4 minute read

On-campus pub could bring students together

Place to socialize would please

Since there are so many new buildings being constructed at Pierce College, administrators should consider opening a pub on campus. There are a number of reason why a pub should be opened at Pierce. The first reason would be that it would attract more students to attend our campus as opposed to other colleges. It would raise more money for Pierce, which could help the campus in many ways. It would also be a good place for students and teachers to hang out and relax.


A pub can be a place where student clubs can meet, and people can have food, drinks and discussions. They could meet new people, watch their favorite sports games, play music, dance and have fun.

This idea may seem new to some students, but it has already been applied in many colleges. California State University, Northridge is one of the colleges that has a pub on campus, and some students are very happy about it.

In the pub, called “Pub Sports Grill,” students can go to hang out, watch sports games on a big screen with their peers, eat some simple bar food and drink a beer or two. Although the pub sells beer,

Opinion Roundup


Fahema Kakar akar.roundupnews@gmail.com

no other hard liquor is sold.

The main reason administrators may oppose this idea would be because alcohol would be sold at the pub.

But if we have strict rules and regulations for the alcohol that is being served at the pub, this idea can have a very good chance of working out.

Some rules and regulations could include having a security guard on duty at the pub at all times to prevent fights.

There would strict rules on checking identification before selling young people beers,

The pub could also fashion the hours it is open after those of other campus services to prevent any conflicts from happening during the later hours.

We can also restrict the alcohol in the pub for to be only sold to Pierce students and faculty.

This would mean pub patrons would have to have a Pierce ID in order to purchase alcohol in addition to their California ID for age verification.

This idea can work great for Pierce because we have students from all over, and since this campus is full of diversity, it would bring us all together.

Double umbs Up

Extended library hours during finals

The Library and Learning Crossroads will be open during the first weekend of finals, May 25 and 26. The extended hours are due to extra funding paid from the Associated Students Organization budget. Thank you ASO, for shelling out the cash to allow your fellow students and constituents the chance to get some much needed studying in during finals.

Props to commencement pamphlet

The 65th Commencement will be held on Wednesday, June 5, for graduating Pierce students. Every commencement ceremony has a pamphlet produced to go with it. The pamphlet contains the names of all students and what degree they are receiving as well as the program for the ceremony. The pamphlet was put together by Doreen Clay, public relations specialist. Thank you for your hard work compiling an important part of the ceremony.


Volume 118 - Issue 8

On page 3, in the “Library still missing Wi-Fi” story, Paula Paggi is not referred to by her full name, only her last name.

Since the arrival of the food trucks, Pierce College staff, faculty and students have been looking for an alternative source of food. Pierce does not need to look far when they have a gold mine on the corner of Victory and De Soto.

Finding a slice of pizza, a fatty hamburger or a greasy burrito is pretty easy, but what about healthy alternatives?

The Roundup recommends Pierce should use what they have at their disposal to at least try and attempt to remedy the unhealthy eating options on campus..

One way they can achieve this is by using the harvest from the Farm Center.

Students have looked for something a little healthier than the heavy, fried food offered by the food trucks.

The Freudian Sip has done its best to offer healthy food options with the fruit they sell, but their small selection is not enough.

The Roundup has written several stories asking for healthier food options and since some our peers are not involved with campus life, many of us have been left with no choice but to eat what’s available.

It’s either that or wait until you’re off campus to eat.

With what seems like never ending budget cuts, Pierce understandably may not have the financial means to meet the request; after all, eating healthy is pricey.

According to the Farm Center’s website, they begin harvesting their crops in March and do not finish until November.

Some of their crops include Albion strawberries, sweet yellow corn, white peaches, white nectarines, peaches and several other vegetables.

The Farm Center could make and sell fruit salads or put together small dishes using a some of their vegetables. They could even make smoothies and milkshakes, the possibilities are endless and the income would constantly flow in, since many people at Pierce eat healthy. these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

The Farm Center has the healthy alternative students are looking for at their disposal, but their location is somewhat inconvenient to the student looking for a quick meal and not a long trek.

Administration could make accommodations by investing in a refrigerated cart to serve the farm’s produce somewhere a little more central to campus.

Though this would require a small fee, the Roundup feels that promoting healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle to students is worth the small costs involved.

This might be just a small step in providing healthier food options, but a small step is better than nothing.

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