1 minute read



Health Insurance

BlueCross BlueShield

Health Savings Accounts


•Employee Maximum $3,850/year

•Family Maximum $7,750/year

HSA plans can only be established in conjunction with a qualified High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

Lenoir County Government contributes $800 for employees enrolled in Employee Only coverage in the HSA/High Deductible Health Plan and $1600 for employees enrolled in the dependent coverage in the HSA/High Deductible Health Plan. HSA contributions are pro-rated for employees hired duirng the year. Employees must be enrolled in the HSA/High Deductible Health plan to participate in the Health Savings Account, and can not be covered by any other health plan including Medicare.

Flexible Spending Accounts


•Medical Reimbursement FSA Maximum: $3,050/year

•Limited Purpose FSA⁺ Maximum: $3,050/year

•Dependent Care Reimbursement FSA Maximum: $5,000/year

⁺Limited Purpose FSA funds can only be used for qualifying vision, dental and orthodontia expenses

You will need to re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Accounts if you want them to continue next year. IF YOU DO NOT RE-ENROLL, YOUR CONTRIBUTION WILL STOP EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 2023.


Please note your products will remain in effect unless you speak with a representative to change them.

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