Pilipino Express • Jan 16 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 2 • January 16 - 31, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Janella Salvador

Pope Francis in PH Apostolic visit: January 15-19


MANILA — “Mercy and Compassion” is the theme of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to the Philippines, the bastion of Catholicism in Asia. After visiting Sri Lanka, Pope Francis arrived in the Philippines on January 15th and was greeted with rock-star passion by the Filipinos. He is expected to raise themes related to the family, poverty and the environment. Millions of Filipinos are expected to attend his events, conceivably exceeding the record five million who turned out for the last papal visit by St. John Paul II in 1995. In a press meeting, Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said that authorities are ready to secure the Pope during this visit. In addition to huge crowd management challenges, Lacierda said at a press briefing, “The Pope is also known to be a Pope of surprises…we know for a fact that the Pope would like to stop sometimes his convoy, and bless children. Kasama po iyan See POPE p10

Record number of new Canadians in 2014 – Feds hike citizenship fee TORONTO – More than 260,000 new Canadians received their citizenship in 2014. Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander made the announcement in Toronto on December 23, crediting changes to the Citizenship Act for the record number. “…It is clear that our government’s changes to the Citizenship Act are having a real impact on the number of new citizens welcomed to the Canadian family. With more than 260,000 new citizens embracing Canadian values and traditions in 2014, we are fulfilling our commitment to reducing backlogs and, improving processing times,” said Minister Alexander.

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Applying for Canadian citizenship became more expensive on January 1st – $530 plus $100 Right of Citizenship fee per adult applicant. A family of two adults plus a minor child will cost $1360. Alexander reiterated the streamlining measures of the citizenship process made earlier

MA. LEE HOLGADO JEZREEL “The Jet” Sales Advisor REYES Sales Advisor

last year and unveiled another fee increase for citizenship See RECORD p7


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JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Justification for murder? Another journalist has been murdered in the Philippines, but her death has been overshadowed by the gruesome killing of 12 people inside the headquarters of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Her death is no less important, especially since it brings to 171 the number of murdered journalists since democracy was restored to the country in 1986. But the fact that the death of Abante reporter Nerlita Ledesma in Bataan on January 8 is virtually being ignored is testament to how callously the government – and the people in general – treat the snuffing of the life of a journalist. This has happened many times before, and there is a danger of it becoming the norm as the guns of murderers fell more and more journalists. With every journalist killed, the people are desensitized to the news and treat it as just another crime that is committed. Not that reporters are more important than any other person; but it is worth noting that journalists are being killed merely for exercising the right to freedom of expression. And if reporters themselves pay the ultimate price for a right we all should be enjoying, what does that say of freedom of speech in

the Philippines? In other words, if journalists are not free to express themselves, then who is? Each time a journalist is murdered, government issues the same old line that it will investigate the matter and bring the guilty to justice. So far, however, precious few cases have been brought to court, and in those instances only the hit men have been identified while the masterminds have remained scot-free. To make matters worse, President Aquino has insinuated that the murdered journalists had somehow deserved what they got because they had abused their freedom of expression – as if such abuse is justification for murder. No one deserves to be killed for what he or she expresses. *** The increase in the fare for the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) at the beginning of this year has been met with opposition in Metro Manila. Even a number of lawmakers – among them Senators Francis “Chiz” Escudero and Grace Poe – are questioning the move, with Poe going so far as saying the implementation of the increase was “treacherous” on the part of the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC). At

the grassroots level, average train riders are going all over social networks to post their “selfies” in protest of the fare hike. And of course, the matter has actually been brought to the Supreme Court, with former Iloilo Rep. Augusto Syjuco urging the high court to issue a restraining order to halt the implementation of the fare increases. Their reaction is understandable, but they are seeing only a small fraction of the situation. In their view, the trains are there to serve their commuting needs, but what most train riders do not realize is that government has been heavily subsidizing their fare, such that they currently pay only 40 per cent of the actual cost. This means government has been paying the 60 per cent balance. And where does it get the amount but from the taxpayers, even those who have not even seen a train? An adjustment in the MRT and LRT fare must be seen not so much as a fare increase but as a subsidy reduction. DOTC Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya said it best: “If what each rider pays is closer to the actual cost of his or her own trip, the P2 billion savings can be used for development projects and relief operations to benefit those who never even get to use the LRT or MRT. I’m referring to the

vast majority of Filipinos outside of Metro Manila – those in other parts of Luzon, in the Visayas, and in Mindanao, most especially those whose lives have been severely affected by typhoons and calamities. They will be the real beneficiaries of a more equitable distribution of these savings.” To put it in more concrete terms, Abaya said the projected P2 billion savings is equivalent to 8,240 classrooms, 82 kilometers worth of farm-to-market roads, or 11,440 hectares’ worth of irrigated farmlands. These are real, solid benefits for those outside Metro Manila – and these are the same benefits the protesters of the fare hike are opposing. To them, the only thing that matters is that they can take the train at a huge discount. Such is the myopic view of the denizens of the metro, many of whom apparently believe the Philippines consists only of Metro Manila. Those of us in other regions deserve to get a fair share of the taxes we pay, and we urge government to look at our plight instead of listening to the isolated but loud voices of those in the capital. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

A price tag on heroes Years ago a Rizal descendant called me up regarding junk inherited from a relative. My opinion was sought on its authenticity and value. Someone probably wanted his share of the historical goods converted into cold cash. From the descriptions given on the phone, I concluded that two important paintings had been passed on to them: one by Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo and another by Rizal himself. I advised the caller that the Hidalgo could easily fetch a six-figure sum, thus if they were intent on selling, they should dispose of the Hidalgo and keep the Rizal, which was priceless both in monetary and sentimental values. Discussing the other pieces of Rizaliana, I inquired about one thing in particular I was dying to see. Did a stained piña handkerchief come with the lot? When asked how I knew about the hanky, I related the tradition that had one of the Rizal sisters hurrying to Luneta after the execution and dutifully dipping hankies on the spot where Rizal fell to soak up what was left of the martyr’s blood. In my years of Rizal research,

I have sought out these legendary hankies but never found any. In the process, I handled many of Rizal’s personal effects, most unnerving of which was a piece of his vertebra. This bone, chipped by the bullet that killed him, is the only part of his remains found outside the Rizal tomb. It is on display in Fort Santiago. We must be constantly reminded of the fact that what we have in Luneta is actually a grave and not a monument. This is why the president, on behalf of the nation, lays a wreath there annually on December 30. My first bloodied hankie eluded me. To my horror, I was told that it was left on top of some table and picked up by a well-meaning maid who spent the better part of her afternoon washing the brown stains off the handkerchief. Those stains that went down the drain with bleach and detergent were the last drops of Rizal’s blood. The National Historical Institute (now National Historical Commission) has cabinets full of assorted stuff ranging from Rizal’s underwear to Gregorio del Pilar’s whistle to Aguinaldo’s dehydrated appendix. Renato Perdon, formerly of the NHI,

allowed me to study these relics, knowing that each object, no matter how ordinary, provided a link with my subjects. Each scrap of memorabilia told a story of its former owner. On one occasion, Perdon offered me a lock of Mabini’s hair. I accepted his offer but asked why he was giving the hair away. Some superstitious members of his staff, he said, were worried that Mabini would haunt the office because of it and they would be glad if I took the paralytic’s hair home. A thorough search, however, did not yield the hair. Someone had disposed of it beforehand. Sayang. Until some documents were stolen from the National Library in the early 1990s, I did not think there was interest or a market for historical relics. When the personal effects of the brothers Luna arrived in Manila in 1988, everyone was so engrossed with the paintings of Juan that they ignored the personal archive of Antonio that contained school notebooks, scientific papers (one on the purity of milk, another on the cleanliness of Pasig river water), love letters, journals, and laundry bills. Everything imaginable was there, and everything burned down with the gallery. Fortunately, I was

able to photocopy a great deal of it, but now I wish I had copied the entire lot. The fact that only Rizaliana has a steady market value reflects the way in which we downgrade other heroes. In 1961 the Rizal Centennial Commission created an appetite for Rizaliana that cooled interest for other historical objects. In the late 1950s we lost the largest single collection of Lunas because of the government’s haggling for a baratillo price. Mabini’s descendants withdrew their offer to sell memorabilia when the government bargained over their worth. They asked, “Bakit kapag gamit ni Rizal ang mahal, kapag gamit ni Mabini mura lang?” It is truly amazing to know that even our heroes’ worth can be translated in terms of market value. Source: Mabini’s Ghost by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a former Chairman of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and an associate professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, “Looking Back,” for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

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JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015


How do I know when it’s time to say, “I love you”? Dear Ate Anna, I think that I am in love. How do I know for sure when it is the right time to say “I love you”? Is it OK to say it before my partner does? Falling in Love Dear Falling in Love, That is a good question. If you ask other people, you will get many different opinions on the “love” issue. We are all different and think about love differently, so it is difficult to give an answer that will work for everyone. Only the two of you understand your true connection. Try looking at the situation from a few different viewpoints: 1. You love your partner. He or she loves you. Both of you are scared to say it first but when you do, it is a magical moment. The other person says “I love you” back. 2. You know you’re in love, but your partner isn’t quite sure yet. You decide you’re ready to say it, and there is an awkward moment or two when your partner does not say it back. Your partner tells you they really care, but just can’t say those words just yet. 3. You both know you are in love, but neither of you says anything because you are both too scared and uncomfortable. 4. You say it, and scare your partner. Maybe your partner is just getting used to the idea of being in a relationship, so you talking about love makes him or her feel uncomfortable – maybe as if you are pushing! Which situation do you think applies to your life? Only you can decide when you feel ready to show your feelings. Here are a few things to think about if you decide it’s the right time. Make sure you say it at a time when there can be a conversation afterwards. This means a bad time might be just before hanging up the phone, in the middle of watching your partner’s favourite TV show or sport. Or in the middle of sexy

time. Choose a time when you are comfortable and when you and your partner are focused only on each other. Being in love and being loved back can create some wonderful feelings. When we mix these feelings together with sexual attraction it can be hard to know if the relationship is a “healthy” one. We might be so focused on the enjoyment of this new relationship that we don’t stop to ask ourselves: Is this relationship good for me? As a reminder, I have included some points about what a respectful relationship looks like: trust, communication, generosity, fun, kindness, compromise, equality, compassion and, of course, respect for the other person. It is equally important to know the aspects of an unhealthy relationship, which often has one or more of the following signs: emotional abuse such as name calling, put downs, jealousy or manipulation. Sometimes people try to control their partners by isolating them from friends and family. Stalking is a form of harassment that includes constant sending of text messages or calling to know where the other person is etc. Physical abuse includes hitting, pushing, slapping, beating and kicking. Sexual abuse includes forcing unwanted touching, kissing, or sexual acts. It can also include making sexual accusations that are not true. Ate Anna truly hopes that your relationship is a positive one that can bring both of you much joy and happiness. Take care, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200, 226 Osborne St. N., MB, R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@serc.mb.ca. Please visit us at www.serc.mb.ca. You will find reliable information and links to many resources dealing with the subject of dating.




JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act: much more than counterterrorism Citizenship week came and went in Canada in October without any obvious waves of discontent from neither the electorate nor the media. There are major changes in the Citizenship Act especially as they relate to the revocation of citizenship, but you would not be aware of this unless you or someone you know was affected. If you are shocked to hear that the federal department has the legislation in place to take away Canadian Citizenship, don’t be. It’s been happening for a while. There are some things that we, born in Canada or naturalized as Canadians, all take for granted. For example, it is our right to citizenship and the protection we are afforded under the law. But our rights and protection are being undermined as I write. What has changed that has caused me to raise the alarm of readers? On October 27, 2014 the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander announced the implementation of the Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act ostensibly to address the concerns for safety we all felt following the terrorist acts in Ottawa and Quebec. The change involves strengthening CSIS’s authority to operate outside of Canada and increased protection for CSIS sources and CSIS employees. So far there is little that most of us would find fault with. CSIS can be our first line of defense. But the Minister did not stop here. Minister Chris Alexander announced at the same time his department’s intention to implement technical amendments to the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act that received Royal Assent on June 19, 2014. This would allow the Minister

to revoke “Canadian citizenship from dual citizens who are convicted of terrorism, high treason, and treason or spying offences.” It is important to put this into context because the terrorist acts the Minister was responding to were both committed by native-born Canadians and not naturalized citizens. Why focus on dual citizens? Why create two classes of citizens; single Canadian citizens who are not subject to revocation of their citizenship and dual citizens who are? There is now a “new” revocation process in place. In the past the revocation process would include the CIC Minister, then the Federal Court and the Governor in Council. The process has been changed. The Governor in Council was removed from the process and the Citizenship and Immigration Minister given more discretion. The announcement proclaims “a faster, more efficient process” but says nothing about the diminished rights of the citizens whose status is under review. The government justifies the removal of a third level safeguard by saying that this will “include residence fraud, concealing criminal inadmissibility, identity fraud or convictions of terrorism, high treason, treason or spying offences, depending on the sentences.” Not quite sure why the CIC spokesman considers “residence fraud, concealing criminal inadmissibility, identity fraud” because this seems to go far beyond targeting terrorists per se. There are real cases at this time of persons having their citizenship revoked. Since 1988 the government has revoked citizenship from 119

individuals who were found to have obtained their citizenship fraudulently. A new release from the Minister loudly proclaims that his “Government is revoking citizenship on a scale that has never been done before with 300 Notices of Intent to Revoke Citizenship since July 2011.” Does this mean that the subjects of the revocation were engaged in acts of terrorism, high treason or spying? Apparently not when you include those who “obtained their citizenship fraudulently.” Minister Chris Alexander concludes, “Canadian citizenship is incredibly valuable, and our Government’s changes to the Citizenship Act will help protect our system from abuse and uphold the integrity of Canadian citizenship.” In other words, the real target of the legislation does not appear to be only terrorists but naturalized Canadian citizens who have “abused” the system. Many question the logic of Minister Alexander, and parts of his Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act. First the Minister talks at length about upholding “the integrity of Canadian citizenship” and yet has introduced measures to make it easier to remove the status or diminishing its value. “We are concerned that it may have the opposite effect,” conclude several critics who wrote in the Globe and Mail, “making Canadian citizenship harder to get and easier to lose, and increased secondclass citizens along the way.” The article goes on to question the government about taking such drastic steps: “Canadian citizenship is a solution, not a problem… To turn citizenship from a tool of integration into a reward for good behaviour –

to be revoked at the discretion of one minister on grounds of bad behaviour and without due process – is to undermine the meaning and value of citizenship for all Canadians.” “Canada does not reserve special rights for people who were born on its soil, or who hold only Canadian citizenship. A Canadian is a Canadian. If the government is interested in protecting the value of Canadian citizenship, it should start with protecting that.” A number of lawyers in the Federal Court of Canada have challenged Bill C-24, the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act. They want it declared unconstitutional to revoke the citizenship of Canadian-born and naturalized citizens. In an article published in the Toronto Star, the lawyers point out that citizenship is fundamental to the constitutional order and that the new revocation process should have been made through a constitutional amendment with the support of seven provinces or 51 per cent of the population. “Once you are a citizen, you are a citizen,” said Rocco Galati who brought the case to court along with lawyer Manuel Azevedo and the Constitutional Right Centre. They acknowledge that the government has authority over aliens and naturalization but not the authority to strip the citizenship of Canadianborn persons. “Government passed legislation and it wasn’t challenged,” Paul Slansky noted in his summation to the Federal Court, “it doesn’t mean that it’s valid.” Justice Ronald Rennie has yet to render his decision. The bottom line is that CIC is at this point trying to expand the use of revocation of Canadian

citizenship but their policy and practice is under review at the Federal Court level. The federal Liberals and NDP have gone on record to oppose the changes in Canadian citizenship. We can hope that the Federal Court upholds the rights of Canadian citizens. I end with a caution to those readers thinking about reclaiming their Philippines citizenship and becoming dual citizens. Maybe you should rethink this choice because, at this time, it makes you more vulnerable to revocation of your citizenship. Addendum The fee for adult Citizenship applications has gone up: Effective January 1, 2015 at 12:01am, Citizenship processing fees for adult grant applications increased from $300 to $530. The Right of Citizenship fee remains $100. Applications received by the CIC on or after January 1, 2015 will require the new processing fee of $530 plus the Right of Citizenship fee, if applicable, for a total of $630. Incomplete applications returned prior to January 1, 2015 and received by CIC after the fee increase will require the new processing fee. If your application is not complete or is missing information, the CIC will return it to you. Make sure you include postal codes for all Canadian and overseas addresses. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com

The lifelong learner During my two years in the faculty of education, there were a few phrases that quickly lost their novelty. We heard them all the time. One particular phrase was the notion of being a “lifelong learner.” Yes, things will always change in our field. Yes, new and more efficient ideas will always come up. Yes, we will adapt. But when you’re a student, and particularly when you’re itching to get out into the real world, this concept was just that: an idea. We were antsy for the real world. We were growing weary of hearing about constantly learning. We wanted

to do, do, and do. We wanted to take action. It didn’t take long into my first year of teaching that this concept was put into practice. My first group of students used to ask me, “You’re going to another meeting?” To tell the truth, my current group sometimes asks me this as well. “Miss Jayme, what are you going to learn this time?” The best part is that while my first year meetings were mandatory, the consecutive years’ professional and personal development sessions have been by my own initiative. I am learning that to remain sharp,

I must continuously challenge myself and push past my comfort zone. The comfort zone is cozy, but it’s also a place that gets you fast-tracked to boredom and restlessness. The inevitable happened in my first year of teaching. As a child, you always think you will never say things your parents tell you. When you grow up, you hear their words slip out. The same goes for my transition from student to professional. Mere months into my first year, I replied to my students’ questions with, “Well, kids, as we move through life, we need to adapt. We need to keep learning new ideas. We are, after all, lifelong learners.” I nearly cringed the first time I heard myself say

it, but I knew it was true. The concept was finally put into practice. I am a lifelong learner. The ability to adapt to your profession is so crucial for your growth in it. With the speed that research, technology, and information spread in our society, you have to be willing to make space in your toolbox of knowledge and ideas. You must be a learner. To sit back passively is to be left behind in this day and age. As a lifelong learner, you don’t have to continuously change your beliefs or values. As a lifelong learner, you adapt your practices to accommodate new research, new information, new ideas that will help you work smarter, not harder in your field.

Parent tip: learn with your kids A comment I receive annually comes from parents who want to help their students with certain subjects, but either do not remember the concept, or are unfamiliar with the concept the student is asking about. My advice to these parents, and to you, is to begin with a conversation with your child. Ask them what they understand about that question or idea. If you have access to books or the Internet, turn to that. Show them that you are a lifelong learner, and they will value that quality in themselves! Judianne Jayme is a third year educator teaching sixth grade in the Winnipeg School Division.

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

RECORD... From page 1 applications – the second in less than a year – intended to “more closely reflect the costs associated with processing citizenship applications.” Citizenship fee hike As of January 1, 2015, Citizenship processing fees for adult grant applications increased from $300 to $530. The Right of Citizenship fee, if applicable, is still $100 for a total of $630 for each new adult citizen. Based on the government’s immigration projections for 2015, the fee hike could bring in an additional $60 million to federal coffers. Manitoba MLA for Tyndall Park, Ted Marcelino, calls the higher fee “an assault on all immigrant communities.” “This is a blatant attempt on the part of the federal government to discourage immigrants from assimilating and becoming mainstream,” said Marcelino. “The federal government saw a cash cow that they could milk See RECORD p9





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Cubicle feng shui What happens to your feng shui when you work in cubicleville? Some might say it’s all boxed up. But even if you work inside of four padded walls, that cubicle doesn’t have to limit you. No, indeed. With a little decorating inspiration and feng shui tweaks, your cubicle can go from boring to boardroom. Think about employing these officefriendly cubicle-enhancing tips that will get your feng shui on the executive track – and maybe just help you move up the career ladder. 1. Make an entrance. Even if your cubicle is small and lacks the oak doors of the executive offices, it’s still the conduit for your career chi. That’s why it’s important to make your entrance look auspicious and avoid making it cramped with coats, sweaters or those musty old “Hang In There Baby” cutesy-stress posters. Instead, opt for creating an attractive, uncluttered entrance, moving coats and sweaters to the rear of your cubicle. Anything at the entrance can block energy from reaching you – and helping you be more productive and raise your corporate profile. 2. Beautify naturally. A simple elegant desk plant at the entrance is another terrific way to create a beautiful entrance and create some growing chi in your small workspace. What’s one of the best plants to have? A simple orchid. The flower of career is surprisingly easy to grow, but if you’ve got a brown thumb, a silk orchid is just fine. Better still, this highly potent plant brings major career chi and can offer great career climbing mojo. 3. Mission statement. While it might seem cute to hang funny signs and cute posters in your cubicle, this is a great opportunity to show management what you’re made of. If you have a personal

mission statement, such as “The Buck Stops Here,” print it up on pretty paper and frame it. When management stops by your desk, they’ll know they’ll be walking into the space of a motivated and encouraging employee. Even better, you’ll see your personal mission statement day in and day out and it will lift your spirits and your sights. 4. Draw your eye to the lucky corner. Find the corner that’s opposite of your doorway and place something beautiful here, such as a plant, a beautiful crystal or a lamp. Using this decorating trick is an easy way to make your cubicle seem larger. Plus, the item works to lift the energy in the lucky corner of your cubicle and give it a dose of auspicious energy. 5. Get your nose out of the corner. Even if that’s the spot your computer is set up, it doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Instead, turn your computer so that it’s on a straight wall or where you can see the entrance better. Turning your nose to the corner in a cubicle often feels like a punishment from the toddler years, and staying that way can lower your energy, and raise your resentment. Do what you can to turn your computer away from the corner. 6. Put files behind you. Work behind you instead of stacked up is a bonus; while work stacked up on either side of you represents being hemmed in. So put work on a credenza or file cabinet behind you where it represents support. No spot to place it behind you? Stack it on your left side. 7. Make it welcoming. If you have an open corner, create a seating area. Place a chair here and a pretty picture. Some cubicles feel like you’re violating personal space by being there. Do away with that by having a

spot that’s inviting. It tells all who visit – and the chi that enters – that your cubicle is warm and welcoming and not a domain to be defended. 8. Create a view. Even if you don’t have a window, you can still create a view. This gives cubicle dwellers a feeling of spaciousness. A view of a mountain setting, a lake or a pretty vista is a great stand in for a window. Try to place it where you can see it. Views of mountains are perfect to hang behind you for added support from management. 9. Keep it clean. Clutter cuts down on chi and movement and it’s easy to create a cluttered cubicle. Resist the urge to let paper pile up. Keeping your cubicle orderly shows respect for your office, keeps energy flowing – and that keeps you more efficient. Feng Shui Q&A Question: I have been unemployed for over two years. What can I do to get some money and a job fast? I am ready to get growing.


I’m so impressed with your attitude. Just having a positive attitude can take you far. I’d suggest that you begin by doing a serious cleaning and decluttering around your house. Make sure you attack the areas where dust hides, like ceiling fans, under beds and behind the sofa or dressers. Dust contains a lot of yin energy and it’s vital you remove it, particularly where you sleep. Then, you need to add bright, vibrant yang energy. The best way? Add plants. Even silk plants bring beautiful growing chi to your home and to your life. Next, shift 27 things in your house, such as pictures and figurines, move furniture, take up rugs, etc. If you can, try adding nine lucky toads in important areas of your home such as the living room, dining room, by the front door, bedroom, and home office. Place them in the lucky corner – that’s the corner diagonal to the door – in every room. The number nine is important because this is the number of movement and energy. By moving 27 things,

you will have stimulated the power of nine times three. The toads are good for helping you attract money. The last thing is to prime your employment pump. Years ago, when we used hand pumps to draw water, old timers would pour water down a dry pump to get the water flowing again. Energy works better when it has like energy. So a dry pump became a flowing pump again once it had water energy. What does that mean for you? That it’s easier to find another job when you already have one. Take the best job you can get and then keep looking for another step up. And, good luck! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

The ABCDE formula Procrastination is not always a bad thing! No, this isn’t justification; this is something that is referred to as “creative procrastination.” Many of us are busy, but are we productive? That is the question to ask, isn’t it? The ABCDE formula is simply a method to separate low priority tasks from high priority tasks on an everyday basis. Each letter of the formula signifies priority level. As you prepare to plan your day keep in mind the six

Ps: Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Poor, Performance. When pitted against a multitude of tasks, each and every one of them should be labeled according to the level of priority they represent. For instance, “Task X” is steadily approaching and you need to make a decision. This is where the ABCDE Formula comes into play. In the interest of simplicity here it is revealed below. A = important; B = should

do; C = nice to do (coffee); D = delegate; E = eliminate. Now lets input Task X into the formula. Is Task X important? (A) Is it something you should do but it won’t be as consequential as not doing A? Is it going out for coffee etc.? Can Task X be delegated to someone else who has the ability to do it well or even better than you, or should you completely eliminate this life-sucking and timespending task that works against your growth and development? Assess the consequence of not doing Task X and the level of importance it represents when contrasted against Task Y. The ABCDE formula rule

Never do a task when there’s a more pressing and important task hanging in the balance. For example, if an A Task is looming over you and needs to be taken care of, resolve to handle that high priority task first and not a B Task, or any other letter grade. Business, Success & Money Message: Yes, I know you’re a human and not a robot. The point with this formula is to build high priority thought processes, habits and philosophies that defend against the lure of a mediocre lifestyle in your business, job or life. Being on the right side of the “slight edge” is a positive compounding effect you won’t soon forget!

Valen Vergara is an award winning social entrepreneur, author, international investor, speaker & B2C Marketer – www.valenvergara.com

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

RECORD... From page 7 without repercussions because most ethnic communities do not complain too much.” “A typical Filipino family who came to my constituency office would be required to come up with $1,560 broken down as follows: $630 each for the two adults and $100 for each of the kids,” he added. “Imagine how difficult it is for an average family to produce a disposable amount of $1560 and then wait to know if the application is approved or rejected.” Marcelino has started a petition asking the federal government “to rescind this unfair imposition and be more reasonable in their approach to balancing their budget on the backs of the poor.” The newest fee hike follows other more controversial changes to the Citizenship Act made last year, some of which have yet to come into effect, which were made despite warnings from the Canadian Bar Association saying they were likely unconstitutional. Under the new rules, for example, the minister of immigration can revoke citizenship in “routine cases.” In cases where security, human or international rights are concerned, the government will leave it to the courts to decide. Dual citizens and permanent residents can have their citizenship revoked if found to have taken up arms with groups engaged in armed conflict against Canada or if they are convicted of terrorism, high treason, treason, or spying offences. The RCMP has said it is monitoring some 93 “high-risk” individuals as potentially violent radicals. Canadian citizenship can also be denied to individuals with domestic or foreign criminal charges against them. For more on the legal ramifications of the changes to the Citizenship Act, see Michael Scott’s article, Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act: much more than counterterrorism, on p.6.


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POPE... From page 1 sa preparations namin.” The Philippine government has declared January 15, 16 and 19 as official holidays for the Filipinos. Even before his arrival in the country, Filipinos snapped selfies with the Pope’s life-sized cut-out image. Many stores, both religious and secular, including sidewalk vendors, are peddling Pope bobble-head dolls, posters, coffee mugs, T-shirts, pens, button pins, key chains, magnets and all conceivable souvenirs of the apostolic visit. Politicians have also jumped on the Pope’s popularity bandwagon, posting huge tarpaulin welcome billboards with the face of the smiling Pope Francis with the politicians’ names prominently displayed. These banners though were declared “distasteful” by the government and were taken down by the authorities. As Pilipino Express goes to

PILIPINO EXPRESS press, Pope Francis (on his first day) meets Philippine President Benigno Aquino III in the presidential palace, Malacañang. From the palace, his motorcade would take him to Manila Cathedral to celebrate Holy Mass. The Mall of Asia is also on his itinerary where he would meet with families. On January 17th, if weather permits, Pope Francis will be in Tacloban at the Archbishop’s residence in Palo, Leyte where he will celebrate Holy Mass and have lunch with several Yolanda survivors. He will also bless the Pope Francis Center for the Poor. On January 18th, the Pope will meet with various religious leaders and the youth at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. Afterwards, his motorcade will take him to Rizal Park where he will again celebrate Holy Mass to an expected six million faithful. The Pope departs for Rome on the morning of January 19th at the Villamor Air Base.

St. Pope John Paul II in Manila in January 1995

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila with Pope Francis (Vatican, 2014)

The Pope’s ride - A jeepney converted into popemobile

Baclaran Church’s sidewalk vendors pose with the popular Pope Francis lifesize cutout (photo by YouScooper Edwin Despabiladeras)

Crew taking down Pope’s banner with Pepsi and politician’s name

Papal souvenirs available at Caritas Manila – proceeds to sustain programs for the poor

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015




Ngayon pa lang pinaghahandaan na ng Pambansang Kamao ang pakikipagharap niya kay Prince Harry sa January 22 sa Buckingham Palace sa London. Naimbitahan si Congressman Manny Pacquiao para makipagdinner sa prinsipe ng Inglatera. Mapagbiro talaga ang kapalaran. Sino nga ba ang magaakala na ang payak na anak ng GenSan ay makapapasok pala sa Buckingham Palace sa pamamagitan ng isang imbitasyon? Ang mga turista ay hanggang sa labas lang, kinukunan lang ng retrato ang mga palace guards, pero si Pacman ay makaiikot sa palasyo na ang tour guide pa ay si Prince Harry? At magdi-dinner pa siya sa palasyo ng Inglatera kasama ang bunsong anak ni Prince Charles at ng namayapang si Princess Diana. Parang wala lang na kuwento ni Pacman, “Magdi-dinner lang ako sa England kasama si Prince Harry, tapos, mag-iikot lang kami sa Buckingham Palace.” Ang Golden Gate sa


San Franciso ay sa takip ng notebook lang niya nakikita noon. Ang Buckingham Palace ay sa telebisyon lang niya napagmamasdan ang hitsura, pero dahil sa kaniyang pagsikat sa buong mundo bilang isang kampeong boksingero ay kinakabog pa niya ngayon kahit ang mga tagapamuno ng iba’t ibang bansa. Makikipag-Inglisan si Pacman kay Prince Harry. Siguradong mamumulaklak ang kaniyang linyang “You know” sa kanilang kuwentuhan, at siguradong alam ni Prince Harry na si Pacman ang Pilipinong boksingerong nagpatumba sa kanilang manok na si Ricky Hatton sa ikawalang round lang. Napakasuwerte talaga ni Manny Pacquiao. *** Hindi pa malamlam ang career ni Piolo Pascual. Umabante lang nang konti sa kaniya ang iba niyang kakontemporaryo pero ramdam na ramdam pa rin ang presensiya ni Piolo. Isa sa mga palatandaan na interesado pa rin sa kaniya

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

• Manny Pacquiao – Inimbitahan ni Prince Harry sa Buckingham Palace • Piolo at Iñigo – Pinagpipistahan pa rin ng publiko ang mag-ama • KC at Paulo – Malagihay ang fans sa love team na ito • Dingdong at Marian – May bashers pa rin ang mga bagong kasal • Xian Lim – Bano daw sa acting at sa hosting • Ai Ai Delas Alas – Seloso ang bagets na boy friend • Charice – Sabik daw si mommy Raquel para sa apo • Alex Gonzaga – Pinanggigigilan ng fans ni Maricel Soriano • Robin, Rommel at BB Gandanghari – Magkakasama sa isang sitcom • Gawad Tanghal – Pararangalan sina Bimby Aquino Yap at Nora Aunor ang publiko ay ang kuwentong pinagpipistahan ngayon tungkol sa kaniyang anak na si Iñigo. Ang kuwento ay hindi raw naman anak ni Piolo ang bagets. Anak daw ito ng isa niyang kapatid na babae, ipinaangkin lang daw sa kaniya bilang anak si Iñigo. Siguro ay isa kami sa puwedeng magpatunay na anak talaga ni Piolo si Iñigo kay Dona, isang kasamahan niya sa choir noong mga bata pa sila, matagal na panahong hindi nagkita ang mag-ama. Sumailalim sa paternity test sina Piolo at Iñigo, ang resulta ay positibo. Mula noon ay naging regular na ang kanilang pagsasama hanggang sa pagaralin na ng aktor ang kaniyang anak sa Amerika. Kalokohan ang naunang kuwentong anak daw si Iñigo ng isang kapatid ni Piolo, para ano pa’t dumaan sila sa paternity test,

Iñigo and dad Piolo Pascual

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015 para lang lokohin ang kanilang mga sarili at ang publiko? Kahit ayaw ni Piolo ay nasunod pa rin ang gusto ng kaniyang anak. Wala nang makapipigil pa ngayon kay Iñigo sa pag-aartista, nakaisang pelikula na ito at masusundan pa at nakatakda na ring gumawa ng album ang bagets. Iyon nga lang, kailangang pansamantalang pagdaanan ni


Iñigo ang pagkukumpara sa kanilang mag-ama. Iyon ang karaniwang nangyayari kapag nag-aartista na rin ang anak ng isang sikat na artista. *** Niluluto nang husto ang diumano’y romansang namamagitan ngayon kina Paulo Avelino at KC Concepcion. Palaging laman iyon ng mga See CRISTY p16





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

• Mga

bagong soap ng ABS-CBN ngayong 2015 • Sharon Cuneta - Nagdiwang ng birthday si Mega

Janella Salvador stars in Oh My G! Mga naglalakihang artista ng Kapamilya Network ang matutunghayan sa bagong line up ng mga teleseryeng ipapalabas ngayong 2015. Una sa listahan ay ang Will Never Say Goodbye na pangungunahan ng tambalang Richard Gomez at Dawn Zulueta. Nakasentro sa buhay ng isang masalimuot na pamilya iinog ang

istorya ng Will Never Say Goodbye. Kasama sa teleseryeng ito sina Tonton Gutierrez, Assunta de Rossi, Jessy Mendiola, JC de Vera at Sam Concepcion. Ito ay sa direksyon ng mahusay na si Jerry Sineneng. Sa Flordeliza ay muling masisilayan ang balik tambalan nina Marvin Agustin at Jolina Magdangal. Tungkol sa isang See SHOWBIZ p15

Top: Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla. Below: Alex Gonzaga


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015


SHOWBIZ... From page 14 ama na magkakaroon ng problema sa kaniyang dalawang pamilya tatakbo ang plot ng Flordeliza. Ipakikilala sa bagong soap na ito ang mga bagong child star ng ABS-CBN na sina Ashley Sarmiento at Rhed Bustamante. Kabilang din si Desiree del Valle sa cast at ito ay pamamahalaan ng batikang director Wenn Deramas. Ang Inday Bote naman ay pagbibidahan ng bagong blockbuster star ng network na si Alex Gonzaga. Tungkol sa isang junk collector na makakatagpo ng magic bottle ang role ni Alex dito. Kasama ng magandang star sina Mateo Guidicelli, Kean Cipriano, Nikki Valdez at Smokey Manaloto. Sa Oh My G! ay gagampanan ni Janella Salvador ang isang teenager na popular sa social media but is left wanting in her relationship. Pinagkatiwala ng network kay Janella ang seryeng ito matapos mapatunayan ang

husay nito sa katatapos lamang na soap ang Please Be Careful With My Heart. Leading men niya dito sina Mario Mortel at Manolo Pedrosa. Sa Nathaniel ay ipakikilala ang bagong child actor na si Marco Sala. Tungkol sa isang anghel na ipinadala sa lupa para sa isang mahalagang misyon iikot ang kuwentong ng telesryeng ito. Pagbibidahan din nina Gerald Anderson, Shaina Magdayao, Coney Reyes, Pokwang, Isabelle Daza at Benjie Paras. Ang inaabangan ng lahat ay ang bagong soap opera ng Kapamilya Network ay ang remake ng Pangako Sa ‘Yo nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo. Sila ang papalit sa iconic roles na ginampanan nina Jericho Rosales at Kristine Hermosa noon. Tiyak na aabangan din ang mga confrontation scene nina Angelica Panganiban bilang Claudia Buenavista na unang ginampanan ni Jean Garcia at si Jodi Sta Maria bilang Amor Powers na ginampanan ni Eula Valdez noon.


Ito ay muling pamamahalaan ni Rory Quintos na siyang nagdirehe ng unang Pangako Sa ‘Yo noon. *** Nagdiwang ng kaniyang ika49 birthday si Sharon Cuneta kasama ang pamilya at dinaluhan din ng kaniyang mga malalapit na kaibigan. Makikitang malaki na ang inihulog ng katawan ni Mega na ikinatutuwa ng kaniyang mga fans. Ayon sa mga kaibigan ni Sharon ay patuloy ang matinding pagsasakripisyo niya ngayon para mabawasan ang kaniyang timbang. Talagang sumusunod na siya sa disiplinang ipinayo ng kaniyang mga doktor. Kuwarenta’y nuwebe anyos pa lang ang Megastar nitong January 6 at napakaaga pa niya para magretiro sa trabaho. Napakarami pang nakaabang na oportunidad sa kaniya kapag ang kaniyang timbang ay tama na sa paggawa ng pelikula. Maraming tagahanga ang sabik na sabik na sa kaniyang pagbabalik-telebisyon at pelikula.

Sharon’s birthday celebration (photos from Sharon’s FB) Dawn Zulueta at Richard Gomez kasama ang cast ng Will Never Say Goodbye

Jolina at Marvin kasama ang cast ng Flordeliza

Cast ng Nathaniel featuring child star Marco Sala



JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

CRISTY... From page 13 pahayagan, maraming press release tungkol sa kanila. Pero sa kabila noon ay malagihay pa rin ang pagtanggap ng publiko sa sinasabing relasyon nila. Walang iniwan iyon sa tambalang Xian Lim at Kim Chiu na halos ipagduldulan na sa ilong ng mga kababayan natin, pero hanggang ngayo’y pinagtataasan pa rin iyon ng kilay ng mas nakararami, walang naniniwala sa kanilang relasyon daw. Hard sell ang pagbebenta sa pag-uugnay kina KC at Paulo. Parang pilit na pilit, kahit pa sabihing palaging nandiyan lang ang aktor sa lahat ng mga nangyayari sa buhay ng dalaga. Sa totoo lang, in fairness, mabuti pa nga ang nakaraang relasyon nina KC at Piolo Pascual at kinagat ng publiko. Sabihin nang kuwestiyonable ang gender ni Piolo pero kumpara kay Paulo ay mas sinakyan pa nga ng ating mga kababayan ang relasyon nila ni KC. Pakiramdam kasi ng mas nakararami ay parang ginagawa lang na tungtungan ni Paulo si KC, parang kailangan lang idikit ang kaniyang pangalan sa dalaga ng Megastar, para siya makilala. Guwapo, pero matamlay ang presensiya ni Paulo Avelino. Idagdag pa ang mga hindi kagandahang kuwentong personal noon na naugnay sa kanila ni LJ at ng kanilang anak. Kumbaga sa prutas ay pilit na pilit ang ginagawang pagpapahinog sa relasyon nina Paulo at KC, at kapag pilit at kinalburo, mapakla iyon sa panlasan ng publiko. *** Nagpista ang mga balikbayan naming kaibigan sa pagpaparetrato sa Boracay sa mga bagong kasal na sina Dingdong Dantes at Marian Rivera. Nagkakaisa sila sa pagsasabi na may make-up o wala ay napakaganda talaga ng aktres. “Saka si Dingdong pala, grabe ang PR! Nakikipagkuwentuhan talaga siya sa mga nakikilala niya, hindi siya iyong hanggang hi and hello lang, he really spends time talking to people. “Tatanungin ka niya kung saan kayo naninirahan sa States, mayroon din siyang input about the place, kabisado niya ang America. Mabait si Dingdong, he can be an effective public servant, may magandang PR siya at alam mong mabait at sincere siya,” papuri sa aktor ng aming kaibigan mula sa Chino Hills, California. Kasama nilang nagbakasyon sa Boracay ang ama ni Marian, si Mr. Francisco Javier Gracia, na isang matagumpay na negosyante sa Madrid, Spain. “Palaging nakayakap si Marian sa daddy niya, sinasamantala lang daw niya ang pagkakataon sabi niya, dahil uuwi rin agad sa Spain ang daddy niya. Kaya naman pala napakaganda ni Marian, Kastilaloy pala ang dugo niya,” komento uli ng aming

KC Concepcion at Paulo Avelino kaibigan. Pero nakakatikim ngayon ng hagupit mula sa mga netizens ang mga bagong kasal. Kahit pa totoo namang parang prinsesa habang lumalakad sa altar si Marian at parang prinsipe naman ang nagaabang na groom ay mayroon at mayroon pa ring kokontra sa kanila. May isang nagkomento, “Royal wedding? E, ni hindi nga marunong magsalita ng English ang bride?” Napakasakit naman noon. Para namang lumalabas na kapag hindi marunong magIngles ang isang tao ay puwede nang burahin ang iba pang magagandang katangian niya. At para bang pinalalabas ng iba na kapag hindi marunong gumamit ng lengguwahe ni Uncle Sam ang tao ay malaking kapintasan na iyon. Kung sana’y nagpapanggap si Marian, kung sana’y hindi siya Pilipino. Kung sana’y malaking krimen na ang hindi pag-Ingles. At ang pinakahuli, ang pagpopost sa Instagram ng kanilang mga loyalista sa halaga ng Rolex watch na iniregalo ni Marian kay Dingdong bago sila ikinasal, mahigit na isang milyong piso ang presyo ng relo. Kung anu-anong pintas na naman ang inabot ng magasawa, na para bang sila ang nagmayabang na i-post iyon, samantalang wala nga silang kaalam-alam tungkol sa paglabas ng presyo ng mamahaling relo? Totoong hindi napapanahon ang paglalabas ng presyo ng relo. Maraming kababayan natin ang nagdarahop ngayon lalo na ang mga naging biktima ng bagyo, pero sina Dingdong at Marian ba ang kailangang pupugin ng iba tungkol doon? Hindi naman sila ang naglabas ng presyo, walang kahit anino lang ng pagyayabang mula sa mga bagong kasal, pero bakit sila ang pinag-iinitan ngayon? Nakakalungkot naman. *** Parang hindi naman kapanipaniwala ang mga umiikot na kuwento tungkol sa kabanuang umarte ni Xian Lim. Gaano ba talaga kahinang umarte

ang makisig pa namang aktor na ito para mapabalita na sa isang eksena lang sa ginagawa niyang serye ay inabot siya nang tatlumpu’t anim na takes? Iyon daw ang dahilan kung bakit siya pinalitan sa proyekto. Nainis na raw kasi ang kanilang direktor at ang kaniyang mga kapwa artista, ang dahilan kung bakit tinapik daw siya ng isang aktor at nagsabing, “If you don’t value your time, we do.” Lutung-luto naman sa workshop si Xian, di nga ba’t maraming nagpapatotoo na sa kaniyang taping at shooting ay may nakabantay pa siyang acting coach, anyare? Ang hanggang siyam na takes ay kapani-paniwala pa, pero ang 36 takes, para namang wala man lang siyang natutunang kahit ano sa kaniyang pagwo-workshop? “Mag-host na lang kasi siya, huwag na siyang mag-ilusyong magpakaaktor, dahil wala talaga siyang alam sa pag-arte!” komento ng isang basher ng binata. May sumagot naman agad sa nagkomentong mag-host na lang siya, “Anong mag-host na lang si Xian? E, noon ngang mag-host siya sa isang beauty pageant, pagkatapos magsalita ng contestant, e, paulit-ulit niyang sinasabi ang ‘Very well, thank you so much!’ “Anong very well? Isang salita na lang, e, ipinagdamot pa niya? Mahirap bang bitiwan ang ‘Very well said’? Acting or hosting, wala siyang future!” nagmamaasim pang sabi ng isang walang kagustu-gusto kay Xian Lim. *** Ang tunay na BFF ni Ai-Ai delas Alas na si Arnell Ignacio ang nagbuking kung gaano kaseloso ang kaniyang boyfriend na si Gerald Sibayan. Masayang kuwento ni Arnelli na nakakuwentuhan namin ni Richard Pinlac sa Cristy Fer Minute, “Naku, napakahaba ng buhok ngayon ni Eileen (Ai Ai)! Mawala lang siya sandali sa paningin ni Gerald, hinahanap na siya! “Seloso ang bagets! May

Dingdong, Marian and her dad Francisco Javier Gracia

Xian Lim

Ai Ai and Kris - back in good terms makakuwentuhan lang siyang iba sa kabilang table, nakatingin na sa kaniya, parang nagseselos na! Kaya naman tingnan n’yo ang aura ngayon ni Ai Ai, maaliwalas ang mukha ni delas Alas!” pambubuking ni Arnelli sa kaniyang bestfriend. Gumaan na talaga ang dibdib ngayon ni Ai Ai. Sa aminin at sa hindi ng Comedy Concert Queen ay masyado niyang ininda ang hindi nila pagkakaintindihan nang matagal na panahon ni Kris Aquino. Kumpleto na ang kaniyang kaligayahan ngayon dahil bukod sa pagbabati nila ni Kris ay kulay rosas ang kaniyang paligid. Bagets na naturingan pero nagkakasundo sila ng kaniyang boyfriend. Masayangmasaya si Ai-Ai dahil kasundo

ng tatlo niyang anak si Gerald, nirerespeto ito nina Sancho, Nicolo, at Budang. “Mahirap makipagrelasyon kapag marami kang pinapakipanimbangan, magaan kapag lahat ng mahal mo sa buhay, e, mahal din ang mahal mo,” makahulugan pang sabi ng Comedy Concert Queen. *** Isang maagang tawag ang tinanggap namin mula sa isang naiiritang kaibigan kahapon. Tungkol kay Aling Raquel na mommy ni Charice Pempengco ang kaniyang sentimyento. Unang komento ng aming kausap, “Ano ba naman ‘yang nanay ni Charice? OA na siyang masyado! Tama nang tinanggap na lang niya ang gender ng anak See CRISTY p18


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015



First Filipino and Friends Blood Donation Day a success! By Jamie Pempengco Between Christmas and New Year blood donation is usually farthest from peoples’ minds. But on December 27, 2014 that was not the case for the 110 people who came to give the gift of life during the first-ever Filipino and Friends Blood Donation Day. Canadian Blood Services (CBS) was able to collect 96 blood donations from those who came in, the highest collection day over the 2014 holiday season! My favourite part was meeting people coming in to donate. Some people were coming in for their regular appointments, but CBS reported that 17 people were new donors. One of them was a gentleman who had come in after reading about my mother and me in the Winnipeg Free Press published the day before. I also met a few courageous new donors who had either heard about the blood drive on the CKJS radio broadcast on site, facilitated by Donna Arenas or had seen the ad in the Pilipino Express. I was truly blessed to meet so many kind and generous people who had responded to my family’s story. In 2013 my mom was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, having reoccurred from the time she was originally diagnosed and treated in 2007. Since then the year has had its ups and downs but I can never forget the three occasions my mom received blood transfusions. She came home smiling and ready to dance. Now that I’ve seen what a gift blood donation is I can better overcome the intimidation that can come with it.

I had scheduled myself for the last appointment of the day, and by the end I was feeling a little nervous. I’d been able to donate once before, but that had been preceded by seven unsuccessful attempts due to low iron and my tiny veins. But all day I had watched as my friends, family and kind strangers donated for people like my mom. So instead of thinking about the needle or the temporary discomfort I thought about how my donation could save up to three lives, and help three people feel “ready to dance” once more. My successful blood donation was a perfect end to a fantastic day. Ninety-six blood donations means up to three times as many people were given the gift of life, and I couldn’t have been more grateful to be part of such a wonderful community of friends and family. This incredible day brings to mind James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” So around this time of year when people are thinking about resolutions, why not resolve to donate in honour of someone you know who needs blood? CBS reported that the following Monday after the Filipino and Friends Blood Donation Day met 81 per cent of their target goal for the day, 18 per cent of these being new donors who said they’d heard about the blood drive on Saturday. So you haven’t missed your chance! Call 1-888-2-DONATE today to book an appointment and give the gift of life this 2015.

Jamie, Mom and Dad with MLA Flor Marcelino, CKJS radio host Donna Arenas and Paul Wiebe of the National Research Council

Jamie, Mom and her kuya, John Mark with Winnipeg school trustee, Darlyne Bautista, and sister Daisydee

“Each donation is a gift of life” – Jamie Pempengco

Jamie and Mom with friend Whitney and other donors

Photos courtesy of Jamie Pempengco



Payo Ang mga tauhan at mga pangyayari sa kuwentong ito ay kathang-isip lamang at hindi tumutukoy sa mga tunay na tao at sitwasyon. HINDI malaman ni Mila Mangoba ang gagawin. Parang wala na siyang mukhang ihaharap sa mga manonood. Sa pakiwari niya, nawalan na siya ng kredibilidad. Parang gusto na niyang tumigil sa pagharap sa kamera. KANINANG bandang alas10 ng umaga, pagdating ng mister niya ay sinimulan nitong magempake ng mga damit at gamit. Hindi ito umuwi nang nagdaang gabi. Nasa paaralan na ang tatlo nilang anak. “Saan ka ba pupunta?” tanong niya. Hindi sumagot ang mister niya. “Bakit ka nag-eempake?” tanong uli niya. Hindi pa rin ito sumagot. “Ano ba ang nangyayari?” “Iiwan ko na kayo ng mga bata.” “Ha!” Patuloy sa pag-eempake ang mister niya. “Ano? Ano ang sinabi mo?” Umiiyak na siya. “Pakikisamahan ko na si Annie. Nanganak na siya kagabi.” “Sinong Annie? Bakit mo nagawa sa akin ’to? Ano ang pagkukulang ko?” Walang sagot. “Ano ang pagkukulang ko? Sabihin mo.” Wala pa ring sagot. Patuloy siyang umiiyak. Hindi niya napigilan sa pagalis ang mister niya. “Magpapadala ako ng pera buwan-buwan,” huling sinabi nito bago lumabas ng bahay nila. ISA siyang tagapayo sa TV. Mataas ang rating ng kaniyang programa. Kung ito ang pagbabatayan, lumilitaw na nagugustuhan ng mga manonood ang kaniyang mga payo. Tungkol sa relasyon ng magkasintahan at mag-asawa ang karaniwang inihihingi ng payo sa kaniya. Malimit siyang tumanggap ng

CRISTY... From page 16 niya, okey na iyon, pero tigilan na niya ang pagsasabing sabik na sabik na siyang magkaapo sa tomboy niyang anak! “Ano ba naman iyon? Naghahanap ba ng milagro ang nanay ni Charice? Mano ngang tantanan na niya ang pagiging OA!” inis na komento ng aming kaibigan. Kung matatandaan ay matagal na hindi nag-usap ang

ganitong uri ng mga mensahe sa text o sa Facebook: “Ate MM, marming slamat sa payo. Hapi uli kmi ni mr. Para uli nasa honymoon.” “Ate MM, hindi na po kami nag-aaway ng BF ko pagkatapos kong sundin ang payo ninyo. Maraming-maraming salamat po talaga.” “Ate MM, nagkasundo na po kami ng biyenan ko. Parang tunay na anak po ang turing niya sa akin at parang tunay na ina naman ang turing ko sa kaniya. Salamat po sa payo ninyo.” Naliligayahan siya hindi lamang dahil tumataas ang rating ng kaniyang programa kundi dahil din sa pakiramdam niya, may halaga ang ginagawa niya. NANG nasa bahay na lahat ang tatlong anak galing sa paaralan, ipinagtapat niya ang nangyari. Sa malao’t madali, malalaman din naman ng mga ito na iniwan na sila ng ama ng mga ito. Gusto rin niyang maihanda na ang loob ng mga ito sa malaking pagbabago sa buhay nilang magiina. Awang-awa siya sa mga anak. “Bakit nagawa ni Daddy ‘yon? Mahal naman natin siya,” sabi ng panganay, babae, 18 anyos. “Mommy, paano tayo ngayon?” tanong ng pangalawa, 16 anyos, babae rin. “Mga anak, mabubuhay tayo. Magpapatuloy kayo sa pagaaral. Magbibigay rin naman ng sustento ang Daddy ninyo,” sagot niya. Malaki ang suweldo ng mister niya sa pinapasukan nitong kompanya. Iniisip niyang baka nagtatrabaho rin doon ang babae. Hindi kumikibo ang bunso, lalaki, 14 anyos. Nakatingin lamang ito sa kanila habang nagiiyakan sila ng dalawang anak na babae. Hindi ito umiiyak. Hindi niya ipinagtanggol, hindi rin niya sinisi ang mister niya. Sa itinagal-tagal niyang nagbibigay ng payo, natagpuan niyang mahirap basta humatol. Hindi madaling matukoy kung sino talaga ang nagkulang. NAPAKABIGAT ng katawan

niya nang magtungo sa TV station nang gabing iyon. Alas 10 ang simula ng kaniyang isang oras na programa. Kung puwede nga lang hindi siya mag-ulat sa trabaho! Kaya lang, wala siyang reliever. Kinausap niya ang makeup artist upang kahit paano’y matakpan ang pamumugto ng kaniyang mga mata. Kinausap niya ang camera man upang huwag masyadong itutok sa mukha niya ang kamera. Pinilit pa rin niyang laging nakangiti. Hindi naman ngayon lamang siya nagkaroon ng problema habang nagbobroadcast, maraming beses na, sakali mang hindi simbigat ng ngayon. Lagi siyang ngumingiti sa kaniyang programa dahil gusto niyang mapasaya ang mga manonood. Gusto rin niyang lumakas ang loob ng mga ito laban sa mga problema. Lagi siyang matapat sa mga manonood sa kaniyang iniisip at nararamdaman kaya nahihirapan siya dahil lagi siyang ngumingiti pero sa kalooban naman niya ay malungkot siya. Pagod na pagod siya nang matapos ang programa. Dati, magaan na magaan pagkakatapos ng kaniyang pakiramdam. Masayang-masaya siya habang nagbibigay ng payo. NANG makauwi, binalikan

niya sa isip ang nakaraan. Nagbaka-sakali siyang matunton kung bakit sa ganito humantong ang pagsasama nilang magasawa. Magaganda naman ang ipinakita niya sa mister niya. Hindi siya naging mapaghanap. Hindi rin nagkulang sa seks ang mister niya sa pagsasama nila. Wala rin itong problema sa tatlo nilang anak. Kaya panatag ang kalooban niya. Hindi niya akalaing nambababae na pala ang mister niya. Makakaya naman niyang buhayin ang tatlong anak bukod sa nangako ng sustento ang mister niya. Pero malungkot pa rin ang iwan ng asawa. Iniisip din niya kung ano ang magiging epekto nito sa mga anak nila. Iniisip din niya ang sitwasyon niya bilang tagapayo sa TV: Nagbibigay siya ng payo kung paano mananatiling buo o muling mabubuo ang samahan ng magasawa o magkasintahan pero hiwalay naman siya sa asawa. Hindi kaya niloloko lamang niya ang mga manonood? naitanong niya sa sarili. “HUWAG kang mag-resign,” payo ng isang kaibigan na napagsabihan niya ng kaniyang problema. Tinawagan niya ito sa landline nang makaalis na ang

mag-ina dahil sa pag-a-out ni Charice tungkol sa kaniyang tunay na kasarian. Galit na galit noon si Aling Raquel sa kaniyang anak at kay Alyssa Quijano na karelasyon ng international performer. “Magtigil nga ang nanay na ‘yan ni Charice! Para lang makaeksena siya, e, kung anu-ano na lang ang mga pinagsasasabi niya! Napakahilig kasi sa publicity ng babaeng iyon! “Kung ang Mommy

Caring na ni Aiza Seguerra, e, hindi nagsasalita ng ganoon. Nagpakasal na’t lahat ang anak niya, pero umeeksena ba si Mommy Caring sa pagsasabing gusto na niyang magkaapo? “Tumigil na nga ang Aling Raquel na ‘yan, paano siya magkakaapo sa mga pompyang?” nagmamaasim pang komento ng iritado naming kaibigan. *** Maraming tagahanga ni Maricel Soriano ang gigil na gigil ngayon kay Alex Gonzaga.

Wala raw originality ang patpating aktres, dinidikitan daw niya ang acting ng Diamond Star, bakit daw hindi gumawa ng sarili niyang paraan si Alex para siya makilala nang hindi lang niya ginagaya si Marya? Magaling na komedyana si Alex Gonzaga, mayroon iyang timing na kailangang-kailangan sa pagpapatawa, kahit sa normal lang niyang pagsasalita ay may sense of humor na siya. Kung tutuusin ay mas magaling pa siya kesa kay Toni

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015 tatlong anak upang pumasok sa paaralan. “Pero me maniwala pa kaya sa akin pag nalaman nilang iniwan ako ng mister ko?” tanong niya. Hindi nito sinagot ang tanong niya. Sa halip, inilahad nito ang mga dahilan upang lalo siyang kumapit sa kaniyang trabaho: Lalo mong maiisip ang nangyari pag wala kang ginagawa. Lalo ka lamang malulungkot. Lalo mong dapat ipakita sa mister mo na makakaya mong tumayo sa sarili mong mga paa. Lalong magiging kawawa ang mga anak mo pag kinakapos na sila sa mga pangangailangan. May ilang nagbibigay ng payo tungkol sa buhay-pamilya gayong dalaga sila. May iba ring nagbibigay ng payo tungkol sa relasyon ng magasawa o magkasintahan gayong hiwalay sila sa asawa. Matagal siyang nag-isip. Hanggang sa makabuo siya ng pasiya. MAGAAN ang pakiramdam at lakad niya nang magtungo sa TV station nang gabing iyon. Naisip niyang hindi naman lamang ang mga dapat gawin ng isang babae upang mahalin ng kaniyang mister o boyfriend ang kaniyang ipinapayo. Pinapayuhan din niya ang mga manonood kung paano maging matatag kapag may problema sa kanilang asawa o kasintahan o iniwan sila ng mga ito. Sa haba rin ng panahon ng kaniyang pagbibigay ng payo, natagpuan niyang hindi naman laging nagkulang ang babae kapag nambabae ang mister nito. May lalaking sinasabing napakasuwerte na sa naging misis niya pero nambabae pa rin. Mayroon din namang babae na sa kabila ng mga kakulangan ay hindi nambababae ang mister. Ngayong siya naman ang nasa kalagayan ng mga binibigyan niya ng payo, magiging matatag siya. Ipakikita niyang kung ano ang ipinapayo niya, ginagawa niya. “Mga giliw kong tagasubaybay, magandang gabi po sa inyo,” bati niya sa pagsisimula ng programa mula sa kaibuturan ng kaniyang puso. Si Nestor S. Barco ay tinanghal na Makata ng Taon sa Pilipinas noong 2003. Nagsusulat siya ng mga tula, kuwento, sanaysay at artikulo. Isa siyang mamamahayag. Masusulatan siya sa nestorsbarco@yahoo.com.ph.

Gonzaga, kung minsan kasi ay pilit ang pagkokomedya ng kaniyang ate, samantalang ang pagpapatawa ni Alex ay walang ka-eport-eport. Hindi puwedeng pagbintangan si Alex na nanggagaya lang dahil iyon na talaga siya, matagal namin siyang nakasama sa TV5, kapag nagkukuwento kasi si Alex ay nauuna na ang paghalakhak niya bago pa niya mabuo ang istorya. Nakakaaliw siyang See CRISTY p22


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Sa ika-8 ng Marso ang kumbensiyon ng Manitoba NDP at doon mahahatulan kung si Greg Selinger ay mananatiling leader pa rin ng partido. Pangungunahan ng mapipiling lider ang kampanya para sa April 2016 provincial elections. *** Makakalaban ni Selinger ang isa sa limang nagrebeldeng minister na si Theresa Oswald at kaniyang dating long-time cabinet minister na si Steve Ashton. Inaakalang mahigpitan ang magiging labanan ng NDP at PC sa provincial elections sa Tagsibol ng susunod na taon. *** Ang Federal elections naman ay nakatakdang ganapin sa ika19 ng October, 2015. Mahigpitan din ang inaakalang labanan ng PC ni PM Harper at Liberal Party ni Justin Trudeau. *** Ang paghina ng purchasing power ng Canadian dollar ay nagdudulot ng negatibong epekto sa manufacturing business ng Canada. Bukod sa perennial winter effect, if not layoffs, ang mga may negosyo ay napipilitang magbawas ng oras sa trabaho ng mga empleyado. *** Malaking bentaha sa mga motorista, industriya at may iba’t ibang negosyo ang umiiral na mababang presyo ng gasolina at krudo. Ipanalanging manatiling may kakumpitensiya ang OPEC sa oil marketing business na tulad ng nangyayari sa kasalukuyan. Pilipinas Hanggang ngayon ay damang-dama pa ang pangit na pasalubong ng Bagong Taon sa ating mga kababayan sa Visayas at Mindanao. Dalawang araw pa lang sa bagong taon, nanalasa na ang bagyong Seniang na grabe


ang pinsalang iniwan kumpara sa Ruby noon na napaghandaan ng mga mamamayan. *** Ang halos apat na araw na pamamalagi sa Pilipinas ng Santo Papa ay inaasahang magpapaalab sa damdamin ng mga katoliko sa bansa. Nakakalungkot nga lang isipin na ang simbahan na gusaling sagrado ay pinapasok subali’t hindi iginagalang ng ibang tao. *** Sorry to say, may mga umano’y Manong at Manang na nangungumpisal pa, pero muling gumagawa ng sadyang kasalanan. Opo, pinatatawad ang nagkasala, pero huwag na sanang ulit-ulitin. Ang motibo ng sagradong kumpisal ay di dapat itulad sa isang dishwasher. *** Sa kanilang paghaharap sa Malacañang, makatingin kaya nang diretso si PNoy sa Santo Papa? Baka akala ni Noynoy, hindi alam ng Pope Francis ang nabalitang million dollars na sabi’y suhol from Obama’s Millennium Challenge Fund kaya ang Reproductive Health bill ay madaling naging batas sa Pilipinas. *** Ang Santo Papa ay busog sa impormasyon. Alam niya kung ano ang totoo at hindi sa mga lumalabas na balita. Kaya pati ang mga alagad ng simbahan ay pinayuhang huwag masilaw sa pera na dinidiyos ng marami mismo sa bansang naturingang katoliko. *** Ang Pope Francis ay tubong Argentina. Mula sa angkan ng imigrante from Italy. Alam niya ang buhay-maralita. Ano kaya ang isasagot ni PNoy sa Santo Papa sakaling tanungin kung


Mahirap Malimot Bayang ang taguri’y Perlas ng Silangan, Mariwasang bansa nang ako’y isilang; Malungkot isiping ang lupang hinirang, Ang wari sa ngayon ay bansang hinarang! *** Larawan ng buhay, iba’t ibang mukha, Maraming mahirap at may mariwasa; Ngunit ang masaklap, taga-ibang bansa, Sa bayang magiliw ang tinitingala! *** Maraming ang buhay ay kalunos-lunos ng mga kabayang turing ay busabos; Magpakailanman, mahirap malimot, Ang kapangyarihan ng mga kurakot! *** Pag-asa ang lagi na lamang pangarap, Sa bawat panahong madaling lumipas! Paquito Rey Pacheco

bakit napakaraming naghihirap sa Pilipinas na isang mayamang bansa? *** Tiyak na ang pinaka-buod ng mensahe na iiwan ng Santo Papa sa Pilipinas ay ibangon sa kahirapan ang maraming kapuspalad. Ang hindi lang natin alam, kung lalatay at susundin ng mga namumuno sa pamahalaan at mayayaman sa bansa. *** Bagsak sa plus 44 per cent ang popularity ratings ni VP Binay, ayon sa November-December 14 SWS survey mula sa plus 52 per cent noong September 14, 2014. Hindi dapat ipagtaka, kasi siya ay kasama ng administrasyong pinagsasawaan na ng maraming mamamayan. Buti nga ang kaniyang satisfaction ratings ay 65 percent, kumpara sa iba pang mga kagawad ng gabinete. *** Pilipinas ang pinakamatandang bansa sa rehiyon na ang pinairal ng gobyerno ay salig sa prinsipyo ng demokrasya. Subalit ang nagtatamasa ng ganap na kalayaan ay angkan lamang ng mga elite, kaya patuloy ang paglapad ng agwat sa pamumuhay ng mga mayaman at mahirap. *** Naglalayasan ang mga tao sa bansang tanging itinalaga ng Diyos na doon sila isilang at manirahan.? Ang bansang taguri ay Perlas ng Silangan ay paraiso na ng mga dayuhan. Bigo ang mga namuno sa pangakong ibabangon sa kahirapan ang mga hikahos sa pamumuhay. *** Maraming Pinoy ang nagtatawid dagat na ang kanilang mga mata ay luhaan. Ang mga paa ay halos hindi maihakbang dahil sa sama ng loob. Nawasak ang maraming pamilya. Sa halip tulungan ang mga hikahos, sila pa ang ginagamait ng mga pinuno sa pagpapayaman. *** Tinawag ni Senadora Grace Poe na “hudas” ang gobyerno sa ginawang biglang pagtataas ng pamasahe sa LRT-MRT. Wala daw sa panahon. May pera naman daw na nakalaan sa 2014 na hindi nagamit at mayroon din sa 2015 budget. Kung nasa bakuran pa siya ng LP ni PNoy, tila nakabitiw sa tulos ang anak ni FPJ. *** Naku, kinampihan pa ni PNoy si DOTC secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya sa ginawang pagtataas sa pamasahe ng LRT-MRT? Ginawa habang ang mga tao ay naghahanda sa pagdalaw ng Santo Papa sa bansa. *** Totoo nga na para sa mga mayayaman ay cheap lang ang halagang tinaas na pamasahe? May pera sila at sariling transportasyon, pero para sa mahihirap, sobrang pabigat ‘yon. Ang mga pahirap na nadadama ng mga botante ay maaaring matandaan pagdating ng 2016 elections. *** Ang Comelec chairman naman, Sixto Brillantes, ay magreretiro na lang sa ika-17 ng

Pebrero, nabalitang humirit pa ng mid-night deal? Ang balita ay binale-wala naman ng mga nasa Palasyo? Kontrobersiyal na isyu na naman ‘yon. *** Hindi nangyari ang ibinabalita ng mga bright boys ni PNoy na magkakaroon ng 7.2 percent growth sa kabuhayan ang bansa sa nakaraang taon. Humina ang purchasing power ng piso. Tinamaan ang manufacturing sector na umaangkat ng mga ginagamit sa produksiyon ng mga produkto. Kaparis ng Canadian dollar, sa US currency din kasi nakatali ang pisong Filipino. *** Si DOJ Secretary De Lima ay hindi ligtas sa responsibilidad tunkol sa pangit at nakakainis na nangyayari sa National Bilibid Prison, Ang NBP ay nasa payong ng kaniyang departamento. Siya ang nagtalaga sa mga opisyal doon. Dapat alam niya ang nangyayari. Kung hindi, sabi nga ni Lolo Jose, “natutulog ba sa pansitan?” *** Kung totoong ang sinabi ni Presidential spokesperson Sonny Coloma na si Agri-secretary Proceso Alcala ay binitiwan na ng Palasyo. Kung may delicadeza siya, dapat ay magbitiw na sa hawak na posisyon. Iligtas niya ang kaibigang Noynoy sa kahihiyan. *** Sabi ni PNoy, “Mag-ingat sa mga nagkukunwari.” Buwelta naman ng mga kritiko, eh sino ba ang “great pretender?” Nagpapanggap na honest, pero ang turing ay PDAF/ DAP king. *** “Trillanes all bark, no bite!” ayon sa kampo ni VP Binay. Aba sa aso ay ok lang ‘yon, pero sa tao, ang taguri ay malisyoso. Pinipilit kasi si Binay na humarap sa Senate Sub-committee para daw masagot ang mga akusasyon sa kaniya. Naku, hindi gago si Jojomar. Bakit nga naman siya lulusong sa Ilog na maraming buwaya?

PAGE 19 Katas Sa ika-20 ng kasalukuyan, marahil ay malalaman na kung si Erap ay mananatiling mayor ng Maynila: 1. Ang Korte Suprema ay magpapanayam en bank upang pagpasiyahan ang kasong disqualifications against Estrada na hinain ng kampo ni former Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim. 2. Si Erap ay pinayagan ng Comelec na kumandidato sa pagka-pangulo ng Pilipinas noong 2010 national elections. Pangalawa kay PNoy sa nakuhang pinakamataas na boto. 3. Pinayagan din ng Comelec na kumandidato sa pagka-Mayor ng Maynila noong 2013 mid-term elections. Tinalo niya si Mayor Alfredo Lim na nakaupong mayor noon. 4. Ang disqualification case against Erap ay ibinatay sa plunder case na he was convicted. Ang patawad daw ni Gloria ay hindi nagbibigay ng kalayaan kay Erap na humawak ng posisyon sa gobyerno? 5. Alin kaya ang higit na may merito sa magiging pasiya ng Korte Suprema – Conviction case ni Erap o ang boto ng mga tao na naghalal kay Estrada as Manila Mayor? Abangan at tandaan: Former mayor Lim is an Aquino while Estrada is an opposition, as head of the Partido ng Masang Pilipino. Kasabihan: Ano mang utang ay binabayaran. Matindi ang balik kung kinakalimutan. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@ yahoo.ca.





NO. 220


Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Isinilang 5. May daya 12. Tutop 13. ’Di sanay 14. Hapo 16. Lamang-loob 17. Nalagyan 18. Parental Guidance 19. General Motors 21. Tamad 25. Bilot 27. Samsam 29. Galapong 31. Tabako 32. Sinasalungat PABABA 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sandali Bayan sa Pangasinan Lastiko Wagayway Para Suot ng magtatapos Panahon Ugali

10. Suweldo 11. Pagitan 15. Patalasin 18. Bahagi 20. Siga 21. Panghalip 22. Uri ng tela 23. Wasak 24. Init 26. Klase 28. Ulirang babae 30. Huni ng ibon 31. Palayaw ng lalaki


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Enero 16 – 31, 2015 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Kung hindi rin lang kaugnay ng hanapbuhay o negosyo, iwasan mo muna ang mahabang biyahe sa buwang ito. Mas marami kang dapat asikasuhin sa iyong kinalalagyan ngayon; sikapin mong makita ang mga kaibigan o kasosyo. Pag-aralan muli ang mga plano. OK ang ika-16, 17, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-18, 19 at 31.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Mahalagang asikasuhin mo ang iyong kabuhayan. Napapabayaan mo dahil maganda ang takbo nitong nakaraang taon. Bagong taon na at napakaraming pagbabagong dapat mong pag-aralan. Iba noon, baka hindi ka makasabay sa bagong kaalaman. Mapalad ka sa ika-16, 17, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika20, 21, 27 at 28.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kalusugan ang dapat na intindihin mo ngayon. Kung sumasakit ang iyong tuhod o likod, huwag mong balewalain ito. Bigyang-pansin ang mga buto dahil mas mahirap kung lalala ito. Makipagkita sa iyong doctor at siyasatin ang problema mo. Masaya ang ika-16, 17, 24 at 25. May tension sa ika22, 23, 29 at 30.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) May gusto kang tapusin ngayon subalit mapapansin mong napakabagal ng pag-usad at tila laging may problemang nasasalubong. Hayaan mo lang. Magtiyaga ka at darating din ang araw na makukumpleto mo ito. Huwag kang panghihinaan ng loob. Lucky days mo ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-20 at 21.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Iwasan mo ang init ng ulo. Minsan kahit walang problema, nagiging problema sa paningin mo dahil madali kang mainis. Magpahinga ka. Minsan ang pagiging bugnutin ay bunga ng pagod. Mahirap kang pakisamahan ngayon. Magbago ka. OK ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 22, 23, 29 at 30.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Mahalin mo muna ang sarili mo at makikita mong mas marami kang matutulungan sa pamilya mo. Iwasan mong isakripisyo ang iyong sarili sa pagtulong sa iba dahil lalo lang lalaki ang problema. Kung masaya ka, mas mahahawa sila. Tandaan: Ikaw muna! OK ang ika-18, 19, 27 at 28. May tensyon sa ika-24, 25 at 31.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Gamitin mong aral ang anumang kabiguan na nararanasan mo. Hindi uubrang palagi ka na lang talo. Ganiyan lang ang buhay talaga. May darating na buwenas sa iyo at doon mo mapapatunayan na ang mga naranasan mo ang dahilan ng iyong pagwawagi. OK ang ika-20, 21, 29 at 30. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 22 at 23.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Huwag mo nang balikan ang nakaraan. Importante ay maging positibo ka sa mga darating na araw upang umasenso ka. Ang nabubuhay sa alaala ay parang natutulog nang gising. Lumalampas ang mga oportunidad dahil nakatali ka pa sa mga lumipas. OK ang ika20, 21, 29 at 30. Kuwidaw sa ika18, 19, 24, 25 at 31.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Gamitin mo ang buwang ito upang ayusin ang sarili, pamilya at mga balak mo sa kabuhayan. Ilatag mo ang plano upang maging batayan mo ito ng mga dapat mong gawin sa bagong taon. Masaya ang umpisa ng taon para sa iyo subalit kailangan mo nang maghanda. Lucky ka sa ika-20, 21, 29 at 30. Careful sa ika-27 at 28.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mahalaga ang pakikisama subalit kung napapansin mong inaabuso ang iyong kabaitan, oras na para layuan mo ang nagsasamantala. Kulay rosas ang pag-ibig para sa iyo ngayon. Mas matindi ang inyong pagmamahalan. Kung single, baka siya na nga! OK sa ika-22, 23 at 31. Stressful ang ika-18, 19, 24 at 25.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Kung ihahambing mo ang nakaraang taon sa bagong taon, mas maganda ang magiging buhay mo kung gagamitin mo ang mga naipundar mo, sa personal na relasyon, maging sa hanapbuhay. Mahigpit ang pasok ng pera sa iyo subalit hindi magtatagal ito. OK mo ang ika-22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-20, 21, 27 at 28.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maganda ang iyong hinaharap sa mga darating na buwan. Maayos ang iyong personal na relasyon at tuluy-tuloy din ang tagumpay ng iyong proyekto. Iwasan mong maging maramdamin kung may nangyayaring taliwas sa gusto mo. Iyon ang makakabagal sa iyo. OK ang ika-22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 29 at 30.

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015



Shout out para sa inyong lahat! #BatangNorthEnd Hindi pa man uso ang Facebook at Twitter ay naging fan na ako ng social media. Dahil na rin siguro sa boredom, lungkot and homesickness ko noong nasa Middle East pa ako ay naging libangan ko na ang social media. Ang una kong social media encounter ay ang Yahoo Messenger o mas kilala sa tawag na YM. Ito ang pinaka-convenient na communication namin ng aking asawa at anak. Wala pa akong sariling computer noong araw kaya’t nagpupunta lang ako sa Internet café para makipagchat. Hindi tulad ngayon, basta’t may smartphone ka ay puwede ka nang makipagchat nang face to face sa sinuman using different applications. Bukod sa aking pakikipagchat or C2C (cam to cam) sa aking mga mahal sa buhay ay sinubukan ko rin ang sumali sa mga virtual rooms or public chat rooms sa YM kung saan puwede kang mamili ng mga rooms depende sa iyong choice of topic. Nalibang ako sa room na kung tawagin ay Pinoy OFW room kung saan ito ay tila “tambayan” ng mga OFWs from different countries. May public chat window dito na puwede kayong mag-usap or mag-chat sa public. Minsan may mga debates sa different topics, mayroong mga nagbabahagi ng jokes, quizzes, minsan may ligawan, or worse minsan ay may away among members. The good thing with

YM chat rooms ay mayroong mga tinatawag na moderators na kung saan kung foul ang mga comments mo ay puwede kang ma-boot-out from the room or even banned from entering the room for a period of time. Mas masaya ang YM group chatting kung mayroon kang microphone at headset. Dahil dito, ay patok na patok din noong araw ang karaoke time sa mga YM rooms. Mayroon talagang host or master of ceremonies na nagmomoderate ng mga singers. Maraming beses akong sumali sa mga kantahan using my guitar. Magandang trip ito para sa mga lonely boys ng Middle East. Nag-improve nang nagimprove ang mga social media applications. Sumikat ang video chatting at pumasok na ang Friendster na kung saan nababaduyan pa ako noong una kong nakita ito. Mukha kasing slambook na pang high school. Pero dahil uso noon ay nagopen din ako ng account. Hindi ako naging big fan ng Friendster dahil mabagal ang interaction. Di tulad ng YM chat rooms na live at mabilis ang interaction ko sa mga online members. Kaya tuloy pa rin ang aking involvement sa YM rooms until noong December 14, 2012 (nandito na ako sa Canada) nang tuluyan nang na shut down ang Yahoo public chat rooms. Mayroon kasing mga usap-usapan o chismis among YM community

na ginagamit daw sa online pornography at sex trade ang YM kaya’t tuluyan na itong itinigil ng Yahoo. Sayang. Ang laking tulong ng YM chat rooms lalo na sa mga OFWs dahil sa contribution nito sa networking and friendship sa ating mga bayani ng bayan. At nag-evolve na nga ang social media networks. Sumikat na ang maraming applications tulad ng Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, LinkedIn at marami pang iba. Sobrang dami. Medyo active ako sa FB, pero may Twitter account din ako. Hindi ko na kayang i-manage ang aking Instagram kaya’t hindi ko na ito ginagamit. Isa sa gusto ko sa FB ay mga different groups and pages na may iba’t ibang interests. Ang ilan sa mga favourite kong pages ay ang Retro Pilipino na kung saan mayroon silang mga larawan ng old Philippines – historical ang dating kaya gusto ko. Nandiyan din ang page ni Even Demata, isang popular na vlogger (video blogger) na unang sumikat dahil sa kaniyang mga videos tungkol sa “away” noon ni Joey De Leon at Willie Revillame. Sa ngayon, kung gusto ninyong makakita ng mga trending na issues at videos sa Pinas ay i-like n’yo lang o bisitahin ang page ni Even Demata. Marami ding commentaries dito from our thousands of Netizens from the Phillippines and around the world. Masaya at nakakalibang ang mga comments, videos at mga featured blogs dito. Kung news naman ang

gusto ko ay may regular feed din ako ng CBC, CNN at Al-Jazeera. At syempre, friends din kami ni Mayor Brian Bowman at follower din ako ng City of Winnipeg FB dahil gusto ko rin ang civic politics. Ilan sa mga hinahangaan kong mga Winnipeg based FB groups ay ang Life of Peg, Filipinos Winnipeg, at Kababayan @ Winnipeg. Siguro puwede kong i-consider ang Life of Peg na parang modern bayanihan online. Dito, puwede kang magtanong ng kahit ano at siguradong may sasagot sa iyo. Marami rin ditong mga members na nasa Pilipinas na may mga application as provincial nominees. So, ang grupo ay may mga discussions base sa kanilang mga karanasan tungkol sa mga issues, procedures, challenges and opportunities kaugnay ng immigration. Bagama’t hindi official ang mga advise mula sa FB group na ito ay nakakatulong naman sila dahil sa mga actual experiences ng iba na puwedeng pagbasehan ng mga papunta pa lamang dito. However, it is always best to seek legal assistance or kumunsulta sa mga government offices. Shout out para sa mga organizers ng Life of Peg na sila Vangie Mance and Ces Beltran. Noong araw, ang almusal ko ay diyaryo, kape at yosi. Tinigil ko na ang yosi. Nag-minimize na ako ng kape at wala na akong subscription ng Philippine Daily Inquirer at People’s Journal. Nag-switch na ang aking umaga

sa aking FB or Twitter via iPhone habang nasa bus. Nandito na ang halos ang lahat, ang news, analysis, commentaries at live interaction with the world depende kung saan mo gustong makipagbalitaktakan. Oo nga pala, shout out din kay Arnel San Jose sa kaniyang mga words of wisdom araw-araw! Yes, sir! Para sa akin, ang social media ay bahagi na ng buhay nating lahat. Malaki ang naging tulong sa akin nito lalung-lalo na noong ako ay isang OFW pa. It helped me socialize virtually at nakapagreach-out ako sa maraming mga OFWs na naghahanap din ng mga kausap at kaibigan. Ang social media ay naging tool para sa convenient na pakikipaguganayan natin sa ating mga mahal sa buhay. Ang social media ay nagiging daan para sa bagong anyo ng bayanihan. At naniniwala ako na ang social media ay puwedeng maging tulay para sa maayos na mundo. Shout out para sa inyong lahat! #BatangNorthEnd. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Kapag hindi bumigay, may tagumpay Mula sa One Minute Uplift na newsletter ni Rick Ezell ay sinulat niya ang mga sumusunod: “Sa mga pahina ng kasaysayan ng tao ay nakalinya ang maraming tao na nakaranas ng mga negatibong bagay na naging dagok sa kanilang buhay ngunit ginamit nila ito upang pagmulan ng positibong bagay. Naging mas mabuti silang tao nang dahil dito. Dahil imbis na manlupaypay ay ginamit nila ito bilang pagkakataong maging dakila o gumawa ng mga dakilang bagay. Nang bata pa si Thomas Edison, may humampas sa kaniyang tenga na nagpahina ng kaniyang pandinig. Isang malaking trahedya. Sa malaunan, nang nakakagawa na ng mga importanteng imbensyon, naunawaan niyang, naging pagpapala pa ang kahinaan ng kaniyang pandinig, dahil naging instrumento ito para

magkaroon sya ng pambihirang konsentrasyon at makaiwas sa mga ingay na maaaring makagambala sa kaniyang ginagawa. Mula sa konsentrasyon sa kaniyang gawain ay nagawa ang maraming mga dakilang imbensyon sa lahat ng panahon. “Si Victor Hugo, isang henyo sa literatura sa Fransiya ay na exile o tinapon sa ibang bansa ni Napoleon Bonaparte. Isang itong malaking trahedya sa kaniyang buhay. Ngunit mula sa mga panahong tinapon siya at nalayo sa kaniynang sariling bansa, ay nalikha ang ilan sa pinakamaganda at magaling na naisulat na literatura. Nang magbalik na matagumpay mula sa kaniyang pagkakaexile, ito ang kaniyang sinabi, ‘Bakit hindi ako naexile nang mas maaga?’ “Si Hellen Keller naman, ipinanganak na bulag at bingi

at humarap ng sunod-sunod na mga pagsubok at balakid sa buhay. Ngunit, higit sa isang pagkakataon ay nagtapat siya na nagpapasalamat siya sa Diyos sa mga balakid na hinarap niya dahil sa pamamagitan ng mga ito ay nakilala niya ang kaniyang sarili. Natagpuan niya ang kaniyang misyon at gawain sa buhay at nagtapuan niya ang Diyos. “Si George Frederick Handel naman ay nasa pinakamababang kalagayan sa kaniyang buhay. Nawala ang lahat ng kaniyang pera at ang mga nagpautang sa kaniya ay tinatakot na ididemanda siya at ipapakulong. Ang kanang bahagi ng kaniyang katawan ay naparalisa at lumalala ang kaniyang kalusugan. May pagkakataon pa na natukso siyang bumigay. Sa gitna ng matinding kadiliman ay ibinangon niya ang sarili at nagpasimulang gumawa ng isang bagay na alam niyang gawin; ang gumawa ng musika.

Mula sa kawalan ng pag-asa ay naisulat niya ang komposisyon na kilala sa pamagat na Messiah, na kinilala ng marami na pinakamagaling at dakilang piyesa sa kasaysayan ng musiko ng simbahang Kristyano.” Ang hibla na nagdudugtong kina Edison, Hugo, Keller at Handel ay ang parehas nilang pagtangging matalo ng kanilang mga problema. Nakita nilang hindi malaking problema na wawasak sa kanila ang mga kasawian at kamalasan kundi mga oportunidad para lumago ang madebelop sa paraang imposibleng mangyari kung hindi sila humarap sa kahirapan at pagsubok. Kung lalapit ka sa Diyos at isusuko mo ang buhay mo at mga kabiguan, kaibigan, ay makikita mo ang magandang plano niya para sa iyo at ang paraan tungo sa kaganapan nito. Kaya ano pang hinihintay mo, kaibigan?

Harapin ang bagong taon na puno ng pag-asa at kasiyahan sa piling ni Hesus tungo sa magandang kinabukasang handog niya para sa iyo. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.


Charice - buff na buff!

CRISTY... From page 18 magkuwento lalo na kapag tungkol sa kaniyang ate, “panga” kung tawagin niya si Toni, “Ewan ko nga ba sa pangang iyon kung bakit siya ganoon?” Hindi na kailangang lukutin ni Alex ang kaniyang mukha sa pagkokomedya, normal lang niyang kilos at pagsasalita ay sapat na, kaya huwag naman sana siyang husgahang nanggagaya lang para siya makilala. At saka ang pagkokomedya, saanmang paraan daanin, ay pagkokomedya pa rin. *** Marami nang nag-aabang sa sitcom na pagbibidahan ng magkakapatid na Padilla. Nagtetaping na sina Robin, Rommel at BB Gandanghari para sa 2 And A Half Daddies ng TV5. Kuwento ni Robin ay ibangiba ang takbo ng kuwento ng kanilang palabas, ayaw niyang magkuwento tungkol sa kaniyang role, ang papel na ginagampanan ni BB Gandanghari ang palagi niyang pinapasadahan. “May kissing scene siya dito. At hulaan n’yo kung kanino? Kay Alice Dixson!” ewan kung biro lang ang sinasabi ni Robin o totoong bahagi iyon ng kanilang sitcom. Dapat sana’y babalik na sa Amerika si BB dahil mayroon pa itong tatapusing trabaho pero dahil sa gagawin nilang sitcom nina Robin at Rommel ay humaba ang kaniyang pamamalagi dito. Nasilip na namin ang kuwento ng 2 And A Half Daddies, hindi lang iyon basta sitcom, kundi mapusong palabas na siguradong ikatutuwa ng manonood. Ito ang unang proyekto ni BB Gandanghari mula nang maglantad ito ng kaniyang gender. At kung dati’y nagkaroon ng hindi pagkakaunawaan sina BB at Robin dahil sa isyu ay nakikita naman ngayon ng kanilang mga katrabaho ang pagmamahalan ng mag-utol. “Mabait talagang kapatid si Robin. Alagang-alaga niya sina Rustom at Rommel sa set. Malambing si Robin, may malasakit siya sa mga utol niya. Instead na siya ang alagaan dahil bunso siya, e, si Binoe pa ang maasikaso sa mga kapatid niya,” kuwento ng kanilang staff. Maraming bagong programa ang TV5 ngayong 2015, karamihan ay puro komedya, dahil ayon na rin sa teaser ng


Alex Gonzaga network ay goodbye na muna sila sa drama. Happy network nga ang TV5. *** Inilabas na ng pamunuan ng Gawad Tanglaw (Gawad Tagapuring Mga Akademisyan Ng Aninong Gumagalaw) ang mga pangalan ng kanilang mga pararangalan sa kanilang ika-13 taon. Gaganapin ang okasyon sa February 19, alas kuwatro nang hapon, sa University of Perpetual Help salas Piñas City. Naging panauhin namin Cristy Fer Minute (AKSYON TV-41, 92.3 News FM) ang pangulo ng Gawad Tanglaw na si G. Norman Llaguno. Isa-isa niyang sinagot nang diretso ang mga tanong ng bayan tungkol sa naging resulta ng botohan para sa mga pararangalan nilang artista sa February 19. Ang pagta-tie nina Nora Aunor at Angelica Panganiban bilang Best Actress na sobrang ikinaliligaya ng young actress pero kinukuwestiyon naman ng mga tagahanga ng Superstar. “Naggugol kami nang sapat na panahon para panoorin ang mga pelikulang Dementia at That Thing Called Tadhana. Pati ang ibang lahok, binantayan din namin ang pangganap. Dalawang beses na pinagdiskusyunan ang acting nina Nora at Angelica, pero sa bandang huli, tie pa rin ang score nila,” madiing pahayag ni Mr. Llaguno. Detalyado at malinaw ang kaniyang tugon sa isyung lumulutang ngayon na binili raw ni Kris Aquino ang espesyal na parangal para kay Bimby Aquino Yap. Ang kaniyang hatol, “Wala kaming kuneksiyon kay Kris Aquino, hindi kami magkakilala. Ang special award para kay Bimby ay personal kong pinili. Bawat isa sa amin, may kalayaang pumili ng isang personalidad na sa palagay namin ay karapatdapat at nakauungos sa kaniyang hanay. “Si Bimby Aquino Yap ang napili kong gawaran ng Natatanging Bata (Bibo, Aktibo at Talentadong Anak ng Sining) award. Noong nakaraang taon, bininyagan siya sa My Little Bossings, lumikha siya ng ingay. “Sa pagtatapos ng 2014, isinarado niya ang taon sa mahusay niyang pagganap sa Private Benjamin. Ito lang ang kaisa-isang parangal na ako ang pumili, hindi ko iririsko ang aking posisyon at pangalan sa

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

Stars ng bagong sitcom ng TV 5: BB Gandanghari, Robin Padilla at Rommel Padilla

Bimby Aquino Yap maling pagpili ng pararangalan. “Basta ang pinag-uusapan sa award, isang karapat-dapat na batang anak ng sining, ngayon pa lang ay pinili ko nang ibigay ang parangal kay Bimby dahil isang araw, hindi na siya bata. “Noong nakaraang taon, si Ryzza Mae Dizon naman ang pinarangalan namin. Walang kinalaman si Kris Aquino sa parangal kay Bimby. Bibigyan siya ng award hindi dahil sa anak siya ni Kris, kundi dahil karapatdapat siya at iyon ay dahil sa sarili niyang merito bilang child actor,” malinaw na paliwanag ng pangulo ng Gawad Tanglaw. Matindi ang kaganapan kapag panahon na ng kanilang deliberasyon. Kani-kaniyang depensa ang mga opisyales at miyembro ng Gawad Tanglaw para sa mga nominado at kung sino ang karapat-dapat bigyan ng parangal. “Kung minsan ay may nagkakatampuhan, may mga pagkakaibigang medyo tumatamlay, pero sa dakong huli, ang pinakakarapat-dapat pa rin ang tinatanghal na panalo,” pagtatapos ni G. Norman Llaguno. Sasamantalahin na namin ang oportunidad na ito para personal na pasalamatan ang Gawad Tanglaw sa pagkakatiwala sa amin ng parangal sa mundo ng panulat sa apat na sunud-sunod na taon. Maraming-maraming salamat dahil ang ganitong parangal ay nagsisilbing inspirasyon para sa mga tulad naming kolumnista na malayang nakapagpapahayag ng aming mga opinyon at pananaw sa aming mga pitak. Ang pangulo ng Gawad Tanglaw ay si G. Norman Llaguno, binubuo ito ng mga propesor at guro mula sa iba’t ibang kolehiyo at paaralan sa buong Pilipinas.

Editor’s Note: Binabati ng Pilipino Express News Magazine si Tita Cristy Fermin, ang aming Entertainment columnist – na pararangalan ng Gawad Tanglaw bilang –

Best Entertainment Columnist (Filipino, female) – (Bandera, Bulgar, Pilipino Star Ngayon) kasama si Alwyn Ignacio (Filipino, male) (Abante Tonite) sa February 19th.

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015



Our youth and our pride By Felino de Jesus Dr. Jose P. Rizal knew that education was the way to free our people from what enslaved them in his time and in the future. He knew that the youth are the hope of our people. Knowing this, the Knights of Rizal Winnipeg Chapter (KoR-W) commemorates Rizal’s martyrdom every December 30th with speeches that reflect on his works, ideals, life and sacrifices. On that same night of commemoration, the KoR-W recognizes the youth of the Filipino community who have done exceptionally well in their high school years with the Youth Recognition Awards (YRA), in the hope that their successes will also encourage the rest of our young people. The YRA and the evening’s program in effect educates the youths in attendance, parents, friends, relatives and guests about who Dr. Jose P. Rizal was and who he is to our people and history. Garden City Collegiate graduate and Governor General’s Award recipient, Mr. Nolan de Leon, said in his speech: “A national hero of the Philippines, Dr. Jose Rizal was a fine example of what can be achieved with a focused mind and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. For those of you who don’t know, he was a man of many talents. For example, throughout his life he mastered an impressive 22 languages, obtained his medical degree, and became a symbol of independence and strength to the people of the Philippines. “Bravely taking risks that no one else could, he chased his dreams of social equality and

spread his vision by educating his people through works of written art including novels and poems, both in which he exposed the truth about the brutality and the unjust treatment of the Spanish towards the people of the Philippines. Though he knew of the consequences that his actions would bring, he stood strong on his beliefs until his final days, fighting for what he believed was right. As impressive as these traits are, they merely scratch the surface of the man he once was. A mind so unique and intricate, that there had been none worthy of comparison.” Nolan de Leon is the son of very proud parents Ms. Rosemarie de Leon and Mr. John de Leon. This year our community should be extra proud of our youth for there are two other Governor General’s Award recipients; Mr. Carlyle Angelo Foja from Sisler High School and Ms Rose Denise Dominguez from Tec Voc. The 14 YRA recipients for 2014 are: Mr. Nolan Sean de Leon, Ms Rose Denise Dominguez, Mr. Carlyle Angelo Foja, Mr. Jedidiah Vibar Elago, Mr. Charlemagne Amao, Ms Erika Barcenas Manimtim, Ms Gladys Martinez Ilagan, Ms Vivien Diones Salazar, Ms Bianca Denise Trinidad, Ms Kiziah Kay Carandang Magnaye, Ms Brooke Villarba, Ms Jessica Samonte, Ms Samantha Kristi Cahatol and Ms Patricia Mae Pagkalinawan Bulos. These young ladies and gentlemen are the future leaders in their chosen fields of profession, in our community, if not Canada. We should congratulate and encourage these very fine young people.

Councillor Mike Pagtakhan receives a Gold Service Cross for his contributions to the KoR-W projects

The recipients of 2014 Youth Recognition Awards and members of Knights of Rizal Winnipeg Chapter

Mr. Nolan de Leon, his mother Ms. Rosmarie de Leon and father Mr. John de Leon and members of Ladies and Knights of Rizal

Sir Rene Cariño received the Distinguished Service Award for his continued support of the Knights of Rizal and MP Certificate of Recognition for his contribution in the unveiling of Rizal Memorial on June 21, 2014 from Sir Kevin Lamoureux MP (Photos courtesy of Felino De Jesus)

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We are your Kababayan in the business! Feel free to call owners Darin Hoffman (Zeny Regalado), Shawn Arnason or our community representative Nap Ebora for a uniquely Filipino prerspective on prearrangements.

Phone: 204-275-5555



JANUARY 16 - 31, 2015

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