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However, this is not the first time that the institute has shown support for new mothers. In fact, CSUN offers lactation classes to promote the practice of healthy breastfeeding to its students, stressing the benefits for both mother and child.

But what about here at Pierce?


The student population may be less, 60 percent to that at CSUN, but if you extrapolate those numbers, an estimated 45 women could use safe lactation spaces. And that doesn’t take into account that, according to a study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, more parents attend community college than four-year universities.

Regardless of wanting to provide a location for mothers, there is the issue that it is a Title IX violation to not provide such an area. And it’s not as though our campus lacks the space.

What about transitioning one of the many faculty offices to a lactation station or a space in the Health and Childhood Development Centers? The problem isn’t a lack of space or need. The problem is that these women time and time again get overlooked by not just their schools, but by their workplaces and many other public spaces,



The page for the concert story featuring The String Family Players was incorrect.

Page 3 Campus Life:

The photo of the Hispanic Heritage Celebration was taken by David Tejada.

See any errors we missed? Email us at: newsroom.roundupnews@ gmail.com s of fall 2018, the California State University of Northridge (CSUN) has installed four lactation stations across campus for breastfeeding women. Statistics from the university’s Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing website indicate that 62 women used the lactation centers in the 2016-17 year, which then grew to 75 the following, recording a total of 924 visits.and are left to breastfeed in dirty bathroom stalls.

These areas wouldn’t only be used for breastfeeding. The rooms could be used for mothers to pump the breast milk, and refrigerators provided to safely store the pumped milk.

According to the recommendations of the Mayo Clinic, the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding is the best option for newborn babies. In their research, nutrition provided by breastmilk has been proven to significantly reduce the chances of newborns developing numerous health conditions such as respiratory issues, obesity and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Everyone has the right to pursue a higher education while maintaining their health and the health of their families and children. Why not put aside a private space for our breastfeeding students to take care of themselves and their babies between classes?

Why not create a totally inclusive campus that promotes and provides students with ways to live healthy lives while pursuing an education? We can do better for our peers.

Work, more than a career

Many prospective students recognize Pierce as one of the top transfer colleges in LACCD. While a lot of programs focus on helping students reach long term transfer and career goals, there are not many resources that help students find work while attending classes.

The success of students goes beyond the four walls of a classroom and stretches out to the working world. Finding a job can be difficult on its own, but Pierce College can help speed along this process by becoming the bridge between local businesses and students.

According to a study done by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, over the past 25 years, more than 70 percent of college students work while also going to school.

There should be a place on campus that can connect Pierce students who want jobs with people in the Woodland Hills community looking to hire. Students should be able to go to one place to find all the information they need to get a job.

This can be done by having one place where local businesses can post about jobs available in the area. Additionally, students seeking part-time work would be more inclined to apply for jobs at businesses that are closer to campus because it would make getting to work from school much easier.

If there was a community board dedicated to legitimate job postings in the area, this could help students find jobs close to Pierce and develop professional relationships within the Woodland Hills community.

This also incentivizes people to attend Student Success Workshops pertaining to resume building and interviewing skills. Finding a job either part-time, or full-time can be a stressful. Pierce can play a role in making this process easier for students who are interested.

If there was a job board posted in the Associated Students Organization building, students would have one place to find work from local businesses around campus.

Local businesses can post job listings on the board on campus so that students who are seeking work can become aware of opportunities that they otherwise would not have access to.

Additionally, these businesses could post on a community Facebook page to inform students who are interested about jobs that are available in the area. Another idea is to have a frequent job fair located on the mall. The fair would consist of different vendors and booths where students could gather additional information.

Another way to make students informed about employment opportunities is to post them on the schools website. In doing so, students would make it easy for students to access these opportunities not only on campus, but online and at home as well.

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