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Pierce needs more refilable water stations

Refillable water stations cut down on plastic waste that heads straight to our oceans and landfills. Water refilling stations also provide refreshingly chilled, quality water at no cost to students, staff and faculty at Pierce College.

In the Spring of 2019, six water bottle filling stations were installed around campus, replacing old school water drinking fountains.


At that time, two different types of stations were installed, some for inside and others for out.

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These new stations were added in the Admissions and Records, Business and Performing Arts buildings on campus. Additionally, two drinking fountains in the courtyard area by the LearningLibrary Crossroads and resource center were removed and replaced by these new and efficient water bottle filling stations.

Four years later, school administrators could consider adding more stations. With 426 acres and more than 20,000 students at Pierce College, it may be a good investment to make.

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Santa Monica College, which sits on 38 acres, has added 17 water filling stations around their campus.

Adding more water stations will not only promote sustainability at the school, but it will ensure everyone on campus has access to fresh, clean drinking water every day, and will encourage people to bring refillable water bottles instead of having to purchase a throw-away plastic container. With this upgrade, the Pierce community can help to conserve and preserve

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