Pilipino Express • Nov 1 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 21 • November 1 -15, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Janine Gutierrez

In Flanders Fields 100 years ago CANADA – Remembrance Day commemorates the end of the First World War in 1918. In the war’s second year, 100 years ago, a Canadian physician wrote the poem In Flanders Fields, which would almost immediately become synonymous with the sacrifice of soldiers who have died in wars throughout the world. Its imagery of poppies growing on the graves of fallen soldiers is one of the world’s most recognized memorial symbols for soldiers to this day. Major John McCrae from Guelph, Ontario, wrote the poem on May 3, 1915, after the funeral of his friend Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres in the Flanders region of Belgium. McCrae performed the burial service himself, at which time he See FLANDERS p17


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13 The Prime Minister-Designate, Justin Trudeau, with his wife, Sophie Grégoire, with two of their three children wave at supporters on the eve of election day (Photo: www.liberal.ca) By Dr. Rey Pagtakhan Historic campaigns, historic results Indeed, Canada’s 42nd election on October 19, 2015 was a marathon campaign that produced historic results: 184 Liberal MPs of the total 338


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Members of Parliament in the House of Commons – a decisive Liberal majority (54.44 per cent) of the electoral districts or ridings from Newfoundland and Labrador to British Columbia and to the Territories in the North. The Liberal edge comfortably exceeded the 170-seat threshold

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for a majority government – a spectacular political comeback that added 150 new seats from the 34 that the Liberals had when the election was called on August 2nd. The Liberal Party was in third-place in the national polls at the start; it emerged in See TRUDEAU p8


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NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

A force to reckon with Many Filipinos — myself included — were caught up in the euphoria that was October 16, 2015. It was the last day of the filing of certificates of candidacy (COCs) for the 2016 election, and it was already a day after the supposed date — 10.15.2015 — that Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte was to file his COC for the presidency. The disappointment of Thursday gave way to hope on Friday, especially as the mayor’s daughter, former Davao City Mayor “Inday” Sara Duterte, gave indications that she had changed her mind and was now willing to support her father’s presidential bid. The two had been estranged for some years, but the older Duterte had inexplicably made his daughter the key to his running for the highest post in the land. If she runs for mayor, he said repeatedly, he would run for president. Inday had resolutely refused, but on the morning of October 16 she flashed a photo on her various social media accounts of her own COC for mayor. It was taken as a signal that she was finally giving her go signal for her father to run. And so it was that in the middle of the day word spread

on social media that Duterte was on board a private jet on his way to Manila to file his own COC for president. It started from a few posts from news organizations, and the news spread like wildfire, fuelling the elation that many throughout the country felt. The drama played out on Twitter and Facebook, with the posts getting repeated and shared. It began to be called #Duterteserye, a play on one of the popular hashtags for the phenomenal television and social media #Kalyeserye featuring the couple AlDub. In Manila, hundreds of Duterte supporters were waiting for the mayor to arrive; elsewhere, netizens were doing the waiting online. Alas it was not to be. At 5:00 p.m. the deadline set by the Commission on Elections (Comelec), Duterte was nowhere near the poll body’s office. As it turned out, he never left Davao City. The disappointment of the people was palpable, and they made sure to make it felt. The ire was vented on news organizations — this newspaper included (Edge Davao) — that had posted online what scant information they had at the time, which were then picked

up and shared and re-shared, growing exponentially as they fed the people’s desire for Duterte to run for president. The information, which proved to be unverified and ultimately false, was fed through the social media mill and took on a life of its own. Of course, these same bits of information would form the story for the next day — this time complete in its narrative, including the fact that the social media posts on Duterte flying to Manila were not true. There are important and inconvenient lessons to learn here especially for media practitioners (to which camp I belong). One is that social media is indeed a potent force, able to whip up a frenzy in 140 characters or less. But October 16 also taught us that social media is still an immature platform when it comes to news delivery. Its biggest advantage — the real time, blow-by-blow reporting of events — can also be its biggest drawback since any information can be put out by anyone without the benefit of verification. Media outlets, still unused to the new medium and how interplays with the newsroom, simply tweeted or posted information, which in a newsroom setting would be considered part of a continuing

story and not the story itself. Perhaps they did not realize that unlike working journalists who are used to taking everything with a grain of salt, most other people would take such posts a little too seriously. The reality is that it still takes hard work and serious journalism chops to handle a volatile medium such as Twitter or Facebook. In the age of Twitter and Facebook, there is still a need for journalists who take their profession seriously; who labour over every article because they know that one wrong word can sometimes be a matter of life and death. But imagine what would happen if people realized the power of the new medium. They would perhaps be a little more circumspect about how they use it. There is no argument that social media is now a force to be reckoned with; it is in how we use it that will define this generation. I would like to think that people, especially the young ones, will eventually get a handle on social media and turn it from a rumour mill into an agent of transformation. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail. com.

Caregiver stress and burnout “How am I going to manage all of this?” Mary wondered when she awoke in the morning. She works full-time in a busy office during the day, has a busy family of six, and more recently, she is taking on the needs of her aging parents. They live in their apartment nearby but call her often throughout the day. In addition to keeping track of the needs of her four children and spouse, she is now in charge of scheduling her parents’ appointments and driving them there. She also delivers groceries to them every week and at least twice a week, she will bring them a hot meal. Now, Mary is seriously considering taking over their finances because they are too trusting of sales people lately. Mary has also noticed that her father is getting more and more forgetful of details. As our population ages, the number of elderly adults is growing. Hence, there is an increased demand on family members to care for their aging loved ones, as well as on the Canadian health care system. The “sandwich generation” refers to those individuals who are caught between the conflicting demands of raising children and also caring for aging seniors. One

must be aware that caregiver burnout might happen, when you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted due to caring for a senior in your life and start to feel negatively about your situation. How do I know if I am experiencing caregiver stress or burnout? You may have: • Feelings of irritability, anger, hopelessness, frustration and despair • An urge to withdraw from friends and family • Loss of interest in activities that you used to enjoy • Changes in weight or sleeping patterns How can I talk to my aging loved one about what is happening? • Speak calmly to them and choose a quiet, private place to talk • Give the person time to respond and discuss their feelings with you • Present two or three options rather than asking an openended question e.g., “We can go to the doctor on a Thursday or a Friday” rather than “When do you want to make a doctor’s appointment?” • Use a gentle, reassuring

touch when communicating with them • Speak with a “team mentality” to remind them that they are not alone. Using “we” phrases e.g., “we will figure this out,” will also decrease any feelings of powerlessness that they might have If I am the senior that needs help from my family, what can I do? • Know that aging is a natural process, and that things for you will change • It is normal to feel guilty and frustrated with your situation. Talk about it with your family and friends, or get professional help from a doctor or counsellor • Patience is a two-way street. You will need to be patient with others, just like they need to exercise patience with you • Laugh whenever you can According to Age Friendly Manitoba, A Guide for the Caregiver, there are many rewards and joys of caregiving such as: • Having a new relationship with the person receiving care • Giving back to someone who cared for you • Increasing compassion and personal growth • Creating new memories with your loved one Mary found that her feelings of frustration and irritability

improved when she looked at the positives in her situation. She learned that she couldn’t do it all, and it was actually a sign of strength and humility to ask for help from other family members, including her siblings, husband and children. Her sister took over the grocery shopping, her older kids cooked simple meals, her husband drove them to appointments and Mary continued to manage their medical needs and finances. Encouraging her parents’ independence as much as possible was also important, so she installed a bath seat and grab bars in their bathroom, moved items to lower shelves in the kitchen and their closet, and hung a large monthly calendar on their fridge. She also arranged for them to have a medical alert system installed in their home for everyone’s peace of mind. Mary also consulted with their doctors and pharmacist to get more knowledge about their health. Mary also decided to access a support group so she could connect with others in similar situations. She decided not to take it personally when her parents expressed anger and frustration. And above all, she made self-care and being kind to herself a priority. She made sure See CAREGIVER p7

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EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director




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Printed by: The Prolific Group.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Time for a change in Canadian immigration The election results are in and “Yes” we have been delivered from the Conservative Party’s regime of division and hate. It is time for Canadians to get together behind the Prime Minster elect and his promise for change. After Harper, Alexander, Bateman et al, it is time for change. What did we leave behind on Monday evening? Remember the niqab. What was all the fuss about one or a few women wanting to cover their faces in public as part of their faith? The former Prime Minister knew, or should have known, that his attempt to ban this garment was a serious violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If he didn’t then, he does now after the Courts reversed his ban. It might have only been a wedge issue intended to use against the NDP leader in Quebec. If it was, it was successful, but at

what cost? I watched the French language debate when the thenPrime Minister Harper said, with eyes tearing up, that his daughter would never wear such a garment. The party leaders on the stage were too polite. They should have asked him if his daughter had converted to Islam. He seemed to think that all Canadians should look like him, dress like him, and have similar beliefs and practices. Canada has been multicultural for a long time but I guess Mr. Harper never noticed. His performance may have won over a few seats in Quebec but the Conservatives lost big time across the country. What about the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander who, following the niqab debate, proposed to set up a RCMP tip line for people to report neighbours for “barbaric cultural practices.” If this sounds like something out of a totalitarian

regime, or Orwell’s 1984, it may be. But it most certainly was not Canadian. The voters in Ajax, Ontario, may have been reminded of his harsh tenure as Minister and voted him out. This is the same guy who championed Bill C-24 and Bill C-51. The same hate and division was part of the CPC platform. They wanted us all to believe that they were keeping us safe from terrorists. Winnipeg South Centre incumbent Joyce Bateman went even further and starting naming Liberals who support Hezbolla in a candidate debate at the Raddy Centre. Amid cries of “shame, shame” she was booed and almost ushered off the stage. She survived that night but not election night. Joyce Bateman lost her seat. So much for fear and division in Winnipeg, I used the above examples because they are reflective of what was happening before and during the election and now. What do we

have to look forward to? Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau has already announced an intention to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees before the end of the year. No lame excuses about the need for additional screening as an explanation for doing nothing. He also mentioned expanding family sponsorship for parents, so we may have some good things to look forward to. The new PM also mentioned something about stopping our bombing missions abroad. This reminds many of the times when Canadians were respected the world round as peacekeepers not war mongers. I wonder how long it will take to restore Canada to what it was before Harper. Thank you Mr. Harper, now a backbencher, for your time in office. There must be something positive you did for immigration. I almost forgot your efforts to reduce backlogs and speed up processing. This was always

a mixed blessing because it came at the cost of setting up ridiculously low application caps and returning files of thousands of skilled worker applicants who were waiting in processing cues. Who is surprised that the new Canadian voters in major urban centres, like Vancouver and Toronto, changed their vote this time round and helped vote Harper out of office? You can only pour water down peoples backs for so long before they realize it isn’t raining. Yes voters, both native born and naturalized, agreed on one thing: it is time for a change. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@ gmail.com.

I can’t believe my P.E.Eyes I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Canada is a great country. My guess is you knew that already. I’m feeling pretty thankful these days. Through my articles I’ve been updating you on the highs and lows my family has experienced in my “Gender Identity” series. By sharing our story, many other families experiencing the same challenges have reached out and I’ve been shocked that all our stories are very similar – instances of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and outright denial. Now why would I feel thankful? Well, because I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Businesses, schools and governments are taking a hard look at protecting the rights of every Canadian. Our human rights case is continuing, and the Manitoba Human Rights Commission has informed us that we will be moving ahead to the adjudication process. What that means is that the Commission has determined

TRUDEAU... From page 1 first place at the end. Manitoba alone elected seven, that is, half of the total seats in the province. Although dominantly situated in Winnipeg, one seat also includes the rural municipality of East St. Paul. How proud my family was to have a Liberal lawn sign in our municipality. In contrast, the Conservatives

that no reasonable offer was made by the school division and an assigned lawyer will look at our case and make a ruling. I’m confident change is coming, and change is good. Speaking of change, it looks like this great country of ours wanted it and got it. Like many of you I was glued to the TV on Monday, October 19, 2015. I’m not talking about the Blue Jays game or the release of Drake’s new music video, but rather the federal election. I heard that voters were experiencing long line-ups, and that we saw record amounts of voters on election day and at the advanced polls. I fully expected that we would wake up the next day with a new Prime Minister, but I don’t think that anyone could have predicted the “red wave.” I’m never one to talk about who I vote for or if I lean left or right. But I’ll tell you this, I too was hoping for change. That is what makes this country so great. For me, it doesn’t matter

if you are red, blue, orange or green, let’s just be thankful that we live in a democratic society. It looks like Mr. Trudeau is off to a great start. During his campaign, our soon-to-be Prime Minister had publicly shared that the Liberal government will recognize the human rights of transgender individuals. Let’s see how Mr. Trudeau follows up. As it turned out, my wife, Izzy and I were visiting Charlottetown, PEI, during the federal election and I found it a bit exciting that I was watching the election in a hotel room only blocks away from the birthplace of Canadian federation. Seeing the sea of red begin on the east coast and continuing on across the country was an historic moment for me. Have you ever been to the east coast? If you haven’t, but get the chance, you need to visit. This time of year you may experience a slight chill in the air and a little wind, but the fall colours are a sight to be seen! We first flew into Halifax and visited the Citadel National Historic site. We also took a drive to Peggy’s Cove, a picturesque little east coast town. Lobster traps and fishing boats seemed to outnumber the locals. After a

lost 67 seats and the NDP is returned to third party status with 44 MPs, having lost more than two-thirds of their seats in Quebec alone. The Conservatives will form the Official Opposition with 99 seats. The Bloc won 10 seats, the Green Party one. There is a broad diversity of winners – 88 women, 10 indigenous and dozens of visible minorities. Note that there were only two visible minorities elected in 1988.

Five ridings showed a variance of less than one per cent between a winner and the secondplace candidate and may well call for an automatic judicial recount; another five ridings showed vote margins ranging from 61-71 per cent. Canada’s electoral system – commonly known as a “first-pastthe-post” or a “single-member plurality” system – only requires See TRUDEAU p9

short drive through Nova Scotia and quick detour through New Brunswick, we ended up at the foot of the Confederation Bridge – the world’s longest bridge over ice-covered water. Prince Edward Island did not disappoint. Along with miles and miles of postcard-worthy countryside, we drove past what seemed like a million potato farms that featured the island’s famous red soil. We also took a

quick tour of the Anne of Green Gables Museum and ate some yummy lobster by the wharf. When visiting Charlottetown, you can’t miss Cows Ice Cream Shop or Cows Desert Shop. Ask for chocolate covered lobster or their famous P.E.Eyes. Tell them Dale sent you. Dale is the Director of Communications for a school district in BC and continues to write articles from afar.

Confederation Bridge, the world’s longest bridge over ice-covered water, connects Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick.

“Izzy of Green Gables”

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



Stop global whining! Whether it is complaining about the weather or complaining about work, we all have done it. In organizations where teams are understaffed and resources are slim, it is fair to expect that employees may be left with no choice but to do more with less. Consequently, this type of an environment can wear on an employee. However, at the same time, a lot of energy can also be wasted with complaining. Christine Ashen, one of the keynote speakers at the HR Leadership Conference I recently attended provided a lot of helpful tips on how we can stop global whining. We can easily waste energy on complaining, so why not use that energy productively! Here are some of the highlights I learned from the session. Tip 1: What you say, comes your way The message behind this phrase simply teaches us that whatever we say often affects the outcome of what we do. For instance, have you ever participated in a group lottery at work or a simple raffle draw? Do you often say, “I never win anything”? With that kind of attitude, there is a good chance that you will never win anything

CAREGIVER... From page 4 to take her breaks at work, pray regularly, go for a daily walk, and see her friends at least once every two weeks. Caregiving can be an extremely challenging, yet rewarding journey. Keep in mind that you can take steps to make the experience as positive as possible. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 297-6744 or info@ nexuscounselling.com.

at anytime in the near future either. Another good example is, “I never get called for an interview.” Rejection is normal, but if you stop trying and keep thinking that you will “never” get an interview, the only success that you will achieve with this kind of attitude is failure. You allow negative attitude to shut your efforts down before you can even cross that finish line of finding your dream job. In short, negative energy will never yield positive results. Tip 2: You can be the fountain or you can be the drain The first few hours of the workday can have a significant impact on your level of productivity so it’s important to have a morning routine that sets you up for success. How you begin your morning often sets the tone for the day. It can either disrupt or direct your focus. If you remain committed to good morning work habits, you won’t feel unproductive and distracted at the end of the day. In order to achieve this, Christine Cashen describes the “two-hour good mood commitment,” which essentially means keeping a good mood for the first two hours of your day despite annoying daily

mishaps such as traffic or long line-ups at Tim’s on your way to work. If you can keep a good mood for two straight hours, there is a good chance that your mood will probably remain positive for the rest of the day, thereby affecting your level of productivity and efficiency. Who wants to work in a bad mood anyway? Tip 3: B.O.O.G.I.E. This is Christine Cashen’s abbreviation for, “Be outstanding or get involved elsewhere.” Don’t take up space in someone else’s dream job. Think of work as being on stage. Leave your troubles at the door and play your part. If you’re unhappy and you can’t play your “role” in your current job, be proactive and do something you love to do. Tip 4: Wean from the screen Another great tip that I took away from the conference was

to take the first 15 minutes of the start of your day and the last 15 minutes of your day without a phone or any handheld device of any kind. The message here was basically to give us a break from technology. No matter how much efficiency or productivity technology can provide for us, there is also a disadvantage because we’re allowing ourselves to become more detached from people. Apart from giving us a break, the message here is essentially to be present with those who matter the most. Instead of sending a text or an e-mail, pick up the phone and show your presence with people at work and more importantly with the people you love most. Christine Cashen is America’s Top Humorista. She delivers fast-paced, hilarious programs with useful content that makes her a sought after speaker

worldwide. Christine is an expert on sparking innovative ideas, handling conflict, reducing stress and energizing employees. She is also the author of The Good Stuff: Quips & Tips on Life, Love, Work and Happiness, which was named motivational book of the year by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. For more information about Christine Cashen and her keynote speeches, her website can be found at christinecashen. com. Michele Majul-Ibarra is a Human Resources Professional. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She has also earned the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management). E-mail her at info@pilipinoexpress.com.



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Save energy & money in your home Significant savings in gas and electricity bills can be achieved through very easy changes, most of which you can do yourselves. Making your home more energy efficient saves money, increases the comfort level indoors, reduces our impact on climate change and reduces pollution. 1. Alter the way you do laundry Wait until you have a full load of clothes in the washer, as the medium setting only saves less than half of the water and energy used than a full load. Don’t use high-temperature settings unless the clothes are very soiled. Remove the lint in the lint trap before you use the dryer because excess lint is a fire hazard and lengthens the time required for the clothes to dry. 2. Smart cooking Use convection ovens rather than conventional ovens because it uses fans to compel hot air to flow more consistently, thus allowing food to be cooked at a lower temperature. Microwave ovens consume 80 per cent less energy than conventional ovens. Pans must be placed over matching size heating element or flame. 3. Insulating windows and doors Use rope caulk to seal all window edges and cracks. Windows can be weather-stripped

with a special lining that is installed between the frame and the window. Repair or replace windows that have cracked glass, missing putty, inoperable locks, rotted or damaged wood, cracked glass, and inadequately fitting sashes. 4. Install daylighting Take advantage of natural light to illuminate the home’s interior by installing daylighting systems such as skylights, light shelves, and clerestory windows. Skylights should be double-pane to be cost-effective. Light shelves are reflexive devices intended to rebound light deep into the building. Clerestory windows are short and wide windows constructed high on the wall that lets sun during winter to shine through for warmth and natural lighting. 5. Responsible use of appliances and electronics Purchase appliances and electronics with efficient Energy Star ratings. Freezers and fridges should not be exposed to direct sunlight or situated near heat vents, dishwasher or stove. Laptop computers consume significantly less electricity than desktop computers. Cellphone and laptop chargers consume energy when

they are plugged in and must be unplugged when not in use. 6. Installing efficient plumbing fixtures You can save about 45,000 liters of water annually by using modern, low-flow 1.6-gallon toilet to replace an older 3.5-gallon toilet. Dual-flush toilets allow you to opt between a 1-gallon flush for liquid waste, and a 1.6-gallon flush for solid waste. Vacuumassist toilets have a vacuum chamber that utilizes siphon action to suck air from the bowl trap, letting it to rapidly fill with water to flush waste. 7. Sealing and insulating Seal and insulate leakages that may occur at electrical receptacles/ outlets, mail slots, around pipes and wires, wall or window-mounted air conditioners, attic hatches, fireplace dampers, inadequate weather-stripping around doors, baseboards, window frames, and switch plates. 8. Use LED and CFL bulbs Approximately 11 per cent of the home’s energy budget is allotted to lighting. Traditional incandescent lights convert only 10 per cent of the energy they consume into light, while the rest get dissipated as heat. Replacing them with new lighting technologies, such as light-emitting diodes

(LEDs) and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), you can reduce the lighting energy requirement by about 50 to 75 per cent. 9. Install tankless water heater Demand-type water heaters (tankless or instantaneous) provide savings in energy costs because it gives hot water only when needed. This type of water heater doesn’t generate the standby energy losses associated with traditional storage water heaters. Tankless water heaters heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. 10. Other efficient ways to heat and cool your house Install a ceiling and/or

standalone fans in place of air conditioners that require a huge amount of energy. Regularly replace air filters in furnaces and air conditioners. Install a programmable thermostat as it saves money by automatically turning off HVAC appliances down during low demands. During night, draw curtains over windows to better insulate the room. Norman Aceron Garcia is a registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Property Inspector of Mr. Peg Property Inspections Inc. Please visit www.mrpeg.ca for more information on home inspection, building science and home maintenance tips.

Respect: open faces, open minds, open attitudes The common reaction when I say I’m a middle years (grades 5-8) teacher is one mixed with awe, shock, and some respect. This reaction is usually followed by a question that I choose to take as a compliment: “Was that your first choice of grade level?” Let me first answer that yes, it has always been my first choice. I have always wanted to teach this age group not only because of the challenges they can bring, but also because of the rewards that come with the tasks. One such reward is when I see the difference that my colleagues, my school, and I are

making in the lives of these young students. The main concern people have about this age group is their growing attitude which, truly, is a staple of this age group as they go through developmental changes both physically, emotionally, and hormonally. A policy that the teachers at my school have is to teach the kids about what we call “Open Face,” a practice that I personally was taught by Kate Byman, our division’s Language Arts Support Teacher. This practice teaches kids to not give passiveaggressive body language if they

are paired up or put in a group with people they do not usually work with. This means no sighs, no eye rolling, and no whining. As Ms. Byman cleverly puts it, “you don’t have to be friends to be friendly.” We have classrooms that are now used to practicing Open Face as it is a practice that is consistently being taught and travels with the students as they move up grades to new classrooms. Practice makes permanent, and this concept of being respectful and developing a healthy, positive working relationship with others is one that I hope they take with them throughout their educational journey. They know that when it is time for partner or

group work, they are to show that respect for each other and learn to collaborate. This is a simple and easy way to not only teach, but practice respect among peers. Parent tip: Show your open face! Open Face is something that I, myself, have chosen to practice in my daily life. It’s easy as adults to forget what we look like every day – the vibe that we send to the world through every small expression, comment, and body language. When we have a rough day at work, it’s easier to come home, wanting to do nothing, and perhaps complain about the day. I challenge you this week to choose to have an open face. Don`t

waste your energy on spreading negativity, gossip, or an attitude of complaint. Choose, instead, to have an attitude of gratitude. Take a deep breath, unwind, take care of your thoughts and be mindful of your words, then learn from the day’s lessons. When children see their parents taking this approach, they will inevitably transfer that habit to their own attitudes about environment and the outcomes of the day. Best of luck, and keep that open face, open mind, and open attitude! Judianne Jayme is an educator teaching sixth grade and a division-wide mentor in the Winnipeg School Division.

Is work killing you? Money is said to be the root of all evil. Well that may be the case if your workplace is the site of your likely injury, abuse, or even worse – death. Over the year, we ANAK have witnessed our fair share of

youth and families compromising their own health to earn needed wages. It’s important we take the time to know about our rights in the workplace; that there should be no reason to even fear dismissal for

following our conscience. This is why we invite you all to take part in a FREE Workplace Safety & Health Workshop on Thursday November 26, 2015 (6:30 p.m.) or Saturday November 28, 2015 (2:00 p.m.). This workshop in partnership with Migrante Manitoba, will provide you with the skills to spot workplace dangers, respond constructively, and refuse dangerous work. We encourage

parents, youth, and everyone with work to take part. A light meal will be provided. Certificates of completion will also be awarded. Have you or anyone in your family: • worked overtime only to not get paid for it? • suffered an injury at work to not get compensated? • performed a duty that you deemed unsafe?

• been refused a coffee or lunch break by the boss? • dismissed without just cause? • experienced bullying at work? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time you learned what to do and what can be done to ensure your work is a safe environment. Register to become a participant at www.anak.ca, e-mail info@ anak.ca, or call 204-999-1348.

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



Engineer’s breakfast fundraiser October 17, 2015 marked another successful fundraising event for the Filipino Members Chapter of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (FMC-APEGM) to raise funds for a bursary. The event surpassed expectations drawing a bigger crowd than last year. Members, family and friends gathered at the Canton Food Gallery to show support for the event and its cause. Amidst the festive mood and servings of Filipino breakfast favourites, supporters were also treated to door prizes donated by sponsors such as Mr. Peg Property Inspections, DMC Promotions, Yoli Better Body System and Canton Food Gallery. Another highlight this year was the show of support of none other than Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba CEO and Registrar, Grant Koropatnick and his wife, Robyn. Aside from gracing the event, Mr. Koropatnick also delivered an insightful and rousing speech to the delight and appreciation of those in attendance. Approximately $1300 was raised at the event from ticket sales and donations. For making this event a bigger and better success than the previous year, the Filipino Members Chapter executive committee would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work, the sponsors for their generosity, and everyone who participated for their overwhelming support. Ethel Clemente-Fernandez is a professional engineer registered in the province of Manitoba. She is an active member of the Filipino Members Chapter - Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (FMC-APEGM)

TRUDEAU... From page 6 the candidate to obtain the highest number of votes, not the absolute majority (that is, more than 50 per cent of the votes in the electoral district), for her or him to be declared elected. Confidence and discipline Lest readers might feel I was using my column for a partisan purpose, I disciplined myself throughout the 78-day election campaign not to write about my confidence that the Liberals would win to form the next federal government. Nonetheless, I had quietly shared my optimism with my family and friends even before the election was called and never wavered even during the early weeks of the campaign. I was so confident that I whispered my prediction to the Editor and Associate Editor of the Pilipino Express three days before election night when we found ourselves gathered at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba for an event to meet the Philippine Ambassador to Canada, Petronila Garcia. Such was my optimism and confidence that I promised I would write a post-election analysis. Justin Trudeau’s victory speech and first interview It was a long victory speech, but worth listening to every word. These lines particularly remain etched in my memory: “Our enviable, inclusive society didn’t happen by accident and won’t continue without effort. Have faith in your fellow citizens, they are kind and generous, they are open and optimistic. They know in their heart of hearts that a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian… You can appeal to the better angels of our natures, and you can win while doing it…We beat fear with hope, we beat cynicism with hard work, we beat negative, divisive

politics with a positive vision that brings Canadians together… Our opponents are our neighbours.” “The first thing to do is to realize that I’m not a party of one,” he said in reply to Lisa LaFlamme of CTV News. “That we are working very hard to pull together an extraordinary cabinet of Canadians from across this country elected for the Liberal party who will, each and every one of them, tackle different aspects of this ambitious plan for the country.” To the question about intentionally not mentioning the senior Trudeau in his speech, he replied: “…this whole process, this election, this job I’m in now is not about my dad. So much is written about my father and there are so many comparisons made on this, I don’t need to feed into that. I mean, I worked through my own identity issues a long time ago. I think people understand that I’m immensely proud of my father. If people talk to me about him I’ll certainly respond. And there’s a certain generation that still talks about him right off. And I take that with gratefulness and with gratitude. But for me, my focus is very much, “okay, what does the country need now?” Reminded by the CTV anchor that outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper had earlier said that after a decade in power we wouldn’t recognize the country and specifically asked what Canada will look like after four years of a Trudeau government, Trudeau answered: “I have spent an awful lot of time listening to Canadians, learning from them, working with them. I like to think that after four years of my government, Canadians will deeply recognize their country.” I trust readers of this column would agree when I reiterate what Canadians, in essence, said at the See TRUDEAU p10

Bigger and better the second time around

APEGM CEO Grant Koropatnick (l) and wife, Robyn with chapter members



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Feng shui and chandeliers

Go into almost any Chinese restaurant and you’ll see beautiful chandeliers. You might wonder if this is an effort to dress up the interior of the restaurant, and while it might be, chandeliers have a much more important symbolic place in restaurants, and indeed, your home. These chandeliers are thought to bring up the quality of the dining experience because chandeliers are thought to invite wonderful chi – and they do! Below are tips about feng shui and chandeliers, and why you need them in your home. 1. Chandeliers enhance dining If you’ve ever noticed Chinese diners, they often gather in large groups around the table. The chandeliers bring excellent chi to the restaurant as well as stimulating relationship chi to the diners. You see, eating and enjoying relationships with others go hand in hand in Chinese society and chandeliers symbolize this symbiotic relationship. The earth energy of the crystal and the stimulating light (fire, which also cooks food) are excellent enhancers in anyone’s dining room. 2. Chandeliers lift chi

TRUDEAU... From page 9 ballot boxes nationwide: Justin Trudeau is ready to govern our country with the Liberal platform of “Real Change Now.” Political autopsy of defeat In the immediate wake of defeat, the Conservatives and the NDP have begun a political autopsy of their respective campaigns. The Tories have just about admitted their campaign had become “incrementally more negative,” injected a lot of “confusion and fear in the minds of citizens,” lost its focus on middle-class and lower middleclass family voters, and had been distracted from focusing on its “core message of economic and personal security.” They felt the citizenry’s “particular fatigue with Stephen Harper,” the liability of “re-styling the federal government as the ‘Harper Government,’” and the “internal strife within the national campaign.” They had acknowledged the “successful ability of the other parties, and in part the media, to demonize (their) leader,” the blunder of “appearances in the company of the Ford brothers … who have practically become a worldwide monument to bad behaviour.” They felt “the wave of Trudeaumania.” Indeed, for all the effort put into questioning Trudeau’s credibility, it did not keep voters from turning to him. They have

Without question, light is one of the most auspicious feng shui activators. It becomes doubled and tripled when that light is reflected in a sparkling crystal chandelier. The prisms of the chandelier crystals throw off rainbows that brings especially wonderful chi. Crystals represent the earth’s purest and highest form of energy, which is also a source of abundance. 3. Chandeliers as remedies Because chandeliers are earth energy, they are excellent as remedies for problems such as a stove and sink that are opposite one another. When this happens, there is a conflict between the man and woman represented by the clash between fire and water. However, the earth energy of the chandelier can act as a gobetween, settling the quarrel between the two clashing energies. 4. Chandeliers welcome chi A wonderful way to draw chi to your home is by adding a chandelier. Placed in a foyer or near the front door, the beautiful energy of the lighted crystals can draw beautiful chi energy to your home’s entryway. 5. Chandeliers help the woman and the love luck of the

acknowledged that, “Canadians see themselves in Justin Trudeau’s empathy.” Peter MacKay, the last leader of the federal Progressive Conservatives, had this to say in an interview with Graeme Hamilton of the National Post: “Your party has to be a mirror of Canadian citizenship, and I think the current Conservative party is a pretty good reflection of that citizenship. But on some policy matters we’re going to have to be cautious in that regard. We have to be an inclusive party. We can never give the impression that this is a party that is exclusive, that is anti-this, or pro-that. We’ve got to be a broad-based party.” Speaking to a cross-section of Canadian conservatives, the same reporter gathered this consensus of “thoughts on what kind of conservative vision could allow the party to re-connect with Canadians:” “building the political infrastructure; rethinking how Conservatives communicate their core values and principles to Canadians; passing the sniff test for sincerity; stepping away from issues that play well at the Empire and Canadian clubs into issues that engage more of the Main Street community. Finally, they now realize they need a leader that’s not afraid to talk to the media.” The NDP campaign got a “huge boost… when the NDP in Alberta swept the province.” Soon, however, it would unravel as it appeared that the NDP “is

house Women are symbolized by the earth element and “lighted earth” such as a chandelier brings wonderful luck to the woman of the house and to the marital relationship. It also enhances the relationships and love luck of all the household members. 6. Chandeliers lift bedroom energies If your room is dark or dull, a chandelier will easily bring the chi of the room up. Do be careful of hanging a chandelier over the bed as this is not recommended. If so, place a canopy over the bed or use a smaller flush-mount style here. 7. Avoid walking under large chandeliers Because of their pressing earth energy, it’s best to use chandeliers that aren’t too large or heavy if they’re in a place where they will be walked under. Use a smaller chandelier if you want it where someone will walk under it. 8. Activate critical corners Chandeliers are wonderful anywhere in the house, but they’re especially helpful in certain corners. Use chandeliers in the west and northwest corners where their light and earth energy will benefit the children and man of the house, the northeast and southwest, where their energy will help relationships and create family harmony and in the south to bring prosperity, success and material benefits.

willing to say whatever it thinks is popular, in different parts of the country…”. Maclean’s magazine would detail in a story the “NDP leader’s alleged flip-flops and shifting principles.” Parallels between the NDP leader and the Tory leaders’ “way of doing things” became evident: as when “the NDP leader decided not to take reporters’ questions the day the election was called; that an NDP government would run balanced budgets.” First-place at the start of the election, third place at the end and no longer the official opposition. The Liberal campaign Apparently, the Liberal campaign started even before the Prime Minister-designate became Leader of the Liberal Party. The seeds for triumph were planted then. The Liberals profited from a long honeymoon period after the leadership race and membership has steadfastly increased and remained united for a common cause. Open nomination for candidates was underscored. Fundraising techniques were modernized, donors were engaged and informed, events at the doorsteps were tracked in real time, significant resources were devoted to a new digital strategy, and key people of expertise were recruited. “We will win this on hope and hard work. Hard work by the campaign and ‘hope for a better Canada for you and your family’,” wrote one confidante of the leader. Votes for the Liberals

Feng Shui Q&A Question: 
Due to my difficult finances, I live in a bedroom in a friend’s house. Although I pay rent, I don’t really feel like the house is mine to feng shui. How do I feng shui my bedroom? Can I add plants and water and moving metal to help me find a better job and move into my own place?
This is a bit of a dilemma because your bedroom serves as your “home.” Even so, adding plants and water in here is not a good idea because you sleep here. This is why I don’t advise college students who live in dorm rooms to add plants or water to their bedrooms. Both are a drain on your body (health & finances, too) while you sleep. If you’d like to activate your bedroom for good luck, try

hanging a crystal in your window or from a light fixture to add rainbows of colour across the room. Keep a radio turned on low or keep a light on in your bedroom while you’re away so your room stays activated. Lastly, try putting your resume3 or apartment brochures in a red folder to help you find a better job or apartment you can afford Good luck to you! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

would not be gained by default but earned through hard work and concrete policy. The transformational jump from third-party status in the House of Commons to first place as the new government for Canada in one election is more than historic; it breaks conventional wisdom. We saw the making of this transformation when he won, in the opinion of this columnist, all the leaders’ debates. His closing remarks in one of them were like a magnet. He said: “In order to know if someone is ready for this job, ask them what they want to do with this job, and why they want it in the first place.” Canadians heard and have placed their trust in him. Voter turnout is the highest among elections, with the Liberals receiving 4,147,060 more votes this year than in 2011, with the NDP’s support dropping by 1,051,149 votes, and the Conservatives losing 234,774 votes according to Elections Canada. “There is no doubt that this Liberal triumph will be studied in depth — in particular by the other parties as they try to figure out what the Grits did so right to win so many more seats than expected,” wrote Bryan Breguet of the University of Montreal. To

this columnist, Justin Trudeau’s historic rise to Canada’s primeministership is a reflection of his embodiment that politics is a noble calling. Official beginning of the new Canadian government Justin Trudeau remains Prime Minister-designate until outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet formally tender their resignation to the Governor General David Johnston on November and shortly thereafter PM-designate Trudeau takes his Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, his oath to be a member of the Privy Council for Canada, and another for taking on the job of prime minister. His cabinet ministers then take their oaths. With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as its head, the new Canadian government officially begins its work this day. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, a retired Professor of Pediatrics and Child from the University of Manitoba, served as a Liberal MP for over a decade and half, including as Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, senior federal Minister for Manitoba and cabinet minister under PMs Jean Chretien and Paul Martin.


NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



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Sinadya naming hindi palampasin ang unang episode ng kalyeserye ngayong nagsasalita na si Maine Mendoza, ngayong pinayagan na silang magyakapan ni Alden Richards, ngayong hindi na nila pinadadaan ang kanilang emosyon sa fan sign. May mga nagkokomento kasi, lalo na ang mga kumakalaban sa AlDub, na hihina na ang karisma sa publiko ng loveteam dahil wala na raw aabangan pa sa kanila. Pero maling-mali sila. Parang mas tumindi pa nga ang kilig at pagkagusto sa kanila ng manonood dahil malinaw na ang kanilang kumunikasyon. Nasasabi na nina Alden at Maine Mendoza nang lantaran at diretso ang kanilang nararamdaman. Halatang-halata na nahihiya pa noong una si Yaya Dub sa pagho-host, tawa siya nang tawa, idinadaan na lang niya sa katatawa ang paninibago niya ngayong isa na siya sa mga co-hosts ng Eat… Bulaga. Ang dami-daming kinikilig

sa kanila ngayon ni Alden, isang kaibigan naming becki ang huminto muna sa pananghalian para lang magkomento, “Mas nakakakilig pa sila ngayon dahil nagsasalita na si Yaya Dub! Dati kasi, puro dubsmash at fan sign lang sila. Ngayon, deretsahan na!” Sabi nga ni Lola Nidora ay hindi matitigil ang kalyeserye, tuluy-tuloy lang ang palabas na minahal nang todo ng ating mga kababayan, isa pa ay kailangan pa munang makita ni Lola Nidora ang kaniyang apo kina Alden at Maine. *** Nakakalula pala ang halaga ng talent fee nina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza sa kanilang mga TV commercials. Puro malalaking kumpanya ang kumukuha sa kanilang serbisyo, may multinational pa nga, kaya hindi na nakapagtataka kung bakit may nabiling bahay sa Nuvali (Sta. Rosa) si Alden at maginhawa na rin siyang nagbibiyahe ngayon dahil sa bagung-bago niyang Road See CRISTY p15

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

• Alden at Maine – Mas matindi ang kilig ng fans nang magsalita na • Alden Richards – Nakabili na ng sariling bahay at sasakyan • Vice Ganda – Dapat tanggapin na hindi niya kayang itaob ang AlDub • AlDub – Sobrang sikat, ang daming naninira! • Tito, Vic and Joey – Nadadamay sa mga paninira ng inggit sa AlDub • Sen. Tito Sotto – Kay Tito Sen susuporta ang AlDub sa kampanya • Kris Aquino – Nagbago ang isip, balik na sa movie para sa MMFF • Sen. Grace Poe – Nangunguna pa rin sa mga survey • Vina Morales – Walang suwerte sa pakikipagrelasyon sa lalaki • Toni at Direk Paul – Suportado ang ninong na si Sen. Bongbong Marcos

Alden Richards & Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza

Photo credit: Eat Bulaga Facebook page

Senator Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto & Joey de Leon

Photo credit: Eat Bulaga Facebook page

Vina Morales

Grace Poe & Susan Roces

Kris Aquino

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NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

CRISTY... From page 12

Trek. Maraming maligaya sa magandang kapalaran ni Alden Richards, sino nga ba ang magaakala na kakabugin niya ang lahat ng mga artista ngayon, isang Yaya Dub lang pala ang sagot sa napakatagal niyang paghihintay. Sabi nga ni Mama Ana Llaguno na nakasubaybay sa buhay at career ni Alden Richards, “It really pays to be good and humble.” Ihinatid si Alden Richards sa matinding tagumpay ng kaniyang magandang imahe, ng pagiging masikap at pagiging mapagkumbaba. Lahat ay maligaya sa magandang suwerteng dumating sa kaniyang karera. Sayang lang talaga dahil nang dumating sa kaniya ang napakagandang suwerteng ito ay hindi na masasaksihan ng kaniyang ina ang katuparan ng isang pangarap. Pero ganoon talaga. Hindi ibinibigay ng Diyos ang lahat-lahat sa isang tao lang. *** Sa sobrang kanegahang pinagdadaanan ngayon ni Vice Ganda ay isang kaibigan ang nagpaalala sa amin tungkol sa libro-nobelang sinulat ng sikat na si Sidney Sheldon. “Naalala mo iyon? Iyong novel niyang The Sun Shines Down? Bagay na bagay iyon ngayon sa mga nangyayari kay Vice Ganda,” tanong-opinyon ng isang kaibigan naming tiyahin ng isang See CRISTY p15





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Love blooms in Dangwa on Monday Love, they say, blooms in the most unexpected places. The hashtag #DangwaGirl went viral recently as university belt students posted about a mysterious girl giving roses away on the streets of Manila. The lovely flower girl was revealed on GMA’s 24 Oras newscast as Janine Gutierrez – who found a unique way to promote her TV series. Janine spent a day giving out red roses to strangers she met along the way, similar to her role in the Network’s upcoming series entitled Dangwa. The recipients – particularly the young men – were thrilled and quickly posted their encounters on social media. In the Dangwa series, the lives of various characters are changed by a chance meeting with Rosa (to be played by Janine), an enchantingly beautiful flower

vendor in Manila’s most popular flower market. Each character who buys a flower from Rosa will discover that love unexpectedly blooms in his or her own life. A new love story will be introduced to viewers every Monday and end on a Friday – except for the story of Rosa herself, which will slowly unfold as the season progresses. Rosa’s heart-warming smile and mischievous ways capture the hearts of flower delivery boy Baste (played by Mark Herras) and furniture designer Lorenzo (played by Aljur Abrenica), but there is more to the girl than they ever expected. Dangwa’s pilot week, which starred Kapuso teens Barbie Forteza and Ruru Madrid, was penned by Jerome Zamora and See SHOWBIZ p15

Aljur Abrenica

Mark Herras

Janine Gutierrez

Lara Quigaman

L-r: Sam Concepcion, Dawn Zulueta, Richard Gutierrez, Jessy Mendiola and Paul Salas

Richard at Dawn, JC at Jessy, magtatambal sa pagbabalik-serye May pag-asa pa kayang mabuo ng pagmamahal ang isang nasirang pamilya? Ngayong Nobyembre, bibigyang diin ng ABS-CBN ang kahalagahan ng pamilya sa mga manonood sa paglalahad ng kuwento ng isang anak na gagawin ang lahat mabuo lang ang kaniyang pamilya sa pinakabagong powerhouse

primetime drama na You’re My Home simula ngayong November 9. Kilalanin ang pamilya Fontanilla sa mata ng pinakamatandang anak na si Grace Fontanilla (Jessy Mendiola). Matapos ang maraming taon ng pamumuhay nang simple lang, magiging marangya ang See RICHARD p15

Jobelle Salvador, Tonton Gutierrez & JC De Vera

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NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 directed by Adolf Alix, Jr. and Rember Gelera. This is followed by equally engrossing love stories portrayed by Carla Abellana and Rafael Rosell, Rhian Ramos and Geoff Eigenmann, Bianca Umali and Miguel Tanfelix, and Pauleen Luna and Gerald Napoles. Dangwa also boasts appealing theme music entitled Pag-ibig written and arranged by Simon Tan and performed by OPM rock band Spongecola. Discover the mystery behind Rosa and fall in love every week with the stories to be featured on Dangwa, which airs only on GMA Pinoy TV.

RICHARD... From page 14 kanilang mga buhay simula nang hawakan ni Gabriel (Richard Gomez) ang kasong frustrated homicide laban kay Christian Vergara (JC De Vera), anak ng isang makapangyarihang senador (Tonton Gutierrez). Ang noo’y 12 taong gulang na si Grace ay maghahanap ng atensyon mula sa ama at inang si Marian (Dawn Zulueta) at maiisipang magrerebelde. Isang gabi, umalis siya nang walang paalam at lumabas kasama ang kaniyang mga kaibigan. Hinabol siya ni Rahm at ng kanilang kasambahay kaya naman naiwan si Vince mag-isa sa bahay. Makalipas lang ang ilang minuto ay gugulat sa pamilya ang balitang babago sa kanilang mga buhay–– nawawala si Vince. Lilipas ang 12 taon at patuloy ang pangungulila nila kay Vince. Dala ng kaniyang pagkawala kung kaya’t naghiwalay na sina Marian at Gabriel. Si Marian ay abala na sa kaniyang clothing line business habang si Gabriel naman ay kinakasama na si Roni (Lara Quigaman), ang pulis na naghawak ng kaso ng kaniyang anak. Sa murang edad, si Rahm (Sam Concepcion) naman ay may anak at asawa na, habang si Grace naman ay patuloy na sinisisi ang sarili sa pagkakawala ng bunsong kapatid. Muling pagkukrusin ng tadhana ang landas ni Grace at ng ngayo’y binata nang si Vince (Paul Salas). Sa kaniyang pagbabalik, manumbalik din kaya ang dati’y matibay na ugnayan ng pamilya Fontanilla? Bigyan kaya nina Marian at Gabriel ng ikalawang pagkakataon ang kanilang pagmamahalan? Matanggap kaya ni Rahm si Vince sa kabila ng selos na nararamdaman nito sa kapatid? Paano kung mahulog ang loob ni Grace kay Christian, ang lalaking nahatulang guilty sa pagkidnap kay Vince? Mas matimbang ba ang pag-ibig niya sa pamilya kaysa sa binata? Ano ang katotohanan sa pagkawala ni Vince? Kasama rin sa cast sina Assunta De Rossi, Jobelle Salvador, Mika Dela Cruz, Minnie Aguilar, Peewee O’Hara, Belle Mariano, Bugoy Carino, at Raikko Mateo.


Ang You’re My Home ay sa direksyon ni Jerry Lopez-Sineneng sa ilalim ng pamamahala ni business unit head Malou Santos. Ang creative team nito ay pinamumunuan naman ng creative manager at “MMK” headwriter na si Arah Jell Badayos. Huwag palalampasin ang pagsisimula ng You’re My Home sa November 9 sa Primetime Bida ng ABS-CBN. Para sa exclusive updates, mag-log on to Twitter.com/StarCreativesTV at Instagram.com/StarCreatives_TV.

CRISTY... From page 13 nagkokontrabidang aktres. Kung paanong sumisikat nang matindi ang araw na halos nakapapaso na lalo sa tanghalian ay lumalamlam ang kaniyang liwanag kapag malapit na ang dapit-hapon. Hanggang sa magtago na sa likod ng mga ulap sa magdamag at muling magsasabog ng kinang kinabukasan. May isang dating produktong si Vice Ganda ang nag-eendorso, pero ngayon ay pinag-uusapan na ng ahensiya at ng GMA Artist Center na si Alden Richards na ang gagawa ng TVC, siguradong magiging malaking isyu na naman iyon. Sasabihin na naman ng mga maka-Vice na tagapagmana lang si Alden, na pinagsawaan na iyon ng kanilang idolo. Hindi nila iisipin na kaya si Alden na ang mag-eendorso ng produkto ay dahil siya ang sikat at may magandang imahe. Isang malakas na pagtapik hindi lang kay Vice kundi sa lahat ng personalidad ang mga nangyayari ngayon. Totoong-totoo na hindi ipinangangako ang bukas para sa mga artista. Nakakontrata lang sa publiko ang kanilang popularidad. Habang gusto sila ng tao ay nand’yan lang sila, pero kapag bumitiw na sa pagsuporta ang publiko, anumang pagmamakaawa at pagpapakumbaba ang kanilang gawin ay pinagsasaraduhan na sila ng pintuan. Iba ang naging pagtanggap ng marami sa pagbababa ng boses ng komedyante sa pagsasabing kailanman ay hindi nila naging layunin ang talunin ang Eat… Bulaga. Nakalimutan ni Vice na walang amnesia ang ating mga kababayan, pinagsama-sama nila ang mga komento at banat na ginawa noon ni Vice Ganda sa GMA-7, sa Eat…Bulaga, kay Jessica Soho, pati na sa AlDub, na siya ang nagpasimunong tawaging AlDog. Ayun, bumalik sa mukha ni Vice ang mga basurang itinapon niya, tinawag siyang plastik at nagpapakumbaba lang dahil nakangudngod na siya sa lupa. *** Asahan na natin na isang araw ay sina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza na ang pagbibintangang pumatay kay Dr. Jose Rizal. Kakambal iyon ng kasikatan, bahagi iyon ng katanyagan. May mga tao talagang hindi marunong tumanggap ng katotohanan. Kung anu-anong masasakit na salita ang ibinabato

sa loveteam, kung anu-anong senaryo ang kanilang iniimbento para lang wasakin ang pinakasikat na tambalan. Wala pa rin silang kasawa-sawa sa paninira sa AlDub. May mga kumakalat na ring photoshopped na retrato ngayon ni Alden Richards. Palibhasa’y wala silang naamoy na kung anong malansa sa pagkatao ng Pambansang Bae ay hayun, may mga dinoktor nang larawan niya ngayon na ang insinwasyon ay becki siya. At dahil din sa kaniyang kasikatan ngayon na walang pinipiling estado sa lipunan ay kung anu-anong kuwento na ang pinalulutang ngayon laban kay Maine Mendoza. Sikat na sikat na nga si Yaya Dub kaya maraming inimbentong kuwento na ang ikinakapit sa kaniya ngayon. Kesyo adik daw siya sa pakikipag-party, marami na raw siyang nakarelasyon noong hindi pa siya nag-aartsita, kaya hindi na bagay sa kaniya ang pagpapabebe kay Alden Richards. Benite anyos lang ngayon si Maine Mendoza (March 3, 1995 nang ipanganak siya), kaya ang pagdalo sa mga party ng isang dalagang tulad niya ay napakanatural lang. Hindi naman siguro ipinanganak noong kopongkopong si Yaya Dub para hindi makipag-party. At ano naman ang masama sa pakikipag-party? Ang hindi magandang pakikipag-party ay kapag hinaluan na ng paggamit ng droga, kapag nagwawala na ang mga gumagamit, isang bagay na hinding-hindi naman ginawa ni Maine. Inggit lang ang maliwanag na dahilan noon. *** Inggit pa rin ang namamayani sa paghahanap nang maibabato laban sa sikat na AlDub. Pati mga kuwentong nakalibing nang parang bangkay tungkol kina Senator Tito Sotto, Bossing Vic at Joey de Leon ay kinakalkal na rin ngayon. Napakadesperado naman ng mga nagpapasimuno sa negatibong makinaryang ito laban sa mga hosts ng Eat…Bulaga. Napakasimple lang naman ng dapat nilang gawin, bibili lang sila ng puting tela, sabay wagayway bilang pagsuko. Mahirap bang gawin iyon? Walang masama sa pagkatalo. Ang bawat labanan naman ay binubuo ng pananalo at pagkatalo, pero hindi ngayon at natalo ka ay wala nang pagkakataon para sa muling pagbangon. Paulit-ulit na naming sinasabi, panahon ngayon ng AlDub, kalyeserye at Eat…Bulaga, kaya sinumang tumapat sa kanila ay

siguradong knockout. Anumang programa ang magtangkang magpataob sa kanila ngayon ay siguradong titihaya. *** Pati ang mundo ng pulitika ay binubulabog na rin ngayon ng sikat na tambalan nina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza. Gamit na gamit ang kanilang pangalan. Nagpapabebe na rin ang mga pulitikong mataas na posisyon ang inaasinta sa darating na eleksiyon, lahat ng linya ay napasok na ng AlDub. Maraming partido ang siyempre pa’y may hangad na makakasama sa kampanya ang AlDub. Sa totoo lang, at magpakatotoo na tayo, sa mga panahong ito ay bulag at bingi na lang ang hindi nakakakilala kina Alden at Yaya Dub. Ganoon sila kasikat ngayon, pati sa mga banyagang programa ay binibigyan na sila ng espasyo, ang tawag sa AlDub ay social media phenomenon. May lumutang na kuwento na

PAGE 15 inoperan nang isandaang milyong pisong kontrata ang AlDub para sa kampanya ng Liberal Party. Idenenay agad iyon ng partido. Puro libre lang daw ang mga artistang umaakyat sa kanilang entablado. Isa pa, siyempre raw naman ay sa partidong kinaaaniban ni Senador Tito Sotto aakyat sa pambansang entablado ang AlDub, ang ikalawang katwiran lang ng partido Liberal ang aming pinaniniwalaan. Sa ngalan ng delicadeza, na siyempre’y mayroon ang AlDub, ay totoong susuportahan nila si Senador Tito Sotto. Kaya kung saang partido nandoon ang kanilang Tito Sen (sa partido ni Senadora Grace Poe guest candidate ang aktor-pulitiko-TV host) ay doon din sila susuporta. Pero malaking kasinungalingan ang sinabi ng tagapagsalita ng Liberal Party na libre lang ang mga artistang nakakasama nila See CRISTY p17



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Philippine Ambassador to Canada, Petronila Garcia, in Winnipeg

Left photo: Philippine Ambassador to Canada Petronila Garcia and Consul General Rosalita Prospero cut their cakes during the Meet and Greet event at PCCM, Oct.16

Philippine Ambassador to Canada Petronila Garcia, Consul General Rosalita Prospero and the PCG-Toronto team were guests at the dinner reception at Kum Koon Restaurant

On October 16, MB Honorary Consul General Orli Marcelino (far right, left photo) hosts the Kum Koon dinner for Ambassador Petronila Garcia and Consul General Rosalita Prospero. Members of the Filipino-Canadian community were invited. MB MLA and Minister Flor Marcelino and MLA Ted Marcelino also attended the event.

Larry & Tova Vickar

L-r: Jenica Reyes, Miss Debutante 2015 2nd Runner-Up; Jan Nato; Hannah Sagaral and Reynalyne Gacilan, Miss Debutante 2015-Talent

Joy & Mon Lazo

Ambassador Garcia with her PCG-Toronto team during the PCCM panel discussion

L-r: Jojo Yso, Bernadette Barrientos and Larry Velasco. Photos by Rey-Ar Reyes

The public participates in the open forum at the PCCM - October 16

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



Winnipeg Sikaran Arnis at the Diamond Nationals, Minneapolis, USA

CONGRATULATIONS! Lee Angela Igne, 1st place in Traditional Hand Forms, 1st place in Youth Sparring, 2nd Place in Traditional Weapon. Josh Joseph - 1st place in Traditional hand Forms, Traditional weapon Forms & Youth Sparring. Xavier Tabing - 1st place in Traditional Hand Forms, 1st place in youth sparring, 2nd place in Weapon Forms. Lynlyn Igne - 2nd place in Traditional Hand Forms, 3rd place in Youth Sparring. October 9-10, 2015

CRISTY... From page 15 sa kampanya. Totoong maraming naiimbitahang performers si Kris Aquino nang libre lang, pero hindi lahat ay pro bono lang kumbaga sa abogado, malaking magbayad ang Liberal Party. Personal naming mapaninindigan ang kuwentong ito dahil maraming artista at singers silang isinasama sa pag-iikot sa buong Pilipinas na sa amin pa nga idinadaan ng partido ang kanilang imbitasyon. Sa amin nila pinakukuha ang singer o ang banda, pero sila na ang direkta naming pinag-uusap, hindi namin linya ang pangongomisyon sa kahit anong transaksiyon. Ang totoo ay hindi kasi nila makukuha ang serbisyo ng AlDub. Alam nila na napakalaki ng utang na loob ng sikat na tambalan sa kalyerserye ng Eat…Bulaga kaya alangan namang ang mga kalaban pa ni Senador Tito Sotto ang kanilang ikampanya, kalokohan naman iyon. Sa mga lokal na kandidato ay puwedeng sumuporta sina Alden at Maine, pero sa pangnasyonal ay sa partido siyempre ni Tito Sen sila aakyat, kaya talagang malabong makasama nila sa kampanyahan ang Liberal Party.

FLANDERS... From page 1 noted how poppies quickly grew around the graves. He composed the poem while sitting in the back of an ambulance at an advanced dressing station outside Ypres. During the battle, on April 22, 1915, the German army attacked the Canadian position with chlorine gas. It was one of the first chemical attacks in the history of war. In a letter written to his mother, McCrae described the battle as a nightmare: “For seventeen days and seventeen nights none of us have had our clothes off, nor our boots even, except occasionally. In all that time while I was awake, gunfire and rifle fire never ceased for sixty seconds … And behind it all was the constant background of the sights of the dead, the wounded, the maimed, and a terrible anxiety lest the line should give way.” In Flanders Fields was first published on December 8, 1915

At mismong si Alden Richards ay nagdenay na tungkol sa lumabas na balita, walang taga-Liberal Party na nag-alok sa kanila ni Maine nang isandaang milyong piso para lang mag-endorso ng mga kandidato ng partido, kuryente ang balita. *** May lumabas na namang bagong kuwento si Kris Aquino sa social media. Nagkalinawan na raw sila ng Star Cinema. Nagkaintindihan na raw sila, kaya tuloy na tuloy na uli ang pelikulang pinagbibidahan niya para sa darating na MMFF. Ang tanong – makakasama na kaya uli ni Kris sa proyekto ang cinematographer na isinangkalan niyang dahilan kaya ayaw na niyang ituloy ang pelikula? Nagtagpo na kaya ang kanilang schedule? Isa pang tanong – makakasama pa rin kaya niya sa pelikula si Mayor Herbert Bautista na isa pa ring dahilang ibinigay niya nang magmarakulyo siya’t basta na lang iniwanan nang walang kaabug-abog ang proyekto ng Star Cinema? Paano na ngayon sina Jodi Sta. Maria at Richard Yap na sana’y magiging salbabida sa tinalikurang proyekto ni Kris? Kasama pa rin kaya sila sa pelikula? At isa pang tanong – tinablan in the London-based magazine Punch. As with most of the popular works of the First World War, it was written early in the conflict, before the romanticism of war turned to bitterness and disillusion for soldiers and civilians alike. As a result of its immediate popularity, parts of the poem were used in propaganda efforts and appeals to recruit soldiers and raise money selling war bonds. A few weeks after writing the poem, in June 1915, McCrae was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and stationed in Boulogne, France, where he was placed in charge of medicine at the Number 3 Canadian General Hospital. He was later promoted to the rank of Colonel on January 13, 1918, and named Consulting Physician to the British Armies in France. However, he contracted pneumonia that same day, and later came down with cerebral meningitis. He died at the military hospital in Wimereux on January 28, 1918, and was buried there with full military honours.

kaya si Kris sa opinyon ng marami nating kababayan na kaya siya umurong ay dahil natatakot siyang pasemplangin ng pelikulang pinagsasamahan nina Bossing Vic Sotto, Ai Ai delas Alas at ng sikat na sikat ngayong tambalan nina Alden Richards at Yaya Dub? Kung anuman ang totoong dahilan ay tanging si Kris Aquino lang ang nakakaalam. Pero ang pagbabagu-bago ng kaniyang desisyon ay hindi na ikinagugulat ng marami. Sanay na ang publiko sa kaniyang mga pangakong karamihan ay napapako, si Kris Aquino nga siya! E, di wow! ***

Kailangang sementuhan ni Senadora Grace Poe ang paligid ng kaniyang puso ngayon dahil sa dami na ng nag-file ng asunto para sa kaniyang disqualification sa pagtakbong pangulo sa darating na halalan. Talagang siya ang pinupuruhan at tinututukan ngayon ng kaniyang mga katunggali sa posisyon. Bakit nga naman hindi, siya ang palaging number one sa survey, mabangungmabango ang kaniyang imahe at mayroon na siyang napatunayan bilang senador. Manginginig nga sa nerbiyos ang mga makakaagawan niya sa posisyon. Idagdag pa na anak siya

ng mga sikat na pigura sa lokal na aliwan. Hindi maihihiwalay ang pangalan ni Senadora Grace Poe sa namayapang Action King na si Fernando Poe, Jr. at sa Reyna Ng Pelikulang Pilipino na si Susan Roces. Maraming nagpapa-disqualify kay Senadora Grace, kung ano’ng motibo ng mga kumukuwistiyon sa kaniyang pagiging tunay na Pilipino ay siguradong mayroon, kaya nga lang ay hindi pa lumulutang ngayon. Pero mabilis bumasa ng motibo ang ating mga kababayan. Mulat na mulat na ang mga botante See CRISTY p18




NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

IKAW Free Basketball League: Now in its 24th successful season

IKAW Commissioner Jerry Medina continues his mission to support the game of basketball and promote it among kids ranging from ages six to 15 years old. The free basketball league is now in its 24th season and Medina still tirelessly sees to it that his young players are safe and busy with a healthy hobby, learning sportsmanship through basketball. The league plays every Monday and Friday at Isaac Brock School from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Medina thanks all the sponsors and the league’s trusted Marketing Directors, namely, Phil Jularbal, Rod Domingo, Sonny Cestina, Buddy Raquid and Mrs. Mila Lagunay. IKAW’s official photographer is Rod Domingo. For more details please contact IKAW Commissioner Jerry Medina at 204-795-1792. Jerry is also a Commissioner for Oaths (free stamps) and a Marriage Commissioner serving the growing Filipino community in Winnipeg.

CRISTY... From page 17 ngayon. Lagyan man ng piring ang kanilang mga mata at sumpalan man ang kanilang mga bibig ng pera ay susundin pa rin nila ang dikta ng kanilang puso. Gasgas na linya, pero totoongtotoo, tanggapin ang pera kung kusang ibinibigay pero utak at puso pa rin ang mas pairalin sa pamimili ng kung sinong kandidato ang sa pakiramdam nati’y makapagbibigay ng pagbabago sa kahirapang dinaranas ngayon ng mas nakararaming Pinoy. Sa tanong kung sinong kandidato ang magiging pinakaepektibong tagapamuno ng ating bayan sa darating na

eleksiyon ay isang batang nakangiti ang sumagot, “Ako po.” *** Sana’y magkita na lang isang araw nang personal si Vina Morales at si Avi Siwa na kaagawan niya sa isang lalaki. Mas maganda siguro kung magpapalitan sila ng opinyon nang harap-harapan kesa naman sa itinitinda pa nila ang kanilang mga baho sa publiko. At ang nakakahiya pa ay isang lalaki lang ang pinag-aawayan nila. Para silang mauubusan ng lalaki sa mundo sa paglalabas nila ng mga ebidensiya kung sino sa kanilang dalawa ang mas nakilala ng Marc Lambert na pinag-aawayan nila. Pagkatapos ng kanilang relasyon ni Cedric Lee na ama ng kaniyang anak ay matagal na

nanahimik si Vina. Pero nang lumantad siya sa pagsasabing mayroon na siyang bagong karelasyon ay ito naman ang kaniyang inabot, ang guluhin-sirasiraan ng isang babaeng naanakan pala ng French guy na karelasyon niya, at sa social media pa sila nagaaway ngayon. Ipinipilit ni Vina na matagal na silang magkakilala ng lalaki. Ayon naman sa kaniyang kaagawan ay mas nauna raw ito. Nakakahiyang pagtatalo dahil buong mundo pa ang nakakasaksi sa pag-aagawan nila sa isang lalaki lang. Wala ring suwerte sa pakikipagrelasyon si Vina Morales. Sa isang panahong akala niya’y heto na ang tunay na pagmamahal ay may kahati naman pala siya.

Sana’y maging busy na lang sa kaniyang career si Vina Morales para hindi na niya bigyan ng panahon ang pakikipagtaltalan sa social media na nakasisira lang sa imahe niya. Sa pagdadala ng relasyon, naturingan mang mas bata si Shaina Magdayao, ay mas maganda itong humawak. Malaki ang milagrong nagagawa ng pananahimik lang. *** Siguradong magkakabanggaan ang paniniwala at prinsipyo ng maraming personalidad habang papalapit ang eleksiyon. Magkakaroon ng kampi-kampihan, ng pagpapaksiyun-paksiyon, pipili sila ng mamanukin lalo na sa matataas na posisyon.

Inalok si Chito Miranda ng Parokya Ni Edgar nang milyones para suportahan ang isang tumatakbo sa mahalagang puwesto sa ating gobyerno. Prinsipyo ang kaniyang pinaiiral, hindi nito tinanggap ang alok, mayroon na kasing minamanok sa darating na eleksiyon ang bokalista. Mas gusto nitong suportahan sina Mayor Rodrigo Duterte at Senador Miriam Santiago kahit pa libre. Napakagandang paninindigan. Binabanatan naman ngayon sa social media sina Direk Paul Soriano at Toni Gonzaga dahil sa ibinibigay nilang suporta kay Senador Bongbong Marcos na ninong nila sa kasal. See CRISTY p20

NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



Bakit ba ako naging #Aldub fan? Pambihira ang trending sa social media ng Aldub nitong mga nakaraang linggo. Hindi lamang ito Philippine trending kundi worldwide. Isang phenomenon na maituturing ang tambalang ito. Bihira siguro sa atin ang hindi sila kilala pero for the sake ng mga hindi pa nakakakilala sa Aldub, sila po ay pinagsamang pangalan nina Alden Richards at Yaya Dub (Maine Mendoza) na unang sumikat sa social media dahil sa kaniyang mga patok na dubsmash. Si Alden naman ay bagong miyembro (Dabarkads) ng Eat Bulaga. Dahil sa isang unadulterated video ni Yaya Dub na kinilig nang makita si Alden via camera ay naka-relate, kinilig, sinakyan, at natuwa ang mga viewers. Dito nagsimula ang tuksuhan, interaction at natahi ang istorya nina Alden at Yaya Dub. After a few days, nabuo ang Kalye Serye na nagha-highlight ng kilig, tawanan, mga eksenang ka-abangabang at moral values na laging isinisingit ni Lola Nidora (ang amo ni Yaya Dub). Hindi tulad ng ibang teleserye, live na nangyayari ang Kalye Serye as a segment ng Eat Bulaga. Umani ito ng suporta mula sa television at social media. Milyon milyon ang nagti-tweet ng #Aldub worldwide. Nabuo ang

#AldubNation na isang samahan ng mga netizens na sumusuporta sa Aldub. Hindi magkamayaw ang mga audience sa Eat Bulaga araw-araw para makita si Alden at Yaya Dub. In less than a month or so, sumikat sila nang husto hindi lamang sa Pinas kundi sa maraming Filipino communities worldwide. Ang tanong, bakit kaya ganito na lang ang biglang sikat ng Aldub? Maraming components ang pagsikat ng mga personalidad at bagay. Number one, tanggap sila ng tao. Swak sila sa panlasa ng mga viewers. At bakit sila tanggap ng viewers? Dahil hindi sinadya ang mga nangyari. Hindi scripted ang unang kilig at patuloy na kilig ni Yaya Dub at pati na rin ni Alden habang tumatagal. Hindi beauty queen kundi tipikal na gerlalu (babae) si Yaya Dub kaya nakarelate sa kaniya ang maraming kababaihan both young and old. Bigla ding nare-discover ang gandang lalake ni Alden. Ang bottom line, nagpa-kilig sila ng tao. Nasundot nila ang kiliti ng tao. Mababaw nga ba ang kaligayahan ng mga Pinoy o sadyang masayahin lang tayo? Kapag tinira ko ang Aldub sa article kong ito ay baka abangan ako sa downtown ng mga fans

o tirahin ang aking Facebook account. Pero hindi ko talaga gagawin yan dahil fan din ako ng Aldub. Ang tanong ko sa sarili ko ay, bakit ako naging fan ng Aldub? Ang panonood ko ng Kalye Serye ay via social media or Facebook. May mga pagkakataon na sa bus pa ako nanonood at tumatawa nang pigil dahil nakakahiya sa mga kasakay kong bus riders. Kapag Sabado naman ay nirerecord ito ni Misis para mapanood ko nang late night or Sunday sa wide screen kasama si Kumander (ang aking Yaya Dub). Nakakawala ng stress. Buong araw na akong nag-iisip, nagaanalisa at nakikipag interact nang seryoso. Hindi ba’t karapatan ko naman na pahupain ang isip ko at manood ng ikare-relax ng pagod kong utak? Ano ang pakialam ko sa mga bashers ng Aldub na nagsasabing mababaw daw ang format ng Aldub? Mababaw nga. Pero ang kababawan at pagiging natural nito ay malaking tulong sa mga katulad naming pagod sa trabaho mentally at physically. Mali bang maging mababaw? Hindi siguro sa lahat ng pagkakataon. Kung ang kababawan ay nakatutulong sa iyo para mabalanse ang buhay mong nakatuon sa pamilya, trabaho, negosyo at career ay masasabi kong hindi ito nakasasama bagkus ay nakakapagdulot pa ito ng positibong spirit sa iyong buhay.

Masarap ang pakiramdam at good vibes ang idinudulot ng Aldub. Focused pa rin sa priorities. Hindi dahil sa fan ako ng Aldub ay maya’t maya na ang pagsubaybay ko sa kanila. Katangahan naman ang maging ganito. Ang sabi nga ni Lola Nidora, sa “tamang panahon.” May panahon ang bawat bagay. Panahon para sa Diyos, para sa pamilya, trabaho at iba pang bagay. Sa mga taga Winnipeg, okay lang na magpuyat at abangan nang live ang Eat Bulaga nang hating gabi dito sa Canada kung hindi ito makakaapekto sa inyong mga gaggawin kinabukasan. Baka naman kasi pupungas-pungas kang papasok nang umaga dahil die hard kang manood ng live na Kalye Serye. Pero kung kaya naman ng iyong powers, aba eh, kung saan ka masaya! Nagbabasa pa rin ako at nagaanlisa ng mga importanteng isyu ng Canada at Pinas. Hindi pinalitan ng Aldub ang regular kong routine na magbasa na mga balita tungkol sa Canada at Pilipinas, OFW news at marami pang iba. Katatapos lamang ng federal election ng Canada at lagi akong nakatutok kung ano ang mga unang gagawing polisiya at pagbabago ni Prime Ministerdesignate Justin Trudeau at sino ang uupo sa kaniyang gabinete. Sa Pilipinas naman, updated din ako sa katatapos na bagyo, baha at ang painit nang painit na bakbakan ng

mga presidential candidates. Hindi rin sa akin nakalampas ang pagpasa ng Executive Policy Committee (EPC) ng City of Winnipeg sa pagdadag ng uutangin ng siyudad na tumataginting na $200 million dollars para maisakatuparan ang mga infrastructure projects! Ang iyak ng mga Winnipeggers, sa property taxes n’yo na naman kukunin ang napakalaking proposed debt ceiling na ito. Sa dami ng mga isyung ito na hindi naman related sa trabaho ko pero impacted ako bilang isang taxpayer ay super stressful na ang buhay. Kaya kailangan, kung may pagkakataon ay kambyo muna sa lighter side of life – Kalye Serye na! Hindi tayo tumatakas sa realidad ng buhay dahil sa pagiging fan ng Aldub. Ang phenomenon na ito ay nagsisilbi lamang na pangneutralize ng ating abalang buhay. Hindi masama ang maging fan pero dapat balansehin natin ang mga priyoridad ng ating buhay. Nood na, nang-aano ka eh! Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Fans ba kayo ng AlDub? Kung gayon, sali na sa Official Fan Club at ipakita ang inyong pagmamahal kay Alden at Maine! Maiden Heaven Canada - Winnipeg Chapter






Ni Bro. Gerry No. 239 • Nobyembre 1-15,Gamurot 2015 1




2 10











No. 238 • Oktubre Nobyembre 16-31, 2015 1 – 15, 2015



















PAHALANG 7. Pabaitin 1. Daganan 2. Hinihika 28. Ligalig 2. Hinihika 8. Tinangay ng 9. Walang buhay 30. Buuin 2. tubig Ilista 11. Magtatapat 31. Baguhan 10. Sakit sa balat 3. Napagtibay 9. Walang buhay 13. Lahi 32. Di kaliwa 4. Okay 11. Magtatapat 12. Panghalip 5. Nawa 14. Ngata 33. Igilid 15. Talim 34. Alagaan 18. Diwata 6. Mangungusap 13. Lahi 16. You are one 7. Pabaitin 14. Ngata 21. Katas ng niyog 17. Dipa 8. Tinangay ng tubig 15. Talim 22. Ginapas 10. Sakit sa balat 19. ____ Domini 20. Todos los Santos 12. Panghalip 16. You are one 24. Lutuan 21. Uri ng alak 18. Diwata 17. Dipa 25. Init 23. Alias 21. Katas ng niyog 26. Unat 22. Ginapas 19. ____ Domini 26. Isang kakanin 20. Todos los Santos 27. Suhol 21. Uri ng alak 28. Halina 23. Alias 29. Kanta 26. Unat 28.KROSWORD Ligalig NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT SAGOT SA NO. 238 30.No.Buuin 239 • Nobyembre 1-15, 2015 No. 238 • Oktubre 16-31, 2015 31. Baguhan I M I S P I S I 32. Di kaliwa A A B A K A D A I 33. Igilid S A M A L W I L I G 34. Alagaan A B A L A A G I P O 1
















PABABA 1. Daganan 2. Ilista 3. Napagtibay 4. Okay 5. Nawa 6. Mangungusap







G 23






T A P 29









2. Hinihika 9. Walang buhay 11. Magtatapat 13. Lahi 14. Ngata 15. Talim 16. You are one 17. Dipa 19. ____ Domini 20. Todos los Santos 21. Uri ng alak 23. Alias 26. Unat

28. Ligalig 30. Buuin 31. Baguhan 32. Di kaliwa 33. Igilid 34. Alagaan












PABABA 1. Daganan 2. Ilista 3. Napagtibay 4. Okay 5. Nawa 6. Mangungusap 7. Pabaitin 8. Tinangay ng tubig 10. Sakit sa balat 12. Panghalip 18. Diwata 21. Katas ng niyog 22. Ginapas



24. Lutuan 25. Init 26. Isang kakanin 27. Suhol 28. Halina 29. Kanta

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) I M I Sang P I Hindi S ngayon I ang Buwenas Nobyembre para panahon upang mo Iang A Asa iyo. B Maayos A K A D pagurin A ang iyong pakikisarili mo – trabaho sama sa ibang S A M A L W I man L o Ibakasyon. G tao kung kaya Kailangan mong hindi magpahinga A kaBnilaApinagdadamutan. L A A G at magpalakas. I P Hindi O Alalahanin mong nakadepende biro ang nararamdaman mong saLmagandang U Yrelasyon A mo saB panghihinaApagdating G Ang hapon. S tao ang iyong ikinabubuhay. Pag Hindi normal iyon. Babalik din masaya sila, masaya ka rin. OK ang lakas mo pag nagpahinga. G B E N D ang ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Alalay ka OK sa ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Ingat sa sa ika-1, 8, 9 at 15. ika-10 at 11.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kung hindi mo mamahalin at aalagaan ang sarili mo, sino ang aasahan mo? Unahin mo ikaw sa panahong ito dahil walang mangyayari kung ipagpapatuloy mo ang pagiging martir. Mabibigo ka kung akala mo’y maaasahan mo ang mga tinutulungan mo. Masaya sa ika-3, 4, 13 at 14. Kuwidaw sa ika-5 at 6.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) I D ASa Ppagbabago A U M Maikli A Mlang Oang ng panahon, buhay kung kaya D A H I Lmong B A naman N A dapat K alalahanin magbabago pahalagahan ang E Arin L G araw O ang A iyongM A N bawat natin katawan. Kung sa mundo. Pero kailangan UmongMmag-diet A oYmag- hindi N naman G ibig A sabihin T nito’y exercise, gawin mo sana nang puro good time lang ang gagawin regular. Alagaan mo ang iyong mo. May romansa sa unang bahagi 24. Lutuan dahil kung hindi, may kalusugan ng buwan, kaya lang, walang 25. Init babala na magkakaroon ka ng katiyakan ang patutunguhan nito. 26. Isang kakanin karamdaman. OK sa ika-5, 6 at Suwerte ang ika-5, 6 at 15. Alalay 27. Suhol 28. Halina 15. Ingat sa ika-3, 4, 10 at 11. ka sa ika-13 at 14.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kung nahahalata mong tila naaagrabyado ka, hindi ka nagkakamali. Bakit ngayon mo lang ba nararamdaman na ginagamit ka lang niya? Sino ito? Sino ang laging nakabuntot sa iyo? Sino ang gumagamit ng mga kaibigan mo para siya umasenso? Good ang ika-5, 6 at 15. Stressful ka sa ika-1, 8 at 9.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Kailangan mong higpitan ang iyong sinturon sa unang dalawang linggo ng Nobyembre. Magigipit ka sa pera dahil hindi mo agad matatanggap ang inaasahan mong pakinabang. Ang problema, nagasta mo na. Baka sa Disyembre mo pa makamit ang hinhintay. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-5, 6, 13 at 14.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Kung naguguluhan ka sa iyong karelasyon, huwag mo nang pasakitin pa ang iyong ulo. Kung ayaw na niya, hayaan mo na siya. Masakit lang ito sa umpisa pero pag pinalaya mo ang iyong puso, may makakakita sa iyo at malamang, mas mamahalin at pahahalagahan ka. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Ingat ka sa ika-1 at 5.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Nalagay sa panganib ang iyong hanapbuhay at pananalapi nitong mga nakaraang buwan. Subalit pagpasok ng Nobyembre, mas lilinaw na ang dati’y malabo. Makikita mo kung ano ang dahilan at kung saan ka nanghina. Babalik na muli ang iyong selfconfidence. OK sa ika-8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-3, 4, 10 at 11.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Kung may oportunidad kang gawin ang trabaho mula sa iyong bahay, gawin mo. Unahin mo ang pamilya mo sa buwan na ito dahil mayroon kang napapabayaan sa kanila. Hindi mo matutulungan ang pamilya kung hindi mo alam ang pinanggagalingan ng problema. OK sa ika-1, 10 at 11. Stressful sa ika-8, 9 at 15.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Malapit nang mawala ng dahilan ng iyong problema. Dapat ka bang matuwa? Iwasan mong magkasakit dahil kailangang malakas ang iyong isip at katawan sa paglaban mo sa tao na iyon. Baka isabay ka sa pagbulusok niya. May maitim siyang balak. Lucky days mo ang ika-1, 10 at 11. Bantay ka sa ika-3 at 4.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Over-worked ka. Ito ang dahilan ng iyong mga sakit. Kailangan mo ay balance sa buhay. Hindi mo madadala sa hukay ang pera o anumang papuri nila. Oo, oras na upang piliin mo ang dapat mong gawin nang hindi malalagay sa panganib ang iyong buhay. OK ang ika-1, 10 at 11. Ingat ka sa ika-5, 6, 13 at 14.

CRISTY... From page 18

ang manok ng kaniyang kuya sa halalan. Lahat ng ito ay katanggaptanggap. Ang mahirap unawain ay kung bakit may isang Sheryl Cruz na hindi lang basta kumampi sa iba, minaliit pa nito ang kapasidad ni Senadora Grace Poe, na hindi

na iba sa kaniya kung tutuusin. Hindi naman ang senadorang tatakbong pangulo ang direktang sinaktan ni Sheryl Cruz. Mas matindi ang tama noon sa kaniyang mismong tiyahin, kay Susan Roces, na dugo at laman ng kaniyang sariling ina. – CSF





NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015





29. Kanta

Wala raw bang sense of history ang mag-asawa? Limot na raw ba nila kung paano pinahirapan ng rehimeng Marcos ang ating mga kababayan noong naglulunoy pa sila sa kapangyarihan? Mas maganda sigurong saliksikin natin kung bakit kinuhang ninong sa kasal nina Direk Paul at Toni si Senador Bongbong Marcos. Siguradong may malalim na dahilan iyon. Mahirap at maselan ang pagpili ng ninong at ninang, kailangang malaman natin kung bakit nila pinagkakatiwalaan ang kanilang ninong na tumatakbo bilang bisepresidente. Si Kris Aquino, kahit pabagubago pa ang takbo ng kaniyang isip, ay siguradong hindi pababayaan


NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Federal Liberal Party ang pinili ng Canadians na mamuno sa bayan. Si Kevin Lamoureux na dating nag-iisa na MP sa Winnipeg ay may anim nang kasama from Manitoba. As of this writing, tatlong Manitoba Liberal elected MPs ay nabalitang malamang maging mga cabinet ministers – si Jim Carr (Winnipeg South Centre), si MaryAnn Mihychuk (KildonanSt.Paul) at si Dan Vandal (St. Boniface-St.Vital.) Si Kevin, mabigyan kaya ng papel sa inner circle ng PM? Dapat lang. Ang mga pangako ng PMdesignate, Justin Trudeau sana ay matupad. Kabilang ang paglalagay sa ayos ng nasirang sistema sa immigration issues sa loob ng halos 10 taon ng Harper administration. Ang “tamang panahon” ay malaon nang hinihintay ng mga mamamayan ng Canada. Ang pamunuan ng City of Winnipeg ay waring tinamaan din ng political red tide. Tatlong tauhan ni Mayor Brian Bowman ang nagbitiw sa katungkulan at sumanib sa Liberal. Isang wakeup call sa nakaupong gobyerno ng Manitoba ang resulta ng nakaraang federal election. Pilipinas Nangako ang Beijing na ang kanilang military forces ay hindi pagmumulan ng gulo sa West Philippine Sea/South China Sea. Gayunman, kinundena ng China


ang pinadalang US military destroyer ng Washington sa Spratly Islands. Ang iringan ng dalawang super power ay hindi sana humantong sa putukan. Teritoryo ng Pilipinas ang malamang na magiging battleground. Nabanggit ko na noon sa pitak na ito na kapabayaan ng AFP leadership kaya nakapagtatag ng mga artipisyal na isla ang China sa loob ng West Philippine Sea. Ang biro ko pa noon, “natutulog sa pansitan.” Sa nakaraang 2016 budget hiring inungkat ni Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile ang tungkol sa kapabayaan ng AFP leadership kaya nangyari ang structure buildup ng Beijing sa loob ng Philippine territory. Asikasuhin, “Tigilan na muna ang paglalaro ng golf,” sabi ng Senador. *** Kapuri-puri ang respondeng ipinakita ng gobyernong Aquino sa mga biktima ng bagyong Lando. Naroon agad si PNoy at si Mar Roxas at ka-tandem na si Leni Robredo. Ibang-iba ang kanilang ipinakitang pagtulong sa mga biktima ng bagyong Lando ngayon kumpara sa Yolanda victim noon. *** Sabi ni PNoy. “Marami pang makakasuhan at makukulong.” Sana hindi selective at not only for political propaganda para ang pakulo ni Noynoy ay paniwalaan. Teka, saan at kangino ba nanggaling


Inggit Ugali ng tao, maganda at pangit, Ligaya ang dulot, kung hindi ay hapis; Nakita sa iba, tutularang pilit, Sukdulang maghirap sa kapritsong nais! *** Si Eva at Adan, anak ay dalawa, Pangit na ugali ang taglay ng isa; Pinaslang ni Cain ang kapatid niya, Si Abel na bunso ng Ama at Ina! *** Kung ano ang kaya ay pasalamatan. Nang hindi madapa sa nilalakaran; Maraming nasira ang kinabukasan, Na ang puno’t dulo’y dahil sa inggitan! *** Magkakapit-bahay at magkakadugo, Inggit ang dahilan, hindi magkasundo! Paquito Rey Pacheco

ang binigay na milyon-milyong incentives sa mga kongresista at senador kasunod nang patalsikin si former CJ Renato Corona sa Korte Suprema? *** Ang pagtatalaga sa mga nonelectives positions sa iba’t ibang departamento ng gobyerno sa bisperas ng pagpapalit sa liderato ay hindi daang matuwid. Parang bandaid solution. Sa limang taon ay hindi natututo ang mga nakaupo. Ang mga bagito pa kaya? *** Nangako si Mar Roxas na kung siya ang humaliling maupo sa Malacañang, isusulong niya ang pagtatatag ng Department of Common Sense. Aba, waring inamin niya na sa nakaraang limang taon ng gobyernong Aquino ay kulang sa common sense ang mga itinatalagang mamuno sa mga departamento ng gobyerno. *** Nadagdagan ang bilang ng mga naghihirap sa kabuhayan. Maraming walang mapasukang trabaho. Napabayaan ang sector ng transportasyon. Partikular ang tungkol sa kalagayan ngayon ng PNR, MRT and LRT. Smuggling papasok at papalabas ng bansa. Peace and order at iba’t ibang uri kriminalidad na produkto ng nabaluktot na tuwid na daan. *** Nakakalungkot at nakakainis ang balitang sobra-sobra nang binabalasubas ang eleksiyon sa Pilipinas. Kung noon daw, family votes lang ang binibili, ngayon ay bara-barangay na. Anong partido kaya ang may kakayahan daanin sa pera ang panalo ng kanilang kandidato? *** Si Senadora Miriam DefensorSantiago ang ika-105 sa nagharap kandidatura for president. Sabi niya, Sen. Bongbong Marcos ang kaniyang vice president. Nagpasalamat naman ang batang Marcos. Waring magiging pormal na deklarasyon tungkol sa Santiago-Marcos tandem. *** Alam ni senador Marcos na ang paghahalal ng president at vice-president sa Pilipinas ay hindi katulad sa US. Bukod ang boto for president and VP. Unity ang kaniyang pangunahing hangad. Papaano nga naman magkakaroon ng pagkakaisa kung sa panahon pa lang ng kampanya ay nag-uupakan na ang mga naglalabang partido? *** Ngayon nga, sinabi lang ni Sen. Miriam na si Bongbong ang kaniyang bise, inupakan na kaagad ng mga kalaban si Sen. Marcos. Sabi ni PNoy dapat mag-sorry ang mga Marcos dahil sa pinairal na Martial Law. Sabi naman ni Bongbong, “PNoy should move

on.” Opo naman, aalis na lang sa poder gumagawa pa ng mga kagalit, eh. Ang problema ng mga magsasaka sa Hacienda Luisita, kumusta? *** Sasamahan daw ni PNoy sa kampanya sina Mar at Leni na pambato ng LP. Naku, baka makabawas lang ng boto sa pambato ng LP. Lulutang ang kaniyang palpak na pamamahala. Magugunita ang kaniyang pagiging bengatibo. Puro dakdak. Maraming mga ginagawang labag sa batas tulad ng PDAF at DAP. *** Ang paglahok ni Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago sa 2016 presidential derby ay maliwanag na banta sa ambisyon ni Mar Roxas na pambato ng LP. Tiyak na si Mar ang unang maagawan ni Miriam ng boto sa Central, Eastern and Western Visayas dahil taga-Iloilo din si Mrs. Santiago. As alternative candidates, naiiwan na raw sa popularidad ni Senator Santiago ang kaniyang mga kalaban sa presidential race. Ang cancer isyu laban kay Miriam ay ayaw patulan ng maraming estudyante. Higit na may kakayahan daw ang senadora na pamunuan ang bansa kumpara sa kaniyang mga kalaban. Ang tungkol sa kalusugan ni Mrs. Santiago ang paulit-ulit na pinalulutang. Sabi ng mga nasa kampo ni Miriam, personal ‘yon. Kung si PNoy nga, hanggang ngayong matatapos na lang ang termino ay hindi mapilit na ilabas ang kaniyang medical records. *** Ang tunay na political karambola sa 2016 vice president derby ay sa Bicol Region. Limang VP candidates ang mag-aagawan sa more or less six million votes doon. Si Escudero, Honasan, Trillanes, Cayetano at ng ka-tandem ni Roxas, Rep. Leni Robredo. *** Nang si Sen. Grace Poe ay hindi napilit maging running mate ni Mar, sinisiraan na raw ngayon ng mga nasa kampo ng LP. Si Grace daw kumbaga sa prutas ay hilaw pa. Aba, Senador si Poe, samantalang si Mrs. Robredo ay kongresista. Ano ang palagay nila kay Ms Leni, hinog na ba, o bubot pa? *** Si Sen. Poe ay may kinakaharap na disqualification cases. Pangunahin ang tungkol sa legalidad ng kaniyang panunungkulan sa Senado. Ang kaniyang kaso na dinidinig ng Senate Electoral Tribunal ay maaaring matapos sa loob ng kasalukuyang buwan. Ang isa pang kaso ay tungkol sa kaniyang presidential bid na nakasalang sa Comelec. Baka sa mga unang linggo ng Disyembre

PAGE 21 pa malaman ang desisyon. *** Ang persepsiyon ngayon ng taumbayan, ano mang paraan ay gagawin para si Roxas ay maluklok sa Malacañang. Isusunod si Sen. Miriam Santiago sa process of elimination ng LP ni PNoy. Pagkatapos na maigapos na ang mga kalaban ni Roxas. Lilitaw nga naman na authentic ang ginamit na hokus-pocos machines sa eleksiyon. *** Ang former ambassador sa Vatican, Henrietta de Villa, chairperson ng National Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting, (PPCRV) ay nanawagan for an honest and clean 2016 presidential Elections. Katas Ang kandidatura nina Senadora Grace Poe at Miriam Defensor Santiago, sa palagay ng taumbayan ay alternative candidates for president. Gayunman, magkaiba ang isyu sa kanila. Harassment and smear campaign. 1. Malayong smear campaign against Sen. Poe ang disqualifications isyu na nakasalang sa Comelec. Tungkol ‘yon sa ligalidad na batay sa umiiral na mga batas sa bansa. Pangunahin ang citizenship and residency issues na batay sa Konstitusyon ng Pilipinas. May 10 taon ba siya na paninirahan sa Pilipinas na pangunahing batayan para maging kuwalipikado sa pagkandidato for president? 2. Ang pinupukol naman kay Sen. Miriam Santiago ang inaakalang smear campaign dahil ang popularidad ng senadora ay patuloy ngayong nangingibabaw sa kaniyang mga kalaban. Pinipilit na ipakita ang kaniyang medical record. Sinabi ng senadora, cancer free na siya at kung mayroon pa siyang sakit ay sa katawan, wala sa utak. Giniit ng mga nasa kampo ni Miriam na ang isyung binabato sa kaniya ay personal. Tungkol sa kalusugan. Si PNoy daw, matatapos na ang termino, hangga ngayon ay hindi pa rin nila mailabas ang hinihinging medical records. Kasabihan Ano mang labanan ay nagiiwan ng maganda at pangit na aral. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

Star Magic’s All Stars vs Winnipeg’s Tropas By Anne Caprice B. Claros Star Magic’s All Star Basketball team and Winnipeg Champions, Tropas, entertained well over 1500 people at the Investor’s Group Athletic Centre on October 25, 2015. The venue echoed with unbelievable support as the crowd roared with cheers and boomed with energy. Producer Todd Labelle opened the show and followed with a sincere acknowledgement of the event’s generous sponsors. Shortly thereafter Winnipeg’s Champions, members of the Tropas team, were introduced to the welcoming and excited audience. Tropas is an extremely masterful team, performing whole heartedly in every game. The league was initially formed in 2011, since then they have won among many victories; two championships and two first place titles. They were led by their team captain Allen Pescasio, accompanied by the winner of the 2015 Miss Debutante Pageant, Trish Olimpo. Enthusiastic and eager voices of fans radiated as Star Magic’s All Star team was introduced. One by one the celebrities stepped on to the court – Gerald Anderson, Rayver Cruz, Enrique Gil, Ejay Falcon, Xian Lim, Joseph Marco, Jason Abalos, Matt Evans and Aaron Villaflor. The whole venue was enlivened like never before; it almost felt like we were all back home.

The evening officially began with the singing of both O Canada, gracefully executed by Hannah Sagaral, and Lupang Hinirang (the Philippine National Anthem) exquisitely delivered by Paul Ong. After a few minutes of warming up, the game was initiated with a ceremonial jump ball in which the All Star team was represented by Anderson and the Tropas by Pescasio. Both teams played exceptionally well, scoring very closely throughout the game. Heads snapped left to right as the ball was passed on from player to player and the teams strategically defended their side of the court. During the game’s halftime, the audience entertained not only by a remarkable dance from the Manitoba Association of Cheerleading (M.A.C.) but also three different performances from both Enrique Gil and Liza Soberano. The excitement was almost overwhelming as the crowds cheered, sang and

danced along with Gil as he did a breathtaking rendition of Brandon Beal’s Twerk it like Miley. Soberano was no less entertaining as she performed to Ariana Grande’s Problem. The energy was contagious with members of the audience taking to their feet to join her as she swayed her hips to the rhythm and swiftly crossed the floor. The walls shook and the floors rattled with the applause for the Philippines’ hottest love team as they sang the song they are both very well known for - Shine Pilipinas. After a break sure to be remembered, everyone sat on the edge of the chairs anxiously watching as the players once again battled between the hoops. Similar to the first half of the game, the teams continued to score very closely, keeping fans from either on their toes. After such a close and exhilarating race, the All Star team took the win, scoring 114 while the Tropas scored 93. The game was one

definitely to be talked about, not only now but also in the months to come. After much applause and exchanges of commendation, sponsors and VIP attendees were given the chance to meet and take pictures with the stars of the evening. The whole production was carried out magnificently. This event is so unique in itself that it will, with no doubt, go down in production history as one of the most successful events in Winnipeg. The show was meticulously designed and produced under the care of Todd Labelle and Katya Labelle of Todd Labelle Promotions (TLP). TLP has successfully produced numerous shows, bringing the Philippines’ biggest celebrities to multiple Filipino communities in Canada. They flew in stars including Daniel Padilla, Kathryn Bernardo, John Lapus, Marcelino Pomoy and Kim Chiu for the production of Star Magic’s One Magical

The Todd Labelle Promotions (TLP) family with their stars

Night in November 2014. Among their many successes, they have also commendably produced shows for the Mocha Girls and Bamboo. Having been fortunate enough to share a few minutes with Todd Labelle, it was a delight to learn that a generous portion of the proceeds earned from every event is sent directly to outreach programs located in the Philippines. It is undeniable that with their expertise and passion, every event they take a lead on will no doubt be any less than stellar. The writer: Anne Caprice Claros is currently pursuing a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Winnipeg and is working towards getting accepted into a College of Medicine in the future. She is an active member of multiple humanitarian student groups in the city and has very recently co-founded an awareness campaign for Chronic Lyme Disease. She also writes poetry in Filipino and English.

Photo by AJ Batac

W.P.G. – The Wealth Planning Group Inc. relocates to new office on Portage Avenue When John and Betty needed some sound investment advice recently, they turned to Michael Silver and Jason Bonneteau, the managing partners of W.P.G. The Wealth Planning Group Inc. They weren’t disappointed. “We’re new clients with Jason and Michael,” said John, a retired produce manager at Safeway and former school trustee. He and his wife, a retired R.N. were part of a crowd of about 75 people, including, Brian Pallister, MLA and the Leader of the Progressive Conservative, at the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony of W.P.G.’s new energy efficient 5300 sq. ft. office at Unit 2-1851 Portage Avenue on a bright and pleasant Saturday, October 17. “This is a real cause for celebration,” Pallister said during an interview afterwards. “It’s an honour to be here today.” He praised Silver and Bonneteau for opening up a new business – one that will “help strengthen” our families and the community. “When we met with them, we found them excellent to deal with,” John continued. “Now, our daughter is with them too. The thing I like about

them is they’re very open with no secrets. You know what you’re getting. They’re like family here. They’re down-to-Earth.” Meanwhile, Betty stressed that Silver and Bonneteau take the time “to reassure” you. “They’re ready to serve you for the next 20 years in this beautiful new building,” she added. Bonneteau, 38, and Silver, 37, first met when they both worked at Clarica, now Sun Life, several years ago. The Jewish Post & News interviewed the partners in advance of their company’s grand opening. They became friends immediately. “We started working together the first year,” said Bonneteau. “Our responsibilities were to recruit and train advisors for Sun Life. We were back-to-back ‘rookie of the year’ award winners’ (for their success in recruiting and training efforts). Sun Life wanted us to relocate, but we decided that Winnipeg was our home. We had no intention to move.” Then, in 2011, an opportunity arose to purchase The Wealth Planning Group, which was then based in St. Boniface. At the time, the company had three employees and two advisors,

noted Bonneteau, whose wife, Somsamay, works at W.P.G. too, as does Silver’s wife, Yael. In 2012, they purchased the insurance division of Lakeview Insurance Brokers. “That acquisition sealed our partnership with Lakeview Insurance,” emphasized Bonneteau, a speaker at many insurance industry events, who holds a Business Administration diploma from Red River College, and has received his Certified Financial Planner designation, as well as holding a Certified Health Insurance Specialist designation. He is also a Past President of the local board of Advocis – the Financial Advisors Association of Canada. “In 2013, we bought the Benefits Planning Group (BPG) here in Winnipeg. Mike and I had our roots in group benefits, and so BPG gave us the systems and infrastructure to build on that side of our business. In 2014, we purchased a boutique investment firm, Cusson and Anderson, which helped us increase our assets under advisement.” Today, the company looks much different than it did four years ago, he observed, noting that they employ 10 staff and have 12

advisors. “The company originally focused on life insurance and investments. Now, we also have a group benefits division,” said Silver, who holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba, and has achieved both the Certified Financial Planner and Certified Health Insurance Specialist designations. He is also currently serving as Past President on the local board of Advocis – the Financial Advisors Association of Canada. “Although our client base is a mix of every demographic, our focus is on small business owners and physicians. The company also has an office in Brandon and a smaller satellite office in Deloraine, in south-western Manitoba. “Mike and I are joined at the hip,” Bonneteau said referring to his and Silver’s enduring friendship and partnership. “We do most of our client meetings together, and we travel together. Clients like that because now, they have two advisors. We’re also in the process of expanding to purchase another business in Winnipeg by January 2016. We’re happy to be part of the community

with our new storefront office.” He also mentioned that they’ve got a direct contact with the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce to offer group insurance to its members. “Most people don’t know that we’ll deal with anyone who requires financial planning,” Silver said. As the company website states: “We help our clients build two lasting legacies; the first legacy is one they build for themselves by accumulating assets to provide a sustainable and lasting income for their retirement years. “The second legacy is the one they build for others; it could be for their children, grandchildren, employees, favourite charity or even their own personal foundation.” Significantly, no minimum amount is needed, Silver said. “We take pride in our willingness to help anyone,” he added. “Our vision is your vision. Our focus is to provide you with the financial expertise, knowledge, and products to help you reach your financial and personal goals.” Just ask John and Betty. Written by Martin Zeilig of The Jewish Post & News


NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015



TLP presents Star Magic’s All Stars Basketball game

Star Magic’s All Star Basketball Team. L-r: Enrique Gil, Joseph Marco, Xian Lim, Rayver Cruz, Gerald Anderson, Aaron Villaflor, Ejay Falcon, Jason Abalos, Lou Abad and Matt Evas. Photo by Henry Balanial

Winnipeg’s Tropas Basketball team. Photo by AJ Batac

Photo by AJ Batac

Photo by AJ Batac Larry Vickar (centre) tosses the jump ball

Liza Soberano Photo by AJ Batac

Todd Labelle Photo by AJ Batac

Trish Olimpo, Miss Debutante 2015

Hannah Sagaral Photo by AJ Batac

Paul Ong Photo by AJ Batac

Miss Debutante 2015 title winners. Photo by Mark Godilano

The Wealth Planning Group opens new office

MB MLA and PC leader Brian Pallister cuts ribbon with Jason, Michael & families

Jason Bonneteau and Michael Silver with the WPG - Wealth Planning Group team

October 17, 2015, Grand Opening of the new WPG office at 2-1851 Portage Ave. in Winnipeg (Photos by: Rey-Ar Reyes)

WPG’s Managing Partners: Jason & Michael



NOVEMBER 1 - 15, 2015

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