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To work, intern as college student
who you know.
If you’re an intern, it’s in your best interest to get to know the people around you, because these may be the people who hire you for a permanent job.
Communication Studies Major
Page 6 - Dec. 10, 2014: The Phi Theta Kappa club was incorrectly reported as inactive from 2010 through 2014.
SHARLA SMITH ssmith.roundupnews@gmail.com @sharlasmith
College takes you on a journey that propels students toward their future careers, so if you work or have an internship while you attend school, it’s actually beneficial to your ultimate goal.
College is where you obtain a theoretical understanding of a particular area of study. College is also the place where you start to build your foundation.
During this time you are planting the mental seeds that will eventually turn your career dreams into realities.
If you are offered a job or an internship in your field of study, then you get to enjoy the benefits of getting a head start on your career. You spend time in school to learn about what you want to do, but while at a job or an internship, you get to apply the knowledge you acquired from school, and start to gain experience and become proficient in your craft.
You’ll gain new experience and perfect your skills hands-on, and you also have the chance to build a professional network of people. A lot of the time life really is all about
If you’re working and the company you work for feels you are a strong employee, by the time you graduate you’ll have a great chance of being promoted.
People may feel like college was a waste of time as a result. It would be better to work in the field while in school, because that way you could simply change your major and take additional classes if you need to.
Alternatively, you can work at a job you don’t like, and spend time with your coworkers complaining about the job you decided to take.
Having a job means you’re making money. Some internships are paid as well, which means that even as an intern it’s possible to earn wages.
However, whether or not you receive compensation, you must understand that the experience itself is priceless.
Not everybody can manage to balance work or an internship with school. Some lack available time or have other responsibilities that prevent them from taking on additional commitments.
However, if you can make the commitment and you’re presented with a chance to work or intern in your field, then you should definitely take advantage of the opportunity.
JULIE LUDERS jluders.roundupnews@gmail.com @JWRoundup
The average semester for a college student consists of taking 15 to 18 units. If a student wants to be cost effective and graduate on time, they should consider not working or having an internship while attending college.
A 15 to 18 unit class load is roughly four to five classes a week. If the student is taking classes on campus, classes will meet multiple times a week.
Registering for classes can be frustrating especially if a course a student needs is only offered one class period, instead of multiple.
If a student has a job or an internship, it can be very difficult to schedule classes around their work/intern schedule.
This will prolong obtaining their degree and will also increase the amount of money they will spend on their education.
Tuition increases every year. According to the student expense and resources survey (SEARS), tuition for Pierce College for the 2013/2014 school year was $36 per unit.
This year, 2014/2015, tuition is
Con$46 per unit. That is a 28% increase in just one year. Each class, depending on the difficulty, requires two to three hours of outside studying per week. If a student is taking 15 units that is an additional 15 hours of school work on top of the hours that are spent in class.
Having an overloaded work and school schedule can cause lack of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, (NSF), sleep is vital to your well-being and not having enough sleep can be harmful.
Not having enough sleep limits a student’s ability to learn, concentrate and solve problems.
The average college student is working or interning 21 hours a week according to the American Association of University Professors. That does not give a student the appropriate amount of time of sleep or hours to study to be successful.
If a student is overwhelmed with work/interning and taking classes, he/she can fall behind on their schoolwork causing the student to retake the course. Re-taking courses requires more time and money. A college student will be successful if they balance work and internships during their college career.
The more time they can spend focusing on school versus work or internships, the more successful they will be in their college education.