Pilipino Express • Dec 1 2014

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Volume 10 • No. 23 • December 1 - 15, 2014 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Korea honours Filipino veteran

Kathryn Bernardo


Col. Rodolfo Maestro (with Korean children circa 1951-1952) was recently honoured for his service in the Korean War. Left inset: Officer Candidate Maestro, Fort Riley, Kansas, 1950. Right inset: Bong & Ruby Manalang, son-in-law and daughter of Col. Maestro, November 2014. Read story on p17

UPAA-MB awards bursaries to Yolanda survivors

Watch the regular screening, Dec. 5 Cineplex Northgate. See Ad on p14 Eight of the bursary recipients (standing l-r): Shaira Wayne Tano, Chilet Mar Atok, John Andrew Acala, Wendell Saucelo, Razel Espedilla, Jasper Aldous Salvador Abesamis, Abegail Bacsal & Carolyn Pestilos. Professors (seated l-r): Zenia Mariveles, Anida Bernadette Lorenzo & Querima Jopson By Jeusa Raflores The University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba (UPAAMB) recently awarded bursaries to 10 students of the University

NOEL CADELINA Sales, 6th Consecutive SMG Gold Ring Awardee


Sales, & Leasing Consultant 5th Year SMG Gold Ring Awardee

JOEL SIBAL Service Consultant



Triple Diamond Sales Consultant Award 2013-Silver Winner



Sales Manager

of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College (UPVTC) for their university education. The bursaries totalled $2,297.19 CDN or 92,117.30 Philippine pesos. The top three recipients received $400 (P16,040) each and other

MA. LEE HOLGADO JEZREEL “The Jet” Sales Advisor REYES Sales Advisor

seven recipients received $148.14 (P5,940) each. This is the first time that the UPAA-MB extended its bursary project to the Philippines and the UPVTC was the chosen See UP p8


Sales Consultant

JOELAN MENDOZA Collision Repair Advisor



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014





DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Generation O I’ve always found it funny for Filipinos to use the terms that the West uses to describe its generations, in the mistaken notion that these words actually mean anything to us here in the Philippines. Some of us use the terms Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials as if these fit our people, forgetting that these generations grew up in contexts far different from ours. I think there is as yet no valid and accurate distinction of the generations in our country, save for the “Martial Law Babies” who grew up during the time of the Marcos dictatorship, and even this generation (to which I belong) is hard to pin down in terms of attitude and temperament. A few days ago, I came across research from Sun Life Financial Asia that labeled Filipinos as “Generation O” – Overworked, Overweight, and Overwhelmed. The study, which covered eight markets across the Asia Pacific region, showed that Filipinos aged 22 to 55 set better health as top priority but show little inclination to act on it. It also showed that, perhaps because of this, Filipinos have Asia’s highest levels of preventable medical conditions. Interestingly Filipinos are still the “most happy

in Asia about their health and wellbeing,” which could mean we are oblivious to our own problems. “What we are seeing is the emergence of what we’re calling Asia’s “Generation O,” a demographic that is overworked, overweight, and generally overwhelmed,” said Riza Mantaring, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sun Life Financial Philippines. “While people want to make changes in areas of their lives that are largely within their control, such as exercise, nutrition, and stress management – that desire hasn’t yet been successfully translated into action that leads to sustained behaviour change.”

The findings are a part of a larger survey showing that Asians are most affected by and are concerned about health and lifestyle conditions that are often preventable. The first ever Sun Life Asia Health Index is based on the findings of an Ipsos survey conducted between August 21 and September 11, 2014. A sample of over 5,000 Asians between the ages of 25 and 55 years from the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Singapore, and Thailand was interviewed online. The survey

questioned respondents on their attitudes towards healthy and active living, their health concerns for the future and expectations on access to healthcare. According to the research, Filipinos aged 25 to 55 years are in line with the rest of APAC in ranking personal health as highly important to them (90 per cent compared to a regional mean of 86 per cent). Our actions, however, do not reflect that sentiment: • 62 per cent of Filipinos do not exercise regularly, and 45 per cent – the highest in the region – admit to a habit of unhealthy eating. • Almost half (46 per cent) – again, the highest in the region – get less than six hours of sleep. • Filipinos are most dissatisfied with their levels of stress (only 40 per cent are highly satisfied), exercise (42 per cent satisfied), and their diet (48 per cent satisfied). • More than other Asians, Filipinos most want to change their behaviour in stress management (67 per cent versus 48 per cent regionally). The study also showed that the Philippines has the highest levels of family history of chronic illness (19 per cent versus mean of 13 per cent). It also scored the highest in terms of largely preventable health conditions experienced by family members – such as diabetes (47 per cent versus 32 per cent regionally) and heart disease or stroke (43 per cent compared to 23 per cent).


top five barriers to living a healthy and active lifestyle as shown by the research are a mix of habits and factors now typical in a wired, modern world. In the Philippines, the top three barriers were cited as: 1. a lack of health-related activities that interest me; 2. a lack of good sports and recreational facilities, and; 3. a lack of accessible sports and recreational facilities. Not surprisingly, one measure in which the Philippines outperforms the rest of the region is the level of optimism. Filipinos are the most positive about their physical health (77 per cent versus 62 per cent regionally) and mental health (81 per cent versus 64 per cent). We also feel most positive generally, compared with the rest of the region, when it comes to relationship with family (87 per cent versus 72 per cent), level of happiness (78 per cent versus 59 per cent), and level of energy (70 per cent versus 52 per cent). The research, however, noted that this optimism “may also be preventing people from making the lifestyle changes that would improve their health outcomes in the long term.” That’s one disadvantage of being among the happiest people on earth. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com

Serenity: a personal reflection Serenity, stillness, peace, or kaaliwalasan ng panahon. Can these words apply to at least part of your life? Finding moments of quiet and stillness can be very rare for some. Even sleep can be racked with troubled dreams and awakenings in the middle of the night. Our society leaves us with the impression that we must do more, work faster, obtain more money, look a certain way, and live a certain lifestyle in order to feel that we are good enough. We hear these messages at school, work, in movies, books, commercials, and social media sites. But what if you were to stop your life for a few moments to reflect, be still, and grow your relationship with God? Chances are you would be grateful for what you have and find peace and contentment. Very recently, I had an opportunity to go on a silent retreat and experience 40 hours of silence and stillness. I must admit however, that I was a reluctant participant at first. Used to living my life by the hour, the thought of not having a structured and planned day was very uncomfortable. Participants were given a schedule that was basically comprised of meal times

and appointments with our spiritual directors. I grew anxious, having thoughts of, “What do you mean I have nothing planned for almost two days? What on Earth will I do? I could be at home or work being more productive. Will I be okay with being silent?” But truly I tell you; it was one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Armed with only a bible and journal, I had my own solitary room, a monastery to make my temporary home, and the grounds to explore. Never before in my life had I read biblical passages as slowly and contemplatively as I did. With no rush, nowhere to go, no list of tasks to check off, no meals to prepare, no family to care for, I received the gift of time. I wrote pages in my journal, mostly around the theme of wanting to know that I was on the right path in life. The only times I spoke were with my spiritual director who granted me the gift of presence. She truly heard what I had to say and sat with me as I came to the realization that I did not have to have my life planned out perfectly. Prior to this experience, I was sure that I was not an outdoors person, usually shying away

from camping, days at the beach, snowboarding or skating, or even long walks. At the start of the retreat, I challenged myself to go outside at least once. By the end of the retreat, I had gone on three 40-minute walks. Alone. Through the woods. Along a river. Inside a cemetery. In below zero temperatures while it was snowing and windy. And I loved it. I marvelled at the silently moving waters of the river. I saw beauty in the frozen branches of trees and heard the call of birds and wondered where they were going. I experienced emotions of deep sorrow, calm, and absolute joy – at one point all within the span of 15 minutes. There was a profound quiet that I had never known before and by the morning of the last day, I did not want to leave just yet. I missed my family but loved the feeling of being rested. No racing thoughts. No worries about forgetting something or letting someone down. I left that experience feeling loved. Although such a long period of time away from your regular life may not be a possibility, there are moments of peace that you can find throughout the day. Perhaps when you eat a meal, you can focus on the taste and savour each bite. When you hug a loved one, you can pay attention to the happiness that you feel and be thankful.

When someone confides in you, you can truly listen to their words and think about what they are feeling, rather than plan what you will say in response. When you wash dishes, shut off your thoughts and pay attention to the feel and temperature of the running water. Turn off all technology, the TV, phones, Internet, and simply sit in quiet. While listening to music, close your eyes and focus on the instruments and the lyrics. When feeling stressed, find a quiet place to stop and breathe. Give yourself the gift of being in the moment. With the upcoming Christmas season fast approaching, I wish you and yours a happy and joyful holiday season filled with love and laughter, mixed in with moments of stillness and quiet reflection. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 297-6744 or info@ nexuscounselling.com.

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Printed by: The Prolific Group.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014





DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Putting safety and security of Canadians first On November 21, 2014 Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced a number of changes intended to “protect the safety and security of Canadians and the integrity of Canada’s immigration system” (CIC news release). The changes are part of the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act passed earlier in the year by Parliament. The impact of the act is to make it harder for those who may be a security risk to enter the country as well as making it easier to remove foreign criminals from Canada. The changes are not limited to persons who are criminals or security risks. The measure included in the act include: • Increasing the penalty for misrepresentation from a two to five-year period of inadmissibility.

The change “will help deter fraudulent applications and sends a strong message to those who would abuse our system that giving false or misleading information has serious consequences.” • Barring entry of “immediate family members of those who are inadmissible to Canada on the most serious grounds, including national security, human or international rights or organized criminality. This new measure will ensure that individuals who pose a serious danger are unable to use their relatives to expand their networks in Canada.” The news release provides several quick facts: convicted criminals sentenced to more than six months imprisonment in Canada are being removed “more quickly as they no longer have the right to file an appeal to the Immigration

and Refugee Board’s Immigrant Appeal Division; as well, those who have a foreign conviction or committed an action outside Canada that carries a maximum sentence of at least 10 years in Canada are also barred from filing an appeal” and “foreign nationals who are inadmissible on the most serious grounds, including national security, human or international rights violations or organized criminality, no longer have access to a program that is meant for cases deserving of humanitarian and compassionate considerations.” The changes are wide sweeping in their implications and impact on the checks and balances that formed an important part of the Canadian judicial system. Where is the right of appeal? Where is the consideration of humanitarian and compassionate grounds such as best interests of the child or relief from cruel or excessively hard punishment? This is not a

government that appears to be deterred by “fundamental” or “natural justice” or even basic feelings of compassion toward the most innocent in our society; the children. “Canada continues to facilitate legitimate trade and travel,” Minister Alexander explains, “however, we will not tolerate abuse of our immigration system or put our country at risk. The new measures introduced by our government under the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act increase our ability to protect the safety and security of all Canadians.” For those who support law and order at all costs the news will be welcome. It does not matter if the recent acts of terrorism committed in Ottawa and Quebec were a result of the actions of native-born terrorists not immigration. Why target immigrants? Is it because they are

among the most defenseless in our society? Is it because immigrant rights are not a popular issue with the mainstream? These are questions you can ask your elected representatives or those who vie for political office. The fact is that most Canadians would agree to measures that make us safer from serious criminality and terrorism. But many would question how increasing the punishment for minor misrepresentation, such as secret marriages or undeclared children, rise to the high level of protecting the “safety and security of all Canadians.” Or, is this just another way to blame immigrants? Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

Living the life of a nomad Over the years I have been writing columns based on the craziness that is my life. Many of you have read about my kids growing up over the years. The stories ranged from late night diaper changes, stumbling in the dark at Christmas time, graduation and the many adventures we take as a family. My life is never boring, but there are times where it comes close and it is during those times we like to shake things up. This past year I left a job at the Winnipeg School Division to work in the Mayor’s office for the City of Winnipeg. As you know, there was a shake-up of sorts on Main Street. We have a new mayor and many new faces on city council. Because of this change at City Hall, I found out that come post-election time, I wouldn’t have a job. I was a bit worried to say the least. I wanted to keep my options open, so I kept my eyes peeled for upcoming opportunities in Winnipeg. But what if nothing came up? I needed a plan B. For many years, I have been hoping to move. I’ve even written about it. Calgary has always been a good option as we have tons of family there. Lots of jobs too.

However, my wife and I have always wanted to move to beautiful British Columbia. I can hear it now, you’re probably saying that it’s too expensive, well you’re right and you’re also wrong. First there is Vancouver, which is so expensive that people work two jobs or they rent out their basement suite to make the mortgage bearable. Earlier this year, I hinted that we might be moving to Kelowna. Have you ever been? Think peach trees and wine country. It’s a beautiful area, but once again, the costs of real estate are increasing at a steady pace as more and more people move to escape our harsh winters. Realistically, I’m thinking even further west. The dream has always been to move to Vancouver Island. I’ve always said that I want to retire in Victoria. Now here’s a place with beautiful summers and a completely opposite winter to that which we experience in Winnipeg. Imagine, green grass all year round, sounds nice doesn’t it? Jobs are scarce and once again, housing is a bit on the pricier side. Which brings me to the shakeup in the Burgos household. Turns out, the big guy in the sky was

looking out for our best interests. A job opening came up in Nanaimo, just an hour and half north of Victoria. It has the same (if not better) weather than Victoria, but at a fraction of the cost. In fact, Nanaimo is a quicker ferry ride from Vancouver than Victoria is. To top it off, you have amazing views from anywhere in the city. You need not be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company to buy a house there, as it is somewhat comparable to Winnipeg. The big difference, the views are mountains and water. Needless to say, I accepted the position and am currently living in Nanaimo. I really should be shouting from the mountaintop expressing my happiness for this new adventure in one of the most beautiful places on this earth, but it’s kind of hard when my wife and kids aren’t here to shout with me. The rest of the fam will follow in a few months. That’s when we’ll celebrate the move. It’s happened all so very fast. I haven’t had the time until now to look at all changes in my life. In a matter of a couple weeks, I got a new job, packed the car and am living the bachelor life. I’ve learned a few things on my journey west. 1. No matter how many times I’ve done it, the drive through Saskatchewan is the most boring chapter in my travels. It is time I will never get back.

2. Our country is vast and beautiful. Yes, even Saskatchewan. From the rolling prairies to the majestic Rockies, we have it all. 3. Driving in the mountains requires your utmost attention. You can’t be checking out the scenery while negotiating the twists and turns in the road. 4. One can never prepare living without one’s family for long periods of time, yet we do it, or we know someone who has. I’ve heard countless stories from new immigrants who support their families back home. I applaud each and every one of you for doing it. 5. Bachelor life isn’t what it is cracked up to be. There haven’t been endless parties, eating Cheetos in my underwear in bed or even last minute trips to Vegas.

That just doesn’t happen. 6. Winnipeg is my home, and will always be. It was where I was born, where I met my beautiful wife and had my amazing children. You learn a lot about a place when you’ve lived there for almost 40 years – like the best restaurants and the shortcuts to take during construction season. 7. People make the experience that much better. We’ve got some amazing family and friends that we are leaving behind. It pains me to think they won’t be in our everyday lives. I’ll always cherish the laughs. Maybe I’ll finally sit still for a while. I’m tired. Dale is a director of communications for a school district in British Columbia.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014



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DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Feng shui’s six most popular crystals Crystals have long been thought to possess mystical qualities. Certain crystals and stones have long been associated with having healing abilities, the ability to focus thought or intention or even transmutation. And this is no longer an issue of belief any longer. 

We know scientifically that crystals, specifically silicon crystals, are the chief reason for the ever faster processing speed in computer. 

But there are other stones and crystals in feng shui that have different applications and uses for creating beneficial energy to clearing your thoughts! 

One thing that all gems and stones have in common is the belief that they represent the highest, most beautiful forms of vital and precious earth energies refined in their colouring, beauty and intrinsic qualities. Their greatest quality is their ability to magnify energies. 

Here are some of the most common and popular feng shui stones and crystals and how to use them. 1. Jade
is a crystal formation –and because of its prized value, it’s also a valuable gem. The colouring can range from white to yellow to deepest green. The greater the translucence, the greater the value jade has. Jade is worn in amulets to pendants and bracelets. A very common way to wear jade is as a bangle. Jade is thought to purify the blood, promote good health and longevity. A multipurpose stone, jade is a symbol of growth, wealth and prosperity. Real jade always feels cool or cold on the skin. 2. Quartz crystal
has so many uses in feng shui. From using it

UP... From page 1 campus as it was among the hardest hit by the violent typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), which caused catastrophic destruction and ravaged several cities and caused over 6,000 lost lives in the Philippines. “We would wake up everyday not knowing where to get money for school expenses like transportation fare, lunch and snacks, photocopying, etc.,” said recipient Jasper Aldous Salvador, a freshman BS Computer Science student, nine months after the typhoon. “It has gotten harder and we

to stimulate thought to creating harmonious relationships, quartz is versatile. Crystal points are often used to help create clear thought and enhance thinking ability. Students often carry quartz points to help them do well on tests. Quartz crystal is often made into faceted crystals, smooth crystal balls, jewellery and even chandeliers. When light is applied to the crystal, it enhances the faceted crystal by throwing prisms of coloured light. This rainbow light is thought to be especially auspicious and beneficial and can help an unloved person feel loved when they bathe in this light. 3. Citrine
 is beautiful and lemony-yellow. It is the color of business. It represents the earth element with its yellow colour. Because of its golden-hue, citrine is thought to attract wealth and prosperity. Someone in sales or in business – or just wanting to climb the ladder of success would benefit from having a citrine crystal on the desk. 4. Amethyst

has its deep purple colour. Amethyst is a royally coloured stone associated with great wealth. Amethyst can be worn as jewellery or displayed in the home. Amethyst geodes are believed to possess great wealth energy and often used in gem trees. Because of their association with the earth mother, it is believed to be able to keep a wandering husband at home. They are also believed to be able to provide healing energy, reducing anger and depression. 5. Rose quartz
is known as the love stone. The pink stone represents the sweet and tender feelings of love in a committed

relationship. Singles looking to attract love can use rose quartz to help attract love. If your relationship is troubled, keep a rose quartz heart close by to help promote healing and loving feelings. This beautiful stone helps us connect with our loving feelings. Worn as a pendant or placed in the home, rose quartz imbues all in contact with it with greater heartfelt connection. 6. Cinnabar
Though not often seen in the west, cinnabar is quite common in the east. The mineral cinnabar occurs around new volcanic activity or alkaline hot springs and is associated with mercury, pyrite, marcasite, opal, quartz, chalcedony, and dolomite. It is rarely if ever used in feng shui. What’s most commonly thought of as cinnabar is actually a resin product. This cinnabar that is used in feng shui is an ancient resin that’s been used for medicine, varnish, incense, dye, and decoration and often called dragon’s blood. Question: This email is a little embarrassing, but is there anything I can do about chronic constipation? Can feng shui help? Answer: 

Constipation can mean a number of things in feng shui. The first is that there is a blockage in the southwest sector of the house, which corresponds to the abdomen. Check to see that there aren’t any large pieces of furniture or large plants here in this corner of your home or living room. Plants here can create blockages; so if you have them here, move them away from this area. You should also check your back door area. This portion

of your home symbolically represents your colon. Keep this area clean, clear and clutter free. While you’re at it, check all doors and make sure that you can easily move through the doors. Check to make sure rooms aren’t overly cluttered and that there are not a lot of things on the floor of your home. This will help chi move through your house faster, and hopefully, your colon too. Lastly, do you drink enough water? Adding a fountain in the southwest sector could help you becomes less constipated. You

should check that – and of course, drink plenty of water. Many times chronic constipation is a symptom of not enough hydration. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

are still unstable,” he further explained, adding that his father, who used to be the sole provider for his family, passed away last year. Typhoon Yolanda destroyed their home and source of family income.” The recipients of the bursary are children of food vendors, pedicab and motorcycle taxi drivers, a farmer, a security guard, and a soldier – and some whose fathers are deceased. Seven of the 10 recipients have homemaker mothers and three have mothers who are snack or food vendors. 10 lives, 10 stories Chilet Mar Atok, (BA Social Sciences Political Science I) said, “My father is a habal-habal

(motorcycle taxi) driver whose income depends on passengers. After super typhoon Yolanda, less and less people ride the habalhabal because they would rather walk to save the expense they would otherwise incur. This is bad news for our family because less passengers means less income for the family. This makes it very difficult for us to make ends meet, especially because my mother had breast cancer and we have no financial capacity for her to undergo proper treatment.” Meanwhile, Abegail Bacsal (BA Psychology I) shared, “Typhoon Yolanda greatly damaged business industries, which pushed the prices of goods

to increase. This made it harder for my parents to provide for us, especially when earning money was already very, very difficult.” Razel Espedilla (BS Accountancy IV) also confirmed that the typhoon significantly affected their lives. “We are left with reduced income while confronted with the more expensive cost of living after the typhoon.” John Andrew Acala (BA Social Sciences Political Science I) added, “My family income is no longer enough to defray the growing expenses, especially those relating to my studies.” Sharmaine Joy Enales, (BA Social Sciences Political Science

IV – graduating) said, “Yolanda made it even harder for my mother raising six children in the absence of my father. We used to get a little income from a portion of my grandfather’s earnings from coconuts. Now, this source is gone because of the heavy devastation caused by the typhoon.” Carolyn Pestilos (BS Management I) another recipient revealed, “My father is a food vendor at LNHS canteen. He used to sell snacks such as camote/ banana cue and fruits such as Indian mango, rambutan, santol, etc. Since the agricultural sector was devastated by the Typhoon Yolanda, these commodities have See UP p9

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

UP... From page 8

become temporarily unavailable.” Wendell Saucelo, (BS Management II) shared how the disaster affected them, especially his mom. “It’s very hard because we had many concerns to attend to after the disaster and my mother had a mental health condition that needed attention. We had to seek help outside Tacloban since we couldn’t find adequate facilities in the city.” Shaira Wayne Tano (BA Social Sciences Economics I) also shared, “Our family earnings come only from the income my mother gets from selling banana cue as my father’s disability makes him incapacitated. Our already fragile situation worsened due to Typhoon Yolanda. It was more difficult to buy bananas due to high market prices.” Jojo Pabunan, (BA Social Sciences Economics IV) meanwhile tries to remain positive, “Despite all the things the typhoon brought, we remained optimistic. The catastrophic event eventually encouraged us in the family to make every moment meaningful. It deepened our emotional and spiritual ties. Jasper Aldous Abesamis, (BS Computer Science I) also committed to not waste the opportunity. He said that the bursary “will be another inspiration for me. I will surely be more hard working and will put all my attention to all my priorities in school – surpassing my limits if I need to. I will finish any school activity or class requirement assigned to me before its deadline. Rest assured that the financial support not be squandered, misspent, or misused – every single centavo shall be spent wisely and right.” The bursaries for these 10 recipients was made possible through the efforts of the UPAA-MB, Inc., especially the fundraising committee, which held a breakfast fundraiser and the bursary committee, which communicated and organized the bursary process with the UP Tacloban Office of Student Affairs. “The bursary project is a good mechanism to give back to our alma mater,” said Arwin Chua, bursary committee head. The UPAA-MB, Inc. would like to thank the generous support of individual and corporate sponsors, and families and friends of members who supported the fundraiser. Gratitude is also extended to: Professor Zenia Mariveles, coordinator of UPVTC Office of Student Affairs; Dr. Anita Cular, UPVTC Dean, who facilitated the bursary process; and I-Remit, which waived fees ($60) for five transactions of the bursary remittance.





DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Purposeful teaching A natural question that people ask after I reveal I’m an educator is, “What grade do you teach?” After replying that I teach sixth graders, I see faces drop and eyes narrow. “Was that your first choice? That’s a tough age group.” People are often surprised that sixth grade was genuinely my first choice as an educator. There is no “trick” when it comes to getting sixth graders to cooperate. There are definitely qualities you should have before venturing into a middle years (grades 5-8) classroom. You need to be patient; you need to know when and how to put your foot down, and you definitely need to have a sense

of humour. You also need to be able to understand your students along with the developmental changes they are going through, in the physical, emotional, and social sense. While your job isn’t to get the students to like you, the truth of the matter is that those same students will be more motivated to learn if they, at the very least, have a positive working relationship with you. It all comes down to relationships and interactions. This is where purposeful teaching comes in. Direct and purposeful I begin my lessons with developing the intent, task, and criteria of the activity. Don’t underestimate how much more motivated and independent

children will be when they understand why we are doing what we’re doing. The task is usually what I write down first. This is simply the step-by-step instruction explaining what we are doing at that moment. The criteria are equally important. This answers how we know we are doing our task correctly. I take this process a step further – I get students to collaborate with me. My first article described the importance of collaboration. When I go through the lesson’s intent, task, and criteria with my students, often I will ask them to help me fill it out. This prevents me from doing the thinking for my students. We are now working together for the same goals. We are at the same understanding of the lesson. Usually, they come up with a criteria or intent that I would not have thought of! This is the importance of giving them that voice. This is direct teaching.

Meaningful learning Children are naturally inquisitive. They are curious about the world around them. This is why they ask so many questions. We do them a disservice when we set those questions aside, especially the question of “why?” This question, if attached to an action, is attempting to identify the intent of that action you are requesting of them. “Why do I have to go bed early?” “Why do I have to do the dishes?” “Why do I need to take medicine?” Sound familiar? My parent tip in my previous article urges parents to throw the question back to their children. This is another perfect opportunity to guide children to make meaningful connections, to communicate their ideas, and to think for themselves! They

will not always be correct, which is when we must address misconceptions, but the process of thinking becomes meaningful. You will have a deep thinker! Parent tip: What’s your intent? Before your child can even ask you why you are doing something, have your bases covered! While explaining an expectation, add in the reason why it’s important. This will seem awkward at first. You will feel very “teacher-like” doing this. Eventually, it will become second nature. You will no longer need to make a conscious effort to explain your intentions. I find that I do this, not only with my students, but with my colleagues and my family and friends as well. It has made all the difference. Good luck! Judianne Jayme is a third year educator teaching sixth grade in the Winnipeg School Division.

Bayanihan and belonging: Filipinos in Manitoba Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos in Manitoba is the title of an article by Professor Alison Marshall of Brandon University featured in the Fall 2014 issue of the journal Manitoba History, which was launched on November 19 by the Manitoba Historical Society at the McNally Robinson bookstore in the Grant Park Shopping Centre. I am glad that, even with the outdoor temperature below zero, I attended together with other members of our community and heard the award-winning author personally introduce the results of her research and learned that this article is part of her continuing research project. Filipino Canadians – first and second generations – have been creating history, step by step, in our province and country in many spheres of human endeavour. To witness first-hand the presentation of such a serious study of our community by a social sciences and humanities specialist in Asian studies was, indeed, a gratifying experience. Equally gratifying was to discover the perspective she has brought to her method of study, analysis of the participants’ narratives, and presentation of her findings as well as the insight she has brought to connect our

community’s distinctive sociocultural values to our social integration in the adopted homeland. Parenthetically, I received a bonus gift during the evening journal launch – the chance to meet with the newly installed Brandon U president, Dr. Gervan Fearon and his wife, Kathy Moscou, and to hear my nephew, the newly appointed Winnipeg Deputy Mayor Mike Pagtakhan, bring his official greetings and those of His Worship Brian Bowman to the occasion. SSHRC as sponsor and national significance The first footnote to this article indicates the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada funded Professor Marshall’s scholarly work. Since this Council is the major federal research funding body that promotes and supports research in the humanities and social sciences to foster excellence in these fields and, thereby, “deepen, widen and increase our collective understanding of individuals and societies, as well as to inform the search for solutions to societal challenges” – this piece of work assumes even greater importance in the context of human understanding and

citizenry participation not only in Manitoba but also far beyond its geographic limits. Rising to the challenge and enjoyable reading Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos in Manitoba rises to such a challenge and would help inform public policy-makers and contribute to societal well being. First, the author’s goals: 1. to study the factors that lead into Filipino migration, settlement, belonging and leadership, and; 2. to highlight and better understand the cultural distinctiveness of Filipino Canadians within an increasingly Asian Manitoba – are laudable, indeed. Worth noting, too, is the folksy and conversational approach to her presentation of the text that is at once evident as one reads the introductory paragraph. It makes for enjoyable reading of our community’s history in Manitoba. Second, the author not only reviewed relevant publications of Filipino and non-Filipino writers, locally and beyond, but also drew from her decade-and-a-half historical research experience in the field of prairie cultural diversity. Moreover, she did fieldwork in the Philippines before interviewing Filipino Manitobans as research participants. To gather them, she attended Filipino community events and applied

the so-called snowball sampling technique. That is, subjects with desired traits or characteristics give names of further appropriate subjects. While this technique has the limitation of not knowing whether the sample of participants included was representative of the Filipino community, she interviewed a varied range of male and female participants from varied walks of life from both the rural and urban settings. To ensure accuracy of factual information, avoid misunderstanding of the tape-recorded oral narrative, and simultaneously safeguard personal privacy of the participants, she encouraged them to make any desired changes to the shared interview transcripts. She preserved the researcher’s duty to truth and objectivity, tempered by her self-imposed professional commitment “to sometimes omit stories” that she perceives “inflame disunity to the community, or racism toward it.” She hopes to engage many more subject-participants in her ongoing project. Resonance of common themes In addition to identifying the varied reasons for Filipino migration, the article articulated some common struggles faced such as racial discrimination, sense of kinship in advocacy, religious fervour practised, abiding faith placed on the value of education

and multiculturalism, and stories of adaptation and success shared. Socio-cultural values distilled and highlighted While details of the participants’ narratives will be profiled in Part 2 of this article scheduled for publication in the next issue of Manitoba History, Professor Alison Marshall has already distilled and highlighted three salutary socio-cultural values – namely: 1. matibay at sumusunod katulad ng kawayan (being resilient and pliant like bamboo; 2. bahala na (whatever happens; leave it up to God), and; 3. bayanihan spirit (communal unity) – as keys to understanding the participants’ vignettes of adaptation and achievement. She holds these collective values as the sinews that bind Filipino Manitobans one among themselves and with the greater Manitoba community and nurture their deep sense of belonging to our province. Aptly, she concludes Part 1 with quotes from Filipino Manitoban lyricist Levy Abad to convey a Filipino migrant’s journey and search for belonging and global citizenship: And here we are scattered and trying to rise up And so we gather strength through bonds of living hope Care for one another to build a better world. Indeed, I find Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos in Manitoba insightful, and enjoyable to read. Dr. Rey Pagtakhan, widely lectured and published, is a retired physician and professor and a former Member of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, and senior federal minister in the Government of Canada.

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014











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Kahit saang palengke, kumbaga sa paninda, ay mabentang-mabenta ngayon si Senador Grace Poe. Siya ang napipisil na maging runningmate ni DILG Secretary Mar Roxas na tatakbong presidente sa 2016. Pero dahil ang tunay niyang balwarte ay UNA, siya rin ang napupusuang kunin bilang kahawak-kamay ni Vice-President Jejomar Binay sa darating na halalan. Nanguna si Senador Grace Poe noong nakaraang eleksiyon, maganda ang kartada niya ngayon sa Senado. Kahit anong partido ay gugustuhin talaga siyang makuhang kandidato bilang pangalawang pangulo dahil sa bango ng kaniyang imahe. Pero ngayon pa lang ay may mga nagkokomento nang mahihirapan siyang isakay sa kaniyang salbabida si Secretary Roxas, sigurado na raw ang kaniyang panalo, pero kuwestiyonable pa ang kay Kuyang Mar. Baligtad ang senaryo, sa halip na ang pangulo ang magdala sa kaniyang katuwang, si Senadora Grace Poe pa ang bibitbit sa kaniyang kapartido. Papilosopong komento pa ng


isang nakausap namin, “Kahit si Amay Bisaya ang ipanglaban ngayon kay Secretary Mar Roxas, makaka-jackpot si Amay!” Pero malay naman natin, maraming tulog at gising pa ang ating bibilangin bago ang 2016, baka naman magbago ang ikot ng mundo at bumango ang pangalan ng mister ni Ate Koring. Pero kung ang kasalukuyang panahon ang magiging kunsiderasyon ay suntok sa buwan ang katuparan ng mga pangarap ni Secretary Mar Roxas at nakabuslo na ang kay Senador Grace Poe. At kung matutuloy naman ang pagsasabong kina Governor Vilma Santos at Senadora Grace Poe sa pagkandidato bilang vicepresident sa 2016 ay mahahati ang suporta ng lokal na aliwan. May matinding koneksiyon sa showbiz si Governor Vilma bilang Star For All Seasons at si Senadora Grace Poe naman ay anak ng namayapang Action King na si Fernando Poe, Jr. Ngayon pa lang ay marami nang humihiling na sana’y huwag silang maglaban sa isang mataas na posisyon, sana raw ay iba na lang ang ipanglaban sa kanila, See CRISTY p15

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

• Sen. Grace Poe – Mabentang-mabenta ang anak ni Da King • Kris Aquino – Masipag magtrabaho kaya OK lang masunod ang luho • Kathryn Bernardo – Mabait at hindi mayabang kahit super sikat • Judy Ann Santos – Panalo sa pag-aasikaso sa kaniyang pamilya • Ai Ai Delas Alas – Ayaw tigilan ng bashers dahil sa batang boyfriend • Derek Ramsay – Masaya at tahimik na sa pagtatapos ng taon • Mommy Dionisia – “PacMom” at literal na stage mom • Jose Manalo – PMPC awardee ang komedyante ng Eat…Bulaga!

Sen. Grace Poe

Kathryn Bernardo

Judy Ann Santos

Ai Ai Delas Alas

Kris Aquino

Derek Ramsay

0914-80491PE_CP_Winnipeg_PhilExpress_10x15.5_final.pdf DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014












7:41 AM




DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

• Metro Manila Film Festival – Inaabangan ng mga fans

Walong malalaking pelikula ang mapapanood sa darating na Metro Manila Film Festival na taunang ginagawa tuwing December 25. Nanguguna sa listahan ng inaabangan ay ang My Big Bossing nina Vic Sotto at Ryzza Mae Dizon. Excited si Aling Maliit dahil tatlong charater ang ginagampanan niya sa My Big Bossing. Makakasama nila Bossing at Ryzza sina Marian Rivera at Pauleen Luna. Ang entry ni Kris Aquino na Feng Shui ang isa sa mga horror movie

na inaasahang tatabo ng husto sa takilya. Kasama ng Queen of all media si Coco Martin. Mahilig sa horror ang masang pinoy kaya karamihan sa kalahok na pelikula ay may ganitong tema. Ang Shake Rattle & Roll XV ng Regal film ni Mother Lily ay tiyak na dudumugin ng tao sa darating na festival. Umaasa ang See SHOWBIZ p15

English Only Please



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We are your Kababayan in the business! Feel free to call owners Darin Hoffman (Zeny Regalado), Shawn Arnason or our community representative Nap Ebora for a uniquely Filipino prerspective on prearrangements.

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DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014



SHOWBIZ... From page 14 Regal Matriach na susuportahan ng manonood ang movie niyang ito. Kabilang sa cast sina Lovi Poe, Mateo Guidicelli, Carla Abellana, JC de Vera, Dennis Trillo at Erich Gonzalez. Sa unang pagkakataon naman ay magsasama sina Vice Ganda at Bimby Aquino sa The Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin. Last year ay number one ang movie ni Bimby kaya tiyak na sapol nito ang mga batang manonood ngayong festibal. Isa pang horror movie ang handog naman ni Dingdong Dantes – ang KUBOT…The Aswang Chronicle. Maganda ang feedback sa pelikulang ito ni Direk Erik Matti na kilala sa paggawa ng kakaibang special effects sa kaniyang pelikula. Leading lady ni Dingdong Dantes si Isabelle Daza. Ang action film ni Robin Padilla na Bonifacio ay isa rin sa inaabangan sa darating na festival. Ayon sa report ay big budgeted ang movie na ito ni Binoe kabituin si Vina Morales. Kasama rin sa walong kalahok ang nag-iisang comedy picture na English Only Please nina Derek Ramsay at Jennylyn Mercado. Magnum Muslim 357 naman ni ER Ejercito at Sam Pinto ang isa pang action film na kabilang sa MMFF. Ang tanong ay alin kaya sa walong pelikulang kalahok at mangunguna at tatabo ng husto sa takilya? Abangan.

CRISTY... From page 12

dahil siguradong maiipit sa mga nag-uumpugang bato ang mga taga-showbiz. Matindi ang suportang ibibigay siyempre pa kay Governor Vilma ng kaniyang mga tagahanga aktibo man siya o hindi ay palaging nand’yan lang para magmahal at sumuporta sa kaniya, huwag ding maliitin ang mga tagahanga ng pumanaw na si Da King dahil kahit ilang taon nang namamayapa ang kanilang idolo ay buhay na buhay pa rin ang kanilang pagmamahal. Balitang-balita na si Senadora Grace Poe ang magiging runningmate ng kandidato ng Liberal Party, si Governor Vilma naman ang minamanok ng UNA ni VP Jejomar Binay, kaya kung hindi magbabago ang mga plano ay magiging matindi ang labanan ng dalawang responsableng babaeng pulitiko. *** Nag-aaway-away ngayon ang mga kababayan natin dahil


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Shake, Rattle & Roll XV sa makasaysayang bilang ng mga mamahaling sapatos ni Kris Aquino. Nilalahukan pa ng pulitika ang kanilang pagtatalo, kung lait-laitin daw noon ng mga Aquino si dating First Lady Imelda Marcos dahil sa dami ng sapatos nito ay ganoon na lang, pero ganoon din naman pala si Kris. Mahilig talaga sa sapatos si Kris, puro branded at mamahaling sapatos ang kaniyang binibili. Pinagkakagastusan niya talaga ang pag-oorder ng mga klase ng sapatos na pinapangarap lang ng ibang mga babaeng pesonalidad. Pero hindi dapat pagtalunan iyon. Nagpapakamatay sa pagtatrabaho si Kris. Kapag tumatanggap siya ng sabaysabay na trabaho ay kinakaya niyang tuparin iyon nang walang maririnig na reklamo mula sa kaniyang mga kasamahan at sa produksiyon, dahil bitbit niya ang

katangian bilang propesyonal na personalidad. Pagkamamahal mang sapatos ang bilhin niya ay hindi dapat hanapan ng butas. Sarili niyang pera at hindi pera ng bayan ang kaniyang ginagastos. Pinagpapaguran ni Kris ang mga materyal na bagay na isinusuot niya. Kahit pa sabay-sabay niyang isuot ang mga pares ng kaniyang Christian Louboutin shoes ay hindi pa rin dapat pagtalunan. Bulsa niya ang nabutas sa pagbili noon at hindi naman bulsa ng ibang tao, may karapatan lang makialam ang iba kung ang ipinambili ng granatsa ni Kris ay nakaaapekto na sa buhay ng kaniyang kapuwa. Kung minsan, ang galit ay kakambal ng inggit. Idinadaan na lang sa galit ang mga bigong pangarap, ang mga kagustuhang magkaroon din ng mayroon si Kris, pero hindi kayang bilhin ng

kanilang bulsa. Napakadali ng solusyon. Di magtrabaho rin sila nang araw at gabi, magsalita rin sila nang magsalita sa harap ng mga camera na parang wala nang susunod na umaga. Magsipag din sila para kahit isa man lang o dalawa ay magkaroon sila nang sangrekwang branded shoes ni Kris Aquino. *** Marami kaming naririnig na papuri tungkol kay Kathryn Bernardo, ang kapareha ni Daniel Padilla sa mga programa ng Dos, iba-ibang kuwentong positibo tungkol sa dalaga ang nakararating sa amin. Minsan ay nakita siya ng mga anak ng kaibigan namin sa airport, lumapit sa kaniya ang mga ito para magparetrato, agad daw na ibinigay ni Kathryn ang kaniyang bag sa PA niya para maakbayan niya ang magkakapatid. Ang tanging nasabi ng mga anak ng aming kaibigan, “We love her na, she’s so nice, she’s so simple but beautiful.” Ang isang komento naman ay mula sa nanood ng taping nila ni Daniel, may mga naglapitan din sa kaniya para magparetrato, pinagbigyan din ni Kathryn ang mga ito at tinanong pa kung saan sila nanggaling. Maging sa Canada ay pinupuri siya ng mga kaibigan namin, wala raw kaartehan si Kathryn at magiliw sa mga fans, siya pa ang lumalapit sa mga tagahangang nahihiyang magpa-picture taking. Sa dami ng mga kuwento ng kamalditahan ngayon ng mga kabataang artistang hindi pa nga sumisikat ay maitatangi

ang pagiging mabait at simple ni Kathryn Bernardo. Sikat na ay hindi lumalaki ang ulo. May maipagmamalaki na ay nakatanim pa rin ang magkabilang paa sa lupa. Sana’y tularan si Kathryn Bernardo ng kaniyang mga kapuwa youngstars na nangangarap pa lang pero nauuna na ang kamalditahan. *** Madalas makita ng aming mga kaibigan si Judy Ann Santos na namimili sa isang tiyanggepalengke sa Makati. Kasama ni Juday ang kaniyang mga anak, may dala na silang trolley, dahil kung mamili raw ng mga pagkain si Juday ay parang laging may rebolusyon sa dami. “Early morning pa lang, e, nasa Legaspi na si Juday. Ang sarapsarap nilang tingnan ng mga anak niya, talagang kahit gaano siya ka-busy, napaka-hands on niya sa pag-aalaga kay Ryan (Agoncillo) at sa mga anak nila. “Siya mismo ang namimili ng mga lulutuin niya, pati mga gulay, siya ang pumipili, pambahay talaga si Juday. Siya mismo ang nag-aasikaso sa mga kailangan nila sa house, hindi niya iyon iniaasa lang sa mga kasambahay nila,” papuri ng aming kaibigan. Sa lahat ng parte ng kanilang bahay ay mas madalas si Judy Ann sa kanilang kusina, tapos siya ng culinary, kaya siguradong ang mga pinamimili niyang sangkap sa pagluluto ay kailangang kumpleto. Kahit noong magkaroon siya ng restaurant ay personal niyang pinamamahalaan ang pagluluto basta mayroon siyang panahon, See CRISTY p18




DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

History makers: First Filipino Folk Music Festival By Judianne Jayme Saturday, November 15th could have been an ordinary evening at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba. Instead, the venue was filled with music enthusiasts and supportive community members alike, wanting to be a part of history unfolding. The Filipino Music and Arts Association of Canada Inc. (FMAACI) hosted their first ever music festival focusing on Filipino music, both original compositions by local artists and covers of classic Tagalog folk songs from the likes of Asin, Hotdog, Sampaguita and Freddie Aguilar to name a few. The event began with the national anthems of Canada and the Philippines played by a rondalla quartet from the Manitoba Association of Filipino Teachers Inc, using traditional string instruments. FMAACI founding president, Ernesto Ofiaza Jr., followed with opening remarks in which he, on behalf of the organization, dedicated the evening’s performances to the youth. He compared the organization itself to an infant, just three months old, thankful for the love and support it is receiving from the community around it. The songs played that evening followed this theme: advice for an up and coming generation. Appreciation for music is both timeless and universal, making it the perfect bridge between generations. Mr. Ofiaza mentioned future hopes for a music festival featuring children in our community, continuing to work toward this theme of encouraging folk music with today’s youth. Folk music is traditionally defined as music coming from traditional popular culture. These songs are passed on to different generations through oral culture. A distinct feature of the music heard at the festival, both covers and originals, is the thoughtfulness of the lyrics. They paint a picture of society at that moment which, as timeless as music itself, is still applicable to the human condition today. Singer-songwriter Levy Abad sang an original piece, Dito Sa Winnipeg, written after moving here from Mississauga, Ontario. The heart-warming song describes how easy it is to make people smile in friendly Manitoba and how the Pinoys are friendly to each other. He mentions local Filipino businesses as well as Winnipeg landmarks. The song ends with the idea that, instead of being homesick, buy a ticket to Winnipeg. His second song, Ayos Lang, uses storytelling to describe Filipinos’ strength and resilience to continue their journeys despite hardships in life. Singers Zaldy Ordonez and Elmer Sobretodo performed the song Mindanao, reminding the audience of the violence and ongoing wars in that region of the Philippines. This is what makes music the bridge between generations. When music has purpose, and its message is clear

through a haunting melody, there is no way that message can be lost after the song has struck its last chord. Mar and Neil’s Group took to the stage incorporating a full band, complete with three-part vocal harmonies. The crowd couldn’t get enough, leading the band to do an encore performance of Ipaglalaban Ko, much to the delight of the audience. Trafikk Jamm and company delivered the high-energy finale for the evening with a solid rendition of the classic hit Manila. The bass was strong and soulful while the drums provided the heartbeat for the song. The vocals brought the drive and emotion. This rendition brought some audience members to their feet, singing line-by-line as a band brought the event to a powerful close. Congratulations are in order to the executive officers and the board members behind the Filipino Music and Arts Association of Canada Inc. for a successful evening celebrating folk music with local artists. We look forward to the next opportunity to explore Pinoy music!

Min. Flor Marcelino

FMAACI board members (l-r) Levy Abad, Fernando Dalayoan, Beernadette Agpalza, Paul Morrow, Jojo Yso, Grace Layug, Ernesto Ofiaza, Daniel Tabo-oy & Alan Pamplona

Performers with some of the generous sponsors

Ernesto Ofiaza Jr.

Elmer Sobretodo & Zaldy Ordoñez

Levy Abad

Bernadette Barrientos

Jojo Yso & Daniel Tabo-oy

MAFTI Rodalla performing national anthem Jojo Yso, Bernadette Barrientos & Willie Liwanag

Jojo Yso, Noel Marana, Neil Cruz, Mar Mance & Willie Liwanag

Traffick Jamm: Erwin San Juan, Jojo Yso, AC Garcia, Noel Marana (hidden) & Willie Liwanag

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014



Korea honours Filipino veteran WINNIPEG – The Republic of Korea recently awarded a posthumous honour to the father of a Winnipeg Filipino-Canadian. On November 18, Ruby Manalang received the official Ambassador for Peace proclamation and medal on behalf of her father, Rodolfo Mayor Maestro, who fought in the Korean War and also earned medals from both the Philippine and American governments. It was an unplanned stop at Garden City Shopping Centre in early November that started a journey into the past for Manalang. A photo exhibit in the mall, entitled The Legacy of Korean War Veterans, stirred memories of her father, which she shared with the curators of the exhibit, Won Jae Song and Olivia (Eun Kyeong) Do, publishers of the Korea Times in Winnipeg. “Remembrance Day has always been important to me ever since I moved to Canada because it is a day that I reminisce about my father,” said Manalang. “As a Filipino-Canadian who has lived in Manitoba for the past 34 years, I feel that it is important for Filipinos, especially the youth, whether they were born in Canada or the Philippines, to remember their heritage and to honour the veterans. I am sure some of them are here in Manitoba,” she added. After hearing about the accomplishments of thenLieutenant Maestro, Song submitted an application to the Korean Embassy for the award, which he presented to Manalang on November 18. Rodolfo Mayor Maestro was born in Romblon in 1921. An only child, his mother passed away when he was just five years old. He fought in World War II, serving with the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) in Antique where he met his future

wife, Angelica (Angie) Ballarta. They married in 1948. Maestro continued his career in the armed forces after the war rising through the ranks. The Philippine government sent him to the Officers Candidate School in Fort Riley, Kansas in 1950. All four Filipinos in his batch graduated at the top of their class. In 1951, President Elpidio Quirino answered the call of the United Nations for assistance in Korea and sent five combat teams, known as the Philippine Expeditionary Forces in Korea (PEFTOK). Leaving behind his two-year-old daughter and pregnant wife, Lieutenant Maestro served with the 20th Battalion Combat Team (BCT). In Korea, Maestro led the first successful assault on Hill Eerie against Chinese forces on May 18, 1952. None of his men were killed or wounded. The Philippine government awarded him the Gold Cross and from the American government he received the Bronze Victory Star with V Device for valour. On May 21, a fellow lieutenant in the 20th BCT, future President Fidel V. Ramos, earned the Military Merit medal for another assault on Hill Eerie. Maestro later named one of his daughters, Erie, after the hill he fought to take. Maestro stayed in the military until 1970 when he retired as a colonel in the Philippine Constabulary. He and Angie raised eight children in Project 3, Quezon City – four girls and four boys. Seven surviving children include Jane, Rodolfo Jr., Erie, Ruby, Lani, Eugenio Neo and Mark Allen. Rodolfo Maestro passed away at the age of 52 on November 29, 1973 after a brief illness. His wife, Angie, came to Canada with her son, Mark, in 1983 to join her daughter Ruby who had

immigrated to Winnipeg in 1980. Angie was involved with the Philippine Veterans Association in Winnipeg and at one time served as secretary. She died in Winnipeg on November 20, 2013, after a brief illness.

Officer candidate Maestro, 1950

Ambassador of Peace medal awarded posthumously, November 2014

Maestro in 20th BCT uniform

Won Jae Song & Ruby Manalang The Ambassador for Peace official proclamation

Maestro at Hill Eerie, Korea

Rodolfo & wife Angie in 1973

The newlyweds in 1948

Newspaper clipping from April 1951

The Maestro family in 1973

Maestro preparing for combat



Ama at anak Ang mga tauhan at mga pangyayari sa kuwentong ito ay kathang-isip lamang at hindi tumutukoy sa mga tunay na tao at sitwasyon. MALAKING-MALAKI ang tampo ni Norman sa kaniyang ama. Wala siyang matandaang pagkakataon na naging magiliw ito sa kaniya, huwag nang sabihing sinabihan siya nito na mahal siya. Ang naaalala niya ay pawang galit at pangungutya nito. Tandang-tanda niya nang minsang nagpapabili siya sa ama ng sorbetes mula sa sorbetero na naglalakad sa kalsada. Kumakain ng sorbetes ang mga kapwa-bata niya. Nasa elementarya siya noon. “Iyang tamad mong iyan, ibibili ng sorbetes!” sabi ng ama. Nagtawanan ang ilang nakarinig. Mangiyak-ngiyak siya. Habag na habag siya sa sarili at hiyanghiya sa mga nakarinig. Tandang-tanda niya noong masakit na masakit ang kaniyang puson. Patagilid na nakahiga, niyayakap niya ang mga binti dahil sa sakit. Nasa grade six siya noon. “Matigas palibhasa ang ulo mo! Iyan ang napala mo!” bulyaw ng ama. Hindi niya maunawaan kung bakit ikinagagalak pa mandin ng ama ang nangyayari gayong nakikita naman nitong hirap na hirap na siya dahil sa sakit. Sa pagpupursige ng ina, dinala siya sa duktor. May sakit siya sa bato, ayon sa duktor. Niresetahan siya ng gamot. Pinagbawalang kumain ng matatamis. Umayos naman ang pakiramdam niya. Kung anu-ano ang sinasabi ng ama tungkol sa kanilang limang magkakapatid kapag may kausap itong ibang tao: “Walang aasahan sa mga anak ko. Napakababatugan! Napakatatanga!” Siya ang sumunod sa panganay, na lalaki rin. Parehong babae ang dalawang sumunod sa kaniya. Lalaki ang bunso nila. Wala siyang natatandaang pagkakataon na pinuri siya ng ama kahit matataas ang grades niya sa

CRISTY... From page 15 chef na chef na si Juday noon pa man, hilig niya talaga ang pagluluto. Pagdating sa pagmamahal at pag-aalaga sa kaniyang pamilya ay panalong-panalo ang magaling na aktres. *** Mabuti na lang at sa pagdadaan ng panahon ay natutuhan nang hawakan ni Ai-Ai delas Alas ang kaniyang emosyon. Naaapektuhan pa rin siya ng mga komentong

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

paaralan. O nginitian siya nito. O nagtawanan silang mag-ama. O naglakad silang mag-ama nang magkasabay. Parang namamalimos sila sa ama kapag kailangan nang magbayad ng matrikula, may kailangang bilhin, tulad ng libro, o kailangan na talaga nila ng bagong damit at sapatos. Kung anuanong alimura ang inaabot nilang magkakapatid mula sa ama. Malimit, tahimik na lamang siyang lumuluha. Naitatanong pa niya sa sarili kung bakit ganoon ang trato ng ama sa kanilang magkakapatid gayong hindi naman nila hiniling sa ama na isilang sila. Naipangako niya sa sariling hinding-hindi niya tutularan ang ama kapag naging isang ama na rin siya. Magiging kabaligtarangkabaligtaran siya nito. Gusto pa nga niyang maipamukha sa ama, pagdating ng araw, kung paano sila nasaktang magkakapatid sa trato nito sa kanila. MAY dalawang anak na siya. Lalaki ang panganay at babae ang pangalawa. Treinta y singko anyos na siya nang makapag-asawa. Nang makapagtapos siya ng kolehiyo at magkaroon ng trabaho, tinulungan muna niya ang kapatid niyang sumunod sa kaniya upang hindi na nito danasin ang magutom sa paaralan at magsuot ng nisnis na nisnis na uniporme. Kapag kulang ang pera ng mga magulang para sa matrikula nito, dinadagdagan na niya upang huwag nang marami pang sabihin ang ama. Nang makapagtapos na rin ng kolehiyo at magkaroon ng trabaho ang kapatid na ito, silang dalawa na ang tumulong sa ikaapat nilang kapatid. Nang makapagtapos na rin ng kolehiyo at magkaroon ng trabaho ang ikaapat nilang kapatid, ang ikatlo at ikaapat naman ang tumulong sa bunso nilang kapatid. Haiskul lamang ang natapos ng panganay nila dahil maagang nagtrabaho at nakapag-asawa Tiniyak din muna niyang handang-handa na siya upang magkaroon ng pamilya.

Wala na siyang tampo sa ama. Sa halip, awa ang nadarama niya rito. Pinangatawanan niya ang pangako sa sarili na magiging kabaligtaran siya ng ama sa pakikitungo sa magiging mga anak. Nasa tiyan pa lamang ng misis niya, kinakausap na niya ang mga anak. “Baby, love na love ka namin ng Mama mo,” sabi niya. Lagi niyang idinidikit ang tainga sa tiyan ng misis niya upang mapakinggan ang mga paggalaw roon at upang maramdaman din siya ng anak na nasa sinapupunan pa lamang ng misis niya. Natatawa na lamang ang misis niya. “Alam mo, narinig kong mabuting kinakausap ang sanggol habang nasa tiyan pa lamang ng ina,” paliwanag niya. “Narinig ko rin ‘yon,” sabi ng misis niya. “Natutuwa lang talaga ako sa iyo.” Tuwang-tuwa siya nang isilang ang mga ito. Kinakausap, nilalaro niya ang mga ito noong mga sanggol pa. Kaunting ubo lamang ay pinatitingnan na niya sa duktor ang mga ito. Habang lumalaki ang mga ito, ipinapasyal niya. Ibinibili ng damit at laruan. Trese-anyos na ang panganay at siyam na taon ang sumunod. Niyayakap pa rin niya ang mga ito. Hinahalikan. Sinasabihan ng “Love you.” Totoong-totoo ang pagmamahal niya sa dalawang anak. Kung noong binata pa siya ay ipinangako niya sa sariling magiging kabaligtarangkabaligtaran siya ng ama dahil sa malaking-malaking tampo sa ama, ngayong may mga anak na siya ay naglaho na ang dahilang

iyon. Talagang mahal niya ang mga anak kaya niya pinakikitaan ng pagmamahal ang mga ito. Kahit pa hindi ganoon ang naging karanasan niya sa sariling ama, ganito pa rin ang magiging pakita niya sa mga anak. Lagi niyang iniisip kung paano magiging masaya at mapapabuti ang mga ito. Napakasaya na niya habang niyayakap ang mga ito, hinahalikan sa pisngi. Lalo siyang sumasaya kapag yumayakap din sa kaniya ang mga ito, humahalik sa pisngi niya. Masaya na siya na maipasyal o maibili ng damit o laruan ang dalawang anak. Kontento na siyang makitang masaya ang mga ito. Konsuwelo na lamang kung magpasalamat ang mga ito sa kaniya. Nakikita niyang talagang masaya ang mga ito. Humahalik pa sa pisngi niya. “Salamat, Papa,” sinasabi pa ng mga ito. Kaya napakasaya talaga niya. Nawawala ang pagod niya sa trabaho at nalilimutan niya ang mga problema kapag nakikipagharutan sa mga anak. Kaligayahan na niyang tuwing umaga, bago sila umalis na magasawa papasok ng trabaho ay humahalik sa kanila ang mga anak. “Love you, Papa,” sinasabi ng mga ito. “Love you,” sagot niya. “Love you, Mama.” “Love you,” sagot ng misis niya. Ang kasambahay nila ang kasama ng mga ito habang naghihintay ng sundo ng school bus. Bago lumakad, tinitiyak muna nilang mag-asawa na handa na ang lahat sa pagpasok ng dalawang anak. Sabay-sabay sila kung kumain, pati ang kasambahay. Tinitiyak niyang maayos lagi ang kalusugan ng mga ito. Walang

sira kahit ang mga ngipin. Nito lamang nakaraang araw ng Linggo, pagkatapos nilang magsimba, namasyal uli sila sa Tagaytay, kasama ang kanilang kasambahay. Kapag namamasyal sila pag araw ng Linggo, sumasama sa kanila ang kasambahay sa halip na mag-day off ito. Gustung-gusto ng dalawang anak niya ang malamig na klima at magagandang tanawin sa nasabing lungsod. Nagkuhanan pa sila ng litrato gamit ang tablet computer. “Ipo-post ko sa Facebook,” sabi ng panganay. Masayang-masaya siya. Naisaloob niyang napakasarap ng ganitong dinaranas ng isang ama. Naalala niya ang kaniyang ama. Hindi nito dinanas ang mga nararanasan niya. Malaki ang nawala rito, naisaloob niya. MATAPOS magsimba nang dumating na araw ng Linggo, nagtungo silang mag-anak sa bahay ng kaniyang mga magulang. Hindi nila kasama ang kasambahay. Nag-day off ito. Tuwang-tuwa ang ama at ina nang makita ang mga apo. “Ang kikinis ng mga apo ko,” sabi ng ina niya. Nasa mga mata ng ama ang paghanga habang minamasdan ang dalawang apo nito. Ngumingiti lamang silang mag-asawa. Alagang-alaga naman talaga nila ang dalawang anak. Hindi niya dinala roon ang dalawang anak upang pamukhaan ang ama sa ginawa nitong trato sa kanilang magkakapatid noong bata pa siya. Gusto lamang talaga niyang makita ng kaniyang mga magulang ang mga apo ng mga ito at makita ng kaniyang mga anak ang lolo at lola ng mga ito. Masaya siya na makitang tuwang-tuwa ang ama at ina na makita ang mga apo, gayundin naman ang kaniyang mga anak na makita ang lolo at lola. Maranasan man lamang ng ama na maging masaya bilang lolo, nasabi niya sa sarili. Talagang ganap na niyang napatawad ang ama. Maluwag na maluwag ang kaniyang kalooban. WAKAS Si Nestor S. Barco ay tinanghal na Makata ng Taon sa Pilipinas noong 2003. Nagsusulat siya ng mga tula, kuwento, sanaysay at artikulo. Isa siyang mamamahayag. Masusulatan siya sa nestorsbarco@yahoo.com. ph.

ipinupukol sa kaniya ng mga kababayan natin pero hindi na siya tulad nang dati na balat-sibuyas sa mga ganoong senaryo. Masarap pukulin ngayon para sa kaniyang mga bashers ang Comedy Concert Queen dahil sa bagets niyang karelasyon. Beinte anyos lang kasi si Gerald Sibayan, malaki ang agwat ng kanilang edad, iyon ang aspetong kinokontra ng mga taong hindi masaya sa kaligayahan ngayon ni Ai-Ai. Pera lang daw niya ang habol ng bagets. May mga nagpaparatang

naman na binili lang ng komedyana ang pagmamahal ng lalaki. Kung pinalalampas na lang ni Ai-Ai ang ganoon ngayon ay hindi naman matanggap ng kaniyang panganay na anak ang mga pambabatong personal sa kaniyang ina. Si Sancho Vito ang sumasagot sa mga bashers ng kaniyang nanay, nagpapaliwanag ito, hindi kayang tanggapin nang paupo lang ng panganay ni Ai-Ai ang mga ipinakakaing salita sa kaniya ng mga taong walang magawa sa buhay kaya ang personal niyang buhay ang pinaglalaanan ng

panahon ng mga ito. Kung hindi artista si Ai-Ai ay mga kapitbahay lang ang magpipista sa kaniyang lovelife. Pero artista nga kasi siya, at sikat pa, kaya ang pakikipagrelasyon niya sa beinte anyos na si Gerald ay isang malaking isyu. Komento ng mga kumokontra sa bagets niyang boyfriend, kung sa mga nasa wastong edad na nga raw ay sumasablay pa ang Comedy Concert Queen, paano pa ngayon sa halos anak na lang niyang si Gerald? Sabi ni Ai-Ai noong minsang

kaming magkausap, “Mahirap kasing turuan ang puso. Mahirap ding kontrahin. Basta mararamdaman mo na lang kasi na kakaiba ang dating sa iyo ng isang tao. “Gusto kong sabihin na sa dinami-dami na ng hindi kagandahang pinagdaanan ko sa pakikipagrelasyon, bigyan naman natin ng chance na patunayan ni bagets (Gerald) ang kaniyang intensiyon. “Madaling husgahan ang isang beinte anyos na tulad niya, di See CRISTY p20


DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Hustong 25 days na lang at ipagdiriwang na ang Pasko. Sana maalalang matulungan ang mga hikahos na naririto at nasa lupang sinilangan. *** Ilang linggo na ang nakaraan mula nang magkaroon ng bagong mayor ang Winnipeg. His Worship, Mayor Bowman ay waring nangangapa kung paaano ang gagawing pagugit ng city administration. Sa paghahanap lang ng itatalagang Chief Adminitrative Officer, eh, dumadaing na. ’Yan ang mahirap sa halal na mayor na hindi man lamang naging member ng city council. *** Pinaiiral na ang bagong patakaran ng Canada para sa caregiver program. Ang live-in requirement ay optional na para sa caregiver at kaniyang employer. Caregivers will be better protected against abuse. May dalawang bagong paraan for permanent residency subalit mahigpit pa rin ang mga requirements. *** Kabilang sa bagong balita mula sa CIC ang ipatutupad na ang Express Entry for Skilled Workers sa 2015. Sana naman ay magtuloytuloy ito at huwag samahan ng politics. Baka naman pagkaraan ng federal election ay magkaroon ng “speed suspension” na naman ang mga applications. *** Sana, hindi lumalala ang tensiyon sa Ukraine na ang mga rebelde ay hinihinalang tinutulungan ng Russia. Malamang maipit ang Canada. Hindi natiis ng Russian leader, Vladimir Putin ang mainit na usapan. Biglang tinalikuran ang nakaraang panayam ng G-20 sa Australia. Pilipinas


Ang one-on-one talk nina PNoy at Chinese President Xi Jinping sa nakaraang APEC meeting ay medyo nakabawas ng tensiyon sa pagitan ng Maynila at Beijing. Nagkaroon daw ng “meeting of the minds” ang dalawang lider tungkol territorial dispute. *** Noong ika-20 ng Nobyembre, siyam na Hong Kong journalists na lulan ng PAL ang hindi pinayagan ng immigration officials na makalampas sa airport. Ayon sa reliable information, hindi nagustuhan ni Noynoy ang aksiyon ng HK journalists sa nakaraang APEC meeting, two years ago sa Indonesia. Ang babaw naman! Buti naman, natauhan ang mga opisyal sa bansa. Hindi na Raw blacklisted ang siyam na HK radio-TV journalist. Kung hindi, malaking black-eye ‘yon sa uri ng pinaiiral na demokrasya ng gobyernong Aquino. *** Ang kasunduan tungkol sa depensa ng Pilipinas at Amerika ay muling lumutang. Partikular ang Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) na karagdagan sa VFA. Sabi ng mga tutol, “Wala raw katiyakan na ang Pilipinas ay idedepensa ng U.S.” *** Halimbawa, sakaling ipilit ng China na kamkamin ang mga lupain at karagatang nasasakupan ng West Philippine Sea. Maliwanag daw ang sinabi ng mga opisyal sa Washington. Hindi makikialam ang US sa kaso ng territorial dispute. *** Nanlamig na sa buwang ito ang patutsadahan ng mga politiko. Ang interes ng mga tao ay nakatuon na kasi sa pagdiriwang ng Pasko.


Bakit? Hindi nagsasawa ang araw at buwan, Na naghahaliling nawawala naman; Ang ilog at dagat ay may katapusan, Tulad ng makipot at daang maluwang! *** Ang nasa ibaba, nais makaakyat, Pagsapit sa tuktok nama’y nalalaglag; May buhay marangya, hikahos na ganap, Sa silong ng langit na lubhang mataas! *** Bakit ba may tao na mangmang at pantas, May ibong maamo, maraming mailap; Mabangis na hayop, at may mga duwag, Sa tao’y mayroong mabait, pangahas! *** Marami ang dukha na nasa kulungan, Palibhasa sila ay salat sa mayaman! Paquito Rey Pacheco

Kasunod naman ang Bagong Taon at simula sa ika-15 ng Enero ang limang araw na pagbisita ni Pope Francis sa Pilipinas. *** Nasunod ang nais ng mga kagawad ng senado na itigil na muna ang mga ginagawang imbestigasyon. Nagiging tanghalan lang daw ng mga desperadong hangarin ng mga desperadong politico. Ang hirit na “back off” ni Senador Pimentel ay bumalik sa kaniya. *** Nainip na si PNoy sa mabagal na imbestigasyong ginagawa ng senado. Dinamdam nga ba ng pangulo at ng mga nasa palasyo ang sinabi ni Senador Coco Pimentel? Manhid kung hindi. Ang karaniwang mga tao ay hindi na interesado. Kasi raw, ang imbestigasyon ay halatang “not in aid of legislation.” *** Naalala ko, noong si former Senator Neptali Gonzales, Sr. ang Senate President, siya ay nagharap ng resolusyon na hindi dapat mag-imbestiga ang senado, kahit pa sinong opisyal ng gobyerno ang hinihinalang nakagawa ng kasalanan. *** Personal pong kakilala ko si Sen. Neptali Gonzales. Abogado siya noon ng ARCA & Co. ni Don Antonio Roxas-Chua na kilalang sugar, rice and corn magnate during the administration of former president Carlos P. Garcia. Ang opisina ay sa Dagupan St. sa Manila. Pansamantalang naging bookkeeper po ako doon. Newly elected noon si former President Diosdado Macapagal. Nasunog ang mga bodega ng ARCA (but

that’s another story). *** Ang problema nga kasi ngayon, eh, papano maitatama ang mali, gayong ang mga mambabatas mismo ang waring hindi gumagawa ng tama? Noong araw, ang karneng baboy ay nasa palengke lang. Ngayon, nasa kongreso na. May dagdag pang illegal DAPnoy na tinatawag ng mga kritiko. *** Isang pangkat ng mga militanteng kabataan ang nakikiisa na rin sa panawagang “Aquno Resign.” Hindi raw kasi tinupad ni PNoy ang kaniyang pinangako noong February 9, 2010 na ibibigay sa mga magsasaka ang lupa ng mga magsasaka na sinakop ng Hacienda Luisita. Pinatutupad naman sana ni CJ Renato Corona noon kaya napatalsik sa Korte Suprema. *** May 10 years na mula nang mangyari ang massacre ng mga magsasaka sa Hacienda Luisita. Wala pa ring hustisyang natatanggap ang mga naulila. Nasira ang pangako ni Tita Cory at kaniyang anak na Noynoy. Ang kasong massacre sa mga magsasaka ng Hacienda ay nawhitewash na rin yata? *** Matapos isuka si DSW Secretary Soliman, si Ping Lacson naman ang not welcome sa Tacloban. Ang may 20-libong nagrally sa anibersaryo ng Yolanda ay patunay daw na sila ay pinabayaan. Kaya ba si PNoy mismo ay hindi nagpakita sa kanila? *** Buti pa raw ‘yong Kapuso Foundation ng GMA, kitang-

PAGE 19 kita ang ebidensiya. Sa Paskong darating hindi kukulangin sa 170 pamilya ang lilipat na sa kanilang bagong tahanan na yari sa matibay na materyales. *** Bakit daw hindi matanggal ni PNoy sa kaniyang gabinete si VP Binay? Aba, mapipintasan daw siya ng mga tao. Siya mismo kasi ang nagsabing maayos na ginagawa ni Jojo ang kaniyang trabaho. Bakit si Binay ay nakakapit pa rin sa pantalon ni Noynoy? Ang nais lang daw naman ni Binay ay makatulong sa gobyernong Aquino. *** Tatlong Comelec commissioners ang nakatakdang magretiro sa February 2015. Kabilang sa kanila si Chairman Sixto Brillantes na ang hinihiling na kahalili ay sa loob manggaling. Katas Pinagsisikapan ng mga opisyal ng gobyerno na mapigil ang lumalaganap na di-nasisiyahang mga mamamayan sa kasalukuyang administrasyon. 1. Mahigit isang taon na lamang ang nalalabing panahon sa termino ni PNoy. 2. Ang Christmas season ay maaaring magdulot ng kalungkutan sa mga hikahos. Pagasa naman ang maaaring kapalit ng pagdating sa bansa ni Pope Francis. 3. Subalit ang daluyong ng mamamayan, otherwise known as people surge, ay maaaring magpatuloy sa susunod na taon. 4. Nakalabas na sa Metro Manila. Nagsimula sa Lipa City, Batangas, Cebu City, Butuan City at mga biktima ng Yolanda sa Sundan sa pahina 20






No. 217 • Disyembre 1 - 15,Gamurot 2014 Ni Bro. Gerry 2





















PAHALANG 2. Pansin

32. 9. Isa ang Pacific Ocean 33. 2. Pansin 11. Lagnat 9. Isa ang Pacific Ocean 34. 13. Kaibigang babae 35. 11. Lagnat 14. Katulong 36. 15. Sobrang ginawbabae 13. Kaibigang 17. Keng-___ 14. Katulong 18. Kasunod ng uno 15. Sobrang ginaw 20. Tuyo 22. Lahok 17. Keng-___ 26. Isang prutas 18. Kasunod ng uno 29. Bigyan ng pamasko

10. Kubo

1. Unang tao Kaba 12. Lisan2. Alipato Para 3. Tayo Uri ng ulam 16. Singhal 4. Isip Akyat 19. Ilulan 5. Ugali Tigib 6. Isang halaman 21. Kupkop 7. Diwa 23. Kagyat 8. Madalas 24. Modelo 10. Kubo 25. Inapi12. Lisan 16. Singhal 26. Bagal 19. Ilulan

20. Tuyo 22. Lahok 26. Isang prutas 29. Bigyan ng pamasko 32. Kaba 33. Para NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT 34.KROSWORD Uri ng ulam No. 217 • Disyembre 1 - 15, 2014 35. Akyat 36. Tigib 2









Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Huwag kang mabuhay sa nakaraan. Oo nga’t masaya ang pinagsamahan ninyo noong araw, pero tapos na iyon. Nagbago na siya. Nagbago ka na rin. Mabibigo ka lang kung aasahan mong pareho pa rin ng dati. Magsimula kayo ng bagong relasyon base sa ngayon. OK ang ika-5, 6 at 15. Ingat sa ika1, 2, 8 at 9.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Kung darating ang pagkakataon na papipiliin ka, piliin mo ang palagay mo’y walang masasagasaang ibang tao. Maganda ang pasok ng Disyembre sa iyo subalit may mga pangyayaring magiging dahilan upang magdahan-dahan ka sa diskarte mo. Buti na ang sigurado. OK sa ika-5, 6 at 15. Ingat sa ika3, 4, 10 at 11.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mahalaga sa iyo ang kaligayahan ng mga kasama mo. Masaya ka kapag sila ay nagtatagumpay. Walang masama sa gayon basta hindi mo pinapabayaan ang kapakanan mo. May mga aral ng buhay na matutunan ka bago matapos ang taon. Alagaan mo ang iyong kalusugan. OK ka sa ika-8 at 9. Stressful sa ika-1, 2 at 15.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Ihanda mo ang iyong bulsa dahil may malaking gastusing darating. Hindi mo ito inaasahan kaya mabuti at may nakatabi ka para sa mga biglang gastos. Hindi puwedeng hindi ka maglalabas ng pera dahil mas malaki ang problema kung hindi ka tutulong. Lucky days mo ang ika-8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-3, 4, 10 at 11.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Oras na upang ipakita mo na kaya mong gawin ang trabaho. Hindi mo sila kailangan upang magtagumpay ka. May mga oportunidad na darating at puwedeng solohin mo na ito. Maniwala ka sa iyong kakayahan. Hindi sila ang magdidikta sa iyo. Lakasan mo ang loob mo. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-5, 6, 13 at 14.


K 21





PILANTIK... Mula sa pahina 19

PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.

masama kung halos anak na lang niya ang karelasyon ngayon ni AiAi? May batas bang nagbabawal sa isang bagets na umibig sa mas may edad kesa sa kaniya? Di ba’t ang batas lang namang sinusunod ng mga nagmamahal ay kung saan ka masaya ay dumoon ka? At kung hindi ka na maligaya ay lumabas ka na, dahil mas mabuti nang malungkot ka nang nag-iisa ka lang, kesa sa dalawa nga kayo pero malungkot ka pa rin. Puso naman ni Ai-Ai delas Alas ang dumudugo kapag tumataya siya sa maling relasyon, siya naman ang humahagulgol, wala naman tayong donasyong luha sa kaniyang pagkabigo sa pag-ibig. *** Pinakamaligayang Pasko raw niya ang sa taong ito, pagSee CRISTY p21



































32. 33. 34. 35. 36.





2. Pansin 9. Isa ang Pacific Ocean 11. Lagnat 13. Kaibigang babae 14. Katulong 15. Sobrang ginaw 17. Keng-___ 18. Kasunod ng uno 20. Tuyo 22. Lahok 26. Isang prutas 29. Bigyan ng pamasko












Unang tao Alipato Tayo Isip Ugali Isang halaman Diwa Madalas 23


No. 216 • Nobyembre 16 - 30, 2014 8

Kaba Para Uri ng ulam Akyat Tigib

I PABABA 1. Unang tao 2. Alipato 3. Tayo 4. Isip 5. Ugali 6. Isang halaman 7. Diwa 8. Madalas 10. Kubo 12. Lisan 16. Singhal 19. Ilulan

21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31.

Kupkop Kagyat Modelo Inapi Bagal Ibanto Naisin sa English Pag-ibig Paghihirap






28. Naisin sa English 30. Pag-ibig Gemini (May 31. Paghihirap

27. Ibanto 28. Naisin sa English 30. Pag-ibig sa Madrid 31. Hirap





21 – June 20) Madalas mong marinig sa iba na maikli lang ang buhay sa mundo. Totoo iyon. Kung may kimkim gang galit o sama ng loob sa isang tao na dati’y malapit sa iyo, pag-aralan mong mabuti kung bakit. Mahirap nang sa huli mo pa malaman na importante pala siya sa iyo. OK ang ika-5, 6 at 15. Ingat sa ika-13 at 14.




Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Masarap managinip ng gising lalo na’t mahal mo sa buhay ang iyong iniisip. Kaya lang, iwasan mong gawin ito kapag nasa trabaho ka. Napapansin na ng mga kasama mong madalas kang wala sa sarili. Mas mahirap kapag nasisante ka. Gising! Good days ang ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. May tensyon sa ika-1, 2, 8, 9 at 15.





Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) A K Kulay NrosasAang pag-big. MapaN A pansin H OmongNmahal na mahal ka I B niya. O N G ka Huwag namang aabuso L bakaA nasaNiyo G dahil nang palad ay mawala pa. Hindi ka na makakakita pa ng katulad niya. Itanim mo ito sa isip mo. Iwasan mo ang tukso. Ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa huli. Suwerte ang ika3, 4, 13 at 14. Ingat sa ika-5 at 6.





Taurus (April 20 – May 20) A T Sa pagdaan B A ngL maraming taon, P A Nmarami A kaPnangA naipong pag-aari. A L ADahilGdito,Akahit malaki ang tirahan I Gna atAmagulo. G ItoA mo, napakasikip ang dahilan kung bakit magulo rin ang iyong isip. Nakikita mo ang 21. Kupkopkalat. Oras na para mag-donate ng 23. Kagyat 24. Modelohindi kailangan. Lucky days mo 25. Inapi ang ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Ingat sa ika26. Bagal 10 at 11. 27. Ibanto




Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Iwasan mo ang matataba at matatamis na pagkain ngayon. Kailangan mong bantayan ang iyong timbang dahil baka mahirapan ang iyong puso. Huwag kang mahihiyang tumanggi sa alok ng mga kaibigan. Ikaw lang ang magdurusa kapag nagkasakit ka. Masaya ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. May tension sa ika-5, 6, 13 at 14.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) K I Kung S IboredG na bored ka na sa A L mga I Gginagawa mo, habaan mo pa M A ang N pasensya A Smo. Baka nasa banig ka A na’y mapunta G Aka pa sa suwelo. I Magpasalamat ka sa magandang kapalaran. L A MasP mabuti I Sang tahimik kaysa nakukunsumi. Mas malaki problema ng ibang tao. K I T I Mapalad ka sa ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Stressful ang ika-3 at 4.




Aries (March 21 – April 19) B U KKung Inaghahanap D ng partner sa P Abuhay,N buwenas A N ang pasok ng P A Sbuwan.I Maaaring G matagal mo nang kakilala o kaya’y bagong A A L I S kaibigan. Huwag kang matatakot makipagsapalaran K I B laloI naTkung matagal mo nang kaibigan. Kung bagong kilala, dahan-dahan ka A P A T B lang. OK ang ika-1, 2, at 11. Alalay ka sa ika-8, 9 at 15.




No. 216 • Nobyembre (DISYEMBRE 16 - 30, 2014 1 – 15, 2014)



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014



Visayan Islands. 5. Ang panawagang “Aquino Resign” ngayon ay wala raw iniwan sa cancer? Nasa pagitan na ng stage 2 and 4? 6. Nakabangon sana ang gobyernong Aquino kung di naaksaya ang mahabang panahon na sanhi ng mga imbestigasyon sa senado na in aid of legislation, kuno. Hari nawa, matiis pa ng taumbayan ang nangyayaring paghihirap ngayon sa bansa hanggang sa 2016 elections. Sabi ng makatang Kiko Balagtas, “Ang laki sa layaw, karaniwa’y hubad.” Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former


CRISTY... From page 18 ba? Sa age pa lang, marami nang magsasabing siguradong pera lang ang habol niya sa babae. Pero paano kung hindi naman pala?” nagpapaunawang pahayag ni AiAi. Paninindigan naman ng isang nakausap namin ay ano ang

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014



Regalong kotse para kay Junior? Teka, i-check mo muna Isa sa mga medyo stressful gawin kapag malapit na ang Pasko ay ang pagbili ng mga regalo. Bagama’t hindi ako ang in-charge dito (kundi si Misis) ay nadadamay na rin ako sa katatanong niya sa akin kung ano ang magandang ibigay sa kaniyang mga bibigyan. Sa ibang pamilya, itinataon nila sa Kapaskuhan ang pagbili ng mahahalagang bagay para maging regalo sa panahong ito. May ilan na nagreregalo ng kotse sa kanilang mga anak o mahal sa buhay. Maganda nga naman ang timing dahil araw ng Pasko. Kung sakali man na nagbabalak kayong mag-regalo ng kotse, partikular kung used car ngayong Pasko, ay may isang bagay akong ibabahagi sa inyo. Ito ay ang kahalagahan ng pagcheck kung may lien ang inyong bibilhing used car. Ano ba ang ibig sabihin ng lien on vehicle? Ang lien sa sasakyan ay piansa o sa salitang kanto, may “sabit” ang sasakyan na bibilhin ninyo. Ibig sabihin, ang may-ari nito ay ginamit ang kaniyang sasakyan bilang kolateral o prenda para makakuha

CRISTY... From page 20 amin ni Derek Ramsay, dahil makakasama niya ang kaniyang anak na si Austin Gabriel. Naging mabait din daw sa kaniya ang 2014 dahil sa magagandang oportunidad na dumating sa kaniya, hindi kinapos ng suporta sa kaniya ang TV5, may mga pelikula rin siyang ginawa na naging maganda ang marka sa takilya. “And before the year ends, natapos ang mga problema ko. It was a challenging moment, napakagulo, pero sa wakas, natapos din,” sinserong sabi ng hunk actor. Gusto niyang pasalamatan ang kaniyang mga magulang. Alam daw niya kung gaano siya kasuportado ng kaniyang ama’t ina sa mga pinapasukan niyang desisyon, pero nang magkaroon siya ng personal na problema, doon niya napatunayan na anuman ang mangyari ay hinding-hindi siya iiwan ng kaniyang pamilya. “Thanking them is not enough. Umaga pa lang, tumatawag na ang mommy ko to ask if I’m okay. Ang dad ko, he’ll always tell me na problems come, but definitely, there’s always a solution. “Ang sarap-sarap sa pakiramdam na you’re so loved by your parents. I can’t thank them enough. I’m so blessed,” sabi pa ng host ng The Amazing Race Philippines Season 2 ng TV5. Dati na siyang makisig, pero noong huli naming makabalitaan si Derek Ramsay ay nakita

ng utang sa banko o anumang financial institution. Halimbawa, nag-apply ng personal loan si Mang Gustin. Bago siya nabigyan ng loan ay sinabi ng banko na maaaprubahan lamang ang kaniyang loan kung gagamitin ng banko ang kaniyang sasakyan bilang prenda, kolateral o garantiya. Ito ay sa pamamagitan ng paglalagay ng lien sa kaniyang sasakyan. Alas! Makakakuha ng personal loan si Mang Gustin na tumataginting na $10,000. Kung saka-sakali man na hindi makakabayad ng utang si Mang Gustin o tatakbuhan niya ang pagkakautang ay hihilahin ng banko ang sasakyan. Pero, ito palang si Mang Gustin ay tila gustong takbuhan ang kaniyang utang. Kaya ang gagawin niya ay ibebenta ang kaniyang sasakyan direkta sa sinumang buyer – siyempre para mabilis ang bentahan – sa napakamurang halaga. Sakto naman na itong si Mang Teban ay bagong salta sa Canada at hindi alam ang ganitong modus operandi. Naghahanap siya ng used vehicle para regalo sa

kaniyang Junior ngayong Pasko. Swak na swak naman sa budget ang presyo ng sasakyan ni Mang Gustin kaya’t walang atubiling babayaran ni Mang Teban ng cash mula sa kaniyang inipong pondo noong siya’y OFW pa sa Saudi. Matatapos ang quick sale sa garahe ni Mang Gustin. Done deal. Ipaparehistro ni Mang Teban ang sasakyan sa kaniyang pangalan at kay Junior. At yes! May sasakayan na si Junior! What a nice present for this Christmas. Lilipas ang Pasko at Bagong Taon at medyo malapit na ring mag Valentine’s day. Makakatanggap ng tawag si Mang Teban mula sa banko or collecting agent tungkol sa utang na wala siyang kamalay-malay. Maaaring sabihin sa kaniya ng banko na ang kaniyang sasakyan ay may lien at puwedeng hilahin sa kanila unless na i-clear nila ang lien na ito. Ibig sabihin, malaki ang posibilidad na singilin si Mang Teban ng banko kung hindi na nila matatagpuan si Mang Gustin, na tila sumibat na papuntang Calgary. Ang lesson, mag-ingat sa mga personal na transaction o yung tinatawag na private sale ng sasakyan. O para makasiguro,

maging maingat din kahit na bibili ng sasakyan sa mga auto dealers. Ano ang dapat gawin? Simple lang: 1. Kuhanin ang VIN number ng bibilhing used car. Nasa corner ito ng dashboard sa may windshield. Usually, nasa driver’s side. 2. Tumawag sa Personal Property Registry sa telephone number 204-945-3123. Sabihin sa sinumang sasagot na: “I would like to check if there is a lien on this vehicle and here is the VIN number.” 3. O kung gusto n’yo ay magonline sa http://www.gov.mb.ca/ tpr. I-click ang link ng Personal Property Registry at sundan ang mga simpleng instructions. 4. Kung kayo naman ay may oras, magsadya sa tanggapan ng The Property Registry at 276 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB at sabihing mag-che-check kayo kung may lien ang sasakyan na inyong bibilhin. Huwag kalimutang dalhin ang VIN number. Sa panahon ngayon, dapat lagi tayong nakakasiguro. Maging maingat sa pagbili ng sasakyan, bahay o anumang mga assets. Mag-research, magtanung-tanong

sa kinauukulan hindi sa kung sinu-sino lang. At utang na loob, okay lang ang mga Facebook groups kung saan puwede kayong magtanong, pero huwag kayong basta-basta maniniwala sa mga advice mula dito. Maaaring genuine ang payo ng inyong mga FB friends pero dapat pa ring siguraduhin na tumpak ang kanilang payo. At sa pagdiriwang Pasko, kung kayo man ay mag-reregalo ng kotse, siguraduhin munang walang sabit ito, dahil baka magsisi pa kayo. Mula sa inyong lingkod, Batang North End, maraming salamat sa halos limang taon na nating balitaktakan. Maligayang Pasko at Masayang Bagong Taon sa inyong lahat! Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

namin ang larawan ng isang lalaking bruskung-brusko ang paninindigan, gusto niyang tapusin ang problema pero taas-noo pa rin ang kaniyang ulo pagkatapos ng laban. “And everytime Austin calls me dad, parang nananaginip pa rin ako. I’ve never felt this way, it’s so cool, napakasarap pakinggan,” sinsero niyang reaksiyon. *** Hindi gaanong

nakapaglamyerda sa Macau si Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao. Ibang-iba raw kapag sa Amerika ang laban ng Pambansang Kamao, dahil nakapag-iikot pa siya sa pagsa-shopping, pero sa Macau ay madalian ang kanilang pag-uwi. Pero walang dapat ipag-alala si Mommy D. Bibigyan naman siya ng pang-shopping ng kaniyang anak na si Pacman, iyon ang kaniyang balato at talent fee na rin

sa ginawa niyang pagmimistulang round girl pagkatapos ng laban kung saan inikot niya ang buong ring habang iwinawagayway ang kaniyang hawak na rosaryo. Nakakaaliw ang dakilang ina ni Congressman Manny Pacquiao. Nang tanungin siya ng isang reporter kung bakit hindi siya mukhang sisenta’y singko ay napakabilis ng kaniyang sagot, “Dahil sa pagmamahal. Kapag ikaw ay minamahal at

nagmamahal, kulay pink ang mundo mo, palagi kang masaya. “Hindi ka napapagod, hindi ka naiinip sa buhay, positive ang lahat para sa iyo. iyon ang dahilan kung bakit mukha pa akong bumabata ngayon,” seryosong tugon ni PacMom. Ang tinutukoy niyang nagpapabata sa kaniya ay si Michael Yamson na kasama niya ngayon kahit saan. Ito ang See CRISTY p22



DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

Globe General Agencies – caring for tenants like no other As most people were eagerly anticipating the coming of the New Year, residents at Northwood Oaks apartments in The Maples last year were anxiously waiting for news about their vehicles stuck frozen in the parking lot. It was all because of a water main break on Jefferson Avenue and Adsum Drive brought on by the brutally cold winter. Fretting was short-lived, however, when site staff were first on the scene even before the city crew, to investigate and swiftly take charge of the situation. “We knew they (the staff) were doing everything they could to keep the tenants informed, and making sure that the water tanks were full for the tenants,” says ten-year resident Donna Nelson. “I am happy living here where I feel safe and cared for.” Couple Maria and Joseph Sumbillo also like living in Northwood Oaks because of it’s convenient location close to schools, stores, bus stops and for it’s safe neighbourhood. “We like how the staff are quick in getting the sidewalks cleared, especially during winter. And they are approachable if we have any issues.” Northwood Oaks is one of Globe General Agencies’ rental properties in Winnipeg. Dana Smith, property manager at Globe General says their relationship with tenants is a partnership. “We are there to assist them with getting maintenance done in their suites, address any other issues or concerns they may have. It is important that tenants let us know about issues before they become a major problem. So communication is really important.” If there are any issues like coming home to find no heat or water, tenants need not panic for they can always call the building manager, or the person on-call even after hours. “Globe General Agencies is there and will do everything to get issues resolved.” Many of Globe General’s buildings have tenants from different cultural backgrounds, as well as newcomers to Canada. There may be a lot of differences between cultures, but Dana says they have the same needs and concerns in their suites. “Concerns about taps leaking, heating issues and others – we are not that different from each other in that respect. It is important that we all work together, communicate and respect each other.” Whether you are newly-arrived in Canada or looking for a new place to call home, visit any of Globe General Agencies rental properties. Great locations and superior tenant services are what set them apart. Once you move in, you won't want to leave! Check out their website at www.globegeneral.ca or call 204-956-2223 today!

Manitoba government launches new career prospects program MANITOBA – Manitoba Career Prospects is new program that will give high school students and parents new and improved access to employers, connecting them directly with experts and information about career opportunities in Manitoba. “Many high school students struggle with the all-important question, ‘What do I want to do when I grow up… this program will create valuable connections between students, parents and employers, helping our youth get a better idea of which careers they would like to pursue and what jobs are in-demand,” said Jobs and the Economy Minister Kevin Chief. For more information, visit the website: www.manitobacareerprospects.ca

CRISTY... From page 21

tagabitbit ng kaniyang branded bag habang nagpapa-picture taking siya pagkatapos ng matagumpay na laban ng kaniyang anak. Marami na kaming nakilalang stage mothers, pero walang kahit sinong kakabog kay Mommy Dionisia, mismong sa stage kasi siya nakikipag-agawan ng eksena sa sikat niyang anak. Literal siyang stage mom. *** Kung pagkokomedya ang pag-uusapan ay angat na angat para sa amin ang talento ni Jose Manalo. Napakanatural niya, kaswal na kaswal, hindi na niya kailangan pang lukut-lukutin ang kaniyang mukha para humalakhak ang manonood. Mahalagang bahagi si Jose Manalo ng Eat…Bulaga, ang pagbabatuhan nila ng komedya ni Wally Bayola ay masarap na sahog sa pananghalian, gamot sa isang makulimlim na araw ang talento sa

Kevin Chief launches the Manitoba Career Prospects program at Complex Games development studio. Students from the College Beliveau Leadership Class were able to meet with Noah Decter-Jackson, Founder and CEO of Complex Games, and see first-hand this innovative high-tech workplace. pagpapatawa ni Jose. Maligaya kaming malaman na ang magaling na payaso ay pinarangalan ng PMPC bilang pinakamahusay na aktor (Best Single Performance By An Actor) sa kaniyang pagganap sa pang-Mahal Na Araw na pagtatanghal ng noontime show. Naalala namin ang pumanaw na Comedy King, walang kuwestiyon ang kaniyang pagkokomedya pero napakagaling ding aktor sa drama ni Tito Dolphy sa Ang Tatay Kong Nanay, sumunod sa kaniyang yapak si Jose Manalo. Malaki talaga ang bentahe ng personalidad na nagpapahalaga sa kaniyang trabaho, kahit pa may mga personal na problemang bumabagabag sa kaniya, pansamantala niyang kinalilimutan iyon para makapagsabog ng kasiyahan sa kaniyang manonood. Iyon si Jose Manalo. Sa kasagsagan ng paninira sa kaniya ay patuloy pa rin siya sa pagpapatawa, kundi mo nga nasusubaybayan ang mga nangyayari sa kaniyang buhay ay

hindi mo aakalaing problemado pala ang mayhawak ng mikropono, ganoon kapropesyonal ang komedyanteng ito. Sana’y maraming oportunidad pa ang maibigay sa kaniya, sana’y mas maging mabait pa sa kaniya ang kapalaran, poste ng komedya ngayon si Jose Manalo. – CSF

Mommy Dionisa “PacMom” Pacquiao

DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014






DECEMBER 1 - 15, 2014

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01/28/14 MODIFICATION DATE: November 13, 2014 2:23 PM



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