3 minute read

Change in event catering Drop, cover, hold on Pierce College to participate in Great California Shakeout

Los Angeles Community College District Safety and Emergency Services Manager William Ramirez sent out an email regarding the Great California Shakeout that will be tomorrow Oct. 19 at 10:19 a.m.

According to the email, the district encourages faculty and students to be prepared in case of emergency. Procedures, such as knowing what to do before and after an earthquake, how to create a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency, will increase personal safety during a disaster.


Clubs and departments must go through Pacific Dining or Brahma Cafe for food requests

NATALIE MIRANDA Reporter @natalierosemir

All catering on campus will need to give Pacific Dining and the Brahma Cafe “first right of refusal” when planning events that require food services, due to an agreement between LACCD and the new district-wide food vendor.

Organized groups using college funds must make a bid to Pacific Dining or the Brahma Cafe before venturing out to external vendors to fulfill catering needs.

Dean of Student Engagement

Juan Carlos Astorga said LACCD implemented this procedure to provide catering needs on campuses.

“The district was trying to develop a plan to have dining facilities and meal opportunities for students, faculty and staff on each campus. One company would service all nine campuses in the district,” Astorga said. “What they did as part of the contract, was identify a requirement that Pacific Dining has a right of first approval.”

Astorga said this new procedure might be an opportunity to improve business and lower prices.

“It’s my hope that the more business they generate, there will be an opportunity to navigate and negotiate better prices when having events and activities,” Astorga said.

Astorga said there are frustrations because some groups that need catering don't remember the procedure or know that there is one.

“It’s a different process. I see a lot of different clubs struggling at times to remember that we first have to go through Pacific Dining.

Because now, administrative services will not approve a contract or request an restaurant invoice if we have not received that email saying, ‘We cannot meet your needs,’” Astorga said.

Program Specialist for LA Regional Pathways Raffi Kahwajian said if the vendor cannot fulfill the request, groups can then explore other food opportunities.

“If, for some reason, they can't come through and deliver, then we can go to other outside sources in their place. But there would have to be some kind of official statement from Pacific Dining saying they can't fulfill the order, and that would give us the green light to find another vendor that can,” Kahwajian said.

Astorga said he is optimistic about this change on campus.

“I’m hopeful that it’s going to become a better, more mutually beneficial relationship,” Astorga said.

Associate Vice President Larry Kraus said he welcomes this procedure to connect the campus community with the services offered.

“This was a procedure that we wanted all along. We have asked that groups participate with our existing food services on campus, and we are just really enforcing this now,” Kraus said. “We encourage our college community to participate in their services to strengthen the whole. We are here, we have mechanisms engaged to provide food to the campus, and we need to use those services.”

Kraus said groups on campus are allowed to independently fundraise, as long as they check with Pacific Dining first. He suggests submitting a list, getting a price, and seeing if it is consistent with what can be acquired elsewhere.

“The clubs can fundraise, and they can sell food. We just don’t want them opening up a private food establishment. But if they can have a club event like a barbeque or something else of that nature,” Kraus said. “Certainly, they can fundraise that.”

Kahwajian said so far he has been satisfied with the vendor.

“Just recently, there was an event in which I was involved, and the staff for Pacific Dining was very helpful in terms of how we wanted things set up, where and when. They have been responsive and quick to act. It’s been a positive experience so far,” Kahwajian said.

Kraus said the campus had lacked food service for at least three years.

“We had the cafe, but that was the limit of our food services. Everything was brought on campus through the food truck and food kitchens,” Kraus said. “Food services on a two-year campus are very difficult for our providers, and so we need to encourage our providers to be on campus and succeed to be able to stay here.” nmiranda.roundupnews@gmail.com sambravo.roundupnews@gmail.com

Move heavy items to lower shelves. Organize basic first-aid kit essentials with medications. Include bottled water, food and bars, flashlights, shoes and extra money, particularly small bills in earthquake survival kits. Minimize financial hardships by organizing important documents, such as copies of identification, car registration and passports that may be needed in emergencies.

Drop and hold on during an earthquake. Cover your head and neck with your arms, and seek shelter by getting under a sturdy desk or table nearby. Remain in a crawling position to protect the head and neck. Do not move to another room or go outside during an earthquake.

When shaking stops, evacuate the location, and help others who are or have been injured during the disaster. If you smell gas, quickly move away from the area. Avoid power lines, broken glass and water from broken pipes when exiting the building.

Visit www.earthquakecounty. org/step5 to learn more safety tips.

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