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Rise in thefts, community on alert

Deputies reported seven cases of stolen bikes in October and several classroom and office break-ins

ARIELLE ZOLEZZI Reporter @ArielleZolezzi


Pierce College has experienced a rise in the number of thefts and sheriff’s deputies said they are taking preventative measures to prevent more crimes.

Within the last month, there have been seven bike thefts and classrooms and office break-ins, according to sheriff's.

Denise Robb, an instructor of political sciences, was the victim of an office break-in.

Robb received a text from a colleague asking if she had left her office window open, a window which she said she never opens nor knew that it could be opened. Robb couldn’t check the office herself because she was in a wheelchair since summer, so she called the deputies and they inspected the office.

“The sheriff said the window was open, and they asked me what I had in there and they took pictures of everything,” Robb said. “They stole my projector and my wireless speakers.”

Robb said that she had paid for all the items stolen from her office, and she had to rebuy replacement items with her money. Robb didn’t file a report because the officers told her that there would be a lot of paperwork and there would be a deductible of 25,000 dollars, which she said wasn’t worth it because the items stolen amounted to a lesser amount.

Robb now locks her cabinets to help ensure that her belongings are safe. Robb said that she has heard stories of other instructors

[Hungry and homeless from pg. 1]

Lay said food is necessary for life and learning. He said the pantry is a student effort, and he is amazed people are willing to help.

Lay said he is not aware of actions being taken by LACCD during National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. He said St.A.S.H has not yet asked for help from administration.

who have had items stolen from their offices.

“I’ve had things taken from my backpack while in the gym. My friends have told me they’ve had it happen to them as well,” said Marcel Addy, a communications major. “It honestly seems like there is a serial stealer, and he’s really got to be stopped.”

Deputy Lazaro Sanchez said that most of the bicycle thefts mainly occurred around Parking a Lot 7, where bicycle chains were being cut.

“At some point, we will be asking Pierce College, and then maybe even the district, for assistance, but right now, it is specifically students fighting against student hunger,” Lay said.

However, Rice said that LACCD is aware of hunger and homeless problems that many students face.

“LACCD has taken a proactive stance in understanding that we have a huge issue here where students on all levels are struggling and can’t afford to buy their own food,” Rice said.

“We are doing more patrol checks in that area, as well as foot patrols and we are contacting more people that are in the area where the bikes were stolen,” Sanchez said. “As of now, it seems as though we have deterred

Chair of the Community Welfare Committee Gisela Tarifa said she works with St.A.S.H by helping them spread awareness about their issues and events. She said she coordinated the Thanksgiving drive, told STASH about doing the halloween costume drive and has been working on expanding their food pantry.

Tarifa said they are going to have about 50 bags with food, that feed two or three people each, and distribute them during the Thanksgiving drive.

“We know that there is a need for

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