1 minute read
The Buck(ley) stops here
Interim president Larry Buckley brings a new air to Pierce

DANIELLE PADILLA News Editor @dcxpadilla
Imagine up to $6,000 being handed to students to cover their school expenses. This happens every semester in the form of the Pell Grant, but thousands of dollars go unclaimed by students who do not apply for it.
The Pell Grant is funded by the government and is available to any eligible student who applies through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Once one receives their awarded amount, they are free to spend the grant on any school related expense.
“Such a large percentage of our students are now eligible for the California Promise, The old board of governors waiver,” Interim President Larry Buckley said. “So, many students are thinking I already have the financial assistance I need. Why do this with a Pell Grant?”
Despite FAFSA being a free application, some students do not utilize this resource to pay for tuition, school supplies and other school related finances.
JOSHUA MANES Editor-in-Chief @TheManesEvent
Life in Hawaii often is portrayed as more relaxed and care-free than on the mainland. Newly appointed Interim President Larry Buckley, a Hawaiian native, exudes that island vibe.
While his tan complexion may be common in Los Angeles, his friendly demeanor, smile and approachable nature is a breath of fresh island air.
With a collage of pictures on the wall next to his desk of those that inspire him, Buckley has already settled into his position at Pierce.
A position that, by definition, is temporary. However, if you ask Buckley about that now, he may want to stay a little longer.
“If you'd asked me that question three weeks ago I would say I've taken this role understanding that mine is an interim role,” Buckley said. “But if you asked me that today, I've just fallen in love with this college. I didn't expect that.”
While he doesn’t know what that means for his future, he does know what it means for the person who is appointed President.
“I haven't really thought about