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Rundown Brahma Blotter
These incidents were reported between Oct. 21 - 27
Reported by: Danielle Padilla
•Visitor Ill
“It really speaks to the visibility of the Sheriffs and the cadets, I really appreciate the response time and their ability to be supportive
Domestic violence disappeared in 2017 after having three in the previous year. Drug abuse violations also disappeared going
Crime analysts from the Los Angeles Sheriff Department ensure the statistics are placed in the appropriate geographic and crime categories pursuant to the Clery Act.
Subway sandwiches are offered at Brahma Cafe
Pierce expands its food options to include outside vendors and competition
College, City College, and Valley College, have caught onto my idea and have already started working with Subway as well,” Van said. “This is just the beginning. We also have Costco pizza here, and I plan on bringing in other food like burritos into the cafe. I've already gotten calls back, so hopefully soon we will add even more.”
Although the cafe has the ability to invite outside food competition to sell their products, the cafeteria does not share the same freedoms.
Cafeteria Manager Jaime Cancino from the catering company, Pacific Dining, said the cafeteria cannot adopt a similar system.
“As part of our contract, there can't be any other vendors in the cafeteria,” Cancino said.
Students have had positive reactions to the sale of Subway sandwiches on campus.
Pierce Student Jack Hageman believes that having Subway at school has saved him time and energy.
A middle school student attended a track meet at Pierce and became ill. Paramedics transported him to a hospital.
•Student Injury
A student was bit by a squirrel while feeding it outside of the cafeteria.
•Hit and Run
An unkown driver hit a parked car in Parking Lot 7.
A student reported that her back window was smashed with an unkown object in Parking Lot 6.
• Student Incident
A male and female had a verbal argument on the Mall.
•Petty Theft
Van’s influence has also found its way on other surrounding campuses, but for Van, this is only “Other surrounding community colleges like Los Angeles Mission nmartinez.roundupnews@gmail.com
“I eat Subway regularly, as it is also close to my job. With that said, it is always something familiar, something I can trust when looking for quick meal,” Hageman said.
Strawless Cafeteria
The convenience of drinking on the go has been eliminated with the new no straws policy at The cafeteria began its no straw policy to help reduce the amount of plastic straws that were not being recycled with the general Rather than becoming a part of the problem, the cafeteria opted to try and be a part of the solution.
Pacific Dining Manager Jaime Cancino said that they follow the decision for the health
“There are millions of straws go to the ocean damaging the environment,” Cancino said.
He also said that recycling at the cafeteria is made harder because of the difficulty managing the recycling system at the cafeteria.
Because of this system, plastic straws usually go in the main garbage bins, which isn’t effective for recycling the plastic in the

“Therefore, Pierce’s cafeteria started the straws policy about one month ago,” Cancino said.
According to Cancino, students’ reaction was mostly positive. Even though they weren’t happy at the beginning, they accepted it when they knew
Another step the cafeteria has taken to continue being sustainable, is to replace their old cutlery and plates with biodegradable products.
“Everything we use in the cafeteria, spoons, forks, knives or plates are biodegradable, which are made of corn,” Cancino said.
Alessia Morelli, who works at Arezzio Station in the cafeteria,
An unkown suspect stole a 2000 Honda Civic car battery from a student's vehicle in Parking Lot 7.
•Petty Theft
An unkown suspect stole a 1996 Toyota Camry car battery from a student's vehicle in Parking Lot 7.
•Petty Theft
An unkown suspect stole a 1996 Toyota Camry car battery from a student's vehicle in Parking Lot 7.
•Petty Theft be used
An unkown suspect stole a 1994 Honda Accord car battery from a student's vehicle in Parking Lot 7.
2018 said, “most of students reacted in a very good way, everyone is positive about doing something good to our environment.”
The feedback for the the no straws policy has been well received by students.
“I can’t say it is bad or good idea, but if it lowers the cost of food supplies, it will be good,” Business Administration Major Kenneth Asuto said.
However, some students see this policy as a starting point for other green initiatives.
“It is good for the environment, but they should change the cups, or make them like coffee cups,” Music Major Jasmin Gomez said. The cafeteria has taken numerous initiatives to make the cafeteria more environmentally conscious. The next step for the cafeteria will be to put an effect recycling system in place.
•Petty Theft
An unkown suspect stole a 2006 Toyota Corolla car battery from a student's vehicle in Parking Lot 7.
•Child Locked Inside Vehicle Officers located a mother who accidentally left her child in a locked vehicle on Victory Boulevard.
Pierce College Sheriff’s Station General Information: Emergency: (818) 710 - 4311