Elimination of Prejudice Launch Management Plan

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The Elimination of Prejudice Launch Management Plan Brothers of Pi Lambda Phi, Pi Lambda Phi is excited to re-launch The Elimination of Prejudice (EoP) as its' philanthropy of choice. Originally established in 1996 by Pilam legend Jules Lennard and the historic WI Omega chapter, the EoP creates long lasting community change by promoting a better understanding between people. Today's version of EoP will be an independently branded program at each college campus or university that hosts a Pilam chapter. The strategic decision to independently brand the EoP as a stand alone philanthropy, separate from Pi Lambdas Phi, provides a unique opportunity to engage campus and community leaders at a heightened level, while simultaneously allowing our student members to align their philanthropic efforts with our Creed. From video and essay contests to youth-based educational programs and retreats, the different ways to encourage society to talk about tough topics are endless. The EoP raises money to fund the aforementioned programs and others. To ensure The EoP is successful, we need your help in two ways. First, the current active program is the Eliminate Prejudice Video Contest. Although we have already begun an aggressive Facebook advertising campaign targeting non-Pilams on your campus, we need your help to increase contest awareness and entries. The second way we need your help is by fundraising. This launch management program breaks down your role into five easy steps. The launch plan was designed to help you participate, but not burden you with countless hours of work. It was also designed to avoid additional costs to our chapters. You should be able to implement this launch management plan without any unplanned chapter costs. Please review the details of this launch management plan and share with other members of your chapter today. If you have any questions, please send them directly to me at shawn.upchurch@pilambdaphi.org and copy info@eliminateprejudice.org so our committee can help support you as quickly as possible. As a bold individual or unified chapter, you can make a difference by advocating "a better understanding ‘twixt men�. Fraternally,

Shawn Upchurch, VP IEC


Distribute Press Release

The press release announcing the Eliminate Prejudice Video Contest was published January 10, 2011 via the social Public Relations platform, PitchEngine. PitchEngine was selected because it allows us to experience exceptional indexing in major search engines, while leveraging social media integration tools. While PitchEngine’s reach has provided a fantastic start, we need your help to ensure maximum awareness. Specifically, we need you to submit the press release to your school's newspaper and local area newspaper(s). A downloadable version of the press release we want you to use is available at http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plp-eop_press_release and also below. We made a slight adjustment to connect your chapter to EoP, so your campus knows about the great things you're doing. So we can help promote your school's and local newspaper’s announcement, please email info@eliminateprejudice.org with the name and email address of your contact (at each paper) and expected press release publish date by Monday, January 24, 2011, or as soon as possible. Typically, there is no charge to publish nonprofit press releases, so please let us know if you’re asked to pay. New Pi Lambda Phi Philanthropy, The Elimination of Prejudice, Announces Video Contest and $5,000 Grand Prize Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity’s philanthropy of choice, The Elimination of Prejudice is excited to accept entries for its annually-themed video-based contest; Eliminate Prejudice Video Contest. A $5,000 Grand Prize will be awarded to a winning contestant in the U.S. or Canada. The first ten (10) qualified video contest entries will receive a free Flip Video Camera. Help promote a better understanding between people and create long lasting community change. Creatively describe in a 3-minute video how religious freedom relates to events in society or your own life today by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 3, 2011 for your chance to win. As specific video topic suggestions, you might analyze events like Park51 (Ground Zero mosque), the Pledge of Allegiance controversy, the role of religion in society and politics today or address how religious choices have affected your life. For more information about The Elimination of Prejudice, or to make a financial contribution or video entry, please visit: http://eliminateprejudice.org About The Elimination of Prejudice Founded in 1996, The Elimination of Prejudice, headquartered in Berea, Ohio, works to set the conditions for sensitive societal conversations to take place, and promotes the principles of equality and inclusiveness to the widest possible audience. From video and essay contests to youth-based educational programs and retreats, the different ways to encourage society to talk about tough topics are endless. The Elimination of Prejudice raises money to fund the aforementioned programs and others. Today, The Elimination of Prejudice is a call to action currently on 40 college campuses and universities, with nearly 1,000 active students in the U.S. and Canada. The Elimination of Prejudice 2011 © Copyright All Rights Reserved.


Publish Press Release on Your Chapter Website

Update your local chapter website with Eliminate Prejudice Video Contest information. Include content from the press release, links to your team’s fundraising page and the EoP website (http://eliminateprejudice.org), and updates on your chapter's additional fundraising efforts. A downloadable version of the press release is available at: http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plpeop_press_release 3.

Facilitate a Social Media Blitz

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media outlets are essential to leverage as we increase awareness of the Eliminate Prejudice Video Contest. Like many first-time or re-launched programs, success depends on the grass root efforts of many. Please post/tweet/update diligently to organically drive traffic to our press release and Elimination of Prejudice homepage. The following link can be attached to any social media communication to direct your network to the press release: http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plp-eop_press_release At the very least, please follow these steps with the most popular social media tools used by Pilams. Facebook: From your Facebook homepage click: share Æ link Æ paste: http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plp-eop_press_release •

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You may consider sharing additional information about the link such as: o “Please read press release about Pilam's philanthropy of choice”; o “Help promote a better understanding between people and create long lasting community change”; or o Direct friends toward your personal or team donation page. Visit our Facebook page by searching for: Elimination of Prejudice. “Like” Elimination of Prejudice to bring more awareness to the page.

Twitter: Include the link to the press release in your tweet! http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plp-eop_press_release • Follow (and encourage others to follow) The Elimination of Prejudice on Twitter: @elimin8prejudic LinkedIn: Post an update and attach the link to the press release! http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/plp-eop_press_release


Join Your School’s Fundraising Team

As we generate awareness for the video contest and philanthropy, one of the best ways you can help promote our cause is to invite friends, family and others to financially support the Elimination of Prejudice. Thus, as we organize and ensure we can recognize chapter’s fundraising efforts, we need each Brother to join your school’s fundraising team. Fundraising Team pages for each Pilam chapter have already been created for you by the Educational Foundation. To join your school’s team, please ask each Brother to follow these steps: a. b. c. d. e.

Visit: http://eliminateprejudice.org Click “Register a Team” Æ “Join a Team” Æ “Show All” Find your school and “Join Team” Complete the team member registration form Customize your personal Elimination of Prejudice donor page

Once registered, you will be able to begin emailing friends and family through the EoP website (See “Fundraise!” Section Below). Team rankings with up-to-date fundraising figures can be found anytime at the EoP homepage (http://eliminateprejudice.com). 5.


To ensure EoP fundraising successful, we need chapters help in two ways. First, chapters should continue to plan philanthropy fundraisers. We want you to continue to be creative and plan programs that promote EoP awareness, build Brotherhood and make memories. If you need fundraising suggestions, please email me at shawn.upchurch@pilambdaphi.org and we'll brainstorm ideas together. Secondly, and most vital EoP success, we need you to distribute your team and personal fundraising pages to everyone you know. Viral marketing is the primary fundraising tool today for philanthropic organizations. The Elimination of Prejudice website makes it easy for you to send all your friends and family fundraising emails through the site. A quick overview of the website features: Once logged in at http://eliminateprejudice.org, the My HQ page will provide Brothers a snapshot of their individual and team fundraising efforts. With customizable goals, email statistics and several administrative links, much of what you can accomplish through the website can be found in this section. My Webpage allows you to create a personal page with message content just for your friends and family. The email message you send will link your friends and family to this page to make their gift. The Email tab allows you to email friends and family through the site. You may import contacts from your address book, view a log of all email activity, and post to Facebook or Twitter from this tab. When sending emails, you should fill in the greeting name and corresponding recipient email address for each contact. You can send up to 30 emails at once. Copy and paste the Subject, Highlighted Message and Body Text from the recommended message below and send. Feel free to add an additional personal note to your message to help the email resonate with your friends and family.

SUBJECT: Help Me Eliminate Prejudice HIGHLIGHTED MESSAGE: Help Me & The Brothers of Pi Lambda Phi Eliminate Prejudice BODY TEXT:

Along with my Brothers in Pi Lambda Phi, I am helping to promote a better understanding between people and creating positive change in my community by partnering with The Elimination of Prejudice, our Fraternity's philanthropy of choice. I hope you will support my team as we live our creed and help eliminate prejudice at the same time. Founded in 1996, The Elimination of Prejudice, works to set the conditions for sensitive societal conversations to take place, and promotes the principles of equality and inclusiveness to the widest possible audience. From video and essay contests to youth-based educational programs and retreats, the different ways to encourage society to talk about tough topics are endless. The Elimination of Prejudice raises money to fund the aforementioned programs and others. Today, The Elimination of Prejudice is a call to action currently on 40 college campuses and universities, with nearly 1,000 active students in the U.S. and Canada. Please support my efforts by visiting my personal web page to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation. Every donation truly does make a difference. If you feel it’s your turn, please make a contribution of $5, $25, $50 or whatever you can to advocate a better understanding between people. Each of us has witnessed and/or experienced prejudice in our lives in different ways … whatever your reasons, I hope you’ll choose to advocate a better understanding between people by making an online donation today. I’m so grateful to have people like you in my life who want to make the world a better place. Together we can make a difference. Thank you and I will keep you updated on my progress. To learn more about how you can help eliminate prejudice or to make a financial contribution, please visit the link below: http://eliminateprejudice.org *** A link to your personal fundraising page will appear below the pasted content *** A downloadable version of this Launch Management Plan is available at: http://issuu.com/pilambdaphi/docs/elimination_of_prejudice_launch_management_plan

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