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Healthy options should be available Pierce should offer wider varieties of food for college students

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College students are constantly on the go, as students have deadlines to meet, classes to attend, and places to go.

All of that running around can really work up an appetite, and with Pierce College looking for food vendors to occupy the new cafeteria, an emphasis should be put on finding healthy food to offer students and staff.


While Pierce College does offer food on campus, the choices are limited to greasy food at a nearby food truck, or quick chips and a soda at the student store.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the Roundup feels there could be healthier choices of food on campus to encourage healthier lifestyles.


Dear Editors of the Roundup:

The physical, public image of any organization says a lot about what it thinks of itself, so I am very concerned that the current perimeter of our campus is reflecting negatively upon our outstanding community college.

One of the first things Rocky Young did in his presidency with us was to install the white equestrian fencing around the entire campus. It immediately and significantly enhanced our image with the community.

Today, however, that strikingly beautiful fence is broken in numerous places, and the broken pieces are not even being cleaned up.

I have heard for several months now the excuses that we cannot clean up these pieces because we’re unsure which insurance company will pay for the repairs, but I do not accept that logic.

Surely, we can have some authenticated photographs taken that would stand up in any court of law. Surely, we can protect our public image.

Surely, we can continue to be Pierce College, a campus of true excellence both in academics and in atmosphere.

Please, let’s clean up the fence now.

Sincerely yours,

Richard J. Follett, D.A.

Professor of English

Double umbs Up

Relay brings in big bucks

The 24-hour Relay for Life was held at Pierce College, beginning at 9 a.m. on April 20. The relay is an annual event that raises money for cancer research and honor survivors and victims of the disease.

Congratulations on raising $72,000 so far from the event, and thank you for your important work.

Keeping the farm functioning

The twenty first annual Farm Walk was held on Sunday, April 28. The event showcases the entire Agriculture department and features booths from clubs, live music and games for attendants. The Farm Walk also serves as a fundraiser for the Boots and Saddle club, which takes care of the farm and its animals. Thanks to all involved for keeping this event in operation. Check

Volume 118 - Issue 7

On page 1, the Associated Students Organization is falsely called the Associated Student Organization.

On page 5, photographer Mohammad Djauhari’s name is misspelled in a caption.

A study cited by the Nutrition Journal stated that the poor eating habits of students who transition into college or university is a big concern, as habits developed in college years often persist into adulthood

And these poor habits can lead to lifestyle diseases later in life..

Pierce College only has a couple of places on campus that offer sustenance, so putting healthier choices of food in the mix could appeal to those trying to eat healthy without having to leave campus.

The Freudian Sip does have some sandwiches and fruit available, but more can be done.

This would not be a very expensive change, if the school were to invest in healthier food choices.

If anything, we could simply replace some of our unhealthy products.

Pierce could invite places like Subway, Veggie Grill or Jamba Juice into the cafeteria instead of burger and burrito joints.

The college could allow the Farm Center to bring a cart on campus and sell fruits and vegetables to students on the Mall where students might actually take advantage of the opportunity.

Some high s-chools have begun to incorporate this system for their students, to help their students stay focused and keep active.

Before CST’s, some teachers will give their students fruit drinks and trail mix before the exam, and studies have shown about 80% of school that did this performed better than others that did not.

We feel that the Pierce College students could benefit in a similar fashion.

Having healthier food choices in the new cafeteria could be a great addition to our school, and could possibly help student get back on track to leading a healthy life.

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