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From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial

The benefits of CBD for many patients is so significant that it would be worth it for Pierce College to allow the medicine on campus.

When considering whether any drug should be permitted on campus, the answer instinctively seems like an automatic no.


Marijuana has long been considered to fit under the umbrella category of illegal drugs, however recent changes in legislation, coupled with increasing evidence of the therapeutic value of marijuana is separating it from the same group as other drugs, such as cocaine or LSD.

These changes represent a climate which should make Pierce College reevaluate its policy regarding marijuana products on campus.

Despite California’s decision to legalize marijuana, there are still legal implications that deter its use.

According to safeaccessnow.org, “Under federal law, cannabis is treated like every other controlled substance, such as cocaine and heroin. Under the CSA, cannabis is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that the federal government views cannabis as highly addictive and having no medical value.”

Because Pierce College receives federal funding, this may present some obstacles in declaring CBD a permitted medicine for students to use and possess on campus.

Without declaring its support of this medicine, Pierce could choose to not persecute students who are found in possession of CBD products.

While many associate marijuana use with the typical smoking of dried flower, there are differences in the types of medical products this benevolent plant produces. Cannabidiol is gaining more public visibility. ProjectCBD.org describes it as, “a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel ‘stoned’ and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC.”

Volume 127, Issue 9, Page 9: The Brahma's next basketball game will be on Weds. 11/22, not 11/24.

CBD has received recognition in the treatment of pain, inflammation, anxiety, seizures, psychosis, cancer, and withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse.

CBD products do not produce a “high,” like THC products tend to do. Why should students be denied the right to use a treatment that is safe and effective and does not

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“Pumpkinpieismyfavorite becauseit’snotonly delicious,butitisalso underrated.”

- Blanca Baltasar, 20, Behavioral Science lead to their being perceived as intoxicated on campus?

Some health professionals still dismiss marijuana as a mindaltering substance that is, at its core, damaging and detrimental. However, these same health professionals might condone an individual taking Klonopin for anxiety, or Adderall for ADHD. These drugs are proven to be dangerous, mind-altering, and

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