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A big community on a small stage UMOJA hosts open mic opening up a creative platform

Sherrie Bradford delivered an original poem about the struggles and successes that she and her family faced, which led many people in the crowd to stand and cheer while wiping tears from their faces.

Bradford was one of many that performed Thursday, April 12, during UMOJA’s first open mic. The event was a outlet for different types of expression including musical performance, poetry readings, dance performances, artwork displays and food submissions.


Editor-in-Chief Katie Elliot of literary magazine Directions was excited to witness people on campus bold enough to be on stage to share their stories.

“[The open mic night] is just such a vulnerable place and a place where rough drafts are okay and where messing up is okay,” Elliot said.

UMOJA counselor Melody Smith said all of the 13 participants did great and she appreciated their bravery in getting up on stage and was excited to see everyone encourage the performers.

“I felt like the community was really

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