1 minute read

STREET BEAT Plans for summer

-Rachel Al-Hassanieh psychology major

“ I’m just going to work. Full-time working. Maybe two jobs. Anything that gives me money. I’m going to transfer to UCSD in the fall.”


-Mandeera Wijetunga political science major

“ I want to travel. I want to get out, I don’t want to be here. I want to travel just throughout California. If I get enough money I’ll be driving out of state.”

-Shaleah Green marine biology major

“This summer I intend to get into shape. After this hard long semester, between work and school, I kinda put that on the back burner, so I’m definitely going to step that up a little bit.”

-Julian Shermis computer science major

Letter to the Editor

Regarding Scooby’s Corner Issue 11, Volume 120

Dear Roundup, I am a fan of Ethan Hanson’s weekly column in the Roundup. He has a real gift for delivering crisp, well-crafted writing, and he engages the reader every time. It seems inevitable: Ethan will get a position as sports reporter for a national news outlet down the road. Go, Ethan!

Prof . Pamela J. Brown

Bust out old

Books For Some Bucks

AKA: Ask Kate Anything Advice Column

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