Pilipino Express • Jan 16 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 2 • January 16 - 31, 2020

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Pinoy Pop Star Season 5 Finalists

The Pinoy Pop Star Season 5 finalists with the judges. Back, l-r: Ferdinand Fave, Leo De Luna, Erwin Cenidoza, Jesse james Baris, Frank Urbano (judge), Yvanne Dandan (judge), Paul Ong (judge), Robbie Ambrosio, Lester Espiritu and Jojo Licardo. Front, l-r: Jocelyn Dago, Maribeth Tamayo, Joan Dela Cruz, Angel Vallejo, Christine Vetus, Elsha Cabahug, Joy Reyes, Fatima Deuna, April Rose Llave and Elsa Mutya-Macalua. Not in photo are Keesha Mae Mari, Immanuelle Concepcion and Irish Catly. See story on p3 and details of the March 28 Grand Final night on p13.



JANUARY 16 - 31, 2019

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020


20 singers advance to Pinoy Pop Star 5 Grand Final Winnipeg’s Filipino community saw 32 talented singers perform at the McPhillips Street Station Casino on Friday and Saturday, January 10 and 11, in the Pinoy Pop Star Season 5 Semi-finals. The singers were vying for 14 spots in the Grand Final that will be held on March 28, 2020. However, due to the impressive level of talent – and several tied scores – the independent board of three judges decided to expand the final competition to allow for 20 singers. They will compete for the top prizes of $2,000 and trophy, $750 and a trophy, and $500 plus a trophy. Immediately after the semifinal competition on Saturday night, the successful singers drew numbers to determine their position in the Grand Final. Those singers, in the order they will perform on March 28, are: 1. Keesha Mae Mari 2. Joan Dela Cruz 3. Angel Vallejo 4. Jojo Licardo 5. Christine Vetus 6. Leo De Luna 7. Robbie Ambrosio 8. Joy Reyes 9. Lester Espiritu

10. Irish Catly 11. Fatima Deuna 12. Erwin Cenidoza 13. Jessie James Baris 14. Elsha Cabahug 15. April Rose Llave 16. Maribeth Tamayo 17. Ferdinand Fave 18. Jocelyn Dago 19. Immanuelle Concepcion 20. Elsa Mutya-Macalua The Pinoy Pop Star Season 5 Grand Final will take place on March 28, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. on the second floor of the McPhillips Station Casino. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be bought on line through Ticketmaster. The Early Bird price is $20.00 plus taxes and agency fees. After March 18, 2020, tickets will be $25 plus taxes and agency fees. You can also use your Club Card Player Points to purchase tickets in-person at the casino. Ticket outlets are in the gift shops of either casino. The McPhillips Station Casino gift shop is located near the Skywalk entrance on the second floor, close to the free parking. The Club Regent gift shop is located at the north entrance, close to the Event Centre.




JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Rise of the Centennials A couple of years ago I wrote about how the word “Millennial” is being used by young Filipinos to refer to themselves these days. In perhaps typical fashion, young Filipinos simply copy what they see in other countries and picture themselves in terms of how Millennials in western countries are described, which can be really negative (lazy and narcissistic are just two of the adjectives thrown around). It doesn’t help that the older generations call them the same thing without bothering to understand what the term means and where it comes from. My contention has always been that there are no real Millennial Filipinos, at least not in the way the West defines the word. The term has roots as far back as World War II in which those in the West who fought were called “the Greatest Generation.” After the war there was a baby boom, and the children born then were nicknamed “Baby Boomers,” and they grew up educated, wealthy, and driven. Their children, however, were described as “aimless” and “slackers” and so were called “Generation X.” Their children, in turn, were called various names: Gen Y,

Millennials, Xennials, and a few others. They are the generation that grew up with rapid advances in communications technology and are described as having a greater sense of community – both local and global. However, they are also pictured as lazy and narcissistic, as evidenced by their love for taking selfies and posting them online. These generational terms refer to the West and have little or nothing to do with Filipinos. We didn’t have a baby boom after World War II, and because of that we don’t have a Gen X, Gen Y, or Millennial generation. And yet we use the term Millennial on young Filipinos and ascribe various negative characteristics to them, even though they do not exhibit these behaviours. In my interaction with young people, I have found them to be the exact opposite of the stereotypical “Millennial.” They are ambitious, driven, conscientious, hard working, well read, socially and politically aware, and, despite what you may read from the media about them, they actually do know how to spot fake news (it’s actually the older people who fall for them).

The problem is that the more we use the term “Millennial” on our young people, the more easily they will think of themselves as lazy, self-absorbed, and narcissistic. Proverbs 23:7 is true: “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” What we need is to call them something else, a word that truly reflects who they are and what they are. I’ve been thinking about this for some time and only recently realized that we do have such a word: Centennial. Instead of pinning their generation to the turn of the Millennium, I think young Filipinos should be placed against the backdrop of the Philippines turning 100 years old in 1998. The last 12 years of the Centennial were marked by major upheavals largely brought about by the 1986 People Power Revolution. Democracy was finally restored after the 20-year Marcos dictatorship, and these young ones were the generations born in a free society. Unlike their parents (many of them “Martial Law Babies”) who grew up under oppression, censorship, and a sanitized media, the Centennials had free access to information literally from the time they were

born. As a resul, they are far more aware of issues and problems and are more ready to face them headon. Of course those last years of the first Philippine century had a lot of problems, too: coups, blackouts, continuing corruption, and many, many more. But the fact that the Centennials could actually read about and watch these things unfold was already a big boost to their collective psyche. If information is power, then the Centennials are certainly stronger than their parents. I see the Centennials also as more ready to act than to talk. For them, a few lines on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are enough, preferring instead to show their thoughts and stand through action. When a series of strong earthquakes struck Mindanao late last year, many of them were at the front lines of gathering help and delivering them to affected places. And now as Taal Volcano comes alive again, I see them organizing and pitching in to help. They are aware of what’s happening around them and are ready to act accordingly. See POV p18

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JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020


Consent everywhere Dear Ate Anna, A friend told me about allowing her daughter to say “no” when her grandmother asked for a kiss. She said she is teaching her daughter about consent. I don’t understand her thinking. Isn’t she teaching her daughter to be rude to her elders? Can you explain this to me? Concerned Parent Dear Concerned Parent, There is increasing awareness about the importance of talking and teaching about consent as part of taking action to reduce the incidence of sexual assault in our society. In fact, this year’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Week’s theme is “Consent Everywhere.” Consent is about the belief that each person owns their body and has the right to decide if, when, and who is allowed to touch them. Media stories about sexual assault highlight that parents need to educate their sons and daughters about consent. And, as your friend is doing, this education needs to start when children are young. While it may be difficult to say “no” to a relative who wants to hug or kiss your child, teaching positive consent means helping your children to be brave enough to trust their inner voice and speak up – even if that means going against cultural pressure to “respect your elders.” And it is important not to try to convince your child to change their mind. This just teaches them to ignore their inner voice about what does and does not feel comfortable. They can always wave good-bye, blow a kiss, or offer a high-five, if that feels more comfortable. It may take courage on your part to stand up for your child when a relative is pressuring you, but it teaches an important message about respecting people’s feelings – their own and others’. You can always explain to your relative at another time what you’re trying to teach and why. Children also need to learn that “yes” can become “no” and we can do this in everyday situations. For example, a child may enjoy being tickled or engaging in play wrestling. But there often comes a point when they have had enough of it. If the child says “no more,” you (or whoever is involved) need to listen and stop. Even if it is part of the play, you need to stop and check in with them. This can also help your child if a game that starts off as normal childhood curiosity, like playing doctor or “show me your body and I’ll show you mine,” starts to feel uncomfortable. If a group of children are playing at your house, teach them to pause every so often and check in with each other to

see if their play is going OK for everyone. This also teaches them to think about others and how they might be feeling. You can also help create empathy in your child by explaining how something they have done may have hurt someone else. For example, “Your friend looks sad. I know you like that toy, but when you hit them, it hurts.” Also talk to your children about helping others who look like they are in trouble and praise them when they do help a friend or sibling. However, remind them that if an adult needs help with anything, it is the job of another adult to help. Sometimes children develop a dislike for some activity that they have previously enjoyed. It could be anything – gymnastics, swimming, hockey, music lessons, etc. Often parents have their own reasons for wanting the child to stay involved in the activity and may insist that they continue – at least for a period of time. However, inviting a conversation about their feelings opens the door to learning more about who the child is becoming. When we focus on understanding the situation, we communicate that “Your opinion matters to me, your feelings matter, and I’m here to listen and we can talk about this.” Giving your children the opportunity to say “yes” or “no” in everyday situations also teaches them about decision-making and consequences. Let them choose which clothes to wear, what to play, or how to wear their hair. Of course, parents are still responsible for a child’s safety. We can’t let our eight year old wear a summer jacket in -20 degree weather! Parents can also teach consent by asking for it. Ask your child’s permission to touch them or come into their personal space. Knock before entering their bedroom. Ask, “Is it OK if I brush your hair?” By the time your friend’s daughter is a teen-ager she will likely have had hundreds of experiences at home where consent was modeled. She is more likely to expect that her body and feelings will be respected – and will do the same for others. Consent is an important issue everywhere and for everyone. Take care, Ate Anna Ate Anna welcomes your questions and comments. Please write to: Ate Anna, Suite 200226 Osborne St. N., Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 or e-mail: info@ serc.mb.ca. Please visit us at www.serc.mb.ca. You will find reliable information and links for many resources on the subject of sexuality.



The sponsorship of parents and grandparents continues to attract a great deal of public opinion. The governments of both the Harper Conservatives and the current Trudeau Liberals have tried different things to address the issue. What is the current status of the sponsorship of parents and grandparents? Have we returned to the paper submissions of the past? What about the lottery system? And what about the online “Expression of Interest?” Each one was met with hope and challenge, and ended in despair for those not selected. Last year the 10-minute window of opportunity was roundly condemned by thousands of disappointed applicants. What is the best solution to address the issue? For the naysayers out there, it is important to remind them of several important facts. First, the reunification of family members is one of the objectives of the Immigration, Refugee Protection Act and Regulations: “To see that families are reunited in Canada,” IRPA s. 3(1) (d). Secondly, consider the equality rights of all


Canadians under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom: “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefits of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability,” (s. 15:1). This equality or rights extends then to new Canadians who are not wrong in expecting a fair system, which allows them to reunify their families in Canada and sponsor their parents and grandparents. Several years back the thenConservative government took measures to cap the number of parents and grandparents at 5,000, based upon arguments that the elderly parents or grandparents would be a burden on Canadian society. Many had questions then and now about their findings and conclusions. Canadians as a group repudiated the negative conclusions about immigrants in the past two federal governments. Canadians, unlike their American counterparts, do not oppose what Trump condemns

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

2020 sponsorship of parents & grandparents postponed as “chain migration,” but support the reunification of families and the sponsorship of family members, including parents and grandparents. The New Year has come upon us and, no, there is no magic program change for the sponsorship of parents and grandparents to announce. Rather, the minister has informed us that the program for 2020 has been postponed. The new minister, Marco Mendicino, explained the reasons behind this moratorium: “These instructions will allow the department sufficient time to complete the development of a new application intake management process for the parent and grandparent sponsorship program to be implemented in 2020.” The first-come-first-served process has always been at the mercy of other elements such as hiring couriers to ensure that submissions were at the top of the pile, or in the lottery system, subject to the vagaries of chance, or in the last submission, the quick fingers of those who input the EOI. I recall a conversation I had

with the former Minister Hussein who responded to my question about the 10-minute window of opportunity by reminding me that his government had at least increased the cap to 20,000 over the 5,000 used by the Harper government. You can argue, as I did, that it would be best to remove the cap because the burden on sponsorship remains clearly with the families, but I am not sure that any government has the political will to take such a drastic step. At this time, potential applicants should be patient and prepare a future submission on the 2019 model and be aware of the income requirements for the last three years, 2019, 2018 and 2017. It is true that many potential applicants were disappointed by missing the cap. But there were others who submitted their online EOIs in time only to find out later that they did not have the income required. As Canadians we should expect fairness in the system but IRCC does have a due diligence to ensure an efficiently run selection system. If Canadians are not happy they will let you know throughout

your time in office and especially at election time. Let us be patient and wait but also be ready. Is it so wrong for governments to experiment and try to improve service standards? No, it is not, and as Robert Bruce noted at another time while observing a spider weaving her web: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again (paraphrase).” IRCC has a responsibility to give us a fair, working model, but potential applicants have a responsibility to ensure they are eligible and ready, and also have considered other options such as the Super Visa for temporary visits. Good luck, and do not lose hope, but be prepared. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

What is the answer? by Tim St Vincent Wow, here it is January 2020 and I am starting into my fourth year of writing this column. It’s funny; throughout all this time I consistently get asked the same questions. Just recently I was on TV and radio for a few interviews. It doesn’t seem to matter who asks the questions, or what the medium is, TV, radio, in person or the paper, the questions are always the same – not surprisingly so is the answer. How can I be financially successful? How do I get control of my money? The answer always starts with the basics of having a budget and tracking your expenses. That is the core of it all, yet we have to go still deeper than that and examine our relationship with money. Yes, we have a relationship with our money and like any relationship, there is good to it and bad. We need to examine the less desirable aspects of this relationship and address them, work to fix them and make the relationship better. It is always tough to address the bad parts of a relationship, tougher yet to change and to

repair those aspects. Thinking that we can fix our money relationship (never having enough money, always having too much debt) without addressing the tough issues that underlie the problem is a quick path to going nowhere. It reminds me of lyrics from the song Mad World, with my apologies to the song’s authors, let’s pull a few lyrics from the song and compare them to finances. All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere This is a powerful song, let’s take some of that lyric and see if we can apply it to finances. To me, the first two lines mean things are worn out and worn down. Someone is worn down because (going to the next two lines) they are off to the daily races (work) but feel that they are going nowhere because they keep repeating the same cycle and can’t get ahead. Spend until there is no more to spend. Going

nowhere. And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad… I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take When people run in circles it’s a very, very Mad world, mad world The first line tells a lot. I find it kind of funny, at first, that no matter what I do, I can’t get ahead. I find it kind of funny until I find it kind of sad. The next line I included is very strong. We do find it hard to tell people when we are having financial problems, and because we can’t share that burden we find it very hard to take. Because we find it hard to tell other people, because we think it means we failed, it becomes ever more challenging to tell someone, to reach out and ask for help. When we run in circles, repeating the same pattern of behaviour, it becomes a very mad, mad world. This song can teach us a lot. If we are asking questions about “what can we do” to make things better, we must realize the second half of that question, the unspoken part, the most necessary and vital part that is both part of the question and part of the answer – what must we change to make things better. If you are having challenges with your debt, you need to recognize that asking the question is part of the solution, but so is

changing your habits. If we are unwilling to change our habits, our pattern of behaviour, our relationship with money, things will never get any better and we will be condemned, like the person in the song, to run around in circles in a mad, mad world. We can break that cycle but it takes commitment. Create a budget. Track your expenses. Yes, all your expenses. It is vital to understand where all of your funds are going. Develop goals and work towards them. Open up new accounts linked specifically to those goals and automatically contribute funds to those accounts. Start new patterns of behaviour. Repair your money relationship. The best of intentions, the best of questions (and all knowledge starts with a question) mean nothing without the willpower and determination

to make changes. Examine your money relationship. Find the bad patterns of behaviour. Make changes and don’t get stuck in a mad, mad world. I ask you, will 2020 be the year you finally make the necessary changes to be successful with your money? Tim St Vincent is a retired CFP and is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance with the Credit Counselling Society, a Non-Profit organization. If you wish to contact Tim for a free workshop or webinar, have a question or would like to submit an article idea please contact Tim at 1-888-527-8999 ext 1330. You can also contact the Credit Counselling Society for further information or assistance at 1-888-527-8999 or visit www. nomoredebts.org or www. mymoneycoach.ca.

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

2020 Year of the Rat outlook

Every year is a new set of energies with new possibilities. This is especially true here at the start of the Year of the Rat. In 2020, the year represents a 12-year cycle – one that is beginning this year and one that concluded last year with the Year of the Pig. 

In 2020, The Year of the Rat brings so many wonderful new changes and opportunities. Women and men will really enjoy the Year of the Rat because there is so much great energy coming to both, and both were challenged in the Year of the Pig. The fresh breeze blowing through the window for both the northwest and southwest sectors will help lift the troubling energy away from the centre sector. 

That’s because, like all years, the Year of the Rat also has its challenges. 

But one of the important things I like to stress about all energies is that they are all based on a duality – a positive and a negative. That means that even “good” stars, or energies, have a negative side, and that those that are negative also have a positive side to them. Read on for more details about the year and what you can expect, and how to use the challenging energies to your advantage. KEY THEMES IN 2020 Areas of concern Look at what you can release to create the life you desire, but exercise caution. Let me explain what that means. In 2020, the 7 star moves to the centre sector. That means it’s the reigning star of the year. But, the 7 star is not highly regarded because of its cutting quality. There’s a potential for families to squabble and for words to be harsh and cutting. A red and gold Happy Buddha in the centre of your home can help smooth things out. Just think about the US Presidential election and how vicious some of the attacks are. Let the verbal vitriol stay with the politicians and practice understanding, temper management, and develop a thicker hide. The 7 star is a star of regret There can be times when your emotions or words get the better of you. Watch that you don’t have regrets for something you say because this is the year when it can happen. There’s also a potential for injury and violence. The 7 star rules everything from dog bites to electrical shock and accidents. Don’t’ take chances this year and practice safety first. Here’s where you can use the 7 star energy. Have you needed to have some minor surgery done? This is a great way to use the energy this year. What about creating a new way for yourself, whether through moving past addiction, leaving a difficult relationship or even habits you want to quit, like biting your nails.

Whatever you want to remove from your life will be easier because of the 7 star. The one worry is the potential for self-harm, such as cutting, or worse, suicide. If you have friends or family you are concerned about, keep close tabs on them as this year the 7 star can worsen these aspects. On a safety front, beware of promises and get everything in writing. Take care with safety and security, too, as this is the theft star. The best use of the 7 star? Pruning for growth. Just like you would a rose bush or a tree, look at how you can remove obstacles, problems or difficulties that stand in the way of your personal growth or happiness. This is the best use of this star – like pruning shears for your life. Often, when you prune trees and bushes they grow back bigger, healthier and bloom or produce more fruit. That’s the lesson of the 7 star this year: your growth. 3 star causes anger at work, over money The 3 star (career, business, income) can cause you to become upset and make decisions based out of anger, another element that can cause regret. Watch that you don’t quit a job in haste or argue with co-workers. This is one of those situations that can cause you lose your cool at work. Watch arguments about money, too. This is the income area, so there could be disputes about your job, your income, or promises made to you on the job that aren’t kept. Be sure to be diligent at work, pleasant, avoid any gossip, and stay cool under fire. It can also cause legal issues or problems with misunderstandings and disagreements. Read all contracts thoroughly, and when in doubt, don’t take someone’s word; always get all promises in writing. Rat zodiac signs will truly need to heed this advice in 2020. 2 star moves to the south — watch heart and eye health This year the 2 Black Illness star moves to the sector of the heart and eyes. Fortunately, most of the problems the 2 star are not very serious, but this year they could be. That’s because the 2 star is in a fire location, and fire produces the2 star and makes it even stronger, taking it from a small lizard to something the size of Godzilla. This year it’s important that you monitor your eye and heart health, especially if you have a south-facing home or a bedroom in the south corner. The energies will be magnified for you. This is also the sector that rules social relationships, so watch that friends don’t annoy you. Try to be understanding and let small annoyances go.

Family relationships, son needs watching The 5 Yellow calamity star moves to the east this year, and that impacts family relationships and the oldest son. It’s not a good idea to undertake risky endeavours this year especially if your bedroom or front door is located in the east. You will want to closely monitor your health if so. The benefit is that the 5 Yellow is in a weakened state, but don’t dismiss its ability to do harm. Watch your feet as the 5 Yellow has the ability to take you off them through illness or injury. Do watch family relationships. Work to keep them happy and harmonious as the 5 Yellow can sometimes introduce bickering or a falling out. You can help alleviate the influence of the 5 Yellow, which is known for tumours, cancer, broken bones, major financial problems and severe accidents, if you have a 5 Element Pagoda and metal objects here. If this is your front door or room other than your bedroom, add lush healthy plants to protect your health. In the bedroom, sleep on green or white sheets. Areas of growth, money, prestige There is good business potential in the southeast corner of wealth. You can make impressive gains if you tap this energy of the 6 Blessings star by adding elements that promote the 6 star, such as earth and metal. The 6 star is always a welcome guest and brings with it surprise money; good fortune, power and prestige will bring many benefits to women this year, in particular. The homes with southeast front doors and bedroom or living rooms especially benefit! If your house faces northeast or your bedroom is located here, you’ll love all the opportunities coming your way. You’ll also experience a chance to leapfrog past your competitors if you’re in sales or applying for a job. You’ll love how effortlessly things seem to click into place for you. Plus, there could be great news about money tied with education, such as scholarships, awards or internships. Watch for new ways to make money and new business opportunities to come, especially those from education, finishing a degree, getting a certificate or even teaching a class – maybe writing a book? Authors and writers will doubly benefit from

working in the northeast corner of your home or living room. Love is sweet, tender…and sexy in 2020
 The love star has moved to the southwest sector of romance, making the southwest corner of your house doubly infused with sweet love energy. Make sure you boost this area with crystals, red objects and fresh flowers. It’s also the energy associated with education and writing, making this the perfect spot to study or write for students and writers. Adding any kind of objects here for love, education, writing, and even travel will help you add romance, eloquence, intelligence and travel on your radar – and even more so if this is your bedroom or front door. Add an image of a globe located to help you with exams, writing and moving ahead in education and travel. Single? You can hook up and take your pick of admirers by adding a pair of Mandarin ducks in the southwest corner of the living room this year, or the southwest corner of your bedroom. Sheep and Monkey zodiac signs will be in high demand if they’re single — or they’ll be hot to trot or full of love and sweet feelings for their honey. This area is also a wonderful area for students and writers to spend time. Students will learn more and better by studying here and writers can magnetize others with their words this year if they write in this corner of the house or if this is their front door or bedroom. If this is your bedroom or front door, you may find that your engine is revved up for romance. This is a big help to couples to re-ignite their passion. 8 Prosperity star moves to the northwest The prosperity star moves to the northwest corner of helpful people. Any kind of financial planning, investing and saving

will be rewarded especially if this is your bedroom or front door. If you don’t have an investment account, get one started or hire a financial planner. This is the year when this relationship can be especially beneficial. Men will find money and opportunity meet up with them or that money and opportunity come from men, international business, Internet or web-based businesses and investments in metal. Activate with lights, crystals and water features. Spend plenty of time here to boost your prosperity and see your fortunes rise. Zodiac Signs This year offers some wonderful relief to signs such as the Ox and Tiger, Dragon and Snake and Sheep and Monkey. In fact, most signs have some wonderful benefits coming to them. The most challenged signs in the year ahead will be Rabbits, Rats, Horses and Roosters. Can you have difficult energies and still come out ahead this year? The good news is yes. If you handle the energies and follow the recommendations for managing both difficult and beneficial energies, you’ll be way ahead of the game. This is why feng shui works so well – it shows you exactly where to act in your life and when. Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook “Easy Money – 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui” visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Caring for our Environment-Manitoba receives award by Alberto Sangalang The non-profit environmental organization, Caring of our Environment-Manitoba (CEM) Inc., held an appreciation and holiday celebration on November 23, 2019, at the Sir William Stephenson Library on Keewatin Street in Winnipeg. It was an afternoon gettogether of raffle prizes, a slideshow presentation, “getting to know each other,” food, fun, and laughter with partner organizations, sponsors, local media, supporters, families, friends, and guests, both young and old. Over 50 people attended. CEM’s slideshow presentation featured its awareness raising activities that have promoted knowledge and action on environment and sustainability issues since the group’s creation in 2017. In his welcome remarks, CEM President Ramon Sales recognized the important contributions of volunteers for their gift of time, energy and enthusiastic support to help people make a difference in our community in pursuit of the

CEM’s vision, mission and goals. The highlight of the event was the awarding of Certificates of Appreciation to CEM volunteers, donor/partner organizations, and local Filipino newspapers. Among the awardees were the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA)/ Recycle Everywhere, CEM’s major partner organization, for its generous and continued support for CEM’s activities, and the Green Action Centre, which cosponsored, along with CBCRA, a workshop on waste recycling, reduction and composting. CEM also recognized the important contributions of the Manitoba Filipino Street Festival (MFSF) and Filipino Food Trip Festival for their joint initiative on raising awareness of event participants on waste recycling and reduction. At the MFSF event, CEM, together with CBCRARecycle Everywhere, had set up an information booth, distributed at least 1,800 recycling bags to event participants, and helped deploy at least 70 recycling bins within the two event sites and helped with their proper disposal. CEM also awarded local Filipino

newspapers, namely, Artista News Magazine, the Filipino Journal and the Pilipino Express for their support of CEM’s goal of increasing public awareness on environment and sustainability issues. At this event, Ms Melissa Dorota, Senior Outreach Coordinator of CBCRA/Recycle Everywhere presented an award to CEM as “Recycle Everywhere Champions 2019.” This was the first award given by CBCRA/ Recycle Everywhere to a Filipino organization in Winnipeg. The CEM would like to thank all attendees for their presence and participation and is deeply grateful for the generosity of sponsors. Door prize donors were the Recycle Everywhere, Midland Appliance World, MR. PEG, Ms Gina Gabriel of LandMhel Real Estate Services, Ms Linda Christine Mallari of Bayfield Mortgage and

Recycle Everywhere Street Team awards a door prize True Life House, University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba (UPAAMB), Masagana Flower Farms and Studio, and Peter Tan. CEM is looking forward to continued support for its upcoming

environmental awareness raising events and workshops. For inquiries, please send an e-mail to CEM at caring4environment@gmail.com. Alberto Sangalang is CEM’s Information Officer

CEM board receives the Recycle Everywhere Champions 2019 award

CBCRA Senior Outreach Coordinator and CEM President hold their respective awards

CEM volunteer and partner awardees

The organizers and the participants

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020






JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

• Willie Revillame at Alden Richards – May mga bahay sa Tagaytay • Apl.de.ap at KC – Hindi pa kumpirmado, ang daming kontra • Sharon Cuneta – Kausapin na lang sana nang personal si KC • Ai Ai delas Alas – Hindi sang-ayon sa same-sex marriage • Kris Aquino – Walang magawa ang pera, sakitin pa rin • James Reid at Nadine Lustre – Sila pa rin, di ba? • Vice Ganda – Hindi nag-top “Ang Kabogable Star” sa MMFF

Nasa elementarya pa kami nang masilayan namin ang kagandahan ng bulkang Taal. Galing kami noon ng aming pamilya sa Sampaga, Balayan, Batangas at noong pauwi na kami ay dumaan ang bus sa mismong tagiliran ng bulkan. Dahil gabi na ay kitang-kita namin ang apoy mula sa bunganga ng bulkan, napakaganda nitong pagmasdan, parang postcard iyon sa kaniyang kagandahan. Pero noong nakaraang Sabado (January 11) nang madaling-araw ay pumutok ang bulkan, umabot ang mga abo ng pag-aalburoto nito hanggang sa mga bayan ng Calabarzon, sa mga oras na ito ay damay na rin ang maraming lugar sa Maynila. Si Willie Revillame agad ang naisip namin, nasa Tagaytay ang kaniyang mga bahay, ang pinakamalapit sa bulkan ay ang kaniyang mansiyon at mga villa sa Iruhin, mula sa rooftop noon ay kitang-kita ang nag-iimbitang kagandahan ng Taal volcano. Nag-text agad kami sa kaniya, pero puro kalokohan ang kaniyang sagot sa aming tanong kung ligtas ba siya, kumusta na ba ang kaniyang mga bahay sa Tagaytay? “Heto, nasa mismong loob nga ako ng bulkan, medyo mainit lang. Salamat sa pag-alala, wala na ako doon, lumipad na kami pabalik ng Manila kanina pa,” nagbibirong sagot ng sikat na aktor-TV host. Punumpuno ng putik at abo ang kaniyang bakuran sa Iruhin, hindi iyon puwedeng makaligtas sa pagsabog, dahil malapit na malapit lang sa Taal Lake ang kaniyang mansiyon. Agad namang nakabalik sa Manila si Willie hindi pa man nagsisimulang sumabog ang bulkan, siya mismo ang nagpalipad ng kaniyang chopper, kaya nakakuha pa sila ng kaniyang mga kasama ng mga retrato ng Taal volcano bago nagbuga ng abo at putik. Wala ring dapat ipag-alala ang mga tagahanga ni Alden Richards dahil sa pag-aalburoto ng bulkang Taal. Si Alden naman ay nakatira sa Nuvali, umabot na ang ashfall sa lahat ng bayan ng Calabarzon,

kaya nag-aalala ang mga fans ng Pambansang Bae kung maayos ba ang kundisyon ng kaniyang pamilya. Ang mga kaibigan naming naninirahan sa Cavite at Laguna ay ligtas naman, pero inirereklamo nila ang makating ashfall at nagpuputik na kalye, sinabayan pa iyon ng kawalan ng kuryente at tubig. Harinawang maagapan agad ang kalagayan ng mga kababayan natin sa mga lugar na apektado talaga ng pagputok, iwanan na nila ang kanilang mga ari-arian, kesa naman sa mabuwis pa ang kanilang buhay sa senaryong ito. *** Hindi pa man kinukumpirma nina Apl.de.asp at KC Concepcion ang napapabalitang pagkakaroon nila ng relasyon ngayon ay napakarami nang kumokontra. Para sa amin ay mababaw ang kanilang dahilan, napakaganda raw ng dalaga para maging girlfriend ng sikat na singer, hindi sapat na basehan ang itsura ng mga taong nagmamahalan. Puso pa rin ang nagdidikta sa pakikipagrelasyon, hindi ang pananaw ng mga nakasilip lang, kung talagang nagmamahalan sila ay ano naman at nasaan ang problema? Isa si Apl.de.ap sa mga FilAm na nagsulat ng pangalan ng Pilipinas sa mapa ng mundo, huwag maliitin ang pangalan at itsura ng singer, kung tutuusin ay mas malaking di hamak ang napatunayan niya kesa kay KC Concepcion. *** Asahan na ang panibagong kilometrikong post ni Sharon Cuneta sa mga darating na araw dahil sa mga inilalabas na posts ni Gabby Concepcion. Makahulugan ang mga mensahe ng ama ni KC, na maaasahan din naman, dahil sino pa nga ba ang makauunawa sa posisyon ngayon ng dalaga kundi ang kaniyang sariling ama? Sabi nga ng mga nakakausap namin ay siguradong babalikan na naman ang nakaraan. Mauungkat na naman ang kanilang hiwalayan, ang mga dahilan kung bakit nagkanikaniya sila ng landas, at ang

Alden Richards

Willie Revillame - Safe, nakaalis agad sa Tagaytay

Sharon Cuneta

Apl.de.app at KC - Sila na nga ba ngayon?

hindi pagbibigay ng sustento ni Gabo sa kanilang anak habang lumalaki ito. Sa totoo lang ay si Sharon lang naman talaga ang bumalikat ng lahat-lahat ng mga pangangailangan ni KC mula nang makahiwalay sila ni Gabby. Mag-isa lang na itinaguyod ng Megastar ang pag-aaral ni KC, ang mga personal na kailangan ng kanilang anak, walang naging partisipasyon ang aktor sa paglaki ng kanilang anak. Kung matatandaan ay si KC pa nga ang naghanap sa kaniyang ama, pinuntahan nito si Gabby sa Amerika, hindi agarang natanggap ni Sharon ang senaryo pero noong bandang huli ay inunawa na rin niya si KC dahil sa linya nitong “I am complete now.” May punto rin naman si Gabby na hindi dapat ipinahihiya ni Sharon ang kanilang anak on

Ai Ai Delas Alas - saradong Katoliko national television. Suporta at pag-intindi ang kailangan ni KC at hindi panglalaglag ng kaniyang sariling ina.

Naging emosyonal kasi si Sharon sa TV show nang bumati sa kaniya si Senador Francis See CRISTY p14

CR E ATE MOM EN TS TH AT L A ST Mosaic Event Centre is a 6,000f t² venue that features multiple rooms, including a gorgeous chapel, reception hall, foyer, and meeting spaces. Let us help you create new memories. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T I N G THE FILIPINO COM MUNITY

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JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Nag-holiday sa US si Kris, kasama sina Josh at Bimby

CRISTY... From page 12

Pangilinan na akay-akay ang kanilang adopted son na si Miguel. Makahulugan ang binitiwang salita ng Megastar kaya siya sobrang emosyonal, “Ang alam ko kasi, e, apat ang anak ko,” wala si KC sa kaniyang selebrasyon. Sinabi rin niya pagkatapos bumati ang mister niyang senador, “Hindi baleng hindi mo kamukha si Brad Pitt, marami naman siyang problema. Tayo, wala.” Pero nagmarka sa manonood ang pahayag ni Sharon sa kaniyang mga anak na gayahin nila ang pagiging mabuting anak ni Sarah Geronimo pati na nina Regine Velasquez at Judy Ann Santos. May tampo ang Megastar sa kaniyang panganay, kung kilala nga namin ang ugali ni Sharon ay hindi niya kayang kimkimin ang kaniyang nararamdaman, naghahanap ng panahon at pagmamahal ang nanay mula sa kaniyang anak. May pahabol pa si Sharon kina Frankie, Miel at Miguel, ang palaging ilalapat ang kanilang mga paa sa lupa, ang bibigyan ng pagpapahalaga ang mga nagagawang kabutihan ng mga magulang nila, ang huwag makalilimot magpasalamat. Hindi ganoon kasimple ang mga binitiwan niyang habilin sa kaniyang mga anak. Mayroon siyang gustong gisingin. Mayroon siyang gustong paalalahanan. Maraming netizens din ang nagkomento na sana’y personal na lang nilang pinag-usapan ang kanilang problema at hindi ganoon na may parinig pa ang Megastar na hindi mabuting anak at kapatid ang kaniyang panganay. Bibiyahe pa nang malayo ang isyung ito dahil nakatagpo ng kakampi si KC sa kaniyang ama. May naghihintay rin ng reaksiyon nina Senador Tito Sotto at Tita Helen Gamboa dahil sa kanilang bahay nagdiwang ng Pasko si KC at hindi sa bahay ng kaniyang ina. *** Pinagtripan ng mga bashers ang Comedy Concert Queen dahil sa kaniyang pagsang-ayon sa Supreme Court na pagbabawal sa same sex marriage dito sa ating bayan. Konbiksiyon ni Ai Ai delas Alas iyon, hindi natin mahaharangan ang kaniyang opinyon, kung paanong hindi rin

naman niya sinasaklawan ang pananaw ng ibang tao. Iyon ang kaniyang pinaninindigan at pinaniniwalaan, isang lalaki at isang babae lamang ang maaaring magpakasal, hindi parehong babae at parehong lalaki. Kung may mga nambabash sa sikat na komedyana ay mas marami naman siyang kakamping mga kababayan natin, lalo na ang mga taong-simbahan, sinasang-ayunan ng mga ito ang paniniwala ni Ai Ai. Saka sanay na siya sa mga ganyang pamba-bash, siya pa ba naman ang mawiwindang sa mga bira ng mga taong walang magawang maayos sa buhay, siya pa ba? Basta para sa bida ng D’Ninang, walang makapagpapabago sa kayang paniniwala, iyon ang kaniyang konbiksiyon at paninindigan niya iyon. *** Maselan pa rin ang kalusugan ni Kris Aquino. Masasakitin pa rin siya. Sa isang panahon na ang akala ng mas nakararami ay naugat na ng mga doktor ang kaniyang sakit ay mahina pa rin pala ang kaniyang sistema. Kung walang milyones na pangtustos sa kaniyang kundisyon si Kris ay madaling unawain kung bakit hindi pa rin siya nakababawi sa kaniyang dinaramdam. Pero kaya niyang sustinihan ang kaniyang sakit, hindi mauubos ang pera niya, dahil hindi naman siya kakapusin sa pampaospital at pambili kahit nang pinakamamahal na gamot. Hindi nga lahat ay ibinibigay sa isang tao lang. Umaapaw sa materyal na bagay si Kris pero kalusugan naman ang kaniyang pinoproblema. May mga pamilyang kapos na kapos pero matitibay naman ang katawan. Awang-awa ang aming mga kaibigan sa mga bagong posts ni Kris Aquino sa social media. Mayroon siyang mga retrato at video habang kumakain sila ng hamburger sa Amerika ng kaniyang mga anak na sina Josh at Bimby. Hindi nila kinaaawaan ang mag-iina dahil hamburger na lang ang kinakain nila, kayangkayang bumili ng kahit anong klase ng pagkain si Kris, ang nakaantig sa kanilang damdamin ay ang ginagawang proseso ni Kris tungkol sa pagkukuwento kung paano binubuo at kinakain ang hamburger. See CRISTY p16

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020






JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

BCBP Winnipeg holds Christian life program by Fe Leila Eugenio-Guerrero One of the formation programs of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) is the Brotherhood Christian Life Program (BCLP). This is an integrated program that fosters a renewed understanding of God’s call to Christian businessmen and professionals and helps to strengthen the member’s commitment to the BCBP’s vision and mission of bringing Christ into the marketplace, workplace, and community. On November 29, 30, and December 1, 2019, the BCBP Winnipeg Mission held its first BCLP at St. Emile Roman Catholic Church Parish. Twentythree 23 individuals attended the event. The Servant Team from BCBP Greater Toronto Area (GTA), composed of Etchin Sumagang, BCBP Canada Area Managing Director and wife, Odit; Ernie Punongbayan, Area Coordinator for Mission, and wife, Tata; Bobby Balinado, Mission Director of BCBP GTA West Chapter, and wife, Lagring; and Jerome Ubalde, Mission

Director BCBP GTA East Chapter, shared their knowledge and unique life experiences. The program covered 12 different topics that centred on what it means to be authentic Christian businessmen and professionals. The BCBP is a not-forprofit organization registered as a charitable institution with Canada Revenue Agency. It is also a Catholic lay organization recognized by the Archdiocese of Winnipeg and other archdioceses where it operates across Canada,

namely, Toronto, Hamilton, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. The BCBP Winnipeg holds a monthly breakfast meeting at Canad Inns, Garden City. Join the BCBP Winnipeg’s next breakfast meeting on January 18, 2020 to experience spiritual enlightenment. Please contact the BCBP Winnipeg Secretariat at bcbpwinnipeg@gmail.com or its Breakfast Head, Loy Salvador, at (204) 962-1535 for further details.

CRISTY... From page 14 Sabi ng isang kaibigan naming maka-Kris, “Naaawa lang ako sa kaniya dahil sa kawalan niya ng show, e, idinadaan na lang niya sa social media ang mga ginagawa nila ng mga anak niya. “Kinukunan niya ng pictures ang hamburger, pati ang pagbili niya ng bread sa isang grocery, e, documented. Naaawa talaga ako sa kaniya. Wala pa rin kasi siyang show where she can showcase everything na ginagawa nilang mag-iina,” seryosong reaksiyon ng aming kaibigan. Sana’y magkaroon na ng programa sa taong ito si Kris, kailangan niya ng pagkakaabalahan, kapag masyado niyang tinutukan ang kaniyang pisikal na kundisyon

ay mas magiging sensitibo ang kaniyang katawan. Kailangan siyang maging abala, tutal naman ay maraming kababayan natin ang nag-aabang sa kaniyang pagbabalik, wala pa ring nakaaagaw ng kaniyang trono kahit pa ilang taon na siyang lumiliban sa pagho-host. *** Maraming sightings ngayon kina James Reid at Nadine Lustre. Palagi silang magkasama, malapitan o malayuan man, isang buhay na patotoo na walang katotohanan ang lumutang na kuwentong hiwalay na sila. Natural lang naman sa mga magkarelasyon ang hindi pagkakaintindihan, pero sabi nga ng isang napakagasgas nang linya na parang suwelas ng sapatos, at the end of the day ay See CRISTY p17

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020


James Reid and Nadine Lustre

The Mall The Merrier - MMFF entry ni Vice Ganda

CRISTY... From page 16 nagkakaayos din sila. Dalawang taon nang naglilive-in sina James Reid at Nadine Lustre. Sa mga panahong ito ay malalim nang pundasyon ang nag-uugnay sa kanila. Nakakapanghinayang naman kasi talaga kung mauuwi sa hiwalayan ang matagal na nilang relasyon. Mas maraming malulungkot kesa sa magbubunyi dahil naging saksi ang taumbayan sa kanilang pagmamahalan. *** Hindi naging paborable kay Vice Ganda ang babaran niyang exposure sa telebisyon. Mula Lunes hanggang Sabado ay napapanood siya sa It’s Showtime. Tuwing Linggo naman nang gabi ay mayroon siyang GGV. Kung ano ang napapanood sa kaniya nang isang buong linggo na pagkokomedya ay

iyon din ang nakikita sa kaniya sa pelikula. Doon na pumapasok ang umay factor. Kung sana’y iba ang nakikita sa kaniya sa arawaraw, kung sana’y ibang atake ng pagkokomedya naman ang ihinahain niya sa publiko, di sana’y siya pa rin ang mayhawak ng trono ng MMFF. Halos kalahati ng dating kinikita ni Vice sa kaniyang pelikula sa MMFF ang ibinagsak ng kaniyang kinita ngayon, ang mahigit na 600 million ay nangalahati na lang, talagang kailangan niyang rebisahing mabuti kung saan sila nagkamali para lampasan siya nang milyamilya ni Aga Muhlach sa isang iyakang pelikula. Sa isang umpukan ay pinagpistahan-ginawang laruan ang titulong kakambal ng pangalan ni Vice Ganda na The Unkabogable Star. See CRISTY p21




JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Community Centre volunteers recognized at award banquet Volunteers from 63 community centres in Winnipeg were recognized for their valuable contributions on November 16. Held at Chalmers Community Centre, the General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres’ Above & Beyond Volunteer Awards Banquet awarded the volunteers for their “commitment in a variety of quality recreational opportunities that encourage participation and the adoption of a healthy, active lifestyle.” Among the awardees was Joseph ‘Joe’ Reynante of Tyndall Community Centre. Kuya Joe played a critical role in establishing Tyndall CC’s Seniors 55+ Fitness Program. Three years ago, he reached out to Tyndall CC and led the development of the program, encouraging participants and finding instructors. There are currently over 40 seniors who enjoy activities such Zumba, yoga, line dancing and stretch/ strength classes. Retired from work now for five years, Kuya Joe is there every day, organizing the program for the community

centre. “I enjoy helping people, especially the seniors,” Joe said.

Besides his volunteer work at Tyndall CC, Kuya Joe is also an active member of St. Edward’s

Catholic Church as a Tagalog mass minister and hospitality member. In the summer, he bikes

as a hobby, going over 1,000 km per season. He also loves spending time with family.

General Council of Winnipeg Community Centre Volunteer awardee Joe Reynante (front, third from left) with the Zumba Gold group

POV... From page 4 I hope we in the Philippines begin to see our young people through a different lens. They are not the “Millennials” of the West – they are the Centennials of the Philippines who are rising up to the challenge of the next 100 years.

The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the EditorIn- Chief of the Davao Citybased Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@ gmail.com.

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020



You, me, and our Community Isa sa maipagmamalaki natin bilang mga Manitobans at mga Winnipeggers ay ang ating aktibong pagtulong sa kapuwa sa iba’t ibang paraan. Ang bawat fun run and halfmarathon na sinasalihan ko ay mayroon laging ambag sa mga non-profit organizations, tulad ng Heart and Stroke Foundation, Cancer Care Manitoba at marami pang iba. Kabi-kabila rin ang mga fundraisers ng maraming organizations para tumulong sa pagpapatayo ng simbahan, schools, parks at mga tahanan. Bukod dito ay maraming mga samahan na nagsisilbing katuwang ng pamahalaan sa pagpapanatili ng kapayapaan, kaayusan at kagandahan ng ating komunidad. Wedding socials Alam nating lahat na ginagawa ang mga socials para makatulong sa pinansyal na pangangailangan ng mga naka-planong ikasal. Ang wedding socials ay isang napakagandang halimbawa ng pagkakaisa ng komunidad. Ang nakaka-proud pa dito ay only in Manitoba diumano ang wedding socials. Ayon sa website ng Manitoba Social Guide: A social is a particularly Manitoba-grown concept. It’s a fundraising party, often for a wedding, charitable or community organization. Usually held at a community centre or a Legion hall, it can be known as a “Manitoba Social,” “Winnipeg Social,” “Wedding Social,” “Fundraising Social,” or just simply a “Social.” When it is run for a wedding it is traditionally run by the wedding party, although it is sometimes run by the bride and groom. A wedding social gives people a way to include friends and relatives in the wedding when you could not invite them, and allows friends and family to support the couple financially for their new life together. (reference: http://www. socialsguide.com/) Bannock Lady Kaibigan ko sa Facebook si Althea Guiboche o mas kilala bilang si Bannock Lady. Limang taon nang masugid na nagluluto at namimigay ng bannock si Althea sa maraming gutom at mga homeless sa Winnipeg. Ang bannock ay isang uri ng tinapay na kadalasang kinakain ng mga katutubo. Sa isang interview kamakailan kay Althea, sinabi niya na: “It’s been a challenge but it has been so much fun at the same time. It’s about networking and bringing people in together, sharing, caring and celebrating the village — it’s amazing.” Si Althea ay dating homeless at nakaranas ng hirap at gutom kasama ng

kaniyang mga anak noong taong 2011. Matapos niyang makaraos sa mga pagsubok ng buhay ay binalikan niya ang komunidad sa pamamagitan ng literal na pagpapakain sa mga nagugutom. Ang mga takbo ni Junel Malapad I am so honoured to personally know this awesome guy. I ran with him in many running events. He was chosen by Ace Burpee as one of the Top 100 Most Fascinating Manitobans in 2017. Last summer, Junel ran 100 km in 12 hours and raised thousands of dollars for Canadian Mental Health. The event was called “take stigma to the trash” and was held at Garbage Hill. Bagama’t ilang kilometro lamang ang naiambag ko sa fund raising event na ito ay isang karangalan ang maging bahagi nito at makatakbo si Junel, isang nirerespestong ultra-marathon runner. Bukod sa kaniyang 100 km run noong summer ay tumakbo ulit ng 100 km si Junel noong Boxing Day na tinawag niyang, “make Boxing Day Running Day” where he also raised funds for Siloam Mission. Bear Clan Patrol and 204 Neighbourhood Watch Ang Bear Clan Patrol Inc. ay itinatag ng mga nagkakaisang katutubo sa gabay ng kanilang mga elders na naglalayong panatilihin ang katahimikan at kaayusan sa ating mga komunidad. Nagsisilbi din silang katuwang ng Winnipeg Police Service sa pagpapatupad ng peace and order. Regular silang nagro-ronda tuwing gabi sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng ating siyudad. Inspired by the success of Bear Clan Patrol Inc., ay naitatag ang 204 Neighbourhood Watch na nagsasagawa din ng regular patrols tulad ng Bear Clan. I was chatting with Leila Castro of 204 Neighbourhood Watch and she mentioned how timely it is to help each other as one community since Winnipeg is now our home. Sabi niya: “It’s about time po na magtulong-tulong tayo dahil dito na po ang tirahan nating mga immigrants.” Meet me at the Bell Tower – Stop the violence Tuwing Biyernes ng gabi ay nagtitipon ang iba’t ibang grupo sa pangunguna ng Aboriginal Youth Organization Movement ng North End Winnipeg upang magkaisa at isulong ang kampanya laban sa karahasan. Ang Bell Tower ay matatagpuan sa Selkirk Avenue sa North End Winnipeg. Isa sa mga rituals ng pagtitipong ito ay ang pagkalampag sa kampana bilang simula ng pagtitipon. Ito ay bukas sa lahat ng interesado at gustong makisama sa pakikibaka para itigil ang karahasan sa komunidad. Isa sa primyadong leader ng samahang ito ay si Michael Champagne na madalas

Althea Guiboche gives back to the community by feeding the hungry with bannock bread

Junel Malapad and Batang North End Noel Lapuz “happily” finished the Winnipeg Fire Paramedics Half Marathon 2017. ding makita sa iba’t ibang community events and rallies. Si Michael ay taga-North End, Winnipeg. The Buskers Downtown I really appreciate the contributions of buskers to make downtown Winnipeg more vibrant! Kung nagta-trabaho ka sa downtown ay tiyak na kilala

mo ang mala-Johnny Cash na boses ng busker sa walkway patungong Millenium Library. Kapag naman summer ay madalas sa harap ng Portage Place ang Chinese looking na musikero na nagbibigay sigla sa kalye through his instrumental-oriental type of music. Nandiyan din ang grupo ng mga Jamaicans na tumitirada

ng mga reggae music sa kanto ng Hargrave at Portage. These buskers set the mood and spirit in the busy exchange district making downtown Winnipeg one of the best places to live, work, play and enjoy. You, me and the community Ikaw at ako ay bahagi ng See NOEL p21





NO. 340

HOROSCOPE ENERO 16 - 31, 2020

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot Aries (March 21 – April 19) Narito na ang iyong pagkakataon upang simulan ang proyekto. Kung mahina ang negosyo nitong Enero, mapapansin mong maraming oportunidad na darating bago matapos ang buwang ito. Kung kailangan, mag-schedule ka ng appointment sa iyong doctor. OK ang ika-16, 24 at 25. Alalay ka sa ika-21, 22, 23, 29 at 30.

PAHALANG 1. Gintong tapayan 5. Sinisimbolo 12. Awit papuri 13. Mabuhay 14. Lagayan ng kape 16. Pananong 17. Makaraan 18. Sukat ng baterya 19. Ayos 21. Uri ng ulan 25. Ama 27. Antigo 29. Patnubay 31. Dalisay 32. Ipinapakopya PABABA 1. Gulo 2. Hangad 3. Lady ____ 4. Bamboo 6. Ihalo 7. Nakasalalay 8. Supling 9. Masamang tingin 10. Huli

11. Paalala 15. Ireserba 18. Taba ng alimango 20. Hayop sa Australia 21. Gilid 22. Panghalip 23. Iwas 24. Boluntaryo 26. Uri ng sayaw 28. Unlapi 30. Sigaw ng karatista 31. Tiyo


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Hindi ka puwedeng mabuhay mag-isa. Wala ka sa isang isla kung kaya kailangan mo pa rin ang pakikipagunawaan upang unawain ka rin ng iba. Mailap ang grasya sa mga taong makasarili. Alam mo kung ano ang tama. Iyon ang gawin mo at maaayos ang lahat. OK ang ika16, 24 at 25. Stressful sa ika-19, 20, 26 at 27.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Huwag kang magpapatalo sa ibang may alam sa technology. Hindi pa huli upang pag-aralan mo ito. Kaya mo lumaban sa kanila dahil matalino ka at madali kang matuto. Ang kalaban mo ay kung mawawalan ka ng interes magkaroon ng bagong kaalaman. OK ang ika-17, 18, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-11, 12, 24, 25 at 31.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Wala kang problema sa kalusugan ng katawan pero may namumuong problema sa kalusugan ng iyong bulsa. Iwasan mo ang bumili ng anumang mamahaling gamit sa buwang ito. Puwedeng gumasta pero huwag kang bibili ng hindi mo kaya ngayon. Magtipid ka. OK sa ika16, 24 at 25. Ingat sa ika-17, 18 at 31. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Hindi mo kailangang maghanap. Kusang darating ang magandang pagkakataon sa pag-ibig at maging sa hanapbuhay. Kung mapapansin mo na parang may gustong kontrahin ang balak mo, hinay-hinay lang ang gawin mong paglaban. Pag-aralan mo ang diskarte mo. OK ang ika-17, 18, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika-19 at 30.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Palagi na lang, mas inuuna mo ang kung ano ang para sa ibang tao bago mo paginhawahin ang sarili mo. Importante sila pero kung nagiging pahirap naman sa iyo, sino ang niloloko mo? Unahin mong mahalin ang sarili mo at makikita mong mas mamahalin ka rin ng iba. OK ang ika-19, 20, 29 at 30. Ingat sa ika-26 at 27.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Huwag kang magreklamo kung napapansin mong mas maraming responsabilidad ang ipinapasa sa iyo sa trabaho. Tanda iyan ng pagtitiwala sa iyo ng iyong boss. Ipakita mong kayang-kaya mo at makikita mo ang pag-asenso mo sa mga darating na buwan. OK ang ika-19, 20, 29 at 30. Kuwidaw sa ika-16, 21, 22 at 23.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Panahon ngayon na parang bulag, pipi at bingi ang mga tao sa kanilang pagsashopping. Alam mo ang sitwasyon ng iyong bank account. Huwag kang makisabay kung hindi mo kaya. Wala kang dapat ikahiya kung magtitipid ka. Iwasan ang utang. Lucky ka sa ika19, 20, 29 at 30. Careful sa ika-24, 25 at 31.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Kung naguguluhan ang iyong isipan, bakit hindi mo pag-aralan kung ano ang dahilan? Kung may bumabagabag sa iyong puso, buksan mo ang iyong mga mata at tenga, nasa harapan mo mismo ang sagot. Iwasan mo ang malayong biyahe sa buwang ito. OK sa ika21, 22, 23 at 31. Stressful ang ika16, 29 at 30.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Mayroon kang katahimikan ng damdamin. Ang galit at pagdaramdam na nasa puso mo ay nagamot na. Alam mong hindi mo kayang baguhin ang ibang tao kaya tama ka. Ikaw ang dapat magbago. Huwag kang manghinayang sa walang kuwentang kaibigan. OK ang ika-21, 22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika-17, 18, 24 at 25.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) May mga oras na kailangan mo lamang pakinggan ang iyong kalooban. Inuuna mo ang pakikinig sa mga nakapaligid sa iyo. Sino ba ang may huling salita, di ba ikaw iyon? Sa pagtatapos ng araw, ikaw lang ang makakaalam kung ano ang gusto mo o ayaw mo. OK ang ika-21, 22, 23 at 31. Ingat sa ika19, 20, 26 at 27.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Buwenas ka sa negosyo sa pagpasok ng 2020 subalit may mga tinik naman ang iyong pag-ibig. Panahon na upang pag-aralan mo kung ano ang nagiging problema ng inyong relasyon na parang laging dumadaan sa bagyo. Ikaw ba o siya ang problema? OK ang ika-17, 18, 26 at 27. Ingat sa ika16, 21, 22, 23, 29 at 30.


JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Maraming salamat po sa lahat ng mga sumusubaybay sa pitak na ito at sa kagandahang loob ng mga nagsikap na magkaroon tayo dito sa Winnipeg ng Pilipino Express. Humigit kumulang may 14 years na rin naman ang aking pitak na kabilang ang aking mga sonata, na nagmula aking hinagap. *** Ang Pasko at 2020 ay masiglang pinagdiwang hindi lamang ng mga Pilipino na nasa Pilipinas kundi maging ang mga nasa ibang bansa na katulad dito sa Canada at iba pang mga bansang kanilang kinarorounan as naturalized citizens or OFWs. *** Sa US maraming bilang ng mga araw sa 2020 ay malamang maagaw ng political campaign na magmumula sa kanilang mga political parties. Inaasahan na sa ngayon ang impeachment case against US president Donald Trump ay malamang nang matatalakay. Maaaring malaman na kung si US president Trump ay mananatili at/o mapapalitan sa hawak na katungkulan. Samantala ang malaking problema din ngayon ng US ay tungkol pa rin sa Iraq at Iran situation. Marahil marami din namang mga OFWs doon na kailangang mailigtas sa lalong madaling panahon. Pilipinas Ang mga mamamayan, sa nakaraang 2019 ay nakaranas ng iba’t ibang uri ng kalamidad. Lindol, bagyo, sunog at iba pang mga pangyayaring sakuna sa mga lansangan. Aksidente na nakakamatay at pawang mga uri ng pagsubok sa buhay ng mga mamamayan. Sila-sila na rin naman ang nagtutulungan na larawang malinaw sa nakaraang panahon ng Disyembre. Gayunman, kaparis din ng sa US,


ang isa pang malaking problema ng Pilipinas ngayon ay tungkol pa rin sa mga OFWs na naipit ng Iraq-Iran situation. Marahil marami rin namang mga OFWs doon na kailangang mailigtas sa lalong madaling panahon. Nabalitang dalawa sa limang pamilya ang nakatatanggap ng tulong mula sa mga kababayan lalo na mula sa mga OFWs. *** Kung sa ibang mga bansa ay nababanggit ang mga mayayaman at mahihirap, sa Pilipinas ay gayon din naman. Kahit nga sa mga politiko ay nababalita ang mga mayayaman at hindi, gayun din naman ang ibang mga lingkod ng bayan. Kaparis ng iba, ang Pilipinas ay bansang malaya din na may sariling mga batas na pinaiiral at kapangyarihan. Gayonman, hindi naman kaparis ng ibang mahilig mam-bully. Sana ay maisip nilang sila’y mga tao rin. Alalahaning kahit ang mga langgam ay nangangagat din kung natatapakan. *** Marahil kailangan na ngayong matutukan ng Depatment of Justice ang kaso ni Senador Leila de Lima. May kasabihang “justice delayed is justice denied.” Kasi, may nadadamay na hindi kasali sa kaso ng senadora. Ang mabibigat na kaso ay hindi dapat mangyari ang kaparis ng ginagawa sa basketball na dribble nang dribble. *** Waring malabong mangyari na rin ngayong 2020 ang pinaguusapang peace talk noong 2019 sa pagitang ng gobyernong Duterte at ng local communists lead by the National Democratic Front (NDF). Ang Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) na mismong tinatag ni Jose Maria Sison noong December 26,

HINAGAP Ang Puso Minsan pa na ngayon ay buwan ng puso, Ang araw na tampok sa magkalaguyo; Pinanariwa ang mga pangako, Nang kahapong sigla’t taos na pagsuyo! *** Nadadamang tibok ay may kahulugan, Mabilis na uri ay may dinaramdam; Ang normal na pintig dapat subaybayan, Mabilis ay hudyat na kinakabahan! *** Mayaman at dukha walang pagtatangi, Tulad ng pag-ibig na puso ang hari; Mahirap makita ang dakilang uri, Sa mga nilikhang pangit ang ugali! *** Punong matipuno malusog na saging, Ang bunga’y sa puso kusang nanggagaling! Paquito Rey Pacheco

1968 ay may sariling adyenda. Nais nilang mahalinhan noon ang Corazon C. Cojuangco government. Ang mga rebeldeng leader na kinilalang Joma at Jalandoni during the Marcos Martial Law ay nadakip na subalit pinalaya noong 1987. Nang malaon ay sinabing self exile kaya sila ay nasa Holland, subalit may mga ibang nagsasabi naman na sila ay pinatakas. Marahil ang totoong nakakaalam ng tunay nanangyari noon ay walang iba kundi si former defense secretary noon na Juan Ponce-Enrile. *** Isa pang dapat matutukan ngayon ng Duterte administration ay ang kailangang amyenda sa 1987 constitution. Kung baga sa bakal, matindi na ang nakabalot na kapal ng kalawang. Panahon na para mapalitan. The ratification of the proposed constitution ay maaaring isabay sa nakatakdang local and national presidential elections.

*** Nabalitang ang build build build program ay nasa priority projects pa rin ng gobyernong Duterte. Naalala ko tuloy ang nabalita noon na umano ay tuloy pa rin daw ang nangyayaring anomaly sa Department of Public Works ang Highways. Sana naman ay matutukan ngayon as priority ang tungkol sa ibang larangan na hindi lamang agricultural production and also other food manufacturing and processes na makakatugon sa pangangailangan ng patuloy na population explosion ng Pilipinas. *** Ang mga Lopez na mayari ng ABS-CBN TV Radios ay pinayuhan ng Pangulong Duterte na kanilang ibenta na. Ang renewal permit ng nabanggit na network ay nakatakda na sa March 2020 at nasa kapulungan na ng lower house of Congress. Nagbabala ang pangulong Duterte na kaniyang haharangin

PAGE 21 ang nakaharap na kahilingan for renewal ng nabanggit na prangkisa. Alam ko po ang part of the history ng nabanggit na network. Ang pinuhunan ng mga Lopez na mula sa international financial institutions pati Meralco, was taken care by Marcos-Lopez government. When Martial Law was declared, ang ABS-CBN at Radio DZMM ay ginamit ng Marcos dictatorship regime. Nang magkaroon ng EDSA Revolution noong 1981 ay narito na ako sa Winnipeg. Ang ABS-CBN at Radio DZMM pati Meralco ay binalik daw sa mga Lopez ni former president Corazon C. Aquino. Kasabihan Huli kung magaling ay maihahabol din. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

The volunteers of 204 Neighbourhood Watch regularly patrol the areas of the North End, Tyndall Park, The Maples, Garden Grove and other areas of our city.

NOEL... From page 19 mabubuting Winnipeggers. We are proud to be living in the so-called heart of the continent na kung saan mayroon tayong kalayaang mamuhay nang maayos and a place where we have equal opportunity to contribute to the continuing development of our communities. Magkakaiba ang

CRISTY... From page 17 Paano na raw ngayon? Kinabog siya ni Aga Muhlach sa MMFF? Hindi na hawak ngayon ng sikat na komedyante-TV host ang titulo bilang topgrosser sa taunang pestibal? Sabi ng isang miron sa umpukan, “Napakasimple lang ng problemang iyon! E, di instead na The Unkabogable Star, e, magiging Ang Kabogable Star na si Vice Ganda! Sa kanilang noontime show

ating kulay, magkakaiba ang bansang ating pinanggalingan, magkakaiba ang ating mga paniniwala at pananampalataya, magkakaiba at ating mga itsura, magkakaiba tayong lahat. Our diversity is our strength. Dahil sa pagkakaibang ito ay umuusbong ang ating passion para sa malalim na pagmamahal sa ating komunidad. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW

sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

noong isang araw ay wala nang isinisigaw na milyones na kinikita ng kaniyang pelikula sa MMFF si Vice Ganda. Malayung-malayo iyon sa madalas niyang sigaw na nakakaisang milyon na raw ang kaniyang pelikula, pasalamat siya nang pasalamat sa mga kababayan natin, dahil sa tagumpay ng pelikula niyang katatawanan. Mahirap ang buhay, hindi naman pinupulot lang sa imburnal ang mataas na halaga ng pampanood ng sine ngayon, kaya kailangang kapaki-pakinabang

ang maging kapalit ng halagang ginagastos nila. Maganda ring paminsanminsan ay nakakatanggap ng pagkatalo si Vice Ganda para hindi siya masyadong kampante. Para hindi siya basta-basta nangingitlog na lang sa kaniyang pedestal. Level-up ang kailangan niyang matutuhan dahil mahigpit na ang labanan lalo na ngayong naghihigpit na rin ng sinturon ang manonood dahil sa hirap ng buhay. –CSF



JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

Families affected by Taal eruption now 6.8K

Residents of Barangay Poblacion evacuate to safer ground as thick ash blankets the municipality of Agoncillo, Batangas on Monday (Jan. 13). Thousands of residents were advised to evacuate to other municipalities of Batangas citing a Phivolcs report on the possible eruption of Taal Volcano. Photo: Jonathan Cellona, ABS-CBN News

Evacuation continues. Bureau of Fire and Protection personnel assist the residents of Lemery, Batangas affected by the spewing of Taal Volcano as they move to safer ground. PNA photo by Joey Razon

As of press time, a total of 6,891 families or 30,423 persons have so far been affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano. Most of them are sheltered in evacuation centres in Cavite and Batangas. The affected families came from 22 towns and three cities of Batangas and from Tagaytay City and Alfonso town in Cavite. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) has yet to release any figures relating to casualties and damage. The agency added that a total of 286 volcanic earthquakes were recorded in the Taal region as of 2 a.m. Tuesday, of which 125 of these were felt, ranging in magnitude from 1.2 to 4.1

and intensities of 1 to 5.

Senator Richard Gordon, Philippine Red Cross (PRC) chairman, said the organization is on “full alert” to aid victims of Taal Volcano’s eruption. Citing that volcanic ash continues to cover the highways and streets up to Metro Manila, Gordon advised that senior citizens, especially those with respiratory problems, must be taken care of. In a statement, Gordon reported that the PRC has deployed ambulances and a Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment team, as well as welfare desks preparing facemasks, hot meals, and rescue vehicles for the evacuees. “We advise everyone to take precautionary measures to avoid inhalation of ashes. Report to us any untoward incidents or call the Red Cross hotline 143 in case of an emergency. Our teams are also assessing the immediate needs of the affected residents,” Gordon said. Gordon added that volcanic

ash is made of pulverized glass and rock, which is abrasive, mildly corrosive, can conduct electricity when wet, and doesn’t dissolve in water. “Dapat ding walisin ang mga abo sa bubong dahil posibleng bumagsak ito kapag umulan at delikado sa tao (Volcanic ash must be swept from roofs because it can cause (roofs) to collapse when it rains and it’s dangerous to people),” he said. “I learned a long time ago to always consult scientists in responding to disasters. We were successful in Pinatubo. We will be successful again this time. Thanks to people like Dr. Solidum of Phivolcs and Dr. Kelvin Rodolfo,” he added. Evacuation has been advised in two cities and 12 municipalities in Batangas province and nearby towns in Cavite as Alert Level 4 remains, warning of a hazardous eruption that could happen within hours to days. Source: Maria. Teresa Montemayor/ Priam Nepomuceno, PNA

A dramatic lightning display during an eruption of the Taal volcano is seen from Tagaytay City as taken at 3:40 a.m. on Monday (Jan. 13). Thousands of residents were evacuated from municipalities near Taal as the volcano continued to spew lava and ash on Monday early morning. Photo: Paul Quiambao, ABS-CBN News

A man washes his horse while the Taal Volcano erupts in Balete, Batangas on Monday (Jan 13). Animal rights groups reminded the public to keep animals indoors and immediately wipe or wash off volcanic ash as animals inhale more particles at a time compared to humans. Photo: Czar Dancel, ABS-CBN News

Despite the hazard, the bride and the groom had their extraordinary wedding photo with Taal volcano spewing lava and ash on the background, Sunday (January 12). Photo by Peewee Torres, Sunset and Pines Weddings Photography

JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020





JANUARY 16 - 31, 2020

In our family, we make our plans together. Sa aming pamilya, sama-sama kaming nagpaplano. For all your important family events, it’s only natural that you plan ahead. It makes sense. And the same holds true for your funeral and cemetery arrangements. Take the time now to discuss your final wishes with loved ones - and with a trusted representative from Arbor Memorial. Call your local Filipino professional at Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery and ask about our FREE customized planning kit. Para sa mga mahahalagang family events, natural lang ang magplano ng maaga. Totoo rin ito para sa iyong funeral at cemetery arrangements. Maglaan ng oras upang makausap ang iyong mga mahal sa buhay tungkol sa iyong mga huling kahilingan—kasama ang isang trusted representative mula sa Arbor Memorial. Tawagan ang Filipino representative sa Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery at magtanong tungkol sa aming FREE customized planning kit.

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Joseph/Macy De Guzman Family Services Director

Liza Cordoviz Family Services Director

Charito de Borja Family Services Director




204- 998-1494

Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery by Arbor Memorial

4477 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB • glenedenmemorial.ca

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