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Finals v. Papers and projects. Whichisbetter?

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As finals approach at Pierce College, many students feel overwhelmed by the workload.

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time management skills. School systems are improving the concept of finals in nontraditional ways.

The endless nights of studying feel like one assignment that can never be finished. While the workload in that moment may seem rough, finals allow students to retain important information that can be utilized in an academic career path.

The ability to succeed in a subject that was studied for a long period of time is a demonstration of a student’s work ethic and capability to retain important information for their major.

Some important reasons that finals should be critical to the weight of grades is that they demonstrate one’s retention of knowledge and improve

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Students need to look at finals from a different perspective, especially for classes within their given major. While that brief moment of stress may be overwhelming during preparation, the aftermath that finals can give will only improve academic skill sets.

In The work of Author Daniel Lee, The importance of taking final exams – The Emery, it says that while finals may be overwhelming at the moment, the information retention we receive from the finals process will only improve our capabilities in the real world.

“Final exams provide an important gateway for students to realize their proficiency in the field when choosing an academic career beyond high school and help prepare themselves to grow as learners who will soon face bigger examinations in the future,” Lee said. No matter what academic career path a student chooses, the ability to retain the information learned throughout the school year will be demonstrated through finals.

Another reason that finals should be a weighted portion of academics is because it gives students an opportunity to improve a failing grade.

The online blog Meemli focuses on self improvement within the student. They provide studying habits and knowledge that is meant to be accessible to any struggling student across the globe.

“Finals can also be viewed as a sort of opportunity for students. Because final exams typically account for a large percentage of the overall course grade, any student who is dissatisfied with their pre-final grade can potentially use the exam to make up for their performance earlier in the semester.”

If a student struggled to keep up with coursework throughout the semester, the final exam could potentially save them from failing a course, given that final exams can be heavily weighted on the course.

Lastly, the way finals are envisioned may be changing across the United States.

Educators 4SC is an online blog that focuses on improving the quality of a teacher. They provide various methods to help educators improve a healthy academic setting within their classroom:

“There are many other ways you can assess your students’ knowledge at the end of the semester or year. Assigning group projects, a research paper, or a combination between an assessment and a more creative approach are also great options.”

The exam concept we imagine might not be the best fit for all students. The term “finals” is continuously changing, the stressful packed room of nervous students filling out a multiplechoice slip may not be how we imagine finals anymore.

While most students strongly dislike end of the year finals, they’re still important for students because they are one of the best ways to help a student retain important information.

The point of completing one’s education is to allow students to utilize knowledge in real world scenarios. Nobody likes finals, but one can’t deny their validity.

Papers and projects give students a creative outlet


Test anxiety can be a major factor for students who don’t do well on their exams during finals week.

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Many students experience anxiety during final exams because of time limits and stressful environments. No matter how much studying and memorization they did in the weeks prior, little to no information is actually retained.

In an article by the Mayo Clinic called Anxiety Disorders: Symptoms and Causes, they discussed, “These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control and can last a long time.”

Some symptoms include sweating, trembling, an increased heart rate and trouble concentrating. All of these factors can interfere with the results of exams, contribute to anxiety and lead to failure or non-passing grades.

Papers and projects, on the other hand, can be done in the comfort of your own home, in a quiet library, in a coffee shop or at a safe and comfortable environment.

Being comfortable and relaxed in your own space can lead to reasonable progress, better thinking and feeling at ease. Papers and projects can also allow students to go at their own pace, reducing anxiety and fear. Exams, on the other hand, normally have a time limit which can make students feel rushed or pressured.

According to an article in The Lion’s Tale called “Projects help students learn more effectively than tests,” they said, “Projects help students connect the material they have learned to the real world, effectively helping the students understand what they learned.”

Not only that, but projects and papers motivate students to do their research and express their creativity, as opposed to memorizing information they will forget tomorrow.

The Lion’s Tale also mentions, “The basis of tests is short-term memory. You study everything and cram it into your mind just to get the right answer the next day. Once the test has finished, you forget all the information and prepare for the next test. Projects not only help students understand the material but also help them retain the information.”

Projects and papers give students room to improve and show their creativity while grasping the material they have learned.

According to an article on Edutopia called “What Does the Research Say About Testing,” they note, “Giving more time for fewer, more complex or richer testing questions can also increase performance, in part because it reduces anxiety.”

Setting a time limit on exams doesn’t give students an equal amount of time to focus on problems they have trouble with.

Edutopia also mentioned,

“Research shows that simply introducing a time limit on a test can cause students to experience stress, so instead of emphasizing speed, teachers should encourage students to think deeply about the problems they’re solving.”

Students deal with so much on their plates already, whether it’s homework and studying for all their courses, extracurriculars and after-school activities. Giving them more time and freedom to focus on a paper or a project gives them an innovative outlet and a chance to get better grades.

Final exams simply cause unwanted stress and anxiety and should not weigh heavier on grades than papers and projects.

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