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Important PlanProvisions
Limitations andexclusions*
We will not pay a benefitthat is caused by,contributed to in any way or resulting from:intentionally self-inflicted injuries; committing or attempting to commitan assault,felonyor other criminal act; war or an actof war; active participation in a riot,rebellion or insurrection;operation of a motorized vehicle while intoxicated. We will notpaya benefit if you do notsubmitproofof your loss asrequired byus (thiscoversmedical examination,continuing care, death certificate, medical records, etc.);or for anyPeriod of disabilityduring which you are incarcerated.
* The above exclusions and limitations may vary by state lawandregulations.Pleaseseethecertificateorask yourbenefits administratorfor information on EliminationPeriods, Waiting Periods,and Pre-ExistingConditions limitations, where applicable.
The Effective Date of any initial, increased oradditionalinsurance willbe delayedforan Employee if he orsheis not Actively at Work. The initial, increased oradditionalinsurancewillbecome effective onthe datetheEmployeereturns toan Actively atWork status.An Employeeis considered Actively at Work if he orshe performs allthe regularduties of his orherjob fora fullwork day scheduled by the Employerat theEmployer’s normal place of business ora site where the Employer’s business requires the Employeeto travel.
This coverage does not constitutecomprehensive health insurance(often referredto as “majormedicalcoverage”)and does not satisfy the requirement forMinimumEssentialCoverage underthe Affordable CareAct.
If yourdisability coverage is paid with pre-tax dollars, the benefit payments willbe fully orpartially taxable underfederaltax lawbasedon the percentage of the premiums paidwith pre-taxdollars. Statetax lawsfordisability benefit payments vary andothertax considerations apply. Please consult yourlegalortax advisorformore information.SunLife does not provide tax advice.
This Overviewis preliminary to the issuance of thePolicy. Referto yourCertificate fordetails. Receipt of this Overviewdoes not constituteapproval of coverage underthePolicy. In theeventof a discrepancy between this Overview, theCertificate andthePolicy, the terms of the Policy will govern.
Group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun LifeAssurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA)in allstates, exceptNewYork, under Policy FormSeries 93P-LH, 15-GP-01, 12-DI-C-01, 12-GPPort-P-01,12-STDPort-C-01, 16-DI-C-01, TDBPOLICY-2006,andTDI-POLICY. InNew York, group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun LifeandHealthInsurance Company (U.S.)(Lansing, MI)underPolicy FormSeries 15-GP01, 13-GP-LH-01, 13-LTD-C-01, 13-STD-C-01, 06P-NY-DBL, 12-GPPort-01, and12-STDPort-C-01. Product offerings may not be availablein all states and may vary dependingon state lawsandregulations.
© 2018 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada,Wellesley Hills, MA 02481. Allrights reserved.Sun Life Financialandthe globesymbolare registered trademarks of SunLifeAssurance Company of Canada.Visit us at www.sunlife.com/us.
SLPC291078/21 (exp8/23)