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Should there be more counselors on campus and why?

During the questions Kone would mention that he has had the opportunity to meet some stars such as popular pop star Taylor Swift.


“Personally,offmyownexperience,there’sbeenenough counselorseverytimeIgoin.Iusuallygetseenprettyquick evenwithoutanappointmentsoI’vehadagoodexperience withit.”

-JuanHidalgo Finance

“Idefinitelythinkthereshouldbe,becauseitsveryhard [laughs]toseeacounselorandI'mprettymuchwaiting forevertoseeone.I’veonlyseenacounselortwiceandIhave beenherefor2years.”

-Victoria Russell Art

“YeahinmyhighschoolIhadlikeonecounselorand theywerefinebecauseeachonedealtwith50students, itdependsIthink.Idontknowhowmanycounselorsare herebutthatshouldbeagoodnumber.”

-YoniBanar Engineering

“Ihaven’thadanytroublemeetingwiththecounselor,I usuallymeetwiththeEOPSCounselorsoIdon’tknowifthat makesadifference,buttheywerealwaysavailable.”

-Claudia Gavia Film

According to Kone, he also played a role in the soundtrack for one of the biggest films of 2018, “Marvel’s Black Panther”.

Master Drummer Kone would go on to do a drum solo from the famous 2010 FIFA World Cup official song “Waka Waka” by Shakira.

After answering questions aali.roundupnews@gmail.com

Kone moved on to tell a traditional African tale of an evil king and a handicapped boy who would go on to overthrow the evil king.

Kone then talked about the difference in happy and sad rhythms.

“There is a rhythm for everything in Africa.” said Kone. “Happy, sad or whatever it may be, there is a rhythm for everything,” said Kone.

Later in the show the pierce choir would join in with an impromptu performance that go on to captivate the crowd and lift them out of their seats.

Kone would end the performance by telling the audience about his admiration for the United States and his appreciation for the opportunities he's been granted.

“I love America and all of you. I'm so grateful to be here to share my culture and knowledge,” said Kone. The next free concert will be by Simone Sello on Thursday, Mar. 7 from 1-2 p.m. on the mainstage in the performing arts building.

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