Pilipino Express • May 1 2019

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Volume 15 • No. 9 • May 1 - 15, 2019 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Claudine Barretto

Winnipeg meth crisis mobilizes Filipinos by Malaya Marcelino


MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654



Escalating levels of violence on Winnipeg’s streets continue to target members of the Filipino community. On April 27, Winnipeg Police arrested a 16-year-old boy accused of killing Joselito Fernandez, 53, who was shot and robbed near the railroad tracks off Selkirk Avenue on April 18. Earlier in the week, police made a second arrest in the brutal home invasion, robbery, and murder of 17-year-old Jimboy Adao. His homicide was on the heels of another senseless killing scarcely two months earlier when Ricardo Hibi, 34 years old, a foster parent was stabbed to death near the youth group home he managed. Out of the nine homicides in Winnipeg since December 2018, three victims were Filipinos whose violent murders the police have identified as crimes motivated by the perpetrators’ meth use. This pile up of homicides is in addition to the 2018 “targeted killing” of Noel Talingdan, 37, and the still missing, Eduardo Balaquit, 59, who is also presumed by the police to “very, very likely be a homicide victim.” Winnipeg Police Constable Rob Carver explained that the “city is facing a lot of crime fuelled by drugs and methamphetamine. Those drugs and meth lead to people bringing guns, and a level of violence we haven’t seen before.” Since 2017, there has been an eight per cent increase in reported See METH p18

Crystal methamphetamine or simply “crystal meth” is an illegal form of the drug (meth photos from Wikipedia)

Desoxyn tablets – pharmaceutical methamphetamine hydrochloride





MAY 1 - 15, 2019

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MAY 1 - 15, 2019





MAY 1 - 15, 2019

Racism in the Philippines As a colony of Spain for more than 333 years and then the United States for the next 48, Filipinos have acquired some uncomfortably racist behaviour that many of us take for granted and even seem to be blind to. Since our colonizers were white, we have come to believe that fair skin is the standard of beauty, and we have taken extraordinary steps to turn our brown skin into fair. For many years now some of the most sellable products are those that promise to whiten the skin: soaps, lotions, pills, injectables, and more. The phrase, “Uy pumuti ka!” (Hey, your skin has grown whiter!), is always meant as a compliment. Unfortunately, the reverse is almost always intended as an insult. Those with dark (or even just darker than usual) skin are considered inferior, even ugly, and they are laughed at, teased, and sometimes even ostracized. Growing up, I even believed it and joined in the teasing of playmates and classmates who had dark skin. It could actually be brutal, especially in our allboys school where some darkerskinned students were sometimes reduced to tears because of the bullying they received. The funny thing is a lot of Filipinos are aware that racism is a problem in many parts of the world and even stand against prejudice based on the colour of

the skin. We’ve been exposed to the civil rights movement in the United States and apartheid in South Africa, and many of us sincerely believe in the cause of fighting against discrimination. But right in our own backyard we practice our own form of apartheid. It shows even in our pop culture. Show business is particularly notorious, not just in putting forward fair-skinned actors as the epitome of beauty, but also in putting down darkskinned ones as somehow inferior, funny, or fit to be villains. We’ve had comedians who were funny because they were darkskinned, and they even used screen names to emphasize their colour: Whitney Tyson (a woman who mashed up the names of Whitney Houston and Mike Tyson), Blakdyak, and Mang Temi (a character in a comedy show whose name is reverse for “itim” or black) to name a few. Social media is no different. A growing number of American and Canadian guys have been becoming popular on social media because of the videos they have been churning out in which they speak very good Filipino (Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilonggo are what I’ve seen). They travel all throughout the country and get warm welcomes from the locals who are often surprised to hear white guys speak their language.

But where are the videos of nonwhites doing the same thing? There are none, and I think if any non-white tried the stunts their fair-skinned counterparts did, they would be beaten up. Another traditional target of the Filipinos’ racism are the Chinese. One of the consequences of President Rodrigo Duterte’s pivot from the US to China is the seeming influx of Chinese workers in the Philippines. Their presence is not that felt yet in Davao City, but I understand that more and more of them are being seen in Manila. Their number is significant enough for some movie theaters to announce that they would be showing the blockbuster movie Avengers: Endgame with Chinese subtitles, and this riled a large number of viewers. Many complained that they couldn’t concentrate on the movie, but I think it was also a result of the animosity a lot of them have been feeling against the Chinese. But as Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Sarah Arriola points out, it is actually surprising that a migrant country of origin like the Philippines could be so xenophobic towards foreign workers. “Let us not forget,” she says, “we have more than 10 million Filipinos working all over the world. Some of them are irregular or undocumented. We do not call those without work permits illegal since migrants are

not illegal persons; they are not criminals. They are just workers without proper papers. We call them undocumented or irregular.” “Let us treat all migrants with dignity regardless of status. Let us not forget that almost 10 per cent of our population are migrant workers. If we want our workers abroad to be treated well, we should treat migrants in our country well. Let us not forget the golden rule,” she adds. Arriola also points out that the Philippines fiercely negotiated for the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration to protect the rights of migrants regardless of status. “That’s one of the reasons we should treat all migrants with dignity. We should of course deport (those who break our laws) but (we must) treat them in a just and humane manner.” We Filipinos are often overly protective of our migrant workers and protest every injustice done to them while working abroad; it’s time we look at ourselves and see if we’re not doing the same thing to people who are migrant workers from other countries. The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the original author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Pilipino Express publishers. Jon Joaquin is the Editor-InChief of the Davao City-based Mindanao Daily Mirror. E-mail Jon at jonjoaquin@gmail.com.

1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director


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Youth Contributors

Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK)

MPNP Draw #63

CIC News recently posted a number of articles about positive changes in the provincial nominee programs of several provinces including Saskatchewan and Ontario. For persons interested in applying to other provinces, the changes in Ontario are highly significant because of job opportunities in the tech area. Canada’s thriving tech startup industry is seeking qualified applicants from abroad and the opportunities are numerous. The only down side is that the jobs are in Ontario and Quebec not Manitoba. My focus is closer to home with our provincial nominee program, the MPNP, and its latest draw of overseas applicants. It is important to note that Draw #63 of April 11, 2019 issued 51 Letters of advice to apply directly under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative. In addition, 352 invitations

were issued to applicants under the Skilled Worker Overseas stream with the lowest ranked candidates invited having at least 561 assessment points. The selected candidates have: either a valid Express Entry ID and job seeker validation code, and at least six months of recent work experience in an occupation on the province’s In-demand Occupation list; or the applicant will have a close relative residing in Manitoba, or past work experience in Manitoba; and a minimum language proficiency of CLB 5 (equivalent to IELTS General, Listening 5.0, Reading 4.0, Writing 5.0, and Speaking 5.0). It has become increasingly more difficult for applicants to be selected from the second of the two groups alone described above. The major challenge is the assessment points, which, historically, are usually higher

than 561. The best chances are for candidates who also have an active Express Entry profile. The federal process starts with an online Expression of Interest submission but applicants should be in high skill occupations, such as O, A or B under the National Occupation Classification manual and also have the requisite IELTS General scores (CLB 7) as well as an Education Credentials Assessment (ECA). There are some opportunities for skilled trades people under Express Entry (under the Federal Skilled Trades program) and the English language proficiency level is only CLB 5. At this time candidates interested in coming to Manitoba still have opportunities to come under Temporary Resident Immigration, on study permits and/or work permits because it gives them the chance to transition into permanent residence by applying to the MPNP from inside Manitoba. The applicants inside Manitoba have more chances of success when applying to the MPNP but, this option does not suite everyone. A final piece of advice for potential

applicants is to consider Express Entry not only as an alternative to the MPNP but in concert with the provincial immigration program. If Manitoba is your choice destination in Canada, then leave no rock unturned. It is important to understand more about the occupational demands in the province, licensing requirements etc. in addition to English language proficiency and foreign credentials assessments. All of these can make you a stronger applicant and all can enhance your chances for selection. Learn more about the occupational requirements and opportunities, especially those under Express Entry and the MPNP. Good luck and success with your immigration plans. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.


E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ JAMES NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00 For advertising inquiries, call: 204-956-7845 or email: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com

MAY 1 - 15, 2019





MAY 1 - 15, 2019

Unlearning creativity Last month, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of people at a career development conference about creativity. I started the session by asking the group, “who here believes they are creative?” Out of approximately fifty people, less than ten people raised their hands. In a room filled with young professionals, only a small fraction of them believed they were creative. This was quite a sight and really telling of the way we, as a society, view what

“creativity” means. I proposed to the group that I believe every single person in that room can be creative and that it is so important to realize this. Let me tell you why. “…In this new fast-moving, ever-changing environment, creativity is not a luxury or a risk. It really is a necessity.” (David Usher, Let the Elephants Run). A lot of people think that creativity is something that only a few people in this world are born with – that they are “gifted”

with creativity. Here’s the thing – and let it sink in – creativity and artistry are not the same thing. Sure, Leonardo Da Vinci was incredibly creative, but so was Steve Jobs! Jobs was very forward thinking and strived to explore various possibilities. He was determined to provide something fresh to this world; more new ways to use technology. “We have to stop looking at creativity as the lottery that someone else won at birth. Instead, start looking at creative thinking as a skill set that you can master if you invest the time to learn how.” (David Usher, Let the Elephants Run) In my opinion, children are the creative geniuses of our world.

I’ve seen it time and time again. They always find interesting ways to solve a problem. If they are told to get from one end of the room to another, they might do so by walking in a straight line. However, they might also go under some tables and “walk on the lines” along the way. They do not limit themselves to the possibilities. Somewhere along the way as we “adult,” we convince ourselves that there’s only a finite amount of ways to approach certain situations. We need to make sure that we unleash our creative juices on a regular basis in order to live out a life filled with possibilities. We may need to take the time to unlearn what we believe creativity to

be in order to fully realize our potential. Since life is all about growth and continual “self check-ins,” some questions for you today. As a gentle reminder, don’t confuse creativity with artistry as you answer these questions: • When was the last time you did something creative? • How often do you engage in creative activities? • When do you feel the most creative? Now go ahead and unlock your creative genius! You might just surprise yourself! Yvanne is a Program Manager with Career Trek Inc. She’s also an Independent Pop, R&B/Soul Singer-Songwriter.

Feng shui for fertility When it comes to places that increase our odds of getting pregnant, many of us probably think more about the doctor’s office than we do our own home. But just as you look for underlying medical reasons that might impair fertility, you might want to examine your home to see if it supports conception. From the perspective of feng shui, infertility can be attributed in part to energy, called chi, that’s been blocked or is stagnant. This ancient Chinese art aims to balance the energy of a place for the health and well being of those living or working there. With a few simple feng-shui fixes, you can create a home that encourages positive energy and conception. The mouth of chi When all is in harmony, chi flows like a river. But when an environment doesn’t follow the key principles of feng shui, energy stalls. The result? Everything from headaches and fatigue, to job troubles and infertility. To bring your home into balance, start with the front door, which is considered “the mouth of chi,” where energy enters your home. You should be able to look out your front door and see an open space, such as a lawn. If anything blocks the entryway – a hill, a tree, or a telephone pole in line with your front door – the energy that encourages conception can be blocked, too. By hanging a wind chime on either side of the door you can help draw away the energy emitted by an obstruction (and it’s a lot easier than moving). Placing a mirror anywhere near

the front door can push away energy and opportunities, too, but it’s especially crucial to avoid hanging a mirror so that it reflects the front door; instead you want to promote energy to enter and flow through your home. Energize your bedroom The bedroom is an important space in feng shui, because it’s where we sleep, recharge, and make love. When you’re trying to get pregnant, your aim is to balance female energy (called yin) and male energy (called yang). Start by beautifying your bedroom, but use genderneutral designs and hues; you’re aiming for the calming, neutral feeling of a luxury hotel room. Incorporating colours like white, ivory, tan, brown, pink, or gold promote relationship harmony and sexual desire. But avoid fresh flowers; floral pillows and bed coverings; and wallpaper with a flower design. In feng shui terms, flowers are the yang, or male, expression of a plant, which can compete with your husband’s yang energy. Be sure to remove books and the computer and TV from the bedroom when you’re trying to conceive; these take time away from what should be the only two purposes for this room: sleep and intimacy. And make sure that no dripping or running water can be heard from the bed, since this represents a loss of energy, too. When the nights get steamy, try using a stand fan instead of a ceiling fan, which can disrupt the recharging of your and your partner’s body chi during the night, depleting the precious

energy of conception. You may need to give up your favourite side of the bed too: When lying, a woman should be on the right side and a man on the left; this is thought to harmonize and balance the couple’s energy. Make room for a baby Even though your child isn’t here yet, or even on the way, in feng shui it’s important to symbolically create space for a new baby. And that means getting rid of clutter. If your home is cramped or overrun with things you don’t need, this is a good time to consider donating, tossing, or storing about one-third of what you own (this represents clearing space in your life for a child, a third member of your family). Hiring a cleaning service and a professional organizer help ensure you stay clutter-free. If your house or apartment is small, this could also be blocking your potential for pregnancy. Ideally, you’d want to move to a roomier home, if you can. Power symbols Another simple way to invite in energy that encourages a pregnancy is to surround yourself with uplifting photos and items that represent conception, fertility, and children. Chinese couples wanting to conceive traditionally place in their bedroom a classic image of one hundred children playing to encourage a pregnancy. Other potent fertility symbols include hollow bamboo, symbolizing humility and fertility; pictures of magpies, the bird of happiness and joy; a red lantern on both sides of the bed to bring good yang into the bedroom; and pomegranates, which also represent fertility. Even if you don’t completely understand feng shui or how it works, this age-old art can help you see your home in a new light and encourage you to recreate your living space with simple touches that make it a more peaceful, beautiful sanctuary to support your efforts to become parents.

FENG SHUI Q&A Question: I had heard that flowers could help with fertility. I am trying to conceive. Is there a flower that would be beneficial to display to help me become pregnant? Answer: Interestingly, the flower that is considered to be the best flower for career is also a symbol of fertility. That flower is the orchid. In addition to having many children, the flower is said to bestow familial luck. Display these beautiful flowers anywhere and they’ll bring beautiful chi to your home as they are considered one of the most auspicious flowers and symbolize men of high regard. This is definitely a multi-purpose flower! Select a real one or a silk one and display it where you see if frequently. It’s helpful to display

it in the southwest corner which represents the womb and woman. I wish you good luck! Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in authentic Chinese feng shui. She has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more visit www. redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant! Photo by Ken Hammond/ Wikipedia: Pregnant woman at a WIC clinic (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) in Virginia

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



How to stay drama-free When we hear the word drama, what sorts of things typically come to mind? You may relate it to a favourite TV drama series on Netflix or perhaps you may think of someone who has been dubbed as a drama queen in high school. We associate the word drama to many aspects of our lives whether we relate it to a story, a person or a place. The type of drama I have in mind is one that relates to the workplace. Unfortunately, it is one of those places where some people spend a lot of time talking trash about someone, or creating cliques of their own and gossiping about their co-workers. While most of us have always looked forward to completing college or university to become professionals, there are a few who just can’t seem to get away from petty high school behaviour. I am sure, as you recall from your high school days, drama never really benefited anyone. As professionals, it is very important to be free from drama. Here are a few ways to keep yourself and others away from workplace drama.

Stop paying attention to what people think According to Psychology Today, when people make a judgement about someone, their critiques are rarely about that person. “In fact, it’s almost always about them, their [own] issues, their needs, and their desire to control you and/or a situation,” according to Dr. Abigail Brenner. Instead of taking things personally and internalizing what others think, it is important to acknowledge the things that trigger our emotions and learn to manage them. Time and place matter for venting We all have our frustrations at work and most of the time we want to vent about the things or behaviours that bother us at work. It is healthy to vent, but if the information gets in the wrong hands our venting could easily turn into drama. Why? Because if the person we are venting about learns that you are talking about them to someone, the intent no longer matters. That person could interpret your venting to someone as bad mouthing them or damaging their reputation. Even

if you explain to them that you were only venting, do you actually think that person will understand? If you must vent, consider talking to an EAP Counsellor or talk to a neutral person outside of work. Steer clear of gossip The workplace is a perfect breeding ground for gossip. Lots of people like to chat during lunch, during break or even during work hours, and there is always that one person who always seems to know the scoop about everything. First of all, if you are getting second-hand information, how can you be sure the information is accurate and true? Second, is the person actually considered to be credible if all he or she does is share stories about what’s going on at work? If there is a juicy story spreading around work, let it stop with you by not passing it on any further. Be responsible to act with integrity. Another technique, too, is to let the gossiper finish, and don’t engage him or her by saying anything back. This way they will quickly learn that you are not interested in gossiping. Also, you are no different from those they have gossiped about. Do you actually think that just because

they’re sharing information with you about others that they will actually not gossip about you? Something to think about, for sure. At the end of the day, we are no longer 16 years old. The drama that your 16-year-old self used to experience or do must remain in the past. Mature, professional adults should not be caught doing things that reflect high school behaviour. After all, the workplace is unlike a high school hallway. Source w w w. f o r b e s . c o m / s i t e s / francesbridges/2018/06/29/ how-to-stop-taking-things-

personally/#fc1352167260 This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMA-ACP is an Advanced Certified HR Professional with the International Personnel Management Association. She graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Human Resource Management. She also holds the C.I.M. professional designation (Certified in Management).



MAY 1 - 15, 2019

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



Five UP students receive bursaries Five senior University of the Philippines students received thesis bursaries from the University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba, Inc. (UPAA-MB) in October last year. The bursary is in line with the association’s mission of giving back to the community by supporting the “Iskolar ng Bayan” (Scholars of the State). The top recipient is Khrystal Mae Velasco, a BS Nutrition student in UP-Los Baños. Velasco received $1,000 for her research on the effects of the ecological nixtamalization of corn. The bursary committee also awarded $100 each to Victor Enrique Bolinao (Law), Mary Jessica Marquez Juliano (BS Nutrition), Ian Christopher Rojo Valenzuela (BS Forestry), and Zenyor

Zyroy Timoteo Yambao (BS Agricultural Economics). Last year’s bursary was the third time that the association extended financial aid to UP students. The UPAA-MB bursary is funded by individuals, local businesses, and through the annual Flapjack Breakfast Fundraiser. Last year’s donors include Emmie Joaquin (Financial Advisor, The Wealth Planning Group Inc), Heidi P. Cruz (Lawyer, Cruz Law Office), Edwin Yazon (Edwin Yazon Financial Services) and Ramon Sales. The bursary was administered by volunteers who were active members of the association: Aiza Sola, Maribel Gertes-Reynoso, Christy Domingo, Janice Bajan and Ting Yuipco Mallari. By Edwin Madera – UPAAMB Five University of the Philippines students received bursaries from the UPAA-MB in October last year


One hundred years ago, on May 15, 1919, in the midst of high unemployment, low wages with rising inflation and living costs, and widespread unsafe working conditions, virtually the entire labour force of Winnipeg – approximately 30,000 strong – walked off their jobs to strike. Within days, similar strikes were being held in other Canadian cities in solidarity with what was taking place here. After a month and 10 days, on June 25, 1919, the strike ended, but not after several people had died, were injured, or were deported due to participating in the strike. The Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 was a demonstration by workers to demand better wages and improved working conditions, and to assert the principle of fair collective bargaining of contracts that actually respects the voices of workers and not just those of employers. While the immediate aftermath of the 1919 strike did not seem to produce positive outcomes for some workers, particularly those who were not allowed to return to their jobs because of striking, or others who were able to return but did not see any improvement in their working conditions, the labour movement continued to push for protections and rights of workers. There have been victories since 1919, however, the struggle for workers’ rights continues. Many of the rights that have been gained in our country and in our province, through the enactment of laws intended to protect and benefit participants in the Canadian labour market, do not apply to all immigrant and refugee workers. One hundred years of progress for workers’


rights have not been translated to migrant workers, temporary foreign workers, and live-in caregivers, many of whom are our mga kababayan, Filipinos. Workers who are neither permanent residents of Canada nor permanent employees of a Canadian employer have precarious job security and life safety because their immigration status is completely dependent on their employment. Many are restricted in their freedom of movement, particularly for caregivers or agricultural workers who are required to live with their employer. Many are not able to access time benefits such as overtime, and many are vulnerable to workplace hazards due to feeling unable to report safety and health issues out of fear. Because the system favours the controllers of wealth over the producers of wealth, many immigrant and refugee workers are subject to dismissal without real mechanisms to appeal. Most temporary workers are unable to organize or unionize. Furthermore, although migrant or temporary foreign workers may likely be paying into government labour protections, such as Employment Insurance (EI), they are usually unable to use EI if they are laid off because they are only in the country provisionally. If they lose their job while in Canada, they also lose access to any remaining social government benefits they might have, such as a valid health card. The inequalities between workers function as a barrier to keep workers divided, rather than being united together to assert their collective rights as the backbone of the economy.

MAY 1 - 15, 2019

The impact of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike on workers’ struggles, today and future This year, on May Day, as we remember the victories won since the 1919 General Strike, we must acknowledge that the struggle continues and that there are workers among us who are still not able to even so much as access the rights and protections that many of us are privileged to now have. It is also important to recognize that workers’ rights can be repealed or rolled back if we as a society are not vigilant in advocating to the powers that be that the labour of all people must be respected and not exploited.

We must work together to improve conditions across the board, especially since not everyone experiences the same kinds of struggles. Workers who are paid with higher wages must support workers who are paid lower wages. Unionized workers must advocate for this same right for workers who are not unionized. Cis workers must make space for and ally with workers who are trans. Through collective support, including educational initiatives that aim to increase awareness and knowledge of our rights in

the workplace (for example, see pictures), we can build capacity, and encourage and empower each other to be able to assert our own rights and advocate for ourselves, while also continuing to raise our voices for those unable to speak up. We must remember that “an injury to one is an injury to all,” and “if one of us falls, we all fall.” Isang bagsak! Johsa Manzanilla wishes all her fellow workers a happy and righteous May Day. She is a proud member of ANAK.

Workplace safety and health workshops for local immigrant and youth workers, presented by ANAK

MAY 1 - 15, 2019




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MAY 1 - 15, 2019

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



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MAY 1 - 15, 2019

• Claudine Barretto – Parang ginto, napakagaling na aktres • Pinoys sa Hong Kong – Full support sa mga Filipino artists • Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo – Matatag ang 9 years na relasyon • Alden Richards – May sariling McDo sa Biñan, marunong magpundar • Coco Martin – Napuno ang salop, napikon ang mabait na aktor • Marjorie Barretto – Bakit lahat ng anak may problema sa mga ama? • Bimby – Katorse años na ang bunso ni Kris • Ogie Alcasid – Marespeto pero matalim ang balik kay Ben Tulfo Sino’ng magsasabing natengga nang maraming taon sa pag-arte si Claudine Barretto sa ipinamalas niyang pagganap sa MMK? Hindi talaga kinakalawang ang ginto kahit ano ang mangyari. Hindi iyon kukupas, hindi magbabago ang kulay, dahil tunay na tunay. Unang mapapansin sa pagbabalik-telebisyon ni Claudine ang kaniyang itsura. Napakaganda pa rin ng bunsong Barretto. Makinis, payat na payat na, parang wala siyang pinagdaanang mga paghamon at problema sa personal niyang buhay. Sinimulan at tinapos namin ang MMK, bawat buka ng bibig ng aktres ay binantayan namin, magaling pa rin siyang umarte at hindi namin nakita ang pangangarag ng isang aktres na nabakante nang maraming taon sa acting niya. Isang malaking senyal ang ipinakita niyang pagganap na kailangan na niyang magbalik nang

seryosohan. Tumanggap na siya ng serye, gumawa na siya ng pelikula, dahil walang nangalawang sa kaniya kahit pa ilang taon siyang hindi humarap sa mga camera. Sana nga ay magtambal uli sila ni Piolo Pascual, hindi kalimutlimot ang pelikula nilang Milan, napapanahon na para gumawa uli sila ng pelikula. Huwag na sanang magsayang pa ng panahon si Claudine Barretto, ito na ang tamang panahon para magdesisyon siyang umarte na uli, dahil sinampolan na niya ang publiko at pumasa naman siya sa pagsusulit. *** Nakakatuwa ang pagiging makabayan ng mga Pinoy na nagtatrabaho sa Hong Kong. Wala silang pakialam kung magshoot man sa naturang bansa sina Tom Cruise at Jacky Chan, ang pakialam lang nila ay ang mga Pinoy na artista, lalo na ang kanilang mga paborito. Iyon ang dahilan kung See CRISTY p15

Alden Richards – May sarili ng McDonald’s Restaurant franchise sa Biñan

Claudine Barretto

Kathryn Bernardo & Daniel Padilla – Matatag ang relasyon

Si Bimby at mommy Kris Aquino (2012 photo)

Regine Velasquez-Alcasid and Ogie Alcasid

Very proud ang mommy – 14 years old na si Bimby

Coco Martin – Napikon!

Ben Tulfo

MAY 1 - 15, 2019

CRISTY... From page 14 bakit nahihirapan ang Star Cinema sa shooting ng pelikulang pinagbibidahan nina Alden Richards at Kathryn Bernardo. Hindi sila makausad, hindi makukumpleto ang nakakalendaryo nilang sequences sa araw-araw, dahil sa pagkakagulo ng kanilang mga fans. Kailangan pa namang sumentro ng mga eksena sa lugar kung saan nagtitipon-tipon ang mga Pinoy OFW tuwing Linggo, doon mabubuo ang pagmamahalan sa istorya, pero nahihirapan ang produksiyon. Kuwento ng isang kaibigan naming may-ari ng agency na nagpapadala ng mga manggagawa sa iba-ibang bansa, “Ang unang tanong nga nila kapag paalis na, e, kung may mga artista raw bang nagpupunta sa destination nila? “Lalo na sa Hong Kong, wala silang pakialam kung nandoon man sila Julia Roberts na kilala sa buong mundo! Ang pinagkakaguluhan lang nila, e, ang mga Pilipinong artista. “Sa Central Park pa naman kukunan ang mga scenes nina Alden at Kathryn, mahihirapan talaga ang production, balwarte ng mga Pinoy ang lugar na iyon tuwing Sunday. Fiesta para sa kanila ang araw na iyon,” kuwento ng aming kaibigan. Dalawang sikat na artista ba naman ang nandoon ngayon, talagang magkakagulo ang mga kababayan nating OFW, harapharapan nilang nakikita ang kanilang mga idolo sa Hong Kong. *** Matibay na nga ang pundasyon ng relasyon nina Daniel Padilla at Kathryn Bernardo. Kumbaga sa bahay ay hindi na iyon kayang patumbahin ng kahit pinakamalakas na bagyo. Sementado na ang kanilang puso para sa isa’t isa, wala nang puwedeng umentra sa kanilang relasyon nang basta-basta, ganoon na kabuo ang kanilang tiwala sa bawat isa.


May nakapagbulong sa amin na siyam na taon na pala nilang inaalagaan at ipinaglalaban ang kanilang relasyon ngayon. Limang taon lang ang inamin ng dalawa pero ayon sa amin mapagkakatiwalaang source ay siyam na taon na silang magkarelasyon. Kung ganoon ay sobrang tibay na nga ng kanilang pagmamahalan, wala nang makatitibag doon, dahil nakalaan na ang puso nila sa isa’t isa lang. Ang relasyon nina DJ at Kath ay hindi lang nakapokus sa pagmamahalan, may kakambal na tiwala at pang-unawa iyon, kaya kahit hindi sila magkasama ay patuloy na positibo ang kanilang relasyon. Mapagpahalaga sila sa emosyon ng isa’t isa, bumibiyahe si Daniel para lang bisitahin ang kaniyang girlfriend sa ibang bansa habang nagtatrabaho, at si Kathryn naman ay naglalaan ng espesyal na panahon para makasama si DJ sa mahahalagang okasyon ng kanilang buhay. Sana’y tularan ng iba sina Daniel at Kathryn na alam kung ano ang kanilang prayoridad sa buhay. Mahal nila ang isa’t isa pero may mga pagkakataong kailangan nilang pansamantalang magkalayo dahil iyon ang kailangan. Napakasinsero nila sa isa’t isa, sa tinginan pa lang nila ay umapaaw na ang kanilang pagmamahalan, ito ang klase ng relasyon na ayaw nating makitang mauuwi lang sa wala. *** Maaga pa ang umaga ay bukas na bukas na ang sikat na food chain ni Alden Richards sa Biñan Highway para maglingkod sa ating mga kababayan. Katuparan ng isang malaking pangarap ang pagkakaroon ng Pambansang Bae ng isang food chain na paboritong pinupuntahan ng mga Pinoy at ginagawang party place ng mga batang nagdiriwang ng kaarawan. Sino nga ba ang mag-aakala na isang araw pala, ang food chain na madalas lang puntahan


Pinoy OFWs sa Hong Kong sa kanilang day off. Photo ni Marilou Driedger ni Alden at ng kaniyang pamilya ay magkakaroon siya ng sariling branch, napakabait talaga ng kapalaran sa mga taong nagsisipag at walang kahit sinong tinatapakan. Pangarap ng mga negosyante ang pagkakaroon ng sangay ng nasabing food chain. Kilala sa buong mundo ang McDonald’s. Kahit saang bansa tayo magpunta ay may McDo. At napakapalad ni Alden Richards sa pagkakaroon ng branch ng paboritong food chain ng mga Pinoy. Kausap namin ang isang kaibigan, sa pagkakaroon nito ng suwerte sa buhay ay pangarap din nitong kumuha ng franchise ng McDonald’s para sigurado na raw ang kinabukasan ng kaniyang pamilya, pero nang malaman nito kung magkano iyon ay bigo ang aming kaibigan. “Naku, one third pa lang pala ang exact franchise fee ang naiipon ko! Kailangan ko pa uling mangibang-bansa para makaipon!” natatawang sabi ng kaibigan namin. Dugo, pawis at luha ang ipinuhunan ni Alden sa kaniyang negosyong food chain. Hindi iyon natupad sa isang magdamagan lang matitinding sakripisyo muna ang kaniyang pinagdaanan. At totoo. Kapag nagsisikap tayo at nagsisipag ay may

New bowling league in Winnipeg The Cuevas Bakery Mixed Bowling League is proud to announce the upcoming assembly meeting to be held at LaVérendrye Bowling Lanes, 614 Des Meurons St., on May 12, 2019 at 4:00 pm. All officers and interested bowlers are welcome to attend. 2019 Officers: President – Vergilio Cuevas; Vice President – J.R. Beniza; Secretaries – Oliver Miaral and August Reginales; Treasurer – Boy Perez; Assistant Treasurer – Pocholo Limuaco; PRO’s – Joe Trinidad and Gary Biala; Sergeant at Arms – Lito Pedrosa; Advisor – Bert Nagutom.

premyong napakaganda sa bandang dulo ng laban. Congratulations kay Alden Richards! *** Maraming nagmamahal kay Coco Martin. Milyon ang umiidolo kay Ricardo Dalisay ng Ang Probinsiyano. Pero hindi lahat ay sumasang-ayon sa pagiging pikon niya pagdagting na sa kaniyang personal na buhay. Kalat na ang kuwento tungkol sa pagsisilang ni Julia Montes. Hindi puwedeng itago ang panganganak ng isang public figure na tulad ng dalaga. Pero hanggang ngayon ay walang naririnig na anumang komento ang mga kababayan natin mula kay Coco Martin na itinuturong ama ng isinilang ni Julia. Sabi ni prop, “Doon naman ako hindi agree, napakadali namang sabihing oo, ako nga ang father ng bata, may problema ba? Pero parang napikon si Coco, kung anu-anong comment ang ipino-post niya. “Sana lang, e, hindi na niya ginawa ang ganoon. Sa personal opinion ko, e, nakabawas iyon sa ipino-project niyang image ng isang action star. “Ang ganda-ganda ng kartada niya, e! Tahimik, hindi pumapatol

sa mga bashers, ganoon ang tingin sa kaniya ng publiko. Basta, pakikipagbakbakan lang ang ginagawa niya, ganoon!” opinyon ng kaibigan naming propesor. Pero may punto naman si Coco Martin, tao lang din siyang napupuno paminsan-minsan, kailangan niyang maglabas ng sama ng loob kesa sa siya pa ang magkasakit sa pagiging malihim sa kaniyang emosyon. Nakakatakot ang taong tahimik lang. Para siyang bulkan na matagal na panahong nag-ipon lang ng lava kaya nang pumutok ay sobrang pagsabog ang naganap. Ganoon si Coco Martin. Hindi siya masalita, puro trabaho lang ang nasa kaniyang utak, pero may panahon ng pagkaputol ng pisi ng mga taong ganoon. Sa kasagsagan ng Mahal Na Araw tumapat ang pagsabog ng emosyon ni Coco. Wala siyang binabanggit na pangalan pero tulad ng kaniyang mga suntok sa Ang Probinsiyano ay direktang tumama iyon sa mukha ng taong pinatutungkulan niya. Ang sama-sama ng kaniyang loob dahil wala na raw ginawa ang taong iyon kundi ang hanapan ng butas ang kaniyang personal na buhay. Hindi na nga nakatutulong sa kaniyang propesyon ay puro See CRISTY p20



MAY 1 - 15, 2019

My path to effective communications I’ve often been asked what a Director of Communications does. It’s a great question and I’d like to share it with you now. Here’s my story. This month marks a significant point in my career. It was 20 years ago that I took a leap of faith and entered into the TV business, which set off a chain of events that led me to where I am today. I struggled with the decision because I was having a lot of fun working at CKJS Radio, where I was first hired on as a weekend on-air announcer working the 12 to 8 a.m. shift. I also had the opportunity to work with Emmie Joaquin – “Ate Emmie” – on Manila Sound, the drive home show. She took me under her wing and taught me about radio broadcasting. (Maraming salamat, Ate Em). You may remember me, I was the one many people didn’t believe was Filipino because I only spoke English. I did throw in a few Tagalog words here and there. Videon Cable (now Shaw TV in Winnipeg) was my first TV job. I was hired on as a segment host and eventually a regular host during the 1999 Pan Am Games. My exposure at those games led me

to a job with A-Channel Manitoba (remember them?) where I held a bunch of roles: director, producer, production assistant, and marketing coordinator. I thought I was set for life, but with little kids at home, I wanted to have a career that would allow me to be at home with the family Monday to Friday. Once again, I made a difficult decision and left TV to try something different. Many a broadcaster or journalist transitions into work in marketing, communications or public relations – unbeknownst to me at the time. It was a perfect fit since the company hiring was looking for someone with a good grasp of local media. The rest is history as they say. Which leads me to what I am writing about today: effective communications. The main focus in my career has always been to present the company or organization in a positive way. That is essentially the basis of a public relations (PR) professional’s job. I’ve been fortunate and have had a great career and made a lot of connections. While having the gift of gab is a bonus, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. What does it take to be an effective communicator?

I’ve found that you have to get past being shy and meeting new people. I had a method that I still practice to this day. When meeting a complete stranger, I try to sustain a conversation (not just about weather) and try to learn one or two things about them. It doesn’t matter who it was, it could be someone in an elevator or a cashier working in retail. It’s also just as important to listen. Admittedly, I have trouble with this since I also like to observe. How do I know the person that just walked in the room? This person has spinach in their teeth, should I tell them? Being a good listener is particularly useful when you bump into the person again. Being on the receiving end, how great is it when someone you spoke to long time ago remembers the name of your kids? Feels pretty good right? I love what I do, but there is a dark side. PR folk are not always friendly and can sometimes be combative. There is a reason why we are sometimes called “spin doctors.” These are people who bend the truth in a way that takes the attention away from the issue at hand. You’ll see a lot of these types working in politics, particularly south of the border. This type of unethical practice is

Dale Burgos & Emmie Joaquin at an on-location broadcast in 1998 a thorn in my side as it can often damage the good work that many of us do. Effective communications also has a technical aspect to it. Social media is great example of a tool that, when used correctly, is a must-have for any PR pro. Sharing a message on Twitter and Facebook is easy and can quickly spread to your audience. This practice also works for those not working in PR. Just bought some shoes? Take a pic and post it. Out with friends at dinner? Share it on Instagram. Without knowing it,

every user has essentially become their own PR person by sharing their story. These are but a few of the aspects of my job as a communications and public relations professional. Is this a career you may be interested in one day? Feel free to message me on Twitter (@daleburgos). We could always use more effective communicators. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in British Columbia.

10 simple ways to live less with plastic by Ramon Faustino M. Sales, Jr., PhD Did you know? • As many as one to five trillion single-use plastic bags are produced worldwide every year. That’s 160,000 per second! • More than 480 billion plastic bottles were sold worldwide in 2016. That is up from about 300 billion only a decade ago. • The amount of bubble wrap that is produced annually is enough to wrap around the Equator ten times. • About 437 million to 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the entire world’s oceans and coastlines. • Canadians generate about 3.25 million tons of plastic waste, or about 140,000 garbage trucks’ worth, each year. • Canadians throw out about 57 million straws every day. That’s roughly 11 per cent of what Americans consume. • For every pound of tuna we’re taking out of the ocean, we’re putting two pounds of plastic in the ocean. • Each year 100,000 marine animals and over one million sea birds die from ingesting plastic. By 2050, an estimated 99 per cent of seabirds will have ingested plastic. Seabirds can ingest as much as eight per cent of their body weight in plastic, which for humans is equivalent to the average woman

having the weight of two babies in her stomach. 10 easy ways to live less with plastic To reduce our plastic footprint, here are 10 simple ways that we can do to help cut down on unnecessary waste, conserve natural resources, and can even save you money, too. 1. Bring your own reusable shopping bag. A single plastic bag can take 20 to 1,000 years to degrade. One ton of recycled bags saves the energy equivalent of 11 barrels of oil. 2. Carry a reusable water bottle (stainless steel or glass preferred). A global study found that 93 per cent of bottled water tested contained high levels of micro-plastics that are hazardous to human health. 3. Bring your own reusable cup to the coffee shop. Over 500 billion disposable coffee cups are used around the world every year, yet less than one per cent are recycled. 4. Pack your lunch or store leftovers in reusable containers or glass jars. Investing in a non-toxic, reusable lunch bag can save you hundreds of dollars each year and offers you a better opportunity to enjoy your favourite healthy foods. Glass food storage containers are more durable and won’t break down over time, like plastic. They can be reused repeatedly and washed over and over again without sacrificing their shape and durability.

5. Say “No” to disposable straws, cutlery and styrofoam. Bring your own reusable straw and cutlery from home and your own reusable container for takeout, since many restaurants use styrofoam. Most plastic straws are also not biodegradable and simply break into ever-smaller particles, releasing chemicals that harm animals, plants, people, and the environment. Styrofoam is hard to recycle and is also made from toxic chemicals (styrene) that can leach into the environment and harm human health. 6. Buy bulk. Purchase fruits, vegetables, cereals and snacks from bulk bins and fill a reusable bag or container. You save money and unnecessary packaging.

7. Stop buying bottled water. Filling up a reusable bottle costs just a few cents, whereas bottled water may sell for up to 1,000 times the price and may be no safer or healthier than tap water. 8. Pack an apple, banana, carrot or celery sticks instead of snack packs. Fruit and veggies fill you up in a healthy way, and are less wasteful and sugary than a juice box. (Make sure to save the core, peels, and rinds for your compost bin.) 9. Use a razor with replaceable blades instead of a disposable razor. It is estimated that in the US, about two billion disposable razors end up in landfill each year. That’s about one million pounds of plastic waste.

10. Share these tips with family and friends. You can make a difference in the fight against global plastic pollution. And it can be fun. You can take your pledge by visiting the website links below. Every pledge counts and spreads the word. Planet or Plastic Campaign: To help prevent 1 billion plastics from reaching the ocean by 2020: www.nationalgeographic.com/ environment/plasticpledge/ The Last Plastic Straw Pledge: w w w. p l a s t i c p o l l u t i o n coalition.org/no-straw-please Sources w w w . e a r t h d a y . org/2018/04/18/fact-sheet-howSee PLASTIC p17

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



KC Salazar crowned Junior Miss Canada Galaxy 2019 Katrina Czarina “KC” Salazar was crowned Junior Miss Canada Galaxy 2019 at a two-day competition held in Toronto from April 26 to 28th. The 12-yearold KC was also named Best in Interview and Ms. Photogenic. KC is one of six queens who will represent Team Canada in the Galaxy Pageant International in Orlando, Florida, this August. Photos by @darrenleesuperstar.

KC with her awards: crown, sash, Junior Miss Canada Galaxy plaque, Best in Interview and Ms. Photogenic plaques

KC with her sash, plaque and crown at the Canada Galaxy pageant in Toronto, April 27, 2019

KC is crowned Junior Miss Canada Galaxy 2019 by Ms. Sindy Withans, National Director of Canada Galaxy Pageants

KC with Canada Galaxy National Director Ms. Sindy Withans and the other members of Team Canada who will compete for the coveted Galaxy International titles this August in Florida. Photo by Jim Orgill

PLASTIC... From page 16 much-disposable-plastic-we-use/ www.nationalgeographic.com/ environment/plastic-facts/ www.wearedonation.com/doactions/you-mug/ wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/ handle/20.500.11822/25496/ singleUsePlastic_sustainability. pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y wrwcanada.com/en/getinvolved/resources/plasticsthemed-resources/singleuse-plastics-canada-here-arebusinesses-and Ramon Faustino M. Sales, Jr., PhD, has over 20 years of professional experience in environment, climate change and sustainable development policy, planning and management, both internationally and in Canada. He is also currently President of Caring for our Environment – Manitoba, a non-profit organization.

Ms. Canada Galaxy 2016, Angel Bhathal of Winnipeg, places her crown on KC during KC with guest of honour, Ms Canada the meet and greet at Galaxy 2016, Angel Bhathal, three Manitoba Shining Star years after they first met. April 27, 2019. Fashion Show in 2016.

Winnipeg Team WSSC 2005 wins Silver Winnipeg Team WSSC 2005 won the Silver Medal in the Junior Grand AM Basketball Tournament at Grand Forks, North Dakota held April 5 – 7, 2019; 27 teams participated in this division. The team thanks their sponsors, supporters, families and the friends of WSSC (Winnipeg Social and Sports Club) Teams.

Congratulations Winnipeg Team WSSC 2005! Standing l-r: Coach Mario Olaes, Hans Cabanero, Lance Miguel Del Mundo, Tim Bacanto, Derian Castaneda, Lance Catipon, Orion Remoquillo, Allen Penales and Coach Diowe Bacanto. Front row l-r: Charles Llanes, Joaquin Limcangco, Rylen Olaes.



MAY 1 - 15, 2019

Tunay na pagsisisi May isang kartoon kung saan ang maliit na batang si George Washington ay pinakita na nakatayo na may hawak na palakol. Katabi niya ay ang isang puno ng cherry na nakadapa sa lupa. Inamin na niya na siya ang pumutol nito sapagkat hindi niya kayang magsinungaling. Ngunit ang kaniyang tatay na nakatayo doon na nakukulitan at napapagod na sa kaniya ay nagsabing, “Okay, okay, inamin mo na. Palagi kang umaamin. Ang tanong, eh, kailan mo titigilan ang paggawa ng mali?” Ayon sa Houston Chronicle sa taunang church fair sa Italy noong 1993, may mga ahenteng nagpo-promote ng high-tech na kumpisalan kung saan puwedeng mangumpisal ang isang tao sa pamamagitan ng pag-fax ng kaniyang mga kasalanan. Nagkakahalaga ito ng mula $3,385 hanggang $8,500 at ang target ng mga ito ay ang mga taong masyadong busy at walang oras pumunta sa simbahan. Ano nga ba ang tunay na pagsisisi? Sapat na nga bang aminin natin ang ating kasalanan at umiyak dahil dito? Mayroon

METH... From page 1 property crime and violent crime directly linked to meth use. Police describe an increase in perpetrators “breaking into houses, stealing property so they can take it, pawn it, sell it to get money.” Filipino community mobilization West End homeowner, Bernadette Amaranca, 46, describes the fear she experienced after a stray bullet shattered her living room window: “I feel safer when I go out to get groceries at Superstore or when I go to Walmart than I do inside my own home.” This sense of unease and even fear amongst community members is palpable and has prompted Filipinos to action. Organizations like 204 have packed public forums held in March and April at Daniel McIntyre High School, Maples Collegiate, Tyndall Park Community Centre and Petrus Hall. Panellists and audience members have covered topics such as crystal meth, personal safety, property crime, policing and legal rights regarding self-defence. Forums are livestreamed and comments made by forum panellists and audience participants are dissected and debated online for days afterwards. Neighbourhood watch groups like PARAC and Pinoy Community Watch have conducted weekend membership drives spurring the proliferation of hundreds of new volunteers in recent weeks. Members use “handles” to protect

pa ba tayong dapat gawin para ipakitang tayo’y tunay na nagsisisi? Mahalangang maunawaan na kapag tayo’y nagkasala, nangangahulugan na sinaway natin ang Diyos, ang kaniyang batas at ang kaniyang kapangyarihan. Hindi dito pinag-uusapan kung malaki o maliit ang ating kasalanan. Parehong makasalanan sa mata ng Diyos ang isang tsismosa at isang mamamatay tao. Ang taong tunay na nagsisisi ay hindi inihahambing ang kaniyang sarili sa ibang tao. Kapag nahuhuli na aming mga kaibigan ang kanilang apat na taong anak na kumukuha at kumakain ng tsokolate nang hindi nagpapaalam sa kanila, uunahan na ng bata ang kaniyang mga magulang ng malakas na iyak. Hindi dahil nagsisisi siya sa kaniyang ginawa kundi dahil nahuli siya at natatakot siyang madisiplina. Ang iba sa atin ay nagsisisi para lamang matigil na ang pag-uusig ng ating konsensiya. Ang manunulat na si Nicky Gumbel ay may kuwento ukol sa isang lalaki na nagpadala

ng tseke sa gobyerno na may kalakip na sulat na nagsasabing, “Nakokonsensya ako sa pandaraya sa aking tax kaya’t kinailangan kong ipadala sa inyo ang tsekeng ito. Kung hindi pa rin gumanda ang pakiramdam ko, padadala ko sa inyo ang natitira pa.” Ang taong tunay na nagsisisisi ay naghihinagpis dahil nasaktan niya ang Diyos at nilagyan niya ng lamat ang kaniyang relasyon sa Panginoon. Nauunawaan niyang galit ang Diyos sa kasalanan. Naunawaan niya ang buhay na ipinambayad ni Hesus para maligtas tayo sa kasalanan. Naunawaan niyang sa kaniyang pagkakasala ay parang binalewala niya ang dugong inalay ng Diyos para sa ating kaligtasan. Ang taong tunay na nagsisisisi ay buong pusong humihingi ng kapatawaran ng Diyos. Humihiling siya sa Diyos na linisin ang kaniyang puso at bigyan siya ng kapangyarihang na mapagtagumpayan ang kasalanan. Mababasa sa biblia na si Haring David ay nagkasala. Inagaw niya ang babaeng si Bathsheba at pinapatay niya ang asawa nito para takpan ang kaniyang sala. Ngunit kinausap siya ng propetang si Nathan para sabihing siya’y nagkasala.

their identities, organize in geographic “chapters” and directly communicate through smart phone apps. Some members serve by physically monitoring streets and offering their presence to neighbours experiencing possible threats to their person or property. What is meth? While other major Canadian cities are facing opioid crises, totalling an average of 300 overdose deaths per month nationwide, the drug of choice in Winnipeg is meth. Crystal meth (known as shabu in the Philippines) is a stimulant that sells for an average price of $10 for a tenth of a gram on Winnipeg streets and can be injected, eaten or snorted. It can be bought in nearly every part of Winnipeg, even online using the “dark web” or social media sites. The high experienced by a meth user is usually 12 hours long with the last several hours triggering intense paranoia, violence, physical pain, itching and scabbing of skin, and an urgent desperation for more meth. Frontline emergency personnel, including police, paramedics, nurses and doctors, report increasingly dangerous, violent interactions with meth users. According to Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) statistics, there has been a 1200 per cent surge in meth-related hospital visits from 2013 to 2018. Currently, city hospitals report 207 meth related ER visits per month. Manitoba Nurses Union President, Darlene Jackson, reports increases

in deliberate violence towards hospital staff including verbal abuse, violent threats and physical aggression. From October 2016 to October 2018 there were 175 violent incidents reported at Grace Hospital and 444 at the Health Sciences Centre. Government response Manitoba political leaders range greatly in their response to the meth crisis. Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman has indicated his support for the creation of safe consumption sites, which are facilities that are staffed with medical supervisors for drug users to inject or consume drugs that they bring in themselves. In Mayor Bowman’s State of the City Address last month he stated that, “We need to put partisan ideology aside when it comes to establishing supervised consumption sites, the support mechanism being used in cities across Canada and saving lives.” On the other hand, Conservative Premier Brian Pallister has rejected the creation of safe consumption sites in Manitoba. The Pallister government has received criticism stemming from a WRHA briefing note stating a “lack of provincial leadership” has that hampered the city’s ability to cope with the problem. In a year-end interview in 2018 the premier stressed that the PC government has priorities other than meth that his government must also prioritize. Pallister also does not believe in calling it a meth crisis in the first place. He said that not too long ago everyone thought

Sa aklat ng Mga Awit sa biblia, mababasa natin ang taos-pusong pagsisi niya sa Diyos. Ang tunay na pagsisi ay may buong pagpapakumbaba sa Diyos. Si Apostol Pablo ay isa sa mga pinuno ng relihiyon ng mga Israelita. Ginagalang siya ng mga tao. Tinuturing siyang matuwid. Pero galit siya sa mga naunang Kristyano noon. Hindi kasi siya naniniwala na si Hesus ang tunay na anak ng Diyos. Pinakukulong at pinaparusahan niya ang mga tagasunod ni Hesus. Pero nang nangusap sa kaniya ang Diyos at nalaman niya ang katotohanan na si Hesus ay tunay na anak ng Diyos, nagsisi siya sa kaniyang kasalanan. Naging kaisa na siya ng mga Kristyano. Ang dating kinalaban niya ay buong puso na niyang sinusuportahan. Tinanggap niya ang kapatawarang inalay ni Hesus sa krus para sa kaniyang kasalanan. Nabago siya at naging kilalang mangangaral ng salita ng Diyos. Marami siyang nagawang mga himala at mga dakilang bagay para sa Diyos. Hindi niya nalilimutan ang kaniyang pinanggalingan – na siya ay makasalanan na nakaranas lamang ng habag at biyaya ng Diyos. Kahit sa kaniyang pangangaral ng salita ng Diyos, hindi siya nahihiyang aminin sa tao na minsan siya ay

nagkasala ng malaki laban sa Diyos. May mga taong mahilig magdahilan kapag dinidipensa nila ang kanilang mga kamaliang ginagawa. Maririnig sa kanila ang katagang ito, “Wala naman akong inaargabyadong tao.” Pero hindi sumagi sa isip nila na ang Diyos mismo ang inaargabyado nila sa pagkakasalang ginagawa nila. Kaibigan, bakit hindi natin siyasatin ang ating puso kung tunay nga tayong nagsisisi o hindi? Pastor Junie Josue is Senior Pastor of International Worship Centre (IWC) at 1077 St. James St. (Worship Services: Sundays - 9 a.m. Tagalog, 10:45 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. English services). Other IWC English worship services every Sunday are also held at the following sites: Cineplex Entertainment, Kildonan Place at 1555 Regent Avenue at 10 a.m., Cinema City Northgate at 1399 McPhillips St. at 10:15 a.m., Calvary Chapel at 221 Hamilton St. Neepawa, MB at 1:30 p.m. & West End Community Centre at 247-23rd St., Brandon, MB at 10:30. a.m. Pastor Junie is also host of radio program Higher Life on CKJS 810 AM, Monday to Friday, 8:50 a.m. For more information, call 774-4478.

“Why did it have to happen to Jimboy, of all people? What happened goes over and over in my mind and sometimes I feel like I’m never going to be safe again.” — Merielle Elaine Santos, 17-year-old TecVoc student and best friend of Jimboy Adao. She performed a dance solo at a fundraising event on April 26, organized and performed by youth from the West End to commemorate Jimboy’s life. Photo by Miles Santos there was a fentanyl crisis and now “people wanted to call it a [meth] crisis. Now they don’t call fentanyl a crisis, they call something else a crisis.” Currently, the city and

province are waiting for the recommendations from the Illicit Drug Task Force working group that started in December 2018. The 17-member committee See METH p21

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



Shout out kay Mayor: Wer na u? Sa backlane ng isang gusali sa downtown ay natagpuan ang maraming piraso ng used syringes, upos ng sigarilyo at mga basyo ng alak. Sa kabilang gusali naman ay basag ang mga salamin ng isang convenient store na napabalitang nilooban ng mga kawatan. Sa isang abandonadong hotel ay natagpuan ng mga otoridad ang ilang mga kalalakihan at kababaihan na pinasok ang hotel at ginamit ito sa iba’t ibang uri na ilegal na gawain. Ang ilang bahagi ng salamin ng walkway na kumukonekta sa maraming mga gusali sa downtown ay natagpuang mga basag din. May isang babaeng nakiusap sa aming opisina na makakuha ng video footage dahil siya ay naging biktima ng pagnanakaw. Kitangkita sa video kung paano basagin ang salamin ng isang sasakyan at kuhanin ang mga gamit sa loob nito. Nagtakbuhan ang mga salarin sa backlane at ipinasa ang mga ninakaw sa dalawang lalakeng naka-bisikleta. Itong araw na ito habang nagmamaneho ako sa parte ng North End partikular sa Pritchard Avenue malapit sa McGregor ay saski ako sa abutan ng “kung ano” ng isang lalake mula sa lumang bahay at sa isang babae na lulan ng isang van. Ang transaksyon ay kitang-kita ng ilan pang mga dumadaan. Noong isang linggo ay kamuntik ng nakawin ang package na inorder online ng aking anak. Sakto ang pagdating ng aking anak at nahuli niya sa akto ang isang babae na akmang kukuhanin ang kaniyang package. Nang sitahin niya ito ay biglang nagpalusot ang babae at sinabing may hinahanap daw silang tao na dito nakatira. Kasama ng babae ang isang lalake na lulan ng van. Kumaripas palayo ang mga ito nang masita. Mabuti na lamang at hindi nauwi sa away ang insidente. Tumawag ang aking anak sa non-emergency phone line ng Winnipeg police upang i-report ang pangyayari subali’t sobrang tagal siyang naka-hold. Nag-desisyon siyang i-report ito online. Hindi ko alam kung naaksyunan at kung may acknowledgement reply man lamang ang kapulisan. Bukod sa mga pangyayaring ito ay kabi-kabila rin ang mga nakawan at nakalulungkot mang isipin, maging ang mga patayan. Hindi ako nagtataka kung bakit doble ingat ang maraming mga kababayan natin. Nabuo rin ang ilang mga grupo na nag-momonitor ng mga kahinahinalang gawain sa iba’t ibang mga lugar. Napabalita rin ang napakalakas na bentahan diumano ng mga padlocks. Sa isang bahay na napuntahan ko kamakailan ay may mahabang tubo na nakatutok sa kanilang pinto bukod pa sa mga idinagdag na mga kandado. Hindi

ko sila masisi. Praning na kung praning pero kung kaligtasan ng buhay ng pamilya ang nakasalalay ay mag-iingat talaga tayo nang doble. Ang ipinagtataka ko lang ay wala man lamang akong nabalitaan na ni isang elected official ng Winnipeg mapaMayor o konsehal ang nagbigay ng matibay na statement kaugnay ng lumalalang krimen sa siyudad. Dahil ba sa tapos na ang eleksiyon at nanalo na sila? Noong mga nakaraang buwan ay ginanap ang ilang mga forum na tinalakay ang iba’t ibang mga bagay at impormasyon tungkol sa krimen at batas. Ito ay dinaluhan ng ilang kagawad ng kapulisan, community leaders, volunteers at siyempre mga uhaw na pulitiko. Nakatulong ang mga forum, walang question dito. Pero nakalulungkot isipin na ginamit din itong plataporma ng ilang mga pulitiko para sa kanilang sariling interes. Pogi or ganda points kung baga. Again, nag-antay ako ng matibay na statement mula sa pamunuan ni Mayor Bowman, pero wala akong nabalitaan. Sumusubaybay naman ako sa mga balita pero wala talaga akong maalalang tugon si Mr. Bowman kaugnay ng krimen sa Peg. As of this writing, ang latest tweet ni Mr. Bowman ay ang pagbati niya sa wedding. Napangiti na lang ako. Ngiting may galit sa loob dahil kagabi lamang ay dinampot ng kapulisan ang 16 years old na suspect sa pagpatay kay Mang Lito Fernandez. Yes, menor de edad ang suspek sa pagpatay sa pobreng padre de pamilya! Meanwhile, si Mr. Bowman ay masaya sa pag-tweet na kung anu-ano at wala man lamang opisyal na pahayag sa kung ano na ba talaga ang nangyayari sa Winnipeg. Hindi nagbabago ang tilamsik ng gigil ng inyong lingkod sa mga politikong madaling nakakalimot o nagkakaroon ng amnesia kapag tapos na ang eleksiyon. Mayroon nga akong kakilala, about five years ago ay lintik kung makatawag sa akin para tulungan ang kaniyang reelection. Tinulungan ko naman. Nag-leave pa nga ako sa trabaho para tulungan siya. Abo’t tenga ang kaniyang ngiti nang muli siyang manalo at hanep sa mga pangako sa akin. Ako namang si tanga ay naniwala. After a few years, noong hindi na niya ako kailangan ay dedmahan na. Natatawa na lang ako sa mga politikong ganito. Tipikal na tipikal. Nagpapasalamat pa rin ako dahil at least ay nakilala ko ang tunay niyang pagkatao. Peke! Balik tayo kay Mayor at sa mga pogi at magagandang miyembro ng konseho. Sa palagay ko ay dapat bigyan ng tuon ng City of Winnipeg ang lumalalang crime

situation ngayon. Siguro, dapat i-review ng council ang programa ng siyudad para sa peace and order. Kung may kaugnayan ito sa drug addiction ay ano na ba ang ginagawa ng ating gobyerno para masugpo at malutas ang problemang ito? Makukuntento na lamang ba tayo na ang pagtaas ng crime rates sa Winnipeg ay magiging normal na lamang na trend? Ano ba ang ugat ng krimen sa Peg? Dapat siguro ay pag-aralan ito ng mga hinalal natin (ninyong) mga pulitiko. Hindi ba’t ito ang trabaho ninyo? Napaka-unfair sa ating lahat na parehas ang pagta-trabaho at pagnenegosyo kung hindi natutugunan ng gobyerno ang kanilang responsabilidad para

sa upkeep ng peace and order. Napakasipag ng mga immigrants. Maraming may double jobs and side businesses para lamang maitaguyod nang maayos ang kanilang pamilya. Nakakapikon naman na magiging biktima pa tayo ng krimen sa kabila ng ating pagsusumikap at tamang pagbabayad ng mga buwis para sa gobyerno at para sa mga nakikinabang sa gobyerno. Nag-iinit ang ulo ko kapag naiisip ko na sa bawat oras natin sa trabaho at sa bawat buwis na binabayaran natin ay kaparte doon ang ating ambag sa suweldo ng mga pulitiko na tila inaatake ng amnesia at nagiging bulag sa mga masamang nangyayari sa ating siyudad! Tulog ba kayo sa pansitan at

walang ginawa kundi mapagpogi at magpa-ganda sa social media? Tatandaan namin yan! Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).




CRISTY... From page 15

nina Kier Legaspi at Marjorie Barretto, ang pagpapakasal na wala nag kaniyang ama. Ayon kay Dani noong unang lumabas ang balita ay si Marjorie lang naman ang nakasama nitong lumaki, hindi nito nakasama si Kier, kaya hindi na nito iimbitahan ang aktor. Natural lang na hindi nagustuhan ng ating mga kababayan ang ginawang pangeetsapuwera ni Dani sa kaniyang ama. Kulturang Pilipino nga naman na ang ama ang naghahatid sa kaniyang anak papunta sa altar. Pero ang mas matinding tinutukan ng mga hindi nagkagusto kay Dani ay ang kaniyang ina. Tanong ng mga netizens, bakit daw ganoon, lahat ng mga anak ni Marjorie ay may problema sa kanilang mga ama? Si Dani kay Kier. Si Julia at ang mga kapatid nito kay Dennis Padilla. Kaya tanong ng isang basher, ang anak daw kaya ni Marjorie kay dating Mayor Recom Echiverri ay magalit din sa kaniyang ama sa mga darating na panahon? *** Parang kailan lang iyon, katorse anyos na pala ngayon si Bimby, napakabilis talagang lumipad ng panahon. Magbibinata na ang anak nina James Yap at Kris Aquino. Aminado naman si Kris na sa lahat ng laban na pasukin niya ay palaging nasa tabi niya si Bimby. Manang-mana kasi sa kaniya ang binatilyo, matalino si Bimby,

paninira pa ang ginagawa. Natural, may santo Kristo man sa dibdib ang magaling na aktor ay mas gugustuhin niyang pakawalan ang laman ng kaniyang puso kesa sa siya ang maapektuhan. Mahirap nga namang kimkimin ang mga sama ng loob na kalaunan ay nagiging matinding galit nang kailangang ilabas para sa katahimikan ng kaniyang kalooban. Paminsan-minsan lang naman siyang bumibigay, kapag talagang punumpuno na lang ang salop, sabi nga ng kaniyang idolong si FPJ ay kailangan nang kinakalos ang ganoon para hindi umawas. Sikat na sikat si Coco Martin. Tahimik lang sa kaniyang tagumpay. Pero tao rin siyang nasasaktan na kailangang maglabas ng kaniyang sama ng loob kung kinakailangan. Kung kakandidatong senador daw si Coco ay hindi na niya kailangang manganpanya. Tapos na agad ang halalan, number one na siya, dahil sa sobrang paghanga ng mga kababayan natin kay Ricardo Dalisay. Ibang klase ang karisma sa publiko ni Coco Martin. Lampaslampasan pa sa kaniyang mga pinapangarap ang ibiniagy na regalo sa kaniya ang kapalaran. Napakasuwerteng nilalang. *** Pinanindigan ni Daniella, anak

MAY 1 - 15, 2019

Marjorie Barretto and her children artikulado ring magsalita na tulad ng kaniyang ina. Inis na inis si Kris kapag may mga nagkokomento na malambot gumalaw si Bimby, doon siya manipis, agad na umaalma ang nanay kapag ang kaniyang bunso na ang bina-bash. Na natural lang naman, wala na nga namang kasamang ama si Bimby ay magpapabaya pa ba naman si Kris, hindi mangyayari iyon hanggang nabubuhay pa ang aktres-TV host. Maraming salamat naman at isinasantabi na ni Kris ang kung anumang kanegahang mayroon sa kaniyang puso laban kay James Yap. Sabi nga niya, hindi man sila nagtagumpay bilang



magkarelasyon ay may isang napakagandang regalong iniwan iniwan sa kaniya ang relasyon, si Bimby. At sana’y mapanindigan ni Kris Aquino ang kaniyang sinabi na pinakawalan na niya ang lahatlahat ng sama ng loob niya kay James Yap. Sana nga. *** Mahirap ang sitwasyon ng magaling na singer-composer na si Ogle Alcasid bilang mister ni Regine Velasquez. Dikta ng pagiging padre de pamilya ay hindi siya siyempre makapapayag na may lumapastangan sa kaniyang misis at anak. Wala siyang lulugaran.

Kapag hindi siya kumibo bilang pagdepensa sa kaniyang misis ay sasabihan siyang iresponsableng asawa. Kapag ipinagtanggol niya naman si Regine ay may magsasabing palaaway siya. Ang pagdepensa ni Ogie nang laitin ni Ben Tulfo ang kaniyang misis ay natural na reaksiyon ng isang asawang nasasaktan. Hindi lang para sa kaniyang sarili, mas nasasaktan siya para sa kaniyang misis, dahil kababaeng tao nga naman ay sukat patulan-menosin ng isang machong-machong broadcaster na si Ben Tulfo. Marespeto si Ogie Alcasid, palibhasa’y edukado, idinaan niya ang pagtatanggol sa kaniyang misis sa pinakabanayad na paraang nalalaman niya. Hindi niya binastos ang nambastos sa kaniyang misis, pero dumudugo ang sugat, nagnanaknak. Isandaang porsiyento naming sinusuportahan si Ogie Alcasid sa kaniyang ginawa. Kundi niya sasalagin ang nanglalait sa kaniyang misis ay sino pa ang gagawa noon para sa ina ng kaniyang anak? At isa lang ang napakalinaw sa senaryong ito. Palaging nakikipaghamunan ng suntukan si Ben Tulfo dahil sa tindig at bulto nitong lalaking-lalaki. Maliit si Ogie Alcasid kumpara sa machong Tulfo, pero sa kaniyang ipinost bilang pagdepensa sa kaniyang asawa ay titingala sa kaniya si Ben Tulfo, sa totoong-totoo lang. Dahil sa ginawang lantarang pangmamaliit ng radio commentator na si Ben Tulfo laban kay Regine Velasquez ay hindi namin mapipigilan ngayon ang aming sarili na pagkumparain sila ng kaniyang kapatid na si Raffy Tulfo. Pati kina Kuya Ramon at Erwin. Kilalang-kilala ang Tulfo Brothers sa pagiging marespeto sa mga kababaihan. Ang tingin nila sa bawat babaeng nabubuhay sa mundo ay larawan ng kanilang inang si Mommy Caring. Si Kuya Raffy, kapag babae ang sangkot sa inirerelamo ay ipinapasa nito ang pagtatanong sa kaniyang kapareha sa Wanted Sa Radyo, ayaw niyang husgahan ang babaeng inirereklamo dahil laban iyon sa kaniyang pamantayan. Kasalu-saludo ang ganoon, mas nagiging lalaking-lalaki at bruskong-brusko si Raffy Tulfo dahil sa pagrespeto nito sa mga See CRISTY p22


MAY 1 - 15, 2019


Ang mga Filipino centenarians na mga nasa foreign countries, umano ay maaaring makatanggap ng 100,000 pesos mula sa pamahalaan ng Pilipinas. Dapat magharap sila ng kahilingan. Ang mga pamamaraan ay dapat alamin sa tanggapan ng Philippine Consulate. *** Nabalita noong ika-12 ng Abril na ang Manitoba government ay may nakalaang pera na mga three million dollars para sa may 17 organization na makakatulong sa mga bagong immigrants ng Manitoba. Ang nabanggit na salapi ay mula daw sa Provincial Nominee Program ng probinsiya. *** Sa malapit na hinaharap ay malamang mabasawan ang bilang ng Liberal MLA members of the province. Tiyak ‘yon kung matutuloy ang planong pagkandidato sa pagka-MP ni Ms Judy Klassen sa nakatakdang fall elections. *** Samantala, Nabalita noong ika-10 ng Abril, na sa US ay may 24 ang kinasuhan tungkol sa dishonest dealing na mahigit one billion dollars sa health care program. Pinakamalaking anomalya umano sa kasaysayan ng USA. Sa November 2020 nakatakda ang presidential election doon. Pilipinas Ang naganap na magkasunod na lindol na dalawang araw noong ika-22 at 23 ng April na ang magnitude ay 6.1 at 6.5 sa mga gawing Kanluran ng Luzon at Silangan bahagi ng Samar ay isipin na lang natin na isang pagsubok sa buhay. Naganap ang trahedya makaraan ang isang linggong Mahal na Araw na minsan pang ginunita ng mga Filipinong isinilang sa sariling bayan at kahit na sa ngayon ay wala sila sa bansang kanilang

sinilanagan. Ang mahalagang mensahe ay piliin ang mabuti, ang masama ay iwaksi. Sa aking haka-haka. Sinugo sa lupa ng Diyos ang Kaniyang anak na nagkatawang-tao. Layunin ay maging huwaran siya ng mga tao. Mabuhay na mapayapa. Sinikap na matupad ang hangarin ng kaniyang Ama. Pinagdiwang ng mga tao nang dumating sa Herusalem. Nang lumaon ang mga taong sumalubong, silasila ang nagpako kay Hesus sa nakadipang kahoy. *** About 12 days na lang at magaganap na ang 2019 Midterm Elections. Malalaman na ng taumbayan kung ano ang naging bunga ng mga pinakulong political campaign issues ng dilawang partido para sa Otso Diretso against the candidates of the administration and other political parties. Ang independent foreign policy ni President Duterte ay pilit hinaharang ng kaniyang mga kalaban. Pangunahin ang kasalukuyang relasyon ng Maynila at Beijing. Hindi kaya nila alam na kahit ang US, noong panahon ni former President Barack Obama ay nagsasagawa din ng pakikipagrelasyon sa China? Bakit ngayong maganda ang relasyon ng Pilipinas at China ay kanilang pinagiinitan? Ang isa sa mga pakulo ng dilawang partido, binabaon daw sa utang ng pangulong Duterte ang Pilipinas sa China. Baka nga, pero sabi naman ng maka-DU30, nais ni Digong na ang Mindanao ay mapaunlad. Hindi na manatiling lupang pangako. Alalahanin daw na parang nagtatayo ng negosyo. Kung walang malaking puhunan, gumagawa ng paraan para madagdagan ang kakayahan sa hanap-buhay. *** Isa pang political campaign issue ay tungkol kay former


Ang Ina Natin Talaga ng Diyos na kapangyarihan, Sa pagpaparami ng hiram na buhay; Sila ang napili na maging punlaan; Na mamamalaging laman ng lipunan! *** Ilaw ng tahanan, tangi at dakila, Batis ng pag-ibig ang puso at diwa; Ang bisig ay duyan ng awa’t kalinga, Sa mga pagsubok, panapat ay luha! *** Katayuan niya ay alalahanin, Pagkukulang nila, sana’y unawain; Ika-limang Utos ng Diyos sa atin, Igalang na lubos, ang magulang natin! Paquito Rey Pacheco

president Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr. noong panahon nang kaniyang liderato. Subalit naalala tuloy ngayon ng mga nabubuhay pa. Higit na maganda ang kabuhayan ng taumbayan noon, kumpara sa nakaraang dalawang gobyernong Aquino. Ano bang magandang legacy ang kanilang pinamana sa mga mamamayan noong kanilang kapanahunan? Yon bang napanumbalik daw ang demokrasya, pero sa maraming Filipino ang sinasabi ay disgrasya. Samantala, ang napagdugtong na Samar at Leyte sa pamamagitan ng tulay ay masama bang legacy ni former President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Sr? *** Kaya nga ang resulta tuloy ng mga pakulo ng dilawang partido para sa kanilang Otso Deretso ay parang nasa kumunoy. Habang kumikilos ay nababaon. Walang iniwan sa diwa ng isang lumang awitin. “Matayog ang lipad ng Saranggola ni Pepe,” Subalit bumagsak dahil sa malakas na hangin. *** Ang tungkol sa West Philippine Sea issue ay kasamang ginigiit pa rin ng mga kaalyado ng opposition party subalit waring bumalik sa kanila ang resulta. Noong kapanahunan ng Former Foreign Affairs Secretary at Ombudsman ay hindi nila ginawa ang gusto nilang ipagawa ngayon sa kasalukuyang gobyerno. Sabagay, history na lamang ‘yon. May bagong Foreign Affairs Secretary na ang gobyernong Duterte. Ang bagong Foreign Affairs Secretary ngayon ay si Mr. Teodoro Locsin na dating kinatawan ng Pilipinas sa United Nations. Alam niya na ang Pilipinas ay may karapatan sa lugar ng Scarborough Shoal batay sa the Hague UN resolution. Ang China ay may kinatawan din sa UN at kasama pa security council. Alam ni Secretary Locsin ang

METH... From page 18 includes Winnipeg Police Service officers, RCMP, Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic Service members, public health officials and nonprofit executive directors. The specific recommendations will centre on: prevention and education, treatment options and disruption of supply and enforcement. Morberg House Marion Willis is the founder of St. Boniface Street Links and director of Morberg House, a 12-bed transitional home in St. Boniface for men recovering from addictions. Willis contends, “a city-provincial task force on meth use is a waste of time when workers on the front line have already identified Winnipeg’s immediate needs.” When MPs visited Morberg House residents on April 2, Willis told them it makes “no sense to spend resources on a safe injection site when meth users would not benefit from such a facility.


kaniyang katungkulan. Sa totoo lang, ang China ay member ng UN. The Hague UN decision na Pilipinas ang may karapatan sa nabanggit na bahagi ng karagatan ay matibay na batayan. Nangyari ‘yon noong panahon ni Former Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Del Rosario. Ang duming iniwan nila noon ay si DFA Secretary Locsin ang nais nilang maglinis. Sa madaling salita ang Scarborough Shoal mess ay nangyari noong panahon ng Noynoy Aquino government. Ang China ay gumagawa na ng man-made islands na malapit sa Zambales na katapat ng Luzon. May hakbang bang ginawa ang nakaraang gobyerno na mapigilan ang China? Ngayon ang gobyernong Duterte ang pinipilit ng mga alipores ng LP political party na kaagad-agad kondenahin ang China? Friendship, not war ang nais ni PDU30. *** Sa nakaraang two days na pagbisita ni President Duterte ay muli niyang nakadaupang-palad ang Chinese President XI Jinping. Sinariwa niya ang tungkol sa issue ng pagpasok ng China sa South China Sea.Wala namang nabalitang naging mainit ang paguusap ng dalawang pangulo. *** Samantala, tungkol naman sa Hanjin ng South Korea’s Heavy Industries Construction Ltd. sa Subic Bay mula pa noong 1992 na kung saan naroon ang US Navy Base ay may malaking utang sa Pilipinas. Kung gustong bilhin daw ng China ay ok sa Pilipinas. Tinatayang may mga 20,000 ang bilang ng mga dating trabahador doon. *** Noong ika-13 ng Abril, nabalita na mismong si Kris Aquino ay nagpasaring kay Mar Roxas na huwag isisi sa kaniyang kapatid na Noynoy ang pagbagsak ng kanilang partidong LP. Ang kuya ni Kris ay kaniyang

pinagtanggol kahit inaming, siya at ang kaniyang kapatid umano ay not in good term. Silang magkapatid ay pinagkasundo daw ni Sen. Francis Pangilinan. *** Pinagiisipan daw ng pangulong DU30 ang pagtatalaga ng five persons para makipagusap sa mga rebelde. Kasi nga, kung ilang ulit nang hinangad at ginawa ‘yon ng pangulo subalit hindi siya pinansin. Sabi nga ng mga kritiko, malabong mangyari sapagkat ang rebeldeng CPPNPA ay may sariling adyenda. Gayunman, muling inanyayahan ng pangulo si Joma na umuwi at bigyan ng konsiderasyon ang katahimikan ng bansa. *** Sa loob ng susunod na dalawang linggo, puspusan na ang kampanya ng mga kandidato. Kahit nga noong nakaraang Semana Santa ay kanilang sinamantala. Ang mga senatorial candidates ay may 10 days pa para sa kanilang mapping operations, kasama ang lugar na kanilang supporters na kanilang puhunan sa tagumpay. Ang dapat iboto ngayon sa local and national elections ay ang mga may tanging kakayahan, magandang ugali at makakatulong sa mahihirap. *** Bagaman sinabi ni President Duterte sa mga lider ng political opposition na, “If you give me hard time, I will declare a revolutionary war until the end of my term.” Alalahaning kahit ang mga langgam na natapakan, nangangagat. Ang nabanggit na pahayag ay pinalobo ng kaniyang mga kalaban, kaso ang lobo ay kusang pumutok. Kasabihan Kayamanang galing sa masamang paraan, hatid sa sarili ay kapahamakan. Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Pilantik ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

Instead, government could better serve the city by creating a fourstorey meth intake facility that can deal with patients undergoing meth psychosis 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” She also recommends that the province invest in more transitional housing spaces and mental health supports for recovering addicts. Morberg House runs on an annual budget of $600,000, relying largely on donations and no government funding. Next steps? History teaches us that a critical mass of “everyday” folks gets mobilized (and political) only when their normal way of life gets terribly disrupted. For many

Filipino Winnipeggers, active organization and mobilization of neighbourhood watch groups are currently going on in concentrated efforts to prevent further tragedies. However, more work needs to be done to reduce violence and crime wrought by the meth crisis. More pressure needs to be put on government to spend the resources necessary to adequately respond in a timely fashion. Our next steps as a community should be to research, debate and formulate our list of the policies we need to make our communities safer. There are now over 70,000 Filipinos living in Manitoba and, united, we are a political force that governments and political parties will listen to.






NO. 323

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PABABA 1. Sampaguita at rosas 5. Pinapaalisan ng tubig 12. Tutop 13. Dating pangulo 14. Pasyal 16. Uri ng sitaw 17. Lalaboy 18. Panghalip 19. Girl Scout 21. Hangad 25. Hirap 27. Pananong 29. Uri ng kahoy 31. Tanda ng pagtatanggi 32. Di mainit, di malamig PAHALANG 1. Unlapi 2. Yuko 3. Aaliw 4. Iglap 6. Ihampas 7. Isang aklat ni Rizal 8. Leksiyon 9. Pagkahilo 10. Buwan ng sagala

11. Batang lalaki 15. Gumaling 18. Tawag sa guro 20. Supling 21. Ugali 22. Uri ng tela 23. Sigaw 24. Pananong 26. Sungayang hayop 28. Pantukoy 30. Bulalas ng naginhawahan 31. Hulapi


MAY 1 - 15, 2019

MAY 1–15, 2019 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Matatalo ka dahil hindi mo kayang gawin mag-isa ang plano mo. Oras na upang tanggapin ang tulong ng iba. Mas magaan at maayos ang kalalabasan kung isang grupo ang magtutulungan. Huwag kang matakot dahil maasahan mo ang mga tutulong sa iyo. Best days mo ang ika-8 at 9. Alalay ka sa ika-1, 2, 14 at 15.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Dahan-dahan lang. Kung naiinip ka dahil hindi mo pa mabuo ang mga plano mo, hayaan mo lang dahil magagawa mo rin ang mga ito sa mga darating na buwan. Kung may pagkakamali ka, gawin mong leksyon at humingi ka ng tawad kung may nasaktan ka. Mapalad ka sa ika-8 at 9. Bantay ka sa ika-3, 4, 5 at 10.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Kung attracted ka sa kaniya dahil maganda siyang tingnan, pakaisipin mong dapat mo munang alamin ang tunay na pagkatao niya. Sino ba siya talaga? Magdahan-dahan ka sa pagbibigay ng iyong puso at pagkatao sa isang tao na hindi mo pa kilalang lubos. Mag-ingat ka. OK ang ika-8 at 9. Ingat sa ika-6, 7, 12 at 13.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Oras na! Kung magkakaroon ka ng negosyo na maaari mong gawin sa iyong bahay, ituloy mo. Marami nang ganito ang ginagawa ngayon lalo na kung pamilya at maliliit pa ang anak. Kung empleyado ka, pag-aralan mo muna ang balak mong maging self-employed. OK ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-3, 4 at 5.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Samantalahin mo ang mga oportunidad na darating sa iyo ngayong Mayo dahil mahirap nang maulit ang mga ito. Huwag kang sasali sa mga intriga dahil masasayang ang oras ng magandang kapalaran mo. Iwasan mo ang away at makialam sa buhay ng iba. OK ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Alalay ka sa ika-6, 7, 12 at 13.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) E ano ngayon kung single ka pa. Huwag mong dibdibin ang pressure ng pamilya kung kailan ka lalagay sa tahimik. Ikaw ang makikisama, hindi sila. Kung may nakita ka na pero hindi ka naman niya pinapansin, maghanap ka ng iba. Mayroong tama para sa iyo. OK ang ika-1, 2, 10 at 11. Ingat sa ika-8, 9, 14 at 15.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Sensitive ang mga kasama mo ngayon. Iwasan mong magbigay ng opinion lalo na kung hindi naman ito hinihingi sa iyo. Magiging mitsa iyon ng tampuhan at ikaw ang mahihirapan. Bantayan mo pa rin ang kalusugan. Magpahinga ka at mag-relax muna. OK ang ika-3, 4, 5, 12 at 13. Kuwidaw ka sa ika-6 at 7.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Magbakasyon ka. Makakapagpahinga ka na’y malalayo ka pa sa mga tsismisang walang katuturan. Pag-aralan mo rin kung sino ang mga pinagtitiwalaan mo ng mga sekreto mo. Baka kang manahimik. Tama na muna ang pag-sawsaw sa buhay ng iba. OK ang ika-3, 4, 5, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-1, 2, 8, 9, 14 at 15.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) OK na OK ang buwan ng Mayo para sa iyo. Maayos ang iyong kalusugan at maraming mga projects. Iwasan mong masyadong mapagod, alagaan mo ang iyong puso at blood pressure. Oo nga’t maraming projects, pero aanhin mo ang pera kung may sakit ka? OK sa ika-3, 4, 5, 12 at 13. Ingat ka sa ika-10 at 11.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Ngayon na ang panahon upang pag-aralan mong mabuti ang mga gumugulo sa isip mo. Masyadong kumplikado ang mga sitwasyon. Kailangan mong asikasuhin, maraming naka-depende sa iyo. Malinaw na sa iyo ang dapat gawin. Kailangan nang kumilos. OK ka sa ika-8 at 9. Stressful ka sa ika-4, 5, 10 at 11.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Ano ba talaga ang papel mo sa buhay na ito? Palagi ka na lang tumutulong. Kahit sino, basta lumapit sa iyo pinaniniwalaan mo. Walang masama sa pagtulong pero may napapala ka ba? Oras na upang pahalagahan mo ang sarili mo. Huwag kang magpaloko. OK ang ika-6, 7, 14 at 16. Bantay ka sa ika-3, 4, 5, 10 at 11.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Maayos ang takbo at wala kang problema sa trabaho at negosyo mo. Iwasan mong masangkot sa tampuhan ng mga kaibigang malapit sa iyo. Huwag kang makikialam kahit hingan ka ng tulong. Iwasan mo sila. Wala kang dapat alalahanin sa pamilya o sa trabaho. OK ang ika-6, 7, 14 at 15. Ingat ka sa ika-12 at 13.

pagkanta lang ang kaniyang linya? Sobrang magbitiw ng mga salita itong si Ben Tulfo. Kababaeng tao ng kaniyang inuupakan, nasaan na ang respetong tatak ng Tulfo Brothers sa mga ginawa niyang pangmamaliit at pangmemenos sa pagkatao ni Regine Velasquez? Mema lang? May masabi lang? Hindi bale nang halos ipagngudnguran niya sa sahig ang kapasidad ng personalidad na pinupuna niya? Teka lang muna. May panahon na si Ben Tulfo sa panglalait kay Regine

Velasquez. Siguro nga may ay sapat na panahon na siya ngayon para ibaling sa iba. Naibalik na kaya ni Ben Tulfo ang milyun-milyong pisong kinukuwestiyon ng Department Of Tourism kung bakit lumanding sa kaniyang programa samantalang kapatid niya ang tagapamuno noon ng ahensiya? Kung hindi pa tapos ang usapin, tantanan niya si Regine Velasquez, iyon muna ang kaniyang ayusin! – CSF

CRISTY... From page 20 kababaihan, napakalayo nito sa kaniyang kapatid na si Ben. Sa ngalan ng pakikisawsaw sa isyung pinag-ugatan, ang pagkokomento ni Regine sa mga pahayag ni Secretary Teddy “Boy” Locsin tungkol sa mga taklobong pinakikialaman ng mga Tsino, ay ang female singer ang madiing nilait ni Ben Tulfo. Talagang inilampaso niya ang Asia’s Songbird, tinatanggalan niya ng karapatang magbigay ng kaniyang opinyon, dahil hindi raw iyon ang linya ni Regine. Bakit, Pilipino ang singer, nagmamalasakit si Regine sa ating karagatan at kalikasan, wala na bang karapatang magbigay ng komento ang isang Pilipino dahil

MAY 1 - 15, 2019



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MAY 1 - 15, 2019

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