1 minute read
Figure 1.1 Setting up a newborn hearing screening programme
Determine the target population
Specify the type of hearing loss being targeted by the screening programme
Establish how many times the newborn and infant will be screened
Determine what screening equipment will be used and at which stage
*AABR: automated auditory brainstem response; NICU: neonatal intensive care unit; OAE: otoacoustic emission. The aim of any hearing screening programme is to diagnose hearing loss in infants at the earliest possible stage and to enrol them in timely intervention. Countries should decide the level and nature of hearing loss on which to focus, based on the capacity of their health system. The ear and hearing programmes of many countries focus on early intervention of infants with moderate or higher grade of hearing loss (i.e. above 35 dBHL) in the better hearing ear (1). However, where resources permit, mild hearing loss and unilateral hearing loss should also be addressed due to the impact these have on language development and education (31,32)