2 minute read

Dancer turns loss into something beautiful

and encouraging words that have influenced Luque, none were as resounding as a quote taken from dancer Martha Graham. “I did not choose to be a dancer, I was chosen to be a dancer,” has inspired Luque as a performing artist.

“When I started modern dance at Pierce I had no idea who Martha Graham was, or what modern dance was,” Luque said. “My plans were to transfer as soon as possible, but then dance happened. I’m blessed to be able to live my dream.”


Apart from Graham, Luque looks up to the Argentinian ballerina, Paloma Herrera, with great admiration. Herrera, who was a soloist and later the principal ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre, has been dancing professionally since 1991.

She is a woman that Luque aspires to be like.

“I first saw her on a magazinem, and I told myself that I want to be just like her,” Luque said.

Dale Fields, who is the chairman of the physics department, has known Diamantopoulos for three years. Fields believes that while the job of a tutor can be a heavy burden at times, Diamantopoulos has proven himself to be a capable mentor.

“We look to see what people

Fields feels that what makes Diamantopoulos unique is his sincerity toward higher education, especially his own.

“When he sets out to accomplish something he puts himself one hundred percent in it,” Fields said. “That level of seriousness and level of commitment is

Luque’s repertoire ranges from ballet and tap to ballroom and hip-hop.

In April of 2015, Luque had the chance to audition for the Martha Graham Dance Company.

“One of my teachers at Pierce [Hughes] got me an audition with the Martha

Graham Dance company and I went,” Luque said. “I didn’t make it to the company, but they did invite me to attend their school of dance.”

The Martha Graham school is located in New York City.

Luque finds herself being a bit hesitant to move due to the distance, but plans to attend Martha Graham by fall semester.

“I don’t want to be one of those people that wakes up everyday, and just regrets not doing what they love,” Luque said.

While there are many people

According to Hughes, many student dancers who have been a part of the department for quite a while become less coachable and too comfortable, but Luque is not like others.

“I have enjoyed our work together, I consider her my friend as well as my student. It has been a pleasure to mentor her has a performing artist,” Hughes said.

“The responsibility that weighs on my shoulders is great because I tutor material that is critical for students entering universities,” Diamantopoulos said. “I always want to approach the material in a students who engages in the love of learning,” Hughes said. “She has maintained her strong work ethic, and she is respected by her peers and the arts faculty.”

Luque believes that she would not have become the person she is today if it wasn’t for dance. She feels that she has found her true self through the movement of dance.

“Dancing is what I love, dancing is my passion,” Luque said. “Dance is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It’s something that is just me.”

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