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Hep A outbreak Cases in LA and SD counties spark concern

ROCIO ARENAS Reporter @rarenas_roundup

Clean, healthy living is usually used to describe what goes in someone’s body. But a similar mindset could keep something out.


The Pierce College Student Health Center received an email from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health warning of a local outbreak of hepatitis A due to recent cases that appear to have been locally contracted.

The outbreak raises concerns for school officials because of the high-contact environment and accessibility of school facilities to the public.

“While many of us can’t imagine going to the bathroom without washing our hands, people do, especially children,” Benne said.

Health Center Director Beth Benne said hepatitis A is transmitted through fecal-oral contamination. Anyone can come in contact with the virus through an infected person’s feces, food or other contaminated objects.

People can contract the virus through bodily contact. A handshake with an infected and improperly washed hand could mean infection for the other person.

Food handlers are also responsible.

In restaurants, there are signs stating that employees must wash their hands every time they use the bathroom, Benne said.

“The best thing anybody can do is get the vaccine and handwashing,” Benne said. “The protocol is two vaccines, with six months in between one and two, and it is lifelong.”

Benne said the Student Health Center will also take part in advising students on campus.

“We practice what we preach, and we’re always preaching handwashing, and we’re passing out hand sanitizers,” Benne said. “Right now, it’s about pushing immunization and proper handwashing.”

Restrooms on campus are also a concern in the event of a local outbreak.

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