Pilipino Express • Oct 16 2014

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Get out and vote!

Valerie Weigmann Miss World Philippines 2014

WINNIPEG – The winning candidate’s promises will be put to the test after the city’s municipal election on October 22, 2014. Winnipeggers will choose their new mayor from among seven candidates: Brian Bowman, Michel Fillion, Paula Havixbeck, Robert Falcon-Ouelette, David Wasylycia-Leis. Among the candidates for city council, two Filipino-Canadians are challenging each other in the incumbent Mike Pagtakhan and former school trustee Anthony Ramos; three other candidates in that ward are Rebecca Chartrand, Anne Thompson and Dale White. Voter turnout in city elections has been traditionally low in comparison to provincial and federal elections, and all the


push to convince the electorate to go out and exercise their right to vote. On Oct. 22nd, all voting locations will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. See VOTE p7

Brian Bowman

Michel Fillion

Paula Havixbeck

Robert Falcon-Ouelette

David Sanders

Gord Steeves

Judy Wasylycia-Leis

Mike Pagtakhan

Anthony Ramos

Brian Duaqui flexes for Canada WINNIPEG – Winnipegger Brian Duaqui has joined Team Canada by special invitation to compete in the upcoming IFBB World Fitness Championships in Montreal, October 17 to 20.


club in Winnipeg, Duaqui will compete in the Physique novice in the 2012 Manitoba Amateur Body Building Association (MABBA) championships. Duaqui hopes his performance in Montreal will earn him a pro card, which will allow him to compete internationally in other top-level competitions such as the Arnold Classic Sports Festival and the Toronto Pro Supplements. The IFBB, or International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, is the governing body of Ben Weider founded the IFBB in Montreal in 1946. Its headquarters are now located in Madrid, Spain.





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Brian Duaqui. Photo by Pink Elephant Photography

MA. LEE HOLGADO JEZREEL “The Jet� Sales Advisor REYES Sales Advisor



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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014





OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Quantum leap With the latest Pulse Asia survey showing Vice President of his lead among the possible presidential candidates, one wonders how much more vicious the coming campaign will become as the 2016 election approaches. Binay, as the only one in the is running for the country’s top position, has been the subject of an obvious campaign designed to pull his chances down. Whether or not the allegations against him are true is immaterial at this point; it is the Senate, after all, that is currently investigating the controversial P2.8-billion Makati City Hall parking building, and as such, the end in sight is not a case in court against Binay but legislation. In other words, the whole thing is designed not to put anyone behind bars but to put Binay in a bad light. Now if the campaign against Binay is already intense this early in the game, one can only imagine how bad it would be not just for him but for all the other candidates

Based on the ferocity of the attack on one person now, the amount of mudslinging would be every moment of our waking lives as the candidates take to traditional and social media to throw accusations against each other. It would probably make for a good show, but at what price, and at whose expense? This is symptomatic of the kind of politics we have in this country. In the Philippines, candidates claim to believe in the same things and mouth basically the same motto: maka-Diyos, makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan. There are no real issues and ideals in which they differ, and so all arguments necessarily turn personal. They dig up dirt against each other and throw it like there’s no tomorrow, thinking that the ad hominem argument is the only way they can win. Co-operation is the answer As a people, we need to grow up and reject this kind of politics. We demand that candidates stop

the mudslinging and instead engage each other – and the people – in real conversation and argument on what they intend to do and how they would do it. Our politics needs to make a quantum leap from the miasma it is currently in and on to a mature engagement of ideals and action. In an age of low power supply and long blackouts, one needs to consider that the solution may lie not just with government or big business but also with all of us working together. It is time for us to take the bull by the horn, so to speak, and think about what we, ourselves, can do to lessen the demand for power so that the little supply that we have can be maximized. While most of us consumers think that we are too small to make a difference, the experience of Cebu tells us otherwise. The Visayan Electric Company (VECO) has shown that the Interruptible Load Program (ILP) can be an effective tool in addressing the power problem not just in the Visayas but also in the entire country. It requires the support of the local government, business establishments, and the general public, but it can be done. Cebu Unplugged, as the program is called, encouraged the public

to join a collective effort to save energy, and it can be done even in little things that all add up to become one huge step. These “little thingsâ€? include switching off computers when not in use, using only one gadget at a time, watching only one’s favourite TV programs, switching off lights when not in use, keeping refrigerator doors closed, washing clothes in washing machines in one go, and using electric fans more than air conditioners. Simple enough, and certainly doable on a day-to-day basis, but these have been proven effective in bringing down the power demand for VECO. Now imagine this being done in the rest of the country. It not only addresses the power supply problem, it also instils a sense of community among Filipinos. We have been so used to demanding that government provide us what we need, but we give little thought to the things we need to do to alleviate the situation. It may be clichĂŠ to say it, but in the case of the power crisis, the answer is cooperation. Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Increasing the free line I was given the opportunity once to learn from a world-class mentor and now looking back, that piece of advice is worth ten thousand dollars a letter, minimum. If you implement the following techniques in your business and life you will become a high-end performer. However, if you disregard the information, the chances of managing a strong, small to medium sized business are unlikely. These simple, but not so easy strategies will magnetically attract ready-to-buy consumers to your business and move you toward growth and development. Failing to take up the suggestions will cause your business to seldom see repeat customers and almost guarantee that your business will get ready, set and go. Imagine that your business is in the Olympics. You’re going for the gold medal. You want to be the high jumper. You’re set to go. This will decide if you’re gold, silver compete on the goods and services landscape. You dig your heels into the tarmac and you know how high

the bar is set. It’s higher than what you’re used to. This is likened to the business of success and money. As value creating problem solvers (business owners), we all have a not-so invisible Free Line we have set for our business and life. The most successful companies, the top in any industry, have a higher “giveaway� than their competitors. If you want to become more valuable, sought after and forced to hire more people because you have too many ready-to-buy customers, you must increase the free line! Take a look under one of the hood of one of the most successful marketing campaigns of all time, Roll Up The Rim To Win. I had the honour of getting to know the inventor of this campaign and what he shared with me changed the game for the food services industry during the 80s! Now that you have a better understanding that the more you give the more you’ll get, it will be a game changer for you too; like it is for the Tim Horton’s franchise. Customer’s line up and salivate as they attempt to roll up the rim of their full brimming coffee cups. They could care less that they’re

not paying attention to coffee at hand. They just want freebies. We all want freebies. Moreover, Tim Horton’s also gives away free cars and large cash prizes. The bigger the business, the higher they can jump and the greater the Free Line. If you want to win in business and life you must resolve interest.� What is the “sales and service Here it is in a nutshell. Consumers want to get the most amount of value and they want to spend as little as possible. Now, business owners want to give as little as possible and charge as much as they can! Can you here? It may seem obvious, but if you really start to delve deeper into it, things will become painfully obvious why 90 per cent or more of small enterprises fail all heard it before, “the customer is always right!� This holds true, especially for you, if you ever hope to start or remain in operation words, in this consumer driven society, as business owners and entrepreneurs, we must uphold the customer’s “right� to get a lot for a little. To earn more money, see

more success in your business or future business start up, we must of interest and resolve it! As I mentioned before, this is done by, increasing the free line with your customers on the front end via giveaways in order to build relationships. This is referred to as building “relational capital,� and this is also known as getting a return on relationship. This concept is far more valuable than business owners try to get out of their customers. I’m begging you to grasp this, for the sake of your present or future business and your consumers, stop counting every customer with a dollar sign and start learning what counts. Money is made when value is created with your consumers. So start valuing them! There are many ways to increase the free line, large and small, if shift your thinking by taking the light off yourself and shining it on your consumers. From free fortune cookies, remembering your consumers name and even free higher end goods. Ask yourself the following question: How high can you raise the free line bar and still make it over, above and beyond. Put away your silver polish, because now you’re going for the gold! Valen Vergara is an award winning social entrepreneur, author, international investor, speaker and B2C Marketer.

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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014


Father’s concern: A matter of size Dear Ate Anna, My son is 14 years old and going through puberty. Recently he asked me a question about his body. He said that his friends are very concerned about penis size. They are talking about “big is best.” This is an embarrassing topic for me, so I told him to look it up in the Internet. But now I am worried that he may get into questionable web sites. I wish I to-man conversation with my son. Please help! Concerned Father Dear Concerned Father, First of all, thank you for writing to Ate Anne about such a private and personal topic. courage to ask for information and wanting to have a conversation with your son. Ate Anna believes that most men think their penis is a very important part of their body. From birth, boys are fascinated by their penis. Therefore, I am not surprised to hear that young boys are talking about it. Being interested in body development is part of learning about their sexuality. It is important to talk to your son about issues like penis size so you can clarify myths and educate about sexual performance. It is critical to acknowledge that most men experience anxiety about their penis size and appearance – especially the length. Reassure him that differences in penis size, appearance and performance are completely normal. To teach him about healthy body development, you can go together to the web site: http://www.serc.mb.ca/ sexual-health and click on the link to puberty for boys. Once you are at the site, you can also link to puberty for girls and learn about female body development. Researching this information together is a good way to start a conversation. Learning about healthy body development could decrease your son’s anxiety and provide him with accurate information to share with his friends. Your concerns about questionable websites are valid. It is important to discuss with your son that pornography needs to be viewed with a critical eye. For the angle that increases the appearance of the penis length and girth. This is deceiving and gives the wrong message to the viewer. and over to make it seem that

the actors have erections and sexual activity that lasts a long time. Porn can make boys feel insecure and anxious about their own developing bodies and their ability to “perform.” The myth about “big is better” has many men worried enough to look on the Internet for ways to increase their penis size. The Internet is full of suggestions about herbs, hormones, steroid therapies, magnetic devices, penile suction devices, and penis stretchers – all said to stimulate penis growth. A word of caution with any of these suggested aids: there is no research or evidence to suggest that any of these treatments actually work. In fact, they carry the risk of medical complications. (NHS Choices, Your health, your choice. www. Nhs.uk/chq/Pages/ 874.aspx) Another myth to discuss is the effect of penis size on sexual performance. The most important aspect of sexual pleasure is communication with a sexual partner about what feels good for both of them. As you know, Encourage your son to think about his willingness to talk to a sexual partner as a sign of whether or not he is ready to be sexually active with this person. It is also important that both people have given consent before they get involved in a sexual way. Some web sites that can help you with this are: www.sex-you-decide.ca and www.teenhealthsource.com (Planned Parenthood Toronto). Dear Concerned Father, Ate Anna hopes this helps you talk to your son about these important issues. Take note that it is also critical to discuss sex readiness and safer sex activities. Please check for Ate Anna’s next article about safer sex. Best of luck with your talk, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to Ate Anna, suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@serc.mb.ca



Although it is possible to apply to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) or the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) without a job offer, obtaining a job offer in advance is an advantage to many people hoping to move to Canada. It in Canada. Success on all counts depends upon your ability to discover what Canadian employers are looking for and revealing to them that you have the required skills, knowledge and experience. A practical guide for job seekers abroad can be found in the September 2014 Canada Information Newsletter article entitled “Seven Ways to Make Yourself More Employable in Canada.” Build a Canadian resume Canadian resume. Canadian employers are accustomed to seeing personal information and work background being presented in a certain way. Most expect the resume to be short (two pages or fewer) and appear in either a chronological or functional style. The functional style, in particular, allows foreign trained applicants to highlight their employment It is also important to remove things that are commonplace in Canada such as the applicant’s birth date, gender, marital status and religion. Canadian employers are prohibited by law from asking these questions in their application forms and do not


expect to see such information on resumes. Establish professional contacts A second step is to establish professional and other contacts. It is important for overseas applicants to become aware of of their credentials in the skilled trades and professional areas. Potential applicants must be aware of the things they must do occupational areas. The MPNP online application asks applicants to identify the steps applicants have taken to improve their in Manitoba. The applicants should be aware of the licensing bodies for their chosen occupation job entry or job re-entry plan of action. Tailor your application to the job The third step is to tailor positions. The federal article cautions against sending “20 identical applications for 20 different positions.” The writer recommends sending out fewer applications but spending more time researching each position. Applicants can change their resumes or cover letters accordingly. If you have questions about searching for positions by locations and occupations, the writer suggests using the Canada Visa Job Search Tool. In addition, potential applicants to Manitoba should check the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program website, which includes

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Seven ways to make yourself more employable in Canada detailed information on academic requirements for professionals and trade persons and use of websites such as Job Bank – Explore Careers. Know where the jobs are The fourth suggestion is to know where the jobs are in your occupations. This is especially important for applicants to the Federal Skilled Worker Program but also has relevance for applicants to provinces such as Manitoba. First, it is important for your skills in Canada such as “high demand for trades.” The federal article refers potential applicants to Canada Visa as the entry point for their job search. It is important that all potential applicants become aware that Canadian job information is usually arranged according to an occupational title and often a four-digit National Occupational NOC is important in identifying also related occupations, which help widen any job search. Accreditation accreditation, which is required by the Federal Skilled Worker Program and recommended by provincial immigration programs such as MPNP. It is important to know what foreign trained professionals or tradespeople must do in order to work in their chosen occupational areas inside Canada. This provides

potential applicants a way to obtain accreditation and also shows potential employers that they are serious about moving and preparing themselves for the Canadian market. Language Language is the sixth stated requirement. Potential applicants must possess English or French language skills. Applicants must in English for immigration by meeting minimum scores in approved tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The caution for all is that applicants should aspire to have the highest possible scores because it shows that they are prepared for the language challenges in Canada and that they are serious about Prepare for job interviews preparation for job interviews, which is important because more employers are interviewing potential employees on the telephone or by Skype. The key is practice because telephone communication is far more telephone interview depends on voice, word structure, tone etc., rather than a combination of these and non-verbal cues such as body language. The preparation should include not only role-play The applicant must prepare for the interview by researching the company and knowing something about the business. The federal

writer is correct in concluding that applicants must maintain “a positive attitude throughout the job hunting process.” There are some things that others can provide you with, such as training, preparation etc., but in the end, applicants must convince Canadian employers that they are the best candidates for the job. In conclusion, “Seven Ways to Make Yourself More Employable in Canada” provides potential job seekers with a The list is neither exhaustive nor comprehensive but a basic guide on things foreign applicants can job offers are good but so are the positive steps applicants take to improve their employability. both the FSWP and the MPNP applications but so are the steps applicants have taken to prepare themselves for immigration to Canada and integration into the Canadian work force. Even if applicants do not succeed in obtaining a job offer, the steps outlined above will prepare them for immigration to Canada and strengthen their chances for success. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@ gmail.com.

Single and searching – feng shui tips to boost your love potential Women need bright energy to attract a male. Rather than pinks and pale blues in the Whether you’re a bachelor looking for a loving wife and a nice home-cooked meal, or a single woman who would love nothing better than a pair of broad shoulders to lean against at night when you watch TV, feng shui can be employed to help you attract a mate or improve your odds if you’re on a date. Here are some pointers you can use in your home and when you’re on a date to help you attract a new love interest to your life. Banish water in the bedroom. Although water is good fortune for wealth in feng shui; in the bedroom it dampens passion. Better to avoid water symbols in the bedroom. Remove images of water and other objects Instead, make sure the lamps are

turned on for both sides of the bed and are kept dim, but lit. Bachelors need feminine energy in their homes. Bachelor homes need feminine energy to attract a mate. If you’re a single man and you’ve been looking for a suitable marriage partner, make sure there is feminine energy in your home to attract a woman to your life. A great way is to include feminine beauty such as magnolias, peonies or family luck like the orchid, or romantic bud. Alternatively, be sure to have a picture of women who look happy and attractive and be sure to employ pairs of objects (two lamps, two vases) to represent pairing energy.

should aim to add a little vibrant energy. Balance your bedroom colors with just a little red, such as pillow shams. Bright colors are appealing to men and in the bedroom, these will help activate your love chi. When you go out, avoid the LBD (little black dress) and opt for a vibrant red dress or Lady in Red. There’s something about a woman in red that attracts a man – and remember, there’s no song about Lady in Black. Single women need male energy to draw a husband. If you’re looking for that special man in your life, be sure that your home includes some masculine energy. Look for symbols that speak to masculine chi, such as dragons or horses. Display these in your living room and not

in the bedroom. Avoid overly dark colors in the house and play upbeat music to stimulate yang chi in the house. Keep the southwest brightly lit and add a photograph or picture of a man or this corner. Pair up around the house. It’s important that singles’ apartments and homes

to enhance your pairing energy. A pair of lamps on either side of the bed also energize the pairing chi. Be careful of photographs and images of single, solo items. One woman had a single image of her dog painted in oil and hung it over her bed. That dog was her only companion, too. Instead, her pet should have hung See FENG SHUI p7

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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

FENG SHUI... From page 6 in the NW corner of the living room to energize this direction, coincidentally the direction of the man. Question: to get married next year. Can you help us pick a good date? Answer: Congratulations! I’d be happy to answer your question. One of the best ways to choose a date for something auspicious, like getting married, moving into a new home, starting a new business, etc., is by the moon. Moon occurs in the month you want to get married. Try to pick If that’s not available, then select a date closest to the New Moon If you pick a date that happens to be a full moon, then that’s extra auspicious, as this will be a nod we know that a full moon is uber romantic, too. Question: My life is in the dumps. It seems like everything is going from bad to worse. What can we do to change our bad luck to good luck? Answer: Here’s some thoughts for you to help you get out of this rut. First of all, when energy moves in one direction, it usually stays in that direction. It’s physics: an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. In other words, the way your life is going is going to remain the same unless you do something. Put another way, you have to be that external force that moves your chi from the direction it’s been going in. That said, you should move your furniture around, do a deep cleaning,

PILIPINO EXPRESS declutter, move your pictures around in the house, touch up nicks and scratches in your paint and walls, clean and wash off your front door and porch area. If you have dead, dying or spindly plants get rid of these immediately. If you have negative or unhappy images anywhere, you should remove them. Make sure all corners in every room are cleaned Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

VOTE... From page 1 To be eligible to vote, one must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day and a local resident for at least six months before October 22, 2014. A voter is also required to show proof of name and current address issued by a government agency, e.g., a valid driver’s licence or If an eligible voter’s name is not on the list, the person can still vote by presenting valid the voting place. For more information, call 311.




OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Engineering a meaningful Thanksgiving dinner Engineering a meaningful Thanksgiving dinner is not something we can do with computers or calculators. Three weeks ago, this event was not even an idea. Remarkably, it took one meeting, several heads and countless correspondences to design and construct one meaningful event. On October 13th, when everyone else was enjoying turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, dedicated members of the Filipino Members Chapter of the Association of Professional the Province of Manitoba (FMC-

www.apegm.mb.ca. student members to assist them in their goal of completing the academic requirements towards membership registration with the will come from two fundraising events this year: 1. Salisbury House Community “Fun” Raiser Program – from October 13 to November 20 (Mondays and Thursdays only), 20 per cent of guest bills will be donated toward the bursary fund upon presentation of the authorization letter designated to the FMC-

Salisbury Restaurant on Leila Avenue to support the candidacy of Ramon Cairo in his bid for a

on the chapter’s Facebook page (Filipino Members Chapter –

to witness the launching of the


com. Selected members of FMC-


this letter. 2. Agahan, Balikatan at Kuwentuhan – a breakfast buffet fundraising event on November

accepting applications for the Bursary Award until the close of December 13, 2014. You are eligible to apply, if you are a registered Student Member of the chapter, to wit: Constitution, 4.a.iii – A Student member shall be any Filipino or Filipino-Canadian who completed, as a minimum, a baccalaureate degree in engineering or geosciences in the Philippines or any other province, territory, or any other country and is in the process of completing the academic requirements to become a registered Professional Engineer (PEng), Professional

With a $10 ticket, one can enjoy a variety of Filipino breakfast favourites and a choice of coffee, tea, hot chocolate or a soda. For tickets, please contact: angelito@ymail.com duroni@hotmail.com cnisantoyo@shaw.ca gmail.com

Geoscientist (PGeo) or EngineerIn-Training (EIT) or GeoscientistIn-Training (GIT) in the Province of Manitoba. For more detailed information on requirements and instructions, norman@sulongtriathlon.org Ethel Clemente Fernandez is a registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM). She currently works for a federal crown corporation and is serving on the Executive Committee of the Filipino Members Chapter (FMC) APEGM. For inquiries, please e-mail fmc_apegm@yahoo.ca.

decastro@yahoo.ca sulongtriathlon.org edwinyazon@yahoo.com


Ramon Cairo, P.Eng, was the

once elected. He is one of 11 (L-r): Edgar Duroni, Mar Mance, Nancy Santoyo, Willy De Castro, Edwin Sapnu

of four positions available. All Filipino registered engineers were encouraged to further the campaign of his candidacy and ballots are counted according to the rules of proportional representation. His platform and credentials can be viewed at

(L-r): Norman & Grace Garcia with their daughter; Roman Nepomuceno, Ian Michael Nepomuceno & Ethel Fernandez

Elena Oberez with her children (l) and Jeraldine Velasco (r)

(L-r): Arnel Oberez, Ramon Cairo, Marolo Alfaro, Renato Palma, James Mataag Jr., Abelardo Domingo, Gil Ocenar & Angelito Velasco

(L-r): Angelito Velasco, Ramon Buenaventura, Armin Feliciano & Alen Joson

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014



Symposium on healthy aging and seniors’ self care in Canada Four speakers: a nurse, an occupational therapist, a medical doctor and a lay person will cover topics such as:


Canad Inn

Jefferson Ave. and McPhillips St. October 25, 2014 Registration 8:00 a.m. Workshops from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Brunch and coffee will be provided courtesy of The Knights and Ladies of Rizal.






OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

A1 Nutrition celebrates 10th Anniversary and grand re-opening – Oct. 4 guidance and provided excellent health products to a growing number of costumers who have come to trust them for their proven reliability and professionalism. “Our customers have also become our good friends and we wish to thank each and everyone of them for their On October 4, 2014, Felly and her staff opened their doors to their customers from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to showcase a bigger and newly renovated store. The new store opened with a daylong Health and Wellness Expo. Health product specialists and representatives from several product brands were on hand offering one-on-one sessions with guests. Well-known health specialist Dr. Cass Ingram also graced the occasion and gave time for consultations with guests who had health concerns. The excitement built up during the day as 200 customers received generous gift bags with their purchase and had a chance to win one of the ten gift baskets – just for celebrating with Felly and her staff. Everyone shared the sumptuous 10th anniversary cake and hors d’oeuvres served during teatime. A1 Nutrition has won the Consumer Choice Award for

Natural Product Advisor, Applied Nutrition Specialist; Tess McDonald, Sales Associate; Maria Cherry Samarista, Henry in Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba and Charicel Dueñas, Sales Associate

a Finalist in the 2014 Manitoba Women Entrepreneur of the year Awards (WEYA). “I share the recognition with my family and my staff for their support… I wish to thank Rose Bigornia, Briana Che and Charicel Dueñas who have diligently and professionally served the needs of our customers… we hope to be serving the community for many, many more

Dr. Cass Ingram Charicel Dueñas and Tess McDonald

Felly with Ryan Draho, Advertising Account Manager, Metro Winnipeg

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014


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Matagal din ang ipinaghintay ng mga kababayan natin sa Winnipeg para makasama nila roon ang tambalan nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo. Madalas mabanggit ng aking mga kaibigang taga-Winnnipeg na sabik na sabik na ang mga bagets doon para makasama ang tambalang Kathniel. Pero sa dami ng ginagawa ng tambalan ay mahirap makasingit sa kanilang schedule. Mabuti na lang at nakakuha ng magandang tiyempo ang Todd Labelle Promotions. Lahat ay excited sa concert nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo sa November 2 sa Pantages Playhouse Theatre. Makakasama nila sina Kim Chiu, Marcelito Pomoy at John Lapus, pero hindi natin maitatanggi na ang dahilan ng panonood ng mga anak ng ating mga kababayan sa Winnipeg ay ang tambalang Kathniel, sila naman kasi ang pinakasikat na loveteam ngayon. Nasa mabubuting kamay ang buong grupo. Ang Todd Labelle Promotions din nina Todd at Katya

ang nagprodyus ng matagumpay na concert ni Bamboo ilang linggo pa lang ang nakararaan – maraming kuwento na rin kasing naglantad tungkol sa mga shows ng mga Pinoy personalities sa ibang bansa na nabulilyaso dahil sa mga prodyuser na hindi maayos kausap. Maganda ang imahe ng Todd Labelle Promotions. Sa mga kuwento pa lang ng aking kaibigan ay parang ramdam na ramdam na namin kung gaano kasarap magalaga at magmahal sa kanilang mga talents sina Todd at Katya. Patuloy na magtatagumpay ang produksiyong ito kapag palaging ganyan ang ipinakikita nilang propesyonalismo sa mga kinukuha nilang singers at artistang Pinoy. *** Sa mga pinakakawalang pahayag ngayon ni Piolo Pascual ay parang lumalabas na napakaramot ng kaniyang anak na si Iñigo. Sa edad nitong 17 na ngayon ay parang hindi marunong umunawa ang kaniyang anak See CRISTY p17



Star Magic’s One Magical Night stars, from l-r: Marcelito Pomoy, Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla, Kim Chiu and John Lapus


Piolo Pascual

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Angelica Panganiban

Derek Ramsay




Chris Mallari



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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014





OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

sa “Be Careful With My Heart...â€? Si Valerie Weigmann ang tinanghal na Miss World Philippines na ginanap sa Mall of Asia Arena nitong nakaraang October 12. Naging former PBB housemate noon si Valerie bago naging host sa TV noontime show na Eat‌Bulaga at TV commercial model. “Of course it’s amazing. For me it’s a once in a lifetime experience. I am happy and blessed that I received this for dedicated to our indigenous brothers and sisters in the Philippines all over. So I am really happy to show them and raise awareness about

them. Yes, para sa Pilipinas talaga ito,� sabi niya sa media reporters matapos koronahan. Si Valerie ay very active kasama ng Musikaramay, isang organisasyon na dedicated sa pagtulong sa mga indigenous people, lalo na ang mga Aetas sa Tarlac. Sa umpisa pa lang ng competition, napaka-popular na ni Valerie. Subalit nagulat pa rin siya na manalo siya. “No, I did not expect early that I am going to be the winner, because win or lose, you never know what is going to happen. Once you are in a contest, win or lose you still gain the See SHOWBIZ p15

Miss World Philippines 2014 Valerie Weigmann (centre) with l-r: Nicole Kim Donesa, 3rd Princess; Nelda Ibe, 2nd Princess; Lorraine Kendrickson, 1st Princess and Rachel Louise Peters, 4th Princess. (Photo by Teddy Pelaez/InterAksyon)


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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014


Shy Carlos and Jerome Ponce

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 experience…In the end, you have to think about the friendships you were making in the contest. It was really unexpected for me because I really did not want to focus on winning, because I want to experience it and enjoy the moment.” Inamin ng bagong hirang na Miss World Philippines na matindi ang pressure na kakaharapin niya ngayong taon. Last year kasi ay Filipina ang Miss World crown sa katauhan ni Megan Young. “Of course if there is pressure there is excitement…I am really looking forward to the challenge and I want to show my fellow countrymen that I can do it… that I can be the best I can be for everyone.” Aside from the title, halos nakuha rin ni Valerie ang mga special awards tulad ng Best in Fashion Runway, Best in Long World Camsur, Miss Solaire,


Johanna “Kiray” Celis

Cindy Gilroy explains why she is running for City Council in Daniel McIntyre Ward I grew up in the West End of Daniel McIntyre and, like much of my generation, I am now raising my children here. I’m a proud West Ender and I want my children to grow up in the same strong, safe the communities and what people want from our city council. I am concerned about how things have been done at City Hall police station should be managed differently and basic services like streets and sidewalks need to be maintained better. As a school trustee I was open and accountable and I will be the same City Hall. This election is important. The new Mayor will need support to make change. In 2010 I came within 108 votes of helping make that change and help make Winnipeg a safe and vibrant city and Daniel McIntyre a strong, safe and vibrant community. I worked in the family business and being a school trustee has prepared me for dealing with public funds in an open and transparent way. If elected, I will use my experience, leadership abilities and best judgment in the best interest of everyone in Daniel McIntyre and I hope you will consider supporting me. This is a paid political advertisement.

Ambassador, Miss Bluewater Day Spa, Miss Bench, Miss Olay, Miss Reducin at Miss Hana. Ang ibang nagwagi ay sina Lorraine Kendrickson princess. Second princess naman si Nelda Ibe. Third princess si Nicole Donesa at fourth princess si Rachel Peters. Si Valerie ang magiging kinatawan ng Pilipinas sa Miss World Beauty pageant na gagawin sa London ngayong Disyembre 2014. *** Nagmula sa watak na pamilya ang young actor na si Jerome Ponce kaya naman nakahanap siya ng buo at masayang pamilya sa Be Careful With My Heart. “Business-minded person ‘yong dad ko. ‘Yong mom ko naman galing sa modeling. Tapos dito sila nagkakilala sa isang shoot din, hanggang sa nagkaanak, anim kami, pero sa huli naghiwalay din sila,” pagbabahagi niya sa Tapatan Ni Tunying na napanood noong ika9 ng Oktubre. Matagal na raw hindi nabubuo nagkaroon siya ng kumpletong pamilya dahil sa mga katrabaho niya sa naturang teleserye. “Dumadating kami sa taping, may kainan. Sabay-sabay bago kami mag-take. Iniisip ko, ‘Ano kaya ang feeling na kasama ko sila dito? Kami ‘yong sabaysabay kumakain, nag-uusap about Samantala, ikinuwento naman


Hair Cut $10

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Unit 78 Mandalay Drive Winnipeg MB R2P 1V8 Be Careful With My Heart na si Shy Carlos kung paano siya nagsimula sa showbiz. Dating bahagi si Shy ng allgirl singing group na Pop Girls kasama si Nadine Lustre ngunit mas nakilala siya sa Be Careful With My Heart. Tampok din sa episode na

ito ng Tapatan Ni Tunying ang komedyanteng si Johanna “Kiray” Celis na ibinahagi ang hirap ng buhay niya at ng kaniyang pamilya bago siya magartista. (Source: Rosary Escaño, ABS CBN *** Excited na ang lahat sa Halloween Presentation ng

Super Sireyna Winnipeg 2014 na gaganapin sa October 31 sa Sasabayan ito ng light snack at mag-uumpisa ang show ng 7:30 pm, at may sayawan pa after the show. Wala ka nang hahanapin pa, may kainan, entertainment at sayawan! Huwag palampasin itong kakaibang Halloween na na ito na tampok ang ating naggagandahang mga Super Sireyna.

Magpapaligsahan sila sa kanilang Ganda, Talino, Talento, National Costume, Evening Gown at ang aabangan ng lahat, ang Miss Body Beautiful (you will be surprised, pasabog ito, for sure!). Para sa ticket, tumawag lamang sa 204-694-5887, 204831-6135, 204-782-9944, 204688-0574 at 204-221-9108. Tawag na para di kayo maubusan ng ticket! See you there!



OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Parishioners enjoy fellowship as they celebrate St. Edward’s Feast Day and Stewardship Renewal Ministry Fair, October 11, 12, 2014.

Linda Ramos (centre, white shirt), with fellow church members and guests.

Photos by Jeproks Photography

J.C.I. Sen. Eugenio T. Ramos

J.C.I. Sen. Eugenio T. Ramos #54982 celebrated his 65th Birthday at Pampanga Restaurant on September 20, 2014 attended by: the Ramos, Arlegue and Tacdiran Families; members of the Mid-Canada JCI Senate; the Knights of Columbus; the Bacoor Association of Manitoba; the Friends of the Portage Place Food Court; relatives and close friends.

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014



CRISTY... From page 12 na may sarili rin siyang buhay, na may karapatan din siyang lumigaya. Bakit kasi palaging si Iñigo ang isinasangkalan niya sa pakikipagrelasyon? Pinagtataasan tuloy ng kilay ng mas nakararami ang pinakahuli niyang katwiran na kapag nag18 na raw si Iñigo ay puwede na siyang makipagrelasyon at magpakasal. Pero ayaw raw niyang magpakasal sa Pilipinas, sa ibang bansa raw niya gusto, para kahit paano’y mahawakan niya ang kapribaduhan ng kaniyang buhay. Hindi siguro namamalayan ni Piolo, pero ang madalas niyang katwiran na sangkot ang kaniyang anak na si Iñigo ay hindi nakagaganda sa kanilang magama. Sabi nga ng mga kausap naming propesor na beki ay sumosobra na raw ang pagiging echoserang frog ni Piolo. Dumarating din kasi sa punto ng pagkaumay ang mga kababayan natin. Ilang taon na ba niyang ginagawang sangkalan si Iñigo sa pagkakaroon niya ng karelasyon, napakatagal na! Palaging magagalit ang kaniyang anak, seloso raw si Iñigo, kaya kapag nag-18 na raw ito ay puwede na siyang magkaroon ng karelasyon. Parang baligtad kasi ang senaryo. Hindi dapat ang kaniyang anak ang kumokontrol sa kaniyang personal na kaligayahan, si Iñigo dapat ang sinasabihan niya na huwag munang atupagin ang pakikipag-girlfriend, kung gusto nitong magtagumpay sa pagaartista. Hiling ng ating mga kababayan ay magpakatotoo na raw sana si Piolo Pascual. Kung ano ang nakapaloob sa mensaheng iyon ay depende sa magbibigay ng interpretasyon. *** Ikinuwento sa amin ni Nanay Tessie Relucio, lola ni Charice Pempengco, na naglipat na ang singer at ang kaniyang girlfriend na si Alyssa Quijano ng kanilang mga kagamitan para makasama na sa bahay si Aling Raquel Pempengco. Iniwanan na raw ng magkarelasyon ang ipinagawa nilang bahay. Hindi naman pala iyon isang buong bahay kundi ikalawang palapag lang ng bahay ng kaniyang manager, pero ginastusan daw iyon ni Charice. Matagal-tagal ding nagkaroon ng hidwaan ang mag-ina, pero sa kabuuan ng kanilang away ay naging marespeto si Charice, hindi niya binarubal ang kaniyang mommy. Kung anu-ano ang pinagsasasabi noon ni Aling Raquel, kung isumpa nito si Alyssa ay parang wala nang bukas pa, pero tulad ng ending ng maraming kuwentong-pampamilya ay nagkasundo rin ang mag-ina. Palagi namang ganoon ang kuwento. Sa simula ay masasakit ang mga salitang ibinabato nila sa bawat isa, pero sa takdang panahon ay parang walang nangyari, nagkakasundo rin sila. Kahit paano, kahit sa maliit lang niyang paraan, ay nakatulong

By Feling de Jesus A golf tournament was held on September 14, 2014, to remember who worked for the Filipino community of Winnipeg and also made a lot of people laugh. worked




the tournament played at the reception held at La Merage Restaurant. Winners of the Popoy Tournament were Aldrin Ferrer for Division 1, Ner Eugenio for Division 2, Noel Silva for

the Ladies Division. The day provided everybody with time to remember Popoy and his sense of humour. In the spirit of Poy’s humour, I said as the rain began to fall at the group’s last hole, “Poy is having a laugh at our expense.” Feling de Jesus is a BAGA and PAGAM member.

Robin Padilla

Tia Pusit

Cris Gomez & Allan Gomez present the door prizes

Vhong Navarro

Michael Yamson & Mommy D si Charice para isulat ang pangalan ng Pilipinas sa mapa ng mundo. Una siyang “inampon” ni Ellen DeGeneres, pagkatapos ay tumawid siya kay Oprah Winfrey, hanggang sa maging regular talent na siya ng sikat na record producer na si David Foster. “The pride of the Philippines!” kung ipakilala siya ni David Foster. Kahilera niyang kumakanta sa mga concerts nito sina Celine Dion, Lionel Ritchie, Pavarotti, Mariah Carey, Billy Joel at marami pang ibang naglalakihang pangalan sa mundo ng musika. Kahit doon man lang sana ay dapat magkaroon ng puso ang iba nating mga kababayan para kay Charice Pempengco. Sana’y ang kaniyang talento ang masilip ng iba at hindi ang kaniyang mga kapintasan. Mas masarap para kay Charice ang matanggap siya ng mga Pilipino kesa ng mga dayuhan. Aanhin nga naman niya ang palakpak ng mga foreigners kung sa sarili niya namang bayan ay kinukutya siya? Sa isang banda naman ay kailangan ding magpaka-Pilipino ni Charice. Kapag nasa bansa siya ay gawin niya ang mga ginagawa

Some of the participants in the Popoy Gomez Memorial/PAGAM Golf Tournament with Cris Gomez (centre) ni Juan at hindi ang mga natutuhan niya kay Uncle Sam. Huwag siyang maglalagay ng pader sa pagitan niya at ng ating mga kababayan. Magsalita siyang Pinoy na Pinoy at kumilos siyang berdaderong Pinoy. Walang masama sa pagsasalita ng Ingles, pero sana’y pipiliin niya ang tamang okasyon, rekomendasyon din namin na tanggalin niya ang American twang na naglalayo sa kaniya sa puso ng mga tunay na Pinoy. Pero huwag na sanang tutukan ng mga bashers ang kaniyang itsura, ang kaniyang buhok, ang kaniyang mga isinusuot at ang kaniyang kilos. Sa pagtatapos ng araw ay iisang lahi lang naman tayo. Sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa. *** Lantarang ipinaramdam ni Mary Christine Jolly at ng kaniyang mga abogado na wala silang tiwala sa piskalya ng Makati na humahawak sa kasong R.A. 9262 na isinampal niya laban kay Derek Ramsay. Kamakailan lamang ay binaklas na ng babae ang asunto, lang daw sila maghahain, hahanap

daw sila ng tamang hukumang makapagbibigay sa kaniya ng hustisya. May nakapagsabi raw kasi sa kanila na walang mangyayari sa asuntong ihinain niya sa Makati, hindi raw iyon aakyat sa husgado, sa piskalya pa lang daw ay mauuwi na iyon sa basurahan. May pahimakas din si Mary na hindi nakikita na gumagalaw sa likod ng asuntong ihinain niya. Malakas daw ang kanilang duda na nagsasayang lang sila ng panahon dahil hindi naman makakamit ng babae ang katarungang hinahanap niya. Kung sasakyan natin ang linya ng pangangatwiran ni Mary Christine, at kung ang tinutukoy niyang “nakikialam” sa kasong isinampa niya laban kay Derek Ramsay ay si Kris Aquino, ay walang kapupuntahan ang istoryang ito. Mag-iikot nang mag-iikot sa lahat ng korte ang babae, forum shopping ang kauuwian ng asuntong isinasampa niya laban kay Derek, isang paraan iyon ng panggigipit sa hunk actor. Makapangyarihan daw ang taong nasa likod ni Derek, ayon

pa sa kampo ni Mary Christine, kung totoong powerful nga ang taong tinutukoy nila ay saan pa sila pupunta? Ang taong makapangyarihan ay kayang magpalutang ng kaniyang kapasidad kahit saan. Walang pinipiling lugar ang power, kahit ano ay kayang abutin ng makapangyarihang tao, kaya kung iyon ang kanilang tinutumbok ay may pupuntahan pa ba silang husgadong makapagbibigay ng inaasam-asam niyang tagumpay? *** Nainterbyu namin si Derek Ramsay sa Cristy Ferminute (92.3 News FM-AKSYON TV-41) kamakailan. Kahit via phone patch lang iyon ay parang nakikinita namin ang itsura ng hunk actor habang humihingi ng dispensa kay Angelica Panganiban dahil sa pagkakasangkot ng pangalan nito sa kasong concubinage na isinampa laban sa kaniya ni Mary Christine Jolly. Lahat talaga ng butas ay sisilipin ngayon ng babae para siya ipitin, kung walang maibubutas ay kailangang magkaroon ng dahilan para siya mapasuko. Depende na lang ngayon kay Derek kung See CRISTY p19



OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

NABA Winnipeg would like to thank our sponsors, players and parents for a great summer of practices, fundraising and good times together as one big family. Many thanks to our coaches, Mike Francisco (Mosquitoes), Ken Tugade (Tykes), Evert Pacheco (volleyball). Without your volunteered time through the season, our teams could not have gotten as far as they did. We know it’s tough pleasing everyone and we are grateful to you all for hanging in and not leaving your teams. Thanks again! To our sponsors, thank you, thank you, and thank you for your support. For a summary of accounts showing how your donations helped our teams, visit www.pilipino-express.com. org or call (204) 293-7678.

Sani Valera, Miss NABA and Rizza Valera


Ladies 2

Juve with coach Angel Brana

Men’s Volleyball Team



Coed and ladies trophy Volleyball


OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014



10 Ang mga tauhan at mga pangyayari sa kuwentong ito ay kathang-isip lamang at hindi tumutukoy sa mga tunay na tao at sitwasyon. 10 ang bansag sa kanila. Kung minsan ay Perfect 10. Ang 1 ay ang kaniyang boyfriend. Siya naman ang 0. Hindi naman siya napakataba. Basta mataba lang. Lumulutang ang pagiging mataba niya dahil payat ang boyfriend niya. Hindi naman parang tinting sa kapayatan ang boyfriend niya. Karaniwang payat lamang. Lumulutang ang pagiging payat nito dahil mataba siya. Malamang na nabuo sa isip ng mga nakakakita ang larawan ng numerong 10 dahil lagi silang magkasama. Hindi magkalayong 1 at 0 ang tingin sa kanila kundi magkatabing 1 at 0. Kaya 10. Hindi niya matiyak kung binansagan silang Perfect 10 dahil magkasundung-magkasundo sila o panunuya ang bansag na iyon dahil malayo ang mga katawan nila sa tinatawag sa mass media na Perfect 10. Ten at Perfect Ten ang bigkas sa bansag sa kanila. magkasintahan ni Vince. Nararamdaman niyang kahit ang mga magulang at mga kapatid niya ay umaasang magkakatuluyan sila ng boyfriend. Kapag isinasama naman siya ni Vince sa bahay ng mga ito, ramdam na ramdam niyang welcome siya sa pamilya nito. Kahit ang mga kakilala nila, binibiro na sila kung kailan sila magpapakasal. Ang totoo, pinag-uusapan na rin nila ni Vince ang pagpapakasal. Puwedeng-puwede na naman talaga. Nasa hustong gulang na sila, nagtapos na ng pag-aaral at parehong nagtatrabaho na. Tumitiyempo na lamang sila. Hindi niya nagugustuhan ang bansag sa kanila na 10. O Perfect 10. Lalong nauungkat ang pagiging mataba niya. Katulad sa ibang babae, ayaw niyang mataba siya.

CRISTY... From page 17 isusuko na niya ang laban para magkaroon siya ng katahimikan ng kalooban. Pagkatapos nilang magkahiwalay ay nawalan na ng komunikasyon sina Derek at Angelica, pero kinailangang tawagan ng aktor ang kaniyang ex, senyal ng pagiging maginooo ang ginawa niyang aksiyon at pangakong hinding-hindi niya

siya. Mas maganda kung payat. Nakikita niya sa TV, Web, malalaking pahayagan, makikintab na magasin at billboards na payat ang mga modelong nagsusuot ng mga usong damit. Nakikita niya kahit sa anime na napakaliliit ng baywang ng mga bidang babae. Halos lahat yata ng mga kakilala niyang babae ay gustong payat sila. Marami siyang kakilalang babae na binabantayan talaga ang kanilang timbang. Lalo niyang ginustong magpapayat nang mabalitaan at mapatunayan niyang binansagan sila ng ilang kakilala nila ng 10 at Perfect 10. Ilang beses na rin niyang sinubukang magpapayat. Kahit noong hindi pa sila nagkakakilala ni Vince. Pero lagi siyang nabibigo. Noong una, sinubukan niyang magpapayat sa pamamagitan ng natural na pamamaraan – diyeta at ehersisyo. Pero hirap na hirap siya sa bahaging kailangan niyang magpigil sa pagkain. Sumunod, sinubukan naman niyang gumamit ng weight-loss pills bukod sa diyeta at ehersisyo. Pero itinigil niya ang pag-inom ng weight-loss pills dahil sa negatibong side effects. Sinubukan din niya ang slimming tea pero nahirapan din siya sa side effects, lalo na sa malimit na pagdumi. Kaya itinigil din niya. Diyeta at ehersisyo na lamang uli ang ginagawa niya. Hindi pa niya kinokonsidera ang liposuction. Alam niyang tiyak na kokontrahin siya ng mga magulang niya at ni Vince. sarili na magtatagumpay na siya ngayon. Susubukin uli niya ang slimming tea bukod sa diyeta at ehersisyo. Baka naman kayanin na niya. “HINDI naman kailangang payat ka. Importante e wala kang sakit. Baka sa kagustuhan mong pumayat e kung ano naman ang mangyari sa iyo,” paalala ng boyfriend. Kumakain sila sa labas. Masarap ang pagkain. Pero hindi halos siya tumitikim.

pababayaan ang aktres sa labang ito. Nakakalungkot ang personalang nangyayari sa dapat sana’y labanan lang sa piskalya nina Derek at Mary Christine. Pati ang kanilang anak ay naapektuhan na dahil sa pagsasama ng babae sa bata sa piskalya. Minura pa ng isang abogado ni Mary Christine si Attorney Joji Alonso, babae ang abogado ni Derek pero parang nawalan iyon ng saysay dahil sa pamemersonal ng kampo ng

“‘Wag kang mag-alala, iingatan ko ang sarili ko,” tugon niya. “Sige.” Sa totoo lang, nahihirapan na siya sa ginagawang pagpapapayat. Unang-una, lagi siyang napapadumi. Okey lang sana kung nasa bahay o opisina siya. Malapit ang toilet. Pero kung minsan, sinusumpong siya habang nasa biyahe. Bago umalis ng bahay, nakakailang balik siya sa toilet. Iniiwasan niyang sumpungin siya kung kailan nasa biyahe siya o nasa isang okasyon. Nababawasan naman ang timbang niya. Pero malayo pa rin ang katawan niya sa katawan ng mga modelong nakikita niya sa TV, Web, malalaking pahayagan, makikintab na magasin at billboards. Malaking-malaki pa rin ang baywang niya kumpara sa baywang ng mga bidang babae sa anime. Nawawalan na siya ng gana sa sarili. Kahit pa naroon sa tuwina ang suporta ng kaniyang pamilya, pagmamahal ng boyfriend at pagkagiliw ng mga kakilala. Naging matamlay siya. “Me problema ka ba?” tanong ng boyfriend. “Wala naman. Baka pagod lang ako,” sagot niya. “Sabi ko naman sa iyo, huwag mong piliting magpapayat kung nahihirapan ka. Parang nanghihina ka na.” Narinig niya ang sinabi ni Vince pero desidido talaga siya ngayon na pumayat. Titiisin na niya ang side effects. Titigil lamang siya kung talagang mamamatay na siya. Nahihirapan na rin siyang maintindihan ang sinasabi ng mga kausap. Natatamad na siyang makipagusap. Parang walang laman ang utak niya dahil sa matinding pagdidiyeta niya. Naaapektuhan na pati performance niya sa trabaho. “Baka magkasakit ka na dahil sa pagpapapayat mo,” paalala ng ina niya. “Haggard na haggard ka nang tingnan,” puna ng ama niya. “Ate, matanda ka nang tingnan,” obserbasyon ng bunsong kapatid. Humaharap naman siya sa salamin kaya nakikita rin niya ang mga iyon.

babae. Maraming nag-oopinyon na mas titibay ang paninindigan ngayon ni Derek Ramsay dahil sa panggigipit na ginagawa sa kaniya ng naturingan pa namang ina ng kaniyang anak. Sabi nga ng mga nakakausap namin ay parang sundalo raw ang hunk actor na habang nasusugatan ay lalong tumatapang. *** Isa sa pinakamaligayang estado sa buhay ng isang babae ang

ang pagpapapayat. Ayaw niyang 0 ang tingin sa ng mga modelong nakikita niya sa TV, Web, malalaking pahayagan, makikintab na magasin at billboards. maliit na baywang na tulad ng mga bidang babae sa anime. Hanggang sa mahilo siya sa opisina. Umayos naman ang pakiramdam niya makaraang tingnan siya sa clinic. Nagpasundo siya sa boyfriend, na nasa trabaho rin noon, upang tiyak na makakauwi siya nang ligtas at maayos. “HINDI mo dapat sobrang pinilit na magpapayat. Alam mo namang kahit ano ang anyo mo, tanggap pa rin kita. Kahit mataba o payat. Mahalaga e ikaw iyon,” sabi ng boyfriend. Nasa bahay na sila. Ramdam na ramdam niya ang pag-aalala nito. Ang nasa bahay pa lamang nila ay ang kanilang kasambahay. Nasa opisina pa ang kaniyang ama, ina at kapatid na sumunod sa kaniya. Nasa pamantasan pa ang pangatlo at ang bunso. Nakikita niyang alalangalala rin sa kaniya ang kanilang kasambahay. Naniniwala naman siya sa sinabi ng boyfriend. Siya man sa kaniyang sarili, kahit mataba o kahit payat si Vince, mamahalin pa rin niya ito. Ang mahalaga, si

araw ng kaniyang pagpapakasal. Isang panibagong mundo na ang kaniyang papasukin katuwang ang lalaking pinili niyang pakasalan. Pero paano kung hindi naman kumpleto ang kaniyang kaligayahan dahil may basbas nga ang kaniyang pagpapakasal pero wala naman sa okasyon ang kaniyang mga magulang na dapat ay gagabay sa kaniya sa pagpapaalam sa buhay-dalaga? kay Heart Evangelista. May

Vince pa rin iyon. “Pasensiya ka na, ha?” sabi niya. “Lagi naman kitang inuunawa. Basta huwag mo nang uulitin ang sobrang pagpapapayat, ha?” “Opo!” pabiro pero sinsero niyang sagot. Napangiti si Vince. Napangiti rin siya, nangingilid ang mga luha sa kaligayahan. “Wala ka namang dapat baguhin sa sarili mo. Ipinagmamalaki kita kahit noon pa,” sabi nito. Ni katiting wala siyang pagdududa sa sinabi ng boyfriend. Mapalad sila ni Vince, naisaloob niya. Kahit ano pa ang anyo ng isa’t isa, magmamahalan pa rin sila. Perfect 10 sila sa isa’t isa. Bakit nga ba hindi niya nakita agad iyon? nasabi niya sa sarili. NAKATAKDA na ang kanilang kasal. Mapili pa rin siya sa pagkain. Lagi pa rin siyang nageeheersisyo. Pero hindi na para magpapayat. kaniyang buhay upang maging matagal ang pagsasama nila ni Vince nang habang nabubuhay. WAKAS Si Nestor S. Barco ay tinanghal na Makata ng Taon sa Pilipinas noong 2003. Nagsusulat siya ng mga tula, kuwento, sanaysay at artikulo. Isa siyang mamamahayag. Masusulatan siya sa nestorsbarco@yahoo.com.ph.

basbas na ng kaniyang mga magulang ang pagpapakasal niya kay Senator Chiz Escudero, pero wala ang mga ito sa pinakamahalagang okasyon sa kaniyang buhay? Marami nang namagitan sa magkabilang kampo. May nakapagpalambot na sa puso ng ina ni Heart, pero hanggang doon lang iyon. Hindi pa rin matanggap ng mag-asawa bilang mamanugangin ang mambabatas. See CRISTY p20






NO. 214

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Kaya 12. Ihanda 13. Salalay 14. Buga 16. Estado sa America 18. Panghalip 19. Ayos 21. Urong-sulong 27. Bahagi ng mata 29. Palagay 31. Ilikha 32. Depende

PABABA 1. Disiplina 2. Aluyan 3. Kawil 4. Mahiyain 6. Bintang 7. Sana 8. Ugali 9. Mando 10. Sulsi

11. Parang 18. Pugon 20. Hingalo 21. Kubo 22. Wari 23. Kapisanan 24. Tupad 26. Unlapi 28. Taga 30. Simbolo ng Arsenic 31. Illinois


OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

OKTUBRE 16 – 31, 2014 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Kailangang lakasan mo ang iyong loob sa mga darating na araw. May mga pangyayari na susubukang ubusin ang iyong pasensya at magpapainit ng iyong ulo. Hangga’t maaari ay iwasan mo muna ang makukulit na kamag-anak at kaibigan. OK ang ika-16, 17, 18, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 23, 28 at 29.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Higit sa lahat, ikaw ang nakakakilala sa sarili mo. Alam mo kung ano ang makakapagpaligaya sa iyo. Huwag mong pilitin ang sarili mo kung may gusto silang ipatanggap sa iyo. Mahirap magkunwari dahil lalo lang magiging malaki ang problema. Mapalad ka sa ika16, 17, 18, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Pag-aralan mo muna ang sasabihin bago ka magbitiw ng salita. Kung ikaw ay itinuturing na taga-payo ng isang kaibigan, lalo kang mag-ingat dahil baka mali ang maipayo mo sa kaniya. Kung puwede, iwasan mo ang makialam sa sitwasyon niya. Masaya ang ika-16, 17, 18, 26 at 27. May tension sa ika-19 at 20.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Iwasan mo ang pagiging maramdamin lalo na sa larangan ng pag-ibig. May isang puwersa na magbabalak agawin ang iyong mahal sa buhay. Ang magiging lakas mo ay ipakitang mas mahusay kang partner kaysa iba dahil mas matatag ka. OK ang ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Buwenas ka sa pera sa mga darating na araw subalit maligalig ang relasyon mo sa tao na mahalaga sa iyo. Dapat ay alam mo kung bakit siya nabubugnot sa iyo ngayon. Tingnan mo sa salamin kung bakit. Madaling gamutin ang problemang ito. Diskarte mo ito. OK ang ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. Ingat sa ika-26 at 27.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kung may mahahalaga kang documents na nakatago tulad ng passport, land titles at iba pa, hanapin mo sa iyong pinaglagyan dahil baka mapabayaan mo. May pagkaka-abalahan ka sa mga darating na araw kaya itabi mo

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Panahon na upang itigil mo ang party nang party. Tapos na ang mga buwan ng pagsasaya. Intindihin mo ngayon ang iyong napabayaang kalusugan. Oras na upang ipahinga mo ang iyong pagod na isip at katawan. Wala ka pang sakit ngayon, mag-ingat ka. OK ang ika-21, 22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-19, 20, 26 at 27.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) May mahalagang mangyayari sa iyong buhay sa loob ng anim na buwan mula ngayon. Maaaring sa hanapbuhay o sa romansa. Ang iyong mga desisyon sa mga natitirang araw ng Oktubre ang siyang gagabay sa tatahakin mong landas sa mga darating na buwan. OK ang ika-21, 22, 23 at 31. Kuwidaw sa ika-28 at 29.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Iwasan mo ang mga risky investments sa mga darating na araw. Hindi ngayon ang panahon upang makipagsapalaran. Manahimik ka muna at iwasan ang mga magugulong tao na hindi naman nakakabuti sa kalagayan mo. Magpahinga ka. Lucky ka sa ika21, 22, 23 at 31. Careful sa ika-16,

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May mga pagbabago sa pamilya mo sa mga araw na darating. Bantayan mo ang mga menor de edad dahil may pagkakataon na hindi sila maingat sa kanilang mga kilos. Kung may drama sa mga nakatatanda sa iyo, mas lawakan mo ang iyong pang-unawa. OK

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Malungkot subalit mas makakabuti sa iyo. Makikilala mo ang tunay mong mga kaibigan sa mga araw na darating. Iwasan mo na sila dahil hindi sila tapat sa iyo. Kung sino pa ang pinagtitiwalaan mo ang siyang magtataksil sa iyo. Huwag kang manghinayang. OK

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maaaring magbago ang iyong pananaw sa buhay dahil may mga sorpresang darating sa iyo. Hindi mo inaasahan subalit magiging mabuti sa iyo ang isang tao na akala mo ay walang pakialam sa iyo. Ibabalik niya ang pagtitiwala mo sa kapuwa. Magiging masaya

21, 22, 23, 28 at 29.

16, 17, 18 at 31.

ika-19, 20, 26 at 27.

respeto at pagmamahal nila kay Robin Padilla dahil sa respeto at pagmamahal ding ibinibigay sa kanila ng action star at host ng Talentadong Pinoy. Nasa Reliance kami at sa Novaliches studio naman ang taping ng Talentadong Pinoy, pero ang mga kuwento roon ay mabilis na nakararating sa amin, tulad ng mga kuwentong-Robin Padilla. Kuwento ng isang source namin, “Bago po makarating sa dressing room niya si Sir Robin, eh, matagal, kasi nga, lahat ng nadadaanan niya, hinihintuan niya para kumustahin. “Napaka-PR po niya, mabait, maalalahanin, wala na kaming hahanapin pa sa kaniya. Ramdam na ramdam namin ang pagmamahal niya sa maliliit. Iyon pala ang dahilan kung bakit

napakaraming nagmamahal sa kaniya,” papuri nito sa action star. Pagdating sa pagpapahalaga sa kapwa ay bilyonaryo si Robin Padilla, puwede siyang utangan ng mga kasamahan niyang artista, umaapaw ang kaniyang kaban sa malasakit at pagmamahal. *** Naiintindihan ng mas nakararami nating kababayan ang muling pagtibok ng puso ni Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao. Kung ang kaniyang mga anak nga ay pikit-mata nang tinanggap ang kaniyang pakikipagrelasyon ay sino ba naman tayo para kumontra pa? Nauunawaan ng marami ang pakikipagmahalan ni Mommy D kay Michael, mahiwaga talaga ang pag-ibig, walang pinipiling lugar, estado at edad. See CRISTY p22

CRISTY... From page 19 Hanggang ngayon ay ayaw mabura sa isip ng mag-asawa ang mga unang araw ng pagkikilala nila ng senador. Ang pasalampak nitong pag-upo sa harapan nila habang lasing, ang hindi pagpasa ng senador sa kaugaliang pinaiiral ng pamilya ni Heart, marami pang ibang dahilan. Malayu-layo pa naman ang kasalan, bibilang pa tayo nang ilang buwan, harinawang mula ngayon hanggang sa Pebrero ay magbago pa ang desisyon ng mga magulang ni Heart Evangelista para makumpleto ang kaniyang kaligayahan sa pagpasok sa buhay-may-asawa. *** Nakakatuwa ang kuwento ng mga anak-anakan naming

ang ika-19, 20, 28 at 29. May tensyon sa ika-21, 22 at 23.



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OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Mabuhay. May the best candidate for Winnipeg mayor win. Sa mga sandaling hinahanda ko Leis ang nangunguna sa apat na pinakamalapit na kalaban, ayon sa sa eleksiyon ay may nangyayaring surpresa. *** Maganda at pangit na balita. Nabawasan umano ang kinikita ng mga casino sa Manitoba. Indikasyong nababawasan din ang mga naaakit ng sugal. May negative effect din naman sa mga pinaglalaannan ng pondo. *** Bumaba na rin daw ang bilang ng nangyayaring sunog sa Winnipeg at mga karatig na lugar. Salamat sa Pabor sa mga insurance agencies. Masakit din sa mga nasunugan. *** Nagsimula nang magbawas ng mga tauhan ang ilang malalaking tindahan sa Winnipeg. Ang mga hindi na-layoff, oras naman ng trabaho ang nababawasan. *** Immigration and employment issues ang pondasyon ng Canada. Alam ‘yan ng Harper government at sila ang promutor ng “On and off policies” na pinaiiral ngayon. Baka luwagan, next year before the federal elections subalit muling hihigpitan pagkaraan ng halalan. Pilipinas Ibinalita ng Malacañang na hindi totong aanDAP-anDAP na ang liderato ni PNoy sa pamamahala ng gobyerno. Ang pahayag ay ibinatay sa nakaraang tatlong buwan ng 2014 SWS survey noong September 26-29. performance ratings ni Noynoy. *** Marami pang taong-bayan umano ang naniniwalang


maipagpapatuloy pa ni PNoy ang kaniyang hinahangad na maitaas ang antas sa kabuhayan ng kaniyang mga boss. Buti naman kung mangyari. Kaso, tila kakapusin na ng panahon. *** Aba, sa isang democracy forum sa Indonesia na ginanap sa Bali International Convention Centre doon, inupakan na naman ni PNoy ‘yon, tila nadulas na naman ang dila. Lumutang ang tunay na laman ng isip. Inaming natutukso raw siyang maghari-harian nang masunod kaagad ang nais ng kaniyang pamamahala ng gobyerno. *** Ah, kaya ba kahit batay sa 62 per cent results ng Pulse Asia survey na “no cha cha political amendment sa konstitusyon,” si PNoy ay nagwawalang-kibo sa ginagawang pagpipilit ng kaniyang mga alipores na maamyendahan ang saligang batas? *** Teka, hanggang ngayon ay matindi ang daing ng mga naging biktima ng bagyong Yolanda. Kasi ang mga pangakong tulong ay hindi raw nakakarating sa kanila. Ang Disaster Relief And Management Agency ng gobyerno, in short DRAMA ang in-charge. Kaya naman pala sa pangalan lang ng tanggapan, nakaka-aliw na, eh? *** Kailangan pa ba ang PhlUS Marine exercises na katulad ng ginanap kailan lang sa West Philipine Sea/ South China Sea disputed reef na kung saan naroon din ang Chinese military vessels? Kahit sa sports, ang exercise ay paghahanda sa labanan, di ba? *** Ang katulad na pagsasanay ay magpapalala lamang sa on-going tension sa pagitan ng Maynila at Beijing. Nagagalit na nga ang


Mahal kita, niya, iba Sa bisa ng sumpang walang kahulilip, Nalikha ang tao dahil sa pag-ibig; Hindi rin naharang ng tusong ligalig, Ang kapangyarihan ng puso at isip! *** Maraming dahilan ang tibok ng puso, Oras na tumigil, buhay ang naglaho; Ang wagas ay isang tunay na pagsuyo, Magpakailanman ang laang pangako! *** Sadyang ang pag-ibig ay gayon talaga, May nagpapahayag sabi’y mahal kita; Ngunit nangyayari na ang mahal niya, Malaon na palang may mahal na iba! *** Bihag ng pag-ibig ang puso’t isipan, Sukdulan at labis ang kapangyarihan! Paquito Rey Pacheco

China. Nakahanda ba ang US na ibuwis ang buhay ng kanilang mga sundalo dahil sa Pilipinas? Malabo. Di ba kaululan ‘yon? *** Minaliit ng mga nasa Malacañang ang umano’y panawagan ng Lipa, Batangas at Cebu National Transformation Council ng mga Obispo at ibang concerned sectors. Ang buod ng mungkahi ay mabago ang ginagawang pamamahala ng gobyernong Aquino. *** Teka, alalahaning sa maliit na apoy nagmumula ang malaking sunog. Sa totoo lang, hangga’t tahimik ang AFP at PNP, malabong maulit ang kaparis noong 1986 na tumapos sa mahigit 20 years ng rehimeng Marcos. *** Nakakalungkot talaga ang nangyayari sa Pilipinas. Doon lang ba binabale-wala ng mga opisyal ng gobyerno na dapat tagapagpatupad ng batas ay sila mismo ang lumalabag? Katulad ng oath of sa biblia ang isang kamay. Susundin ang konstitusyon at umiiral na mga batas. Nasunod ba? Ang illegal ginagawang legal. *** Ngayon, sa Pilipinas, hindi lang iba’t ibang uri ng karamdaman ang nakakahawa. Nahawa na rin sa kaululan ng matataas na opisyal ng gobyerno ang kanilang mga tauhan. Bihira na rin ang naniniwala kung may mga kagawad pa ng kamara at senado na hindi nagpayaman sa puwesto. Kahit dinu-doktor ang kanilang SALn, tumataas pa rin taun-taon ang kanilang kayamanan. *** Ang hinahangad ng taongbayan na umunlad ang kanilang

kabuhayan ay di makakamit hangga’t walang tamang lider na magpapatakbo ng gobyerno. Halimbawa ang India. Kailan lang nagkaroon ng bagong Prime Minister, malaki na raw ang inunlad sa kabuhayan ng kaniyang mga mamamayan. *** ay buntis nga ba sa mga palusot? Pinipilit maging legal ang PDAP at DAP na binokya ng Supreme Court. Lalong pinalaki ang discretionary funds ni PNoy na ang persepsiyon ay gagamitin sa 2016 elections. *** Sabi ni PNoy, “no evil design” sa hinihingi niyang dagdag na kapangyarihan para daw maiwasan ang brownouts. Opo naman Sir. Subalit nangangamba ang taongbayan; baka sila ang makoryente ng extra power. *** Hinamon ng UNA sina senador Alan Cayetano at Sonny Trillanes. Sila mismo ay magpa-lifestyle check. May puntos din naman. Tanong: Hindi ba sila naulingan ng PDAF at DAP? *** Sina senador Alan Peter Cayetano, Sonny Trillanes at Koko Pimentel ay baka mapilitan nang lumipat ng partido sa susunod na taon. Malayong makuha nina Alan at Sonny ang suporta ng mga kapartidong NP sa kanilang ambisyong maging kandidato ng kanilang partido for the 2016 presidential elections. *** Nabalitang may mga kagawad ng senate blue ribbon subcommittee na ayaw nang dumalo sa mga ginagawang imbestigasyon. Naiiba na raw kasi ang kulay. Ang

PAGE 21 blue ay nagiging yellow? Katas popularity ratings ni VP Binay, ayon sa Pulse Asia’s survey noong nakaraang ikalawang lingo ng Setyembre. 1. Ang mga Binay ay biktima daw ng trial by publicity caused by the Senate Blue Ribbon subcommittee investigations. kailangan ‘yon ng Senate in aid of legislation. Maaaring tumagal hanggang November ang accusations against Binay and his family. 3. Ang paninira ay posibleng manlamig sa December because of Christmas spirit and holiday seasons, subalit mag-iinit na 4. Kung kakampi ni PNoy ang may kaso, innocent until proven guilty. Subalit kung kalaban, sa yellow media pa lang patay ka na. sa ombudsman. Ang malaking balakid sa kaniyang ambition ay kung maaresto at makulong before the 2016 elections. Kasabihan: Bago mo punahin ang dungis ng iba, humarap ka muna sa salamin at alamin kung malinis ang sariling mukha. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.




By Judianne Jayme From the minute I walked was buzzing with high energy. A pit full of eager fans, waiting to see the man of the hour. Before the show began, volunteers and sponsors lined up in the lobby, ready for the guests. Winnipeg’s Team Mayhem, fundraiser for their tournament in Minneapolis. The entire set-up was organized and guests were never lost, making their way into

the theatre. There was always someone to help. As someone arriving from another event, right on the dot, this was greatly appreciated! Despite having arrived just in time for the event, I heard from fellow concert-goers that the line-up had started early for the mosh pit, helping to build up that energy full of anticipation and excitement that I felt as soon as I set foot in the building. Before we even began the evening, there was a surprise door prize. A lucky audience member in the theatre-style seating section was eligible to win a Tory Burch bag, courtesy of event sponsor, LUCKY etc.

The opening acts did an impressive job of warming up the crowd with both upbeat tracks and classic ballads. The winnings back to Team Mayhem, giving the team a $300 win for their fundraising efforts. The production team behind Todd Labelle Promotions had surprises at every corner, enriching the overall concert experience in our community. playing. The lights dimmed. The chords were played. Bamboo had arrived. All black clothing, jeans and leather.

Ready to bring the house down. I have not always been an avid fan of rock music. I have, however, always appreciated performers who delivered captivating sets. Bamboo did not disappoint. He warmed us up with his popular hits, including those from his Rivermaya days and Bamboo, the band. Ending the evening with Noypi, a song that this audience anthem of the Filipino culture. There is a depth to the lyrics of the songs that Bamboo chose for his set. As an educator who seeks to empower her students, I greatly appreciated his song

OCTOBER 16 - 31, 2014

Alpha Beta Omega, which he described as a type of love song. A love song, indeed, for an entire generation, urging it to not only think critically about their surroundings and experiences, but also to take action toward making the world a better place for future generations to come. Songs are only made better by the message they bring, and Bamboo Kudos to producers Katya and Todd Labelle, the volunteers, and the staff of Todd Labelle Productions for their work in turning this concert into a reality. A job well done, and a night that won’t soon be forgotten.

Todd Labelle Promotions producers Katya and Todd Labelle (standing, 8th & 9th from left) and their Team. Photos by Mark Godilano

Todd Labelle with the Maples Mayhem Basketball Team Winnipeg

CRISTY... From page 20 Pero sana’y hanggang doon na lang iyon. Huwag na sanang maging OA pa ang sitwasyon. Huwag na sanang sinasabi pa ng mga taong sangkot sa kuwento ang kagustuhan nilang magkaroon ng anak. Una, sa edad at kalagayan ngayon ng dakilang ina ng Pambansang Kamao ay mahihirapan na siyang magdalantao. Pananakit na ng mga buto-buto at balakang ang kailangang asikasuhin ngayon ni Mommy Dionisia at hindi ang pagbubuntis. Hindi naman sa nakakaadwa nang marinig ang pagkagusto niyang magkaanak, libre naman ang pangangarap at walang matrikula, kaya lang ay nakapagaalala na ang kaniyang sitwasyon. Ilang taon pa at liyebo sitenta

na si Mommy D, okey nang maligaya siya ngayon sa piling ng kaniyang boyfriend na si Michael. May karapatan siyang lumigaya dahil sa kaniyang mga pinagdaanang pagsubok. Pero hanggang doon na lang sana iyon. Please lang po. *** rape na isinampa ni Roxanne Cabanero laban kay Vhong Navarro. Lumanding nga sa basurahan ang demanda ng babae dahil sa kawalan ng merito. Kunsabagay ay hindi na kailangang maging abogado, piskal, huwes at kung anuano pang posisyon ang isang karaniwang mamamayan para malamang walang saysay ang bintang ng babae laban sa actordancer-TV host. Tulad ng nakasaad sa

bakit ngayon lang nagdemanda si Cabanero, samantalang pinagsamantalahan na pala siya ni Vhong noong taong 2010 pa? Apat na taon muna siyang nanahimik bago sumigaw na hinalay siya ni Vhong? Ang isang babaeng ninakawan ng dignidad ay agad-agad na nagsusumbong sa mga otoridad, ipinaglalaban ang kasalahulaang naganap sa kaniya, lalo na’t sapilitan ang pangyayari. Sa unang paglalantad pa lang ni Cabanero ay pinagtaasan na ng kilay ng publiko ang kaniyang reklamo. Napatunayan ng kampo ni Vhong na noong mismong gabing pinagsamantalahan diumano siya ng aktor ay nasa Cavite ito para sa isang show. Nasaksihan ng buong bayan ang isang footage nang magtagpo sila sa piskalya, sumama si Cabanero sa grupo ni Deniece Cornejo, pasakay na si Vhong nang batuhin niya ito ng kaniyang

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shades. Sigaw nang sigaw ang babae, rapist daw si Vhong Navarro. Anyare? Sino ngayon ang lumabas na kahiya-hiya? May naniwala ba sa kaniyang mga sigaw? Sayang na shades! *** Pumanaw na ang magaling na komedyanang si Tiya Pusit noong Huwebes (October 2) nang hatinggabi pagkatapos nang may dalawang buwang pagkakaospital dahil sa sakit sa puso. Sumailalim siya sa operasyon, pero marami pang kumplikasyon ang lumabas, hanggang sa life support na lamang ang bumuhay sa kaniya nitong mga huling araw. Nakababatang kapatid ng magaling ding komedyanang si Nova Villa si Tita Meng, nakagawa siya ng napakaraming pelikulang komedya. Isang malaking kabawasan si Tiya Pusit

sa mundo ng katatawanan. Mabentang-mabenta ang komedyana kapag eleksiyon. Bentang-benta ang galing niya sa pagho-host sa ating mga kababayan. Ilan lamang sa mga sinuportahan niyang pulitiko sina dating Pangulong Joseph Estrada at dating Mayor Joey Marquez. Ang pinakahuling isyung kinapalooban ng komedyana ay ang pagkakaroon ng karelasyong mas bata kesa sa kaniya nang maraming taon. Pagkatapos noon ay napabalita na ang kaniyang pagkakasakit. Matagal siyang nanatili sa Philippine Heart Center, hanggang sa binawian na siya ng buhay noong makalawa. Ang taos-puso naming pakikiramay sa pagpanaw ng isang mahusay na komedyana. Nakikidalamhati po kami sa lahat ng kaniyang mga iniwan. Paalam, Tiya Pusit. – CSF

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