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Pro/Con: Canvas vs Moodle

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Mitch’s Pitches

Mitch’s Pitches

Recently, Pierce replaced Moodle with Canvas as its online education platform. Was the switch to Canvas for the better?

ALMA LOPEZ Reporter @alopezz2


I believe the switch from Moodle to Canvas is one of Pierce’s best improvements in a long time.

Anyone who has ever used Moodle in the past knows how frustrating it was when the system would constantly crash and cause students to miss a due date or prevent them from completing an online test.

Canvas is the younger and more fresh-looking system, compared to Moodle’s outdated ways. Canvas definitely improved the way courses are listed when you log in and makes it much easier to navigate when looking for assignments.

Not only is the navigation easier on Canvas, it has also enhanced the way you can communicate with your classmates and teachers. You can now see who’s in your class and if you would like to contact either your professor or classmate, they are able to list different types of contact options on their bio. The information they provide can be anything from their social media profiles to their email address.

Also, Moodle only gave students two options for assignment submissions: textbox entry or file upload. Canvas, on the other hand, expanded to include a range of selections such as Dropbox and Google docs links.

Canvas has made it easier for students by providing a user-friendly app in which you’re able to check your assignments. It includes a calendar that automatically syncs each upcoming assignment and separates each course by color making it a whole lot easier to keep up with due dates.

You can also get notifications sent directly to your phone.The mobility factor will undoubtedly come as a huge advantage to students who aren’t home a lot and might need to do their schoolwork on the go in between work shifts.

As for reliability, Canvas uses a hosting platform known as AWS, which is used by companies like Netflix. Their webhost provides the speed that each and every student needs. There are no more worries about taking a test and having Moodle randomly crash in the middle of it, then having to wait to retake it.

Given all the features that Canvas provides for students that Moodle didn’t, I believe Canvas is definitely the better choice for Pierce.

For several years, Pierce has used Moodle as the primary system for both students and staff.

However, this semester, Pierce has replaced the program with a new one called Canvas, which I am not very fond of. We have now had enough time to decide whether we like this new system better than the previous one and I would still prefer to use Moodle over Canvas. Although Canvas now comes in an app, it is basically the same. However, it can be a bit confusing for those that don’t really have the time to figure out how to use this program or to our older students who may struggle with technology. Canvas is a bit odd and difficult to use. It needs some getting used to, which can be tricky considering every student does not always have the time for it. To many it can be like learning a new language, having to figure out which tab will get you where. The fact that there is a new site this semester with little warning was frustrating for me. I believe there should have been some sort of workshop to introduce Canvas. When signing onto Canvas, it takes a couple of clicks before the correct tab is found. The new program has too many tabs and makes it difficult for a student to do a simple task, such as checking assignments. under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.

In addition, most students will most likely take an online quiz at some point in their college career and possibly will want to go back and review the questions. Unlike Canvas, Moodle actually allowed students to review quiz questions, which would give them the opportunity to prepare for any upcoming tests.

Most students grew accustomed to the old system, which meant that they typically had no issues with Moodle. For this reason, I believe there was no reason for something that was working well to be removed. Now that Moodle has been replaced, students will face the challenge of having to do their assignments while also learning how to use Canvas.

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