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Possibility of more smoking bans on campus

Kat Wilson Roundup Reporter

A written tobacco regulation will be considered for approval by Pierce College’s Academic Senate.


Beth Benne, the director of Pierce’s Health Center, announced the news at a Senate meeting Monday afternoon.

“I hope we can get the president’s approval,” Benne said. “The Health Center is compiling a program called ‘Stop’ for keeping tobacco off of Pierce.”

The program against tobacco would be run by students who are interested in addictive study, according to Benne. An essay contest will aid the Health Center in choosing four or five winners for the program, according to Benne.

“Then, hopefully, we can offer it campus-wide to both staff and faculty and students next semester,” Benne said.

Due to their increasing popularity, the college’s tobacco regulation includes electronic cigarettes, or “e-cigs,” according to Benne. “We did incorporate e-cigs under the umbrella because they’re not FDA approved,” Benne said. “I am attending a webinar on Oct. 9 for e-cigs actually possibly becoming a valid tobacco sedation tool.”

Furthermore, the Health Center will confirm illnesses via phone notes or check-ups to provide students a legitimate reason to stay home from class due to being sick, according to Benne.

“When a student is sick, please believe them,” Benne said to the professors. “If they come in and see me, I will be glad to give them a release from class and let you know when they should be back.”

In addition, inactive flu vaccinations are available for $10 at the Health Center. Contact (818) 710-4270 for more details.

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