Pilipino Express • Feb 16 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 4 • February 16 - 29, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Sarah Geronimo

COVID-19 risk low in Manitoba

12 This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Photo credit: CDC; Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM As of press time, 15 tests have been completed for the novel coronavirus in Manitoba. At this time, there are no laboratoryconfirmed cases in the province.

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living and public health officials are reminding Manitobans that the risk of the novel coronavirus in Manitoba

remains low. Manitoba officials continue to work closely with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the World Health See COVID p22



February 16 - 29, 2020

February 16 - 29, 2020





February 16 - 29, 2020

Mindanao music blazes a trail Music, as the cliché goes, is the universal language, and National Artist for Music, Ryan Cayabyab, brought this home beautifully during the grand finals of the first Mindanao Music Festival held here on the auspicious date of February 2, 2020 (02-02-2020). In his short message before the winners were announced, Cayabyab, who was one of the judges, said one particular song made him cry — and he did not even understand the lyrics because it was written in Visayan. The 10 songs that made it to the grand finals defied stereotypes and were written in various languages and in different styles, a testament to the diversity that characterizes Mindanao. The variety also showcased the fact that Mindanao music cannot be pegged into one genre. It is as free to be anything it wants to be, and the songwriters went all-out in expressing themselves in very different ways. MinPop actually started in the middle of 2019 when the organizers, led by festival director Jeremy Sarmiento, did the rounds of various areas in Mindanao to conduct song-writing workshops. This was followed by invitations for submission of entries, which resulted in a flood of more than 300 songs. This was whittled down to an initial 70, then 30, then 15. For the final 10 the organizers asked a small group (this writer included) to help with the selection. Some entries already had good production values, while others were raw recordings

accompanied by single instruments — including one that used an out-of-tune guitar. Getting past this detail in that particular entry was a little daunting, but it was such a golden song that the group voted to include it. In the end the following were selected: 1. A.M. by Mau Ria Pama of Lupon, Davao Oriental 2. #Buang by Sherwin Fugoso of Jabonga, Agusan Del Norte 3. Bahala Na by Crissia Jenn Kaamiño of Medina, Misamis Oriental 4. Balay by Kenneth and Adam Niel Corvera of Tubay, Agusan Del Norte 5. Bulawan by Miggy Ann Kaamiño of Medina, Misamis Oriental 6. Filters by Sarah Faye Dulaca of Davao City 7. Rason by Kent Charcos of Davao City 8. Sabihin Mo Lang by Crissia Jenn Kaamiño of Medina, Misamis Oriental 9. Sayaw by Marvin Asis of Davao City 10. Tethered by Marckenny Joshua Bohol of Iligan City MinPop then set out to arrange and record the songs, and what came out was a jewel of an album that Mindanaoans can truly be proud of. Arranged impeccably and recorded professionally, the final product brought out the best in each entry. A few weeks before the grand finals, the songs were released first on YouTube and then on streaming services in order to build up momentum. Media

1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


(L-r): MinPop Festival Director Jeremy Sarmiento, Festival Chairperson Ricardo Floirendo, and National Artist for Music Ryan Cayabyab give the trophy and P100,000 cheque to MinPop grand champion Mau Ria Pama. (Photo from the MinPop Facebook page) partner My Only Radio (MOR) also played the songs regularly, and by the time the grand final was held, a sizeable crowd gathered at the concert venue to root for their respective favourites. It’s one thing to hear a studio recording of a song, quite another to hear it performed live. The energy jumps up several notches, and the crowd can really get into a frenzy as they hear their favourites. The MinPop concert was truly exceptional, and as Cayabyab observed, he had never judged a music competition where the audience would applaud each line of a song. It may be another cliché, but the judges admitted to having a hard time picking the winners and actually wished each entry would win. But MinPop was, after all, a song writing competition and so winners had to be selected. Coming in at third place was Tethered by Marckenny Joshua Bohol, a song that speaks of holding on to love no matter how

difficult the situation is. In second place was #Buang by Sherwin Fugoso, a light-hearted look into love and how it can make one crazy. And making history as the grand winner of the first-ever Mindanao Pop Music Festival was A.M., a poignant Visayan song by Mau Ria Pama that speaks of forbidden love — but with a twist at the end that always leaves first-time listeners smiling. The live performances are all on YouTube so those who were not able to attend can see for themselves how striking the songs are and how warmly welcomed they were by the audience. MinPop is an indication that Mindanao music is not only alive and well; it is also blazing a trail that leads to the greater appreciation of the island and its people. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

JP SUMBILLO Graphic Designer/Photographer ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer *****




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February 16 - 29, 2020





February 16 - 29, 2020

COVID-19 epidemic in China: A global concern A. Human and societal toll China is in the midst of an epidemic due to a new coronavirus that was not previously identified to cause illness in people. The World Health Organization (WHO) now officially names it COVID-19. Over 42,670 have taken ill and 1,018 lives – and counting – have been lost. Over 60 million residents are quarantined in their homes and apartments. The entire province and adjacent cities are in lockdown. Air flight and land travel is restricted or cancelled. Classes are suspended, factories and offices closed, and tourism is depressed. These are the toll on human life and health, and the monumental disruptions in China. B. How the epidemic began It was around December 8, 2019 when a cluster of patients in Wuhan, Hubei, China presented with fever, cough, malaise and chest images that resembled a viral pneumonia. Since most of the patients shared a history of exposure to the Huanan South China Seafood Market, an alert was issued and an expert team of physicians, epidemiologists, virologists, and government officials was soon formed. On December 31, 2019, 59 patients “with pneumonia of unknown cause” were transferred to a designated hospital and the WHO was notified. The

following day, January 1, 2020, a virus was isolated and the Huanan wet market was closed. Further characterized, the new virus pathogen was posted as “2019-nCoV,” henceforth to be officially called COVID-19. A diagnostic test was developed by January 10. The first case outside Wuhan was confirmed in Thailand on January 13th. By January 23rd, 800 cases had been confirmed in patients from 20 regions of China and nine other countries. C. Worldwide tracking of cases In response to the outbreak, the Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHUCSSE) launched its online dashboard on January 22nd to track in real-time, the cases, both the confirmed and recovered, as well as the deaths. This dashboard gets its data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA and Europe, and the WHO, thereby providing the global public a better appreciation of the rapidly unfolding outbreak. D. A comparative view of COVID-19 vs. SARS Differences: The two virus strains belong to the same family group called coronavirus due to their crown-like appearance, but their genome sequence is different. COVID-19 differs from SARS as follows: a) the source of outbreak and city of

origin (a wet market in Wuhan vs. contaminated sewage in Hong Kong); b) an animal host (unknown vs. bats and civets); c) effectiveness of human-tohuman transmissibility (RO number of about 2 vs. 2.7); d) duration of epidemic (2.5 months vs. four months; e) number of cases (42,670 and counting vs. 8,422;) f) number of deaths (1,018 vs. 916); g) case fatality rate (2.39 per cent vs. 10.88 per cent); h) risk to health care workers (low vs. high constituting 25 per cent of total; i) non-prominence of diarrhea (2 per cent versus 25 per cent); j) rarity of cold-like symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, sore throat (4 per cent vs very common); k) response to anti-viral drugs (none vs. available); l) vaccine availability (promising development vs. none), and m) rapid diagnostic test (available vs. none). To date, case fatality rate from one published report is equal to and from another report is higher than for SARS, but the ongoing tracking with the JHUCSSE dashboard shows a lower fatality rate. It is too early to make a definitive comparison since some 36,900 cases, and counting, remain after taking into account the number of deaths and recovered from the total confirmed, Similarities: The two diseases share the same 1)

modes of transmission (droplets from symptomatic patients and non-symptomatic carriers); 2) incubation period (up to 14 days); 3) scope of geographic spread (25 to 28 countries); 4) capability to do serious harm (occurrence of fatal cases); 5) risk factors for death (presence of underlying medical conditions); 6) high occurrence of pneumonia; 7) common symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue and difficulty of breathing; 8) average duration of about a week from onset of illness to shortness of breath and hospitalization; 9) quarantine of contacts and elimination of animal reservoirs help in the effective control of spreading the two diseases, just as 10) early detection, strict isolation of patients, practice of droplet and contact precautions, and compliance with the use of personal protective equipment help prevent hospital-acquired spreading. E. Global concern and Canada’s response The WHO declared on January 30th a public health emergency of international concern “to fight further spread in China and globally, and to “protect states with weaker health systems.” Its team headed by Canadian expert Dr. Bruce Hayward visited China to do a follow-up on the ground. USA followed with its own declaration the following day.

Canada’s public health response reflects preparedness and planning. It includes the airlift evacuation from Wuhan of Canadian citizens and permanent residents and their two-week quarantine at the Canadian Forces Base Trenton. The Public Health Agency of Canada activated the Health Portfolio Operations Centre and the Public Health Response Plan to support effective coordination of federal, provincial and territorial preparedness and response across Canada. Meanwhile, the National Microbiology Laboratory has developed a real-time diagnostic test and is working collaboratively with Canadian provincial public health laboratories to ensure testing capacity in multiple jurisdictions. Hon. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C, O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D., M.Sc., is a retired lung specialist and professor of pediatrics and child health from the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine. As Canada’s former Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development he made a presentation on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Countries’ Science Ministers and Advisors Carnegie Group Meeting held on June 13-15, 2003 in Berlin, Germany. reypatakhan@mail. com.

Filipino Engineers’ chapter announces 2020 annual general meeting The Filipino Members Chapter-Engineers’ Geoscientists Manitoba (FMC-EGM) will hold its ninth annual general meeting (AGM) on Saturday, February 29, at 1:00 p.m. at Canad Inns Destination Centre, 1824 Pembina Highway. Current chapter chair, Jun Tapia, will present the annual report to the members and guests on the chapter’s activities, accomplishments and future plans. The chapter’s treasurer, Christopher Basilio, will go over the financial statements. A new set of four (4) newlyelected officers will also be presented during the AGM, a result of an online election. They will join the second-term officers, Roy San Buenaventura, Norman Padilla, Bless Ramos and Allen Samson. Four (4) outgoing officers, Ray Sator, Nonie Generoso, Michael Villanueva and Christopher Basilio will be acknowledged and presented with

tokens of appreciation for their service to the chapter. Professional Development seminars will immediately follow after the AGM, where attendees will hear from speakers on current trends and topics that are of mostly relevant to engineers but may also be of interest to the general public. The chapter invited Mr. Jeff Miller to speak about the Whiteshell Reactor 1 - Decommisioning Project, while current chapter treasurer, Christopher Basilio, will present Electrical Vehicle 101 and Myths. The chapter invites everyone to attend this two-in-one event. Register online through www.fmcegm.ca. Ethel Clemente-Fernandez is a professional engineer registered in the province of Manitoba. She is an active member of the Filipino Members Chapter - Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba (FMCAPEGM). www.fmc-egm.ca.

February 16 - 29, 2020



Pinay Trailblazers 2020 – Celebrate Filipino women in Manitoba

The search for Pinay Trailblazers 2020 is over. Pinays MB is pleased to announce that four outstanding Filipino women have been selected; they will be honoured during the annual Pinays MB Recognition Brunch on March 7 to commemorate International Women’s Day 2020. These amazing Filipino women are being recognized for their outstanding achievements that have made a positive difference in our community in Manitoba, and their accomplishments that have contributed to empowering women. The Pinays MB Trailblazers 2020, in alphabetical order, are: • DR. JANILYN ARSENIO: For her outstanding achievements in Science, specifically in the field of Immunology Research. To simplify, her research study tries to understand what is happening to the immune system in terms of responding to infectious and non-infectious diseases, as well as in cancer, auto-immunity, and transplantation; and how immune cells respond to infectious & chronic inflammation. • SALLY BADER: For her exceptional Volunteerism and outstanding contributions to our community, and also to the Winnipeg community at large, in serving others. She has been working with tireless devotion and wonderful energy as she gives back to the community while making a difference in people’s lives. This dedicated volunteer has quietly given her priceless gift of time to those in need over the past 37 years. • IRENE MESTITO-DAO: For her outstanding achievement in the field of Optometry and her tireless volunteer work for our community and the global community. She is the first Filipino Optometrist in Manitoba. She is not only the first female but also the first Filipino to be given the award of “Optometrist of the Year” from the Manitoba Association of Optometry in 2013. • MARJORIE SOLDEVILLA: For her outstanding contributions in Social Services and Social Justice. Marjorie’s career in the field of Social Services, and her passion for Social Justice through community volunteerism, has spanned 27 years. Her work at the International Centre of Winnipeg, has allowed Marjorie

to help newcomers and refugees settle in our community. Aside from meaningful contributions at work, Marjorie has various community volunteer involvements. Pinays MB celebrates women who have made outstanding contributions to the Philippine community and the mainstream community. Its other goals include providing support to Filipino women through confidence building, leadership and communication training, and participation in organized activities. Since 2016, every month of March, which is International Women’s Month, Pinays MB holds its annual recognition event. Here, Filipino women who have made an invaluable contribution to their respective fields are honoured and celebrated; women who have made a lasting impact in the community and in the lives of others. Among past awardees were: • In March 2016, the late Mrs. Carolina Custodio who was instrumental in bringing groups of garment workers from the Philippines to Manitoba in 1960 and also took the lead in assisting them to make a smooth transition to life in Canada; and Mrs. Fe Ryder, now a retired nurse, who was one of the first five nurses to settle in Winnipeg in 1959. • In March 2017, the late Mrs. Rosalinda Cantiveros – a respected community leader who initially made her mark in the field of journalism; Mrs. Erlinda Magnaye-Ramos– an entrepreneur who established Manitoba’s first Filipino-owned bakery in 1971; and the Garment Workers Batch 1968 – a group of young and courageous Filipino women who left the Philippines in the mid-1960s to seek a better future overseas. • In March 2018, three Pinay Trailblazers were recognized for their accomplishments and impact in the community and lives of others. Among them is Nena Joy Lazo – for her achievements in the field of performing arts and for her advocacy in volunteerism and mentorship; MLA Flor Marcelino – for her achievements in the field of politics and outstanding community service; and Emmie

Joaquin – for her achievements in the field of radio broadcasting and outstanding community service. • In March 2019, the organization recognized three Pinay Trailblazers: Loizza Aquino – for her outstanding leadership and advocacy for

Mental Health; Melody Balane – for her outstanding achievement in Sports; and Ma-Anne Dionisio – for her achievements in the field of Performing Arts. You’re all invited to attend the Pinays MB Recognition Brunch to honour and celebrate the 2020 Pinay Trailblazers,

Saturday, March 7, 11 am to 2 pm at CanadInns Destination Centre, Polo Park, 1405 St. Matthews Ave. Brunch ticket is $30. For tickets, call Connie at 204-229-0177 or Celi at 204223-9683. Photo:International Women’s Day



February 16 - 29, 2020

The lonely home – using feng shui to find love One of the greatest joys of living is having someone who belongs to you and whom you belong to. Just knowing you have a partner in life to lean on provides us with fulfillment. Singles will say they have the love of friends and family – but… The “but” is that they don’t have a partner – a wife, a husband, a girlfriend or boyfriend. They say it’s just not the same as when you have someone in your life that you are committed to and who is committed to you. And it’s true. It’s not the same, and it doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight. Having a loving partner in your life gives you a feeling like no other. So, what can be standing in the way of your partnerships? There are a variety of things that can stop or block you from having the love you want in your life. To be honest, your house could be a lonely home. Energy in your home is a living thing, and if you go home day after day to the same place and are single a long time, your home could be holding you back. Am I suggesting you move? No, but just think about this. I have several long-term single clients and guess what they have in common? They’ve never moved. Ever. As in, they’ve been in the same apartment for 15-35 years. They say they want love in their life, but I think their single life suits them just fine, truthfully, and they don’t want to budge from their little nests. They’ve pulled up their homes around them like a giant security blanket and their home becomes their partner in their life. Let’s think about other ways your home could be keeping you lonely: Holding on to pain

This can be old love letters, a photo album from a past trip together or some kind of symbol of your relationship, like the bedroom furniture you bought together. Even if you cut yourself out of a picture with your former boyfriend and put that picture up, you’ll always know that when you took that photo, he was standing there beside you. Take these kinds of mementos and elements out of your living space and your life. Clear the way for someone new and something new to come into your life. This includes ashes of pets or loved ones. You must remove them from your home to invite living – and loving – energy in to your home and life. Cold kitchen A lonely home is often the sign of a kitchen that’s gone cold. You know how it is at every holiday gathering – everyone is in the kitchen. If you’re single, don’t reinforce that singleness by eating out every night or filling the freezer with microwave dinners for one. Get some real food in there. It’s important that you keep your kitchen fires burning by actually using your stove. Even if you bake muffins to bring into work, that warms up your home – and turns a cold kitchen into one that’s cooking and turns your house into a warm home. It makes sense, too, if you think about how your kitchen can draw love to you. The area associated with love in feng shui is the stomach – and everyone loves to be fed (especially men!). Keep your kitchen heated up to jump-start a cold love life. You can even add a small night-light to keep your home fires burning at night too. The single Whether this is a picture, a

painting, or an object, when we see something that’s a single, we see one and it’s “oneness” overtakes our life. Make it a point to make sure your bed is flanked by two tables, that your artwork doesn’t depict a single woman or man, and make sure to have plenty of pairs around the house. Not only does this help your home feel more balanced, but it ads “couples” energy to the house. Pet priorities. A lonely home can often find that the energy is centered on a pet bird, a lanky Labrador retriever, or some other fur-baby. Make sure that your pet doesn’t sleep on the bed with you and sleeps on his or her own bed, otherwise, the pet’s energies take precedence over relationships. It’s tempting to snuggle at night with fluffy, but do it on the sofa if you just have to. Plantasia Plants are wonderful feng shui, but there can be too much of a good thing. Whether it’s plants or flowers, it’s important to recognize that plants draw energy from earth, and earth is the energy of love and relationships. If your prized African violet collection has overtaken your guest bedroom and you’ve been single a long time, you might know why now. Check the southwest corner of your home to see if there is a

plant here that is draining your romance chi, and make absolutely certain there are no plants or flowers in your bedroom, as these will drain the romance right out of your life. And, yes, flowery sheets or bedding counts. Add something nice and neutral and then see what happens! Bedroom points When it comes to feng shui and beds, there are a few hard and fast rules. One is that you should always be able to easily see the door from bed, and the other is that you should have a good, solid headboard. Many people who are having problems with money or relationships often won’t have a good solid headboard. This enables you to think clearly, too. When you’re aching to have someone in your life, your bed represents the symbol of a couple’s union, so it’s important to get it right. If you can’t or don’t want to give up your mattress that’s come from a past relationship, try to put it into sunlight for four hours. This will help you remove old energy – and give it a nice airing out too. Look for other sources of problems, such as headboards with slats, no headboard, sagging mattress, furniture from your past partner. FENG SHUI Q&A Question: My fiancé and I moved into my small house and we are overloaded with stuff. I

worked with you to create good energy in my home but now with all his extra stuff, there’s a ton of clutter. Does this affect my feng shui? Answer: Absolutely this affects your feng shui! You’ve gone from single girl feng shui to almost married feng shui. Woo hoo! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Keeping your excess in the basement is a good idea. But you’re worried about whether living over clutter is bad feng shui? It is if it’s thrown in like at a hoarder’s house – into one giant pile. I doubt you would do that though. Mostly likely it’s in boxes and bins and you can separate, see, and sort it. As long as it’s orderly, that’s what counts. Then you can work together on what to keep and what to let go of. Just look forward to the future ahead of you. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

February 16 - 29, 2020



Entry/Exit Program: implications and reality Did you know that Canada monitors the entry and exit of foreign visitors, students, workers and also Canadian permanent residents, and even citizens? It has major implications for permanent residency and citizenship applications, and yet most of us are unaware of its existence. The Entry/Exit Program has actually been tracking the movements of travelers since February 2019. Civil libertarians may decry this practice as an example of authoritarianism but it is here, nevertheless. As a country we have traditionally relied upon the honour system of declarations, so this collection of data on travelers does represent a change in outlook and application. We need to be aware of the information that has been collected and its potential use. The Entry/Exit Program started with a bilateral agreement between Canada and the United States to establish a coordinated Entry/Exit information system to facilitate the exchange of traveler’s biographic information, such as names and dates of birth. The information is collected upon entry at a common land border, so a record of entry into one country can be considered a record of exit from the other. In addition to the exchange of data with the U.S. at land border entry points, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) also collects data from airlines leaving Canada by air. The collection of data is accomplished without the use of exit visas used in other countries, such as the “kafala” system for foreign workers in some Middle Eastern countries. The government website says that IRCC requires “accurate and objective entry and exit information from the CBSA to support the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the Citizenship Act and the Canadian Passport Order.” I shall reserve judgment on this initiative to the supporters of individual human rights and liberties, political opposition parties, and you the reader, while duly noting that

the freedom to report for foreign nationals, Canadian permanent residents, and citizens, has been changed. Whatever you fail to declare, they already know. IRCC is now able to query the CBSA Entry/Exit Information system directly to: • Verify residency requirements to process ongoing applications for the grant of citizenship (CIT) or renewal of permanent resident cards (PRC); • Verify if temporary resident visa holders have overstayed their admissibility in Canada; • Provide objective information of an individual’s entitlement to a Canadian travel document. In addition IRCC is now able to use entry and exit information to: • Verify sponsors are residing in Canada; • Verify residency of spouses and partners under the spouse of common-law partner in Canada class; • Support investigations in possible fraud related to immigration, citizenship, and passport and travel document programs. The initiation has an immediate implication for the following temporary residence applications: temporary resident visas, temporary resident permits, visitor records, work permits and work permit extensions, study permits and study permit extensions, and electronic travel authorizations (eTAs). Entry and exit data can be used to identify if a foreign national has overstayed their authorized period of stay in Canada. The Entry/Exit Program can be used for permanent resident applications such as: permanent resident cards (PR cards); permanent residence travel documents; overseas refugees; and family class sponsorship. The entry and exit data can be used to verify periods of time spent in and outside Canada. This provides objective information on whether or not basic residency (730 days) has been met. In addition the data collection will confirm whether

or not the sponsor is residing in Canada. The entry and exit data is important for in-Canada asylum applicants to confirm the integrity, credibility and exclusions under Article 1E of the United Nations Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. Records can demonstrate inconsistencies with the claimant’s basis of claim narrative. The claims made by citizenship applicants regarding residency can be confirmed by their entry and exit data in the CBSA system. The information can verify their compliance with the physical presence requirements and verify other relevant information such as potential loss of permanent resident status, need to submit foreign police certificates, and

misrepresentation. There is no question that the Entry/Exit program will assist government with the adjudication of applications and also aide investigations in areas such as citizenship revocations and passport revocation. The cost/benefit analysis is clearly on the side of government administration. The initiative is here and should serve as a warning or wake up call for those vulnerable. Foreign nationals in Canada, Canadian permanent residents, and even citizens need to be reminded to honestly declare information on their travel and residency in Canada but also they should be aware that CBSA and ICCRC can flag inconsistencies between your statements and

actual travel history. I am reminded of George Orwell’s warning about government authoritarian overreach in the 1940s. “Big Brother” really is watching and has an objective database, the Entry/Exit Program, to support their actions. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-6911166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.



February 16 - 29, 2020

Couples and money by Tim St Vincent Couples fight. It’s a fact of life; you can’t spend almost your entire adult life with another person and expect not to have a disagreement from time to time. Couples tend to fight about two main issues in life, Money, and “that other thing.” Many would think that couples fight about money as often as they fight about sex – they would be wrong. Recent studies show that couples fight about money twice as often as they fight about sex! Of people in relationships, 36 per cent are uncomfortable about talking to their partner about money, so it isn’t a surprise that money issues are responsible for 22 per cent of all divorces. We have a workshop called Couples & Money. In it I often tell people that there are actually three individuals in your relationship: you, your partner and the money. You have a relationship with money, your partner also has a relationship with money, and the odds are very good that their relationship with money is very different from your relationship with money. This is often the root

cause of a lot of the “money fights” that couples have. Your partner doesn’t think about money differently than you just to annoy you, they don’t spend when you want to save or save when you want to spend just to get under your skin. They think about money differently than you do. It’s very important to understand how you think and feel about money and how they think and feel about money. In a recent article on budgeting I talked a bit about money values. I will expand on that idea a bit here. When you are thinking about spending your money, there is a little voice inside your head that says “Yes, this is worth spending money on” or “No, don’t spend money on that!” This little voice is your money value speaking. It is expressing how you value money and how you feel about it. It is your relationship with money speaking. This relationship can be about wanting safety and security (the Saver) or one where you want comfort and adventure (the Spender). Perhaps charitable work is important to you, so you want save so that you can

give. We all have relationships with money, we all have money values, and we often have more than one. Sometimes they even compete against each other. If you’re in a relationship, it is doubly important to realize not only the money values that you have, but that your partner will also have a relationship with money and his or her own money values that may be very different from yours. Some common money values are; • safety & security • freedom • choice • ability to give back (charity) • independence • comfort Once you can understand and identify these money values in both yourself and your partner, you can start to work to find a solution to any differences. For example, if you’re in the classic pattern where one of you tends to save more and the other tends to spend more, you need to find a balance and the best way to find this balance is through a budget. In the budget the Spender can express their needs for the items they want to purchase, the budget will also allow the Saver to plan out how they will save for the purchase and to time when the funds will be available

for the purchase. This allows for the needs of both the Saver and the Spender to be met. Of course, they both have to agree on the purchase itself! Many people don’t like the idea of a budget and of saving; they believe it will restrict and control their ability to spend. The truth is actually the complete opposite. By working on a budget you will be back in control of your money. Without a budget your money tells you what you can and cannot do. A budget gives you control back and allows you to tell your money what it will do for you. A budget helps you to save; the part that people don’t like is that they want to spend and enjoy their money. What many people often forget is why we save. Ask yourself that question, why do you save? What do you do with the money you save? Why, you spend it of course! The sole purpose of saving money is to spend money! Not to spend it recklessly though, but rather to spend it with a plan, and your budget is your plan on how to

spend your money wisely. That being the case, let’s stop calling it a budget, that has a negative sound to it for some people, so let’s call in My Spending Plan! It helps me figure out how to spend my money now, and how to save, so that I can spend in the future. I don’t have a budget; I have a spending plan! If you can come to understand your and your partner’s money values and work to express them through your budget/spending plan, then you will have taken a major step to reducing any fights you may have over money. If you have questions or suggestions for future articles please contact me at the below number. Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact the Society for further information, assistance or to attend a webinar, please call 1-888-527-8999 or visit www.nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca.

February 16 - 29, 2020






February 16 - 29, 2020

• Robin Padilla – Nasaang panig ba siya sa problema ng ABS-CBN? • Alden Richards – Huwag sanang tawaging sabit lang • Karla Estrada – Binu-bully si Melai Cantiveros • Sharon Cuneta – Hindi na sinasagot ni KC ang mga pasaring ni Mega • Nora Aunor – Natuto na. Mas professional na ang ugali ngayon • Regine Velasquez – Never daw nagpa-retoke ng mukha • Gabby Concepcion – Walang tigil ng posting sa social media to defend KC • Matteo at Sarah – Hindi totoong sa March ang kasal • Vice Ganda – Walang panghabambuhay na popularidad Unti-unti nang lumilinaw kung ano ang totoong kulay ni Robin Padilla tungkol sa kontrobersiyal na panghaharang ng ilang sektor sa franchise renewal ng ABS-CBN. Hindi na ang mga kababayan lang natin nagdududa sa posisyon ng action star ang umalma, mismong mga nakatrabaho na niya sa higanteng network ang nakakaargumento niya ngayon, marami na siyang halimbawang ibinibigay tungkol sa karapatan ng maliliit na trabahador ng istasyon. Kung pagiging matulungin ang pag-uusapan ay saksi kami sa dami ng mga taga-industriyang inaabutan niya ng ayuda. Wala siyang pinipili. Basta dumulog sa kaniya ay hindi aalis na luhaan. Siya kung tutuusin ang totoong matulungin sa kaniyang mga kabaro, hindi si Coco Martin, kahit pa binibigyan nito ng trabaho ang mga artista. Sa punto ng pagmamalasakit sa mga empleyado ng ABS-CBN na mawawalan ng trabaho kapag tuluyan na ngang naipasarado ang ABS-CBN ay walang dudang kaisa si Robin doon ng mas nakararami. Marami na siyang nagawa, hindi gagawin pa lang na pagtulong, kaya parolado siya sa isyung pinagtatalunan. Butas ang kaniyang palad sa pagayuda, maraming magpapatunay noon, kaya ilabas dapat siya sa usapin ng malasakit sa mga nangangailangan. Pero ang isyu ay franchise renewal, ibibigay ba iyon sa ABS-CBN o hindi, mananaig ba ang mga poder na kumokontra o malulusutan iyon ng network? Doon hinahanapan ng posisyon ng bayan si Robin Padilla. Nasaang panig ba siya? Mababalewala ba ang isyu ng pagtanaw ng utang na loob kay Robin dahil kilalang-kilala siyang tagasuporta ng ating pangulo na panay-panay ang pagsasabing hindi nito pabibigyan ng prangkisa ang istasyon? Nasa gitna ng naguumpugang bato ngayon si Robin Padilla. Pababayaan ba niyang maipasarado ang network na unang-unang nagtiwala sa kaniya nang makalabas na siya ng

kulungan? Ganoon na lang ba kadaling kalimutan ang istasyong nagbigay sa kaniya ng tiwala sa isang panahon na malupit ang ating lipunan sa mga ex-con? Tuluyan na ba niyang babasagin ang pinggan na kinainan niya sa ABS-CBN dahil lang sa kaalyado niya ang mga taong kumokontra sa franchise renewal ng ABS-CBN? *** Sabit lang ang tawag kay Alden Richards ng mga tagahanga nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo. Hindi kasi nila matanggap na nakaka-1.3 billion na ang Hello, Love, Goodbye. Para sa mga nagpakilalang fans nina Daniel at Kathryn ay ang dalagang aktres lang naman ang naging dahilan kung bakit naging blockbuster ang pelikula nila ni Alden. Siguradong mas magsisintir ang mga KathNiel fans dahil kahapon at ngayon ay muling ipalalabas sa mga piling Ayala theatres ang Hello, Love, Goodbye. Ibig sabihi’y malaki pa ang halagang madadagdag sa kabuuang kinita ng pelikula. Huwag naman sanang magpakakitid ng isip ang ibang tagahanga nina Daniel at Kathryn, kumita ang HLG dahil sa tambalan, tinanggap iyon ng publiko at hindi iyon makukuwestiyon ninuman. Ang pinakamaganda nilang magagawa ay ang suportahan nang isandaang porsiyento ang After Forever, ang bagong pelikula ng KathNiel, para malampasan noon ang ipinakitang gilas sa takilya ng Hello, Love, Goodbye. Doble kasi ang suntok sa kanila ng matagumpay na pelikula nina Alden at Kathryn. Nilampasan noon ang The How’s Of Us, tinanghal na highest grossing film of all time ang Hello, Love, Goodbye, ang sakitsakit nga naman noon. Huwag tawaging sabit lang si Alden Richards, napakalaki ng kaniyang naiambag para sa tagumpay ng pelikula nila ni Kathryn, minahal ng manonood ang kanilang tambalan. Iyon lang iyon at walang kahit sinong makakokontra sa

katotohanang iyon! *** Nakakaalarma para kay Daniel Padilla ang mga hindi kagandahang isyung kinapapalooban ni Karla Estrada. Hindi nagsasalita si Melai Cantiveros pero ang manonood na ang nagtatanggol sa komedyana sa mga ginagawa sa kaniya ni Karla. Kailangang malamanmakarating kay Karla Estrada ang mga komento at emosyon ng ating mga kababayan tungkol sa madalas niyang gawing pambubully kay Melai Cantiveros sa kanilang programa. Akala ni Karla ay wala lang iyon, pero dinaramdam pala ng mga manonood, naiinis sila kay Karla dahil madalas niyang sabihan ng bad breath ang co-host niyang komedyana. Sabi ng isang source, “Akala mo naman kung sino ang Karla na iyon! E, kaya lang naman siya nagkaroon ng trabaho, e, dahil sumikat ang anak niyang si Daniel! “Akala mo kung sino na siyang makaasta! Palagi niyang binabara si Melai, pinagtatawanan niya, tinatawag pa niyang bad breath! Sobrang insecure siya kay Melai, alam niya kasi na magaling iyong

Robin Padilla tao!” buwisit na komento ng aming kausap. Minsan ay pinanood namin ang kanilang show, Martes nang

umaga iyon, bago magsimula ang Take It Per Minute. Me Ganoon habang nagpapaayos kami. See CRISTY p13

CR E ATE MOM EN TS TH AT L A ST Mosaic Event Centre is a 6,000f t² venue that features multiple rooms, including a gorgeous chapel, reception hall, foyer, and meeting spaces. Let us help you create new memories. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T I N G THE FILIPINO COM MUNITY

W i n n i p e g’s C h oi c e Ve n u e . D R O P I N F O R A F R E E C O N S U LTAT I O N OR CALL (204)275 -5555 10 0 6 N A I R N AV E N U E MOSAICE VENTCENTRE.C A INFO@MOSAICE VENTCENTRE.C A


February 16 - 29, 2020


Jolina, Melai and Karla

CRISTY... From page 12

Nasaksihan namin ang pambabara ni Karla kay Melai, kinokontra niya ang opinyon ng komedyana, buti na lang at mabait si Melai at hindi na lang siya pinapatulan. Sabi uli ng aming source, “Payat kasi si Melai, hindi tulad niyang 200 kilos na yata ang timbang! Bakit hindi na lang siya mag-research kung paano siya papayat? “Mambu-bully si Karla, kinakayan-kayanan niya si Melai! Pabibo pa siya, palaging siya ang bida sa kuwentuhan ang gusto niya! Puwede ba!� inis pa ring sabi ng aming kakunwetuhan. At may nagkomento pa na kung mawawala si Karla Estrada sa Magandang Buhay ay tatakbo pa rin nang maayos ang programa. Pero kapag si Melai Cantiveros

ang nawala ay mararamdaman ang malaking kulang. Matagal na panahon na kasing pangarap ni Karla Estrada ang maging TV host. Nang sumikat si Daniel Padilla ay naging ekstensiyon siya ng popularidad ng kaniyang anak. Huwag na sana niyang pabayaan iyon. Matuto siyang rumespto ng kaniyang kasamahan sa programa para hindi siya nasasabihang bully at bastos. *** Parehong pansamantalang nagpaalam sa mundo ng social media sina Kris Aquino at Sharon Cuneta. Nagbigay ng paliwanag si Kris, ang kaniyang pagpapagamot ang dahilan, pero si Sharon ay walang binanggit na anuman. Silang dalawa ang kasama sa listahan ng mga artistang nakatira sa harapan ng kanilang gadget. See CRISTY p14




February 16 - 29, 2020

Sharon Cuneta

Nora Aunor

CRISTY... From page 13 Magpapaalam sila sandali, pero agad-agad din namang nagbabalik, kaya tinatawag silang mga echoserang palaka. Hindi kagandahan ang mga posts na mababasa ngayon tungkol kay Sharon, naglipana ang kaniyang mga bashers, maraming naiinis-naaartehan sa kaniya. Hindi na nga raw sumasagot ang kaniyang anak na si KC sa kaniyang mga parinig ay sige pa rin siya nang sige. Talaga raw idinidikdik niya sa kahihiyan ang kaniyang panganay. Mas naiinis din si Sharon, bakit daw ibinabalik sa kaniya ang mga ipino-post niya, ganoon daw siguro talaga kapag nasasaktan. Umaaray. Pero mas mukhang magiging epektibo ang suhestiyon kay Sharon ng ating mga kababayan, bashers man niya o may malawak na isip, kailangan nila ng komunikasyon ni KC para matapos na ang kanilang sigalutan. “Naturingan silang mag-ina na dapat, e, may open line for communications, kaya bakit sa social media sila nag-aangilan? Napakadali namang tapusin ang kung anumang mayroon sila!

“Communications lang, iyon lang ang kailangan nila, kaya tantanan na ang mga parinigan sa social media na lalo lang nagbabaon sa kanila sa kahihiyan! “Kung ayaw nilang magbaba ng pride, ipa-Raffy Tulfo na lang nila ang away nila, sampung milyon na ang subscribers ng You Tube channel ni Tulfo, mas matinding exposure iyon!” naiinis namang komento ng kaibigan naming propesor. *** Nakakaaliw ang kuwento ng isang beki na sobrang aga raw dumating ng Superstar na si Nora Aunor sa kaniyang shooting at taping. Napaka-prefessional daw talaga ni Ate Guy. “Mas nauuna pa nga siyang dumating kesa sa generator!” seryosong sabi ng becki. Manghang-mangha ang lahat ng nakarinig, minsan na kasing ikinapit sa imahe ng Superstar ang pagiging bitinera, pinoproblema siya noon ng produksiyon dahil madalas siyang nambibitin ng trabaho. Pero noong magseryoso na ang becki ay sinabi nito na OA lang ang kaniyang pagkukumpara, mas nauuna naman daw ang generator ng produksiyon kesa sa Superstar, pero totoong never siyang nale-late sa taping. See CRISTY p15

February 16 - 29, 2020

CRISTY... From page 14 Pinatutunayan din iyon ng mga kasamahan ng Superstar, maaga raw ang kaniyang calltime, pero mayroon siyang pakiusap na maaga rin siyang magpa-pack-up. Palagi namang may panahon para sa pagbabago at pagbawi. Kung naging problema man siya noon ng mga producer na kumukuha sa kaniyang serbisyo, ngayong nagkakaedad na siya ay nagpaalam na ang singeractress sa dati niyang gawi, napakapropesyonal na ngayon ni Nora Aunor. At siya mismo ay nagsasabi na kahit pa inaatake siya ng hika ay hindi niya iyon ginagamit na dahilan para hindi siya makapagtrabaho. “Ni hindi nga siya nagrereklamo, hindi rin siya nagpapa-cut sa director kahit pa inaatake na siya ng asthma,” patunay ng isang kaibigan namin. Anuman ang sabihin ng kahit sino ay mananatiling si Nora Aunor pa rin ang nag-iisang Superstar at pinakamalaking bituin sa langit na nagkaroon ang industriya ng pelikula. *** Ayan, diretso nang sinabi ni Regine Velasquez na walang kahit anong bahagi ng kaniyang mukha ang dumaan sa retoke, ‘yan na ang kaniyang itsura mula nang ipanganak siya. Natural, maraming hindi naniniwala, lalo na ang mga naglalabas ng mga throwback


pictures niya noong contestant pa lang siya sa Bagong Kampeon bilang si Chona Velasquez. Malaki raw ang pagkakaiba ng itsura niya noon, hindi ganoon katangos ang kaniyang ilong, marami raw ipinabago sa kaniyang mukha ang Asia’s Songbird. Magbibigay kami ng opinyon ayon sa aming nakikita, maraming beses na kasi naming nakakaharap si Regine nang wala pa siyang make-up at pagkatapos niyang magkolorete, nagbabago na ang kaniyang itsura kapag nakapag-make-up na siya. At siya mismo ang nagmemake-up sa kaniyang sarili, kabisadung-kabisado na niya ang kaniyang mukha kahit siguro nakapikit pa siya, at napakabilis niyang mag-make-up. Tumatangos ang kaniyang ilong dahil sa tulong ng noseline, dumidilat na ang kaniyang mga mata dahil sa husay niyang magkumbinasyon ng mga kulay, nagmimilagro na ang kaniyang itsura. Naniniwala kaming hindi pa nagpaparetoke ng anumang bahagi ng kaniyang mukha si Regine dahil nakikita namin siya before and after. Ang niretoke kay Regine Velasquez ay ang kaniyang dila. Iyon talaga ang nagkaroon nang matinding pagbabago. Kahit tanungin mo siya sa Pilipino ay Ingles siya kapag sumagot. Ulit-ulitin mo man siyang tanungin sa ating lengguwahe ay talagang sasagutin ka niya sa

wika ni Uncle Sam. Inglisera talaga siya. Hirap na hirap siyang magsalita ng lengguwahe natin samantalang ipinanganak at lumaki siya sa Bulacan na taal na Tagalog ang ginagamit. Sa isang banda, natural lang na maligalig si Regine Velasquez sa bantang pagpapasara sa ABSCBN, Nasa nasabing network ang pinggan nila ng kaniyang mister na si Ogie Alcasid. Pero hindi nga lahat ng makakabasa sa kaniyang mga tanong at hinaing ay titingnan nang positibo ang kaniyang mga sigaw. Si Regine pa naman, isa siya sa mga artistang paboritong i-bash sa social media, palagi rin siyang pinag-iinitan. Parang siya ang pinalalabas ng mga bashers na may hatid na kamalasan sa istasyon, noong dumating lang daw siya nagkaganyan ang Dos, masasakit ang mga iginaganting komento laban sa kaniya. Kung minsan siguro ay naiisip din ng mga artista na huwag na lang silang mag-post ng kahit anong opinyon at pananaw nila sa social media dahil wala silang kawala sa komento ng mga taong walang magawa sa buhay. Kumanan at kumaliwa man kasi sila ay sapul pa rin sila, may masasabi pa ring masakit sa kanila ang mga bashers, pero kailangang manindigan din ang mga artista. *** Dahil sa mga ipino-post sa social media ngayon ni Gabby


Regine Velasquez Concepcion, may pinatatamaan man siya o wala, ay naba-bash ang aktor. Kung wala man siyang pinariringgan sa kaniyang mga inilalabas na makahulugang quotations ay hindi naman maikakaila na mga tagasuporta ng kaniyang dating misis na si Sharon Cuneta ang nambubulabog sa kaniya ngayon sa social media. Ang kanilang komento, sa halip na pababawin daw ng aktor ang samaan ng loob ngayon ng mag-inang Sharon at KC ay parang mas pinalalalim pa niya,

sa halip na tubig ang isaboy ng aktor ay gas pa raw ang kaniyang ipinangdidilig sa sigalutan ng mag-ina. Kung sinuman kasi ang kaniyang pinatatamaan ay siguradong aaray dahil ayon sa kaniyang quotation ay hindi dapat binibigyan ng pansin ang mga taong nanggugulo lang ng buhay ng may buhay, Hindi rin daw dapat pinapansin ang mga taong hindi marunong tumanggap ng pagkakamali at gustong maging prayoridad ng kaniyang kapuwa pero hindi See CRISTY p20




February 16 - 29, 2020

Hotel California: A Salute to the Eagles, Raffy Swap One and Friends Essence Event Centre, CanadInns Destination Centre Garden City • Saturday, February 1, 2020

Raffy “Swap-One” Ramiro & Friends take their bows at the finale of their successful 2-1/2-hour Salute to the Eagles concert at Essence Event Centre, February 1, 2020 by Karen Morrow The Hotel California: A Salute to the Eagles concert at Essence Event Centre on February 1, 2020 had it all – from country rock and ballads to funk and rock & roll, plus kids, colourful lights, theatrical fog, guitar tricks, and even a dramatic pre-show guitar mishap. Raffy Swap One and Friends’ 25-song uninterrupted acoustic and electric set featured chart-topping Eagles hits, fine musicianship, and enthusiastic audience participation. Friends and family members of the band, as well as fans of the Eagles and Raffy’s Café Live Music Restaurant hooted, hollered and yelled for more – and they got it. The Essence Event Centre buzzed in anticipation of the sold out show. VIP ticket holders enjoyed a chicken dinner before the two and a half hour performance, which started promptly at 7:00 p.m. The band opened the acoustic part of their set in five-part harmony with Seven Bridges Road. Raffy Ramiro (aka Raffy Swap One) played the banjo, Robbie Sobrevilla, Paul Henderson and Bruce Moore were on guitars. Bernard Florentino was on drums, Paul Morrow was on bass, and Ronaldo Trinidad and Louie Rosales were on vocals. Proud parents and relatives raised their smart phone cameras as seven of Raffy’s young music students, ranging in age from 6 to 10 years, took to the stage to sing Hole in the World, a song and plea for peace written by Don Henley and Glenn Frey after the attack on New York’s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

As the rest of the band members left the stage to swap their suit jackets for plaid shirts, Louie Rosales and Ronaldo Trinidad wrapped up the acoustic portion with the ballad Love Will Keep Us Alive. Drummer Bernard Florentino accompanied the singers on a cajón while Louie played acoustic guitar. Their beautiful harmonies were tender and flawless. Bruce Moore opened the electric portion singing the lead vocal on Take It Easy and New Kid in Town. Crowd favourites of the evening were You Belong to the City, Rocky Mountain Way, Funk #49, Heartache Tonight and the ultra-popular must-have-it-inthe-set-or-the-audience-willstart-a-riot, Hotel California. Raffy began the song You Belong to the City with a sax solo on the upper level of the venue, gradually descending the stairs, returning to the stage where he switched over to guitar. He roamed through the audience, a Go Pro camera on his head and another on his guitar, riffing and fist bumping as he recorded the crowd and his flying fingers. Jhayzon Paredes of 204 Live Music followed him with another video camera. A true showman, Raffy plucked the strings with his teeth à la Jimi Hendrix and spun his guitar 360 degrees like ZZ Top. Ronaldo Trinidad, Robbie Sobrevilla, and Paul Henderson rocked the house in Rocky Mountain Way, Ronaldo demonstrating his vocal prowess and Robbie and Paul their formidable chops in their guitar solos. Funk #49 was a real crowd pleaser. Louie Rosales got down and funky singing the lead

L-r: Robbie Sobrevilla, Paul Henderson, Bruce Moore, Marienette Mallari & Raffy Ramiro

Marienette Mallari “takes it to the limit.” vocal. Bassist Paul Morrow, and guitarists Robbie Sobrevilla and Paul Henderson wowed the crowd with their solos and nimble finger work. At the end of the number, all the band members left the stage, leaving Raffy front and

centre in a cloud of fog and flashing coloured lights for his 10-minute drum solo, complete with glowing drumsticks. This lead straight into Heartache Tonight, a crowd favourite that had people clapping, dancing and singing along.

After Dirty Laundry, Marienette (Mary) Mallari, Raffy Swap One and Ronaldo Trinidad drew the winning ticket for a brand new Squier Stratocaster guitar and five lessons with Raffy. Audience member Leonardo “Buddy”

February 16 - 29, 2020


Raffy “Swap-One” Ramiro

Bruce Moore

Paul Morrow

Ronaldo Trinidad

Louie “Oyet” Rosales

Robbie Sobrevilla

The ill-fated double neck guitar Digalvez was the delighted winner and happily posed for photos to mark the moment. As the evening was coming to a close, guest soloist Mary Mallari sang a heart-felt rendition of Take It to the Limit with many audience members singing along with her. The sound and lights were excellent throughout the evening. Norm’s Pro Audio & Lighting provided the sound with Martin Hébert of Mainstage Backline mixing for the audience and Norman Simard handling the monitors for the band. Nelson Saquilayan operated the colourful light show. The penultimate song of the set was Hotel California, the song everyone was waiting for. Before strapping on his guitar, Raffy explained that it was not the guitar he had originally intended to play. His plan was to have his double-neck white Epiphone guitar lowered dramatically from the ceiling during the song’s extended intro. However, something went terribly wrong

Raffy bites into a solo before the show even started. The guitar plummeted from on high and smashed to the floor, snapping off both heads and splitting the fretboards, rendering it unplayable. But Raffy proved himself adaptable. Hotel California was a hit. A group of men standing at the back of the audience near the bar joined in, robustly and enthusiastically singing along to the “Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice” verse. The audience applauded appreciatively as Raffy and Robbie joined forces for their guitar duet at the end. The crowd could not get enough, yelling encore! and more! They were rewarded with Witchy Woman and How Long. Multi-instrument musicianship was highlighted throughout the entire set, not only from Raffy Swap One but other band members as well. Bernard Florentino did double duty on drums and cajón, Paul Henderson played guitar, banjo, keyboard, and drums. Louie Rosales – lead

and backing vocals, keyboard and guitar; Robbie Sobrevilla – lead guitar and keyboards, and Ronaldo Trinidad on lead and backing vocals, and keyboard. With the exception of Raffy Swap One who is a professional musician, all the band members are amateurs with non-musical day jobs. This was a major lifetime experience for this talented group of Winnipeggers. They put their hearts into their performance and they did not disappoint. Play it again, guys. We’ll be there! Sponsors of the event were Raffy’s Café Live Music and Restaurant, Seafood City, HB Photography, FunShots Photobooth, JJ Cabinet Warehouse, CK Music/Salon 28, Mr. Takoyaki, Winnipeg 204 Live Music Online, and the Pilipino Express. Photos by Jhayzon Paredes, Jeprox Photography, Karen Morrow & Ronaldo Trinidad. See many more colour photos at pilipinoexpress.com.

Bernard Florentino


Paul Henderson

Buddy Digalvez, raffle draw winner of a new Squier Stratocaster

Some of Raffy’s music students join in singing “Hole in the World”

The Essence Event Centre was filled to capacity



February 16 - 29, 2020

The relevance of radio as a medium of communication Is radio still relevant today? With the Internet and increasing popularity of different social media platforms dominating the information highway, traditional media such as print, television and radio seemed to have taken a back seat. Many newspapers and magazine publications have folded throughout the years. Many TV and radio stations also succumbed to the competition as more and more people seem to have acquired an insatiable taste for the modern, the unusual, the I-am-now culture. Ironic, but radio can deliver all that and more. Radio is so unique in a way that it can be personal. The voice or voices behind the microphone talk to the audience in a special way. One’s imagination is stirred with every bit of information or sound. It delivers fast, anywhere, anytime. Radio can complement any other medium of communication. It’s personal Growing up, I can’t remember not listening to the radio on a regular basis. My parents turned it on every morning and listened to the latest news and information. Especially during a storm, the weather bulletins helped them a lot when deciding to send their kids to school or not. In the afternoons, my aunt would tune in to her favourite drama or listen to music while doing her chores. As an adolescent, I filled many hours of my time singing along to my favourite tunes on the radio and practicing my dance moves alongside it. It was also a great

source of news and information. Radio has always been a constant in my life. Fast forward to my immigrating to Winnipeg, Canada. I am very blessed to be able to work for CKJS Radio 810. Founded in the mid 70s, the multi-lingual station has kept up with the times and the competition to continually deliver relevant news and information to its varied audiences. It has gone through many faces and voices beginning with the founders of Pinoy radio programs – Emmie Joaquin and Joe Sulit. Add in Kaka Pacheco, Resty Taruc, Nic Bisda and currently with Lito Taruc, Chester Pangan, Donna Natividad-Arenas, Allan Balingit, Lendyll Soriano and myself, Lucille Nolasco. CKJS 810 is the only multilingual radio station in Manitoba, serving more than 20 different ethnic groups. It was founded in 1974 by Casimir Stanczykowski. The station is currently owned by Evanov Radio Group of Toronto and has grown with two other sister FM stations – Energy 106 and Hot 100.6 Together, these radio stations continue the medium’s legacy of personal and interactive communication with their listeners – no matter where they are, whatever time of day. So yes, radio is still relevant today and will continue to be in the future. February 13th was World Radio Day. This year, UNESCO called on radio stations to uphold diversity, both in their newsrooms and on the airwaves.

Joining in and supporting community fun at the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival. Remote broadcast with Maui and Ace Zamora, and Lucille Nolasco.

CKJS Radio on remote location at Grant Park mall for a Winnipeg Harvest charity drive. With Lucille Nolasco and Lendyll Soriano interviewing listener-donor Monette

Lucille Nolasco on remote broadcast at Rizal Optical’s grand opening with Dr. Tyler Anderson and family

At the studio, after an on-air live interview with Winnipeg North MP Kevin Lamoureux

With Mildred Smith, Marketing Director of Seafood City, on-air chat about the exciting opening of their Winnipeg location.

February 16 - 29, 2020



$3,000 grant para sa repair ng bahay mo Tuwing magkukuwentuhan kami ni Atty. JB Casares ay lagi akong nakakakuha ng mga mahahalagang impormasyon at ideas, hindi lamang kaugnay ng mga umiiral na batas dito sa Canada at Pilipinas, kundi ang pag-aanalisa ng mga kasalukuyang trend at social norms. Kasama ang tropa ng Diverse Industries Ltd. na sina Aldous Guzman, Ann Esteban at ang inyong lingkod ay masaya kaming nagbalitaktakan sa gabay ng expertise sa batas ni Atty. JB Casares. Abangan ninyo ang aking regular na programa sa social media kasama ang mahusay nating kababayang abogado na kung saan makakakuwentuhan natin siya tungkol sa mga importanteng bagay na dapat nating malaman bilang mga Pinoy sa Canada. Speaking of things that we should know, alam n’yo ba na may programa ang City of Winnipeg na tumutulong sa pagpapa-repair ng ating mga bahay? Maaari kayong makakuha ng up to $3,000 dollars na grant, subject to conditions, syempre. Kung ikaw ay nakatira sa medyo nakakaangat na neighbourhood ay hindi ka

kasali dito. Natural lang na ang programang ito ay para tumulong sa mga pamilyang nangangailangan. Ito ay bahagi ng Homelessness Partnering Strategy ng city at ng federal government. Kung kayo ay first time home buyer ay maaari ninyong i-consider ang mga neighbourhoods na may mga programang tulad nito. Naniniwala ako na isa sa mga epektibong paraan to build peaceful and safe communities ay sa pamamagitan ng pagpuno nito ng mga maayos na pamilya. Unti-unti, kapag napuno ng mabubuting mamamayan ang ating mga komunidad ay tuloytuloy na ang pagkakaroon ng kaayusan at katahimikan. Heto ang mga impormasyon mula sa City of Winnipeg: The City of Winnipeg has established the Minimum Home Repair Program (MHRP) to address small emergency repairs for owner-occupied housing within designated areas. • Grants of up to $3,000 are available for emergency repair problems that could result in vacating the property if not addressed. • Grants are available in the following five neighbourhoods:

• William Whyte • North Point Douglas • Spence • Centennial • West Broadway Grants are offered on a “onetime only” basis to qualifying properties and, regardless of ownership changes, may not be received more than once. To qualify for a Minimum Home Repair Program grant, • Funding must be available in the neighbourhood in which the property is located • Qualification for the program

must be confirmed through an inspection by City staff. • A follow-up inspection is required once the repair is completed A cheque is issued for the grant amount upon completion of the work, and both the property owner and the contractor are identified as payees on the cheque. In this way, the owner can simply sign over the cheque to the contractor once work is satisfactorily completed. Kung may tanong kayo tungkol sa programang ito ay

puwede kayong mag-email sa akin at batangnorthendwpg@ gmail.com o tumawag sa 311. Naglilingkod po! Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng BataBatuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).






NO. 342

PEBRERO 16 - 29, 2020

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 2. Alipusta 9. Bayan sa Bataan 11. Hiyaw 13. Ampon 14. Inaliw 15. Bampira 17. Bulalas ng paghanga 18. Lugar sa Bicol 20. Uri ng alak 22. Salok 26. Resolusyon 29. Tunay na tunay 32. Ginapas 33. Bantay 34. Lugar sa Tondo 35. Santo 36. Iluto PABABA 1. Kasama ng kanin 2. Ano ang ginawa 3. Paos 4. Katagang pandamdam 5. ‘di kanila 6. Lasing 7. Tangkilik

8. Angkop 10. Lampara 12. Mataas na baraha 16. Silong 19. Gagalaw 21. Garantiya 23. Interes 24. Igapos 25. Karagdagan 26. Hawak 27. Nanay 28. Away 30. Tiyahin 31. Sukat


February 16 - 29, 2020

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Hindi mo kayang baguhin ang ugali ng isang tao dahil siya lang ang makakagawa noon. Maayos ang takbo ng buhay mo kaya huwag mo nang pakialaman pa ang buhay ng iba. Ipagpatuloy mo ang gawain mo at nang mas umasenso ka. Ikaw ang mahalaga. Lucky ka sa ika-23 at 24. Careful sa ika-21, 22, 27 at 28.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Medyo idealistic ang paningin mo sa lahat ng bagay kaya napakadali mong makaramdam ng kabiguan. Hindi lahat ay aayon sa iyong panlasa kaya dapat ay matanggap mo na iba’t ibang klase ng mga tao ang makakasalamuha mo sa buhay. Tanggapin mo kung sino sila. OK sa ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-19.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) May ugali kang mahilig magbigay ng payo kahit hindi naman hinihingi sa iyo. Ang dating nito sa mga tao na pinapayuhan mo ay nakikialam ka sa buhay nila. Imbis na mapalapit ka sa kanila ay inilalayo sila sa iyo ng ugali mo. Itikom mo ang iyong bibig at sasaya ka. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Kuwidaw sa ika-19, 25 at 26.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Sa mga susunod na buwan, iwasan mong maglagay ng pera sa negosyong ang pangako ay agadagad at malaking kita. Aalukin ka ng mga kakilala at tutuksuhin ka sa ipapakita nilang tinubo ng perang pinuhunan nila. Ang tanong: totoo kaya ang sinasabi nila? OK ang ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-23, 24 at 29.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Manahimik ka muna sa bahay. Intindihin mo muna ang pamilya mo. Napapabayaan mo na ang mga moral na obligasyon mo sa kanila dahil kung anuano ang pinapasukan mong negosyo. Hindi sila naghahanap ng maraming pera, ngayon ay kontento na sila. OK ang ika-16, 17, 25 at 26. Ingat sa ika-21, 22, 27 at 28. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Pilitin mong makabawi sa mga pagkukulang mo sa mga mahal mo sa buhay. Puwede na dahil nasa maayos nang kalagayan ang trabaho o negosyo mo. Isama mo sila sa isang bakasyon at kalimutan mo muna ang hanapbuhay. Gaganda rin ang pakiramdam mo. OK ang ika-19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-16, 17, 23 at 24. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Kung kaya mo rin lang pagbigyan ang mga hiling niya, ibigay mo na. Wala namang malaking mawawala sa iyo, mapapaligaya mo pa siya. Babalik sa iyo ang kabutihan at sakripisyong gagawin mo. Makikita mong mas gagaan ang buhay at dating ng pera sa iyo. OK ang ika-21 at 22. Ingat sa ika-16,17, 23 at 24.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Kahit hindi ka nagsasalita, alam ng ibang tao ang gusto mong sabihin dahil sa kilos mo at kung paano ka tumingin. Nararamdaman ng mahal mo sa buhay ang iyong inis o galit. Nalilito siya. Dahil tahimik ka, hindi niya alam kung ano ang dapat gawin pag kasama ka. OK ang ika-19, 27 at 28. Alalay sa ika-25 at 26. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) May mga oras na kinakabahan ka dahil may nararamdaman kang kakaiba sa katawan mo. Hindi mawawala ang kaba mo hangga’t hindi ka nagko-konsulta sa doctor. Habang may panahon pa ay alagaan mo ang iyong kalusugan. Mahirap magsisi sa huli. Good days ang ika-21 at 22. May tensyon sa ika-19, 25 at 26.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) M a a a r i n g nagsasawa ka na sa nakikita mo araw-araw. Parang parepareho na lang. Kung hindi mo puwdeng baguhin ang trabaho o bahay, baguhin mo ang kaya mo. Magpalit ka ng estilo ng pananamit at buhok. Itapon mo ang mga bagay na sawa ka na. Mapalad ka sa ika-19, 27 at 28. Ingat sa ika-21, 22 at 29. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) May mga pagsubok na dumaraan ngayon sa mga tao na malalapit sa iyo. Maaaring sila ay kapatid mo o kaibigan. Una, wala kang obligasyon na sumama sa paglaban nila sa pagsubok. Ikalawa, may babala na may darating kang sitwasyon na dapat mong asikasuhin muna. OK ang ika-23 at 24. Ingat sa ika-16 at 17.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) K u n g nararamdaman mong masakit ang iyong mga paa, baka kailangan mong patingnan iyan sa doctor. Kalusugan ang priyoridad mo sa mga darating na linggo. Kung ano man ang masakit sa iyo, asikasuhin mo bago lumala. Iwasan mo ang sobrang pag-iisip. Lucky days mo ang ika-21 at 22. Ingat sa ika-27, 28 at 29.

CRISTY... From page 15 naman marunong magbalik ng pagmamahal. Natural, nagagalit sa kaniya ang mga kampi sa kaniyang ex, kinukunsinti raw niya si KC, samantalang ang kanilang anak ang may malaking pagkukulang kay Sharon. Sa isang panahong bagsak na bagsak ang emosyon ng anak, lalo na kung ang mismong ina nito ang kaniyang kakontra, ay natural lang naman sigurong damayan ng tatay ang nalulungkot niyang supling. Pero sino ba si Gabby Concepcion kay KC? Natural lang na damayan niya ang kaniyang anak, sino ba ang unang-unang See CRISTY p21

Gabby Concepcion

February 16 - 29, 2020

CRISTY... From page 20 inaasahan nating sasalo kay KC sa pagkahulog, ang kanilang kapitbahay ba? Pero tama rin naman ang punto ng mga pumapansin kay Gabby Concepcion, kailangang paliwanag ang kaniyang ibigay, hindi pagkampi nang lantaran. *** Fake news daw ang lumabas na balita na ngayong darating na Marso na magpapakasal sa Italy sina Matteo Guidicelli at Sarah Geronimo. Isang mapagkakatiwalaang source ang nagparating sa amin ng impormasyon na hindi sila kundi sina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine ang muling haharap sa altar para sa kanilang renewal of vows sa March 14. Sabi ng aming impormante, “Nagkaloko-loko na! Sukob daw sila sa taon, kaya hindi puwedeng magpakasal sina Matteo at Sarah sa year na ito! Maraming kuwentong umiikot ngayon tungkol sa planong pagpapakasal nina Matteo at Sarah. Bukod sa ginagawang pagpapahirap ni Mommy Divine sa mga namamahala ng kasalan ay lumabas din ang balita tungkol sa kagustuhan nitong magkaroon ng pre-nuptial agreement. Balitang kinontra iyon ni Sarah, napakalaking insulto nga naman noon sa pamilya ni Matteo, samantalang noon pa man ay alam na naman ng kaniyang buong pamilya ang estado ng


pamumuhay ng mga Guidicelli sa Cebu. Ganyang-ganyan ang naging problema noon ng ikakasal na sanang news anchors, ipinilit ng pamilya ng lalaki ang prenuptial agreement, kaya sa sobrang pagkainsulto ng babaeng newscaster ay umurong na lang ito sa kasalan. Huwag naman sanang dumating sa ganoon ang istorya nina Matteo at Sarah, malinis ang hangarin ng aktor sa dalaga, wagas ang kanilang pagmamahalan na dapat lang namang mauwi na sa altar. Ang dami-daming kuwento. Maraming kumokontra. Maraming kuskos-balungos sa kasalang Matteo at Sarah. Kulang pa ba ang mga ginawang milagro ni Sarah Geronimo para sa magandang kabuhayan ngayon ng kanilang pamilya? *** Iyong litanyang weatherweather lang ay parang gumagana ngayon sa career ni Vice Ganda. Mahigit na pitong taon na siyang namamayagpag sa pelikula at telebisyon pero mukhang papunta na sa pagbaba ang kaniyang popularidad ngayon. Hindi siya nanguna sa nakaraang MMFF, hanggang sa February 23 na lang ang kaniyang Gandang Gabi, Vice, dumagdag pa ang kawalan ng kaniyang pangalan sa mga pararangalan ng Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation na ilang taon niyang hinawakan. Puwedeng nagkataon lang,

pero puwede rin namang may umay factor na ang publiko sa kaniyang pagkokomedya, dahil kung bentang-benta pa rin ang kaniyang istilo ay siya pa rin sana ang nanguna sa MMFF. Nangyayari talaga ang ganoon sa kasaysayan ng popularidad ng mga artista. Sino ba ang mag-aakala na ang matinding kasikatan noon ni Nora Aunor na nagsasarado ang mga sinehan kapag ipinalalabas ang mga pelikula nito ay hindi na nauulit ngayon? May mga proyekto pa rin ang Superstar, pero iba na ang nangyayari, suwertihan na lang ang pagkita ng kaniyang mga pelikula. Walang panghabambuhay na popularidad, walang forever, ang pinakamagandang pagkukumpara doon ay ang maghapong pagsikat ng araw na pagdating nang gabi ay nagtatago na sa ulap. Pero may bukas pa rin, sisikat uli ang araw pagkatapos nang magdamagang pamamahinga, ang tanong na lang ay kung anong uri ng pagsikat? Matindi pa rin ba? Nakapapaso pa rin ba ang ibinibigay na init? O baka makulimlim na ang kapaligiran dahil dinadaig na ng lamig ang kaniyang init? Nasa personal na pagtanggap lang naman iyon, kailangang nakahanda ang artista na isang araw ay kakaway pa rin siya, pero pagkaway na ng pamamaalam sa dating ningning ng kaniyang pangalan. –CSF


Matteo at Sarah

Ion at Vice Ganda


COVID... From page 1 Organization (WHO) to monitor the situation as it evolves. Suspected and confirmed cases of novel coronavirus are required to be reported to Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer. To date, seven cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Canada. In addition, the Government of British Columbia reported their fifth case of COVID-19. The province has sent the presumptive positive samples to the National Microbiology Lab for further testing. If confirmed by the laboratory, this would be Canada’s eighth confirmed case. All confirmed cases are in Ontario (3) and British Columbia. In light of the evolving knowledge of the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus, PHAC is recommending that travellers who have been in the province of Hubei, including the city of Wuhan, to self-isolate for 14 days after departing the area. PHAC is also recommending that travellers returning from the rest of mainland China selfmonitor for 14 days from when


they left mainland China. If you are ill with symptoms that may include fever, cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, and have recently traveled to an affected area, or if you are ill and have been in close contact (within two metres/six feet) with an ill person connected to the current outbreak, call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for advice on where to seek care. If it is an emergency, call 911. At this time, public health officials are not recommending the use of masks in public places, as there is no evidence that wearing masks significantly reduces the risk of getting the virus in this context. Common prevention measures for viruses, such as the novel coronavirus, influenza and others, include regular hand washing with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser. It is important to clean your hands: • after coughing or sneezing; • when caring for a sick person; • before, during and after food preparation; • before eating;

• after toilet use; and • when hands are visibly dirty. Additional precautions include covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing. (Source: Manitoba Government) Wuhan – Where it all began Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People’s Republic of China. It is the largest city in Hubei and the most populous city in Central China, with a over 11 million residents, the ninth most populous Chinese city. Wuhan today is considered the political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural and educational centre of Central China. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to other major cities. Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan is sometimes referred to as “the Chicago of China” by foreign sources. (Wikipedia) Read more on the COVID-19 epidemic in Dr. Rey Pagtakhan’s column, p6.

February 16 - 29, 2020

Wuhan – where it all began. Montage of Wuhan from left to right, from top to bottom: The City Flower of Wuhan, The Seal of Wuhan, Skyline of Wuhan and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge with the city’s official slogan “Wuhan, different every day,” Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge, Yellow Crane Tower, Wuhan Customs House, Wuhan University, Changchun Taoist Temple, Gude Buddhist Temple, Revolution of 1911 Square, Professional tennis player Li Na, Optics Valley Tram, Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng, and a Wuhan ferry across the Yangtze. Wikipedia. Photo credit:

Panic attack isn’t life threatening, but can be frightening experience Question: After going to the emergency department for what I thought was a heart attack, the doctor told me there were no issues with my heart and that my symptoms were likely from a panic attack. How can I tell the difference, and how can I prevent future panic attacks? Answer: While having a heart attack and experiencing a panic attack can feel similar, the symptoms differ and the two conditions are managed very differently. Although not lifethreatening like a heart attack, a panic attack can be a frightening experience. Panic attacks also can affect your quality of life, as it’s common to develop a fear of having another panic attack. A heart attack occurs when coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood become narrowed from the build-up of fat, cholesterol and other substances. Most heart attacks involve chest discomfort, such as an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Other heart attack signs and symptoms include shortness of breath, cold sweats, nausea, light-headedness and discomfort in other areas of

the upper body, such as the arm, neck or jaw. People commonly link chest pain and other symptoms to a heart attack and may fear the worst if the symptoms come on intensely or abruptly. But you may experience many of the same sensations with a panic attack. In addition to a sometimesoverwhelming feeling of anxiety or fear, a panic attack may also cause physical signs and symptoms, such as a pounding or racing heart; sweating or chills; trembling or shaking; and breathing problems. Dizziness or weakness, tingly or numb hands, chest or stomach pain and nausea also can occur. Signs and symptoms of a panic attack often come on suddenly and peak within minutes. A panic attack may occur as a result of a frightening or stressful situation, or may even occur out of the blue. Attacks may even occur unexpectedly and repeatedly as a component of a panic disorder or along with another mental health condition. There are a number of ways that the symptoms of a panic attack differ from those of a

heart attack. For example, the sudden onset of symptoms during extreme stress is more likely to be caused by a panic attack. But onset of symptoms during physical exertion or onset with rest, such as upon waking, is more often associated with a heart attack. Sharp stabbing pain in the chest that improves over time — often within minutes — is more likely a panic attack; whereas, pain in the chest from a heart attack is often squeezing pain and pressure that worsens over time and can radiate to the arm, jaw, shoulder blades or back. Although the differences may be subtle, understanding them can help you know how best to respond when symptoms occur. This is particularly important for older adults and people with heart disease risk factors who are also prone to panic attacks. That said; if you’re ever uncertain about your symptoms, don’t delay in seeking medical care, particularly if you’ve never experienced such symptoms. If you have a history of heart attack, seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms that resemble a prior

A depiction of someone experiencing a panic attack, being reassured by another person (Wikipedia) heart attack. Getting early treatment for panic attacks can help prevent them from worsening or becoming more frequent. Cognitive behavioural therapy teaches you different ways of thinking about — and reacting to — the feelings and symptoms that occur with a panic attack. Once you learn to react differently to the fear and physical sensations that occur, the panic attacks often begin to subside. Antidepressant medications can reduce the signs and symptoms of panic attacks, and have a low risk of serious side

effects. They may be used on their own or in combination with cognitive behavioural therapy or another form of therapy. If you experience symptoms of a panic attack — particularly if they recur — talk to your health care provider. He or she can delve into your symptoms and recommend management options, as well as refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist if needed. Adapted from Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Dr. Craig Sawchuk, Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network)

February 16 - 29, 2020





February 16 - 29, 2020

In our family, we make our plans together. Sa aming pamilya, sama-sama kaming nagpaplano. For all your important family events, it’s only natural that you plan ahead. It makes sense. And the same holds true for your funeral and cemetery arrangements. Take the time now to discuss your final wishes with loved ones - and with a trusted representative from Arbor Memorial. Call your local Filipino professional at Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery and ask about our FREE customized planning kit. Para sa mga mahahalagang family events, natural lang ang magplano ng maaga. Totoo rin ito para sa iyong funeral at cemetery arrangements. Maglaan ng oras upang makausap ang iyong mga mahal sa buhay tungkol sa iyong mga huling kahilingan—kasama ang isang trusted representative mula sa Arbor Memorial. Tawagan ang Filipino representative sa Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery at magtanong tungkol sa aming FREE customized planning kit.

Ruben Vila Family Services Director

Joseph/Macy De Guzman Family Services Director

Liza Cordoviz Family Services Director

Charito de Borja Family Services Director




204- 998-1494

Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery by Arbor Memorial

4477 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB • glenedenmemorial.ca

Arbor Memorial Inc.


Arbor Memorial


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