Why should you Wear Best Sunscreen Gel Every Day? dermaskincare1.wordpress.com /2021/09/06/why-wear-sunscreen-gel/
While going outside it’s important to protect your skin from sun UV radiation. Because too much bare exposure to the sun can increase the risk of skin cancer. To protect your skin from sun rays, experts advise using sunscreen gel every day. But surprise: even on a cloudy day, UV radiation can cause massive damage to your skin and make it age faster. So no more excuses, we’ll explain why you should always wear sunscreen every day.
UVA Radiation passes through glass panes No, this is not a myth, but unfortunately the sad truth. An ordinary windowpane cannot completely ward of UV rays, so your skin is not safe from sun damage despite the glass. Before we explain to you what exactly can happen and how you can protect your face with sunscreen, a short crash course on UV radiation is necessary: UV stands for ultraviolet. The rays exist in diferent wavelengths and strengths and are divided into UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C rays. The latter can be filtered by the upper layers of the atmosphere and do not reach the surface of the earth. For us humans only UV-A and UV-B are relevant. The following applies: the shorter the wavelength, the more dangerous the UV radiation. UV-B rays are significantly shorter and often give you nasty sunburn when you sunbathe unprotected. In the long run, they are even carcinogenic. UV-A is in itself harmless, but it contributes significantly to skin
Rule of thumb: UV-B like fire, UV-A like aging. But how dangerous is the sun despite the window pane? The good news first. You don’t need to worry about UV-B here. The rays cannot pass through panes of glass, so you won’t get sunburned. It looks diferent with UV-A. They get through the glass directly onto your skin and into your eyes and are up to mischief there – hello premature aging! This does not apply to car windshields. These are designed in such a way that neither UV-B nor UV-A rays can penetrate, after all. Tip: Draw curtains or always apply Sunscreen Gel with sufficient UVA protection to your face in front of the window.
Best Sunscreen Gel: the anti aging effect Tons of Gel Sunscreen, serums, masks advertise anti-aging efects. The only care that has been proven to be efective against wrinkles is sunscreen. It does not have any cushioning or cell-regenerating properties. Applied daily, however, it prevents lines and wrinkles. Because UV-A rays penetrate deeper into our skin layers and are responsible for 80% of skin aging through photoaging. They form free radicals that damage the collagen structure in the skin. The consequences only become noticeable years later in the form of wrinkles and pigment spots and are difficult or impossible to remove. Sun protection for your face should therefore be applied every day.
Tips and tricks for supposed excuses For those who care about their skin health, sunscreen is a must. Nevertheless, UV protection is often forgotten in everyday life. This is due to all sorts of rumors and half-truths that make sun protection look bad.
1st excuse: Best Sunscreen Gel only when the sun is shining Only having to apply sunscreen when the sun is shining is probably the most common and most fatal misunderstanding when it comes to skincare. Because UV-A is omnipresent, unfortunately even when the sun is not shining. Clouds only block about 20% of the radiation. The remaining 80% have free rein and reach our skin unfiltered. Gel Sunscreen only extends the skin’s protection. It is, therefore, worthwhile to know your skin type and to estimate when it is time to re-apply it. The table will help you with the assignment: 2/4
Type 1
Prone to sunburn
Type 2 Light skin Tans very slowly
Type 3 Light skin Burns then turns brown
Type 4 Mediterranean Pale in winter, quickly brown in summer Seldom sunburn
Type 5 Always brown/olive Never sunburn
Type 6 Dark skin hardly darker even in summer If you are confused about which sunscreen to choose – then you can go for Best Sunscreen Gel SPF 50. If you know your skin type, you can calculate how long the applied sunscreen will last. You can find out how exactly this works below.
2nd excuse: pimples after using sunscreen The fact that every sunscreen complains about acne on our faces is a lame excuse and, to put it casually, utter nonsense. Nowadays there are more than enough sun care products on the market that are tailored to the most diverse skin needs. Here, too, it is important not just to get any sun product from the shelf, but to study the information on the packaging beforehand. Anyone who inherently has oily or acne-prone skin should use products with a non-comedogenic, i.e. light, formulation. Sensitive skin, on the other hand, that reacts quickly to bitchy or allergic reactions, would be well served with carefree fragrances and preservatives and without alcohol. Just browse through. There is something for everyone –
If your facial care products advertise a sun protection factor, that’s good, but not enough. On the one hand, the sun protection factor here usually does not exceed 20 – far too little. On the other hand, normal daycare often only contains one UV-B filter. This may protect the skin from sunburn when you take your lunch break outside (but we advise against it), but not against skin aging. So pay attention to what is stated on the package of your day cream and still wear the sunscreen afterward – important! Tanned after a day at the beach – for many of us a highlight of our summer vacation. Our tip: don’t forget sunscreen with sufficient UV protection!