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Back to “normal”


As Pierce College’s physical and hybrid classes begin to return, some of the school’s professors contemplate what it would mean to come back to campus teaching after a year of online learning.


For some professors, the transition of in-person classes to an online environment wasn’t a completely new concept. Psychology instructor Angela Belden said that she was already familiar with teaching hybrid classes.

“Prior to the pandemic starting, I was teaching hybrid classes,” Belden said. “Those had worked really well. Even prior to hybrid, many faculty including myself were web enhancing their courses.” Belden said that being accustomed to hybrid classes helped many professors adjust to the temporary closure of most in-person classes last year.

“I think what has happened through the pandemic is that more faculty are now comfortable using canvas, and will continue to web enhance their classes,” Belden said. “Even simple things like posting their syllabi online because that allows students to get the information when they need it.”

"Myfavoritesportsteamisthe LosAngelesDodgersbecauseI lovetheenergythatLAhasfor thatteam.”

- Maria Montero

Professor Jessica Ayo Alabi said that to have a diverse staff, more time and effort are needed. She said that students of color connect more with faculty of color and tend to gravitate toward them.

“I think all of us know what it is like to have our offices be the Black student place to hang out,” Alabi said. “That’s the reason we need to target and hire Black faculty. Many of us, for years, have joined Black organizations to have a safe haven. So, if you don’t target, do the footwork to go out of your way to find them.”

Alabi said that schools need “intrusive invitations.”

“I’ve been a part of the Association of Black Sociologists for 20 years and it’s the only place I go, because it feels like a family reunion,” Alabi said. “When I go to the American Sociological Association, I feel invisible. So I tell my human resources, why aren’t you going to the Black associations to hire? We needed safe havens, we needed colleagues who supported us. So you need to go to those places and do the footwork so you can find us.”

Umoja Coordinator and

"Myfavoritesportsteamisthe LosAngelesKingsbecauseI lovewhentheyfightinsteadof playinghockey.”

- Trace Newman istheLakersbecauseI’min Californiaandtheyhavebeen myfavoritesinceI’velived here.”

- Swim Coach Judi Terhar

Quotes and photos gathered by: Sam Neff

“I want to ensure all students of all races, all colors and especially Black students can see this level of success and this level of positive life from a Black male educator.”

Khalid White Professor of African American Studies

Professor of Counseling at San Diego City College Erin Charles said that schools treat hiring diversely as an option, not a requirement.

Charles said she caught herself secretly trying to tell others about inviting more Black faculty.

“I caught myself whispering to colleagues on a hiring committee about you know we need to hire Black males,” Charles said. “No more whispering, we will not change the system with a whisper. We are not comfortable right now. People are not comfortable. When they get back into 2022 and they’re comfortable and George Floyd is no longer in their way, shout.”

Many students and faculty in the Zoom chat typed supportive comments as she told her story.

Throughout the webinar, members of CCC faculty expressed their struggle with the school system’s ability to make change within their hiring committees.

Director of the Race, Equity and Social Justice Center Nyree Berry said that she was frustrated with the lack of diverse hires.

“I’m coming from the largest community college district in the nation, LACCD, and we have about 250,000 Hispanic students,” Berry said. “But when I say that we are lacking in hiring permanent tenure and administration of African American people, it’s absurd. The LACCD serves in Southern California with some of ‘our most marginalized communities.’”

Professor of African American Studies at San Jose City College

Khalid White said that while Los Angeles County consists of a large number of African Americans, there are still students who have never had an African American teacher.

“I’m the first Black teacher that tons of students have had,” White said. “So I don’t take that responsibility lightly. I don’t take that privilege lightly. I want to ensure all students of all races, all colors and especially Black students can see this level of success and this level of positive life from a Black male educator.” sjackson.roundupnews@gmail.com

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