6 minute read
What has been the biggest nightmare this election?
“Just the fact that a lot of people are not informed. People are not doing their own research. Theyʼre pretty much being sheep. People like to stay ignorant.”
-Sandra Noua, 18, Accounting
DespiteClintonʼsobviouscorruption, someone like her is considered to be the bestchoice.Itʼsabsolutelyridiculous.Sheʼs acriminal;areprehensiblehumanbeing. Itʼsreallyratherpatheticthatthedemocrats choseher.Trumpistheethical,goodchoice forthenextfouryears.
-Nicholas Bravo, 42, Addiction Studies
From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial
Many colleges have student-run, noncommercial educational radio broadcast stations. They can be valuable assets to colleges for various reasons, such as giving information on upcoming events and student activities, community outreach and training. So why don’t more students listen to KPCRadio.com that Pierce College students run?
Cerritos College on the other hand, has a radio station called “WPMD,” which stands for “Where People Make a Difference.” Many students know about this radio station because, when you walk around campus, you can hear it being played. The same should be done for KPCRadio.com.
Sadly, most students on our campus are unaware of the local radio programming we have. They can listen to programs such as Gothropology, Geek Speak, Talking Tinseltown and more. With ads only in the newspaper, most students never tune in to hear what their peers have to say. As a result, most students are deprived from the benefits of listening to an on-campus radio station.
By publicizing the radio shows on campus, the station could potentially gain more exposure, giving KPCRadio.com a bigger platform, which can be beneficial to both the aspiring broadcaster and the Media Arts Department. There will be a dramatic increase in listeners for the students, giving them the confidence they need, while helping them better connect with their peers.
A bigger platform would also provide advertisers a better way to reach a target audience. With that being said, think of the potential advertisers that would
“Trump because heʼs crazy.“
-Odelia Feumba, 17, Communications
“IwouldhavetosayDonaldTrumpbecause heʼsveryimmature,aswellasHillary,but Hillaryismorematurethanhimintermsof what she wants to do and how she wants to leadthecountry.Trumpjustsaysthesame phrasesoverandoveragainofhowhewants torunthecountry.”
-Kevin Smith, 19, Computer Science and Engineering be willing to send the Media Arts Department money in exchange for ads. This money could help fund new equipment and help the department expand so that more programs can become available to students.
Volume 125, Issue 7: Page 6: Wendy Mazon’s last name was misspelled. Page 8: Alejandra Carbajal’s name was misspelled.
Not only can that, but it can also help the station establish itself. Launched in April 2010, KPCRadio.com is relatively new compared to other journalism programs on campus: the Roundup and the Bull Magazine. According to schoolradio. com, some of the key benefits to having a school radio station include building an inclusive atmosphere for students, developing speaking and listening skills, supplement learning and giving students a voice as well as a sense of empowerment.
An empowered student is one who is confident, motivated and has the ability to impact others. If broadcasting a radio station around campus can encourage students to be better, why not do it?
In addition, it would be easier to simply broadcast the radio shows around campus from one single system. It may be difficult for all students to listen to it on their own devices due to the slow Wi-Fi on campus.
Who ran the better campaign?
VICTOR RODRIGUEZ Managing Editor @Vrodriguez2100
This year’s election, through the fault of both candidates and “big politics”, has been reduced to reality TV despite the very real consequences we are forced to live with after the dust has settled. While smear campaigns are just par for the course, most of the mud has been flung by the Donald and his ever-eager, less-than-tactful supporters.
While name-calling and ad hominem are the two lowest tiers on Graham’s hierarchy of argumentation, Hillary Clinton’s relevant experience in public office has been completely disregarded and, thankfully, Trump’s “Nasty Woman” insult has been spun, and proudly worn by her supporters.
The blatant disrespect Clinton has had to endure during this campaign is shocking. What’s more, is that she’s been forced to take these insults in stride. Sure, her long career in politics has helped her maintain composure, and yet, Clinton didn’t have the luxury of throwing a fit or stomping and shouting about every single injustice committed against her. Being a woman, any ounce of emotion or tone in her voice would be twisted and warped to perpetuate the sexist “irrational woman” stereotype. This handicap is what turned all the debates into a circus show.
Another aspect Trump supporters conveniently forget, is the fact that all of our living ex-presidents
Amy Au
Reza Rastegarrazi
Ezzat Wanas
Calvin B. Alagot
Jordan Nathan Sonia Gurrola
Jill Connelly
Jeff Favre
Tracie Savage warned the American public against the regrettable republican nominee. Clinton has even received the endorsement of her former opponent, Bernie Sanders. vrodriguez.roundupnews@gmail.com
Even in the midst of an FBI investigation being reopened days before the polls opened, Clinton’s campaign was able to put out the fires being fueled by the radical right.
The touring style of both candidates also speaks volumes. Many first hand accounts describe Hillary’s rallies as calm, yet energetic, and flowing with an inclusive energy. While those interested in experiencing what a Trump rally entailed became truly terrified when they realized that the amphitheaters Trump’s campaign rented out were filled people who truly bought into the racist rhetoric, and all the small children who carried signs with hateful messages don’t know what they said because they haven’t learned to read yet.
Hillary Clinton has to be given some credit. For the better part of a year, she’s had to, as we’ve all had to, take Donald Trump seriously. A career politician, who’s endlessly qualified, has had to contend with, a foul-mouthed, climate-changedenying, failed businessman who decided one day, out of the blue, to run for President of the United States.
Nelson Simmons
Chanaelle Chahayed
Advertising Manager: Matt Thacker
*For advertising call Matt at (818) 710-2960
This could also encourage Pierce to update the campus as it does not have a formal public address (PA) system. A PA system would be useful, not only for KPCRadio.com, but also for information such as event reminders, public announcements and emergency notifications, which broadcasting students could deliver. Although we have had KPCradio.com operating on campus for quite a while, it would be a good idea to let students know we have such a gem for them to enjoy and to benefit from.
RICHARD ESPINOZA Reporter @Richard65157819
Donald Trump is my pick for the best platform and my choice for President of the United States. Despite the things that Trump may have said and the “locker room talk,” I focus only on what he has to offer for the country. Putting aside all the negative issues on Trump, look at the theme of his platform-- “Make America Great Again.”
In the eyes of the liberal media, that slogan is a white man’s theme or hate against immigrants. However, that is certainly not true. “Make America Great Again” is about those who brought greatness to America. Keep in mind that every immigrant that came to America seeked that last beacon of hope and contributed to the greatness of America. It is “We the People” who built America’s greatness.
The point that Trump is getting across in his platform is that America is slowly losing its greatness due to government regulations and out of control spending. In 1761, James Otis said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” John Hancock, one of the founding fathers, agreed with Otis. Hancock said he would only sign the Bill of Rights if there was an agreement that there shall not be any taxation without equal representation. All taxation should be equal and fair. Unfortunately, our elected officials in Washington D.C. view our constitution as an outdated document when it is in fact the law of the land. respinoza.roundupnews@gmail.com
Trump wants to be the president to bring back our constitutional values and the greatness that has been taken away from our corrupt government. The government should not have any entitlement to anyone’s hard-earned money. By keeping their earnings, the people can buy more goods and keep the economy going.
Unfortunately, the liberal media labels Trump as racist simply because he wants to build a wall to protect our national security. I am a great grandson of Mexican Immigrants, which means I know the difference between racism and common sense. Being an illegal immigrant is not a race. Being an illegal immigrant means that person is a criminal trespasser. Keep in mind that we are a nation of laws. Every country around the world enforces their immigration laws but, for some reason, it is called racism if the U.S. enforces its immigration laws. In America, if a person illegally immigrates from another country, they are deported, only to come back and commit the same crime again.
Pierce College Roundup position is presented only in the editorials. Cartoons and photos, unless run under the editorial masthead, and columns are the opinions of the creators and not necessarily that of the Roundup. The college newspaper is published as a learning experience under the college journalism instructional program. The editorial and advertising materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, are the responsibility of the student newspaper staff. Under appropriate state and federal court decisions, these materials are free from prior restraint by the virtue of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Accordingly, materials published herein, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the position of the L.A. Community College District, the college or any officer or employee thereof.
Sara HernandezSophomore