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From the desk of the Roundup: Editorial

The parking lots of Pierce College pit student against student as the competition to find a spot is a daily struggle. This rivalry comes at a heavy expense, as students’ safety is put at risk.


Although students have gripes with the current parking situation at Pierce, this does not give them an excuse to act without consequence.

Throughout the school day students are zooming into the parking lot and hastily trying to find a spot. While swerving through the lots, some students carelessly drive at high speeds and are not completely aware of their surroundings.

This leads to accidents with other vehicles, which is a near weekly occurrence according to past Sheriff incident reports.

Although there have been no reported pedestrian injuries, these unsafe conditions open the door to these possibilities. However, Pierce should not wait until someone is hurt to take action.

One the simplest no-cost solutions Pierce can do is to staff cadets in various parking lots throughout the day. If they were patrolling the area, this could potentially bring down the amount of traffic-related accidents on campus.

Pierce can also invest in a parking structure on campus. An ideal spot for this hypothetical building would be in Parking Lot 1. This is a central location to the gyms, administration buildings and classrooms on campus. Another place on campus that would be suitable for a parking structure would be the empty area near De Soto Avenue and Victory Boulevard.

Having more parking options would reduce the amount of competition to find a spot in the parking lot. As a result, this would create a safer area for students and drivers.


Volume 129, Issue 6:

Front: The football story was written by Blake Williams.

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