4 minute read
Volume 131, Issue 3:
News Page 3:
In “Making the cut”
AB705 is an Assembly Bill, not an Assembly Ballot.
The Dean of Academic Affairs name is Mary Anne Gavarra-Oh, not Margaret.
Mary Anne Gavarra-Oh was misquoted, it should say they don’t cancel the same class within two semesters, not two years.
In “Remedial classes dropped”
Katya Castillo was listed as a reporter, she is the photo editor.

Features Page 7:
The headline should read “More inclusive I.D.E.A.S. help foster diversity”
Yajaira Garcia’s name is spelled wrong in the photo caption.
'Come and see me in my online office'
performance in the course.”
Students who have difficulty meeting in person could have a selection tab within the Canvas website that reads “Online Office Hours” for students to either set up an appointment or check in with a professor.
The professor could list these online office hours in their syllabus for easy directions on how to contact them.
It would cost nothing to add this feature within Canvas as a way to implement this system.
Those who say, “Your best tutors are your professors” aren’t wrong. Professors are the ones who make their syllabuses, and they create the content for their lectures. Online office hours can offer a way for students to get clarification on course material that seems confusing and even go through practice problems.
The digital platform is taking over the new generation, and reliability on technology can make online office hours even more helpful for those who use the internet as a primary academic tool.
Professors offer office hours for students who need one-onone assistance or guidance with a ith Open Educational Resources (OER) becoming the new norm, community college students are getting accustomed to turning in work and learning online. Many students also work and struggle balancing schoolwork with life at home.specific topic related to their given courses. Professors are required to offer a specific number of office hours each week. This makes it difficult to go to campus tutoring centers or meeting in person.
Having professors provide office hours online could be a simple solution to this complication.
The campus can use an inexpensive online procedure to give students who cannot meet with their professors a chance to get academic assistance.
The college can either have an office hour added to professors’ required numbered of office hours or make one of their current office hours a hybrid hour, where the online option is available.
Office hours promote a beneficial connection between student and professor, and it can dramatically make an impact on grades and educational success.
Students have the opportunity to go over exams or written papers and gather concrete feedback which can boost success rates in their courses.
According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Political Science Education, Mario Guerrero and Alisa Beth Rod concluded that “the number of office-hour visits a student makes during a semester is positively correlated to his or her academic
Calling professors by their first name?
Pro: 'Hey, dude'
DANIELA FREIRE Reporter @roundupnews
Beginning a new school year can be tough for students as they search for classes among a big campus.
One way that students can create a foundation and be more comfortable in the classroom is by calling professors by their first name. When entering a new classroom, there is an unsettling notion that it is going to be difficult and the professor is not going to take things slow.
As soon as students hear the teacher say to simply call them by their first name, there’s a sense of equality that no one is above anyone else and that the student and professor are under the same terms.
Calling a professor by their first name may help establish an enjoyable learning environment for students with low motor skills.
According to an academic journal conducted by authors Ulana Lysniak, Anne Gibbone and Stephen Silverman, a study was done to create effective teaching strategies for low-skilled students in physical education classes that may be applied to other classes as well.
“Teachers hold many thought processes while making decisions about practice, engagement time, level of difficulty, planning, and reflection on lessons, progressions and concentration on class structure.
Understanding the decisions that effective teachers make regarding strategies is an important first step in improving instruction for low-skilled students.”
Being on a first name basis with instructors creates an open learning environment that should be applied in all classes. This could provide a better academic and social experience for almost everyone.
As soon as a professor begins to break those barriers, students may begin to feel more welcome and open to one another.
When students start becoming more familiar with calling their professors by their first name, the teacher seems more approachable to talk to about any issues someone has or a question that needs to be answered.
An example of a first name basis benefiting a work space is with a manager at a job. In almost every work environment, no one calls the manager by Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Even though the manager has a higher status than the employee, everyone calls each other by their first names. This breaks the barrier of classism in a work environment.
As long as there is mutual respect among the manager and the employees, being on a first name basis allows the employee to speak and be on good terms with the manager if there were to be any issues at work.
A simple change like allowing students to be on a first name basis with a professor has many benefits not just for the student, but for the professor as well.
Once a mutual understanding is established, students will be able to learn in a comfortable environment dfreire.roundupnews@gmail.com
The relationship between student and professor could change in a positive way throughout the semester.

Ben Hanson
Brandon Sinclair
Carla Cantoral
Cecilia Parada
Dylan De Loach
Jared Slates
Joshua Baynard
Joshua Loayza
Kamryn Bouyett
Kevin Lendio

Pablo Orihuela
Rezvan Yazdi
Ridho Cheryanto
Sergio Torres Taylor Watson
Advisers: Jill Connelly
Jeff Favre
Tracie Savage
According to a study by San Bernardino Valley College, “Students who received Success Center tutoring services during the 2012–2015 academic years had an overall success rate 7% higher than the campus-wide average for students enrolled in courses that provided tutoring support but did not utilize Center services.” newsroom.roundupnews@gmail.com
Having these office hours available to them in a different form can assist students with gaining long-term planning, communication and selfefficiency skills.