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Annual security report released

[REPORT, cont. from.page. 1]

“I feel it’s a great service they can provide,” Schleicher said.


Gabriela Gomez, 20, is a new cadet that was hired three months ago. She was searching for volunteer work at Pierce’s Sheriff’s Department, and applied for an interview, leading to her current position as one of the cadets.

“I love being a part of the cadet program,” Gomez said. “I feel like it’s going to help me out a lot. I want to be a sheriff, and this program is a big stepping stone.”

Gomez said the cadets patrol, cite tickets, open doors for teachers, and in emergencies, notify the dispatcher.

The cadets provide information that not only keeps everybody safe in the immediate situation but also, in longer terms, it helps keep up with the trends of which crimes occur most often on campus, Schleicher said.

Lofrano explained while the back and front entrances had been unlocked during half time for the players, one of the doors had been broken into, and he suggested that he could see why they were disconcerted.

“This is the first time that I know of that [the locker room] has been broken into during a game— not in the history of Pierce that I know of, and I’ve been A.D. for seven years,” he said. “And I think they told me they were broken into two weeks ago at Santa Monica –the same team.”

Martinez alluded that although he understood the team’s frustration because this has happened to his team in the past, he did not appreciate the chaos that ensued.

“They were very upset, and their head coach is really the culprit of everything, which is pretty embarrassing,” Martinez said. “They are just upset and angry, so they’re not thinking rationally—they want answers.”

Kelcie Davis, a 20-year-old who attends West LA College was one of the people who wanted answers, and she felt that the section should have been more secure.

“Where is the administration at this point?” she asked. “Why is there not a person patrolling? Why don’t you know things like that? Why don’t you know who locked it last? Why is that

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