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Please join us this year in supporting Tools4Schools, a WakeEd partnership. T4S is a classroom supply store that provides FREE classroom supplies for nearly 11,000 teachers across NC’s largest school district to ensure that all students in the Wake County Public School System have the supplies they need to focus on learning.
This year Pierce Group Benefits has committed to matching the supplies donated by employees, in pounds — doubling the organization’s donation! Most needed items include:
• Crayola Crayons, Colored Pencils, Pens, Sharpies, Highlighters, & Crayola Markers
• Pocket Folders, Spiral Notebooks, & Composition Books
• Construction Paper, Post-It Notes, Easel Pads, & Index Cards
• Hand Sanitizer, Clorox Wipes, Scissors, Glue Sticks, Pencil Sharpeners, & Tissues
Accepting Donations July 1st - July 31st!
Supplies will be collected at PGB’s Holly Springs, NC office as well as at the check-in table during the Summer Conference. Please either scan the QR Code or click here to see the T4S Supplies Wishlist.