1 minute read

Pierce needs more sports ads around campus

Walking across many college campuses you likely would see posters and ads for upcoming games.

At Pierce College, there is little evidence of school spirit or Brahma pride anywhere around campus.


Thecampusiscompletelyopen,so anybodycanwalkin.Iwouldfeel morecomfortableiftherewasaplan inplacethatwayweknowwhattodo in case there’s an active shooter.” -Ina


This is a daily occurrence for Pierce. Even if a team is doing well, there is still little recognition.

For example, women’s soccer has gone to the playoffs for several years, including last semester, and there wasn't any promotion for the home playoff game. The only people that might know about these games are the people who keep up with the teams

“Ithinkknowingwherethesecurity isandknowingwherethesheriff orpoliceofficeis,andknowing wheretogoifashootingwereto happenwouldbehelpful.I’vealso neverheardofanydrillstaking placeoncampus.”

-BellaMontes, ArchitectureMajor

and the player's family members. This could be the reason attendance for games is so low.

Advertising games can help give exposure to new athletes.

According to CCDaily, “Athletic facilities draw widespread attention to college campuses while capturing the attention of prospective students and athletes. Athletics bring local and national stakeholders to schools, improving the surrounding community and school system.”

Not only will this help the school but it will also help the community.

Plus, many students and people go to games just to have a good time. Advertising around campus or online could also help boost attendance, help the athletes feel more at home, and help the teams to gain a competitive advantage.

At the moment it’s just bleak.

Even if advertising sports games around campus poses a financial issue, a campus club or the Associated Student Organization (ASO) could help the Athletic department.

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