Pilipino Express • Oct 1 2015

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Volume 11 • No. 19 • October 1 -15, 2015 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Manitoba raises minimum wage

Photo by Mark Godilano

Vienna Jaime


Miss Pilipino Express 2015

WINNIPEG – Minimum wage earners in Manitoba have received a small pay raise. As of October 1, 2015, the mandatory minimum was increased 30 cents from $10.70 per hour to an even $11.00 per hour. Manitoba’s Minister of Labour and Immigration, Erna Braun said, “The Manitoba government has increased the minimum wage every year since 2000, and this most recent increase builds on our efforts to improve the lives of working people and their families… Helping to put more money in the pockets of workers helps to See WAGE p8

Current minimum wages across Canada as of October 1, 2015

Trish Olimpo wins Miss Debutante 2015


Photo by AJ Batac.

Alden Richards & Maine Mendoza

L-r: Jenica Reyes, Miss Debutante 1st Runner Up; Trish Olimpo, Miss Debutante 2015; and Samantha Bautista, Miss Debutante 2nd Runner Up. Read story on p22 & 23.


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OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Thoughts on Heneral Luna The runaway hit of the year in the Philippines is undoubtedly Heneral Luna, the historical biopic directed by the young and talented Jerrold Tarog. Hopefully it will be available for (legal) download soon so that Filipinos in other countries can see it, because it’s hard to describe in words how well made it is, especially when one considers that it was made with a relatively small budget of 70 million pesos (about two million Canadian dollars). The tight budget actually showed in how the battle scenes were filmed. They were not expansive in the way big-budget war movies are made but showed only little pockets of fighting. But instead of looking cheap, those scenes give the feeling of actually being in the trenches with the soldiers. I felt a kind of claustrophobia as I watched, and I had the urge to stand up and run away — no doubt what the real soldiers felt as they fought the better-equipped Americans. One unfortunate thing about the movie, however, is that the makers chose a 49-year-old actor to portray Heneral Antonio Luna. Don’t get me wrong: John Arcilla is a great actor and he gave a wonderful performance. I last saw him in the 2013 indy film Metro Manila where he played a security officer with a dark and ultimately tragic plan, and before that, he was a security guard in the Hollywood movie The Bourne Legacy. (He was also the guy in the Purefoods Honeycure Bacon commercial who kept telling his wife, “Coffee na lang, dear,” a phrase that has stuck with Filipinos up to now.) He has been awarded numerous times for his acting, and in a very real sense only he could have pulled off the role of Heneral

Luna. Unfortunately, casting Arcilla gives the viewers, especially those who don’t know Philippine history that well, the impression that the real Heneral Antonio Luna was a middle-aged man when he led the Philippine Army against the Americans. In reality, Luna was in his early 30s during the time. When he was assassinated, he was only 32. In fact, most of those who were leading the country at the time were young: President Emilio Aguinaldo was also in his early 30s, and his Prime Minister Apolinario Mabini was in his mid-30s. The revolutionary government was standing on the shoulders of men and women who, if they had been living today, would be dismissed as young upstarts. A lot of people express surprise when I tell them this. A wellknown businessman in Davao City, one who graduated from the University of the Philippines, told me that he had thought all along that Luna and the others were much older. Many of us lose sight of the fact that our national heroes were mostly young people; those who were not only idealistic but also still had the fire and energy to act on them. Of course, the life expectancy at the time was probably a little shorter. (I couldn’t find data on the Philippines, but in the US, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute on Aging, “most babies born in 1900 did not live past age 50,” and we can infer that it was at least the same for the Philippines, although it was probably lower.) Few people would have been older than Luna and the others to boss them around. But that is immaterial; the fact is that young

E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher


EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


Heneral Luna has been selected as the Philippines’ official entry to the 2016 Oscars in the Best Foreign Language Film Category as they were, they — not just Luna but all the other Filipinos who fought foreign aggression — committed themselves to a cause that was much bigger and would ultimately take their lives. And then I look at our generation and I begin to wonder if we really are our forefathers’ children. Luna was a doctor and military genius by the time he was 30; many of today’s young people don’t even know basic history. For example, the actor who portrayed Mabini, Epy Quizon, said he has been asked several times by college students why he never stood up in the movie. Of course we could look at this two ways. On the one hand, our youth are probably just displaying the current “politically correct” mentality that tells them that Mabini’s being a “paralytic” (a word that has fallen out of PC fashion)

did not define him. Perhaps this is why the fact that he couldn’t walk is inconsequential to them and therefore slipped their minds during their Philippine history classes. On the other hand, there should also be an appreciation of the fact that Mabini excelled and fought despite his disability because he knew that fighting for the country was everybody’s task, no matter his or her condition. And that’s the bottom line. In this day and age when we are bombarded with messages to “be yourself,” “love yourself,” and “don’t mind what the others are thinking,” where does love and sacrifice for country fit in? Can we still sing, Ang mamatay nang dahil sa ‘yo, and actually mean it? Jon Joaquin is the Associate Editor of EDGE Davao, the newest daily newspaper in Mindanao. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

Health is wealth

Well-being in the school setting

The division I work in has begun initiatives, including in the publications sent to staff members, surrounding and encouraging health. Health goes beyond portion control and physical activity. We now understand that health collectively encompasses your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being as well. It’s easy for early service educators (five years and under) to prioritize tasks over their own health, perhaps without realizing it. Now in my fourth year, I remember how I would come to school an hour before the bell rang, and would stay another half hour after dismissal – preparing for the next day, setting up for

lessons, doing my lesson plans. While working hard is not a crime, you have to remember that working hard comes at the exchange of something that is possibly of more value in terms of your overall well-being. Do those extra hours keep you away from loved ones? Does it keep you away from getting your daily dose of exercise? Does it take away from meditation and unwinding? Like all things in life, the key is moderation. You cannot do your job well if your job is the only thing you do. Remember to find a healthy work-life balance. When I do put in my extra hours for school-related tasks or projects, it’s with a refreshed state of mind,

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making sure to schedule activity or social breaks in between. Parent tip: Balance! We have to remember that, as adult learners, we have needs for balance – to socialize and take activity breaks. The same can be said for our youth! Ensure that your scholars are given time to unwind after they come home from school. Most students may say that this will be their time for video games – and while video games do develop certain critical thinking skills, encourage the flow of endorphins by suggesting an active game they can play. One game console we have in our school is the Nintendo Wii because of the fact that it is controlled with the remote and most of its games involve physical movement to play. This can also be said for the Xbox Kinect. These consoles combine

the best of both worlds – fun and keeping fit, especially for athletic kids. Another way to promote that balance for students is to simply have them reflect on their day. This could be done through conversation, or, for some students who are more introverted, getting them to write in a journal. If your child is more musical or artistic, help them set up their art station, or ask to hear the latest song they have learned. Don’t forget that children learn best from their role models. Take time out of your day to balance your work life and share this experience with your children! Until next time, remember that your health is wealth. Best of luck, and stay balanced! Judianne Jayme is an educator teaching sixth grade in the Winnipeg School Division.



E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ JAMES NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

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Printed by: The Prolific Group.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015




The very lengthy 2015 federal election has been going on forever. Or, so it seems. What about immigration questions? Have they been addressed? Are the candidates responding to your questions at the doors or just repeating the talking points of their national parties? I never tire of politics and especially issues related to immigration and citizenship. We expect the Conservative government to make statements to support their immigration and citizenship changes and that is much of what we have been getting from Prime Minister Harper and the only Minister he gives free reign to talk; Defence Minister Jason Kenny. At this point we must all be aware that the Conservatives are pushing “keeping Canada safe from terrorists, extremists,” etc. This is praise worthy but surely something that any elected Canadian government would do. In defense of his limited response to the plight of Syrian refugees Mr. Harper cites the need


to screen potential refugees as possible security risks. I am sorry, but I thought that Canada, like most first world countries with a long history of processing refugee applicants, already possessed such skills. It appears that his expressed need to keep Canada safe may be just another way to keeping the Syrian refugees out. During the French language debate, the PM expressed his sympathies for the dead child washed ashore but, unlike his NDP counterpart, did not even know the identity of the child, who perished along with one sibling and a parent. Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau have both pointed to what they describe as the politics of fear, the fear of those different from Canadians. On the surface it would appear that those different might be different because of the area they come from or their Islamic faith. The critics may be right when they focus on the debate about the wearing of the niqab at citizenship ceremonies. It does not matter that

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Observations on immigration in our waytoo-long federal election the courts of Canada have already ruled against the Conservative’s restriction on wearing face covers. Whether you agree or disagree with this garment, the restriction is clearly contrary to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Justin Trudeau has announced his intentions to widen the sponsorship of parents and grandparents. This would be a step forward for anyone who has been involved in the last two application intakes. Within weeks of opening in January 2014 and once again in January 2015 the caps for the sponsorship of parents and grandparents were met. It would appear that the demand for such a program far outweighs the current restrictions. Justin Trudeau was only repeating what we already know, that the reunification of families is a cornerstone of our immigration act and our historical past. It should not be confused with what may be unreasonably low caps or costly alternatives

like the Super Visa for parents and grandparents. We should demand more from the Conservatives than plausible deniability, as a term for saying you allow the sponsorship of parents but really only in token numbers. Ditto for the admission of Syrian refugees, with insignificant numbers and systemic delays in background checks and processing. NDP leader Tom Mulcair is one of the principle opponents of Bill C-24, which has created a two-tier system of immigration in Canada. It should come as no surprise that in the middle of the campaign that the Conservatives are now announcing the revocation of citizenship from convicted terrorists. He rightly points out that the coincidence is just too much. How many of you readers are shocked that just before the election was called we all received checks for dependent children, or that a surplus was announced just over a week ago? There is

no question that few of us have sympathies for those who plan or commit terrorist acts in Canada or abroad. However, we are still a country of laws and we should wonder when changes like Bill C-24 take place. Since when is a Canadian not a Canadian? I guess since Harper decided to go to the electorate on the issue of keeping us safe. Oh well, the niqab ban was overturned by the courts and, in all probability, so will the notion of two classes of citizens. However, by that time the election will be a distant memory and many of us may be suffering from voter’s remorse. Michael Scott BA (Hon), MA, is a 30-year veteran of Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program who works as an immigration associate with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. (204) 783-7326 or (204) 2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Learning is a continuous process I had the pleasure to meet and greet with job seekers across the city at a recent job fair. Although the job fair targeted bilingual Canadians, a large number of the attendees that came by to chat with us were newcomers; most of whom have only been in the country six to twelve months. Thousands of skilled immigrants come to Canada every year. In 2014 alone, the reported total number of permanent residents was 260,404. Statistics Canada reports that there were 28,700 skilled workers aged 15 years or older intending to work in Canada. Out of that number, 2,945 are skilled in managerial; 15,805 are professionals; 5,861 belong in the skilled and technical field; 922 are clerical; and labourers are 15. Skilled immigrants in Canada come from every country in the world. They bring their education and skills with them hopeful to contribute to their new country, as

well as to diversify and innovate whichever companies hire them. However, the recognition of their hard earned credentials and work experience continues to be a challenge. As a result, many of these highly skilled immigrants remain underemployed while many skilled positions also remain vacant. Therefore, these challenges have driven many immigrants to return to school and earn Canadian degrees and diplomas to increase their chances of success in the Canadian labour market. This alternative has been proven to be effective for many. In terms of educational attainment, there are clear differences between immigrants and Canadian-born individuals, especially among males who are more likely to have completed a university degree, 31 per cent compared to 18 per cent of Canadian-born men. Similarly, a larger percentage of immigrant

women had a university degree, 21 per cent compared to 17 per cent of Canadian-born women. Despite of the efforts that immigrants put into going back to school to earn a Canadian credential, they still feel misled to believe that their international credentials are unrecognized and they must therefore restart their education in Canada. One of the attendees I met at the career fair told me he was an electronic technologist in Israel and told me he arrived in Canada half a year ago. He indicated to me that he is very interested to work for my company and he specifically came by to learn how to increase his chances in landing a job. He also indicated to me that he has worked very hard to get his membership with CTTAM and has since started to take courses to complete the Canadian equivalency of his education. In my view, higher education options in Canada should be the first priority of new Canadians if

the goal is to obtain a particular profession or trade. Internationally earned credentials should not be disregarded either, because any existing education and skills can be leveraged upon when it comes to pursuing post-secondary programs. For instance, a new immigrant can inquire about university or college programs that may offer prior learning assessment alternatives or credit transfers. These opportunities may provide a faster way to complete a program of study without having to repeat some of the courses. Another technique that is quite overlooked is networking. All post-secondary institutions provide career counselling and advice for entrants. Meet with a student advisor and discuss how your credentials will be evaluation and the length of time it will be completed. Understanding the process is a great way to learn the options as to which programs would be a good fit. Obtaining a membership through a professional

association is a great way to access a roster of members whom you may be able to connect with and discuss or share experiences and challenges. “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.” –Abigail Adams (1744-1818) Sources Statistics Canada data: http:// www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/ statistics/facts2014/permanent/23. asp http://www.statcan.gc.ca/ pub/81-004-x/2008005/ article/10798-eng.htm Michele Majul-Ibarra is a HR Professional. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She also holds the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management). E-mail her at info@pilipinoexpress.com.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015



Baby sign language Enriching communication with your little one Parenting. One simple word that can touch on so many different topics and questions for new mothers and fathers. We’ve all heard the common expression, “Kids don’t come with an instruction manual!” More often than not, these words are said by parents who are uncertain, frustrated, scared, or worried. Common concerns that parents have include: How do I discipline my children? How do I make sure that they grow up to be a good person? Will my child be happy? One of the keys to doing the best we can for children is to use open and effective communication. This begins when they are babies, before they can even speak. Right from infancy, parents can start to build a solid foundation of trust and safety by showing that they understand and share their baby’s feelings. Babies do not know how to calm themselves down. The task is on mothers and fathers to share in their child’s joy. They must also respond with sensitivity when baby is hurt and expressing a strong emotion. Strong emotions such as sadness, anger, frustration, and disgust are difficult for a young child to cope with. Imagine trying something totally new for the first time, such as water skiing or playing the violin! If you fail, you are likely to become extremely frustrated and want help. But what if you could not tell anyone your thoughts and feelings? It would be a terrible feeling if no one around you could understand. That is what it can be like for infants when their caregiver cannot understand what they need or want. Because the ability to talk often develops after the desire to communicate, babies often get frustrated and throw tantrums. However, because their ability to gesture and use hand and body

signals develops earlier, one way for babies to communicate their needs and wants is through sign language. Babies can use simple hand signs for words such as “sleep,” “milk,” “hungry,” “more,” “cat,” and “cookie.” When parents can respond quicker, babies are less likely to cry and throw tantrums. Serena Yong is the founder of Little Signing Stars in Winnipeg, and has worked with numerous babies, toddlers, and their parents. She supports the idea that when babies can express themselves before they speak, their confidence increases and they are more willing to explore their environments. According to Serena, the following are benefits of signing with your baby: • Empowers babies to communicate early • Boosts confidence and selfesteem • Improves comprehension • Reduces tantrums and frustrations • Encourages verbal speech Classes are weekly for 45 minutes or one hour, depending on the age group. Even newborn babies can join because the earlier that signs are integrated into the daily routine, the better. Winnipeg mother Elaine Magnifico states, “I enjoyed taking my baby to signing classes. It’s was amazing to be able to communicate with my baby before she could talk!” Jane Sarte is another Winnipeg mother who enjoyed her family experience with Little Signing Stars: “I enrolled my daughter at about five months and she had started signing as early as 10 months. It was very rewarding to see her learn new things. She was able to communicate her needs such as ‘more’, ‘milk,’ and ‘all done.’ This helped my husband and me to understand what she

was trying to communicate to us without frustration and tears. The class in itself was a great place for my daughter to meet other babies, learn concepts such as colours, and manners, such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.” Overall, the bond between parent and child can grow tremendously when mothers and fathers show patience and understanding through smiles, songs, gentle words, and warm touch. Baby sign language is an effective way to foster the parent/ child connection. For more information on the benefits of baby sign language, classes, or to purchase a baby sign language book, visit www. littlesigningstars.ca. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is the founder of Nexus Counselling and a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. She is a proud member of the Manitoba Filipino Business Council and a provider for the

Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program. Cheryl has experience helping clients with issues such as grief, depression, relationship difficulties, parenting, aging and illness. She can be reached at (204) 297-6744 or info@ nexuscounselling.com.

Baby Zara Baby Leon

Baby Norah



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Identifying concrete cracks Newly installed concrete builds up tensile stresses as differences in moisture content and temperature increase during concrete curing or drying. Cracking mitigates these tensile (pulling) stresses, and many factors can affect the progression of such stresses. Control joints are grooves pressed into the concrete during the finishing phase. Control joints are installed in an effort to determine the part at which concrete will crack. Cracks tend to develop in the grooves first because the concrete slab is thinner and weaker at these points. There are many factors that can influence the locations at which cracks will develop, they sometimes appear in areas other than at control joints. Thermal cracking is caused by temperature differences within the concrete. This condition is intrinsic in continuously-poured concrete slabs. In applications such as concrete slabs and residential foundation walls, cracking is normal and unavoidable. Heat is generated when concrete hardens during the chemical hydration process. As the concrete exterior dries, water evaporates from the

void spaces. As water dissipates, the concrete mixture particles move closer together that results in volume shrinkage. Since the concrete exterior is exposed to air but the concrete within is not, concrete close to the surface dries and shrinks at a rate different from that of the underlying concrete. This condition produces tensile stresses that are relieved by the cracking of concrete near the surface. Plastic cracking is a type of cracking that is due to the differences in moisture content between surface concrete and underlying concrete. This happens when the water from the surface evaporates faster than the moisture migration from the underlying concrete. When this occurs, surface concrete will dry more rapidly than interior concrete. The resulting differences in moisture content yield tensile stresses that are relieved by cracking near the surface. There are several visual clues that help differentiate shrinkage cracks from other types of cracks that can appear in concrete slabs and foundation walls. These are

vertical displacement, linear crack continuity, continuity through the slab, corrosion and alkali-aggregate reaction. Vertical displacement – in which concrete on one side of the crack will be higher than concrete on the other side – is normally caused by soil settlement or heaving. Contrarily, cracks due to shrinkage are usually not linearly continuous. If you look closely, you will see interruptions or gaps along the crack line. Shrinkage cracks only occur at the surface and are not continuous through the slab

thickness. Cracking is also caused by chemical reactions, namely corrosion and alkali-aggregate reaction. Corrosion is caused by the oxidation of steel to iron oxide. A risk of corrosion or rusting of reinforcement bars (rebar) is high when there is not enough concrete cover (the space between the concrete surface and reinforcement bars). Rusted or corroded rebar can crack the concrete surface, which is manifested by visible cracks at the slab surface. On the other hand, alkali-

aggregate reaction is concrete weakening resulting from the reaction of aggregates (sand & gravel) with alkali hydroxides found in concrete. Warnings of this type of deterioration might be: displacement of different parts of a structure; a grid or web of cracks; or closed spalling or closed joints. Reference: www.nachi.org Norman is a registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Property Inspector. Please visit www.mrpeg.ca for more information on home inspection and maintenance tips.

The importance of expression: being different Michael Guevarra was awarded the ANAK Liwayway Scholarship for Leadership Excellence last June based on his high school GPA, a group interview, and an opinion piece in response to the question, “How does expression impact you?” The following essay was his submission. Expression is the relationship between how you feel inside and how you present it to the world. It is not dependant on the opinions of people around you; selfexpression is the way you view and live your own life. I contend that people should not be forced to change how they feel inside to be accepted by society; challenging the status quo is not a wrong thing to do. Nereo II states “I was just writing for my own sake” (Nereo II Interview & Performance Part

WAGE... From page 1 keep our economy prosperous, so families can continue to build futures right here in Manitoba.” Manitoba’s new minimum wage makes it the fourth highest among other Canadian jurisdictions. The 2.8 per cent increase this year is the largest

1), showing how irrelevant the opinions of others can sometimes be. Nereo II also writes a very insightful verse that reflects selfexpression: I am a decision I am a belief I am freedom standing on its own two feet I am not him nor her Beautiful as can be I am who I am I am me[.] (Nereo II Interview & Performance Part 1) Every single human being is different in his or her own way; even identical twins are not exactly the same. Although this is the case, people tend to strive to be “normal,” to copy the actions of others and to blend in with society instead of wanting to stand out. Expression allows us to break free from the crowd and be our own unique selves.

Art can be defined as “[t]he expression of anything beautiful” (TEDxDiliman – Lourd de Veyra – Art, Art Ka Diyan!). If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then there is no right or wrong type of art; there are also “too many [forms of art] to count” (TEDxDilliman – Lourd de Veyra – Art, Art Ka Diyan!). Whether it be sculptures, paintings, books, poems, or even graffiti, forms of expression are all around us. There are countless ways to express yourself, and each as beautiful and unique as the other. Geena Rocera states that “all of us are put into boxes, [and] some people have the courage to break free” (Geena Rocero: Why I must come out), portraying how society plays a role in how we express ourselves. I am blessed to be in Canada where we have the freedom and support to express ourselves in any way we like. Unfortunately this is not always the case for people; currently

there are many instances around the globe, even here in Canada, where people are pressured into certain lifestyles, and are restrained from living life how they feel inside. I take pride in who I am, and live my life as; a rock climber, a video gamer, a bookworm, an app developer, and a proud Filipino. I feel that all these different attributes are what make me who I am today, and the way I carry out my life reflects these. At times it is hard to express yourself when your opinion is not of the majority, but I feel that the beauty of expression lies in the times when you are of the minority, because it takes all the more courage to do so. Society greatly influences how many people choose to express themselves. There is nothing wrong with wanting to fit in; it is a natural thing to long for acceptance. Although sometimes we are not able to fully express ourselves, the freedom of

expression allows us to be unique in society. Sources • eyedzproductions. (2008, October 7). Nereo II Interview & Performance Part 1 & Part 2 [Video files]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/SaKHuhIsLTQ?lis t=PLFmoTeGNlagHzDVBR3XL aXp97XFzTovgV • TED. (2014, March 31). Geena Rocero: Why I must come out [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/mCZCok_u37w • TEDx Talks. (2011, November 3). TEDxDiliman – Lourd de Veyra – Art, Art Ka Diyan! [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/R4CIR_ nzMZA Michael Guevarra is a recent graduate from Maples Collegiate and currently in his first year of studies at the University of Manitoba. Visit www.anak. ca to learn more about ANAK opportunities and upcoming 10th anniversary celebrations.

jump since minimum wage rose by 5.3 per cent in 2011. Since 2001, the general rate of pay has gone up from $6.25 per hour to the current rate of $11.00 per hour, an increase of 83 per cent in 14 years. Current minimum wages across Canada Northwest Territories – $12.50

Ontario – $11.25 Alberta – $11.20 Manitoba – $11.00 Nunavut – $11.00 Yukon – $10.86 Nova Scotia – $10.60 Quebec – $10.55 Saskatchewan – $10.50 Newfoundland – $10.50 Prince Edward Island $10.50

British Columbia – $10.45 New Brunswick – $10.30 The minimum wage is the lowest amount, per hour, that employees must be paid by

their employers for work. For more information on Manitoba’s minimum wage and employment standards, visit www.manitoba. ca/labour/standards.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015



Feng shui and the energy of your home: How clutter stunts your energy and your life

One of the biggest problems associated with clutter is how it roots you in a home that leaves you little or no room for growth. Of course, the growth I’m talking about is the growth in your life, your career, your relationships, and your wealth. We’re not so different than the beautiful plants you buy at the local nursery that look wonderful but then need to be divided or repotted into a larger pot — everything grows. Your life is a living, growing thing. When you’re overwhelmed by stuff, like a plant, you outgrow your pot and that’s when you start to see your relationships suffer, your business opportunities dry up, your health and vitality sapped, and finances become tighter and more restrictive. Worse than all the stuff and visual blight that clutter represents is the way it robs you and your home of vital, happy, and lively energy. Decluttering helps to remove blockages from your life that stop the flow of energy to you and everything you enjoy. How does clutter affect you and what benefit does decluttering offer? With clutter you have: Low vitality, lethargy Bad luck, misfortune, upheaval No opportunities or money Lack of options, choices, feeling stuck Melancholy, depression Pessimistic outlook, negative opinions Anger, anxiety, waiting for other shoe to drop With clear space you have: Improved energy and interest in life Happy surprises, good fortune New opportunities, better finances Life flowing smoothly, active, energized Improved energy and interest in life Optimistic, forward thinking and positive Happy mood, pleasant feelings, excitement, enthusiasm Life is energy All life requires growth, evolution and movement. When we lack these elements in our life,

the energy that makes up our lives becomes stunted. Imagine not having enough energy to power a light bulb: it grows dim and burns in a weakened state. When we have overstuffed homes – especially with out-dated, unused and unloved items, our lives become weakened too. But how do you know when it’s clutter and when it’s disorganization? Clutter is when you have eight spatulas or a closet full of clothes you haven’t worn in years. Disorganization is when you can’t find what you’re looking for. Simply organizing your home with shelving, baskets, boxes, and other organizers will often clean up the disarray. In fact, by using organizing items you can often make more room than if you didn’t use them. Look at your challenges to find the kind of organizers you need. Is the big mess in the kitchen or the bathroom? Maybe the living room is out of control. You might not be able to find an important bill that needs to be paid because you don’t have a place to put the bills when they come in. No matter what your needs are, there are containers of every possible size and description that can help you organize your house where you need it. Unlike a tornado, clutter doesn’t just happen. It gets that way over time. Sometimes clutter is so treacherous that we don’t even notice it until we’re deluged by it. Hopefully, you’ve learned some things about clutter, like what it is, what to do about it, and how it’s different than disorganization. But, just like any good habit, such as exercise, decluttering isn’t something you do and then it’s done: it’s something you start and then keep doing. Too often people are bitten by the declutter bug and make one big push to declutter. That’s wonderful and having your clutter cleared in one fell swoop feels incredible and unburdens you. Most of the time, though, clutter is related to a vitamin deficiency. Either someone is frozen in fear and doesn’t do anything about the clutter, usually because they’re just overwhelmed, or they do it once or then forget about it for the next 25 years. The key to both

is Vitamin C – “consistent C.” Schedule it Having a regular routine for decluttering is the single best way to keep it from getting out of hand. Pick a daily time that’s convenient such as every day at four o’clock. Then, spend fifteen or so minutes working at removing clutter (tossing mail, magazines, clearing out the refrigerator). Make it long enough you can accomplish something but not so long that you’ll give up. Declutter with other activities Instead of just putting freshly washed towels away toss out your old tired towels first. Or, while your child is getting ready for bed, take a moment to go through some drawers and remove outgrown or stained clothing. Decluttering as you do other things makes decluttering part of daily living — and that creates a routine. Make it a habit to be aware Don’t unload groceries into the refrigerator that’s messy or cluttered with jelly jars with only a teaspoon of jam in them. Instead, quickly go through the fridge and toss old items out and wipe down shelves before restocking, and do the same in the pantry – this is the quality of being present with clutter and your environment. Likewise, if you take a phone message and the pen you’re using doesn’t work, make it a habit to throw it away and not put it back in the holder (and I know you do this). Be present Becoming present means that you are aware where you are. That sounds obvious, but if you’ll start becoming more aware and present wherever you are, you’ll notice that you stop forgetting things and misplacing items and you’ll notice how your home and

office stay cleaner and neater more easily. You’ll also notice that you get more accomplished, you’ll scratch things off your mental and physical to-do lists, you’ll become less patient with people who drain you and you’ll get three very valuable qualities back into your life again. They are initiative, motivation and enthusiasm: the zest of living. Yes, old, broken, crowded, and too-much stuff can do that to you — rob you of your zest for living. Free yourself and become aware of what you have and what you really use or don’t

use. Getting rid of useless items will unburden your home, mind and spirit and will open up your life again to all kinds of new and wonderful opportunities. 
 Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www.redlotusletter. com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!



Agahan, Balikatan at Kwentuhan – Year 2 Inspired by last year’s successful breakfast buffet fundraising event, the Filipino Members Chapter – Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (FMC-APEGM) is going to hold another event with a goal of awarding more bursaries to eligible chapter members. Agahan, Balikatan at Kuwentuhan – Year 2 will be held on Saturday, October 17th from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Canton Food Gallery (1111 Logan Avenue). Ticket Price: $10 From last year’s proceeds, we were able to award bursaries to two deserving chapter members – Mr. Roy San Buenaventura and

Mr. Robin Banaag, who is now registered as an Engineer-InTraining (EIT). As the event title implies, this is not just a fundraising event, but is also a great venue and opportunity to mingle and network with Filipino engineering professionals. DMC Productions is donating two general admission tickets for the upcoming “Rocksteady” concert of Glaiza de Castro and Julia Clarete (GMA-7 talents) in Winnipeg. Raffle tickets will be available at the door for $1 – 1 ticket, $3 – 5 tickets and $5 – 10 tickets. Tickets available at the door or visit: http://www.apegm.mb.ca/ Events.html#Event198

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015







Getting Results for Elmwood-Transcona Authorized by the Official Agent for Lawrence Toet




Napakalaki talaga ng nagagawa ng imahe sa mga personalidad. One false move, sabi nga, ay sapat na para mabawasan ang ningning ng kanilang bituin. Ang unang napagitna sa kontrobesiya ay si Daniel Padilla. Ang paninigarilyo ng binata kahit pa makina lang naman iyon at hindi tunay na sigarilyo. Sumunod ay ang paglalasingpagwawala ni Enrique Gil sa eroplano. Kung anu-anong dahilan na ang sinabi ng young actor at nanghingi na nga ng paumanhin,

pero sa panlasa ng ating mga kababayan, ang kaniyang inasal ay hindi hinihingi ng pagkakataon. Sumunod ay si Kathryn Bernardo at ang makasaysayang pang-iisnab ng dalaga sa kaniyang mentor na si Direk Bobot Mortiz. Minarkahan si Kathryn bilang maldita at walang utang na loob, maraming hindi nagkagusto sa kaniyang ginawa, napakahalaga pa naman ng pagtanaw ng utang na loob para sa ating lahi. Bakit sa tatlong loveteams na See CRISTY p15

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

• JaDine love team – Higit na mas mainit kumpara sa KathNiel at LizQuen • Kathryn Bernardo – Nag-apologize kay Direk Bobot Mortiz • Ryzza Mae Dizon – Hindi pinababayaan ng Eat...Bulaga si Aling Maliit • Lea Salonga – Dapat mag-ingat sa pagtu-tweet • Maine Mendoza – Nananatiling mabait at madaling lapitan si Yaya Dub • Alden Richards – Nakatanggap ng Gold Record award mula sa Universal Records • Jose Manalo – Kailangan ding magpahinga si Lola Nidora • Sheryl Cruz – Naiinggit ba kay Sen. Grace Poe?

Alden Richards & Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza

James Reid & Nadine Lustre

Maine Mendoza

Enrique Gil & Liza Soberano

Lola Nidora, Wally Bayola & Jose Manalo

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

Ryzza Mae Dizon

Sheryl Cruz

Lea Salonga

For many years, we have been serving the Filipino community with

Dedication, Commitment, Friendship & Trust

We have worked hard at this by providing a dedicated and hard working group of professional men and women offering: • full disclosure of pricing • ensuring our Lamay are professional with great service • offering two well-positioned facilities • providing the best product lines.. and the list goes on! We are not a nameless, faceless entity in Toronto or Houston. We live here, work here and play here. Winnipeg is our home, and we demonstrate this daily to the families we serve.

24/7 Compassion & Accessibility Phone: 204-275-5555

Two City Locations 1839 Inkster Blvd. (corner of Inkster Blvd. & Keewatin St.) 1006 Nairn Ave. (corner of Keenleyside St. & Nairn Ave.)

We are your Kababayan in the business! Feel free to call owners Darin Hoffman (Zeny Regalado), Shawn Arnason or our community representative Nap Ebora for a uniquely Filipino prerspective on prearrangements.

Phone: 204-275-5555

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

• Coco Martin – Bida sa TV adaptation ng Ang Probinsyano ni FPJ • Transgender ang role ni Ken Chan sa Destiny Rose • New exciting shows mula sa ABS CBN Coco Martin, bibida sa TV adaptation ng Ang Probinsyano ni FPJ Nagsimula nang mapanood ang bagong handog ng ABS-CBN at Dreamscape Entertainment Television sa pagbibigay pugay ng Hari ng Teleserye na si Coco Martin sa obra ng nag-iisang Da King na si Fernando Poe Jr. na Ang Probinsyano. Sa pagtutulungan ng ABSCBN at ng FPJ Productions, Ang Probinsyano ang pinakabagong FPJ classic na bibigyang buhay sa telebisyon na magpapakita ng tunay na kabayanihan ng mga alagad ng batas. Ayon sa Queen of Philippine Movies na si Susan Roces, ipinagkatiwala ng Da King ang lahat ng kaniyang pelikula sa FPJ Productions sa ABS-CBN president at CEO na si Charo Santos-Concio. Makakasama nina Coco at

Susan sa TV adaptation ng Ang Probinsyano sina Maja Salvador, Arjo Atayde, Albert Martinez, Agot Isidro, Bela Padilla, Joey Marquez, Jaime Fabregas at Ms. Susan Roces. Pinapakilala din dito si Simon Pineda. Kasama din sa cast sina Dennis Padilla, Ana Roces, Zaijian Jaranilla, Malou Crisologo, Marvin Yap, Pepe Herrera, Lester Llansang, John Medina, Michael Jornales, Gio Alvarez at Tess Antonio. Ito ay sa ilalim ng direksyon nina Avel Sunpongco at Malu Sevilla. ***** Transgender si Ken Chan sa Destiny Rose Lalabas na isang transgender woman ang GMA Artist Center star na si Ken Chan sa upcoming prime series ng Kapuso Network, ang Destiny Rose. Marami ang pumuri sa aktor See SHOWBIZ p15

The cast of Ang Probinsyano

Cristine Reyes & Zanjo Marudo

Ken Chan

Erich Gonzales & Daniel Matsunaga

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

SHOWBIZ... From page 14 sa kaniyang ginawang thrilling performance sa audition na ipinakita niyang siya ang perfect choice for the role. Excited din siya dahil alam niyang very challenging ang kaniyang role bilang transgender woman. Marami na ring naging projects bilang commercial advertising talent si Ken at hindi kaila ang ambisyon niyang maging isang aktor. “I have always wanted to act, at isa sa mga gusto kong gawin bilang artista ay mag try nang mag try ng iba’t ibang role. Challenging ito, pero handa akong pag-aralan ang role nang mabuti,” sabi ng Kapuso star. Nag-umpisa siya sa entertainment industry bilang isa sa mga hosts ng Walang Tulugan. Pagkatapos ay naging mainstay siya sa youth-oriented show Tween Hearts kasama ang ibang GMA Artist Center stars tulad nina Barbie Forteza at Bea Binene. May mga awit din siyang nai-release na naging theme song ng ilang GMA shows. “Nagpapasalamat ako dahil nabibigyan ako ng pagkakataong gawin yung mga ganitong roles, at dahil dito mas lalo pa akong nai-inspire na pagbutihin ang ginagawa ko,” sabi niya. Panoorin si Ken Chan sa Destiny Rose sa inyong GMA Pinoy TV. ***** New exciting shows mula sa ABS-CBN Tiyak na mas maraming fans ang mahu-hook ngayon sa ABS-CBN dahil sa mga bagong programang handog ng Kapamilya Network bago matapos ang taong ito. Isa sa mga bagong teleserye na magiging kapanpanabik ay ang kauna-unahang project ng magkasintahang Erich Gonzales at Daniel Matsunaga na pinamagatang Be My Lady. Tampok sa serye ang nakakakilig na kuwento ng pag-ibig ng isang foreigner at Pinay. Bukod sa Be My Lady, isang kakaibang drama rin para sa mga Kapamilya viewers ang Tubig at Langis. Bida rito sina Cristine Reyes at Zanjoe Marudo. Matapang na ilalahad sa serye ang mga problemang pang magasawa. Dagdag pa ang dalawang serye na hatid ay kuwentong tungkol sa pamilya—ang And I Love You So na pinangungunahan nina Julia Barretto, Miles Ocampo at Iñigo Pascual at ang


You’re My Home na bida naman ng mga naglalakihang artista tulad nina Richard Gomez at Dawn Zulueta. Kasama rin sa nasabing serye ang bagong love team na sina Jessy Mendiola at JC De Vera. Mapapanood na rin ang pinakabagong game show na pinamagatang Celebrity Playtime. Magsisilbing host ng game show si Billy Crawford.

CRISTY... From page 12

pambato ngayon ng ABS-CBN ay mas lumalakas ang hatak ng loveteam nina James Reid at Nadine Lustre? Bakit ang kanilang tambalan ang pinananabikan at tinitilian ngayon? Bakit ang JaDine ang may mas malakas na magneto ngayon sa manonood? Hindi kasi sila nasasangkot sa mga isyung nakapagpapatabang sa paghanga ng publiko. Kailangang himigpit ang hawak ngayon ng KathNiel at LizQuen sa publiko dahil maraming beses nang napatunayan na ang JaDine loveteam ang pinakamainit ngayon. *** Ano ba ang nangyari kay Kathryn Bernardo at Direk Bobot Mortiz? Kung mamalasin ka nga naman. Iyon siguro ang naglalaro ngayon sa utak ni Kathryn. Napakaganda pa naman niyang dumating sa Star Magic Ball. Pinaghandaan niya ang gabing iyon, pero masasangkot lang pala siya sa isang matinding kontrobersiya. Sadya man o hindi ay inulan siya ng mga bira sa hindi man lang niya paglapit sa direktor na napakalaki ng tulong na nagawa sa kung anumang popularidad na hawak niya ngayon. Masyadong nalungkot si Direk Edgar Mortiz sa nangyari. Nagtayuan ang mga bagets stars ng ABS-CBN at bumeso sa kaniya, pero si Kathryn ay parang walang nakita sa laki ng bultong iyon na mayroon si Direk Bobot. Napakalaki ng naitulong sa kaniya ni Direk Bobot. Sa pangkabataang show pa lang na Goin Bulilit ay artista na siya nito, kaya nang magpakita siya ng pambabalewala ay nasaktan ang actor-singer-director. Pero kailan lang ay tumawag na pala ang young actress kay Direk Bobot para manghingi ng paumanhin. Katanggap-tanggap man o hindi, totoo man o ano ang ibinigay niyang dahilan ng hindi niya pagbibigay-pugay sa direktor,

ang mahalaga ay nakapag-sorry na siya. Na dapat lang naman. Kailangang marunong tumanggap ng pagkakamali ang nagkulang. Ginagawa pa naman siyang role model ng mga kabataan, pagkatapos ay mabubutasan siya sa usapin ng paggalang. Maraming babaklas ng paghanga sa kaniya. Respeto at pagtanaw ng utang na loob ang tawag sa ganoon. Walang labis, walang kulang. Hindi natin binabalewala ang mga taong nakatulong nang malaki sa pagtupad ng ating mga pangarap. *** Bukod sa kalyeserye ng Eat… Bulaga noong nakaraang Sabado na tunay namang tinutukan ng buong bayan ni Juan ay markado rin para sa amin ang ginawang pagpupugay ng noontime show kay Ryzza Mae Dizon. Binigyan ng magandang oras ng TAPE, Inc. ang Aleng Maliit para sa kaniyang seryeng nagsimula na ngayon, ang Princess in The Palace, bago ang Eat… Bulaga. See CRISTY p16

NOV 12






OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

2015 Philippine “Ryder Cup” Golf Tournament – September 19, 2015 By Felino de Jesus On Saturday, September 19, Winnipeg’s Filipino golfing community had its second annual golf tournament billed as the 2015 Philippine Ryder Cup Golf Tournament. Four groups of golfers shared camaraderie and fun in the competition: the Kambingan group headed by Romy Roque; the Philippine Bowlers Golf Association (PBGA) headed by Ric Cantalejo; the Philippine Amateurs Golf Association (PAGAM) lead by Rico Villarin; and the Batangas Amateur Golf Association (BAGA) lead by their captain Randy Viray. The BAGA team won the tournament again for the second year, taking home the organization’s own version of the famed Ryder Cup. BAGA’s opponents vow to unseat the reigning champions next year, so it seems the champions will have to work harder to defend their trophy next season.

For most players golf is a very exhilarating game, though it might not seem so to the casual television viewer. Golf is a game of finesse, intelligence, strategy, accuracy, inner strength, and decisive but calm executions of shots. A mistake of a mere fraction of a degree or one sixteenth of an inch off target can ruin a shot, or worse, a whole tournament. This is also a game of etiquette, honesty and integrity. For those who appreciate competition in the spirit of good sportsmanship and who enjoy golf and exercise, come and join us on the fairways of Winnipeg. Felino de Jesus is an avid amateur golfer and a long-time leader involved in the activities of Winnipeg’s Filipino community. He is the current Area Commander of the Knights of Rizal for Western Canada, an international organization headquartered in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.

This year’s champions: Felino de Jesus (with trophy). Front (l-r): Randy Viray, Fred Ramos, Bong Dayao, Bert Obtial, Lito Ramilo. Back (l-r): Romy Alcantara, Joseph (Toy Kulot) Ramos, Noel Silva, Manny Arañes, Tony Villegas, Tony Bantados, Nigel Macatula, Philip Intac, Mario Alcantara

Members of the Philippine Amateurs Golf Association (PAGAM)

Batangas Amateur Golf Association

The Kambingan team

Abe Guanlao wins municipal golf tournament

Abe Guanloa receives trophy from City of Winnipeg Golf Operations Assistant, Ben Fey after winning the Municipal Grand Final golf tournament at Windsor Park Golf Course, August 16-17, 2015

Tournament sponsor: Maples Physiotherapy Clinic

CRISTY... From page 15 Sa pagsulpot at pagkapanganak ng AlDub ay tanggapin natin ang katotohanan na nabawasan ang ningning ng child star. Kung siya ang dating pinagpipistahan sa noontime show ay napunta na iyon sa AlDub nina Alden Richards at Yaya Dub. Pero hindi pinabayaan ng produksiyon si Ryzza Mae. Binigyan pa rin siya ng proyektong siya ang bumibida ng TAPE, Incorporated, hindi ngayon at pinakinabangan na nila ang bata ay basta maeetsa-puwera na lang. Kahit nga si Aiza Seguerra na tulad ni Ryzza Mae ay produkto rin ng Little Miss Philippines ay hinding-hindi pinababayaan ng TAPE, Inc. Magiging regular na rin ito ng Eat…Bulaga sa pansamantala nitong pagbabakasyon sa isang variety show ng Dos na taon na rin ang binibilang ng kaniyang partisipasyon. Kinantahan pa ng Tito, Vic and Joey si Ryzza Mae. Bibihira na lang gawin ng matagumpay na trio ang ganoon, pero dahil naging malaking bahagi ng Eat…Bulaga ang Aleng Maliit ay nag-effort ang mga

poste ng noontime show. Ganoon ang marespetong pagbibigayhalaga sa mga personalidad. Hindi basta-basta itinatapon na lang kapag ang popularidad ay nababawasan na. At doon markadung-markado ang produksiyon ni Tony Tuviera. *** Nakatutok ang buong bayan ngayon sa kahihinatnan ng pagpapalitan ng tweet nina Joey de Leon at Lea Salonga. Nag-tweet kasi ang international performer na okey lang sa kaniya ang kababawan, pero hanggang doon na lang daw ba iyon? Nagtatanong lang daw naman ang singer-actress. Natural, nabulabog ang mga tagasuporta ng AlDub, sila raw ang pinariringgan ni Aling Lea, kaya nang mga sumunod pang minuto ay kumakain na ng apdo mula sa mga bashers ang bida ng Miss Saigon. Nag-tweet din si Joey de Leon. Humihingi ng paliwanag ang henyong aktor-komedyante-TV host sa tweet ni Lea, “Bigyan ako nang dalawampu’t limang milyon at anim na raang libong dahilan kung bakit may ‘kababawan’ ang kalyeserye. Baka KABEBEWAN.” See CRISTY p17

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

CRISTY... From page 16 Dumepensa agad si Lea. Wala raw naman siyang pinatatamaan sa kaniyang tweet, hindi nga raw niya alam kung ano ang nangyayari dahil hindi naman siya nanonood ng kalyeserye. Sa kahit anong ginagawasinasabi ng isang tao ay siguradong may kakambal na motibo. Siguradong mayroon. Kaya lang ay hindi iyon direktang tinukoy ni Lea. Ingat-ingat kasi sa pagtu-tweet. Nandiyan ang makasaysayang kuwento ng pako na nakatago ang katawan pero nakalitaw naman ang ulo. *** Marami kaming nalamang kuwento tungkol kay Maine Mendoza na mas kilala na ngayon kahit ng mga musmos na bata bilang si Yaya Dub. Ang mga unang kuwento ay mula sa kaniyang mga nakatrabaho sa paggawa ng mga commercials. Ayon kay Ogie Narvaez Rodriguez na kaibigan mismo ng mga nag-ayos kay Yaya Dub sa paggawa ng TVC, “Ang akala kasi nila, e, katulad si Yaya Dub ng ibang mga artista na nale-late sa calltime. Pero hindi. Mas nauna pa siyang dumating kesa sa ibang staff. “Wala raw siyang kahiraphirap ayusan dahil wala siyang arte sa katawan. At isa pang talagang hanggang ngayon, e, inuulit-ulit nila, napaka-flawless daw ni Yaya Dub. “Wala raw siyang dumi sa


buong katawan, kung mayroon man pero hindi nila nakita, e, nunal lang. Saka napaka-generous pala niya sa time. Talagang pinagbibigyan niya ang mga nagpapa-picture taking, nakikipag-selfie, number one si Maine ngayon sa listahan ng mga personalities na nakakatrabaho nila,” kuwento ni Ogie. Sa All For Juan, Juan For All ng Eat…Bulaga ay ganoon din ang mga kuwentong nakararating sa amin. Nakikiusap si Yaya Dub sa kaniyang mga security na kung puwede, kapag may mga gustong magparetrato sa tabi niya ay pabayaan lang iyon ng mga nagaalaga sa kaniyang seguridad, bibihira ang mga personalidad na mapagbigay sa kanilang mga tagahanga. Ang mga ganoong kuwento ay mas nagpapataas pa sa kasikatang hawak na niya ngayon. Lumilipatlipat sa iba’t ibang tenga ang kaniyang kabutihan at kabaitan sa mga taong naging dahilan ng kaniyang katanyagan ngayon. “And to think na anakmayaman siya, ha? Wala siyang kaere-ere, mabait siya, maganda ang breeding ni Yaya Dub,” pahabol pang papuri ni Ogie Narvaez Rodriguez. *** Napakaraming nakiluha kay Alden Richards nang tumanggap siya ng Gold Record award mula sa Universal Records. Bakit nga naman hindi maiiyak ang tinaguriang Pambansang Bae, dalawang taon na niyang ginagawa ang nasabing album, pero ngayon lang bumenta at tinangkilik ng See CRISTY p18




OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Boses ng Winnipeg North: Si Levy, si Kevin, o si Harpreet? Sa October 19th ay magdedesisyon ang sambayanan ng Canada kung sino ang magiging gobyerno nito. Sa kasalukuyan ay ang Conservative Party sa pamumuno ni Stephen Harper bilang prime minister ng incumbent government. Kung sa Pilipinas ay direkta nating ibinoboto ang presidente at vice president ng ating bansa, dito sa Canada, bilang isang parliamentary form of government, ay bumuboto tayo ng mga federal representatives or members of parliament (MP) kung saan tayo nakatira o yung tinatawag na federal riding. Kung sino ang may pinakamaraming representatives na mananalo ay sila ang uupo bilang gobyerno. Halimbawa, kung majority na mahahalal na MP ay mula sa Green Party, and lider nito na si Elizabeth May ang magiging prime minister at ang Green Party ang uupong gobyerno natin. Mula sa gobyernong ito ay mamimili ang prime minister kung sino ang magiging miyembro ng kaniyang cabinet or yung mga ministers ng iba’t ibang departamentong federal. Paano ba tayo mamimili ng kandidato? Ano ba ang mga federal issues na puwede nating maging batayan upang makapagdesisyon kung saan ba ang leaning ng ating paniniwala, values or ideology? Narito ang ilang mga importanteng isyung federal na puwede nating itanong sa ating sarili at ikumpara ang ating sagot sa posisyon ng Conservatives, Liberals, NDP at Green Party. Sa paraang ito ay mabibigyan natin ng direksyon at justification kung bakit natin iboboto ang kandidato na siyang mag-rerepresent sa atin sa parliament. Sila na ang magiging boses natin sa Ottawa. • Isa sa mga importanteng isyung federal ay ang abortion.

Ikaw ba bilang Canadian ay sangayon sa abortion? Depende ba ito sa sitwasyon o talagang outright na anti-abortion ka? • Sa issue tungkol sa euthanasia or mercy killing. Ang mga terminally ill bang Canadians ay dapat bigyan ng choice through their relatives para tapusin ang buhay ng may karamdaman? • Sa issue naman ng immigration or refugees. Ano ba ang posisyon mo bilang Canadian sa kasalukuyang refugees mula sa Middle East at Africa? Dapat bang tanggapin sila agad-agad bilang tugon sa kagyat nilang pangangailangan bilang human beings o tanggapin sila base sa tamang proseso para protektahan ang seguridad ng bansa? • Payag ka ba sa legalization sa paggamit ng marijuana para maging isang alternatibong medisina? • Sa issue naman ng budget, kailangan bang balansehin ang ating budget sa kabila ng recession? O kailangan bang mastimulate ang economy kahit na hindi balance ang budget? • Ano naman ang posisyon mo sa pagbubuwis sa mga taumbayan? Dapat bang dagdagan ang buwis na ibinabayad ng mga mayayaman at mga corporations? • Sa usapin ng privacy, papayag ka bang palawakin ang kapangyarihan ng kapulisan o ng mga miyembro ng RCMP para matyagan ang mga gawain mo sa Internet? Sa madaling salita, papayag ka ba na halungkatin ng mga pulis ang iyong online information kung nakasalalay dito ang seguridad ng bansa? • Ano ba ang posisyon mo sa pinakamabisang paraan to prevent crime? Longer prison sentences ba o may iba pang paraan? • Sa ating relasyon sa mga katutubo, gaano ba ang dapat ituon ng gobyerno para sa ganap na reconciliation sa kanila?

Sep 10th, University of Manitoba. Over 400 University of Manitoba pledged their support for pay equality by signing OxfamUofM’s banner. This art installation is a part of Up For Debate, a national campaign that has brought forward issues pertaining to women in this election season. Oxfam Canada, in collaboration with Alliance for Women’s Rights, a coalition of over 175 NGOs have worked to have a debate by party leaders on issues identified by women. This art installation is one, in a series that Oxfam student groups all across Canada will be contributing to raise awareness on women’s issues. Winnipeg will be represented

Levy Abad

Kevin Lamoureux

Harpreet Turka

Kailangan bang dagdagan ang kontrol ng mga katutubo sa mga ancestral territory? • Papayag ka ba na buwagin na ang senado? • Kuntento ka ba sa liderato ng mga Conservative? • Naniniwala ka ba na hilaw pang maging prime minister ang lider ng Liberal? • Bilib ka ba sa mga pangako ng NDP para sa pag-unlad ng ekonomiya ng bansa? • Kilala mo ba si Elizabeth May? • Boboto ka ba? • Teka, alam mo bang may botohan sa October 19th? Ilan lamang ang mga ito sa mga federal issues na puwede nating itanong sa mga kandidatong kakatok sa ating mga pinto. Hindi sapat na kakilala natin ang kandidato kaya natin siya iboboto. Huwag sana nating gawing election by patronage ang halalan sa Canada. Wala na po tayo sa Pilipinas kung saan marami pa rin ang bumoboto dahil pogi, dahil artista, dahil kumpare ni kumpare, dahil magaling sumayaw, dahil natulungan tayo sa pagpasok sa trabaho, etc. Dapat po ang pagboto ay nakabase sa issues, nakabase sa ating paniniwala at kung nagtutugma ba ito sa partido na magbubuo ng gobyerno ng

Canada. Wala akong ine-endorsong kandidato. Ako ay nakatira sa North End. Dito, ang mga kandidato ay sina Levy Abad ng NDP, Kevin Lamoreux ng Liberal at Harpreet Turka ng Conservatives. Ang ipinaglalaban ng mga kandidatong ito ay ang mga isyung federal na pinagkasunduan ng kani-kanilang partido dahil naniniwala sila na ito ang tamang paraan at tamang direksyon. Hindi personal ang atake ng bawat partido sa bawat isa kung sila may nagde-debate. Ang ipinagde-debatihan nila ay mga importanteng isyu na kinasasalaylayan ng kinabukasan ng bawat Canadian. Hindi ito batuhan ng putik kundi ito ay pagpuna at pag-aanalisa sa mga issues ng lipunan para makabuo ng mas maayos na pamamalakad sa gobyerno. Ito ang napakagandang diwa ng demokrasya dito sa Canada. Malaya tayong pumili ng kandidato at partido na sa paniniwala natin ay silang magpapatuloy ng kaunlaran ng ating bansa. Sana, ang desisyon natin sa October 19th ay base sa ating paniniwala. Importante ang bawat boto natin, gawin sana natin itong sagrado. Magsaliksik po at mag-

aral tayo ng mga plataporma ng mga partidong Conservative, Liberal, NDP at Green bago tayo bumoto. Para sa mga residente ng Winnipeg North, mayroon pong nakatakdang election candidates forum sa October 8th ganap na ika-5 ng hapon hanggang ika-8 ng gabi sa Indian & Metis Friendship Centre, 45 Robinson malapit sa Dufferin. Kung may panahon kayo ay dumalo po tayo dito at makinig, magtanong at makipagtalastasan. Libre po ang pagdalo dito at may kape pa para hindi tayo antukin. Ang boto mo ay hindi para sa kandidatong iyong iboboto kundi ito ay para sa mga Canadians ding tulad mo. Ang boto mo ay para din sa kinabukasan ng mga magiging apo mo at ng mga kamag-anak mong may balak ding pumunta at manirahan dito. Kaya, kung puwede sana ay ayusin mo. Si Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

May dagdag na kuwento si Mama Ana Llaguno para sa mga tagahanga ni Alden. Sabi ni Mama Ana, “Kapitbahay ng anak kong si Rowena si Alden, pareho pa ang depository bank nila sa Sta. Rosa, Laguna. “Hindi pa raw sumisikat, eh, valued depositor na nila si Alden. Wala raw siyang ipinagbago, kahit sikat na sikat na siya ngayon, eh, siya pa rin ang dating Alden na napakasimple, mabait, saka palaging may nakahandang smile sa mga bumabati sa kaniya. “Kahit daw ngayong Pambansang Bae na siya, eh, ganoon pa rin si Alden, tahimik lang na nakaupo, patiently waiting for his turn to be called. “At kapag may mga nagrerequest sa kaniya for picture taking, wala siyang binibigo, pumapayag siya, puring-puri si Alden ng mga taga-BDO,” nakakatuwang

kuwento ni Mama Ana Llaguno. Napakaraming maligaya sa pagsikat ni Alden Richards, siya lang yata ang sikat na artistang hindi nasasangkot ang pangalan sa mga negatibong kuwento, lahat ay nagsasabing nakaguhit talaga sa kaniyang palad ang pagtatagumpay dahil sa mabuti niyang puso at magandang ugali. Panalung-panalo kay Alden Richards ang AlDub World! *** Sumama ang katawan ni Jose Manalo noong isang araw. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit wala siya sa isang episode ng kalyeserye. Ginawan na lang ng paraan sa kuwento na kunwari ay nagpunta siya sa Embassy para ayusin ang kaniyang mga dokumento. Hindi simple ang ginagawa nila ni Wally Bayola araw-araw. Isang katawang yari sa bakal ang kailangan nila dahil sumasampa See CRISTY p19

CRISTY... From page 17 ating mga kababayan? Napakalaki talaga ng milagrong nagawa sa kaniyang career ang tambalan nila ni Maine Mendoza, dahil sa AlDub ay nagising ang interes sa kaniya ng publiko, marami talagang dapat ipagpasalamat si Alden sa magagandang oportunidad na dumarating sa kaniya ngayon. Kuwento ng kaibigan naming si Tita Nene Ulanday, “Ako talaga, noong una ko pa lang siyang napanood, si John Lloyd Cruz ang nakikita ko sa kaniya. Eh, hindi pa naman siya sikat noon, nasisilip ko lang siya sa Ilustrado, sino ba ang mag-aakalang sisikat siya nang ganito katindi?” Isang pelikulang pipilahan sa takilya na lang ang kulang ngayon kay Alden para masabing nandoon na nga siya.

OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015



Kapalit ng pagtulong Hindi natin maipagkakaila na ang ugali ng marami patungkol sa paglilingkod at pagtulong sa ating kapuwa ay nagbago na. Sa kapanahunan ngayon, ang paglingkod sa ibang tao nang walang kapalit ay hindi na uso. Ang pokus ng marami ay ang kanilang sarili at ang iniisip nila “sino ang maglilingkod sa amin?” Sa biblia sa Juan 13:1-17, tinuro ng Panginoong Hesus sa kaniyang mga alagad ang kahalagahan ng paglilingkod. Nagtatalo kasi ang mga ito kung sino ang pinakadakila sa kanila at bilang pagtugon, nagsimula si Hesus na hugasan ang kanilang mga paa. Nagulat ang kaniyang mga alagad sapagkat noong mga panahong iyon ang trabaho ng paghuhugas ng paa ay nakalaan para sa mga pinakamababang uri ng mga katulong. Ang mga daan noong unang panahon ay hindi sementado at pangkaraniwan ng nagkalat ang mga dumi ng iba’t ibang hayop na naglalakad sa kalye o sinasakyan ng mga tao. Kaya’t bago tumuloy ang mga panauhin sa isang bahay, may isang katulong sa sambahayang iyon na nakalaan na maghugas ng kanilang paa. Ginawang

CRISTY... From page 18 na sila sa entablado ng Zirkoh sa gabi ay halos wala pa silang tulog na nagre-report na agad sa location ng All For Juan, Juan For All ng Eat…Bulaga. Kundi nila aalagaan ang kanilang sarili ay talagang magkakasakit silang dalawa. Inagapan agad ng mga namamahala ng TAPE Incorporated ang sitwasyon ni Jose, hindi na muna siya pinag-report sa kalyeserye, para makabawi siya ng lakas. Bukod sa kilig ng AlDub ay napakahalaga ng papel na ginagampanan nina Jose at Wally sa kalyeserye, idagdag pa si Paolo Ballesteros, sila ang bumubuhay sa parte ng pagkokomedya sa matagumpay na segment ng Eat… Bulaga. Sabi nga ni Lola Nidora, “Lahat ay nangyayari sa tamang panahon…” At ito na iyon. *** Negang-nega ang imahe ngayon ni Sheryl Cruz. Habang nagkakaisa ang mga taga-lokal na aliwan sa pagsuporta kay Senadora Grace Poe sa papasukin nitong laban sa pagkapangulo ay heto naman si Sheryl Cruz, nasa kabilang bakod, siya pa mismo ang nagsasabing hilaw pa ang senadora sa pagkandidato sa panguluhan. Kung ibang artista lang sana ang nagsabi ng ganoon ay mas madaling maunawaan, pero si Sheryl Cruz ito, pamangking buo ni Susan Roces na kinikilalang ina ng senadora.

halimbawa ni Hesus ang paghuhugas ng paa ng kaniyang mga alagad para ipakita ang kalagahan ng paglilingkod nang may pagpapakumbaba. Hinikayat niya ang mga ito na maglingkod upang sila’y tunay na pagpapalain. Nakakalungkot na maging sa ilang simbahan ang paglilingkod sa iba ay naisasantabi. May mga taong nag-aakala na sila pa ang naglilingkod sa Diyos kapag nagpakita sila sa simbahan tuwing Linggo. May mga ilan naman ang naghahanap na sila ang mapaglingkuran. Ayon sa biblia, maging ang Panginoong Hesus ay naparito sa lupa hindi upang mapaglingkuran kundi ang maglingkod. At alam niyo bang ang paglilingkod sa ating kapuwa ay nakapagbibigay sa atin ng kagalakan? Si Mother Teresa ay naging tanyag dahil sa kaniyang paglilingkod nang buong pagpapakumbaba sa mga taong nakatira sa ilan sa pinakamahihirap na lugar sa India. Ang sabi niya “Natulog ako at nanaginip na ang buhay ay puro kagalakan. Nagising ako at nakita ko na ang buhay ay puro paglilingkod. Naglingkod ako at nakita ko na ang paglilingkod ay May kuwentong lumabas na mana raw ang dahilan ng inggit ni Sheryl sa kaniyang Manang Grace. Hindi namin pinaniniwalaan iyon, kahit sa labanang legal ay walang dahilan si Sheryl na mainggit sa mana, dahil hindi naman siya anak ng namayapang Hari Ng Pelikula at ni Manang Inday. Kung may kuwestiyon man siya sa mana ay direkta niyang dapat kuwestiyunin ang kaniyang ina, hindi si Manang Inday, dahil hindi naman siya anak nito at pamangkin lang. Natutulog sa nakaraan si Sheryl. Pakiramdam niya ay ginagamit sa kandidatura ni Senadora Grace Poe ang kaniyang inang si Rosemarie Sonora. Nananahimik na nga raw ang mommy niya sa Amerika, pero nakakaladkad pa ang pangalan nito, wala man lang daw nagtanggol sa kaniyang ina sa mga isyung may kinalaman sa pagiging mag-ina nito at ni Senadora Grace. At ipinakadiin-diin pa ni Sheryl na hindi siya papayag na magpaDNA test, hindi raw niya kapatid si Senadora Grace, magkaiba raw ang kanilang ina. Nineteen kopong-kopong na ang inaariba ni Sheryl, iyon ang kuwentong kumalat noon na si Senadora Grace daw ay anak ng namayapang Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos sa kaniyang inang si Rosemarie, isang urban legend na ginagawa na lang na joke ngayon nina Senadora Grace at Senador Bongbong Marcos. Hindi maganda sa panlasa na See CRISTY p20

kagalakan.” Walang asawa si Mother Teresa pero may kagalakan siya sa kaniyang puso. Hindi pa siya kilala, nagsimula na siyang maglingkod sa mga tao. Nang malaman ng buong mundo ang kaniyang pagkakawanggawa, nagdodonate ang marami ng milyon milyon dolyares at makikitang inilalaan ng dakilang madreng ito ang pera para sa kaniyang mga gawain. Hindi lingid sa mga tao na napakasimple ng kaniyang pamumuhay. Si Heidi Baker ay lumaki sa may kayang pamilya sa California. Pero siya at ang kaniyang asawa ay sumunod sa panawagan ng Dioyos na pumunta sa Mozambique, Africa. At doon ay nakapagtayo sila ng libolibong simbahan at araw-araw nangangalaga sila ng mga 10,000 bata. Nakaranas ng maraming pahirap si Heidi. Naroong binugbuog siya, binantaang patayan, kinikilan ng patalim sa lalamunan, pinagtawanan, kinutya, at nakaranas ng iba’t ibang karamdaman. Para sa kaniya hindi isang sakripisyo na pumunta siya at ang kaniyang pamilya sa isang napakahirap na lugar kung saan laging may panganib na magkasakit ng malaria, cholera at iba’t iba pang karamdaman. Ang sabi niya “Para sa akin, hindi ito isang sakripisyo. It ay isang kagalakan sapagkat

binigay ko na ang aking buhay sa aking Panginoon na aking iniibig. Nakahanap ako ng kagalakan sa pagiging isang misyonero.” May pag-aaral na ginawa na nagpapatunay na kung patuloy tayong tumutulong o gumagawa ng kabutihan sa iba tulad ng paggugol ng panahon sa mga nagiisang mga matatanda o pagdalaw sa may mga sakit, mayroong kemikal na pinakakawalan ang ating utak na siyang nagdadala sa ating mabuti at magaan na pakiramdam. Nawawala din ang ating sariling kalungkutan o pangungulila kapag tayo’y naglilingkod sa iba dahil nakatuon ang ating pansin sa ibang tao sa halip na sa ating sarili. At dahil dito naiiwasan ang mga sakit tulad ng depression, mataas na presyon ng dugo at sakit sa puso. Kaya’t halina ugaliin na nating maglingkod at tumulong sa ating

kapuwa dahil may kapalit pala itong benepisyo sa ating puso at kalusugan. Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. English service). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10:30 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30.a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.






NO. 237

KROSWORD NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT Ni Bro.1-15, Gerry Gamurot No. 237 • Oktubre 2015 1

No. 236 • Setyembre Oktubre 16-30, 2015 1 – 15, 2015




























1. Alintuntunin PAHALANG

9. Masiyasat 29. Uri ng kahoy 30. Kabutihan10. Tutupad 12. Malalaos 13. Hatulan 15. Sawata 22. Binago 24. Sapantaha 26. Laan 27. Tali

8. Kaibigan 1. Alintuntunin 11. Taba ng alimango 8. Kaibigan 14. Pakikialam 16. Uga 11. Taba ng alimango 17. Dagat-dagatan 14. Pakikialam 18. 3.1416 19. Alok 16. Uga 20. Saka 17. Dagat-dagatan 21. Di kanila 18. 3.1416 23. Upang 25. Tinutuntungan 19. Alok 28. Ikopya 20. Saka 21. Di kanila 23.KROSWORD Upang NI BRO. GERRY GAMUROT 237 • Oktubre 1-15, 2015 25.No.Tinutuntungan 28. Ikopya 29. Uri ng kahoy 30. Kabutihan 1






2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.





D 7




Diwa Batid Tagulamin Pangalang babae Malalagot Minamasdan 22


































PAHALANG 1. Alintuntunin 8. Kaibigan 11. Taba ng alimango 14. Pakikialam 16. Uga 17. Dagat-dagatan 18. 3.1416 19. Alok 20. Saka 21. Di kanila 23. Upang 25. Tinutuntungan 28. Ikopya





2. Diwa 3. Batid 4. Tagulamin 5. Pangalang babae 6. Malalagot 7. Minamasdan 9. Masiyasat 10. Tutupad 12. Malalaos 13. Hatulan 15. Sawata 22. Binago 24. Sapantaha





No. 236 • Setyembre 16-30, 2015






PABABA 29. Uri ng kahoy 30. Kabutihan

2. Diwa 3. Batid 4. Tagulamin 5. Pangalang babae 6. Malalagot 7. Minamasdan 9. Masiyasat 10. Tutupad 12. Malalaos 13. Hatulan 15. Sawata 22. Binago 24. Sapantaha

26. Laan 27. Tali


Aries (March 21 – April 19) Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) D D A mga naging I K o m Ip o r tN a b l eA K M Ang ang buhay mo karanasan mo ngayon U M A Sat walang A A A noong K AarawYay dahilan upang magsisilbing aral ikaw ay D A P I masuya L at I K saAiyongSpagkilos A magsawa sa mga sa kasalukuyan. nangyayari. U N Hindi A lahat N ayOmay Kung T naging A malungkot L Aka noon, K biyayang tulad ng sa iyo. Huwag gamitin mo ang alaala upang kaM sanang A mayabang T Adahil bakaU huwag nang K maulit A paMang sakit. I magtampo sa iyo ang magandang Magiging maligaya ka na ngayon kapalaran. OK ang ika-6, 7 at 8. dahil alam mo na. Mapalad ka sa I S U M P A N Alalay ka sa ika-4, 5, 11, 12 at ika-6, 7at 8. Bantay ka sa ika-1, 13. 14 at 15.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kailangan mo pa ring bantayan ang iyong kalusugan sa buwang ito. Ang kalusugan ay palaging kakambal ng tagumpay. Kung hindi malusog, magiging mailap sa iyo ang magandang kapalaran. Unahin mo palagi ang tamang pagkain at kumpletong pagtulog. Masaya ang ika-6, 7 at 8. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-2, 3, 9 at 10.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) U T A G L A Kung T Akailangan, K KungN naghahanap ka ng bagong humingi ka ng B A N U B tawad A Y t r aG b a A h o , sa taoAna magtanong ka nasaktan mo A G muna I L sa Amga M A ang M A Y damdamin. kamaganak mo. Maaaring hindi Mayroon kang makakausap D S A N T moAsinadyang N saktan A siya subalit O na maituturo ka sa tamang malalim ang sugat na naiwan koneksyon. Kung single ka, may dahil sa iyong mga kilos at 26. Laan magandang pagkakataon upang salita. Alam mo kung sino siya 27. Tali makilala mo ang nararapat para at kung bakit siya nasaktan. Mas sa iyo. Lucky ang ika-1, 9 at 10. magiging masaya ka. Suwerte Ingat ka sa ika-6, 7, 8, 14 at 15. ang ika-1, 9 at 10. Alalay ka sa ika-2 at 3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Ang buwan Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) ng Oktubre ay Wala kang buwenas para aalalahanin sa sa iyo. Wala pera o kalusugan, kang kailangang lahat ay mabuti gawin. Darating sa pagpasok ng at darating ang mga inaasahan Oktubre. Kung mo – pera, kalusugan, pag- naghahanap ka ng romansa, ibig. Malakas ang kita mo. makikita mo ang hinahanap mo. Magpasalamat ka. Mas mabuti Mainit at matindi ang dating. kung makapagbibigay ka sa mga Makakalimutan mo ang katwiran. kapus-palad. OK ang ika-2, 3, 11, OK ito kung single ka. Problema 12 at 13. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-9 at kung hindi. OK ang ika-2, 3, 11, 10. 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-4 at 5.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kung kailangan mong mag-travel kaugnay ng iyong h a n a p b u h a y, isipin mo kung makaka-apekto ba ito sa iyong pamilya. Walang problema kung single ka kahit saan ka man mapadpad. Kung may pamilya ka na, baka dapat ay mag-iba ka ng trabaho. Good days ang ika-1, 9 at 10. Stressful ka sa ika-4, 5, 11, 12 at 13.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May babala sa pananalapi mo sa buwang ito. May mga pangyayaring hindi mo inaasahan na maaaring gumulo pansamantala sa iyong budget pero madali mong maaayos ito. Praktikal ka at ginagamit mo ang isip bago ang puso. Ito ang sasagip sa iyo. Maayos ka sa ika4, 5, 14 at 15. Stressful ka sa ika11, 12 at 13.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Mapapalapit ka sa isang tao na lagi mong kasama –maaaring sa trabaho o volunteer work. Dahil sa lagi ninyong pagsasama, mararamdaman mong nagkakaroon ka ng kakaibang pagtingin sa kaniya. Tama ba ito? Ikaw lang ang makakasagot sa tanong. Lucky days mo ang ika4, 5, 14 at 15. Bantay ka sa ika-1, 6, 7 at 8.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Kulay rosas ang iyong paligid. Nasa hangin ang romansa. Anuman ang pag-iwas mong gawin, hahanapin at hahanapin ka ni kupido sa buwang ito. Bakit ka naman iiwas? Hindi ba matagal ka nang naghihintay? Huwag ka nang magtago. Ngayon na ang panahon. OK ang ika-4, 5, 14 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-2, 3, 9 at 10.

ang kaniyang amang si Ricky Belmonte ay hindi umuwi si Sheryl para masilip man lang ang bangkay ng taong naging dahilan kung bakit siya ipinanganak sa mundo. Maysakit daw ang kaniyang anak, isang dahilang hindi binili ng partido ng kaniyang ama, dekada muna ang lumipas bago sila nagkaayos ng kaniyang mga pinsan sa ama. Tatay na niya ang sangkot sa kuwento, sariling dugo at laman na niya, pero kinaya ni Sheryl na hindi man lang masilip sa pinakahuling pagkakataon. Sino ba naman si Senadora Grace Poe para paglaanan niya ng respeto? Kaanu-ano ba niya ang senadora? May dugo bang nag-

uugnay sa kanila? May nakakalimutan si Sheryl Cruz sa ginagawa niyang pagkontra sa pangarap ni Senadora Grace Poe. Tama, opinyon niya iyon, karapatan niyang ilantad ang kaniyang saloobin dahil may sarili siyang paninindigan. Pero nandiyan si Susan Roces na kapatid ng kaniyang nanay. Sa pananakit niya sa kalooban ni Senadora Grace Poe ay doble ang sakit noon sa tiyahin niyang nagmahal at nagturing na tunay na anak sa taong kaniyang kinakalaban. Doon na papasok ang respeto, ang delicadeza, ang pagtanaw ng utang na loob sa isang taong nagturing din sa kaniya na hindi na iba. – CSF





OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015



CRISTY... From page 19 si Sheryl pa ang nagpapakawala ngayon ng mga salitang kontra sa kaniyang Manang Grace. Iba na lang sana, huwag na siya, dahil hindi man sila direktang magkadugo ay nandiyan si Manang Inday na dapat niyang irespeto. Ano ba ang nangyayari kay Sheryl? Naiinggit ba siya kay Senadora Grace dahil sa tagumpay nito sa larangan ng pulitika? Naiinggit ba siya dahil nakikita niyang mahal na mahal ni Manang Inday ang senadora kahit wala ni isang patak na dugong nag-uugnay sa kanila? Kunsabagay, kung matatandaan, nang sumakabilang-buhay




Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) May mga pangyayaring hindi mo maiiwasan. Kailangan mo lang ng tibay ng loob at paninindigan upang huwag kang madala ng agos. Matinik ang daan sa umpisa ng Oktubre pero maiiwasan mo basta gamitin mo ang iyong isip at hindi ang emosyon. Lucky ka sa ika-2, 3, 11, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-1, 6, 7, 8, 14 at 15.


OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Mahigpitan pa rin ang labanan ng tatlong pangunahing federal political parties para sa darating na October 19, 2015 elections. Alinsunod sa Sept 8th survey ng Forum and Nanos, kung magpapatuloy ang trend, malamang malaglag ang Conservative Party (CP). Nangunguna pa rin ang NDP subalit isang wake up call sa kanila ang patuloy na popularity ng LP sa Ontario at British Columbia. *** Naglalabasan na ang mga puna sa liderato ni PM Harper. Ang persepsiyon ay isa siyang lider na malupit at bengatibo. Walang mahalaga kundi ang kapakanang pansarili. Sinakal ang mga patakaran for immigration na malaki ang naitutulong sa pagpapaunlad ng ekonomiya. *** Aba, noong nakaraang ika-25 ng September, waring nagising ang LP tungkol sa pinaiiral na mga patakaran sa immigration ng kasalukuyang gobyerno. Nakita at napakinggan ko ang televised forum sa Toronto na kung saan binanggit ni Justin Trudeau and sobrang paghihigpit sa immigration and citizenship policies ng gobyernong Harper. Sa plataporma ng LP, sinabing ang isyu ay kabilang daw sa rerepasuhin. *** Sa totoo lang, about two weeks ago, inabot ni Fred De Villa ng Winnipeg-Filipino Breakfast Council kay Trudeau ang nakasulat na reklamo ng Filipino-Canadian community tungkol sa nabanggit na isyu, nangyari ito noong bumisita dito sa Winnipeg si Trudeau. Kabilang sa reklamo ang tungkol sa sinirang family reunification program. Ewan ko kung ang sulat


na ‘yon ang nakatawag ng pansin sa liderato ng federal LP. Feedback “Mr. Rey, ako po palagi bumabasa ng iyong Pilantik. Buti pa ikaw nagkukument sa isyung immigration na pahirap sa atin ng Conservative government. May mga lider tayo sa community na pipi. Puri namin ikaw. Keep it up, sir. Tago mo lang po pangalan ko.” Pilipinas Ang China at US ay magkatuwang sa pangangalaga sa environment subalit magkakontra sa ginagawang pagtatatag ng mga base ng Beijing sa South China Sea. Nabalita na ang China ay nababahala sa ginagawang patrolya ng mga military forces ng US at Japan sa South China Sea. Sana maiwasan na magkaroon ng putukan na mitsa ng giyera. *** Binokya ni US Pres. Barack Obama ang kahilingan ni PNoy na $300M military aid for the Philippines sa kasalukuyang taon, batay sa binalita ng New York Times. Ang nagaganap na corruption sa ilalim ng gobyernong Aquino ang nabalitang dahilan. Inaalam pa raw ng Malacañang kung totoo ang balita. *** Nakakalungkot talaga ang naging bunga ng halos anim na taon ng gobyernong Aquino. Maliwanag na hindi naitaas ang antas sa kabuhayan ng mga karaniwang tao na ang sabi ni PNoy ay kaniyang mga boss. Mayayaman ang natulungan sa pagpapayaman. Ang naging prioridad ay itulak ang mga tao sa ibayong dagat para magtrabaho. Hindi makapagkaloob ng pagkakataon sa sariling bayan. Nilalambat pa ng BOC ang mga balikbayan boxes na


Pusong Pinag-isa Isang pangyayari na kapuna-puna, Sa ating daigdig ng lungkot at saya; Palagay ng tao ay magkakaiba, Udyok ay kawalan ng pagkakaisa! *** Isipang kaloob ng Diyos na Hari, Sa katulad natin dapat mapanuri; Mayaman, mahirap ng alin mang lahi, Katawang malakas at mahinang uri! *** Bayan ko’y magiliw at may tanging yaman, Subalit maramot ang kaligayahan; Ang sanhi ay udyok na pag-aalitan, ng mga sugapa sa kapangyarihan! *** Ang huwarang tunay na pagkakaisa, ay dalawang pusong kusang pinag-isa! Paquito Rey Pacheco

pasalubong sa mga mahal sa buhay matapos mawalay ng halos tatlo o apat na taon sa kanikanilang pamilya. Malungkot ang mga naulila, mga alipores ni PNoy ang maligaya. Hindi ‘yan tuwid na daan. *** Buti naman, natauhan si PNoy. Binawi ang sinabing alternative truth na nais gawing palusot. Tama nga daw ang report. Ang mga PNP-SAF nga raw ang nakapatay sa Malaysian terrorist alias Marwan. Humirit pa rin nang palusot. Sinadya raw niyang hindi salubungin ang mga pinaslang na 44-SAF para mabigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga naulila. Kung may maniniwala sa kaniya, baka si Mar Roxas lang. *** Kapuri-puri at napapanahon ang hinarap na panukalang batas #6146 ni Rep. Lina Escudero. Kung mapagtitibay ang hinandang bill ng ina ni Chiz, ang appointees ng pangulo sa alin mang ahensiya ng gobyerno ay hindi maaaring kumandidato sa loob ng tatlong taon. *** Inamin ng prosecutor na walang ebidensiya laban kay Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile tungkol sa PDAF and therefore, ang kaso should be dismissed. Marahil sina senador Jinggoy Estrada at Bong Revilla ay ginamitan din ng mga manufactured evidence for corruption as propaganda trophy ng administrasyon for the 2016 elections. *** Ngayon, sanhi ng patuloy na paglutang ng mga kapalpakan ng gobyernong Aquino sa loob ng mahigit limang taon, may pagasa pa kayang manalo sina Mar Roxas at mga ibang kandidato ng LP? Batay lang sa nararanasang traffic problems sa Metro Manila, umaasa pa rin ba silang hindi malalampaso? *** Natural na ang kandidatura ni Roxas ay bubuhusan ng ibayong tulong ni PNoy. Personal interest. Kailangang manalo si Mar by hook or by crook. Patung-patong na kaso ang tiyak na kakaharapin ni Noynoy at baka makalaboso kung wala na siya sa Palasyo. *** Si Rep. Leni Robredo naman ang nililigawan ni Roxas na maging running mate. Kung mabigo, pinarisan ang ginawa ni Sen. Poe, ang puntirya naman ay si Sen. Allan Cayetano. *** Maraming kinakabahan, baka si Sen. Poe ay hindi makapasa sa Senate Electoral Tribunal dahil hindi raw siya natural born Filipino na kung ibabatay sa 1987 Philippine Constitution, hindi siya qualified to run bilang congresswoman, senador o pangulo. Hindi rin naman dapat masamain ang pahayag ni Associate Supreme Court Justice Carpio na “Poe is not natural born.” Buti nga pinapaghahanda lang ang kampo ng senadora sa haharaping disqualification cases. Ang residency requirement as legally defined ay isa ring mabigat na kaso. Kahit bumaha

ng luha, ang legalidad ay hindi maaaring mabalewala ng awa. Papayagan kaya ng mga botante na ang mauupong pangulo sa Palasyo ay isang naturalized Filipino? Ang Pilipinas ay pagtatawanan na naman ng buong mundo. Ang first gentleman at buong pamilya na nakatira sa Palasyo ay US citizens. Ang kanilang gastusin ay babalikatin ng Filipino taxpayers. Ok ba ‘yon? *** Paano naman kung ang sasapitin ni Sen. Grace ay kaparis ng nangyari kay FPJ na kaniyang adopted father? Nawawalan na ba ng gasolina ang kotse ngayong malapit na sa ending ang political race? Ano ang mangyayari sa LP members na umangkas sa kaniya kung sakaling umatras ang senadora sa kaniyang kandidatura? *** Tatlong presidentiables ang dumalo sa one-day convention ng National Unity Party na ginanap sa Hotel Sofitel noong ika-28 ng September. Ibabalita nila ang kani-kanilang plataporma sa pamamahala ng gobyerno kung magiging pangulo. Si Sen. Grace Poe ay hindi sumagot sa paanyaya kaya ang nandoon ay sila Sec. Mar Roxas ng LP, VP Binay ng UNA at Sen. Bongbong Marcos ng NP kahit hindi pa nagdedeklara ng kaniyang kandidatura. *** Sinabi ng mga opisyal ng NUP na hindi sila basta naniniwala sa survey. Nais nilang marinig ang plano ng batang Marcos sakaling tumakbong pangulo. Kaparis ng NPC na wala pang tiyak na susuportahan sa tatlong deklaradong tatakbo, ang NUP ay mamimili pa rin daw ng susuportahan na kandidatong pangulo sa 2016 elections. Matunog ang mga sabi-sabi na kung ang “Eagle of the North and South” ay magsasama. DuterteMarcos or Marcos-Duterte ang magiging dark horse sa labanan. Abangan!

PAGE 21 Katas Si Sen. Grace Poe daw ay hindi natural born Filipino na walang karapatang maging pangulo ng Pilipinas. Ako’y hindi abogado. Kung totoong sa Pilipinas siya isinilang at Filipino ang magulang, siya nga ay Filipino, pero: 1. Nagtawid dagat, doon nagaral, namasukan sa trabaho at itinakwil ang pagka-Pilipino kaya maging naturalized US Citizen; 2. Bumalik siya sa Pilipinas nang pumanaw ang kaniyang adopted father na si FPJ. Ang kaniyang ginagamit ay US passport sa mga biyahe na labasmasok sa US at Pilipinas. 3. Nang si PNoy ay mahalal na pangulo noong 2010 si Grace Poe ay nagharap ng kahilingan na maging Filipino through naturalization kaya naging Chairman of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB). 4. Therefore, masasabi bang naturalized Filipino na siya sakali mang natural born siya noon pa mang una? 5. Sa ilalim ng 1987 Philippine Constitution, maliwanag na ang isang naturalized citizen ay hindi pinapayagang maging senator, VP and/or President. Ang international law ay hindi magagawang sangkalan sa particular na kasong kinakaharap ni Sen. Grace Poe. Kasabihan Ibong dumapo sa gulugod ng kalabaw, akala sa sarili ay siya na ang hari sa lugar na abot ng kaniyang pananaw. Paquito Rey Pacheco worked for 21 years in Philippine radio broadcasting. He is a former PRO for Radio in the Office of the Secretary of Philippine National Defense and former Chairman of the Rural Broadcasters Council of the Philippines. He was a reporter for Bagong Buhay newspaper. In Winnipeg, he was the News Director of Good Morning Philippines for 13 years on CKJS Radio 810 AM. E-mail: kakareypacheco@yahoo.ca.



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

Trish Olimpo wins Miss Debutante 2015 WINNIPEG – The Miss Debutante 2015 Finals and Coronation Night was held on Sept. 19, 2015 at the Assiniboia Downs in Winnipeg. More than 300 guests cheered the 10 finalists as they competed for the title of Miss Debutante 2015. The major titles were won by: Trish Olimpo, Miss Debutante 2015; Jenica Reyes, 1st Runner Up; and Samantha Bautista, 2nd Runner Up. The Miss Talent award was given to Reynalyne Gacilan who impressed everyone with her outstanding voice. The other awardees were: Vienna Jaime – Miss Pilipino Express; Tehillah Presado – Miss A1 Nutrition; Anne Jelina Gatbonton – Miss Horizon Eye Care and Miss Slims by Peter Nygard. The major winners received additional recognition: Miss Debutante 2015 Trish Olimpo won the People’s Choice Award; 1st Runner Up Jenica Reyes was voted Miss Congeniality by her fellow finalists; 2nd Runner Up Samantha Bautista was selected as Miss Photogenic by the Pinoy Photographers of Winnipeg (PPW) and the FilMedia team, while also capturing the Best Debutante Gown. Manitoba lawyer Rachel Punzalan chaired the sevenmember panel of judges. The other members of the board of judges (in alphabetical order) were: Noriel Ganancial, Felly Grieve, Todd Labelle, Aleasha Lewis, Leeza Monton and Winnie Navarro. Winnipeg vocalists (in alphabetical order): Bea Jaime, Paul Ong, Richelle Quinit, and Hannah Sagaral entertained the audience as they awaited the final results. Judianne Jayme and Valen Vergara emceed the pageant. Lucille Nolasco of CKJS Radio was the field host during the event. The Coronation Night was not all about beauty and glitter; the pageant was also for the benefit of three charities. The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba will receive part of the proceeds of the event with a matching donation from CN Rail. Aral Pinoy, a scholarship in the Philippines, and the San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for the Elderly, operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor, Manila, will also benefit from the Miss Debutante 2015 pageant. On October 25, 2015, Miss Debutante 2015 Trish Olimpo will be the Muse of the local Winnipeg basketball team 1 Tropas at the Star Magic All Star event. Trish will be with the other nine Miss Debutante finalists at the Investors Group Athletic Centre. Photo credits: AJ Batac, Anthony Lapuz, Mark Godilano, Henry Balanial and Arnel San Jose.

Pinoy Photographers of Winnipeg (PPW)


OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015



Miss Debutante 2015 Coronation Night

2nd Runner Up Sam Bautista and Cherry Vicente of Cherry Vicente Beauty Studio

Back, l-r: Winnie Navarro; Noriel Ganancial; Atty. Rachel Punzalan; Rochelle Buenaventura; Vienna Jaime, Miss Pilipino Express; Anne Jelina Gatbonton, Miss Horizon Eye Care and Miss Slims by Peter Nygard; Sharcole Mabasa; Trish Olimpo, Miss Debutante 2015 and People’s Choice Award; Tehillah Presado, Miss A1 Nutrition; Camille De Belen, Divine Dela Rosa, Leeza Monton, Aleasha Lewis, Felly Grieve and Todd Labelle. Front, l-r: Jenica Reyes, Miss Debutante 1st Runner Up and Miss Congeniality; Reynalyne Gacilan, Miss Talent and Samantha Bautista, Miss Debutante 2nd Runner Up, Miss Photogenic and Best Debutante Gown.

Best Debutante Gown awardee Sam Bautista and Hazel Guevarra of HM Events

Miss Debutante 2015, Trish Olimpo and her family

Todd Labelle, Rochelle Buenaventura and Jenica Reyes

Miss Photogenic Sam Bautista and PPW’s Admin Josel Catindoy

Miss Debutante 2015 finalist in their Slims Fashion Jeans by Peter Nygard

People’s Choice Trish Olimpo and Judge Noriel Ganancial Miss Pilipino Express Vienna Jaime and Pilipino Express Editor-in-Chief Emmie Joaquin

Miss A1 Nutrition Tehillah Presado and Judge Felly Grieve of A1 Nutrition and her staff

Hosts Valen Vergara and Judianne Jayme

Field Host Lucille Nolasco

Miss Horizon Eye Care Anne Jelina Gatbonton and Emily & Rod De Guzman of Horizon Eye Care

Guest Performer Guest Performer Guest Performer Guest Performer Paul Kelvin Ong Bea Jaime Hannah Sagaral Richelle Quinit

Miss Talent Reynalyne Gacilan

Miss Congeniality Jenica Reyes and Judge Aleasha Lewis

Miss Slims Jeans AJ Gatbonton and Judge Leeza Monton



OCTOBER 1 - 15, 2015

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