3 minute read

One sport to rule them all

We have all been witnesses to the level of interest given to certain sport programs over others. It is true that the most popular sport does deserve the attention it gets, but at what point does the focus on one sport become too much? Is favoritism noticed when one team doesn’t have a score keeper or no one to announce their own starting line-ups while another team has pristine uniforms?

The favored teams, such as the football team, enjoy better benefits. To find out why, just look at where they play their home games. The football and baseball teams have a stadium and field with bleachers that are maintained. Other teams at the bottom, such as the softball team who were in danger of losing their team this spring semester, do not have an electronic scoreboard or an announcer. It’s a challenge to bring home victories when the school has little financial backing and support behind all teams.


Pierce College has a good athletics program and the benefits that certain teams receive are well earned, but when it is clear that one team has far superior equipment and training, that is when the smaller teams are forgotten.

Each sports team receives an estimated $5,000 per semester to pay for transportation, officials and other teams expenses, according to athletic director Bob Lofrano. Clearly, the money is not enough if one team’s home court looks like a neglected field out in a public park.

Some teams have resorted to selling advertising space and using logos for sponsorships on their uniforms. Other teams have decided to sell snacks and drinks to help with the team’s expenses. Although not all the teams are small and some are very successful, they still do not have the same level of benefits.

Pierce needs to help each team reach their full potential. Certain teams need more help than others. Some just need minor items, such as a scoreboard, while others need more work with coaching, recruiting, and equipment.

Small changes can help the school eliminate sports favoritism. Pierce could promote games regardless of record. This simple step can help the teams by increasing attendance.

Photos by Diego Barahas. Quotes gathered by Richard Zamora.

AKA: Ask



“Dear Kate, why do some girls like to date jerks?” Jaded Gentleman

Dear Jaded, Ah, women. That ever-present mystery in a man’s mind.

There are a few different answers to this question, and they range depending on the woman.

Some women were raised in terrible situations, with fathers who abused them physically, emotionally, and/or sexually. In the minds of many of these women, they do not deserve anything better. They have been degraded for so long that they believe what they are told by their abuser.

They may say over and over that they want a relationship with a man who won’t treat them poorly, but they end up going for the bad guy every time. Those women should seek counseling to help break free from those tendencies toward destructive relationships.

With luckier women who did not suffer from abuse, the answer is a little more complicated. A lot of times it has to do with maturity. The jerks may seem like more fun, or the whirl of emotions that this kind of guy evokes might make a girl feel more alive.

Women might find a more refined man attractive, but a guy who is overly nice can also be annoying. If you tell a woman she is beautiful every time you see her, she may start to think that you are just saying it because you think she wants to hear it. phasis on sports, the players are courted specifically for their athletic ability. Athletic scholarships awarded to students depend on their talent to play a sport. The primary reason they are given money is to play for their school, not for their academic skills.

Yes, it is very nice for a woman to know without a doubt that her man thinks she’s beautiful and is attracted to her, but it means more when she is caught off guard by the compliment.

You shouldn’t go months or even weeks without telling her how you feel about her, even years into a relationship. But don’t let it become a meaningless phrase that you recite.

One classic move that nice guys make is to always let the girl choose the restaurant or the movie or the events of an evening. You might think you are being sweet, but it can be very frustrating or even come off as lazy. Good women want their men to be happy too. If you have a woman who wants to choose everything, you have probably found someone selfish and you should run away.

Instead of making her pick all the time, if you truly want to impress her or show her that you care about her, pay attention to what she likes and make decisions based on her preferences.

A women wants to know that a guy can take care of her, while still respecting her independence.

So if you’re a “nice guy,” maybe man up a little. Don’t be a jerk, but just be who you are instead of who you think she wants you to be.

There’s a difference between a nice guy and a pushover.

If you truly are just a nice guy, you will find a woman who will appreciate that and love you for it. There are plenty of women who sincerely want that.

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