Pilipino Express • Nov 1 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 21 • November 1 -15, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Heart Evangelista

10 12 Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla

Winnipeg raised to pandemic Level Red

As of November 2, Winnipeg and surrounding areas are at Level Red or “critical” in the province’s Pandemic Response System. Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin announced the measure on Friday, October 30, as Manitoba hit a record high of 480 new COVID-19 infections. “We have pleaded with Manitobans to follow the fundamentals and to significantly reduce their contacts, and the numbers continue in the wrong direction,” said Roussin. “It is our hope that these new restrictions will help to halt the spread of this virus in order to ensure our healthcare system is there for those who need it. I hope that this is a clear signal to Manitobans, and in particular the Winnipeg Metro See RED p14

Economic recovery through immigration Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, tabled the 2021‒2023 Immigration Levels Plan on Friday, October 30, which sets out a path for increases to immigration targets in an effort to help the Canadian economy recover from COVID-19. Although Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has continued to accept and process applications throughout the pandemic, the global travel restrictions and capacity constraints led to a shortfall in admissions over the last several months. To compensate for the shortfall, the plan aims to continue bringing in immigrants at a rate of about 1 per cent of the population of Canada, including 401,000 permanent See ECONOMIC p19

Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announces the 2021‒2023 Immigration Levels Plan in Ottawa, October 30. (Minister Mendicino’s FB page)



NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020




I hear from many people about how September and October felt very busy and stressful in a lot of ways. Not only do we have our existing responsibilities and everyday worries, we also have to be mindful of safety and health in a way that we never had to before. We are finding new ways to live with COVID-19 in our community, which includes changes at work, safety precautions in public places, cancellation or changes to recreational activities, and school for students. Manitoba is currently seeing a sharp rise in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, which many people find alarming. Health professionals are advising that we are at a critical point that will greatly affect the course of the pandemic for us. It is important to


be diligent and remind ourselves that we all have a part in stopping the spread of the virus. Protecting ourselves and others With everything that people are trying to manage, it is important that we remind ourselves of the basics when it comes to keeping ourselves and others safe: • Wear a mask when you are around others to reduce the risk of spreading the virus • Stay at least 2 metres or 6 feet away from others whenever possible • Stay home and isolate from others if you are sick • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer. • Screen yourself for symptoms whenever you leave the home. The Manitoba Self-

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Preparing for the winter season with COVID-19 Screening Tool can be found at https://sharedhealthmb.ca/ covid19/screening-tool/ • Limit close contact with people who live outside of your home • Stay away from large crowds • Consider getting the flu shot Keeping ourselves mentally healthy • Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, even if you are not going out • Change out of your pajamas and get dressed every day • Exercise daily • Talk to family or friends • Engage in prayer, meditation, yoga or mindfulness exercises • List at least three things that you are grateful for every day • Find creative outlets or

hobbies (e.g. knitting, artwork, photography, making music or dance) • Remind yourself that even though following public health guidelines can be challenging, you are helping your community. At this critical juncture when our actions now will determine the course of the next few months, and maybe even years, it is important to remember that we are all in this together. Everyone around the world is united in what we value – health, the people we love, and the freedom to be together. The harder we work now, the closer we get to having what really matters! Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Pandemic election The year 2020 will surely be one of those times that we look back on for years to come. Everyone will have their own opinions and memories. Many will feel happy that this year is almost over. Others will remember being quarantined or living in isolation for months on end. Phrases such as “unprecedented” and “challenging times” will always remind us of this year. Sadly, we’ve lost so many due to the COVD-19 pandemic, by last count, approximately 1.15 million around the world have been confirmed dead due to the novel coronavirus. One of those was a relative of mine living in The Philippines. Rest in Peace Tito Obet. For me, 2020 will also be a year that I, and millions of others, voted during a pandemic. Last month, B.C. Premier John Horgan (NDP) called a snap election. The province was due for one next year, but it was thought that if we held

one now, the government could move forward and prepare for the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economy, health and perseverance were top-of-mind for our leadership. In 2017, the B.C. NDP won a minority government and with the help of the Green Party had edged out the Liberals to take control. After only a few weeks of campaigning, the NDP won a majority of seats in the provincial legislature by gaining a number of seats. At the time of writing this article, it was reported that the B.C. NDP won the election, but we are still waiting for official numbers, as the mail-in ballots still need to be counted. I was one of those many who voted by mail. It wasn’t new this year; it’s always been an option. I knew I didn’t want to stand in line at a polling station, so this was my best option to exercise my right to vote. In total, from registering

online to filling out my ballot, it was a total of less than three minutes of my time. I think this is the way I’ll do it from now on! I wasn’t alone. In any typical year, there are approximately 10,000 mail-in ballot requests in B.C. This year that number of requests jumped to over 700,000! The process was simple; I registered on the Elections B.C. web site. I entered my personal information and within a week, I received my ballot. The instructions were clear. I put my ballot in the self-addressed envelope and dropped it in my community mailbox. This election campaign pales in comparison to what is happening below the border where it feels like they’ve been campaigning for years! I much prefer the Canadian campaign periods, much shorter. It’s like we’re too polite to bother people for long periods. So Canadian of us, eh? And while I can’t vote in the U.S. election, I, like many around the world, watch with bated breath as what happens in the States can directly affect governments around the world. I read an article today that a record 60 million Americans have already voted in advance of the election on November 3. Depending on when you read

this, we very well could know who is the American president. Did Trump stay or is Biden the President-Elect? How many voted by mail? Are they still counting the ballots? Is there now a legal battle over who actually won? I have so many questions! We will find out soon enough. Which brings me to my final question. Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the election? In B.C., it is widely accepted that the NDP’s handling of the pandemic was exemplary. Premier Horgan allowed the province’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, make decisions that would affect over five million people across Canada’s most western province. We fared well and while there are COVID cases being reported each day, we realize that it could have been much worse. The pandemic didn’t stop people from voting in person or by mail. As for down south? As I said, a record amount of people voted ahead of time. It didn’t appear that the pandemic slowed them down at all. It will be interesting to see what the U.S. government looks like once the dust settles. Who’s taking bets? Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

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NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020





NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Avoidable deaths and the circle of tragedy November 1, 2020: The global breaking news on the night of November 3rd will most likely be about the U.S. President seeking re-election and the challenging former Vice-President. Global interest is palpable since we live in an interconnected world and the outcome projects to the world how the U.S. will, henceforth, handle the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequential impact on the economy – these being their two key election issues. Will we see a change in direction or will it be much of the same as before? At stake are human lives and livelihoods. The Guardian, an independent journalism group owned neither by stakeholders nor by a billionaire, wrote in its October 27th editorial analysis, “It’s time to dump Trump. America’s only hope is Joe Biden,” “Mr. Trump seems incapable of acknowledging the suffering of others. Coronavirus has exposed a devastating lack of presidential empathy for those who have died and the families they left behind.” On pandemic and leadership “A pandemic is not a time for a decentralized and combative national response. It requires strong leadership and coordination across states towards a common purpose of defeating the threat with the might of the whole nation.” – Dr. Irwin Redlener et al, “130,000 – 210,000 Avoidable COVID-19 Deaths – and Counting – in the U.S.”, Columbia University, October 21, 2020. The data below is from the biweekly update on the COVID-19 human toll for the world, Canada, Philippines and the U.S. from October 12 to 27, 2020, as per the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker: Total cases • Worldwide: 37,722,044 → 44,010,870 • Canada: 185,378 → 225,703 • Philippines: 342,816 →375,180 • USA: 7,802,281 → 8,779,703 Total deaths • Worldwide: 1,078,411 → 1,167,817 • Canada: 9,680 → 10,052 • Philippines: 6,332 → 7,114 • USA: 214,045 →226,723 The world now has over 44 million cases and over 1.16 million deaths. Canada has over a quarter of a million cases and over 10,000 deaths. The USA has remained the epicentre – over 8.7 million cases and over a quarter of a million deaths – a daily average of just over 65,000 cases and 845 deaths in the half-month period since my preceding update. For Canada during the preceding half month, the average daily toll comes to just under 2,700 cases and 25 deaths. These numbers reflect recent surges not only in Canada and the U.S. but also in Europe – France, Germany, Italy

and U.K. among others. Drugs and vaccines There are now two medications. Both Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have authorized the use of remdesivir (brand name, Veklury) for adults and pediatric patients (12 years and older weighing at least 40 kg or 88 lbs.) hospitalized with severe pneumonia and requiring oxygen therapy. The drug – the first new anti-viral medication authorized for use – should only be administered in a hospital or in a healthcare setting capable of providing acute care comparable to inpatient hospital care. Clinical trials assessing the safety and efficacy of Veklury in the pediatric patient population younger than 12 years old are ongoing. The second drug is dexamethasone, an already existing drug in use for other clinical conditions. While it has now been recommended for hospitalized COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilators or supplemental oxygen, it has been noted that the drug may be harmful if given for less severe COVID-19 infections. Rx: Notes on medications Seek your own doctor’s advice • The foregoing two paragraphs on medications are for information only. • Ask your own doctor about these two medications for further information or when your doctor contemplates using any of them on you or your family. In contrast to medications, vaccines are envisioned not to cure, but to prevent infection and disease. J. Corum, S. Wee and C. Zimmer updated readers of The New York Times on October 29 on the categories of vaccines under development and on the testing process and clinical trials. The four categories of vaccine under study include the following: Genetic vaccines – they deliver one or more of the coronavirus’ own genes into our cells to provoke an immune response; Viral vector vaccines – they contain viruses engineered to carry coronavirus genes. Some viral vector vaccines enter cells and cause them to make viral proteins. Other viral vectors slowly replicate, carrying coronavirus proteins on their surface; Protein-based vaccines – they contain coronavirus proteins but no genetic material. Some vaccines contain whole proteins, and some contain fragments of them. Some pack many of these molecules on nanoparticles; and Inactivated or attenuated coronavirus vaccines – they are created from weakened coronaviruses or coronaviruses that have been killed with chemicals.

The vaccine testing process follows a series of steps from the laboratory to the clinic. Vaccines are tested for efficacy and safety. Some will fail in human trial; some may end without clear results; and some, hopefully, will succeed. Then comes the manufacturing on scale, storage and deployment. While it took many years for existing vaccines for other diseases to be available, the current search for vaccines to COVID -19 has been hastened, thanks to the early identification and characterization of the virus and to the sharing of information among research scientists worldwide. Phase 3 clinical trials involve thousands of people receiving the vaccine and thousands more receiving a placebo. Comparison of results would determine whether the candidate vaccine protects against COVID-19. In the U.S., vaccine makers have been advised that the regulatory body for approval – the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – would want to see evidence of at least 50 per cent efficacy, that is, the vaccine can protect at least 50 per cent of those who receive it. Moreover, the very large number of volunteers participating in the clinical trials should provide additional assurance of safety since any potential, relatively rare, side effects that might have been missed in earlier studies would be known. That is why vaccines from countries that have approved them without requiring sufficient Phase 3 clinical trials pose serious risks. The first human safety trial began in March this year. On October 25, Nada Bashir of CNN News reported on when potential vaccines might be available. Quoting Dr. Anthony Fauci of the U.S. National Institute of Health: “We will know whether a vaccine is safe and effective by the end of November, beginning of December. The number of doses that will be available in December will not certainly be enough to vaccinate everybody – you’ll have to wait several months into 2021.” Three days later on October 28, Sharon Kirkey of the National Post reported on the collective assessment by 28 experts polled by Jonathan Kimmelman, a professor and director of the Biomedical Ethics Unit at McGill University. His team surmised, “a COVID-19 vaccine is most likely to be available to the general public in the United States and/ or Canada (in) June 2021 for the soonest, but more likely fall of 2021.” Non-pharmaceutical public health measures Even without vaccine, our personal behaviour matters in the spread of the virus. Fortunately, we have proven non-pharmaceutical public health measures – both personal and community – that

can prevent individual infection and community transmission. We cannot over-remind ourselves about the necessity to keep doing the five safety measures and avoiding the three Cs. Doing the five safety measures • Wear a mask • Keep distance • Wash hands • Air out rooms • Respiratory etiquette Avoiding the three Cs 1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation 2. Crowded places with many people nearby 3. Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations • Overlapping the three settings favour cluster. • Limit time of stay in settings to stay safe. Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s top COVID expert on public health measures said in a recent interview hosted by the University of Melbourne and the Melbournebased Doherty Institute, and reported by Naaman Zhou in the on October 29 on October 29, “I firmly believe that you can continue to open businesses, … to open up the country from an economic standpoint … but you could do it prudently … by public health measures that prevent surges of infection.” Handling of the pandemic On October 25, the U.S. President’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union, “We are not going to control the pandemic.” This is what “natural herd immunity” as a policy strategy is: “the government should let the pandemic run its course until most of the population (70 per cent) is infected and has ostensibly developed antibodies to ward off future infections.” Except, it is against the consensus of public health experts. “Try to reach it without a vaccine, and millions will die,” said Carl T. Bergstrom (Professor of biology, University of Washington) and Natalie Dean (Assistant Professor of biostatistics, University of Florida) to The New York Times. Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health in Providence, Rhode Island added, “…no serious public health person actually thinks herd immunity is a good policy strategy.” Jeffrey D. Sachs, a professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University remarked in a CNN interview, “As if (the U.S. President’s) irresponsibility was not already a national tragedy, the White House seems now to favour a controversial approach to COVID-19 that threatens to bring nothing less than mass suffering.” Canadian columnist Andrew Coyne succinctly summed his observations on the subject for the October 16 issue of The Globe

and Mail: “Herd immunity’s a great strategy, if you don’t mind the millions of dead.” Avoidable deaths On October 21, Dr. Irwin Redlerner and his team at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness of Columbia University in New York released its report entitled 130,000 – 210,000 Avoidable COVID-19 Deaths – and Counting – in the U.S. His team compared the U.S. fatalities per 100,000 population (as of October 16) to those of six other high-income nations, including Canada, which undertook “appropriate public health policies, guidance, and leadership.” The university team estimated “that at least 130,000 deaths and perhaps as many as 210,000 could have been avoided with “earlier policy interventions and more robust federal coordination and leadership.” Their report concludes: “The U.S. should have – and could have – done better to protect the nation, particularly its most vulnerable populations… and has turned a global crisis into a devastating tragedy.” How ironic it is since “only last year the U.S. ranked first in the world in an independent assessment of pandemic preparedness,” as rated by The Global Health Security Index. The index – a project of the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and developed with The Economist Intelligence Unit – aims to improve international capability to address one of the world’s most omnipresent risks: infectious disease outbreaks that can lead to international epidemics and pandemics. The wide circle of tragedy The Columbia University report also explored the “wide circle of tragedy with every COVID-19 death… that no death is ever just ‘a number’ or simply part of a large database for disease tracking purposes.” It noted that the deceased – parents, grandparents, friends and children – have left “behind people who grieve and families that must struggle to regain economic stability.” Below is a partial list of consequences: 1. Children a. pushed into or near poverty as a consequence of the overall economic impacts of the pandemic; b. risk of foster care placement as a result of losing their single parents to the disease; 2. Bereavement a. well over 1.5 million Americans are grieving the approximately 167,000 avoidable deaths of a loved one (based on a “bereavement multiplier of nine for every death” as developed by researchers at Penn State University); See MEDISINA p7

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020



Sponsorship of parents & grandparents 2020 In a new release dated October 5, 2020, the Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the opening of the 2020 Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program. The news was a long time coming but still welcome to the many families who want to reunite with their parents and grandparents inside Canada. It reminds me of waiting on the Lord from Isaiah 40:31 or the old English proverb: “all things come to those who wait.” Potential users must be aware of the limits of the 2020 PGP. The program is only open for a three-week period, from 12 p.m. EDT on October 13, 2020 to 12 p.m. EST on November 3, 2020. Eligible Canadian citizens and permanent residents must submit an online Expression of Interest within this time period. IRCC has made a special accommodation for persons with disabilities who can request the interest to sponsor form in an alternative paper copy, Braille or large print, by contacting the IRCC Client Support Centre at 1-888-2422100 or by e-mail available up to November 3, 2020. IRCC will invite up to 10,000 parties by random selection to submit a sponsorship application.

MEDISINA... From page 6 3.

Long-term impacts & disabilities a. long-term damage to patients’ lungs, heart, immune system, and brain; • 78 out of 100 recovered COVID-19 patients had “abnormal findings on cardiovascular imaging (MRI)” • 36 of 100 had difficulty breathing and unusual fatigue months after their diagnosis.

The selection is based upon the luck of the draw not the speed of the online submission (the system used in 2019). Selected sponsors will be given 60 days to submit their complete sponsorship applications. Sponsors and cosponsors must meet eligibility requirements, which include (not only listed here) being at least 18 years old, Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, reside inside Canada, do not owe money to the Government or have an undischarged bankruptcy, and meet income requirements. Income requirements are measured by low income cutoff numbers (LICO) for three consecutive Canada Revenue Taxation years preceding the date of the application submission. IRCC recognizes that many sponsors may have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have adjusted the income requirement for the 2020 tax year to the minimum LICO figure and not the LICO plus 30 per cent standard for 2018 and 2019. Check the income required in the table on this page. Make sure that you calculate the number of persons you are responsible for to include the sponsor, cosponsor and dependent children (if applicable) and the applicants

The above-mentioned observations call for a diligent followup by government(s) on the pandemic’s impact on Canadian families and long-term health. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C., O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.Sc., M.D. – a former Member of Parliament and cabinet minister and retired lung specialist and professor – graduated from the University of the Philippines and University of Manitoba (UM)

Closing November 3

against the table. The clock is running and interested parties have until November 3, 2020, to submit their online sponsorship interest, which we have become accustomed to using “EOI” or an “Expression of Interest” to describe the online profile submission. The profile is not an application but an opportunity to be included in the lottery selection, which will follow. Once you successfully submit your interest to sponsor a parent(s) or grandparent(s), you will have to wait and hope for an invitation to apply, which will be limited to a cap of 10,000. For those who have tried and failed in the past, don’t despair, the chance is still there for you. The launch of the 2020

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and trained at the Children’s Hospital of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Children’s Hospital of the UM Faculty of Medicine in Winnipeg. Widely published and lectured, he spoke on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Science Ministers/Advisors Carnegie Meeting held in Berlin in June 2003. Contact: reypagtakhan@ gmail.com.

Parents and Grandparents Program is another indicator of the government’s commitment to prioritizing the approval of 49,000 family class sponsorship applications by December 31, 2020. “Our government strongly believes the importance of keeping families together, particularly during difficult times. The Parents and Grandparents Program is a dedicated pathway to reuniting more families in Canada,” explained Marco Mendicino in his announcement to reopen the PGP. “Our government has strengthened the program by increasing the number of people who can apply, making the intake process fairer, and steadily increasing the number of families

you are able to reunite.” Family reunification is important and the reopening of the PGP is a step in the right direction. Remember the deadline for online submissions. Good luck with your submissions but ensure that you are eligible as sponsor and your parents and grandparents are admissible. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.



NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

The feng shui of managing money There’s a lot of information about how to improve your money luck in feng shui, but little that talks about how to actually handle it. One of the biggest areas of unhappiness and frustration in our lives is often our relationship with money – how we spend, save, invest, accumulate and earn money. Sure, we can add Chinese coins and three-legged toads all over the house but if we don’t handle our money well, it won’t matter. Yet, the way you handle your money is a big part of your money feng shui – and it has a powerful effect on your ability to attract and grow your money. Respect all money There are a variety of types of money. There’s some money that goes out toward bills, money that’s saved, money that’s invested and money you spend on fun. Give your bills and payments as much or more respect as your investments. Like watching annual feng shui afflictions, managing your money by keeping bills low and paid in a timely manner is a top priority in money feng shui. Setting up a system to manage your bills is especially helpful. Staying organized with money keeps your focus on money, and its focus on you (read: having more of it). Use a feng shui color system for all your accounts Bills – place these in blue folders to keep them small and

not activated. Income – place salary and pay stubs in a yellow folder to keep it stable and grounded. Savings statements – place your savings statements in a green or brown folder. Tape a threetie Chinese coin to the folder to activate it and help your savings grow. Investments – Place these statements in a red folder to activate them and keep them going strong. Add a three-tie Chinese coin to promote growth. Contain your bills and expenses One of the ways we handle money going out the door is by managing the bills that come into it. If you have paper bills that come to you in the mail, always pull those out of all the mail and put them into a small basket. A small basket helps to contain the bills and keep them small. Once they’re paid, file your paid bills in a blue folder. Prefer to handle it all electronically? That’s one way to manage paper, but there’s magic in actually touching your money, whether that’s in the form of currency, a statement from your bank or from your investments. The act of acknowledging your bills and handling them right away makes sure you keep your focus and attention on them, and that’s good feng shui. It’s also a good idea to select a date to pay your bills One way to get behind on payments is having varying due dates. If you need to pay at different times of the month because of the way you’re paid, have your bills set up so that you know that the 1st and 15th are your bill-paying days, for example. If you can, get your days down to one day a month. I always pick the 15th and have any bills I receive set up to pay on that day. This way I never miss a payment date. See money grow – spending vs. investing Once you have your eye firmly on your bills and accounts

and they’re organized into colorcoded folders, it’s vital that you see your money grow. In order to make money grow, you have to put it into something, like a seed that you plant in the ground. Look into investments that take a small amount out a month (seed) and that goes into an account (ground) that grows. Be clear on one thing when it comes to growing your money: the money you put into an investment account isn’t money buying a stock or a bond, it’s an investment in you. I think of financial growth as self-growth. We spend money on manicures, vacations, or a car, and usually have no problem spending on ourselves, but we often don’t think about investing in ourselves, but investments are something that financially validates you because the money you put into a savings or investment is you paying you. If you pay your bills, why not pay yourself? By making even a small monthly investment, you are putting money into your financial self-growth, and that helps you earn more, attract more, and have more. Water draws water Just like adding a little water to a dry pump will bring water out of the ground, once you see yourself not just as a bill payer, but an investor and you see your money growing, you will accumulate and

grow more money. You may say you can’t afford to, and I say you can’t afford not to if you want more money in your life. Fun money Have your finances sucked all the joy out of money for you? Too often we don’t think about having fun with our money. It’s often a source of aggravation and that takes the joy out of having it. When money is only about obligation – paying this or that bill — it’s hard to enjoy it, and more importantly, hard to see it accumulate. Do you remember being a kid and taking money out of a piggy bank to go buy something and how much fun that was? Then recreate that feeling with a fun account. I have a bank account that’s just for fun and each month I put a small amount of money in that I spend on whatever I choose and feel happy about it. This account is for pure monetary joy. I never feel guilty about what I spend out of this account because it is there completely and purely for my pleasure. Think about setting up an account like this so you can associate having money that’s just for your enjoyment. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I have a kitchen where my stove is situated so that my back is to the door. I read that a cook should never have their back to the door because it can scare the cook. The recommendation was to place a mirror over the stove so you can see who comes into the kitchen. I have one there, but should I keep it? It kind of bugs me. Answer: That’s a feng shui tip that’s circulated a long time and

has grown mouldy. Here’s what I’d like to ask you…have you ever been scared by someone entering the kitchen? I never have and really don’t think that’s realistic about scaring the cook. Further, the mirror is magnifying the fire energy, which is never a good idea, especially if you have a gas stove with real flames — it could be harmful. Fire is one of the elements that can be dangerous due to its strength and ability to consume everything. The wildfires in California are an example of too much fire. When I first started tinkering with feng shui, I had read that tip about the mirror, so I put one up. What I can say is that from my own personal experience, having a mirror there was distracting, not to mention a nuisance to keep clean. It bugged me, too, and then I noticed a string of bad luck. That mirror came down and things got better. Take your mirror down, it’s only adding excess fire energy in the kitchen and that could cause arguments there or do harm to whatever the sector its in represents — and possibly bad luck, too. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020



Higit isang milyong oras bawat taon ang naibibigay ng aming mga team members sa pagtaguyod ng mas maliwanag at maunlad na kinabukasan. Giving back to communities matters now more than ever. Taos puso naming pinasasalamatan at ipinagbubunyi ang aming team sa pagbigay ng kanilang oras sa higit na 4000 na organisasyon bawat taon. Mula sa pag stock ng food banks, hanggang sa pag-alaga ng mga isolated seniors, sa paghahanda ng care kits para sa mga komunidad na nangangailangan at iba pa, we give back to create stronger communities. Together, we can make the future friendly.

Para malaman kung paano kami nakakatulong sa komunidad, punta lang sa


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NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

• Liza Soberano, Catriona Gray, Angel Locsin – Biktima ng red-tagging • Alden Richards at Daniel Padilla – Pinagsasabong dahil parehong popular • Iza Calzado – OA daw ang acting sa Ang Sa Iyo Ay Akin • Raffy Tulfo – Inayos ang gulo nina Super Tekla at Michelle • Willie Revillame – Sanay nang magpalipad ng chopper • Korina Sanchez – Nagtagumpay si Ate Koring sa Rated Korina

Kinaiinggitan ng ibang sangay ng ating pamahalaan ang taunang intelligence budget ng mga militar. Bonggang-bongga ang kanilang intel budget. Lumolobo sa laki. Kailangan daw kasing mapuksa ang kanilang mga kalaban, ang makakaliwang grupo, na napakalaking tinik sa kanilang lalamunan. Ang bilyon nilang budget ay para sa insurgency. Pero ano ang nangyari sa kanilang budget, hindi naman ang nagpapasakit ng kanilang ulong New People’s Army (NPA) ang kanilang pinaglaanan, kundi sa mga personalidad na sa kanilang utak ay magiging kasapi pa lang ng NPA. Liza Soberano. Catriona Gray. Angel Locsin at ang kaniyang kapatid na si Ella. Biktima sila ng red-tagging. Tinututukan sila, minamarkahan, binabantayan ang kanilang mga salita at galaw. Sumasali-nakikinig ba sila sa mga palihim na meeting ng mga miyembro ng NPA? Hindi. Namundok na ba sila para matawag na kasapi ng makakaliwang grupo? Hindi rin.

E, bakit sila ni-red tag? Wala lang, naglalabas lang sila ng emosyon bilang mamamayan ng Pilipinas, ipinaglalaban lang nila ang kanilang mga adbokasiya na mayorya naman ang makikinabang. Mulat lang sila sa mga nagaganap sa ating kapaligiran, isinasaboses lang nila ang kanilang damdamin, komunista na pala sila sa ganoong paraan? Sumablay ang intel report ng militar, agaran silang nagbintangnanakot nang wala naman silang ebidensiya, kagagandang NPA nina Liza Soberano, Catriona Gray at Angel Locsin! Kaugnay pa rin nito… Nakatikim ng mula ulo hanggang paang pamba-bash si Lt. General Antonio Parlade mula sa sariling hukbo ng mga tagasuporta ni Angel Locsin. Ahahay! Nagrereklamo ang heneral, bakit daw ito tinatakot ni Angel sa social media, samantalang puwede namang dumirekta ang magandang aktres sa pakikipaglinawan sa kaniya? Teka lang muna. Wala pa tayong dementia para agaran nating makalimutan kung sino See CRISTY p13

Angel Locsin, Catriona Gray & Liza Soberano

Alden Richards

Heart Evangelista rediscovers a musical gem in Breathe You Kapuso star Heart Evangelista is set to release a musical treat for her fans via her pre-recorded single Breathe You. Heart shared that it was in 2005 that she first embraced her freedom and described the feeling through a song. Now, 15 years later, she is all set to share her music again to the Filipino audience. Under a distribution deal with GMA Music, Breathe You will be made available for everyone to listen to for the very first time. “I remember at 21, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I just knew that I was extremely happy and free and I’m seeing the world slowly. I remember recording that song because I really had good people around me during the time. I just listen to the song and I remember myself as a 21-year-old girl who is very naïve about the world, who thought everything was a fairy tale. It’s really refreshing to remember how I was back then.” Breathe You is now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music and across other digital platforms worldwide.

Jodi Sta. Maria, Maricel Soriano, Sam Milby & Iza Calzado

Korina Sanchez-Roxas with nurse Kim & doll Cameron

Heart Evangelista

Willie Revillame & his family

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020


Alden’s Reality - First ever virtual reality concert in the Philippines On December 8, GMA Network presents Alden’s Reality - a global event never before seen in Philippine entertainment. It will

be the country’s first ever virtual reality concert, headlined by Asia’s Multimedia Star Alden Richards. Alden’s Reality gives Alden’s

fans a virtual date. It combines cutting-edge technology and performances to produce a full-length concert and online


interaction with their idol. Alden will take concertgoers to a journey that celebrates his 10 colourful years in the entertainment industry. From heartfelt songs to adrenalinefilled dance numbers, Alden is sure to indulge everyone across the globe in his first ever virtual concert. A surprise treat also awaits his fans. Shot in 360-degree, concertgoers not only have access to front-row view, but they are also in for an immersive experience from the comforts of their home.

“Through ‘Alden’s Reality,’ we are bringing you the future of Philippine concert landscape,” said GMA Regional TV and Synergy VP Oliver Amoroso. “We are more than excited that we are featuring Alden for our first virtual concert and that it also falls under the 70th anniversary of GMA Network. This is only the beginning. Synergy: A GMA Collaboration will be producing more events that will not only bring our Kapuso closer to their See ALDEN p13



NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Mavy and Cassy Legaspi share lockdown experiences pagod kaming tatlo, what more my dad who is behind and in front of the cam.” She is also gearing up for her role in the upcoming GMA primetime series First Yaya, where she will be acting alongside Gabby Concepcion, Pancho Magno and Sanya Lopez. For this project, Cassy will be paired with JD Domagoso. “My prep for First Yaya is continuing to workout and eating healthier as much as possible. I also started drinking vitamins to boost my immune system so that I’m stronger once taping starts. I’m watching Filipino movies/ shows as well as reading my old script. I’m super excited and See MAVY p13

Mavy Legaspi

Jeremiah Tiangco launches debut single Titulo The Clash season 2 grand champion Jeremiah Tiangco marks a new milestone in his music career as he releases his debut single Titulo under GMA Music. The song, which tells the story of a “no label” relationship, is composed by veteran and renowned singer-composers Vehnee Saturno, Ebe Dancel, Jungee Marcelo, and Top Suzara from the Filscap Master Camp.

“I’ve been praying for this opportunity to be part of GMA Music. I am beyond blessed despite the pandemic. I have the opportunity to share my Godgiven talent in my simple way. I can share happiness through my music,” said Jeremiah. The All-Out Sundays mainstay also shared that Titulo is a relatable track for those in a situation of being more than friends, but less than lovers.

“This song will remind you of someone who was once special in your life. We meet a lot of people who would make us happy just for a short period of time but they leave a huge impact in our lives. They leave us with memories and lessons that will stay with us forever,” he said. Titulo is now streaming on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music, and other digital stores worldwide.

Watch the blockbuster film The Hows of Us on iTunes Store and Google Play The Hows of Us – Philippine cinema’s historic 2018 box office record breaker – is now on iTunes Store and on Google Play (Nov. 3). It is also currently available on Amazon Prime Video in the US and iWantTFC platforms. Directed for ABS-CBN Star Cinema by award-winning Filipina director Cathy Garcia-Molina, The Hows of Us stars Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, one of the most popular and power reel and real life couples in the

Philippine movie industry for the last decade. The Hows of Us is about two college students, George (Bernardo) and Primo (Padilla), who fall in love. George is into science, wanting to become a doctor. Primo is into the arts, aspiring to hit it big as a band musician. George inherits a house from her grand aunt where she and Primo decide to live together while dreaming of success in their See THE HOWS p13

Ang Huling El Bimbo musical available worldwide on TFC IPTV and iWantTFC Ang Huling El Bimbo musical, available worldwide on TFC IPTV and iWantTFC Get ready to take a trip down memory lane while watching the talked-about hit Filipino musical, Ang Huling El Bimbo, which is now streaming in countries outside the Philippines via TFC IPTV and iWantTFC. Ang Huling El Bimbo is a musical set in the 90s that features some of the hit singles by the iconic original Pilipino music (OPM) band Eraserheads. It is a story of a group of

friends: college students Hector, Emman, and Anthony who meet and become friends with Joy who is working in a food place they are frequenting. They are full of hopes and dreams both for themselves and the people they value until an unfortunate event tests their friendship and changes their lives. During its Philippine staging, Ang Huling El Bimbo received good reviews and one of them is from the Broadway star Lea Salonga who said in her March 2019 column on The Philippine Daily Inquirer: “Truth be told,

it doesn’t take being a fan of the Eraserheads, and thus desiring of 1990s nostalgia, to appreciate all that this fantastic musical is.” On the other hand, Iñigo De Paula said in his review published on Rappler in March 2019: “It takes our appreciation for a pre-existing collection of music, and uses storytelling to make us examine them. We come for the songs, but it’s the questions that will stick.” Don’t miss the nostalgic musical, Ang Huling El Bimbo, which you may rent until See EL BIMBO p13

Cassy Legaspi

Jeremia Tiangco

For Legaspi twins Mavy and Cassy, time is precious. Even in quarantine, the two make sure that every moment counts as they juggle their career, studies, and personal lives. They are currently taping Sarap, ‘Di Ba? Bahay Edition at home together with their mom Carmina Villarroel and dad Zoren Legaspi, who is also the director for the show’s new format. Cassy shared a few bits of their experience adapting to work in the new normal, “Sarap ‘Di Ba? Bahay Edition feels like a training ground for me and Mavy. Direk Z (tatay) trains us to speak in Tagalog more and with “technical stuff” when it comes to the show. I feel for my dad kasi alam ko kung

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

ALDEN... From page 11 favourite artists but will also give them a unique concert experience wherever part of the Philippines and the globe they may be. We hope to see you all, virtually, on December 8.” “2020 has been a challenging year for everyone because of the pandemic,” says GMA Entertainment Group VP Darling de Jesus Bodegon. “We hope that through Alden’s Reality, we can bring joy to all our Kapuso not just here in the Philippines but all over the world. We are also happy that we are able to celebrate with Alden his 10 wonderful years in the entertainment industry via this virtual-reality concert… Alden’s Reality is his gift to all his fans who continue to support him and his journey as a Kapuso.” The concert is directed by Paolo Valenciano. Tickets can be purchased by logging on to www.gmanetwork. com/synergy. For more details, visit www.gmanetwork.com/synergy

MAVY... From page 12

nervous at the same time since it’s my first drama show and of course because of the adjustments I have to make due to COVID.” Mavy, on the other hand, focuses on getting back in shape for his new projects. Aside from starring in the morning talk show, he’s also busy with endorsement shoots as well as his performances on GMA’s weekend variety show ‘All-Out Sundays.’ “When the pandemic came, I lost my rhythm but then I realized projects still came left and right and I needed to get back in shape. It was easy though since the whole family loves to workout in our own mini home gym. Honestly, we bond that way, we all love to workout since it’s our stress reliever and we find joy in it. I contacted my trainer and he gave me a personalized meal plan and personalized workouts and from there I just found the discipline to work towards my goal.” Mavy also narrated how they are coping to attending online classes while they work, “I’m glad though that there are online classes since I am able to focus on my education this time around and at the same time, still have time for my career. I’m well adjusted to the online situation since we honestly have no choice. We are all at home due to the pandemic but with that, you really need to find purpose on what you really want to do most especially this time.” Mavy and Cassy were recently chosen as endorsers of a major local fashion brand for its newest collection of casual wear. Both were enthusiastic to take part in the shoot and gain positive experiences from it. As for Cassy, “I have never felt more confident in a photoshoot! The Penshoppe shoot was really fun since it allowed me to truly be me and express myself. Something about the Penshoppe team made me feel truly comfortable and


confident (the fit of the clothes as well).” Mavy also agreed with his sister’s sentiments as he felt a boost of confidence as well, “It was one of the best experiences I’ve had so far. I felt like I was able to control how I wanted to present myself to the world. I felt like I was in control of this campaign since they allowed me to be myself and express who I truly was through the outfits (which I was able to switch up based on how I would wear that certain outfit) or how I posed or which hairstyle I wanted. Just basically every little detail had ‘Maverick Legaspi’ in it.” It seems nothing can stop this dynamic duo in their pursuit of a great future. The Kapuso abroad can catch Mavy and Cassy in Sarap ‘Di Ba? Bahay Edition; and in All-Out Sundays on GMA Pinoy TV and follow them on their social media pages to stay updated!


Raffy Tulfo & family

THE HOWS... From page 12 respective fields and pledging undying support for each other no matter what. But life became real: Primo fails to get the big break he’s been working for. George continues to be faithful and supportive, but a frustrated Primo turns into a difficult person with a capacity for prideful arrogance, creating a nimbus of exhausted love for the couple. It reaches a point when George gives up and Primo walks away. Is there still a second chance at love for this couple who once professed together forever to each other? For her performance, Bernardo won Best Actress at the 35th PMPC Star Awards for Movies and Entertainment Editors’ Choice Awards for Movies (EDDY’S) in 2019. More good news is that the star couple also has a new ground breaking film – a digital movie series - entitled, The House Arrest of Us, which is also available to viewers worldwide on iWantTFC and TFC IPTV, with a new episode dropping every Sunday (Manila time).

EL BIMBO... From page 12 December 22, 2020, via TFC IPTV and iWantTFC for only CAD 7.99. Watch the musical for 48 hours upon rental. iWantTFC subscribers can also watch two versions of Ang Huling El Bimbo, that features two different sets of actors, by paying only for a price of one which you may rent via iWantTFC online (iwanttfc.com). The musical is only available for subscribers outside the Philippines.

CRISTY... From page 10 ang unang pumukol sa pipit sa sanga ng isang kahoy. Sino ba ang unang kumuda sa social media at sa mga

Raffy Tulfo pahayagan laban sa mga artistang diumano’y makakaliwa? Sino ba ang unang naglitanya ng maaaring kahinatnan nina Liza Soberano, Catriona Gray, Angel at sa kapatid niyang si Ella dahil sa kanilang mga sinasabi at ginagawa? Ang heneral ang unang bumato. Nagpahayag ito sa mga pahayagan na dinampot naman ng social media. Nagpahayag na nga si General Delfin Lorenzana (DND) na huwag agad-agad na mag-akusa, at kung mayroong natutunugan ang ahensiya ay kailangang mayhawak silang ebidensiya, pero sige-sige pa rin sa pagpapainterbyu si Lt. General Parlade. At ngayong nagising ang mga tagasuporta ni Angel Locsin, ngayong naglabas ng ebidensiya ang aktres na habang sinasabi ng heneral na namundok si Ella ay hayun at nag-aaral pala sa isang kolehiyo, biglang sasabihin nito na nananakot si Angel? Sabi nga ni Senador Ping Lacson, “Okey lang na magpaalala siya, pero mayroon pa siyang binabanggit na sumapi sa NPA na napatay, natural, mabubulabog ang kampo ng mga tinutukoy niya!” Huwag nating kalilimutan na kung may hukbong sandatahan ang Pilipinas, mayroon ding sariling hukbo ng mga tagasuporta ang mga artista, kaya preno-preno lang sa pagsasalita at pagbibintang. Eto pa… Nasa mata ng bagyo rin si Liza Soberano. Kumbaga sa isang serye o pelikula ay siya ang bumibida. May mga kasama si Liza na iba pang mga personalidad sa isyu ng red-tagging at sila ang naging sentro ng usapin. Ano ba ang kahulugan

Michelle Bana-ag, Baby Angelo & Super Tekla

Alden Richards & Daniel Padilla ng pangre-red tag sa isang tao? Minamarkahan siya. Binabantayan. Tinututukan siya dahil sa kaniyang mga sinasabi at ginagawa. Nagsalita si Lt. General Antonio Parlade ng Phil. Army, hindi pa raw naman miyembro ng NPA ang magandang aktres, hindi pa. Pero nagbabala ang heneral kay Liza, Catriona Gray at kay Ella na kapatid ni Angel Locsin na huwag na huwag silang papasok sa makakaliwang grupo. Mayroon itong binanggit na babaeng miyembrong napatay. Pero ano ba ang pinag-ugatan ng pagbababala ng heneral kay Liza? Ang pagbibigay lang iyon ng aktres ng mensahe sa isang piging ng mga miyembro ng grupong Gabriela tungkol sa kaniyang adbokasiya ng pagtatanggol sa karapatan ng mga kababaihang nagiging biktima ng karahasan at panghahalay. Minsan nang may nagbanta kay Liza ng karahasan, mula noon ay itinuring na niyang adbokasiya ang pagtatanggol sa mga kababaihang walang kalaban-laban, nang dahil lang doon ay mamarkahan na si Liza Soberano?

Sa pagkakaalam namin ay nabubuhay pa rin tayo sa demokrasya at bahagi noon ang ibinibigay na kalayaan sa ating pamayanan na magsalita, basta wala tayong winawasak na mga alituntunin ng Saligang-Batas. Hanggang para sa mas nakararami ang ating pahayag at hindi natin tinutuligsa ang mga pinaiiral na batas ay walang krimen. Wala dapat pagbabanta. Walang pananakot. Nakakaalarma ang redtagging na ito. Maglabas lang ng saloobin ang kahit sino ay pagbibintangan nang miyembro ng New People’s Army. Agadagad na siyang paghihinalaang komunista. Makakaliwa na! Agarang sumagot ang kampo ni Liza Soberano sa pamamagitan ng kaniyang abogado. Walang ibang layunin ang magandang aktres kundi ang ipagpatuloy lang ang kaniyang adbokasiya laban sa mga lalaking naglulugso ng dignidad ng mga kababaihan. Pagiging komunista na ba ang ganoon? Miyembro na ba ng makakaliwang grupo ang paglalabas ng saloobin at opinyon na buong bayan naman ang makikinabang? See CRISTY p14


RED... From page 1 Region, that we need to stay home, keep our distance and make a necessary collective sacrifice to protect all Manitobans.” The announcement included: Critical level (red) in the Winnipeg Metro Region – Effective Monday, Nov. 2, the Winnipeg Metro Region will move to the Critical level (red) on the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System. This includes the following changes: • Bars and restaurants will be closed except for take-out and delivery. • Most retail will be reduced to 25 per cent capacity. • Sports and recreation programming will be suspended. • Gyms and fitness centres will have reduced capacity to 25 per cent and masks will be mandatory, even when exercising. • Movie theatres and concert halls will close. • Personal services have no change and stay at 50 per cent capacity. • Non-urgent and elective surgeries and diagnostics will be suspended. Scheduled surgeries in a number of essential and timesensitive areas will continue to be performed including cancer, cardiac and trauma. Patients will be contacted directly if their scheduled surgeries are affected. • Visitation at all Manitoba

PILIPINO EXPRESS hospitals has been suspended, with exceptions made on a case-by-case basis for patients receiving end-of-life care, in labour and delivery, as well as in pediatrics. • Faith-based gatherings are reduced to 15 per cent or 100 people, whichever is lower. The Southern Health–Santé Sud, Prairie Mountain Health and Interlake–Eastern health regions will move to the Restricted level (Orange) on the Pandemic Response System effective Monday, November 2, joining the Northern health region at Orange. “The incubation period for this virus is up to 14 days – if we limit our contacts and stay home, we could see drastic reductions in transmission within weeks,” said Dr. Roussin. “We have done this before and I am confident we can do it again. But we need to be serious about this if we want to bend the curve.” In addition to these changes, the province is encouraging businesses in the Winnipeg Metro Region, including the public service, to have staff work from home wherever possible, and for residents to stay home when sick and take whatever action possible to reduce their contacts and otherwise gathering in public. “While our system continues to have capacity to care for the health needs of Manitobans, these case numbers can be expected to result in a surge in demand on our

health system over the coming weeks,” said Lanette Siragusa, provincial lead, health system integration, quality, and chief nursing officer, Shared Health. “The time to increase capacity is now. We are taking every necessary step to safely ramp down elective and non-urgent services so that we can redeploy staff and other resources to areas of increased demand. We are adding beds to existing areas, preparing to convert existing beds from their current use and identifying staff who can be oriented to new areas.” “We have a plan. We have equipment and space and supplies. And we are working through the details of the staffing and models of care to support the safe delivery of health services now and for the weeks to come,” Siragusa added. Manitobans are still strongly encouraged to focus on these fundamentals to help stop the spread of COVID-19: People must stay home if sick. Wash/sanitize your hands, cover your cough and physically distance when you are with people outside your household. If you cannot physically distance, you should wear a mask to help reduce your risk. Reduce the number of close contacts outside your household, and avoid closed-in or crowded spaces. Get a flu shot.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020 Unless recommended by public health officials, only individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should go for testing. Individuals with symptoms are asked to seek testing as soon as possible once symptoms

CRISTY... From page 13 Aysus naman! *** Pinagsasabong ngayon sina Alden Richards at Daniel Padilla. Sa unang araw kasi ng bentahan ng tickets para sa virtual concert ni Alden sa December 8 ay grabe ang pila. Sa unang araw pa lang ay soldout agad ang mga VIP tickets at patuloy pang humahataw sa bentahan ang lahat ng outlets ng concert ng Pambansang Bae. Kahit may pandemya ay pinaghandaan ng mga tagasuporta ni Alden ang mataas na presyo ng tickets na 1,200 at isang libo. Malayo ang presyuhan ng kaniyang concert tickets sa nakaraang concert ni Daniel Padilla na ibinaba raw talaga para mas maraming mapagbigyang makapanood. Natural lang na silang dalawa ang pagtapatin dahil sa hanay ng mga kabataang artista ngayon ay sila ang pinakamatagumpay. Hindi nagkakahuli ang kanilang popularidad. Lalaking walang pahinga ang tawag ngayon ng mga kababayan natin kay Alden Richards dahil napakarami niyang proyekto. Hindi siya pinababayaan ng GMA-7, sunud-sunod ang kaniyang TVC, may regular pa siyang exposure sa Eat… Bulaga at sa Sunday show ng kanilang network. Pero may malaking pagkakaiba ang dalawang sikat na aktor, maraming kuwentong lumalabas tungkol sa pagiging suplado ni Daniel, habang wala naman tayong naririnig na anumang hindi kagandahang ugaling nakikita kay Alden Richards ang publiko. Inaangkin ng Pambansang Bae ang kredito bilang mapagkumbaba, matanaw ng utang na loob, mabait na anak, kapatid at apo. Sabi nga ng kaibigan naming

are present. Employers are asked to only send employees for testing if they have symptoms or if testing has been recommended by public health officials. Source: Government of Manitoba

propesor, “No way but up si Alden dahil sa kabutihan ng puso niya. Very low key siya despite his popularity, mapuso pa siya sa maliliit, kaya talagang magiging mabait sa kaniya ang kapalaran.” *** Hindi namin regular na natututukan ang seryeng pinagbibidahan nina Iza Calzado at Jodi Sta. Maria, ang Ang Sa Iyo Ay Akin, pero maraming kababayan nating nagpaparating ng kanilang mga reaksiyon. Maayos daw naman ang ikot ng kuwento, mahusay rin ang kanilang direktor, pero nagiging over-acting (OA) ang dating sa kanila ng pag-arte ni Iza. Sabi ng isang kaibigan namin, “Alam mo na paborito ko si Iza. Bukod kasi sa maganda na siya at ang sarap-sarap panoorin, e, magaling pa siyang umarte. “Pero this time, e, parang OA na ang acting niya, nawala na iyong natural niyang pag-arte na nagustuhan ko sa kaniya,” reaksiyon nito. Ganoon din ang komento ng mga nakakausap namin, ano na raw ang nangyari kay Iza Calzado, bakit parang nakakahon na ang pag-arte niya? Tuloy ay kinakabog siya ni Jodi Sta. Maria na kaswalan lang ang pagganap. Pero may punto ang isang tumawag sa amin, ang kaniyang sabi, “Kung minsan kasi, e, may kuneksiyon sa role ng artista ang reaction ng televiewer. Matigas kasi ang loob ni Iza sa serye, benggador siya, masyadong punumpuno ng anger ang puso niya. “Ganoon kung minsan. Hindi naman siya kontrabida sa kuwento, bida nga siya, pero masyadong nababalot ng galit ang puso niya,” paliwanag ng aming kausap. Isa si Iza Calzado sa mga paborito naming artista. Maraming serye na niya ang aming napanood at hindi niya kami binibigo sa inaasahan namin See CRISTY p15

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

CRISTY... From page 14 mula sa kaniya.

*** Tinapos na ng palabang broadcaster na si Raffy Tulfo ang malateleseryeng kuwento ng kontrobersiya tungkol kay Super Tekla at sa kaniyang karelasyong si Michelle Bana-ag. Sa babae mismo nanggaling ang pahayag na mayroon na raw silang kasunduan ng komedyante, nagkita na raw sila ng manager ni Super Tekla na si Rose Conde, may pinirmahan na raw itong kasunduan sa pagitan nila ng ama ng kaniyang sanggol na si Baby Angelo. Nilinaw ni Kuya Raffy ang sinabi ni Michelle, anong kasunduan ang napagkatapusan nila, magsusustento na lang ba si Super Tekla sa kanilang anak? “Iyong manager po niya ang nakausap ko. Sa kotse lang po kami nag-usap. May pinapirmahan po siyang kasunduan sa akin. Hindi na raw po tutulungan ni Tekla ang pamilya ko, susustentuhan na lang po niya ang anak namin,” madiing sagot ng babae. “Bakit ang manager niya ang nagpapirma sa iyo ng document? Abogado dapat ang gumawa noon, magkano naman ang nakalagay na sustento sa pinirmahan mo?” dagdag pang tanong ni Kuya Raffy. Wala raw nakasaad na halaga ng sustento ang pinirmahan nito, ayon kay Michelle, hindi na rin daw ito nagtanong para patunayan sa kaniyang mga bashers na hindi pera lang ang habol nito sa komedyante. Pero kahit payag na si Michelle sa kasunduan ay ipinatutuloy pa rin nito sa Wanted Sa Radyo ang


naunang plano ng lie detector test at drug test para patunayang malinis na malinis na ito ngayon sa usapin ng droga. Parang hindi lang parehas para kay Michelle ang naging aksiyon ng manager ni Super Tekla, damage control ang tawag sa ganoon, pabor sa kaniyang alaga siyempre ang kasunduang pinapirmahan nito kay Michelle Bana-ag. Sa pagtatapos ng teleseryeng ito ng tunay na buhay ay si Super Tekla ang nasira nang todo. Siya kasi ang kilala, siya ang may imaheng iniingatan, siya ang talagang minarkahan ng publiko totoo man o mga imbento lang ang inilabas na rebelasyon ng ina ng kaniyang anak. Tungkol pa rin kay Kuya Raffy… Dalawa lang ang anak ng palabang newscasterkomentaristang si Raffy Tulfo at ni Congresswoman Jocelyn Tulfo ng ACT-CIS Party List. Isang babae at isang lalaki. Sina Maricel at Ralph. Mga batang lumaki sa kasaganaan ng buhay pero kahit kaunting angas sa katawan ay wala. Pinalaki sila ng kanilang mga magulang sa pagpapakumbaba kahit mayroon naman silang maipagmamalaki. Kailan lang ay ikinasal na si Maricel sa Chief-Of-Staff ni Congresswoman Jocelyn na si Attorney Garrett Tungol. Ito rin ang tumatayong resident lawyer ng mga programang Tulfo In Action at Wanted Sa Radyo. Madalas kaming mag-usap ni Kuya Raffy, marunong siyang mangumusta, pero mas nakasanayan na niyang magpasalamat sa kahit sinong nakatutulong sa kaniyang karera. Pero ibang-iba ang tono ng

kaniyang boses nang kumustahin namin ang pag-aasawa ng kanilang panganay ni Ate Jocelyn, parang may bikig sa kaniyang lalamunan, malayung-malayo sa palaban at may paninindigang Raffy tulfo na pinagsusumbungan ng mga kababayan nating inaapi at walang kalaban-laban. “Masayang-malungkot. Mar is the life of our family. Mabait na anak, mapagmalasakit sa amin ni Jocelyn, pero tinanggap na namin na nasa age na siya para magkaroon ng sariling buhay. “Instead na isipin naming malalayo na siya sa amin, e, we gained another member of the family, isang mabuti at masikap na tao, si Attorney Garrett. Pero nagtatrabaho si Mar sa amin, silang mag-asawa, kaya parang wala ring nagbago,” pahayag ni Kuya Raffy. Sa Tulfo Brothers ay si Raffy ang umaangkin ng entablado ng popularidad ngayon. Panahon niya ito, milyun-milyon ang sumusubaybay hindi lang sa kaniyang mga programa sa TV5, kundi sa kaniyang You Tube Channel na milyun-milyon din ang kaniyang kinikita na ibinabahagi niya ang malaking parte sa mga kababayan nating lumalapit sa kaniya. *** Buung-buo na ang tiwala ni Willie Revillame sa pagpapalipad ng chopper, dalawang helicopter mayroon ang sikat na TV host, isang R44 Robinson at isang kabibili lang niyang bagong Robinson R66 Turbine. Wala na nga sa mga highend na sasakyang panglupa ang atensiyon ngayon ni Willie, mas tumaas na, nakaiiwas na siya sa matinding traffic kapag nagpupunta siya sa kaniyang mga

property sa Mindoro at Tagaytay ay masaya pa siya sa kaniyang bagong pinagkakaabalahan. Kailan lang ay kasama niyang nagpunta sa Tagaytay ang kaniyang anak na si Juamee at ang mag-inang Meryl Soriano at Elijah, tiwalang-tiwala na nga sa kaniyang pagiging piloto si Willie dahil naisasakay niya na ang mga taong pinakamalapit sa kaniyang puso. “Siyempre, nakahanda na akong pagserbisyuhan ang mga anak at apo ko ngayon. Kung hindi pa ako ready, e, hindi ko sila isasakay, may takot pa siyempre ako, di ba? “Pero ngayong lisensiyado na ako, e, malakas na ang loob ko, kapag may free time ako, kasama ko silang namamasyal. Enjoy sila,” kuwento ng host ng “Tutok To Win.” Sa panahon ng pandemya ay isa siya sa mga personalidad na hindi problemado sa kabuhayan, nakahanda siya sa mga ganitong pagsubok, marunong siyang magpahalaga sa kaniyang kinikita. Pero hindi niya sinasarili ang mga biyaya, tumutulong siya sa mga nangangailangan, kaya naman parang tubig na umaagos ang regalo sa kaniya ng kapalaran. *** Naglaan talaga kami ng panahon para tutukan ang programa ni Korina Sanchez sa TV5. Ganoon pa rin ang titulo, binuo lang ang pangalan niya, Rated Korina. Kung dati ka nang nanonood ng Rated K ay walang ipinagbago ang kaniyang atake, nagpupunta siya sa kahit mga liblib na lugar para makapaghain ng mga kuwentong interesante sa manonood, walang iniwan sa KMJS.

PAGE 15 Pero sa unang sultada pa lang ng kaniyang programa na ipinrodyus ng Brightlight Productions ni dating Congressman Albee Benitez ay nagtagumpay si Ate Koring. Sisimulan at tatapusin mo ang kaniyang show dahil makabuluhan ang kaniyang mga sangkap. Isang lalaking nurse na inaalagaan-kinakausap ang kaniyang manyika, mga tagaCebu na sa iba-ibang dahilan ay hinulagpusan ng katinuan ng isip, kaya itinatali na lang sa mga punong-kahoy at ikinukulong para huwag makapanakit. Isang lalaking pinupulotiniuuwi ang mga pusang nakikita nito sa kalye, 90 pusa na ang kaniyang alaga ngayon, malilinis at malulusog ang mga pusa naglalantad lang ng kabutihan ng puso ng ating kababayan. Pero ang relasyon ng nurse na si Kim at ng kaniyang manyikang si Cameron ang umagaw ng aming pansin. Parang tao talagang itinuturing ng nurse ang kaniyang manyika – pinaliliguan nito, sinusuutan ng facemask dahil ayaw nitong mahawa sa corona virus, si Cameron ang nagbibigay sa kaniya ng kaligayahan sa arawaraw. Aminado si Kim na lahat naman tayo ay my kabaliwan sa buhay, nagkataon lang na natuon ang kaniya sa napakagandang manyika, mapuso ang bahaging iyon ng programang Rated Korina. Hindi sayang ang isang oras para panoorin ang bagong programa ni Ate Koring sa TV5, tapos na nga ay parang gusto mo pang humingi ng dagdag na panahon, iyon ang barometro ng makabuluhang panoorin. –CSF




NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza Getting a flu shot often protects you from coming down with the flu. And although the flu shot doesn’t always provide total protection, it’s worth getting. This year’s annual flu shot will offer protection against three or four of the influenza viruses expected to be in circulation this flu season. A high-dose flu vaccine as well as an additional vaccine also will be available for adults age 65 and older. Influenza is a respiratory infection that can cause serious complications, particularly in young children, older adults and people with certain medical conditions. Getting an influenza vaccine — though not 100% effective — is the best way to prevent the misery of the flu and its complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone age 6 months or older. Here are the answers to common questions about flu shots: When is the flu vaccine available? Private manufacturers make the flu vaccine and take about six months to produce it. The availability of the flu vaccine depends on when production is completed. Doctors and nurses may begin vaccinating people as soon as the flu vaccine is available in their areas. It takes up to two weeks to build immunity after a flu shot, but you can benefit from the vaccine even if you don’t get it until after the flu season starts. It’s usually best for people in the North America to get their flu vaccine in September and

October, and aim to get it by the end of October. However, you can still protect yourself against late flu outbreaks if you get the vaccine in February or later. Why do I need to get vaccinated every year? Because flu viruses evolve so quickly, last year’s vaccine may not protect you from this year’s viruses. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly adapting flu viruses. When you get vaccinated, your immune system produces antibodies to protect you from the viruses included in the vaccine. But antibody levels may decline over time — another reason to get a flu shot every year. Who should get the flu vaccine? The CDC recommends annual influenza vaccinations for everyone age 6 months or older. Vaccination is especially important for people at high risk of influenza complications, including: • Pregnant women • Older adults • Young children Children between 6 months and 8 years may need two doses of the flu vaccine, given at least four weeks apart, the first time they are given a flu vaccine. After that, they can receive single annual doses of the flu vaccine. A 2017 study showed that the vaccine significantly reduces a child’s risk of dying of the flu. Check with your child’s doctor. Chronic medical conditions also can increase your risk of influenza complications. Examples include: • Asthma • Cancer or cancer treatment • Chronic obstructive

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pulmonary disease (COPD) • Cystic fibrosis • Diabetes • HIV/AIDS • Kidney or liver disease • Obesity Anyone with a chronic medical condition should get the flu vaccine. Check with your doctor before receiving a flu vaccine if: You had a severe reaction to a previous flu vaccine. The flu vaccine isn’t recommended for anyone who had a severe reaction to a previous flu vaccine. Check with your doctor first, though. Some reactions might not be related to the vaccine. If you have an egg allergy, you can still receive the flu vaccine. Can the vaccine give me the flu or other respiratory diseases? No. The flu vaccine can’t give you the flu. It also does not increase your risk of COVID-19. But you might develop flu-like symptoms — despite getting a flu vaccine — for a variety of reasons, including: • Reaction to the vaccine. Some people experience muscle aches and a fever for a day or two after receiving a flu vaccine. This may be a side effect of your body’s production of protective antibodies. • The two-week window. It takes about two weeks for the flu shot to take full effect. If you’re exposed to the influenza virus shortly before or during that time period, you might catch the flu. • Mismatched flu viruses. In some years, the influenza viruses used for the vaccine don’t match the viruses circulating during the flu season. If this occurs, your flu shot will be less effective, but may still offer some protection. • Other illnesses. Many other illnesses, such as the common cold, also produce flu-like symptoms. So you may think you have the flu when you actually don’t. What kind of protection does the flu vaccine offer? How well the flu vaccine works to protect you from the flu can vary. The flu vaccine is generally more effective among

people under 65 years old. Some older people and people with certain medical conditions may develop less immunity after receiving a flu shot. Reviews of past studies have found that the flu vaccine is about 50% to 60% effective for healthy adults who are between 18 and 64 years old. The vaccine may sometimes be less effective. Even when the vaccine doesn’t completely prevent the flu, it may lessen the severity of your illness, and reduce the risk of serious complications and serious illness requiring hospitalization. The flu vaccine does not protect you from getting COVID-19. However, it’s especially important to get the flu vaccine this season because the flu and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cause similar symptoms. Flu vaccination could reduce symptoms that might be confused with those caused by COVID-19. Preventing the flu and reducing the severity of flu illness and hospitalizations could also lessen the number of people needing to stay in the hospital. Can I lower my risk of the flu without getting a flu shot? The flu vaccine is your best defense against the flu, but there are additional steps you can take to help protect yourself from the flu and other viruses, including COVID-19. These steps include the following: • Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. • Use an alcohol-based sanitizer on your hands if soap and water aren’t available. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

• Avoid crowds when the flu is spreading in your area. • Avoid being in close contact with others who are sick. • Cover your mouth with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze, and then wash your hands. • Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces, such as counters, light switches or doorknobs. This can help to prevent spread of infection from touching a surface with the virus on it and then your face. • Practice good health habits. Get regular exercise, get enough sleep, drink plenty of fluids, eat a healthy diet, and manage your stress. If you become sick with the flu, you can also help prevent the spread of the flu by staying home and away from others. Continue staying home until your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours. During the COVID-19 pandemic, both COVID-19 and the flu may be spreading at the same time. Your local health department and the CDC may suggest additional precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19 or the flu, such as practicing social distancing and keeping 6 feet (2 meters) away from anyone outside your household. You also may need to wear a cloth facemask when in public, especially when it’s hard to maintain distance. Getting your flu vaccine can reduce your risk of the flu and its complications, and following these precautions can help protect you from the flu or other respiratory illnesses. – By Mayo Clinic Staff; Courtesy – Mayo Clinic News Network

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020



Mayo Clinic Q and A: Healthy sleep habits for children Dear Mayo Clinic: My 9-year-old son has been having trouble sleeping ever since we began social distancing more due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While he goes to bed at a reasonable time, he doesn’t seem to fall asleep until after midnight and often comes into my room to tell me he cannot sleep. I am wondering if he has a sleep disorder. Do I need to take him to see a doctor or should I change our routine? Answer: Many children your son’s age have trouble falling asleep easily at night. The reason for this often can be traced back to habits a child has developed that interfere with good sleep. Certainly, now, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety levels have increased and home routines have become disrupted. However, it is unlikely your son has a sleep disorder. Too little sleep can make it hard for a child to concentrate and pay attention at school. It also can lead to mood swings and irritability, and can increase a child’s tendency to have bed-wetting accidents. Therefore, it’s important to address your son’s sleep problem. Before making an appointment with your son’s health care provider, make sure his routines are sleep-friendly. One of the best ways to ensure healthy sleep is setting a consistent wake-up time and sticking to it. The wake-up time doesn’t have to be exactly the same time every day, but it should be within a one-hour window. It may seem helpful to let him sleep in on the weekends, but this disrupts his internal clock. That makes it much tougher to get back into a weekday sleep routine on Monday. Sleep deprivation then worsens during the week. It’s also important to consider your son’s use of electronic devices

before bedtime. Many tweens and teens have smartphones, tablets and TVs in their bedrooms. They keep their cellphones close by at all times. These devices can make it hard to disengage from stimulating activities. Have your son turn off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime. This gives the brain time to relax and wind down, making it easier to fall asleep. It is strongly recommend that all electronics be kept out of a child’s bedroom. Turning off electronics, and limiting exposure to the news and negative information, can help all family members, especially if your son is feeling anxious about COVID-19 and worried about getting sick. Redirecting evening TV watching to something familyfriendly, like spending time doing a board game or craft, may ease his mind before bedtime. Another step to take is to reduce the amount of time spent in bed at night lying awake. If your son is awake in bed for longer than 15–20 minutes during the night, encourage him to go to another room; stay in a sitting up position; and do boring things, such as listening to light music or practicing relaxation skills. He should try to go back to bed when he starts to feel sleepy, such as head bobbing or heavy eyes. This will increase the likelihood that his bed and bedroom become more associated with sleep. Also, if he is involved in online schooling, set up a place outside the bedroom so he can continue to associate his bed and his bedroom with sleep versus schoolwork. If your son is sleepy during the day, discourage him from napping. Naps often do more harm than good when it comes to getting good sleep because they make

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing. Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell • Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite

• Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

falling asleep at night harder. Daily exercise and other physical activity can aid sleep, as well. For some children, if they have not burned enough energy during the day, their body may not be fatigued and sleepy when it’s time for bed. Encourage your son to be active and take part in some sort of exercise throughout the day, though I would recommend concluding physical activities at least two hours before bed. Also, review what your family is consuming in the evening. Avoid foods and beverages that contain sugar at least two to three hours before bedtime, and reduce caffeine throughout the day. It would be ideal to limit soda and energy drinks, and avoid any caffeinated drinks past 3 p.m. For some children, when they lie down at night, worries and concerns creep into their minds, making it hard to relax and fall asleep. Talk with your son about whether he is worried about the virus or if something else is causing him to lie awake at night. If he is fearful, talking about his concerns may help him recognize his anxiety, and allow him to relax and sleep. Another technique to help clear his mind would be to have him take a few minutes before bedtime to write down anything that’s on his mind or tasks he needs to do. Once they are on paper, sometimes children are better able to let their concerns go and get to sleep more easily. Although uncommon, the source of your son’s problem could be a sleep disorder related to the workings of his internal clock. The most common such problem for children your son’s age is called “delayed sleep phase

Daily exercise and other physical activity can aid sleep, as well. Get siblings to play together. For some children, if they have not burned enough energy during the day, their bodies may not be fatigued and sleepy when it’s time for bed. syndrome.” Children who have this sleep disorder are “night owls.” According to their internal clock, their day is longer than 24 hours. As a result, they tend to fall asleep at progressively later and later times each night, and then have difficulty waking up in the morning. Have your son try to change any habits that may interfere with his sleep. While this may take some time and practice, it’s not uncommon that sleep can improve within a couple of weeks of sticking to these healthier habits. If

those changes don’t help, make an appointment to have him seen by his health care provider. — Dr. Craig Sawchuk, Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Information in this post was accurate at the time of its posting. Due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific understanding, along with guidelines and recommendations, may have changed since the original publication date. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network



NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

ECONOMIC... From page 1 residents in 2021, 411,000 in 2022 and 421,000 in 2023. The previous plan set targets of 351,000 in 2021 and 361,000 in 2022. “Immigration is essential to getting us through the pandemic, but also to our short-term economic recovery and our longterm economic growth,” said Menicino. “Canadians have seen how newcomers are playing an outsized role in our hospitals and care homes, and helping us to keep food on the table. As we look to recovery, newcomers create jobs not just by giving our businesses the skills they need to thrive, but also by starting businesses

PILIPINO EXPRESS themselves.” Highlights of the plan · an increase in admissions over the three years of the plan to make up the shortfall in 2020 · a focus on economic growth, with about 60 per cent of admissions to come from the Economic Class · a continued focus on innovative and community-driven approaches to address diverse labour and demographic needs across the country · a renewed commitment to capacity-building and digital transformation in Canada’s immigration system, to support operations and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the processing of applications

· additional points for French-speaking candidates under Express Entry, to promote the growth of Francophone communities outside of Quebec · a commitment to admit up to 500 refugees over the next two years through the Economic Mobility Pathways Project, an innovative approach that helps qualified refugees apply for permanent residence through existing economic immigration pathways · a pathway to permanent residency for eligible asylum claimants who were working on the front lines of the pandemic between March 13 and August 14, 2020, providing direct care to patients in health-care institutions.

Filipinos from Neepawa during the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival, 2018.

Summer, 2018

New immigrants are a vital addition to our labour force.


PM Justin Trudeau with volunteers at the Magdaragat Pearl of the Orient Philippine Pavilion, Folklorama in 2015. Photo: Liberal.ca

Jollibee crew with PM Trudeau, MP Kevin Lamoureux & MLA Cindy Lamoureux in Winnipeg, 2017. Photo: PMO



NOVEMBER 1 - 15 , 2020

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