floor opens on Friday, March 23 and runs through

Sunday, March 31, 2013. Tickets are available in advance or through the box office.

Prices for students and seniors are $12 and $15 for general admission. Free parking is available in lots 7 and 8.

The production will take place in the temporary Performing Arts Building, which is located at the corner of Mason Ave and Olympic Dr. across from the Center for Sciences Building.

Art The Art Department will be exhibiting the artwork by Peter Liashkov, whose collection includes splashes of bright color and innovative mixing of crayon with ground pigments and earth. Liashkov’s work will be shown at the Pierce College Art Gallery from Thursday March 14, through Wednesday, April 17 2013. Mr. Liashkov will give a guest lecture on Thursday, March 16 at 6 p.m. in room 3300. The event is free for the public. For information, contact Monika Del Bosque, Pierce College Galler y Director and Assistant Professor, at (818) 7102262.

Dance The Dance Spring Concert will begin on Friday, May 17 through Sunday, May 19, 2013. They will be performing many different types of dances including hip hop, African, jazz, modern tap and ballet with choreography from students, faculty and others in the Los Angeles area of entertainment. Tickets go on sale at the end of March through the Theater Department.

For more information about the Spring Concert, contact Desise Gibson, Dance Director, at (818) 710 - 2251 or gibsondr@ piercecollege.edu.

“He actually did a review of my book, he really liked it after he helped me to edit it for a couple of months. He took me under his wing and told me who to email, and who to talk to,” said Chernobylsky. “How to set up my cover for emailing editors, which I did but the replies still weren’t very nice.”

While writing his book, “The Perspective,”w he was still going to school at Pierce College and keeping busy with an active lifestyle.

His journey was not an easy one. He recalls that it was a challenge to balance writing the book and going to school.

“It was a lot of work for me to do it continuously, but it was rewarding,” said Chernobylsky.

The biggest challenge he had was getting his book published.

“I sent the book out to different editors . I tried to get it out there, but the responses were less than nice,” he said.

It took a while for his book to get noticed, until he got an email from Amazon telling him about a new program they had.

“We have this program if you are interested in and you can put your book in it, even before I got the copy rights done because my mom is my copyright attorney and everything so I got that done after that, and amazon is my publisher now,” said Chernobylsky.

His mother describes David as energized and caring since he was young. Always involved in sports, and traveling alongside his father.

“He is not only nice to the people around him but he also truly cares for their well-being. When I see him, I see that he is very involved in taking care of the patients that he visits at the hospitals and everywhere around him,” said Chernobylsky. “He is also very wellrounded in that he works well with others and is also able to concentrate very well at the task at hand.”

Brianna Gribin, a Psychology major at Cal State Northridge who knows David is currently reading his book.

“It is very enlightening so far,” said Gribin. “I like the quotes at the beginning of each chapter and hearing the experience of a high school aged volunteer as well as his trials and tribulations experienced at that age.” His family and friends share David’s joy on getting his book published.

“We were very happy and proud. He accomplished a very big achievement and we know that he put a lot of time and effort into the process as a whole,” said Chernobylsky’s mother.

He is not only a writer, but also a full-time student, a scuba diver with a license to rescue people, a surfing enthusiast, a comic book artist, and the president of the Jewish students club “Hillel” at Pierce College. “School is school, but it’s more of a brain kind of work. The other half is basically doing everything physical like going to the gym or hiking, something that doesn’t involve sitting,” said Chernobylsky. “The only problem is that it leads to not having a lot of time. I have no free time.”

Only time will tell what the future has in store for Chernobylsky. He would love to write another book but he says that his priorities right now are being a student first, and a writer second.

David Chernobylsky’s book, The Perspective — A Medical Volunteer Experience sells on Amazon for $14.99 paperback, and $6.99 for an eBook.

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