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Keep them open

guidance on quarantines.

Healthline also published in their article that experts said it’s unlikely that there would be a full blown second lockdown in America no matter how high the cases got because the country cannot afford it politically or economically.


Just as the vaccine is not expected to immediately end the pandemic, neither is a Safer at Home order.

Reclosing the states could potentially mean that people are safer by not being allowed to attend unnecessary events, but it doesn’t mean that the virus won’t continue to spread rapidly through this winter.

The most efficient way for people to stay safe is by choosing not to attend large gatherings, wearing proper personal protective equipment and social distancing.

"Iwouldn'tsayI'msettingup any,becauseI'mnotaperson wholikestobeveryconfident inmyresolutions.Ikindoftake itdaybyday.Andsofarithas beengoingverywell.Ijust hopethateverythingstartsto getbetterafterthisyear."

- Adrian Cortes

"Ihavefoundthatnewyear's resolutionsdon'talwayswork becauseformostpeoplethey kindofjustgooutthewindow afteramonthorso.So,Iam resolvedtojustmakeeach daythatIlivebetterthanthe last.Mygoals,however,areto finishgradschool.”




"Idon'treallydonewyearʼs resolutionsduetohowI neverpayattentiontothem andneverseethemasworth much.Forme,Ineedtobuild uponthesmallthingsfirstas Iworktowardthebiggoal, becauseifIfocustoomuchon themainthing,thenI'llendup gettingoverwhelmedbythe dauntinessofitandquitearly duetohowdifficultitwould seem.”

- Caelan Caukin

"Beingabletogooutand dowhateveryouwanttodo. Yougottothinkaboutthings beforeyoudothem.Youknow, youcanʼtgoouttorestaurants, youcanʼtgoouttomovies, yougottoplanaheadand holidays.Youwanttobewith lotsofpeoplethisway.You gottofigureouthowtohave agoodtimewiththepeople thatarearoundyou.”

"Iamdefinitelymissing companionshipfromother peoplebecausewearenot aroundeverybodyallthetime. Youhavetokeepeverybody atarmʼslength,likewhat youaredoingnow.Sojust companionship,thatwhatIam missingalot."

- Justice Tarver

Senate addresses technology needs School moves to provide Wi-Fi hotspot in parking lot


Campus will remain closed to most people during spring, but access, services and security remain a concern to faculty and administration.

Academic Senate President Barbara Anderson spoke at the Dec. 7 Academic Senate meeting on Zoom about how Pierce College, along with the other schools in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), are working on improving Wi-Fi accessibility for students.

“The hope is that during winter we will pilot the program of having students pull into the parking lot and be able to access the Wi-Fi here on campus,” Anderson said. “Then we could have it available again in the spring, as long as we're in this remote situation.”

According to Anderson, Parking Lot 6 will eventually be open for students who need Wi-Fi.

Director of the Student Health Center

Beth Benne said Parking Lot 7 could also find another use, such as a COVID-19 testing site.

“We have a pending contract that we hope will be coming through with LA City Fire who wants to set up Covid testing in lot 7, flu vaccines in lot 7, with the ultimate hope that we will have Covid vaccines in lot 7,” Benne said.

Anderson also mentioned how the sheriff's contract is ending on Dec. 31 and that the district is looking at other options.

“Now the district is working on a contract with another company, a six month contract,” Anderson said. “They’ll put out a request for the proposal, and it will be a public bidding process. It’s an opportunity for Pierce, with James McKeever as our faculty rep, to re-envision security on campus.”

Associate Professor of Auto Service Tech Alex Villalta teaches automotive/engineering classes on campus and is concerned about the absence of security and what will be put in place.

“Honestly I feel that we just want a little more transparency,” Villalta said. “It’s alarming not knowing or just thinking of the absence of the sheriff. I feel a little scared to be in a campus without the appropriate personnel.”

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