M3Sport 1% club he ut t
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bo ad a e ? r n ow o u ca r y e b r g u u h c t cl In this bro por t 1% r S o 3 p 3S ke M the M a n i g n m i t a to You can help us by particip bute i r t n co D o you M3Sport will g row
Introduction M3Sport was founded in 2007 by Henny van Doorn to combine his two passions, informatics and sport. After ten years of entrepreneurship, the most important result is that M3Sport developed and owns a unique platform in sports, exercise and health.
In 2017, the market has been explored to offer platform services in projects improving sustainable employability in organizartions. The M3Sport business plan 2017-2020 shows great opportunities to market this unique platform as part of individual health benefit programs with medical professionals. The company formula is called: I go for health improvement! Family, friends and acquaintances, (old) colleagues, business partners ... M3Sport and I need your help to continue to grow. Help with new ideas and opportunities to renew and improve our products and services and to realize the business plan. We do not have employees, so we ask a contrubution trom our shareholders: the 1% Club. In order to make this formula successful, M3Sport has to grow. How you can help with this, you can read in this brochure. Do you also participate in the growth of M3Sport? Henny van Doorn
Colofon: M3Sport, Henny van Doorn, www.m3sport.com, office@m3sport.com
It will be different Sustainable employability Sustainable employability and healthcare costs are recognized as major social themes. The costs of absenteeism are huge and the call for initiatives that improve the vitality within companies and the sustainable employability of employees is getting louder. Fortunately, more and more organizations will be investing in programs to improve the health of their employees and the vitality of the organization, but often they do not have a clear view of what this brings. Questions such as’ Why do employees report sick? Which actions lead to improvement? What about the sustainable energy of our employees? Can they get the best out of themselves? What measures can we take to stimulate personal growth and
improve performance? Are employees to ill to work or do they not have enough energy? “are difficult to answer. Initiatives and measures are further encouraged from the new Health and Safety legislation (2017): more focus on prevention and preventing people from reporting sick and falling out for a longer period of time. Many employers want to invest in creating a healthy work situation. More and more employees are encouraged to choose a lifestyle that includes sport and exercise. The required lifestyle change is also encouraged by health insurers. As an example, from 2018 qualified lifestyle support will be covered by health insurance. The effect of this on the work floor is not (yet) measurable. M3sport has found an excellent solution with ‘I go for health improvement’.
M3Sport will be different In order to grow, M3sport needs to be strengthened in every way. Finding customers and making them happy is only possible if we expand our own organization and perform production, delivery of services, sales and marketing in a smart and excellent manner.
Henny van Doorn Founder. Enterprise planning. Collaboration agreements with partners. Purchasing and financial processes. Management of the software factory BiiT Solutions in Valencia , Spain.
Processes and systems must be well-equipped to surprise employers with a unique program and instrument to demonstrate the return on sustainable health-related investments. Return on Health Investments.
Paul Dobbelaar Leadership Knowledge Lab. Conduct in projects with the Vereniging Sportgeneeskunde (VSG) and other knowledge partners. Quality assurance of knowledge products and delivery of services.
Knowledge in the field of sports, exercise and health is the engine in our service. Power, speed and reliability are a must. Collaboration with good partners is a prerequisite for success.
Loes Plagman Office management and administration. Online marketing, website and social media.
The Knowledge Lab is the factory in which knowledge products are developed that we use as important elements of the program.
Jorge Hortelano System architect and software engineer at BiiT Solutions. Formulates and implements ontologies provided by the knowledge partners in the knowledge platform.
Then it comes down to marketing and sales. Sales gurus are very clear about this: the only real core business is sales. No customers without sales, without customers no right to exist.
The M3Sport organization only consists of shareholders: 1% club Family, friends and acquaintances, (former) colleagues, business partners. Input, feedback, thinking along.
Peter Bronts en Berno van Laerhoven Knowledge partners of GZ Psychologisch Centrum Veghel. Specialists in the field of sleep, stress and behavioral change. Norman Manley Leadership sales. Efficient and effective management of the sales process. Contract management
Investment 1% club = packages of 1% of the shares Family, friends and acquaintances, (old) colleagues, business partners ... We need your help to grow. The M3Sport vision on sports, exercise, health and sustainable employability has been elaborated in the 2017-2020 business plan. To realize the business plan, there is a financial need of € 200,000. This is initially filled in with the issue of shares. We ask a new group of shareholders, the 1% Club to buy at least 1% of the shares.
as good as possible. We expect to pay a 10% dividend from 2019 onwards. B • onus on the increased value of shares. It is M3Sport’s intention to attracting new investors. The value of the shares will then increase. A part of this will be payed to the shareholders as a bonus dividend. • E xtra reward. The success of M3Sport depends on the growth and therefore on new customers. Shareholders receive a bonus of € 50.00 per participant in the program “I go for health improvements” when selling our program to new a new customer. 1% of the shares represents a value of € 5000, -
They can buy packages of shares, starting from 1%. In addition, they can help us with new ideas and opportunities to renew and improve our products and services. Or as a consultant, ambassador, salesman and / or customer.
Rendement •D ividend is determined and paid out annually related to the profit of the past year. We want to reward our shareholders
• s hareholder from 1% • r ight to dividend • e xtra reward •V oting rights are obtained from 5%.
I go for health improvement What is health improvement meaning? Many people take every year to improve their health permanently. Nevertheless, only a small percentage of people succeeds. Reasons and excuses such as ‘too busy, I do not like sports, I am sure I will quit, and so on,’ we all know. The main reason, however, is that we do not know how we stand regarding our health and what we can work on in a way that fits us. By individual health improvement we mean increasing the physical capacity and the mental capacity, the basis for an optimal personal energy balance. If the energy balance is optimal, maximum performances can be achieved. The power of M3Sport is to make individual health improvements measurable. The result is long term performances at your best level. Each of us according to his own possibilities, of course! Individual customization. Not too many lifestyle changes at the same time. Small interventions, according to medically justified methods. Sports or exercise is necessary. But it is not the only thing. Good sleeping, for example, is at least as important to be able to perform according to ones possibilities. Sport and exercise is just a way to stop inactivity.
How do you realize health improvement? At M3Sport everyone gets top-class support. The M3Sport knowledge partners offer a sophisticated customized program, based on the specific, individual situation. Physician and psychologist, physiologist and lifestyle coach help with a combination of tailor made advises and exercises. An additional mental training program aimed to optimize energy balance. Screenings and offered interventions are all anchored in the knowledge platform. The platform is continuously provided with new or improved medically proven methods.
Energy and performance Energy balance is a health area where there is still much to discover, learn and win. It is crucial for people who want to perform as good as possible and get the best out of themselves. That actually applies to everyone in our view. Participants in the program are helped sustainably to perform
Our belief • It is possible to improve your health for everyone. • The large majority of people want to get the best out of themselves.
• People are generally not aware of energy-purging or depleting behavior.
• Performance management with professional support from a lifestyle coach helps everyone to perform better.
• It is important to find a balance between effort and recovery, both physically and mentally.
The basic program ‘I go for health improvement’: 1. S tart with preventive research, scores and advice on physical and mental vitality 2. G oals, actions, progress, feedback and support 3. F inish with control research, scores and advice on physical and mental vitality 4. R eporting realized health improvements Schematisch - Human Performance Management met ‘ik ga voor gezondheidswinst’
according to your own ability. Many principles from the sport are applicable for every person. Methods in the field of Human Performance Management work on the basis of physical and mental capacity. Ultimately, good performance means the energy that you can deliver your best. Every day again. With ‘I go for health improvement’ we offer a solution that is both effective in prevention and reintegration health services.
Bron: M3Sport KennisLab
Return on health investments Why do our customers choose us? A lot of research has been done into the effect of sport and exercise on health. The report ‘the socio-economic value of sport and exercise’ from the Sports Knowledge Center in the Netherlands provides an indication of the benefits and costs if an (average) Dutch person continues to sport and exercise. The conclusions from this research play an increasingly important role in the decision to invest in sports and exercising in organizations.
Who benefits even more? Health insurers benefit from reduced healthcare costs (together with the individual, who pays the deductible and the municipality, which saves costs from the WMO). Naturally, the Sport en bewegen levert geld op
employer benefits from less absenteeism and higher labor probability ductility. The (central) government also benefits from higher labor productivity through income taxes. The conclusion is that all parties involved benefit. We offer ‘I go for health improvements’ to companies. They pay per participant. With this they invest in sustainable employability. The other benefiting parties will also be willing to invest.
Management information M3Sport offers a platform with tailor-made programs and dashboards for employees and managers. The dashboards help answering questions and making the right choices. A unique and innovative tool for the HR manager and directors. We offer a solution for managing with KPIs on sustainable employability and provide insight into what investments really deliver added value: ‘Return on Health Investments’. With ‘I go for health improvements’ M3Sport offers a so-called value chain solution with business partners. Making lifestyle intervention programs measurable. Various partners in the chain contribute to delivering the ultimate added value to our customers, companies and (semi) government organizations. Together with our partners in the business value chain, we can make health improvements measurable on an individual level and lay the foundation for improving performance and its effects on the work floor.
bron: Kenniscentrum sport “Onderzoek naar sociaal economische waarde naar sport en bewegen.
Market and potential Central Statistics Netherlands publishes figures every year on sustainable employability of employees per industry. This shows that there is much to be gained in almost all sectors. Companies and (semi) government organizations are looking for concrete solutions to improve business vitality, sustainable employability and performance management. They invest heavily in programs but often without a measurable positive effect. See the great opportunities to use this unique platform as part of programs for sustainable employability and putting it on the market together with strategic partners. The market is very big with thousands of organizations and millions of employees. With a small market share we can already achieve something big.
The unique power of M3Sport The platform
Our platform is unique. In terms of content, structure and architecture. It connects all parties involved and offers exactly the knowledge they need to deliver their share of added value to the customer. No more and no less. And at the right time.
The Knowledge Lab is the factory in which knowledge products are developed that we use as the most important elements of the program ‘I go for health improvement’.
Through smart choices in the system it is easy to exchange information with other systems and organizations in any desired format. We are investigating new developments in the field of business intelligence and specifically HR analytics. We ensure that we are aware of new regulations in the field of data and privacy (e.g. Global Data Protection Regulation).
Collaboration We work together: • in co-creation projects with companies and government organizations to clarify the need for management information. Together we define the Key Performance Indicators, online dashboards and reports for the HR and P & O managers. • with the Vereniging Sport Geneeskunde in a project to guarantee quality with a quality label. • with Centrum voor Bewegen in a pilot project with a health insurer and a new formula for Prevention Centers where we further develop the platform according to their requirements and new features.
Knowledge in the field of sports, exercise and health is the engine of our service. Power, speed and reliability are a must. Our KnowledgeLab works with experts who are constantly aware of new developments in the most important health areas. We use this knowledge as medically proven methods and interventions.
Scalability through chain partners In cooperation with strategic partners and with the use of our platform, we make it possible to offer the ‘I go for health benefits’ program throughout the Netherlands. We are in discussion with Centrum voor Bewegen to start 3-5 Prevention Centers in January 2018. We will use the whole year to improving the formula and the platform and expanding it further basis on good practices. This way we create the benefits of a powerful business formula. From 2019 on, we will give full power to marketing and sales in accordance with the business plan
USPs, Unique Selling Points • complete personal energy plan with feedback loop in iGrow-app • combination of e-health and regular care through support of knowledge platform and consults of lifestyle coach • preventive medical research to the highest quality standards (including CPET medical equipment). • measurable health and performance management at individual and organization level
Business plan and growth The platform is ready to be used for co-creation projects with companies. This is the starting point for the business concept ‘I go for health benefits’. With this program we offer our knowledge platform to companies and organizations with dashboards and measurements that provide insight into Return on Heath Investments. As a new player on the market, the growth of M3Sport will be realized in phases. In 2018 we serve customers and build up experience figures. References and demonstrable results form the basis for further growth in 2019 and beyond.
Business case Accountancy firm Countus in Emmen wrote the business case in May 2017.
The most important components are:
Valuation Valuation based on M3sport annual accounts 2015 and 2016 and the realistic forecasts in the business plan. • Value of enterprise € 500,000 • Activation of investments in platform on the balance sheet worth € 181,000 on 31-12-2016 • 1% of the shares represented a value of € 5000.-
Business Model Canvas
Liquidity budget and financing plan Key conclusions from 1 July 2017: •€ 200,000 needed for liquid assets to implement business plan. •T he financing requirement is initially filled in with the issue
Forecasts 2018 - co-creation projects – business target M3Sport: • 1 000 participants - new customers (organizations) who intend to participate with a new group of employees the following year •B asic program at co-creation rate E • xpected operating result (EBIT): - € 167,000 This form of co-creation with customers runs until 2018 and gives us the time and space to get the needs from the market up and improve the product / service. In 2018, M3Sport will participate in the Ready2Scale program of the province of Noord-Holland to shape further growth, investments and financing. In 2019, we will be very focused on the market with proven value propositions and price models. 2019 proven program - basis - business target M3Sport: •T otal 1500 participants. New and continuous customers. B • asic program - sales price € 1,200. • E xpected operating result (EBIT) € 646,000
M3sport 2018 – 2020 of shares. • E xtra financing through subordinated loans (credit union, crowdfunding, ...). This covers the liquidity requirement up to and including 2019.
2020 basic and premium program - business target M3sport: •T otal 2000 participants. New and continuous customers. B • asic and start premium program. Premium program has two research days combined with training and education in personal development € 2,450. • E xpected operating result (EBIT) € 1,240,000 The prognoses have been taken from the accountant’s business case. The ambitions and opportunities, such as M3Sport sees these, have been sharply adjusted downwards and purely focused on a prudent financial planning.
Platform functions Development of the M3Sport platform The first concept for a knowledge platform was created in 2009 in collaboration with Dr. ir. Eric van Breda, medical physiologist and in that period lecturer at the University of Maastricht. The complete development process is shown in the schedule below. The important choice to establish the software factory in Spain is based on being able to attract highly trained software engineers with labor costs being on average 40% lower than in the Netherlands. The functions of the platform
Functionality of the platform The platform consists of functionality tailored to the right target groups and users. ◆ Knowledge platform - KnowledgeLab • Research, data analysis and publications • Development of knowledge products
◆ Business platform - Sport Medical and Prevention Centers • Decision Support System for sports medical professionals • Process and workflow system • Planning, ABC, invoicing, management information • Exchange of data with other systems and organizations ◆ Communication platform • The language of the sports medical consumer - iGROW APP – personal development plan - Data en privacy - GDPR • The language of sports care - Sports doctor, exercise physiologist, lifestylecoach, ... - Health insurers - Sports Medicine Association • The language of HR expert and director - Corporate vitality and sustainable employability - Social economic value of sports and exercise
Ambition Opportunities and the market for M3sport are certainly not limited to the Netherlands. Many initiatives are also taken at European level. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work describes in their ‘business case for a sustainable working life’ that good management provides practical benefits in the field of health.
The benefits according to The European Agency for Safety and Health at • h ealthy, productive and motivated staff, • • • • •
enabling companies and other organizations to remain competitive and innovative; r etain valuable skills and work experience in an organization through knowledge transfer and a wider pool of talents and skills; l ower sick leave and absenteeism, resulting in lower incapacity costs for organizations and improved productivity; l ower staff turnover; a working environment in which employees of all ages are able to make the most of their talents; m ore well-being at work.
The platform is well constructed in terms of architecture. Also supports multilingualism. The platform is already available in Dutch, English and Spanish. I am convinced that the same requirement for a platform such as that of M3sport also applies to other European countries. Transparent, measurable and able to demonstrate the realization of the aforementioned business case with current facts and figures. Ok, that’s the next step. First let’s get a foothold in the Netherlands. We should be able to achieve that with your help. Thank you for participating!
With sporty greetings, Henny van Doorn
M3Sport 1% club
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a nu t s J e r f e o in t 1 st ng your i w 3 o h s r o f e Tha nk you th di n g u l c in p a nd u s e ce r sha offi y You can buy r ta 0 70 e no h 3 t f 6 ro 468 l l e t te a i 6 c i f f o 1 3 Regarding the procedure see the n 00 r o Do y va n n n e H c o n t a ct n o i t a m r o f n For more i