Pilipino Express • Sep 1 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 17 • September 1 - 15, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Pia Wurtzbach


Photo credit: Pia’s FB page

11 Dingdong Dantes & Jennylyn Mercado

Brandon Maple Leaf plant workers call for shutdown, COVID testing

2020 hand-out photo by Pia Tiongson and Jacky Reyes Workers at Brandon’s Maple Leaf Foods plant are demanding a two-week shutdown and deep cleaning of the facility, and COVID-19 testing for all employees. The demands were stated in an open letter on August

24, 2020 to Migrante Manitoba, a migrant worker advocacy group, as more employees have tested positive for COVID-19. The workers’ union, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) and the provincial opposition parties have echoed the workers call for a shutdown. The letter also

states that all employees should be provided job security and wage protection while the plant is closed. For weeks workers at Maple Leaf have been calling for better protections at their workplace. “For the safety of the workers See MAPLE p5

Imagine Van Gogh A safe, touch-less event

Exhibit runs from September 17 to October 31 at the RBC Convention Centre

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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

Back to school like never before Next week, most Manitoba families will be sending their children back to school. At the end of July, Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen and Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin released the back-to-school plan for grades K to 12. This plan includes guidelines on physical distancing, self-screening, hand hygiene, the implementation of cohorts, and transportation. The plan was modified on August 19th with the announcement of mandatory masks for all students in Grades 4 to 12 where physical distancing is not possible. The full plan can be read at https://www.gov.mb.ca/ covid19/restoring/rss-guidelinesseptember.html As we approach the start of the school year, children may be feeling nervous or anxious. Parents, grandparents and guardians can take steps to alleviate their young ones’ fears.

Here are eight strategies that you can implement in the next few days: 1. When things are quieter and calm, such as during a walk or a car ride, approach your children about their feelings regarding the return to school. Assure them that feeling worried is normal and encourage them to talk out their thoughts and emotions, rather than keeping them inside. Make it clear that you want to help and will keep what they share in confidence. 2. Before the start of school, visit the school grounds. Point out any familiar spots such as where you will drop them off and what doors they will enter and exit through. This exercise will remind kids that there will be some predictability, which can provide a sense of calm. 3. Talk to kids about what they can control, i.e. physical distancing, wearing masks, frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing. They don’t have to

Strategies for managing children’s worries

constantly worry about these things because teachers, education assistants and other school staff will be there to help and remind them. 4. Recall the fun memories about learning experiences from past years, caring of teachers and seeing their friends. Remind children that even though things will be different, these things are still possible and accessible. 5. Encourage kids to stay connected to their friends. This will have to be done creatively during times outside of school hours. For younger kids, this could mean sending letters through the mail or video calls. Older kids can text each other or help each other with homework over video platforms. 6. Reassure children that there are many adults who are doing their best to keep everyone healthy and safe. Inform kids that everyone will be encouraged

to self-screen every morning for signs of sickness and to stay home if feeling unwell. 7. Role model effective calming behaviours such as deep breathing, logical problem solving and positive self-talk. Children tend to cope as well as their parents do. If they see that adults around them are calm, this will ease their worries. 8. Adults must also take good care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This will foster healthy coping skills and develop patience for others. We cannot give to our children and other loved ones what we do not have. May we all keep healthy and safe and look out for one another. “From caring comes courage.” – Lao Tzu Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Masks mandated at Manitoba hospitals and health centres Visitors to all health-care facilities are now required to wear non-medical masks to limit the spread of COVID-19, Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameroon Friesen announced on August 24. “Our government is committed to taking all appropriate steps to protect the health of Manitobans as we continue to learn to live with this virus,” said Friesen. “As we move towards the fall, additional proactive and preventative measures are needed to ensure the risk of exposure to this virus is minimized for patients and our dedicated front-line clinical staff who care for them.” All visitors arriving at health-care facilities will be

required to wear a non-medical mask to be permitted into the site. The requirement also extends to outpatients attending appointments at clinics within hospitals and health centres throughout the province. While primary care clinics and other locations providing health services are not currently included in the mask requirement, all Manitobans are strongly encouraged to wear a non-medical mask when seeking care, said Friesen. “Wearing masks provides additional protection for people, particularly in indoor spaces where physical distancing is not possible,” said Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer. “Wearing masks

in hospitals and health centres will ensure we are all doing what we can to protect ourselves and others from this virus.” Visitors are asked to arrive at facilities with their own non-medical mask. Those who do not have a mask will be notified of locations where they may be purchased. In certain circumstances, they will be provided with one. The policy expands upon a requirement already in place for more than a month at personal care homes, where visitors are mandated to wear non-medical masks during indoor visits. It also builds on a number of initiatives implemented since the start of the pandemic to protect patients

and staff at Manitoba healthcare facilities from COVID-19, including: • appropriate use of personal protective equipment; • enhanced visitor restrictions; • routine deep cleans of clinical departments, including examination and waiting rooms; • daily screening of staff prior to the start of their shifts; and • implementation of the single-site staffing model at personal care homes. Friesen noted the non-medical mask requirement does not apply to children under the age of two, as well as those with an underlying medical condition that may inhibit their ability to wear a mask.

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing. Symptoms may include:

• Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell • Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours

• Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

1045 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN Associate Editor

PAUL MORROW Art Director

REY-AR REYES JP SUMBILLO Graphic Designer/Photographer ALEX CANLAPAN Photographer *****




(204) 956-7845)

E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ JAMES NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved.

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SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

MAPLE... From page 1 and for the safety of the Brandon community, we are calling on Maple Leaf and the Government of Manitoba to take adequate and appropriate actions to stop the spread of COVID-19, including closing Maple Leaf to stop the spread and protect workers’ families,” the letter from the workers reads “There are no measures to keep physical distancing for workers, no staggered times for washroom access, and workers often go to the washroom at the same time. There is no place to wash hands in the cafeteria, no hand sanitizer in the cafeteria.” Prairie Mountain Health Region, where Brandon is located, currently has the most cases in the province. The increase has made Manitoba the province with the highest COVID-19 infections per capita in the country. Maple Leaf Foods and Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin maintain that each of the 76 COVID-19 positive cases connected to the Brandon facility is due to community transmission outside the workplace. The business is “going above and beyond safety recommendations,” Roussin has stated numerous times during daily briefings. “If the government really believes that the facility is safe, I would invite government representatives to come to the facility, eat in the cafeteria with the workers, use the washrooms that the workers use, and stay in the facility for a period of time,” a

PILIPINO EXPRESS worker said through an interpreter during an interview with the Canadian Press. Meat processing plants like Brandon’s Maple Leaf Foods are a popular destination for migrant workers, refugees and newcomers to Canada looking for employment. The jobs at meat processing plants, however, are far from easy and have had historically high injury rates. “There have been reports that workers have accidentally stabbed each other because of the shoulder-to-shoulder working arrangements on the production line,” said Diwa Marcelino, an organizer with Migrante Manitoba. “During the pandemic, the lack of physical distancing between workers brings the added danger of COVID-19 transmission as well.” “We feel the employer and the government are discriminatory towards migrant and immigrant workers, and that our health concerns are being ignored,” the workers said in the open letter. “It is clear to us that the COVID cases are related to the facility’s inability to ensure safe working conditions or take workers’ voices seriously. Many of our co-workers have limited interactions with the community outside of the facility, while seeing confirmed cases rising.” “Workers’ voices, especially in this industry are rarely heard. For the sake of health and safety, especially during a critical COVID-19 outbreak, the government and employers should listen to the voices of those who know their workplace best,”

said Diwa Marcelino. Pia Tiongson is a volunteer and Jacky Reyes is a member of the migrant worker advocacy group, Migrante Manitoba. Editor’s note: As of Pilipino Express press time, Migrante’s Diwa Marcelino said that there has been no official response from Maple Leaf to the Open Letter dated Aug. 24. Meanwhile, in a Global News report on Aug. 24, Janet Riley, Maple Leaf vice-president of communications and public affairs said, “The safety of our people is our top priority and high levels of safety can only be achieved if you are guided by the science.” According to the report, Riley said the company takes the letter seriously but says that they are following all safety measures and guidelines from the health


File photo agencies overseeing the facility. In addition they conduct daily health and temperature screenings, use personal protective equipment like

masks, allow for social distancing and have installed plexiglass separators between workstations. – Ed.



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

Visitors can apply for work permits inside Canada The community is excited about the August 24, 2020 announcement of a new temporary public policy that will allow visitors to apply for a work permit without having to leave Canada. Did you hear that visitors who are currently in Canada? You are now able to apply for an employer specific worker permit. This represents a major departure from the Immigration Act and Regulations as well as immigration practice. The news is a temporary policy change that will benefit Canadian employers who face difficulties finding workers as well as temporary residents who would like to remain in Canada and contribute their labour and skills to Canada’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge for many temporary residents is to remain inside Canada and maintain their legal status given the uncertainty

about limited air travel and the current status of the pandemic in countries, such as the Philippines. The target group for the policy change includes foreign workers who had to change their status to visitors because their work permit was expiring and they did not have a job offer to apply for a new work permit. Prior to this temporary policy change, a person applying as a temporary resident would usually have to apply for a work permit before coming to Canada. If the applicant were already in Canada with visitor status, he or she would have to leave Canada and apply for a work permit from outside the country (in their home country or a country in which they have continuing status for one year). In addition, some Canadian employers have been facing a labour shortage and difficulty finding workers with requisite skills.

The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marco Mendicino, spoke highly of the policy change. “We have heard from employers who continue to face challenges recruiting and hiring the workers they need during the pandemic. At the same time, some visitors in Canada may be able to contribute their skills where there are labour shortages. The measures introduced today will now allow visitors to apply for work permits without having to leave the country first,” the Minister stated. “This exemption from the normal temporary work permit requirements is aimed at removing barriers to create a more agile workforce that leverages visitors with the skills and experience to accelerate our economic recovering.” Canada continues to be supportive of immigration and consider visitors as a source for much needed workers. In order to qualify for the

temporary public policy, visitor applicants must meet a number of requirements: • Have valid visitor status in Canada on August 24, 2020 and remain in Canada. They must have continuing legal status; • Visitors who arrive in Canada after August 24, 2020 are not eligible for the policy exemption; • Have a valid job offer; • Support their application for an employer-specific work permit with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), or an LMIAexempt offer of employment, no later than March 31, 2021; • The specifics of completing the work permit application are included with the ministerial news release. Applicants are directed to the following instructions: https://www.canada.ca/en/ immigration-refugees-citizenship/ services/work-canada/permit/ temporary/after-apply-next-steps. html#visitors; • Meet all other standard admissibility criteria such as

criminality, medical, security and be in-status. The news is exciting and within one day of the announcement, members of the community are calling to inquire. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the way Canada’s administers immigration. We should be encouraged by the government’s positive view of immigration. The recent policy change is something that helps with Canada’s economic recovery from COVID-19 as well as giving visitors to the country work permit options. Looks like all sides are winners. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-2270292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail. com.

Low-E windows A low-emissivity, also known as low-E, coating is a microscopically thin metallic film applied on the glazing that functions like a mirror and radiates heat back into the interior space during the heating season (winter), and back to the exterior environment during the cooling season (summer). This almost invisible metallic oxide layer helps to minimize heat transfer through windows, thereby reducing energy loss by 30 to 50 per cent. A low-e coating gives a double-pane window almost the same energy performance as a window with an uncoated triplepane, but at a lesser cost. Most window manufacturers offer low-E coatings as a standard feature in their windows. The low-E coatings are usually installed on multi-pane windows that are filled with argon, an inert, non-toxic, colourless and odourless gas that has higher heat

flow resistance than air. In colder, heating-dominated climates such as Manitoba, the low-E coating is applied to the inner layer of the glazing to help keep the heat in. About 40 to 70 per cent of the infrared portion of the light spectrum is reflected, while at the same time all visible light is allowed to pass through. There are two types of low-E coatings: pyrolytic and sputtered. A pyrolytic coating, also called a hard-coat low-E coating, is made of tin oxide and additives installed directly onto the glazing surface during the production process while it’s still hot. This production method results in a sturdy baked-on surface layer on the glazing. This type of coating is typically applied on insulated glazing units where the low-E coating is within the sealed air space. On the other hand, sputtered coatings typically comprise of three primary coatings with at

least one layer of metal placed on a plastic or glass film. Sputtered coatings must be covered from humidity and contact, which is why they are also commonly called soft-coat low-E coatings. Like pyrolytic coatings, these are usually installed inside the sealed air spaces of multi-pane windows and can be installed in suspended

films and to retrofit windows. Energy-conscious consumers can benefit from understanding the advantages of low-E windows over conventional windows. Selecting windows with a low-E coating can significantly reduce energy costs, thereby decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels. Norman Aceron Garcia,

P.Eng. is an accredited professional in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design specializing in Building Design + Construction. In 2015, Norman founded Mr. Peg Property Inspections, a social enterprise that advocates green building design and climate change adaptation strategies.

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020



A year of firsts I feel for the people who went into a coma around January and are now waking up to a whole new world. How shocking would that be for someone? There has got to be at least one person who experienced this, right? I’ve also read stories about people who took a trip to a remote place in the world back in February, completely unplugged from technology and emerged in March or April shocked by what they saw. The global COVID-19 pandemic is clearly the top news story, with millions infected or dead. We’ve had to adjust to our new normal where masks are necessary in public places, hand sanitizer at the ready around every corner and the need to stay further apart from the people we normally greet with a hug or handshake. For me, it’s been an adjustment; I am a hugger, a close talker and a hand shaker. For now, I don’t mind holding off on those

rituals until we find a vaccine. But even with a vaccine, I’ve read that COVID will always be present, therefore, we may have to realize a new normal is on the horizon. My news feed has been inundated with videos of people who flaunt their anti-mask beliefs whether in a grocery store, restaurant or public place. People without masks would butt heads with those who were wearing masks. I still don’t get it, I wear a mask not only for myself, but for those I love around me. Doesn’t it just feel like the right thing to do? This year we have also witnessed unprecedented global civil unrest. It was this year that the world stood together following the death of George Floyd. Protests were held all over the world and Black Lives Matter was on our collective conscious. In past years we’ve witnessed acts of solidarity raising awareness for the struggles black people experience everyday. There was

OUR HEALTH Dear Mayo Clinic: Diabetes runs in my family. My mother was diagnosed in her 20s and requires daily insulin. Last month, my 45-year-old sister was diagnosed and is now on medication. My doctor told me I was a pre-diabetic. I am curious how I might be able to reduce my risk for diabetes, especially since I’ve heard that diabetics are at greater risk of COVID-19. Are there extra steps my sister and I should take to stay safe? Answer: Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when the level of sugar in the blood is too high. That happens because of a problem with the hormone insulin, which is made in the pancreas. When you eat, the pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream. This allows sugar to enter your cells, lowering the amount of sugar in your blood. There are several forms of diabetes, including Type 1, which is an autoimmune disorder, and Type 2, which results from both loss of insulin production and development of insulin resistance in body tissues. Gestational diabetes is another form that may occur during pregnancy. Patients with Type 1 diabetes are completely insulin deficient and require daily insulin injections. Given her age of onset and insulin requirement, your mother likely has Type 1 diabetes. Despite ongoing research, Type 1 diabetes currently has no cure. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar levels with insulin as well as diet and lifestyle to

prevent complications. Type 2 diabetes develops when the pancreas does not make enough insulin, and the body can’t use insulin as well as it should. That means sugar cannot move into the cells, and it builds up in the blood. Exactly what causes Type 2 diabetes is unknown, although genetics and environmental factors, such as being overweight and inactivity, seem to be contributing factors. Your sister most likely has Type 2 diabetes. Although there’s no cure for Type 2 diabetes, studies show it is possible for some people to reverse the condition. For many patients, losing weight, eating well and exercising can help manage the disease. If lifestyle changes are not enough, some people, like your sister, may be prescribed any number of oral medications or even insulin to help them manage their disease. Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar is higher than normal, but it’s not high enough to be considered Type 2 diabetes. If left uncontrolled, prediabetic patients are at high risk to develop Type 2 diabetes. The good news is that often lifestyle changes alone, such as diet and exercise, can lower your blood sugar level and decrease your risk of developing diabetes. In general, no matter what type of diabetes a person has, monitoring and managing blood sugar are the most important things to minimize risk for complications. It can be harder to control blood glucose levels

the Million Man March in 1995, pro sports teams halting play, or the march in Selma, Alabama in 1965 known as Bloody Sunday that became the turning point in the civil rights movement in the States. In 2020, millions continue to demand change and it looks like we’re getting somewhere. Jurisdictions are holding law enforcement accountable for their actions. It may not be happening as quickly as one would hope, but it’s happening. These days, the return to school has been keeping me busy. As the communications director for a school district, you can just imagine how important it will be for me to share information as we navigate this global pandemic. Students want to come back to school even though it may look different. Parents are anxious about sending their kids back to school because of the unknown. We may not have all the answers, but one thing is for certain, the education, health and safety of all students remains to be the top priority. I’ve heard from a lot of people saying they wish 2020 were over

since nothing good has come of it. Granted, it hasn’t been a stellar year, but for my wife Izzy and me, it’s been pretty good. We welcomed our first grandchild! I am a proud Lolo to our oldest son Johnny’s baby girl. Everyone meet Tegyn Crystal-Ann! She was born in Winnipeg mid-August after her mom Nicole had a very

long labour. She sleeps and eats with no fussing! I may be a bit biased, but she’s perfect. Can’t wait to spoil her rotten. 2020 has been a year of firsts and will continue to be. Please take care out there. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Diabetes management & illness, COVID risk

during an illness or infection. COVID-19 is no exception. It is important to remember that diabetic patients are not at higher risk of COVID-19 infection. Rather, people with diabetes are experiencing more severe symptoms, particularly those people whose glucose control is not optimal. Among patients who are hospitalized due to COVID-19, a higher proportion has diabetes. Although it is not yet understood why, COVID-19 seems to affect patients with Type 1 diabetes differently than those with Type 2 diabetes. Although more research is needed, it is

believed that Type 2 diabetics are having more complications due to coexisting conditions they often have, including obesity, heart disease and kidney disease. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, you should encourage your family to be vigilant about managing their diabetes and maintaining good blood glucose control. Also, encourage your mother and sister not to postpone visits with their endocrinologist or health care provider due to COVID-19. It is important to have regular check-ins so issues can be addressed promptly. For yourself, commit to move more, improve your diet and

monitor your blood sugar. Your family also should continue to practice good infection control, including proper hand hygiene, wearing a mask when out in public and social distancing. Lastly, stay up-to-date on any recommended vaccines to minimize your risk for illness. – Dr. Bithika Thompson, Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, Arizona; Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

The balanced parent There are few urges as strong as the parenting urge to want to see our children do well in life. Unfortunately, with the strong pull of media and social pressures, it’s easy to lose your way as a parent and succumb to those pressures. The key to raising healthy, filial, and successful children is the same goal of feng shui: creating balance. If the child’s room is a shrine to electronics, then is it any surprise the child is more concerned with electronics and video games than people, more interested in being entertained than being inquisitive or creative – or studious? Take a good look at your child and where their interests are, determine how you can guide them toward more positive choices and create an environment in their bedroom that supports those goals and helps them make those choices. Children think they know what’s best for them, but as a parent it’s our job to know what’s best and to make those choices for our child to ensure their health, intellectual and social development. Feng shui provides some great parenting guidelines that can help you make choices that aren’t just good decisions, but are also good parenting with the child’s highest good at their core. Help your child balance their lives for greater success with these feng shui guidelines designed to help parents. 1. Support strong study habits.

Make sure there’s a desk in the child’s bedroom and the desk area is set up to encourage school work. Be sure to include a framed map or globe, and plenty of clear desk space. Create a study area that makes your child want to work here and provide theme with desk accessories so study time feels “professional.” 2. Encourage your child’s creativity. Make a play, crafts and reading area in the child’s bedroom to encourage ingenuity, inventiveness, and creativity. Supply the area with paper, paints, markers, play clay, and assembly toys such as Legos. Then, give them free time to spend there! 3. Make your child feel secure. Parents often have pictures of their children in their bedroom, but rarely are there pictures of mom and dad in the child’s room. Give your children security and show your parental love by placing a smiling picture of you in the bedroom. 4. Give them plenty of good rest and sleep. Children need rest to grow and for healthy immune systems. Studies show children with adequate rest do better in school and have better health. According to the American Psychological Association, 60% of children are tired at school and 69% have sleep interruptions. Don’t allow TV and videogames in your child’s room, as these are too stimulating for adequate rest. 5. Establish routines. Regular

Ways to help your child thrive and be successful

bath, meal, and bedtimes give children security and constancy in an ever-changing and unstable world. This works from newborns to teens. Patterns of behaviour that children can rely on, from regular meal times and bedtimes create security and help them to create good patterns for themselves, such as play and study times. 6. Place the child’s bed properly. Always place the bed on the wall opposite the door. Bed placement is important for creating a sense of security when the child is most vulnerable – while they sleep. Do not place the bed in line with the door or on the same wall as the door. This creates a vulnerable feeling for the child. Avoid placing the bed against a wall where there is a bathroom, sink, toilet, or tub. This can create health disturbances. 7. Avoid water themes in the bedroom. Water, whether it’s a mural on a wall, dark blue ocean themes, or an aquarium, too much water is bad feng shui in a bedroom. Watery themes and elements in children’s bedrooms can lead to asthma, respiratory ailments, and depression. 8. Children need space. Whether it’s space in the bedroom or space in their schedule, allow children the luxury of having a room that isn’t stuffed to capacity and a schedule that allows free time to relax and/or play and time with family. Too many children are overburdened with material items and activities making them exhausted, depressed, unresponsive and scattered. 9. Teach children how to just be. In addition to too much stuff, many children today don’t know how to just be. Institute a quiet time during the day or evening so they can see you just being. Read together instead of watching television. Stop games or videos in the car. Have your children learn

the value of looking at the trees and animals, scenery, and just being with you talking as you drive. Give them time to unplug and have unconstructive time. Adults need it but so do children. Kathryn Weber has over 20+

years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. Visit www.redlotusletter. com


SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020



Imagine Van Gogh A safe, touch-less event

Winnipeg will host a spectacular and immersive exhibition of the works of Vincent Van Gogh from September 17 to October 31 at the RBC Convention Centre. Imagine Van Gogh takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey inside the artist’s paintings using over 200 of his works. The event, created by Annabelle Mauger and Julien Baron is centred on their desire to place technology at the service of art. Visitors can fully appreciate and experience all the extraordinary details, the brushstrokes, and the colours while walking among vastly enlarged images of Van Gogh’s paintings. The exhibition, presented by Paquin Entertainment, is described as the perfect type of entertainment

in our current world of social distancing. The entire event from start to finish is touch-less and contactless, with over 25,000 square feet, and an extremely limited number of tickets available per hour, there is plenty of space to enjoy the painter’s art, worry free. Van Gogh: Immense and immortal The Imagine Van Gogh exhibition highlights the work from the artist’s Arles period (1888/1889) to his death in 1890. These were exceptional years for Van Gogh, bringing out not only his talent and his torments in such iconic works as Sunflowers, Irises, Wheatfield with Crows, and The Starry Night, but also his Japanese influences with the magnificent Almond Blossoms or his later The Church at Auvers. It also includes

many of the portraits he painted during the same period, including his Self-Portraits, the Portrait of Dr. Gachet and La Mousmé. A musical soundtrack accompanies Imagine Van Gogh, with pieces selected to accentuate the works on display. For more information and tickets, visit www.imaginevangogh.ca Adult tickets start at $30 plus fees and taxes. Senior, student, and child tickets prices are available.

All Filipino cast delivers astounding performance at Belt Fest

Rainbow Stage, August 22, 2020

Hazel Venzon, Joseph Sevillo and Andrea Macasaet

Jesse James Baris

Vina Dimayuga

Shauldon Santos

Andrea Macasaet

Victoria Exconde

Seanne Buenafe

Alba Manuel

Joyce Jugo

Robin Quintana

Marini Tagarda

Josh Caldo




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

• Nora Aunor at Lotlot de Leon – Mukhang mabubuwag na ang pader • Alden Richards – Nominado sa URIAN at buena mano sa TV5 • Direk Johnny Manahan – Kinuhang creative consultant sa 2 TV5 shows • Pauleen Luna-Sotto – Dapat sampahan ng kaso ang bastos na basher • Sharon Cuneta – Naglunsad ng Sharon Cuneta Network sa YouTube • KC Concepcion – Pinalaki ni Sharon nang mag-isa • Gabby Concepcion – Mas lumalim pa ang hidwaang namamagitan sa pamilya • Pokwang – Kasama ang asawa, naglunsad ng Pok-Lee brand products • Willie Revillame – Masyadong nalungkot, kailangang mag-unwind Pinakamagaling talagang doktor ang panahon. Lahat ng klase ng problema ay kusang nagkakaroon ng solusyon nang hindi pilit. Alam naman ng buong bayan na nagkaroon ng hidwaan sa pagitan ng Superstar at ng kaniyang mga anak. Kung tutuusin ay hindi naman si Nora Aunor ang ugat ng problema, ibang tao, na hindi matanggap ng mga anak niya. Pinakamalalim ang agwat na namagitan sa kanila ni Lotlot de Leon. Mayroon din sila ng kaniyang tunay na anak na si Ian. Si Matet ang alam naming hindi nakalilimot sa kaniyang Nanay. Sina Kiko at Kenneth ay parang mga dahon lang na palutang-lutang, kung nasaan ang kanilang mga kapatid, doon na rin ang dalawa. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga kaibigan naming minsan isang

panahon ay nagtrabaho kay Nora Aunor. Nakita kasi nila ang ipinost na retrato ni Lotlot sa kaniyang IG account, magkasama silang magina, pagkaganda-gandang bata ni Balot. Nagbubunyi ang mga Noranians, sana raw ay ito na ang simula ng pagkakasundo ng mag-iina, sana raw ay muling mabuo ang dati nilang magandang samahan. Kahit saang anggulo tingnan ay ang mga anak talaga ang kailangang magpakumbaba sa kanilang ina. Anuman ang maging barometro ay dakila pa rin ang kanilang Nanay sa buungpusong pagkupkop sa mga batang ni gapatak na dugo ay walang kuneksiyon ang Superstar. Positibo ang pagpo-post ng retrato ni Lotlot. Ibig sabihi’y mayroon nang pader na nabuwag sa kanilang pagitan at tulay na ang See CRISTY p14

Nora Aunor & Lotlot De Leon

Alden Richards

Vic Sotto, Pauleen Luna and baby Talitha

Direk Johnny Manahan

Sharon Cuneta & KC Concepcion

ABS-CBN expands content distribution in African, Latin American, and Asian territories ABS-CBN, is set to bring 16 hit titles including Brothers, The Heiress, Destined Hearts, The General’s Daughter, and more to viewers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America this year and in 2021. Fourteen ABS-CBN programs will be shown in Africa for the first time starting this year. These include the Philippines’ mostwatched program since 2015, Brothers, the top-rating action drama The General’s Daughter. The other Philippine hit series are the fantasy-drama La Luna Sangre, the psycho-thriller Mea Culpa, action-dramas A Soldier’s See ABS CBN p14

L-r: JC De Vera, Arci Muñoz, Piolo Pascual, Alessandra De Rossi & Empoy Marquez

Ang sa Iyo ay Akin Two best friends who are victims of the same circumstance become bitter rivals as they fight for what they believe they rightfully own in the ABS-CBN TV series Ang Sa Iyo Ay Akin. The series features a grand ensemble of a cast led by Jodi Sta. Maria and Iza Calzado with Sam Milby and Maricel Soriano. Ang Sa Iyo Ay Akin is under the direction of F.M. Reyes and Avel Sunpongco and is produced by JRB Creative Production. Don’t miss Ang Sa Iyo Ay Akin, airing on TFC cable and satellite, and TFC Online and TFC IPTV. For updates, follow TFC’s official Facebook page applicable to your region or visit mytfc.com.

L-r: Jodi Sta. Maria, Maricel Soriano, Iza Calzado & Sam Milby

My Perfect You stars Pia Wurtzbach & Gerald Anderson

Daniel Padilla & Kathryn Bernardo

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020



Descendants of the Sun wins big at 15th Seoul International Drama Awards GMA Entertainment Group’s Pinoy adaptation of one of the world’s most well-loved drama series, Descendants of the Sun, brought honour to the Network after winning the Most Popular Foreign Drama of the Year in the 15th Seoul International Drama Awards. Descendants is the very first Philippine TV program to receive this recognition from the annual global festival. The primetime series was included in the list of winners together with two other foreign dramas Snowpiercer produced by US broadcaster TNT and The New Pope produced by Sky Atlantic and HBO. The prestigious award ceremony selected GMA’s Pinoy version among several remakes that originated from the KBS

drama aired in South Korea in 2016, highlighting the influence of K-drama not only in Asia but also around the world. Descendants, which premiered last February 10, is headlined by Dingdong Dantes and Jennylyn Mercado. Completing the starstudded cast are Rocco Nacino, Jasmine Curtis-Smith, Antonio Aquitania, Ricardo Cepeda, Paul Salas, Jon Lucas, Lucho Ayala, Prince Clemente, Pancho Magno, Renz Fernandez, Chariz Solomon, Andre Paras, Nicole Donesa, Reese Tuazon, Jenzel Angeles, Bobby Andrews, Neil Ryan Sese, Ian Ignacio, Rich Asuncion, Carlo Gonzales, Roi Vinzon, Hailey Mendez, Marina Benipayo, among others. The series is directed by Dominic Zapata. For the remake, the

Entertainment Group inked a partnership with the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which sealed the Network’s commitment to accurately represent the country’s military forces. This year’s Seoul International Drama Awards will be held on September 10 at MBC Media Center Public Hall without an audience.

GMA Network reaches 20 million Facebook followers GMA Network’s official Facebook page recently reached 20 million followers. Among the trending posts were from #KAPUSOREWIND, a series of videos that featured throwback moments from GMA Drama programs, and #KAPUSOFEELS, which are video memes from Kapuso characters and drama scenes. Recording an average of over 1 million views were favourite scenes from Ika-6 Na Utos, Mulawin vs Ravena, and My Korean Jagiya. Viewers get their daily updates with the latest entertainment news via Kapuso Showbiz News, which are one-on-one interviews with celebrities, as well as GIVE ME 5 which showcases the Kapuso celebrities’ Top 5 trivia. Kapuso Words of Wisdom, are shareable and inspiring videos with quotes and verses to help uplift spirits. Three-minute celebrity workout videos in Kapuso Quick Workouts encourage people to

Marian Rivera become more active and keep a healthy lifestyle even while staying at home. Kapuso followers also continue to enjoy daily uploads of episode highlights from currently airing GMA programs, hang out with their favourite celebrities via live streams on Kapuso Artistambayan, and listen to song covers from Kapuso stars and musicians with Playlist@Home. GMA also recently launched GETS or GMA EntertainmenT Shows, which treats fans to 24/7 access to free online content.

Kyline Alcantara

Alden Richards Follow GMA Network’s official Facebook page on www. facebook.com/GMANetwork.

Jennylyn Mercado

Dingdong Dantes




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

Jose Rizal stands tall at the edge of the Maples The Knight of Rizal, Winnipeg Chapter hosted more than 30 guests on August 24, 2020, to unveil the long anticipated statue of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the 19th century Filipino intellectual, now national hero of the Philippines. The new statue, which is located on Dr. Jose Rizal Way, north of Keewatin St., is the work of sculptor Peter Sawatzky, who also created the bronze sculpture of wolves on Chief Peguis Trail, the mother and cub bears at the Assiniboine Zoo, and the elks at the intersection of Portage Avenue and Main Street. Know as novelist, Rizal was also an artist and sculptor in his own right. His works dealt with social justice and gaining freedom through peaceful means. His principles and cause predated Mahatma Gandhi, Sun Yat-sen, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. To learn more about Jose Rizal or the Knights of Rizal, contact Felino de Jesus at 204-805-0409 or message him on Facebook at Knights of Rizal Winnipeg. – From a report by the Knights of Rizal, Winnipeg Chapter

Councillor Vivian Santos reads a poem by Dr. Jose Rizal

Sir Dr. Tom Colina L-r: Froilan Ofiaza, Ivan Luminario, Dr. Tom Colina, Kevin Lamoureux, Feling de Jesus, Melvin Semera & Ray Sator

Installation of the monument

Peter Sawatzky - Sculptor of the Jose Rizal statue

Members of the Knights of Rizal and Ladies of the Knights of Rizal with guests

Sir Felino de Jesus

Sir Mike Pagtakhan

L-r: Councillor Sir Bryan Mayes, sculptor Peter Sawatzky & Felino de Jesus

L-r: Sirs Ken Green, Mohamed Alli, Nap Ebora, Nena Ebora, Dr. Tom Colina, Councillor Bryan Mayes, Eli Mones, Mike Pagtakhan, Feling de Jesus & Arthur Domingo

Members of the Knights of Rizal Winnipeg visit the sculptor Peter Sawatzky in Glenboro, Manitoba

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020



A hero from the past; a role model for our future. by Kevin Lamoureux Anyone driving north on Keewatin Street will notice two things once you hit Jefferson Avenue: First is Keewatin Street turns into Dr. Jose Rizal Way and; second, there is a larger than life size statue of Dr. Jose Rizal. On August 24 I had the opportunity to attend the unveiling of a new monument and someone later asked me, “Who is Dr. Jose Rizal?” A quick Google search will give a lot of detail as to who he was. Rizal is recognized as the founding father of the Philippine Independence movement. While the vast majority of people of Filipino heritage living in Canada are familiar with Dr. Rizal, he’s not so well known internationally compared to say Mahatma Gandhi. Dr. Jose Rizal was born in 1861 and led a remarkable life. A brilliant and highly educated person, he spoke 22 languages, worked as a scientist, ophthalmologist, writer and artist. He wrote several novels like Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not) that pointed out the terrible unfairness in his society, and fuelled the struggle for Philippine independence. In the late 1800s the Philippines were a colony of Spain, and Filipinos were oppressed and marginalized in countless ways by their colonial government. Rizal wanted better for his people, but he recognized that violence breeds violence, and that hatred can never build a positive society. In 1896 tensions boiled over and an armed struggle known as the Philippine Revolution began.

Photos by Alex Canlapan

While his writings inspired many of the revolutionaries, he refused to join a violent struggle and pushed for fair representation in government and political change. Despite this, the Spanish government branded him a revolutionary and executed him for his writing. They couldn’t destroy his ideas though, and he helped create a unified, progressive identity for Filipino people. With nearly one million

people of Filipino heritage living in Canada and the fact that the heart of the Filipino community here in Canada is found in North Winnipeg, it’s only appropriate that we honour his memory here. It’s also important to remember that we aren’t just importing another country’s hero: Rizal’s legacy stretches far beyond his homeland. Few people here realize that he was actually a pioneering thinker in the fields of human rights and non-violent

social change. He was a contemporary of Mahatma Gandhi, the worldrenowned Indian independence leader. (Almost 20 years ago as an MLA I was at the Forks where a statue of Gandhi was unveiled). Rizal’s writings sought to inspire exactly the same kind of nonviolent independence movement in the Philippines. He taught the importance of education, science, and fair political representation to build a better society for everyone. In these turbulent times, we need these positive role models

more than ever. As we have difficult conversations about the impact of racism and colonialism on our society, we can look to the past for inspiration and answers. As many of our neighbours turn to the dark politics of fear, hatred and division, we can take inspiration from people like Rizal who remind us that the best way forward is through compassion, education, and cooperation with our communities. Kevin Lamoureux is the Member of Parliament for Winnipeg North

Sisig Bikers Group Winnipeg

Manitoba summer at Birds Hill Park! Sisig Bikers enjoy the ride with the leaders Noriel Asino and Roumel Fajardo. Trail Masters Jeric Cruz, Allan Vital, and all the members share their passion for biking along with their experiences and laughter while riding the Gravel Pit Trails. Black Bears sometimes appear along the way, which just adds to the thrills! The Sisig Bikers are planning for more excitement on their next ride at Grand Beach. – James Amiel A. Hermano




ABS CBN... From page 10 Heart and Fists of Fate, family dramas Love Thy Woman and Los Bastardos, primetime gothic series The Killer Bride, the thriller A Mother’s Guilt, romance dramas Secrets of El Paraiso and Two Hearts, and the romantic comedy, Since I Found You. In Latin America, the classic drama Destined Hearts premiered in Ecuador in August. It is the third ABS-CBN show to air in Ecuador, following Bridges of Love and The Promise. In Asia, Love Thy Woman will have an Indonesian remake. Currently, three ABS-CBN shows are airing in Myanmar, namely Los Bastardos, Fists of Fate, and Two Hearts. The Pacific Islands are also enjoying Since I Found You, and Two Hearts. Meanwhile, ABS-CBN’s hit movie Dear Other Self, a

romantic fantasy about a woman who finds herself living two lives in parallel realities, will be shown in Brunei this year. This follows the successful showing of My Perfect You and Barcelona in Vietnam recently. ABS-CBN recently launched Kapamilya Channel on cable and satellite TV across the Philippines and Kapamilya Online Live on ABS-CBN Entertainment’s YouTube and Facebook channels to broadcast and stream its programs following the denial of its legislative franchise for its free TV and radio operations. Its shows and films are also available on iWant and TFC streaming platforms. The company continues to syndicate its content through various streaming services and operate other businesses that do not require a legislative franchise, such as international licensing and distribution, digital, and cable TV.




SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 10 pumalit. Magputukan man ang lahat ng bulkan sa buong mundo, matuyo man ang dagat, ay dakila pa ring maituturing si Nora Aunor. Si Ian de Leon ay dugo at laman ni Nora Aunor, totoo ang kaniyang sinabi na anuman ang mangyayari ay ipaglalaban ng anak ang kaniyang ina, sa anumang paraan at dahilan. Nagkakaedad na ang Superstar. Ang pagkabuo nilang mag-iina ang pinakamagandang regalong maaaring kumumpleto ng buhay niya. *** Parang kay Alden Richards lang nakatutok ang mga mata ng mundo ngayon. Sunud-sunod na suwerte ang dumarating sa kaniyang buhay at career. Sa panahon ng pandemya na namamana sa dilim ang maraming artista dahil sa lockdown na mas tumindi pa dahil sa pagpapasarado sa ABS-CBN ay kapansin-pansin na parang ang Pambansang Bae lang ang kinakambalan ng suwerte. May mga shows pa rin siya, may mga ginawa pa siyang TVC at naging tagapag-endorso ng mga napapanahong proyekto ng ating pamahalaan, talagang parang kay Alden lang nakatitig ngayon ang kapalaran. At nominado pa siya sa URIAN, binigyang-halaga ng mga bumubuo ng nagbibigay ng parangal ang markadong papel na ginampanan niya sa Hello, Love, Goodbye, may mahihiling pa ba si Alden Richards sa magagandang nagaganap sa kaniyang karera? Anumang oras ay magsisimula na rin siya sa lock-in taping para sa mini-serye ng GMA-7, ang I Can See You, siya ang buwena-manong handog ng network sa muling paggiling ng kanilang mga camera ngayong pandemya. Hindi na dapat pang pagtakahan at maging diskurso ang mga positibong nangyayari sa buhay at career ni Alden Richards. Akmang-akma sa kaniyang pagkatao ang kasabihang kung ano ang itinanim mo ay iyon din ang aanihin mo. Mapagtanim siya ng kabutihan, kaya balik noon sa kaniya ay maganda rin, higit pa nga sa kaniyang inaasahan kung tutuusin. Mapagkumbaba, mapagmahal sa kaniyang propesyon, marunong lumingon sa kaniyang pinanggalingan. Anong bunga pa ba ang inaasahan natin sa kaniyang mga angking katangian? Natural na puro matamis lang. *** Nakarating sa amin ang impormasyon na si Direk Johnny Manahan ang kinuhang creative consultant ni Congressman Albie Benitez sa produksiyon nito. Kalat na ang balitang papasok sa TV5 ang kumpanya ng kongresista para magprodyus ng mga TV shows. Kung totoo iyon ay napakalaking tulong ang maibibigay ni Mr. M sa kakariring negosyo ng bilyonaryong pulitiko. At magandang balita rin ito para sa mga artista ng ABS-CBN na namamana sa dilim ngayon

Gabby Concepcion

Pokwang & Lee O’Brian dahil sa kawalan ng trabaho. Suspindido na ang kanilang mga kontrata at malaya na silang makapagtrabaho sa ibang network. Alam na alam ni Mr. M kung sinu-sinong artista ng nagsaradong istasyon ang magiging kapakipakinabang para bigyan ng trabaho. Nakilatis na niya ang kapasidad ng mga artista ng ABS-CBN, sa kaniyang mga kamay lumaki ang pangalan ng mga personalidad ng network, kaya siya ang nakakaalam kung sinu-sino ang puwedeng sugalan ng produksiyon ni Congressman Benitez. Iyon nga siguro ang hinihintay ng mga artistang hindi pa lumilipat ng network ngayon, hinihintay nila ang magiging aksiyon ni Mr. M, masuwerte ang mga personalidad na mayroon nang napatunayan sa pag-arte at pagiging bankable. Naging matibay na poste ng ABS-CBN si Direk Johnny Manahan, pinamahalaan niya ang Star Magic nang ilang dekada, nagbitiw na nga siya sa istasyon ay kinuha pa rin siya uli para hawakan ang mahahalagang programa ng network. Maraming magkakaroon ng pangalawang buhay sa pamamahala ni Mr. M, alam na alam na ng direktor kung sinu-sinong artista ang dapat niyang bigyan ng panibagong pagkakataon, siya ang tunay na nakakaalam pati sa ugali ng mga artista ng ipinasaradong network. *** Saktan mo na ang magulag, huwag lang ang anak, dahil siguradong magkakaroon ng giyera mundial. Bakit ba umaabot sa sukdulan ang pasensiya ni Sharon Cuneta? Kinakaya ng Megastar ang lahat ng mga upak at pintas, pero huwag na huwag pakikialaman ang kaniyang mga anak, dahil siguradong magmimistulang kapapanganak na tigre sa katapangan ang aktres. Ganoon din ang pinagdadaanan ngayon ni Pauleen Luna-Sotto. Ang walang kamuwang-muwang na anak nila ni Bossing Vic na

Willie Revillame si Talitha, buong-ningning na sinabihang pangit ng isang bastos na basher, nanugat iyon ng puso ng dakilang ina. Menor de edad si Tali, malaking krimen ang saktan ang isang batang hindi makakayang ipagtanggol ang kaniyang sarili, kaya maraming nagpapayo kay Poleng na sampahan ng kaso ang bastos na basher. Nang makatunog ito na idedemanda at nang pupugin na ito ng mga tagasuporta ng magasawang Vic at Pauleen ay parang maamong tupang humingi ng dispensa ang basher. Pero nakapanakit na ito, pinadugo na ng basher ang puso ng mga magulang ng batang pinintasan nito ang pisikal na itsura, ano pa ang magiging saysay ng kaniyang pagsosori? Ang bawat bata, anuman ang itsura, ay pinakamaganda sa paningin ng kaniyang mga magulang. Walang makakukuwestiyon doon, walang puwedeng kumontra, dahil mula sa sinapupunan ng ina ang batang pinipintasan. At hindi pangit si Tali, sa mga retratong inilalabas ni Poleng ay napaka-cute ng bata, hinati ang kaniyang itsura sa kaniyang mga magulang. Ang mga nakakausap naming mga magulang na ngayon ay nagpapahatid ng kanilang suporta kay Poleng. Kasabay noon ang See CRISTY p15

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020



Homeless but not heartless

Noong July 15th ay ipinagdiwang ng aking asawa ang kaniyang 50th birthday. Imbis na maghanda o bumili ng anumang kagamitan ay nag-celebrate kaming pamilya sa isang espesyal na paraan kasama ang mga homeless sa downtown Winnipeg. Idea ng Misis ko na magbahagi ng maliit na biyaya sa mga taong nasa lansangan. Naghanda kami ng 50 pirasong sets ng pagkain na may hotdog, tinapay at tubig. Sa maliit na paraang ito ay ipinagpasalamat namin ang buhay na ipinagkaloob ng Maykapal sa aking asawa. Kasama ang aming mga anak at pamilya ay tinungo namin ang mga tagong lugar sa downtown Winnipeg na kung saan nandoon ang mga taong pinagkaitan ng tahanan, walang mauwian, walang masilungan at marahil ay gutom ang pisikal at espiritwal na pangangatawan. Ang event na ito ay sinadyang hindi i-post sa social media. Tinuring namin ito bilang sagradong pakikipag-ugnayan namin sa mga taong lansangan. Pamilyar ako sa “taguan”

CRISTY... From page 14 pagpapayo na dapat talaga niyang kasuhan ng cyber bullying ang bastos na basher para matuto ng leksiyon. Masyado na nga namang nagagamit ng mga taong walang magawa sa buhay ang social media. Sa halip na mapadali ang komunikasyon sa pamamagitan ng teknolohiya ay ginagamit iyon ng iba sa kabastusan. *** Interesanteng panoorin ang show ni Sharon Cuneta sa kaniyang sariling network. Malaman ang kabuuan ng show, Sharon na Sharon ang atake dahil sa bigla niyang pagbungisngis kaag may ikinukuwento siyang karanasan na nakakatawa, iyon ang isa sa mga katangiang minahal ng publiko sa Megastar. Tungkol sa kaniyang buhay ang kadalasan niyang tinututukan sa kaniyang vlog, maraming impormasyong inilalabas si Sharon na kahit nga siguro ang kaniyang mga Sharonians ay nabibigla, makulay ang buhay ng singer-actress. Iyon ang hinahanap kay Sharon ng mga kababayan natin. Isang Sharon na masayahin, nakahahawa ang halakhak, chillax na chillax lang sa kaniyang pagkukuwento. Maganda ang kaniyang litanya bilang sagot sa mga bashers na nagkokomentong mahilig siyang magyabang ng kung anumang mayroon siya sa buhay tulad ng inilabas niyang mga relo na milyunan ang halaga. Simple lang ang kaniyang

ng mga homeless sa Winnipeg. Ginalugad namin ang Main street at pumasok sa mga kalye ng Princess, King, Logan, Gunnell, Henry at umikot-ikot sa area na malapit sa Siloam Mission. Sa bawat pag-abot namin ng simpleng bag ng pagkain ay ramdam namin ang pasalamat at kasiyahan ng mga taong ito. Nandoon ang ngiti sa kanilang mga labi hindi dahil sa may ibinigay kami kundi ang mas higit pang dahilan ay ang koneskyon na ipinaabot namin sa kanila na may mensaheng hindi sila nag-iisa. Isang pagmumulat ang birthday celebration na ito sa aming lahat lalung-lalo na sa aking mga anak sa kahalagahan ng pagmamalasakit sa kapuwa. Ang pagbibigay namin ng pagkain sa kaarawan ng aking asawa ay sumisimbolo sa pagkalinga ng aming pamilya sa komunidad na kung saan kami at tayong lahat ay bahagi anuman ang estado ng ating buhay. Mapalad ang karamihan sa atin dahil mayroon tayong nasisilungan. Mapalad tayo dahil

mensahe, kung gusto niyang magyabang ay mayroon naman siyang kapasidad na gawin iyon bilang isang bilyonarya, pero hindi niya iyon ginagawa. Emosyonal lang siya noong panahong i-post niya ang mga mamahalain niyang relo, na ihiningi niya ng paumanhin sa mga hindi nagkagusto, minsan daw kasi ay para pa rin siyang bata na sige na lang nang sige at hindi na masyadong nag-iisip kung anuano ang ipino-post niya. Masarap tunghayan ang isang napakasikat nang artista na marunong magpakumbaba. Umaamin siya sa kaniyang mga kalabisan at kakulangan. Hindi naman lahat ng artista ay marunong kumompronta sa katotohanan na tulad ni Sharon. Maganda ang kaniyang set, pinaghandaan ng Megastar ang kaniyang studio, para masundan ang kaniyang programa sa Sharon Cuneta Network ay ganito lang ang dapat gawin. Mag-subscribe lang sa Sharon Cuneta Network sa YouTube, huwag kalimutang i-click ang notification bell para alerto sa mga bagong video ng Megastar. At para maging updated sa mga kaganapan kay Sharon Cuneta, paki-sundan din ang kaniyang SharonCunetaNet (Twitter), SharonCunetaNetwrok (Instagram) at SharonCunetaNet (Facebook). *** Iyong pinakahuling post ni Sharon Cuneta na kung tawagin ng mas nakararami ay emotera time ay para kay KC Concepcion. Ganoon ang basa namin sa kabuuan ng kaniyang post.

mayroon tayong pagkain sa ating hapag. Mapalad tayo dahil mayroon tayong pamilya at mga kaibigan na handang tumulong at magmalasakit sa atin. Sa kabila ng ating pagiging mapalad ay huwag sana nating malimutan na mayroon din tayong kasama sa komunidad na walang tahanan, walang pagkain at walang pamilya. Habang ginagalugad namin ang downtown at sinasaksihan ang kanilang sitwasyon ay naisip ko na may iba’t ibang dahilan kung bakit sila nasa lansangan. Kung anuman ang dahilan kung bakit sila dumating sa ganitong sitwasyon ay wala tayong karapatan na husgahan sila. Ang mas mahalaga sa palagay ko ay ang ituring natin silang bahagi pa rin ng ating komunidad. Nadurog at literal akong napaiyak sa aking mga susunod na nasaksihan. Habang nag-aabot kami ng pagkain sa mga taong nasa lansangan, isang lalake ang nagpasalamat sa amin sa wikang Filipino. Hindi ko siya napansin na Pilipino hanggang sa sinabi niyang: “Salamat po, Kuya”. Oo, kababayan natin at may kasama pa siya. “Kumusta na ba kayo?” ang tanong ko sa kanila. “Heto po Kuya, nag-aabang ng suwerte,” tugon ng lalake. “Mag-iingat

kayo,” ang wika ko sa kanila. Tumulo ang aking luha habang patuloy kaming nagbabahagi ng maliit na pasalubong sa kanila. Pag-ikot namin sa isang kalye ay tumambad sa amin ang isang matandang lalake na nakaupo sa gutter ng kalye. Akala ko’y ibang lahi ngunit laking gulat ko na Pilipino rin pala. Bago niya abutin ang supot ng pagkain ay kumaway pa siya sa isang kasamahang Pilipino rin para ipaalam na kami’y may ibinabahaging kaunting biyaya. Mga Pilipinong walang tahanan? Hindi ko alam kung bakit sila nasa kalye kasama ang mga iba pang mga taong pagalagala sa lansangan. Hindi ko inakala na may matatagpuan kaming mga Pilipino sa lugar na ito. Mali pala ang aking akala. Ano ang mensahe ng ganitong sitwasyon na aming nasaksihan? Lalong umigting ang aking patuloy na pagmumulat sa aking mga anak ng diwa ng pananagutan at pagmamahal sa kapuwa anuman ang kanilang estado sa buhay. Ang buhay ay hindi dapat umikot sa kung ano lamang ang pabor sa iyo, sa sarili mo at sa pamilya mo. Tayo ay bahagi ng komunidad at may mahalaga tayong responsabilidad sa pagsulong ng isang maayos

na pamumuhay. Hindi natin kailangang maging nasa posisyon sa gobyerno, politiko o sikat na personalidad upang tumulong. Hindi kailangang malaki ang ating itulong. Wala sa halaga ang value ng pagtulong kundi nasa sinseridad ng ating puso. Hindi lamang siguro sa sikmura umabot ang hotdog, tinapay at tubig na aming ibinihagi kundi ito’y nagpatibay ng aming koneksyon sa lipunang nangangailangan ng malasakit at kalinga. Sa bawat ngiti na isinukli nila sa amin ay nagpatunay ito na maaaring homeless nga sila ngunit hindi naman sila heartless. Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP). Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

Sinimulan ni Sharon ang kuwento na noong gawin niya ang pelikulang Pasan Ko Ang Daigdig ay literal niya talagang pinasan ang mundo dahil sa paghihiwalay nila ni Gabby Concepcion. Iyon ang mga panahong hindi siya makakain dahil wala siyang panlasa. Hindi siya makatulog dahil napakasakit ng nangyari sa kanilang relasyon ng aktor na sinubukan nilang isalba nang maraming beses. Idiniin ni Sharon na ang tanging pinaghuhugutan niya noon ng inspirasyon ay ang kaniyang anak na si KC. Inabala niya ang kaniyang sarili, nagtrabaho siyang parang kalabaw, para sa mga pangangailangan ng kaniyang anak na si KC.

Kinukuha na raw siya ng kaniyang mga magulang noon, pero hindi siya pumayag, ipinaramdam niya sa kaniyang anak na hindi ang pagiging palaasa na lang sa ibang tao ang pinakamagandang solusyon sa pag-iisa. At nagtagumpay naman si Sharon na palakihin si KC nang mag-isa. Pinakamagandang eskuwelahan, mga pagbiyahe na bata pa lang si KC ay nakasanayan na nito, lahat-lahat ay para kay KC ayon kay Sharon. Hanggang sa pagpapakasal niya kay Senator Kiko ay si KC pa rin ang kaniyang inisip. Puro para kay KC ang mga hakbang na ginawa niya sa kaniyang personal na buhay.

Patagilid na sagot ni Sharon sa kalungkutan ni KC bilang anak ang kaniyang litanya. Hindi nagiisa si KC, mahal na mahal niya ang kaniyang panganay, ang lahat ng pagsasakripisyong ginawa niya noon ay para kay KC. Maraming naiinis kay KC Concepcion. Post daw kasi nang post ang dalaga ng kung anu-anong bahagi ng kaniyang katawan sa social media samantalang hindi naman perpekto ang kaniyang kurbada. Wala raw sigurong pinagkakaabalahan ang anak nina Sharon Cuneta at Gabby Concepcion kaya kung anu-ano na lang ang kaniyang tinututukan. May retrato kasi siyang See CRISTY p16



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

Caring for our Environment Manitoba’s summer events The Caring for our Environment Manitoba (CEM), Inc. held three events this summer to promote knowledge and action on environment and sustainability issues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic while still observing public health protocols. Last August 15, 2020, CEM held a Litter Clean Up at the Assiniboine Park in coordination with the Assiniboine Park Conservancy. Fifteen volunteers consisting of youth, small kids and members of the organization joined the activity. Kayla Lang, the Associate Coordinator for Volunteer Services of Assiniboine Park Conservancy, welcomed the group and provided them with garbage pickers and bags. Additional clear plastic bags for recyclables donated by the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) were also distributed by CEM. Everyone was excited especially the kids as they walked around the vast greenery to pick up litter. Much to their delight, a friendly deer showed up as the group passed through the Boreal Forest section of the park and stayed long enough for them to take “selfies” and group pictures. The volunteers look forward to volunteering again in the near future. The CEM also launched its first summer plant seedling fundraiser last July 5, 2020 to raise funds for its planned awarenessraising activities for this year and the coming year. These will include “CEM Talks” using virtual platforms possibly with an in-person component following public health protocols in place. A variety of organic indoor plants and vegetable seedlings donated by CEM friends were sold at the parking lot of the former Sobeys supermarket at Burrows Avenue corner Keewatin Street. CEM would like to thank its generous plant donors: Heidi

CRISTY... From page 15 nakadapa sa kama na nakalilis ang kaniyang suot na halos nagpapasilip na sa kaniyang puwet. Mayroon din siyang pasilip sa kaniyang boobs at ang pinakahuli ay ang larawan niya kung saan kitang-kita ang kaniyang mga bilbil. Bina-bash si KC sa kaniyang mga posts, ihanda raw muna sana niya ang kaniyang katawan bago siya maglabas ng mga retrato kung saan siya napipintasan. Kung napanood ng mga bashers ang panayam ni Luchi Cruz Valdes kay KC sa unang buhos ng programang Usapang Real Life ay mababawasan ang pagkainis nila sa dalagang aktres. Aminado si KC sa nararamdaman niyang kalungkutan sa kaniyang pagiisa. Mayroon nang kani-kaniyang pamilya ang kaniyang mga magulang, siya nga ang panganay, pero wala naman siyang kasama

Cruz, Lourdes Still, Myra Nunez, Mylene Pamplona, Rosalie Salazar, Rizalina Cortez, and May Sales as well as CEM friends and members who helped make the event a success. In partnership with the CBCRA, CEM embarked on a food hamper fundraiser last June 13, 2020 for the benefit of the Winnipeg Harvest. This notfor-profit organization dedicated to help support Winipeggers in need through food surplus donations and provision of training opportunities, initiated a food hamper project in response to the adverse economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, where an estimated 64,000 Manitobans (or 4% of Canada’s 1.6 million population) had applied for Employment Insurance. Winnipeg Harvest anticipated that it needed to feed around 90,000 Manitobans or even more as the pandemic worsens. CEM handed over a total of 202 kilos of food items and $281 cash donation to Winnipeg Harvest. CEM would

like to thank the following donors to this fundraiser: Gina Gabriel, Jomay Amora-Dueck, Ernesto Ofiaza, Teody Leano, Roselyn Advincula and CEM members. By: Ramon Faustino M. Sales, Jr., PhD. President, Caring for our Environment – Manitoba, Inc. For inquiries regarding activities of CEM and application for membership and volunteering, please send us an email at: caring4environment@ gmail.com

sa buhay. Sa panahon ng pandemya ay siya lang ang mag-isa sa kaniyang condo, dalawang alagang aso lang ang kaniyang kasama, siguro nga kapag ganoon ang araw-araw nating rutina sa loob nang ilang buwan ng lockdown ay aatakihin din tayo ng pagkaburyong. Pero nakatutuwang malaman na sa kaniyang pananahimik ay maraming kababayan pala nating nagdarahop ang kaniyang tinutulungan. Walang press release, walang sabi-sabi, pero nagpapasalamat kay KC Concepcion ang mga kababayan nating natulungan niya sa panahon ng pandemya. *** Sa halip na maresolbahan ay mas lumalim pa pala ang hidwaang namamagitan kay Gabby Concepcion at sa kaniyang pamilya. Matindi ang saloobin ng mga kapatid ng aktor dahil sa pinaglalabanan nila sa husgadong propyedad na nagbigay ng depresyon sa kanilang ina.

Ang lumabas na pagpanaw ng kanilang inang si Mommy Baby ay may kinalaman sa COVID-19, pero kung ang kapatid ni Gabby na si Mike ang tatanungin ay hindi, chronic depression ang nakikitang dahilan ng magkakapatid. Matinding depresyon diumano ang ibinigay ni Gabby kay Mommy Baby dahil natuklasan nga ng pamilya ang pag-angkin niya sa lupa na dapat ay hahatiin sa kanilang magkakapatid. Ipinaglalaban din ng mga kapatid ni Gabby na hindi pirma ng kanilang ina ang nasa ibinentang proyedad ng aktor at pineke lang. Masamang-masama ang loob ng kaniyang mga kapatid dahil mula nang magkasakit si Mommy Baby hanggang sa pumanaw ay hindi man lang sinilip ni Gabby ang kaniyang ina. Sa halip, ilang oras pa lang pagkatapos pumanaw ng kanilang ina ay nagpadala raw si Gabby ng truck ng mga armadong Coast Guard para hakutin ang kaniyang mga kagamitan sa bahay nila sa P.

Guevarra, San Juan, tulad din ng ginawa niya noong mamatay ang kanilang amang si Daddy Rolly. Damdamin ng kaniyang mga kapatid, bilang respeto man lang sana sa pumanaw nilang ina ay ipinagpaliban na muna ni Gabby ang paghahakot, pero hindi na siya nakapaghintay ng disenteng pagkakataon. Tuloy pa rin ang pinaglalabanan nilang asunto sa korte, nagkawatak-watak ang dating magkakalapit na magkakapatid, pumanaw si Mommy Baby na bitbit ang matinding sama ng loob kay Gabby. Ayon kay kapatid na Jobert Sucaldito sa pakikipag-usap nito kay Mike na kapatid ni Gabby, nitong mga huling panahon ay nag-hunger strike na si Mommy Baby, hindi na rin nito iniinom ang kaniyang mga gamot lalo na sa kumplikasyon ng diabetes hanggang sa manghina na nang tuluyan at pumanaw. Siguradong may boses si Gabby Concepcion na gusto rin

niyang marinig bilang paglilinaw sa kaniyang panig sa problemang pampamilyang ito. Kung kailan siya magsasalita ay hintayin na lang natin dahil palaging may dalawang panig ang anumang isyu. *** Marunong sa buhay si Pokwang. Maparaan siya. Para siyang talbos ng kamote na kahit saan mo ihagis ay siguradong mabubuhay siya. Sinuwerte siyang magkaroon ng dalawang programa sa TV5 sa pamamagitan ng produksiyon ng mga Tuviera. Isa siya sa mga puwedeng magsuot ng t-shirt na ang nakaletra ay I survived sa pagsasarado ng ABS-CBN. Mayroon na siyang Cheka Besh tuwing umaga kasama sina Ria Atayde at Pauleen Luna ay sila pa rin ni Jose Manalo ang hosts ng game show na Fill In The Bank. Pero hindi doon nagtatapos ang pagtatrabaho ng magaling See CRISTY p17


SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 16 na komedyana-host, may iba pa siyang pinagkakaabalahan, ang negosyo nila ng kaniyang mister na si Lee O’Brian na pagkakasarap na produkto. Ganoon kasipag si Pokwang, wala siyang sinasayang na panahon, maraming umaasa sa kaniya kaya lahat ng paraan kung saan siya puwedeng kumita ay ginagawa niya. Pok-Lee ang brand name ng kanilang mga produkto. Maganda ang kanilang logo, nandoon sila ni Lee na kunwari’y nasa kabukiran, tampok ang kanilang mga produkto. Nakalilimot ng pangalan sa sarap ang kanilang ginataang laing, panalung-panalo ang produkto nilang suka na tamangtama ang timpla bilang sawsawan at puwede ring inumin bilang panglinis ng bituka, mayroon din silang gourmet tuyo at tinapa, chili at chili-garlic aligue, pineapple at strawberry jams. Kapag natikman mo na ang


mga produkto ng Pok-Lee ay isa lang ang posibleng gagawin mo, ang tumawag sa kanila para umorder uli (0927-4085209), dahil walang katapun-tapon sa masasarap nilang produkto. Tama ang ginagawa ni Pokwang, walang kasiguruhan ang pag-aartista, kailangang mayroon pang ibang negosyong maaasahan ang mga personalidad para hindi sila nganga. *** Si Willie Revillame na ang mag-isang nagpapalipad ng kaniyang sariling helicopter. Dalawang security na lang at ilang staff ng Tutok To Win ang kaniyang kasama sa pagbiyahe. Lisensiyado na siyang magpalipad nang mag-isa, noong Sabado nang umaga ay bumiyahe sila papunta sa kaniyang beach house sa Puerto Galera, kailangan niyang bisitahin ang kaniyang bahay-bakasyunan. Nagpalipas lang sila nang ilang oras at lumipad na agad sila papunta sa Tagaytay, nasa Iruhin ang kaniyang mansiyon at mga ipinagawang villa, Sabado at


NO. 352

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Pinatuyong ubas 4. Pintig 7. Husto 8. Lasa ng asukal 11. Tigasin 14. Ipapaalam 16. Tiyahin 17. Himok 18. Huwag aminin 19. Sisidlan ng inumin 21. Bughaw 23. Uri ng sakit 24. Ganda 26. Habag 27. Retrato 29. Sindi 31. Hudyat sa taguan 32. Uri ng ibon 34. Panghalip 35. Mabutong prutas PABABA 1. Papipintigin 2. Agipo 3. Pawid 4. Wasto 5. Ilaan

6. Sinasalungat 9. Abrabiyado 10. Matapilok 12. Lugar sa Bantangas 13. Kotse 15. Bagal 20. Kaya 22. Itim na ibon 24. Patnubay 25. Init 28. Alyas 30. Laslas 33. Notang musikal


Linggo lang niya naiikutan ang kaniyang mga propyedad. Sabi ni Willie, “Saka kailangan ko ring mag-unwind. Sunudsunod ang malulungkot na isyung pinagdaanan ko this week sa show. “Iyong mga jeepney drivers na napilitan na lang mamalimos sa kawalan ng kinikita, nakita ko na sila noong ibigay namin ang five million na ayuda para sa kanila. “Masarap sa kalooban na tanggapin ang pasasalamat nila, iyon ang walang katumbas na kahit magkano, masasaya silang

umuwi dahil mayroon na silang ayudang cash, may pa-jacket at pabigas pa kami para sa kanila,” pahayag ng mapusong TV host. Noong nakaraang Biyernes naman, tapos na ang Tutok To Win, ay apektado pa rin si Willie ng kaniyang pakikipag-usap sa mga pamilya ng mga pumanaw nating kababayang OFW sa naganap na pagsabog sa Lebanon. “Iyon ang hindi ko kinakaya. Kapag naririnig ko na ang paghagulgol ng isang Nanay, wasak na ako. Napakasakit naman

PAGE 17 talaga noon. Umalis ang kanilang anak na buung-buo, tapos, noong umuwi, e, abo na lang. “Kaya kailangan ko ring maglibang kapag medyo maluwag ang oras ko. Parang pagbabanlaw ko ito sa isang buong linggong lungkot na pinagdaanan ko. “Para maiba naman ang lugar. Makakita naman ako ng mga bundok at dagat. Malaking tulong sa akin ang ganito,” pabuntonghininga pang pahayag ni Willie Revillame. Tama. –CSF

Face masks now mandatory in City buildings and buses As of Saturday, August 29, 2020 the City of Winnipeg is requiring the public to use face masks in City-operated facilities and vehicles, including Winnipeg Transit and Winnipeg Transit Plus, due to the increasing number of cases in the city. “As we approach the fall season and children are returning back to school, higher volumes of people are expected on Winnipeg Transit and in City of Winnipeg facilities, and with those higher volumes of people, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain physical distancing,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. Transit riders will not be denied service for refusing to wear

a face mask but they could face a $100 fine for non-compliance. However, according to a City of Winnipeg statement on Frisay August 29, “the City may implement enforcement measures if wide-spread non-compliance becomes an issue.” “Wearing a face mask in these settings is a reasonable measure in combination with other precautions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” said Jason Shaw, Manager of the City’s Emergency Operations Centre. “We’re asking Winnipeggers visiting our facilities and using public transit to do their part and wear a face mask to protect our most vulnerable

residents.” The City plans to provide free masks to the public for approximately two weeks, or while supplies last, to allow residents to become familiar with the new requirement. Single-use disposal face masks will be available at public City-operated facilities where masks are required, including City Hall, recreation and leisure facilities, libraries, and administrative office buildings until supplies are exhausted. Exemptions are in place for children under five, those who aren’t able to remove a mask themselves and those who can’t wear one due to a “mental or physical concern or limitation.”



SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

Provincial pandemic response system launched The Manitoba government launched the Pandemic Response System on August 19. The new on-line public health tool connects Manitobans with more detailed and localized information about the current risk of COVID-19 and the specific measures being taken to reduce its spread,. “Keeping Manitobans safe is our government’s top priority in these uncertain times,” said Premier Brian Pallister. “Equipping Manitobans with the information they need to stay safe while restarting our economy will help ensure we are better prepared to navigate through the COVID challenges ahead. That is what our new Pandemic Response System is designed to do.” The new online tools allows public health officials to communicate with Manitobans specific changes and related pandemic containment measures by localized site, region or sector as needed. This will allow

targeted measures focused on containing any outbreaks, instead of applying province-wide restrictions. The Pandemic Response System, the first of its kind in Canada, is based on a series of COVID-19 indicators monitored by public health officials to give Manitobans a clear and detailed picture of the situation throughout the province at all times. Those COVID-19 indicators include health system capacity, public health capacity, risk of outbreaks in vulnerable settings and the risk of importation of cases. The four colour-coded response levels are: • (red) critical – community spread of COVID-19 is not contained and/or there are significant strains on the healthcare system; • (orange) restricted – community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring, public health measures are being taken

to manage the negative impact on human health and/or the health system; • (yellow) caution – community transmission of COVID-19 is at low levels; and • (green) limited risk – the spread of COVID-19 is broadly contained and a vaccine and/or effective treatment is available. The system was launched with a province-wide level of “caution,” meaning COVID-19 is still a threat across Manitoba, but community transmission levels are low. There are multiple and isolated clusters of cases that are mostly contained. For more information on the COVID-19 indicators and the four response levels, visit https://manitoba.ca/ covid19/prs/system.html. At all response levels, Manitobans should continue to follow the public health fundamentals. Those include: • always stay home when sick, even if mildly ill;

• enhanced hand hygiene; • maintain physical distancing; and • wear masks in public indoor

settings where physical distancing is not possible. Source: Government of Manitoba

Helping kids cope with loneliness during COVID-19 Social distancing is hard on kids. Understand how to help your child deal with loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Up until late 2019, most kids spent their days in constant interaction with friends, teachers, family and neighbours. And then the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic struck. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, communities around the world have temporarily closed schools, childcare centers, after-school programs, camps and playgrounds. Many families are staying at home or practicing social distancing, limiting kids’ ability to spend time in person with friends and family. For children and adolescents, these changes are understandably causing feelings of loneliness. The impact of loneliness on kids Loneliness due to the pandemic is particularly tough on children. Compared with adults, kids tend to have a harder time communicating

their feelings. And in this situation kids can’t rely on familiar coping strategies, such as visiting with friends. Social distancing measures also prevent kids from spending time with their peers during an important period of growth and social development. Friendships with other children can give kids crucial support, build a sense of belonging and help them to develop personal identities. Loneliness in children and adolescents is also worrisome because it can have long-term effects. Research shows that loneliness in kids, especially over extended periods, is linked with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety in the following years. Due to heightened stress and reduced access to health care, the COVID-19 pandemic also might worsen children’s existing mental health conditions. Helping kids cope with loneliness As frustrating, boring and

painful as social distancing is for kids, it’s important to continue taking steps to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This means keeping space between your children and other people outside your household. To help your child deal with loneliness caused by social distancing: Encourage spending time with friends Your child needs to spend quality time with friends to feel connected and supported. And, in fact, your child likely has more free time to do so than usual. The safest way for your child to talk to or play with others during the COVID-19 pandemic is through video calls or phone calls. Older children might enjoy texting or playing online games with friends. This might require temporarily loosening your rules about your child’s amount of daily screen time. Just be sure to continue ensuring quality screen time by previewing your child’s games, using parental controls

when needed and supervising your child’s online activities. For connection without the use of screens, kids can mail each other letters or drawings. Provide extra reassurance at home Children need secure and reassuring relationships with their parents or other caregivers during stressful times. Helping younger children cope might involve a few more hugs and cuddles too. Be there for your child and regularly check on how he or she is doing. It can be helpful to agree on a regular time each day or week to do this. If possible, take advantage of this opportunity to spend more time together and come up with family activities that you all enjoy. Stay in touch with family and friends Set up calls or video chats to allow your child to spend time with extended family and other people important to him or her. You might ask a relative to read a story to your child over the phone or on a video chat. Or invite family members or friends to a video chat party. Talk about feelings Your child might be sad about missing an important social event, such as a birthday party. Acknowledge your child’s loss, ask about his or her feelings, and validate them by showing that you understand. Allow your child to lead the discussion, rather than making assumptions about how he or she thinks and feels. You also might consider giving your child an age-appropriate book that deals with loneliness. This can give your child words to describe his or her feelings. Or have your child write down what it is that he or she misses about certain people, places or events. Also, explore different ways he or she might cope with these kinds of losses, such as having a different kind of birthday

celebration or planning something for when social distancing is no longer needed. Seek daily purpose Spending time doing activities of value can give your child’s day structure and purpose. This can help your child cope with the change in his or her routine. Your child might find meaning through reading, biking, creating music, and making movies, baking, dressing up, drawing, writing, planting a garden or building something. Encourage your child’s unique creativity. To motivate your child, consider organizing a talent show on a videoconferencing platform. Invite family or your child’s friends. Older kids might enjoy researching a topic that they’re passionate about and sharing what they’ve learned with friends. Adopt a pet Finally, if you have the time, space and budget, research suggests that having a pet might help protect children from feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Pets offer children comfort, a sense of responsibility and social support that can help them feel good about themselves. Children can also have affectionate and nonjudgmental relationships with pets. Your child can’t control the current need for social distancing. But your child can control how he or she chooses to deal with the circumstances. By encouraging your child to connect with others, share his or her feelings, and find daily purpose, you’ll help him or her cope with loneliness due to the pandemic. Working through this challenge also might contribute to your child’s personal growth and better prepare him or her to deal with future obstacles. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020





SEPTEMBER 1 - 15, 2020

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