Pilipino Express • Jul 1 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 13 • July 1 -15, 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Jodi Sta. Maria


Canada marks its 154th anniversary, a nation with mixed feelings as many mourn the discovery of over 900 unmarked graves of Indigenous children at two former residential schools.

Former Philippine President Noynoy Aquino dies

10 10 Darren Espanto


Prime Minister Trudeau & President Aquino at the APEC Summit in Manila, November 2015 Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Aquino III, the Philippines’ 15th president, who led the country under the “Daang Matuwid” reform agenda from 2010 to 2016, died early Thursday, June 24, 2021.

Aquino, 61, “died peacefully in his sleep” of renal disease, secondary to diabetes, his older sister Aurora “Pinky” AquinoAbellada said on behalf of the family. “Mission accomplished, Noy, be happy now with Dad and

Mom.” She added that her brother had been in and out of the hospital in recent years. Noynoy, as Aquino was fondly called, was born February 8, 1960. The third of five children, he was See AQUINO p12



JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021




This Canada Day, 2021, we acknowledge the mourning that is happening across the country. On May 27, the remains of 215 children were found buried at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation. Weeks later, the remains in 751 unmarked graves were discovered near the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School. It is estimated that over 150,000 children attended residential schools in Canada from the 1830s until 1997 when the last school closed. The school system removed children from their families and took away their culture and identity. They were not permitted to speak in their language, and were denied love,


affection, food, safety and rights. Many children died and their deaths were undocumented and unacknowledged. Their bodies were often not returned home. Indigenous people have mourned for decades, and these recent events have reopened their wounds. Across Canada and around the globe, many have felt sadness and anger. Steps towards healing include acknowledging what happened and sharing in their despair and grief. The sorrow is captured in the poem by Indigenous educator, scholar, and poet Tasha Spillett, titled “215.” 215 215 children. Sacred bundles, waiting restlessly.

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

This Canada Day the mourning goes on And the others? we have to find the others. Orange is the colour of amber the alert is long past due. In the early morning I hear my daughter’s small cry “Mama” I go to her. Today is the day after and it feels like a privilege to hold her in my arms my own baby (no one will take her from my arms). She’s had a bad dream. It’s okay my girl, I am here. Her heart slows to a steady pace. The nightmare fades away. There are no monsters here. My heart slows to a steady pace.

Flags lowered. Now in reach low enough to rip down toss them into a pit where promises and treaties rest in pieces between scattered baby bones. Orange is the colour of flames our hearts are the embers. Let the lowered flags burn. You asked for their stories. And they spoke them. You heard but you did not listen. They told you where to find the children. You heard but you did not look. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Pomp and circumstance Can you believe it is July already? I can’t! It seems the older I get, the quicker time flies. I’m celebrated my 46th birthday in June. I’m now closer to 50 than to 40! This means I am one more year closer to retirement and, most important, getting my senior’s discount at the Royal Fork Buffet. Another side effect of getting older? I reminisce a lot. I think about my mom, mother-in-law, kids, grandkid, siblings, nieces, and nephew, and how far away they are. Thanks to COVID for making us all feel detached from family and friends! The good news? The number of COVID cases is dropping and the number of vaccinations is rising. We’ll be reunited soon enough. At the time of writing this, B.C. is expecting to lift its travel restrictions and allow travel across Canada around July 1. Sounds great, but do we have to be fully vaccinated first? Do the people we want to visit have to be fully vaccinated as well? I’m on track to receive my second dose of Pfizer sometime in July. I’ll cross my fingers for the chance to pack up the Burgos Mobile and head east. If we are lucky enough to be allowed to travel, I’m thinking we’ll pack

the travel trailer and stop at camp sites along the way, perhaps even get a visit in with family in Calgary. If we can’t, we’ve got campsites booked all across Vancouver Island. Still not a bad way to spend the summer. It has been a challenging year for us all. I need only to look at my kids to see just how difficult it has been and how the pandemic has affected them more than they know. Bella struggled with being stuck in a small cohort. Not being able to see friends was tough on her. Plus, three-hour gym classes, every day? What a trooper. As for Rece and Gavin, they walked the stage together at their high school graduation last month! Izzy and I could not be prouder of these two. Rece received all his credits back in November while Gavin completed all his electives online to be able to graduate a whole year early. It’s an exciting time in their lives, yet I still feel like they missed out on the pomp and circumstance of a normal graduation ceremony. There wasn’t a large crowd of proud families stuffed inside a venue, the grads did not get the opportunity to sit together and watch each other receive their diploma and I didn’t get the chance to yell extremely loud

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The Burgos graduates, Rece and Gavin when their name was called. I was really hoping to hoot and holler while blowing into my trumpet. Sadly, I won’t get the chance to embarrass them. Instead, we have to settle for one grad and family in a room at a time. It will be quiet and short, but it doesn’t diminish their hard work, especially during a global pandemic. So, what is next for these two? Looks like Rece wants to head to university in Vancouver in either business or fabrication,

and Gavin is thinking a course in information technology and systems application. This after they enjoy a gap year to work and save up some cash for school. As the world starts opening up, I hope you get the chance to visit with loved ones. It’s going to be weird shaking hands and hugging. Hopefully, soon enough, it will feel normal once again. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.

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JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

The recent news in Canada has been dominated by the pandemic and the discovery of the remains of 215 children on the grounds of a former residential school in British Columbia. The issue of residential schools has long been a sore spot in Canadian history and the potential deaths of hundreds if not thousands of school aged children only add to this horrible part of our past. Many of the culprits have passed from the earth but their notoriety lives on. In Canada the statues and monuments to John A. McDonald and others who played a role in the establishment of residential schools and the cultural genocide of our aboriginal population is very much part of current discussions. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission raised awareness amongst the general population to the cultural genocide of the past and the role of the residential school system. As a nation we share in the guilt of our forefathers who perpetrated the widespread abuse of a system that owed much to the colonialist and imperialist attitude of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was a time when persons such a Rudyard Kipling wrote about the “White Man’s Burden” to bring civilization and salvation to people in Canada who they deemed uncivilized. The language, culture, religious practices and even the very names of aboriginal Canadians were suppressed, condemned, and prohibited. The impact of residential schools is not limited to British Columbia nor one residential school. The institution was encouraged by the federal government and operated across Canada, usually with the support and assistance of religious authorities. Sadly, the damage inflicted on the innocent Indigenous children is something that cannot forgotten but must be condemned and redressed. Governments at all levels are working together to locate unmarked gravesites and identify the victims. In Manitoba, for example, several sites of former residential schools in both Brandon and Winnipeg are being examined at this time. We need to find the graves and lay to rest the remains of the victims as the first step in trust and reconciliation. The tragedy or the missing and the publicly forgotten affects us


all – some more than others. If you know of someone who needs help, support is available through Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855342-3310 (toll free) or an online chat at hopeforwellness.ca, open 24 hours a day. For immediate assistance to those who may need it, the National Indian Residential School Crisis line is available 24 hours a day at 1-866-925-4419. On June 14, 2021, the current Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marco E.L. Mendicino added his voice to that of the Prime Minister and others to take concrete action to correct some of the misdeeds committed against our aboriginal population. He announced measures to address suppression of native naming systems by colonialist policies and practices. Indigenous names are endowed with deep cultural meanings and significance, and represent a way of respecting their traditions and values. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 17 directed all levels of government to enable residential school survivors and their families to reclaim and use their Indigenous names on all government documents. Six short years later, Minister Mendicino, along with the ministers of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Indigenous Services, jointly announced that Indigenous persons can now use the names suppressed by the residential school system on passports and other immigration documents. IRCC has gone beyond changing names in passports to include travel documents, citizenship certificates and permanent resident cards. The changes affect not only residential school survivors but all Indigenous peoples. IRCC has streamlined the process to make it faster and more efficient, and this service will be provided free of charge for five years. “Supporting First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples in reclaiming and using their Indigenous names is an integral part of the shared journey of reconciliation. Traditional names are deeply connected to Indigenous languages and cultures, and an individual’s identify and dignity,” Minister Mendicino stated. “This change means that Indigenous


Indigenous people can reclaim their traditional names on immigration documents peoples can proudly reclaim their name, dismantling the legacy of colonialism and reflecting their true identity to the world.” We need to locate the unmarked burial sites of residential school victims and have their identities made known to have some closure. Their deaths must become part of the public record, mourning and reconciliation. We can start by pulling down monuments to those who promoted assimilation in the most horrifying manner, including abuse and perhaps contributing to the death of innocent children. There is a current debate on the

worthiness of renaming Bishop Grandin Blvd. in Winnipeg because of his complicity with residential schools in Manitoba. It is important that the abusers are remembered for their shame and Indigenous names are reclaimed by descendants as a testimony to healing and a collective apology by Canada for the actions of the past. The persecution of our Indigenous population is a fact and something we need to acknowledge and redress. If we do not learn from the errors of history, we are destined to commit the same mistakes. As a country

we can start with respecting those who came with the land. They are not lesser people but deserving of respect and equal treatment before the law, including immigration. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.



JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

Canadian spelling New Canadians might notice that the English language is a little bit different here compared to the English they learned in the Philippines. This is especially noticeable in the spelling of words. At first glance, spellings like centre, theatre, colour, honour and many others just look wrong. The spelling is different here because the origins of Canadian spelling and English spelling in the Philippines are different. Also, the paths that the English language travelled to get to the two countries were different. The Americans brought the English language to the Philippines when they occupied the newly founded republic at the beginning of the 1900s while Canada inherited English from the British who explored the country as early as the 1500s. They eventually settled here and made their colony a nation in 1867. Of course, the English language originally came from England, which is the ultimate source for all the variations of English throughout the entire world – even the English spoken in the U.S. But why are American, British and Canadian spellings different from one another?

British English It has been a long-standing tradition in England not to change the spellings of foreign words too much when they are adopted into English. Even when the pronunciation of a word is changed (and it almost always changes), the spelling usually remains unchanged. This is true even for very old English words that are pronounced differently now than when they were first written. For example, the word knight did go through a slight change from the original Old English spelling of cniht, but back then, all of its letters were pronounced: keh-ni-geh-tah. Today it is pronounced nayt but the silent letters, k, g and h are still there. So, when French words like centre and honour entered the English language, their spellings did not change much, either. French influence Among the languages that have influenced English in the past one thousand years, it was French that had the biggest effect. French was the official language of England for almost 400 years after William the Conqueror took the throne in the year 1066. William was from Normandy in France.

He didn’t speak English, so French became the language for governing the kingdom while Latin continued to be used in the Church. The English of that period between 1066 and the mid 1400s is now called Middle English and it was the language of the common people. During that time, many French words used by the elite classes gradually entered the speech of the commoners. The words may have been mispronounced or simply changed over time, but the original French spellings did not change very much – probably because most commoners could not write. American English When the colonists in America rebelled against the British monarchy in 1776, they wanted to correct many things that they believed were wrong in their society. One of those things was the spelling of English words. Many Americans at that time, and many Britons too, worked to standardize English spelling and make it more sensible. The most successful innovator was the American, Noah Webster, who published three school textbooks in the 1780s. The first book was a speller published in 1783. It eventually became known as the Blue-Backed Speller because of its blue cover, and for one hundred years it was the standard school textbook for American spelling. During Webster’s lifetime 80 million copies of his speller were

sold and it established the new American method of spelling and pronunciation. Canadian English Because of Canada’s unique history, the spelling of English words here is a mixture of both the American and the British methods. During the American revolution of 1776 some Americans remained loyal to Britain and many of them escaped the U.S. to settle in Canada. Their particular speech and spelling methods, and those of their descendants, became mixed in with the English used in Canada at the time. When the United States and Britain went to war again in 1812, the Americans made many attacks on Canada, but they were unsuccessful. After the war, the British discovered that the Americans had hoped that when they invaded Canada, they would gain the sympathy and support of the former Americans living there. They did not. And even though these so-called loyalists really did remain loyal to England, the British were uncomfortable with so many people living in Canada who had ties to the U.S. Therefore, to lessen the American influence in Canada, they embarked on a plan to entice as many British citizens as possible to immigrate and settle in Canada. During the 1800s the population of Canada doubled, and Britain was once again the dominating influence on Canadian society.

Mixed Spelling Today the British and American influences are mixed into our Canadian spelling. We still spell some words the British way, such as axe, dialogue, labour and programme, and the last letter of our alphabet is zed, not zee. But we do not use the British spelling of aluminium for aluminum or tyre for tire. We use the American suffix –ize more often in Canada than the British –ise in words like equalize, specialize and Canadianize, even though both spellings are accepted here. Many other words are also accepted with two different spellings. Being Canadian These days, American culture dominates the entire world, and its influence is especially felt in Canada because the U.S. is right next-door with a population and an economy ten times bigger than Canada’s. Every day we are exposed to American customs and opinions through movies, television and the Internet, and many Canadian children first learned the abc and zee by watching the American Sesame Street show on TV. But in spite of all this, we Canadians continue to value our own culture and the uniqueness of our language. The way we spell is part of our Canadian identity. Visit www.paulmorrow.ca or the History and Culture section at www.pilipino-express.com for more about Filipino history and language.

The First Filipino Englishman Many Filipinos, including me, have never seen nor met a Quaker. Yet, we have a vague idea of what they look like from the illustrations on oatmeal cans. Part of my childhood memories contains the image of that smiling man with rosy cheeks, long hair and a black hat – the man who resembles Benjamin Franklin minus the glasses – on a can or carton of Quaker Oats. It’s funny that I should associate the Quakers with breakfast or merienda food rather than with the members of the religious group, Society of Friends, founded by George Fox in 1648. I don’t know if oatmeal is the staple food of the Quakers, but I am told that they usually tremble during religious meetings. These visible signs of religious emotion (very much, I guess, like today’s Charismatics) gave them the name “Quakers.” Aside from “quaking,” they were also noted for the plainness of their clothes; thus, in English, the Quaker also refers to certain drab or plain-coloured birds and moths that resemble the clothes worn by Quakers. Despite the criticism levelled

at the late Gregorio Zaide’s, multivolume Documentary Sources of Philippine History, I would still recommend it to students interested in reading primary sources but are handicapped because they cannot read Spanish. Even I find a few odd but interesting documents that add spice to an otherwise boring compilation. Leafing through the volumes, one can find a document on the first sundials in the Philippines or on the first Filipino naturalized British citizen who was also the first Filipino Quaker. Francisco Rodriguez (17901857) was born in Manila to Philippine-born Spaniards. He was educated in Manila and, of all places, Calcutta. Hence he was fluent in Spanish, English, Tagalog, Latin, and, I would presume, Indian too. He married a mestiza, Dolores Virgil, whose untimely death left him a childless widower. Since Rodriguez was a prosperous and noted businessman, he attracted the usual amount of envy. At dawn on June 2, 1823, a mutiny broke out in Manila led by Captain Andres Novales who

declared himself “Emperor of the Philippines.” Novales had a very short reign though – the government crushed the revolt and the Emperor of less than twentyfour hours was shot. After the revolt, many prominent citizens were arrested and exiled, among them Francisco Rodriguez who was sentenced to imprisonment in Cadiz. However, he managed to escape and landed penniless in England. His property in Manila was taken and his relatives refused to send him any kind of help. Fortunately, Rodriguez was taken in by the Quakers in London. He became a Quaker himself and a British citizen as well. In 1828, following the amnesty granted to people implicated in the Novales revolt, Rodriguez returned to Manila and eventually regained his former wealth and social position. Naturally, the long-lost relatives and friends crept out of the woodwork, hoping to be mentioned in his will, which still exists at the British Public Record Office in London. The will begins: In the name of God, Amen. I, Francis Rodriguez, a Filipino-

Spaniard, widower by condition and Christian, being of sane and perfect judgment, but of broken health and aware of the uncertainty of life, do resolve to make and do make this my last and final will… At the time of his death in March 1857, Rodriguez owned a block of houses that could be entered through the Callejon del Embarcadero de San Gabriel in Manila. Aside from the personal property inside these houses, he also received rent from Smith, Bell and Company, which occupied two of his bodegas and Kerr and Company, which occupied five shops in his block of houses. A great Anglophone, Rodriguez specified, “It is my will that my houses be rented and occupied by Englishmen only; and if at any time my Executors should decide on selling my houses, I desire that they be sold to English subjects.” Rodriguez willed that his funeral be simple and inexpensive and that he was to be buried in La Loma – in the site reserved for English citizens. It is not specified in the will, but, according to Zaide’s notes, Rodriguez’s entire

wealth was bequeathed to Queen Victoria, in trust, for the widows and orphans of British soldiers who fell during the Crimean War (1854-56). What significance does this have to Philippine history? Frankly, not much, but in one Association of Asian Studies meeting in the 1990s; American scholars got excited over a panel on “Obscure(d) Filipinos.” Had I known about it earlier, I would have written about Francis Rodriguez and half a dozen truly obscure Pinoys. Why do we leave such explorations to foreigners? Can’t Filipino academics be similarly stimulated and publish more engaging research? Source: Luna’s Mustache by Ambeth R. Ocampo, Anvil Publishing. Ambeth Ocampo is a former Chairman of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and an associate professor in the Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University. He writes a widely read editorial page column, “Looking Back,” for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021



Whither Little Manila? In my research on Filipino and other communities in North America, I’ve always been struck by the prevalence of spaces associated with ethnic groups. Most well-known would be the Chinatowns across Canada and the United States, including in Winnipeg. Lesser known in the public eye, but still there, are socalled “Filipino Towns,” “Little Manilas,” or even “Pinoytowns,” communities in which thrive Filipino restaurants, grocery stores, churches, community centres, and other gathering places. In 2013, the late Dawn Bohulano Mabalon published Little Manila is in the Heart, which studied one such community in Stockton, California. The title was a play on the classic America is in the Heart, whose author, Carlos Bulosan, spent a lot of time in Stockton. Reading the book, and reflecting upon the number of Little Manilas in the United States or Canada (such as in Toronto and Vancouver), led me to wonder where is Winnipeg’s own Little Manila, and was there ever one? In October 1981, Winnipeg’s first Filipino newspaper, the Silangan, reported it was moving to 453 Notre Dame Avenue, to the Amihan Building in the heart of what was called “Filipino Town.” In the early 1980s, the stretch of Notre Dame between Maryland and Hargrave was home to several Filipino businesses. The Amihan building housed the offices of the Silangan, the newly formed Barangay Filipino Association of Manitoba, the offices of PhilCraft Foods, and Dahl’s Portrait Studio. Other Filipino businesses along Notre Dame included PhilCraft Foods, Taal Travel, Garcia & Sons, Plaza Air Travel, Horizon Travel, Manila Mart, Couture House & Textiles, Ultraman Travel, and Bueno Bros. Just off Notre Dame, down Arlington Street, was St. Edward’s Church and Parish Hall, which saw the 1980 election of the Barangay Filipino Association of Manitoba that drew the largest number of Filipino voters at the time across Canada. Other businesses in this area, such as the TD Bank at Notre Dame and Sherbrook, catered to Filipino customers. Even today, the area of Winnipeg around this area is home to many Filipino businesses and families. Yet, the term “Filipino Town” never stuck. The question of a Filipino Town or Little Manila touches upon several points. One is recognition. It is not a secret that Filipinos are the fastest growing group in Winnipeg, are becoming one of the city’s largest ethnic groups, and are active in all realms of public and business life. And yet, the broader recognition of this community and its spaces seem silent

outside the Filipino community. A second point is inclusion. The Filipino community in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and indeed Canada has yet to experience inclusion in historical narratives. Histories of the community are little known, both inside and outside of the community, and this can affect how members of the Filipino community feel Canadian, but also how much Canada appreciates the contributions of Philippine culture and heritage. The recognition of June as Philippine Heritage month is a meaningful step in that direction, but the spaces of this community still deserve recognition. The creation or recognition of a Filipino Town would give a degree of recognition by broader Canadian society. The third, as I see it, is rootedness. One reason that Chinatowns have become common across Canada is that Chinese have been living in communities in Canada longer than Confederation in 1867. Filipinos, too, have been in Canada since at least the 1890s, but not in the same numbers as Chinese, and significant Filipino communities were later to develop. In the United States, there are several Little Manilas – such as Stockton – because Filipinos have been making communities there for over a century, as well. Yet, even if the Filipino community was formed in Winnipeg during the late 1950s and 1960s, it has still contributed much to Canadian society, as well as the city of Winnipeg. In the 1950s until

1967, any Filipino immigrants to Canada had to be given special permission to enter the country as Canadian immigration laws explicitly forbade entrance to anyone of Asian descent. Despite this, Filipino healthcare workers staffed Winnipeg hospitals. These immigrants should be credited with helping shift Canada’s immigration policy away from its hostile and racist restriction to all Asian ethnicities. These particular workers also helped Canada transition into a new age of healthcare that developed following the Second World War, and the introduction of Canadian universal healthcare in 1957. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was garment workers recruited from the Philippines that kept Winnipeg’s struggling garment industry active as its growth could not keep pace with the labour supply in Manitoba. In its more than sixty years, the Winnipeg (and Manitoba) Filipino community has contributed so much to society that it is, indeed, rooted in society but is only starting to receive recognition. The recognition of a Filipino Town in Winnipeg will thus have to happen on at least two fronts. First, it must come from the community. There must be discussions about the community’s history and development, sites and neighbourhoods that have been integral in those developments, and spaces within which members of the community feel are distinctly Filipino in some way. For decades, for example, the Philippine Independence Day Ball has been hosted at the Marlborough Hotel and has brought together diverse members of the community. The Philippine Cultural Centre of Manitoba has also become a site of Filipino business, and has hosted countless

Filipino birthdays, socials, and other events. One might also point to certain Winnipeg neighbourhoods, such as Weston, Maples, stretches of Notre Dame or Keewatin; recently, I’ve even seen chatter of “McPhilippines” along McPhillips Street as more and more Filipino businesses have opened up. This, however, is one aspect. The second front of change must come from broader society in the form of support from different levels of government. Winnipeg has a tradition of protecting historical sites through its Heritage Conservation under its Planning, Property, and Development office. There are limits to this recognition, as buildings will not be considered for heritage status unless they are at least forty years old. The various levels of government have demonstrated their willingness and desire to work with Filipino communities across Canada, and perhaps at a municipal level this can be advanced by advertising

areas of the city as Filipino Town. This does not seem to be a lofty or unattainable goal, but it is one that will require community organization and consultation, as well as communication with the government. It is high time that Winnipeg’s Filipino community and its neighbourhoods attain recognition. *** Congratulations to the Philippines as Filipinos around the world celebrate the 123rd anniversary of Independence! Do you have memories of this time in Winnipeg’s history? Do you remember shopping or eating in what was once called Filipino Town? I’d love to hear your stories or your thoughts on this column! I can be reached at Johnathon.Malek@umanitoba.ca. Jon Malek received his PhD from Western University and currently teaches history at the University of Manitoba. He is working on a book manuscript on the history of the Winnipeg Filipino community.

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It’s no secret that a successful relationship can be the key to happiness. But sometimes, even the strongest of relationships needs some help from time to time. Feng shui is an ancient art and science that has been used for centuries to create harmony in both homes and businesses. It can also be used as a way to enhance your bedroom and love life to improve intimacy with your partner. When you’re ready to give your relationship a boost, look at these feng shui tips and rituals to help you improve your bedroom’s energy and add more romance to your life – more life to your romance. 1. Create a clear, cleansed space for love. Set an intention to clear your space and open it to love and romance. Clear excess clutter and clean your bedroom. Next, light a candle and some incense and set it in your bedroom. With a bell or singing bowl, start at your bedroom door and moving in a clockwise circle, ring a bell or singing bowl in your bedroom, stopping at your bed, and ringing the bell three times, and then finishing the rest of the room. The incense, fire from the candle, and the bell will help to clear the room of any lingering arguments or old or stale energy. Blow out the candle when you’ve completed this simple clearing step. 2. Create a bedroom designed for romance. To get in the mood, the setting is important. Is your bedroom décor enticing, romantic and sensuous? If not, grab your partner and come up with a plan to make it into a bedroom you


both find romantic and enjoyable. Go through decorating websites together to find a style that suits you both. Pick out some silky sheets, artwork, and bed linens that give your bedroom the five-star hotel kind of romantic look. 3. Give your relationship space. For the romantic fires to burn, make sure there is space for intimacy in your bedroom by removing excess clutter, like exercise equipment. Create as much space for both of you around the bed. 4. Picture yourselves in love. Can you remember a time when your relationship was extra sexy? Add a photo of the two of you from that time to help reignite the spark of love. Take wedding pictures and family photos out of the bedroom and, if you don’t have any photos of yourselves from that time, pick out an image that makes you both think of love or romance. 5. Energize your bedroom with yin energy. Although we mostly hear about yang energy in feng shui, yin energy is the energy of lasting, deep and romantic love. Give your bedroom the cozy, sexy cocoon appeal with dimmer switches, candle wall sconces, and black out curtains. Nothing is as sensual as low-lighting and a feeling of complete privacy. 6. Use moon magic with this relationship protector ritual. One of the best ways to ground your relationship is with an amethyst geode. These beautiful stones create great love luck! Look for one that is deep purple, sparkling and that attracts you. Let it soak in salt

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

Feng shui to bring back the energy in your romance

water in sunlight for at least four hours on the day before the full moon. If it rains that day, that’s great. Rainwater is also a natural energizer and cleanser. Rinse the water from your stone, and on the night of the full moon, let your geode sit out under the moon all night. In the morning, wrap your geode with red ribbon, leaving a length of ribbon attached. Tie the ribbon at the foot of the bed on the right side (as you look at the bed) and leave it under the bed to ground your relationship and love for one another. If you like, you can add two geodes, one on each side of the bed, but one will suffice. Do this before noon the next day, the earlier in the morning, the better. Single? If you’re looking for a male partner, tie the geode under the bed on the right as you look at the bed. For a female partner, tie the geode under the left side of the bed as you look at it. The beautiful earth energy of the amethyst draws and attracts love to you and enhances your love luck. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio

show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First

for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021




Hanggang taong 2029 pa pala ang kontrata ni Nadine Lustre sa Viva Artists Agency (VAA). Napakaraming tulog at gising pa noon, napakahabang paghihintay, kaya ginusto na niyang makaalpas sa pangangalaga ng kaniyang management agency. Dininig ang kasong isinampa niya laban sa VAA. Hindi pa tinalakay kung hanggang 2029 ay epektibo pa rin ang kaniyang kontrata pero ayon sa husgado ay hindi maaaring tumanggap ng anumang trabaho si Nadine nang hindi dumadaan sa kumpanya. Tuloy pa rin ang mga tinanguan niyang trabaho, pero kukuha nang kuwarenta porsiyentong kaltas ang VAA, na nakasaad sa kaniyang kontrata. Pero hindi kinatigan ng korte ang kagustuhan ng VAA na kunin ang kaniyang mga ari-arian at naipong halaga mula sa kaniyang kinita sa kumpanya. Naipanalo ‘yon ni Nadine na sa pananaw ng marami ay nararapat lang naman. Mahirap ang sitwasyon ngayon ni Nadine. Kalayaan


mula sa Viva Artists Agency ang kaniyang hangad pero mahabang usapin pa ang kailangang takbuhan noon. Titilarin siyempre ng husgado ang nakasaad sa pinirmahan niyang kontrata, hihimayin ang mga detalye, at saka pa lang magdedeklara ang husgado kung maaari na siyang makaalis o kailangan pa rin niyang mamalagi sa pamamahala ng VAA. Iba ang kaso ni James Reid. Binili nito ang kaniyang kontrata sa VAA. May kasamang abogado si James at ang kaniyang ama nang makipagtuos sila sa VAA. Pamilyar na kami sa ganitong klase ng problema ng mga artista. Ang karaniwang nangyayari ay binibili na lang ng personalidad ang kaniyang kontrata para makaiwas sa demandahan. Mahirap nga namang makipagbanggaan sa malalaking kumpanya, pader silang naturingan, kaya ang nabubukulan ay ang artista sa paghahain ng kaso. See CRISTY p11

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

• Nadine Lustre – Mahirap and sitwasyon ngayon • Korina Sanchez – Lalong bumabata ang itsura • Alwyn Uytingco – Handang maghintay, bumalik lang si Jennica • Bugoy Drilon – Break na sa karelasyong taga Germany • Sharon Cuneta – Sinagad na ang pagbabakasyon sa Amerika • Darren Espanto –May bagong show sa TV5 • Pokwang – Isa nang Kapuso • Julia Barretto – Parang ibong nakakulong sa hawla • Jodi Sta. Maria – May diploma na sa kolehiyo • Marjorie Barretto – Damay sa mga ginagawa ng mga anak • Jomari Yllana at Priscilla Almeda – Solid as a rock • Willie Revillame – Bumitiw na nga ba kay John Lloyd Cruz? • Dating Pangulong Benigno Aquino III – Pumanaw na • Kris Aquino at P-noy – Ano nga ba ang dahilan ng naging tampuhan? • James Yap – Hinangaan ng mga kababayan

Nadine Lustre

Jodi Sta. Maria


Sharon Cuneta

Korina Sanchez, Pepe & Pilar

Julia Barretto

Alwyn Uytingco & Jennica Garcia

Darren Espanto

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021



CRISTY... From page 10 Maraming nanghihinayang sa dapat sana’y itinakbo na ng career ni Nadine kung hindi lang siya nagdemanda sa VAA. Pero siguradong pinag-isipan niya namang mabuti ang kaniyang legal na aksiyon bago siya nagdesisyon. Negosyo ang pagpapasikat sa artista. Namumuhunan ang kumpanya kaya hindi sila makapapayag na basta-basta na lang masayang ang kanilang ipinuhunan. *** Parang tinakaw lang ng kapalaran si Korina Sanchez nang mag-season break ang kaniyang programang Rated Korina. Kung saan-saan din siya nagpunta. Puro trabaho pa rin ang ginawa niya dahil balik na naman siya sa himpapawid. Kapag nagtatrabaho siya ay kailangan niyang mag-quarantine para sa kaligtasan ng kaniyang mag-aama. Hindi muna siya umuuwi. Si Kuyang Mar ang tumitingin sa kanilang mga anak na sina Pepe at Pilar, ganoon ang ikot ng kanilang buhay. “Sobrang magkaiba ang mga anak ko, ‘yong lalaki, malambing, pero ang babae, may katarayan. Mukhang may pinagmanahan!” tumatawang kuwento ng magaling na news personality. Hindi nila kinakausap sa Ingles ang kambal. Napakatatas magsalita ng mga ito ng Ilonggo dahil sa kanilang ama. Kapag umuuwi nga raw siya at naguusap ang kambal ay hindi na niya See CRISTY p13

Bugoy Drilon

James Yap Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III & Kris Aquino

Willie Revillame & John Lloyd Cruz

Joshua, Kris, Bimby & Noynoy Aquino

Marjorie Barretto and her children

Jomari Yllana & Priscilla Almeda



JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

Ang Dalawang Ikaw How well do you know your significant other? Is true love enough to endure the trials of choosing to be with someone who switches personalities and lives in a world outside of yours? GMA Network brings another progressive and advocacy-driven story involving the life of a married couple and the challenges they face brought about by a mental disorder in Ang Dalawang Ikaw. The original series features the return to the small screen of the tandem of Ken Chan and Rita Daniela, taking on their most mature roles yet, along with promising actress Anna Vicente. Notable for his wide-

ranging and challenging roles, Ken showcases his remarkable acting prowess as Nelson Sarmiento, Mia’s dutiful husband who is a senior graphic artist, and his alter personality, Tyler Franco, the hot-headed gun dealer and fiancé of Beatrice. Rita plays the strong-willed and family-oriented wife of Nelson, Mia PerezSarmiento; while Anna portrays the role of Beatrice Ilustre, a two-faced gun dealer who goes to great lengths all for the sake of love. Ken, who underwent a series of intensive workshops and consultations for his role as a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), believes that their show is a step towards spreading awareness on mental See DALAWA p13

Beauty Gonzalez inks contract with GMA GMA Network welcomed actress Beauty Gonzalez as she signed a contract on June 11. I’m very thankful and very happy because GMA gives me this chance to work with them and to do a collaboration project with them. At the end of the day, gusto ko lang magpasaya ng mga tao, magpasaya ng mga fans, and I’m happy that I get to do these with GMA, said Beauty.” She also described this new chapter in her showbiz career as an exciting change, “With all the changes that’s been happening right now, I think it’s See BEAUTY p13

Beauty Gonzales

Rita Daniela, Ken Chan & Anna Vicente

AQUINO... From page 1 the only son of the late Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. and the late President Corazon “Cory” Cojuangco Aquino. He has four sisters: Maria Elena (Ballsy), Aurora Corazon (Pinky), Victoria Elisa (Viel) and Kristina Bernadette (Kris). He studied at Ateneo de Manila

University for his grade school, high school, and college education. He finished his Bachelor of Arts (major in economics) degree from Ateneo in 1981. In 1998, he was elected to the House of Representatives as congressman of the second district of Tarlac. He was reelected twice, in 2001 and in 2004. Aquino was elected senator in 2007. See AQUINO p13

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III & Kevin Lamoureux, MP Winnipeg North, May 2015

Pokwang joins the Kapuso family GMA Network recently announced that well-loved comedian and award-winning actress Pokwang is now a certified Kapuso after signing a contract on Friday, June 18. Pokwang is known for her versatility on screen as seen on various TV programs and movies she starred in throughout the years. “Marami pa akong gustong gawin as an artista, as a host, marami pa akong gustong i-share na experience ko sa pamamagitan ng mga programa para sa mga manonood. Gusto kong ituloy-tuloy kung ano pa ang gusto kong gawin bilang artista. Malaki ang pasasalamat ko kasi siyempre nagbukas ng pintuan sa akin ang GMA.” On top of her list of Kapuso artists she dreams to work with one day are Dingdong Dantes, Marian Rivera, Alden See POKWANG p13

Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III & Prime Minister Stephen Harper, 2015


Governor General David Johnston with President Aquino, Winnipeg North MP Kevin Lamoureux and Manitoba Minister Flor Marcelino at the Rideau Hall, Ottawa, May 7, 2015

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

AQUINO... From page 12 In 2010, as the Liberal Party’s standard bearer, he was elected president. Under his watch, the Philippines experienced an economic boom, transforming from “Sick Man of Asia” into “Asia’s new darling.” The country registered an average growth of 6.2 per cent amid robust foreign investments, stable credit ratings and tourism growth. Among the highlights of his administration were the signing of the landmark peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front as well as intensified anticorruption efforts, bringing to jail those involved in the “pork barrel” scam. The country also scored a landmark arbitration award in the South China Sea dispute with China during Aquino’s term. Time magazine named him as one of 100 most influential people in the world in 2013, praising him for stabilizing a sputtering economy and for bravely confronting China over the South China Sea disputes. One of his first orders that lingered throughout his presidency was to ban the use of sirens (colloquially called wangwang by Filipinos) in vehicles that carried VIPs through Manila’s notorious traffic jams. Despite these accomplishments, he encountered major crises and controversies. Early in his term, several Hong Kong tourists were killed in a bus hostage-taking incident in Manila in August 2010. He was accused of acting slowly in providing rehabilitation


and relief for the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda in November 2013. As the nation’s commanderin-chief, he was blamed for the bungled police operation that led to the death of 44 Special Action Force troopers in Mamasapano, Maguindanao in January 2015. After leaving Malacañang, he stayed away from politics. Unmarried, he returned to the family home on Times Street in Quezon City. Aquino’s remains were cremated on Thursday. The urn containing his ashes was buried

Saturday in Manila Memorial Park in Parañaque City, placed next to the tombs of his parents, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino, and former Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. Thousands of people queued for his funeral mass and burial. The military gave a 21-gun salute and a helicopter rained down yellow flowers, the colour associated with the Aquino family and the 1986 revolution that toppled dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

President Aquino with Canada’s Governor General David Johnston, May 7, 2015

Aquino with then-Philippine Ambassador to Canada, Petronilla Garcia, 2015

Kevin Lamoureux, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, May 8, 2015

DALAWA... From page 12 health issues in the country. “Naniniwala ako na ang serye namin na Ang Dalawang Ikaw ay magiging instrumento para ipaintindi sa viewers kung ano ba ang tunay na pinagdadaanan ng mga taong may DID. Nais naming iparating sa kanila na huwag tayo

agad-agad manghuhusga ng mga tao. Hindi natin alam na ang mga taong ito ay may pinagdadaanan o kaya naman ay mayroon na pala silang DID hindi lang natin alam o hindi rin nila alam dahil wala silang proper diagnosis dahil sa kakulangan sa pera. Huwag tayo manghuhusga ng tao. Intindihin, unawain at suportahan natin ang bawat isa. Leave no one behind,”

he shares. Rita, reveals the secret behind RitKen’s successful on-screen chemistry, “We’re so comfortable with each other and we always give our 100% in everything we do, mapa-acting, hosting, or performing. I believe na Ken brings out the best in me and the same goes with him. Sa tagal na namin magkasama sa industriya,

alam na namin kung paano namin aatakehin ‘yung roles namin both as individuals and as a tandem. I’m really happy and excited to be working with him in a series again.” Meanwhile, Anna expressed her gratitude to the Kapuso Network for entrusting her this TV project, “It is really a blessing for me na pagkatiwalaan ako ng GMA na mapabilang sa isang napakagandang proyekto na ito. I am really thankful to them for giving me the opportunity to showcase my talent and to grow and learn more as an actress.” Completing the highly talented roster of stars are Jake Vargas, Dominic Roco, Lianne Valentin, Joana Marie Tan, and Jeremy Sabido. Jorron Lee Monroy directed Ang Dalawang Ikaw with associate director Ralfh Malabunga - beginning June 21. Viewers in Canada can catch the program via GMA’s flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit www.gmapinoytv.com.

BEAUTY... From page 12 time for me to have a change also – to do collaborations with other people, other talents. All I really want to do is to make people happy. I want to prove to them that it’s going to be worth it.” Present during the virtual signing ceremony were Senior Vice President for Entertainment Group Lilybeth G. Rasonable, First Vice President for Drama Redgie A. Magno, First Vice President for Business Development Department III Darling de Jesus-Bodegon, Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communications Angel Javier Cruz, Senior Assistant Vice President for Alternative Productions Gigi Santiago-Lara, Senior Assistant Vice President for Drama Cheryl ChingSy, Senior Program Manager Anthony Pastorpide, and Arnold Vegafria of ALV Talent Circuit Inc. Rasonable expressed her eagerness in working with the actress, “Ngayon, we’ve lined up a soap project for her, a very interesting one, kakaibang istorya. Ikukuwento natin as the days pass, it’s a unique love story. Sa GMA, gusto natin palaging may tinatahak na bagong story, bagong tema. Beauty will be a part of that.” Beauty will be starring in her first-ever Kapuso program, Stories from the Heart: Loving Ms. Bridgitte.

POKWANG... From page 12 Richards, Barbie Forteza, Ai Ai delas Alas, Maine Mendoza and Dennis Trillo. As she begins this new chapter in her showbiz career, the Filipino audience can expect no less from Pokwang, “Mas lively, mas masaya, para akong isang

PAGE 13 apoy na pansamantalang pinigil pero ngayon pasabog na, masaya, magaan lang, mas maibibigay ko ang comedic side ko. Dito sa GMA, nakikita kong back ako sa kung saan ako nalili niya talaga, which is comedy. Masaya lang talaga!” Currently, Pokwang is gearing up for her role in Pepito Manaloto: Ang Unang Kuwento and will be guesting in various GMA programs including The Boobay and Tekla Show, All-Out Sundays, Sarap ‘Di Ba, among others.

CRISTY... From page 11 maintindihan ang mga sinasabi nina Pepe at Pilar. Wala na siyang mahihiling pa sa takbo ng kaniyang buhay ngayon. Mayroon siyang karerang hindi niya maaaring talikuran dahil mahal na mahal niya. Pinupuri ng mga kababayan natin ang kaniyang itsura ngayon dahil sa halip na magmukha siyang tumatanda dahil sa pagdaraan ng panahon ay parang mas bumabata pa nga siya. At nandiyan sina Kuyang Mar, sina Pepe at Pilar na inilalarawan niya bilang suwero sa mga panahong sobra ang pagod niya sa pagtatrabaho. “Simple lang. Kung saansaan ako nagpupunta para sa mga materials ko sa Rated Korina nakikita ko ang takbo ng buhay ng mga kababayan natin. Sobrang hirap ang dinadanas nila. “Sino ako para magreklamo pa sa buhay? Nakararaos tayo kahit paano, pero milyun-milyon ang nagdarahop sa buhay. Kapag naiisip ko ang buhay nila, e, isa lang ang nasasabi ko – we’re so blessed,” pahayag ng matapang, magaling at may paninindigang news personality. *** Mula sa mahabang panahon ng pananahimik ay unti-unti nang naglalabas ng emosyon si Alwyn Uytingco tungkol sa paghihiwalay nila ni Jennica Garcia. Nag-post ng mensahe ang aktor para sa ina ng kaniyang mga anak. Hindi lang mahusay na artista si Alwyn, magaling din siyang magsulat. Tumatawid sa publiko ang mensahe niya para kay Jennica. Ang ganda-ganda ng kaniyang mensahe. Alam mong mula ‘yon sa puso. Umaasa siyang isang araw ay magiging kakampi rin nila ang panahon para sa kanilang pagbabalikan. Ayon kay Alwyn ay hindi siya nagmamadali. Handa siyang maghintay dahil marami pa silang pagdadaanan ni Jennica bago matupad ang kaniyang hiling. Hindi raw siya mangingiming tawirin ang tulay kahit ikamatay pa niya dahil alam niya na sa dulo noon ay si Jennica at ang dalawa nilang anak ang sasalubong sa kaniya. Kung mahina-hina lang ang loob ni Jennica ay madadala ito sa masuyong mensahe ni Alwyn. Hindi magiging imposible ang kanilang pagbabalikan. Pero nang mabasa ni Jean See CRISTY p14


CRISTY... From page 13 Garcia ang mensahe ni Alwyn ay ito ang sumagot. Sabi ni Jean sa kaniyang post, “It’s time to say goodbye. You can love someone with all your heart, but if they (sic) are not going to be a (sic) good person for you in your life… then it’s time to say goodbye.” Ano raw? Madaling intindihin ang saloobin ni Jean bilang ina ni Jennica na nagmamahal at nagmamalasakit lang sa kaniyang anak at apo. Pero maraming hindi nagkagusto sa panghihimasok ni Jean sa relasyon nina Alwyn at Jennica. Sabi ng isang nagbigay ng opinyon, “Para namang hindi dumaan sa kabataan si Jean! Mas matindi pa nga diyan ang mga naging issue niya noon! Pabayaan niyang magdesisyon ang anak niya. Bakit, puso ba niya ‘yon?” Kahit naman harangan ng sibat ni Jean ang kaniyang anak ay walang magagawa ang aktres kapag puso na ang pinairal ni Jennica. Hanggang sa paggabay lang naman ang magagawa ng magulang, hanggang sa pagmamalasakit lang, pero ang puso pa rin ng anak ang nasusunod. *** Paboritong imbitahan ni Willie Revillame para sa WowowinTutok To Win sina Bugoy Drilon, Michael Pangilinan at Kris Lawrence. Magagaling naman kasi sila at ayon kay Willie ay wala silang karate-arte sa katawan. Sabi ng staff ng show, “Si Kuya Wil pa naman, magaan ang loob niya sa mga personalities na madaling kausapin. E, ‘yong tatlo, isang tawag lang niya, okey na agad.” Isang hapon ay natiyempuhan naming umiiyak si Bugoy Drilon. Napakasakit ng iyak ng magaling na singer. Pagdating pa lang daw niya sa studio ay napansin na agad ng mga staff na napakalungkot ni Bugoy. Nalaman ni Willie ang dahilan. Nag-break pala si Bugoy at ang kaniyang karelasyon na nasa Germany. Long distance relationship ang namagitan sa kanila. Noong araw na ‘yon ay napagdesisyunan na nilang maghiwalay, kaya iyak nang iyak si Bugoy. Ang dami-daming nagtawagan at nag-text sa amin, bakit daw ganoon na lang ang iyak ni Bugoy. Straight English pa raw kung sumagot ang singer sa mga tanong ni Willie. Tanong ng isang kaibigan, “Parang ngayon lang naman natin nalaman na mayroon palang karelasyon si Bugoy? Naguguluhan lang ako. Babae o lalaki ba ang naka-break niya?” Pang-uusisa naman ng isa pang nakausap namin, “Naguguluhan lang ako sa mga sinasabi ni Bugoy na ibinigay na raw niya ang lahat, “I have given everything, but my love was not reciprocated,” sabi pa ni Bugoy. “Pakitanong nga kay Willie kung babae o lalaki ang sinasabi niyang German na nakahiwalay niya?” matindi ang reaksiyon ng aming kausap. Nakakaloka. Halos umiyak


na ng palakol si Bugoy Drilon. Napakasakit na ng kaniyang emosyon dahil sa hiwalayan pero ang nagmarka sa manonood ay kung ano ba ang gender ng nakahiwalay niyang Aleman. *** Isinasagad na ni Sharon Cuneta ang kaniyang pagbabakasyon sa Amerika. Matatagalan na naman kasi bago siya makaalis uli, by appointment na naman daw ‘yon ayon sa Megastar, kaya ninanamnam na niya ang pagkakataon. Marami siyang inaasikaso sa Amerika. May property siyang hinahanap para sa pag-aaral doon nina Kakie at Miel. Binibisita ni Sharon ang kaniyang mga kaibigang dekada na niyang hindi nakikita. Dito naman ay isinasagad din ng kaniyang mga bashers ang pagkokomento nang negatibo. Umalis lang daw ang Megastar dahil laos na siya. Hindi raw niya matanggap ang kaniyang sitwasyon. ‘Yon ang nagpapatunay na kahit wala dito si Sharon ay nakapang-aagaw pa rin siya ng atensiyon ng mga trolls at bashers na nangangahulugan lang na nasa gitna pa rin siya ng aksiyon. Sikat na sikat pa rin siya. Malayo pa ang panahon ng paglamlam ng kaniyang bituin. Kung laos na ang Megastar ay hindi na dapat siya pinag-uusapan. Pero napakaabala pa rin ng mga makinarya ng fake news tungkol sa kaniyang personal na buhay. Nandoong binugbog siya ng kaniyang mister kaya nangibang-bansa siya. Mga istoryang puro imbento lang at kasinungalingan. Habang hinuhusgahan ng kaniyang mga bashers si Sharon Cuneta bilang laos nang artista ay lalo lang nilang pinaiinit ang karera ng Megastar. Pinagtatawanan na lang niya ang mga salitang ibinabato laban sa kaniya. Alam na alam niya kasi na ang poot at galit ay isang kulungan na nagpapahirap sa atin dahil sa kagagawan ng ibang tao, kaya deadma na lang siya. *** Sa Calgary, Alberta, Canada, ipinanganak at lumaki ang magaling na singer na si Darren Espanto. Sinuportahan ng kaniyang mga magulang ang hilig niyang kumanta kaya umuwi sila dito para makapag-audition si Darren sa The Voice. Nakarating siya sa grand finals at hindi man siya ang tinanghal na champion ay pinalad siyang makilala at mahalin ng ating mga kababayan dahil sa kaniyang husay sa pagkanta. Naging guest namin sina Darren at Adrianna So sa Cristy Ferminute. Ibang klase ang suporta sa kaniya ng grupong Darrenatics. Nakasunod sa kaniya ang mga kabataang tagasuporta niya na handa siyang ipaglaban kahit kanino at kahit saan. Magkasama naman sila ni Adrianna sa bagong show ng TV5, ang TNT Pop Show. Nasa pangangalaga na ngayon ng The IdeaFirst Company ang maganda at magaling mag-host na si Adrianna.

Saludo kami sa disiplina ng magaling na singer. Hindi siya ipinaglihi sa patola. Hindi siya mapagpatol sa panggugulo sa kaniya noon ng isang singer din na itinuring pa naman niyang kaibigan. Basta nakatutok lang si Darren sa kaniyang singing career. Sa paminsan-minsan niyang pagarte, hindi niya sinasayang ang kaniyang panahon sa pagpatol sa mga isyung wala namang positibong maidadagdag sa kaniyang mga pangarap. Hindi na namin kailangan pang makilala nang personal sina Lyndon at Marinel. Sa ugali pa lang at disiplinang pinaiiral ni Darren na walang kayabangyabang at mapagkumbaba ay parang nakilala na rin namin sila bilang mga magulang. *** Sa isang panahon na problemado ang maraming artista sa katumalan ng trabaho ay saka naman pinagbuksan ng langit ng mga biyaya si Pokwang. Natural lang na sa pagiging Kapuso na niya ngayon ay nakakatikim siya ng mga pambabato, ng paghusgang wala siyang utang na loob. Pikit-mata niya na lang na tinatanggap ang mga ganoong pananakit. Ang hindi lang maganda ay kapos sa pagsasaliksik ang mga bashers ni Pokwang. Maling-mali ang kanilang iniisip na ngayon lang naganap ang transaksiyon ng paglipat niya sa GMA-7. Wala pang pandemya ay nagbigay-respeto na siya sa mga ehekutibo ng Star Magic at ng ABS-CBN kung puwede siyang gumawa ng proyekto sa ibang istasyon. Nagpaalam siya. Bumusina siya. At binigyan naman siya ng kalayaang makapaghanapbuhay sa labas ng network kung saan siya nagsimula. Siya mismo ang nag-alok ng kaniyang sarili sa GMA-7. Dalawang taon pa ang kaniyang ipinaghintay bago naging kumpleto ang pagiging Kapuso niya. Ang salitang utang na loob ay buhay na buhay sa puso ng komedyana. Alam na alam niya ang spelling ng salitang pagtanaw ng utang na loob kahit pagbalibaligtarin pa ang mga letra noon. Lahat ng taong nakatulong sa pagkatupad ng kaniyang mga pangarap ay ipinagdarasal niya. Hindi siya nagsusunog ng tulay. Punumpuno ang kaniyang puso sa pagtanaw ng utang na loob kahit pa pinagtrabahuhan niya naman ‘yon at namuhunan siya ng talento. At napakaganda ng kaniyang sinabi nang makapirma na siya ng kontrata sa GMA-7. Wala siyang sinaktan, wala siyang iniangat at ibinagsak, basta pinasalamatan niya lang ang GMA-7 sa malaking tiwalang ipinagkaloob sa kaniya. Tama ‘yon. Hindi natin binabasag ang pinggan na minsan nating kinainan. Hindi natin kinakagat ang mga kamay na nagpala at nagpapala pa sa atin. Hindi natin sinusuwag ang mga taong nag-abot ng kamay para sa ating mga pangarap. Kaya naman patuloy na pinagpapala si Pokwang.

*** Parang ibon na nakakulong sa hawla si Julia Barretto. Wala siyang kalayaang gawin ang kaniyang gusto. Sinusukat ng publiko ang bawat hakbang niya. Sinisipat ang kaniyang mga aksiyon. Lahat na yata ng kanegahan ay naipon kay Julia nitong mga nakaraang panahon. Ang bintang ng pang-aahas niya kay Bea Alonzo, ang idinedenay na pakikipagrelasyon kay Gerald Anderson, at ang maselang relasyon nilang mag-ama. May pabrika man ng pangontra sa mga isyung nabanggit si Julia ay mahihirapan siyang makaparehas. Nauna na kasi ang mga batong ipinukol laban sa kaniya na nang lumaon ay napatunayang totoo na nagsinugaling siya. Walang kamatayan ang isyu sa pagitan nila ng kaniyang amang si Dennis Padilla. Minsan siyang nagtangkang mabuo ang kanilang tulay nang mag-vlog siya kasama si Dennis pero negatibo pa rin ang reaksiyong napala niya. Ano nga ba ang dapat gawin ni Julia para makawala siya sa hawla ng paghusga? Napakabata pa niya para maranasan ang lahat ng ito. Hindi man siya nagpapakita ng kahinaan sa publiko ay siguradong matindi ang kaniyang pag-aray kapag nag-iisa na lang siya. Noong Father’s Day ay binantayan siya. Hindi raw niya binati si Dennis. Sa halip ay ang Lolo Mike niya ang naalala ng dalaga. Prusisyon na naman ng kanegahang salita ang ipinukol laban sa kaniya. Pero paano kung sa halip na mag-post ay tinawagan niya pala si Dennis para batiin? Paano kung naging makabuluhan pala ang kanilang pag-uusap? Maganda man kasi ang kaniyang hangaring batiin si Dennis sa pamamagitan ng social media ay puputaktihin pa rin siya ng kanegahan. Siguradong may mga mananakit pa rin sa kaniya. Mabuti na lang at nandiyan si Gerald Anderson na pumapawi sa kaniyang kalungkutan. Buti na lang at may boyfriend siyang nageeport para mag-motor mula sa Maynila hanggang sa Pampanga para lang siya makapalitan ng “I love you” sa veranda. Mabuti na lang ay may isang Gerald Anderson na nagpakilala sa kaniya ng isaw na hindi niya pa raw natitikman pero lumabas ang katotohanan na dalawang taon na pala niyang nilalantakan? Paano kung walang nagpapaligaya sa kaniya ngayon? *** Saludo kami sa determinasyon ni Jodi Sta. Maria. Alam na alam niya ang kasabihan na kapag gusto ay may paraan pero kapag ayaw ay maraming dahilan. May diploma na sa kolehiyo ang magaling na aktres ay dean’s lister pa. Hindi niya pinabayaan ang eduksyon na bata pa lang siya ay pangarap na niya. Noong nasa high school pa si Jodi ay nakikita namin siyang subsob ang pag-aaral kapag break nila sa taping o shooting. Bitbit niya ang kaniyang mga libro sa liniya ng pagtatrabaho. Ganoon katindi ang kaniyang determinasyong makapagtapos

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021 ng pag-aaral. At pagkatapos ng matindi niyang disiplina at pagpursigi ay heto, titulado na siya. Nagtapos pa siyang kasama sa listahan ng mga matatalinong estudyante ng kanilang paaralan. Dumaan sa maraming pagsubok si Jodi. Naging magulo ang takbo ng pakikipagrelasyon niya noon kay Pampi Lacson, hanggang sa maging sila na nga ng pamilyado na ngayong si ViceGovernor Jolo Revilla. Pero tapos na ang mga kuwentong ‘yon ng kaniyang buhay. Maligaya na siya ngayon sa kanilang relasyon ni Raymart Santiago. Matibay ang kanilang relasyon at pagmamahalan. Kahanga-hanga ang mga artistang kahit humahagok na sa puyat at pagod ay hindi pa rin nagpapabaya sa kanilang mga pangarap. Ibang-iba ang edukasyon. Lumamlam man ang kinang ng kanilang bituin ay mayroon pa rin silang maaasahan. *** Sinasapul din ng mga bashers si Marjorie Barretto dahil sa mga ginagawa ng kaniyang mga anak. Hindi lang pala sina Julia, Claudia at Leon lang ang hindi bumati sa kanilang ama noong Father’s Day kundi pati si Dani na anak nila ni Kier Legaspi. Nag-one-plus-one ang mga usisero. Kung pare-pareho palang hindi man lang nagbigaypugay sa kanilang mga ama ang magkakapatid ay may kinalaman na doon ang kanilang ina, ‘yon daw ba ang turo sa kanila ni Marjorie? Sinang-ayunan ‘yon ng marami. Kung pinalaki ni Marjorie sa tamang disiplina ang kaniyang mga anak ay wala sanang ganitong isyu laban sa kanila. Kung ipinaunawa niya sa mga anak niya ang kahalagahan ng pagbibigay-respeto ay hindi sana sila binabato ng paghusga ngayon. Gusto lang naming ibigay na magandang ehemplo ang ginagawang pagpapalaki nina John Lloyd Cruz at Ellen Adarna sa kanilang anak na si Elias Modesto. Ipinahiram ni Ellen noong Linggo ang bata sa kaniyang ama. May ipinakitang pagbati si Elias kay JLC. Sulat-kamay ‘yon. “Happy Father’s Day” ang nakasulat. Natural, hindi si Elias ang gumawa noon. Ibang kamay pero nakakatuwang isipin na kahit sino pa ang nagsulat ng pagbati ay karugtong noon si Ellen. Bata pa lang si Elias ay tinuturuan na ito ni Ellen ng pagbibigay-pugay kay Lloydie. Hindi binabaklas ni Ellen ang presensiya ng aktor sa buhay ng kanilang anak. Ang gandang halimbawa noon. Kaya binabalikan si Marjorie sa social media ay wala ni isa mang anak nila ni Dennis ang nakaalala sa kanilang tatay noong Father’s Day. Siya ang binati ng happy Father’s Day ng kaniyang mga anak. Malalim ang ugat ng problemang ito. Naaalala pa namin na noong lumabas na ang kuwento ng relasyon ni Marjorie See CRISTY p15

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

CRISTY... From page 14 at ng dating mayor ng Caloocan ay parang pinagsukluban ng langit at lupa si Dennis. Lasing na lasing noon ang komedyante nang magsadya sa kampa niya ng partido ng mayor at ni Marjorie. Sigaw nang sigaw. ‘Yon ang pinakamagulong yugto ng buhay ni Dennis. Gusto naming maniwala na hindi tinuturuan ni Marjorie na lumayo ang loob ng kaniyang mga anak kay Dennis. Pero kapag ‘yon ang ating paniniwalaan ay lalabas namang walang respeto at utang na lob ang magkakapatid. Nagkokomedya pero seryosong komento ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Buti na lang at picture ng loo niya ang ipinost ni Julia noong Father’s Day. “Paano kung picture ni mayor ang ginamit niya? E, di parang sinilihan na, e, inasnan pa ang nagnanaknak na sugat ni Dennis Padilla?” Oo nga naman. *** “Una siyang naging akin.” Makahulugan ang binitiwang liniya ng sumikat na sexy actress na si Priscilla Almeda na ang tinutumbok ay ang relasyon nila ngayon ni Jomari Yllana. Kinse anyos siya nang maging sila. Tumagal nang mahigit na isang taon ang bubot nilang pagmamahalan hanggang sa nagkahiwalay sila dala ng kabataan. Matagal na nanirahan sa Edmonton, Canada, si Priscilla. Nagkaroon siya ng tatlong anak at nang magbalik-bansa siya ay muling nagtagpo ang kanilang landas ni Jomari. Nadagdagan lang siya ng timbang pero ang kagandahang ipinagbanduhan noon ng Seiko Filmas sa pinilahan niyang mga pelikula ay kipkip niya pa rin hanggang ngayon. Ayaw niyang magsalita laban kay Joy Reyes, ang nagrereklamong ex ni Jomari, dahil may mga batang sangkot sa usapin. Pero ipinagdidiinan ni Priscilla na responsabelng ama si Jom. Hindi kinakapos sa pagsusustento sa mga anak nito kay Joy. Maging sa pagpapadala ng mga kailangan ng kanilang mga anak. Alam niya ang mga nagaganap. Nakikita niya ang mga resibo. Awang-awa siya kay Jomari dahil nababaligtad ang imahe nito dahil sa mga kuwento ni Joy. May makasaysayang kuwento ang gatas na sinasabi ni Joy. Ang totoo pala ay apat na malalaking kahon ng gatas ang ipinadadala ni Jom na lima ang laman ng bawat kahon. Sobra-sobra ‘yon sa kailangan ng mga bata kung tutuusin. Isang source namin ang nagsabi, “Hindi kaya ibinebenra ni Joy ang mga gatas na para sa mga anak nila ni Jomari? E, napakarami pala ng ipinadadala pero bakit kulang daw, sabi ni Joy?” Anumang oras ay maaaring magpakasal sina Jomari at Priscilla. Pareho silang malaya. May mga priyoridad lang muna silang inaasikaso.


Ayaw magsalita nang todo ng aktres dahil mayroon palang hakbang na ginagawa ngayon ang kampo ni Jomari. Paulit-ulit na lang kasi ang pagrereklamo ni Joy Reyes na direktang puro panirangpuri sa aktor kaya legal na aksiyon na ang kailangang gawin ng aktorpulitiko. “And there are minors in this issue. Gusto kong respetuhin ang mga bata. Wala silang kasalanan sa ginagawa ng mother nila,” deklarasyon pa ni Priscilla Almeda. *** Tawa nang tawa si Willie Revillame habang kausap namin sa kabilang linya. Putok na putok kasi ngayon ang isyu na bumibitiw na raw siya sa pagsuporta kay John Lloyd Cruz dahil nagtatampo siya sa magaling na aktor. Mayroon daw siyang natuklasan kay Lloydie na hindi niya nagustuhan. Idagdag pa ang kuwentong nakipag-meeting daw ito sa mga ehekutibo ng GMA-7 nang hindi man lang siya inaabisuhan. ‘Yon daw ang mga dahilan ng kaniyang tampo kay JLC. Matunog ang tawa ni Willie, “Ano ba? Nananahimik ako dito. Bakit ba nila ako idinadamay sa mga issue kay John Lloyd? Nagtampo raw ako? Walang ganoon!” Ang totoo lang daw sa lumabas na kuwento ay ang hindi na niya pagsali sa sitcom na gagawin ni Lloydie sa GMA-7. Makabuluhan ang kaniyang dahilan. Masyado na siyang abala sa kaniyang sariling show, ang Wowowin-Tutok To Win. Halos lahat ng kaniyang panahon ay okupado na ng kaniyang game show. May mga meeting pa siya sa kaniyang mga sponsors. Ang production meeting ng programa ay kumakain din ng mahaba niyang oras. Hindi raw niya nakikita ang kaniyang sarili na nagte-taping pa para sa sitcom na pagbibidahan ni JLC. “Naku, para na nga akong binugbog pagkatapos kong makipag-meeting, after ng production meeting, tapos, may mga inaasikaso pa ako sa pangayuda sa mga kababayan natin. “Lumilipad pa kami sa malalayong probinsiya, inaasiakso ko pa ang hotel na ipinagagawa ko sa Mindoro, pati ang hotel ko sa Tagaytay. Saan ko pa ilalagay ang sarili ko? Dyusko po!” tawa nang tawang pahayag ng mapusong aktor-TV host. Ang araw ng Linggo ay hindi niya pinababayaang maagaw ng kaniyang trabaho. Para kasi sa kaniyang mga anak at apo ang araw na ‘yon, ang tanging araw ng kanilang bonding. Malinaw ang kuwento. Walang tampuhan sa pagitan nila ni Lloydie. Tuluy-tuloy pa rin ang suportang ibinibigay niya sa nagbabalik na actor. Lahat ng tulong na maaari niyang ibigay kay John Lloyd ay hindi niya ipagdadamot. *** Para sa amin, anumang ikinilos, sinabi, isinuot at ginawa ni Kris sa pagkamatay, lamay at paglilibing sa kaniyang kuya ay

walang mali. ‘Yon ang pagkakataon na kung nagbibigay tayo ng pinakahuling pagrespeto sa pumanaw ay magbabahagi rin tayo ng paggalang sa iniwang pamilya. Napakahirap mamatayan ng kapamilya. Wasak ang ating puso. Kalahati ng ating buhay ay parang kasamang ililibing, kaya hindi na dapat pang lahukan ng kung anuanong negatibong pagpansin ang isang panahon ng pagdadalamhati. Ulilang-lubos na ang magkakapatid na Aquino. Nawala pa ang kaisa-isang lalaki sa kanilang pamilya. Doon man lang sana ay kilabutan na ang mga taong walang magawa sa buhay. *** Sa isang panahong may pumanaw at may pamilyang nagdadalamhati ay maraming nakaraan ang nabubura. Humuhupa ang galit. Ang kulay ng pulitika ay pumupusyaw. Puro positibo ang ating naaalala bilang huling pagrespeto sa nawala. Ganoon mismo ang nagaganap ngayon sa pagpanaw ni dating Pangulong Noynoy Aquino. Maging ang mga nakaengkuwentro niya noon sa mundo ng pulitika ay nagpaabot ng pakikidalamhati at pag-alala sa kaniyang mga nagawa bilang pangulo ng ating bayan. Nabigla ang buong bayan sa kaniyang pagpanaw. Maging ang kaniyang mga kapatid ay nagulat. Ang kaniyang mga kaalyado at kaibigan ay nasorpresa sa naganap. Naging maaga para sa kanila ang pamamaalam ni P-Noy. Taong 2019, sa death anniversary ni dating Senador Ninoy Aquino ay may sinabi si Kris na nagbigay ng pahimakas na may pinagdadaanang sakit ang dating pangulo. Siya lang ang wala sa Manila Memorial Park. Ayon kay Kris ay hindi maayos ang kalusugan ng kaniyang kapatid, kaya humihingi ng panalangin ang TV host sa ating mga kababayan. “Please include Noy in your prayers because he needs strength,” pakiusap ni Kris. Noon pa lang ay kumalat nang parang apoy ang kalagayan ng dating pangulo. Wala namang perpekto sa mundo. Maging sa hanay ng mga pulitiko ay walang maituturing na tapat sa kaniyang pagseserbisyo. Palaging may labis at kulang.

Pero kasaysayan ang makapagpapatunay na ginawa ni P-Noy ang kaniyang trabaho. Marami siyang iniwanang magagandang alaala sa ating bansa. Pinanatili niya ang kaniyang sigaw na tuwid na daan hanggang sa bumaba na siya sa posisyon. Ang pagpanaw ni dating Pangulong Noynoy ay isang napakatinding kalabit sa katotohanan na sa usapin ng kamatayan ay walang mahirap at mayaman. Dito lang nagkakapantay-pantay ang mayroon at ang wala. Kahit isang truck na kidney ay kayang-kayang bilhin ng namayapang pangulo. Pero totoong-totoo na kapag kumalampag na ang kampana ng pagbabalik ng hiram nating buhay sa Panginoon ay walang nagagawa ang salapi. Walang ekstensiyon ang buhay kapag talagang oras na para tayo magpaalam. At walang nabibiling bagong buhay kahit saan kapag dumating na ang takdang panahon ng ating katapusan. Napakaigsi ng buhay. Hindi natin alam kung kailan tayo tatawagin lalo na ngayong panahon ng pandemya. Huwag nating aksayahin ang pagkakataong hawak pa natin ngayon. Kahit isang segundo lang. *** Sa mismong puntod kung saan nakalibing sina dating Senador Ninoy at dating Pangulong Cory nakisukob ng paghihimlayan si dating Pangulong Noynoy. Ewan, pero basta natututukan ng mga camera si Joshua ay bumabagsak ang aming luha. Alam kasi namin na balingbali ang mga pakpak ngayon ng panganay ni Kris Aquino sa pagkawala ng itinuring niyang ama-amahan. Tiyuhin, kaibigan, kapareha sa pagko-computer, silang dalawa talaga ang sanggang-dikit sa lahat ng bagay. Pero parang hindi abot ng kamalayan ni Josh ang mga nagaganap. Sa huling pagbebendisyon sa dating pangulo ng buong pamilya ay sumaludo pa muna si Bimby, pero noong si Josh na ang magwiwisik ng holy water ay parang ayaw niyang lumapit. Ikot nang ikot si Josh sa lugar at kung

PAGE 15 sinu-sino ang kinakausap. Pinakaemosyonal sa magkapatid si Kris. Siya mismo ang nagsabi na sa huling sandali ay pinatawad na siya ng dating pangulo. Malalim ang ugat ng kanilang hidwaan na nauwi sa matagal nilang hindi pag-uusap at hindi pagpunta ng kaniyang mga anak sa Times Street. Alam naming nagmamahalan ang magkakapatid. Sinumang kumalaban sa kahit sino sa kanila ay iisa lang ang kanilang damdamin, pero may sari-sarili nang buhay ang mga kapatid ng dating pangulo. Nagkikita-kita nang regular ang buong pamilya. Nandoon ang saya habang magkakasama pa sila, pero paano na kaya kapag nag-iisa na lang si dating Pangulong Noynoy? Mabuti na lang at mayroong musika siyang pinagkaabalahan. Record siya nang record ng mga luma at bagong piyesa na ipinangreregalo niya sa mga kaibigan. Inaliw ng mundo ng musika ang kaniyang pag-iisa. Tama bang sabihing naging malungkot ang buhay ng dating pangulo? Pero bayan naman ang nagsasabi, “Hindi ka nag-iisa.” *** Ayaw kaming tantanan ng mga kaibigan namin. Ayaw ring tumigil sa katatanong ang mga tagasubaybay ng CFM at TIPMMG. Ano raw ba talaga ang pinag-ugatan nang matinding sama ng loob kay Kris Aquino ng namayapa niyang Kuya Noynoy. Nagbigay na ng dahilan si Salve Asis sa kaniyang kolum kamakailan. Kuwento ‘yon ng kaniyang source na isa lang sa maraming istoryang naging dahilan ng away nila ng pumanaw na dating pangulo. Iba naman ang isang bersiyon na matagal na naming alam na hindi rin naging lihim para kay Tita Dolor Guevarra. Nasulat na namin ‘yon nang pahapyaw. Sangkot sa kuwento ang isang kongresista ng NCR na kaibigan ng namayapang dating pangulo. ‘Yon ang nangwasak sa tulay nilang magkapatid nang mahabang panahon. Kasagsagan ‘yon ng isang matinding kontrobersiyang lumigalig sa buhay na personal See CRISTY p17




JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

Hunger vs. craving: What’s the difference? A better understanding of these potential food triggers will help you stay on track. Have you noticed that when food temptations strike, it often has more to do with your mood than when you last ate? You may crave food to relax, relieve stress or boredom, soothe anger, or cope with loneliness, sadness or anxiety. Indulging in cravings during these emotional times may lead you to eat too many highcalorie, sweet, fatty foods. Everyone has a food craving at times — and yes, chocolate is at the top of most people’s list. The first step to managing your cravings is being able to identify when you’re truly hungry. Learn how to recognize the difference between a craving and hunger. Cravings: • Are usually for comfort foods, such as chocolate, sweets and fatty foods • Are often caused by negative feelings • Lead to eating that makes you feel good at first, but then guilty • Increase during a woman’s

pregnancy and menstrual cycle • May be stronger when you’re dieting, especially if you’re giving up your favourite foods • Can occur even after you’ve recently eaten • Pass with time Hunger: • Usually occurs when you haven’t eaten for a few hours or more • Results in a rumbling stomach, headache or feeling of weakness • Doesn’t pass with time • Isn’t just for one specific food • Can be satisfied by a healthy snack or meal If you have a craving, distract yourself. Try calling a friend, listening to music, taking a walk or bike ride, reading, or writing. If a negative feeling is causing your craving, use positive selftalk, exercise or a fun activity to improve your mood. Beat your cravings: Try these effective techniques Don’t let a sweet tooth or carb craving prevent you from reaching your goals. Keep

cravings in check with these practical methods. The foods you crave are likely to be high in sugar, fats, and carbohydrates — such as pizza, chocolate, cake, chips, and ice cream. Cravings can derail your efforts at weight control and may lead to binge eating, but you can learn how to manage them and stay on course with these tips. • Enjoy a small portion. Don’t give up these foods. In your overall healthy diet, include a small portion of the less healthy foods you crave. Better to enjoy a square of chocolate than to avoid it altogether. • Eat something healthy first. It’s often easier to eat less of the food you’re craving if you’re not ravenously hungry. • Keep the food you crave out of the house. Buy the item only when you plan to eat it or order it at a restaurant. • Change your mental picture. When you experience a craving, replace the image of the food with a picture of yourself doing your favourite activity or some other pleasant image.

• Distract yourself. Food cravings usually pass after 20 minutes. Try taking a walk or talking to a friend. • Chew gum. Chewing sugarless gum reduces hunger and cravings for sweet and salty snacks. • Get enough sleep and exercise. These habits help lower your levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Lack of sleep can lead to food cravings and overeating.

• Substitute a healthier option. Satisfy your craving for something smooth and creamy with something low-fat or fatfree, such as yogurt, pureed fruit, or buttermilk. Eat a piece of fruit as a healthy sweet snack. Experiment to see which strategies work best for you so that you can control your cravings — not the other way around. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

COVID-19 vaccination and heart issues Dear Mayo Clinic: I have been hearing about an increase in the number of young people who are developing heart issues, including myocarditis, after being vaccinated for COVID-19. Can you explain this condition? I have a 15-year-old son, and I am wondering if it is safe for him to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or if he is at risk for developing a heart condition. Answer: After more than a year of enduring the deadly global COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of confusing information is still out there about the virus and associated vaccines. These vaccines are now approved for people 12 and older. Recently, news reports have been published about young people developing myocarditis after receiving a second dose of

a messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine, like Moderna or Pfizer. Myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle, usually occurs after a viral infection. And, although rare, myocarditis also can result from a reaction to a vaccination or new drug exposure. Myocarditis can affect your heart muscle and your heart’s electrical system, reducing your heart’s ability to pump, and causing rapid or abnormal heart rhythms, or arrhythmias. In many cases, myocarditis improves on its own or with treatment, leading to a complete recovery. In severe cases, it can permanently damage your heart muscle. In COVID-19 infections, myocarditis is uncommon. People who develop myocarditis may have no

symptoms. In symptomatic patients, chest pain, shortness of breath and arrhythmias are most common. Symptoms usually occur one to five days after infection or exposure to COVID-19. Most patients who developed myocarditis recover quickly. COVID-19 doesn’t usually affect the heart, but myocarditis has been reported as a longterm complication following COVID-19 infection in limited cases. More research is needed in this area. The number of people who develop myocarditis as a result of messenger RNA vaccines has been estimated to range from one in 20,000 to one in 100,000 doses, depending on the age and gender of the vaccine recipient. Most of the published data regarding myocarditis risk

after vaccination are for adults. Of late, myocarditis has been reported primarily in young men and primarily after receiving the second dose of a messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine. To put this risk in perspective, the rate of both symptomatic and asymptomatic myocarditis in collegiate athletes is approximately 2.6 per cent, which is much higher than the risk following vaccination for COVID-19. These numbers are gleaned based on confirmatory imaging. The importance of being vaccinated for COVID-19 cannot be overemphasized. For those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, life is beginning to return to a bit of pre-pandemic normalcy. For people who have not

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing.

Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell

• Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause While many people will

develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. High risk groups include

been vaccinated for COVID-19, risks are greater. Even as hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. and Canada continue to decline, new COVID-19 variants and cases are increasing in younger populations. Therefore, based on current knowledge, I recommend that your son be vaccinated for COVID-19. Long term, the risk of myocarditis is much lower with being vaccinated for COVID-19 than with being infected with COVID-19. Studies are ongoing to determine the risk with other vaccines and the risk of myocarditis in younger children. — Dr. Leslie Cooper, Cardiovascular Disease, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida; Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.


JULY 1 - 15 , 2021



NO. 372

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 2. Igagapos 9. Giba 11. Marka 13. Ligalig 14. Isama 15. Kapayapaan 17. Tik ___ 18. Tunog ng sampal 20. Petrolyo 22. Mando 26. Muog 29. Kinikilusan 32. Ikasampung bahagi 33. Hinamak 34. Tanan 35. Unlapi 36. Ibaon PABABA 1. Pasimuno 2. Ihagis 3. Niig 4. Nakaw 5. Mabutong prutas 6. Danas 7. Ipusta 8. Hindi iyo

10. Estero 12. Nakakalasing 16. Maraming ginagawa 19. Walang karanasan 21. Masagana 23. Hangad 24. Tila 25. Bagaso 26. Lutong bigas 27. Sungayang insekto 28. Pindang 30. Banga 31. Angkan


CRISTY... From page 15 at karera ni Kris. Tinawagan niya ang kongresista. Mayroon siyang ipinahahanap na tao. Hindi nakatiis ang pulitiko. Tinawagan nito ang nananahimik nang si P-Noy. Sinabi nito ang dahilan ng pagtawag ni Kris sa kaniya. Ikinagulantang ‘yon ng kaniyang kuya. Mula noon ay hindi na siya pinapansin at kinakausap ng dating pangulo. Hindi na rin pinapupunta ni Kris sina Josh at Bimby sa Times Street. Mahabang panahon muna ang lumipas bago siya napatawad ni P-Noy sa tulong na kanilang mga kapatid. Alam ni Kris ang senaryong ito. Alam na alam din ng kongresistang kaibigan ni P-Noy ang buong pangyayari. Hindi na dapat pang makaagaw ng pansin ng publiko ang dahilan ng kanilang away kung hindi si Kris mismo ang nagsalita sa kaniyang emosyonal na pahayag. Walang kinalaman sa isyung ito sina Phillip Salvador, Joey Marquez, James Yap at iba pang taong naugnay sa buhay ni Kris. Nagpasalamat ang TV host dahil bago raw pumanaw ang kaniyang kuya ay nagkaayos din sila. Napatawad siya ng pumanaw na pangulo at itinuring na uli siyang bunsong kapatid. Salamat dahil muling nabuo ang tulay sa kanilang pagitan. Wala nang bitbit na kargo de kunsensiya ngayon si Kris.

*** Isandaang porsiyentong nakuha ni James Yap ang paghanga ng ating mga kababayan sa ginawa niyang pagbibigay ng respeto sa pumanaw na dating Pangulong Noynoy Aquino. Alam ng publiko ang naganap sa relasyon nila ni Kris Aquino. Hindi maayos ang kanilang hiwalayan na nauwi pa nga sa husgado, pero kinalimutan ‘yon ni James dahil ang nangibabaw sa kaniya ay ang pakikidalamhati sa pamilya at paghahandog ng pinakahuling pagrespeto sa dating pangulo. Nagpunta sa huling misa at libing si James pero hindi na siya lumapit sa naulilang magkakapatid. Maganda na sanang tiyempo ‘yon para makita niya ang kaniyang anak na si Bimby na sabik na sabik na siyang makita-mayakap, pero para kay James ay hindi ‘yon ang tamang panahon. Habang nagmimisa sa Ateneo church ay nasa bandang likuran lang siya. Maraming news reporters na lumapit para siya mahingan ng pahayag pero marespeto siyang nakiusap na huwag na lang. Tahimik lang

PAGE 17 siyang nakiramay. Pinatunayan ng isang kaibigan ni James na naging mabuti sa basketbolista ang pumanaw na dating pangulo. Naging magulo man ang kanilang pagsasama ni Kris ay hindi nagbago ng pakikitungo sa kaniya si P-Noy. “Lalaki silang nag-usap. Naintindihan ni P-Noy ang saloobin niya. Walang nagbago sa kanilang samahan kahit pa hindi sila nagkikita. “May mga times noon na niyayaya siya ni P-Noy sa firing range. Pero ayaw ni Kris. Basketball daw ang expertise niya, hindi naman pagbabaril. “Naging mabuti talaga sa kaniya si P-Noy, kaya bilang pagbabalik ng respeto at pasasalamat, nakiramay siya at nakipaglibing,” sabi ng basketbolistang kaibigan ni James. Umaapaw ang paghanga ng mga kababayan natin ngayon kay James Yap. Ang ganoong pagpapakumbaba ay hindi makikita sa lahat ng tao. Alam ni James Yap na ang nakaraan ay karugtong ng ngayon. Maging ng kinabukasan. – CSF




JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

Congratulations Class of 2021

Julienne Dennise Odulio

Kaiya Maika Biluan

Grade 12, Garden City Collegiate. Honour roll, French diploma and multiple cholarships. Her goal is to become a dentist, following her brother’s footsteps. Congratulations from mom May & dad Vince Biluan.

Thomas Andrei Guerra

Grade 12, Maples Collegiate Congratulations from mom Fia and Tito Neil

Jayden Cadag

, Grade 12, Windsor Park Collegiate Windsor Park Collegiate Valedictorian , Chown Centennial Scholarship ($1000), University of Manitoba Elizabeth ll Entrance Scholarship ($3000), LRSD Skills Credential Most Outstanding Student ($1000), Kinsmen Bursary ($500). Accepted in the College of Kinesiology, U0fM Congratulations from mom Marife, dad Cesar, and brothers Phillip and Aaron

Julienne Dennise Odulio Julienne Dennise Odulio

Julienne Dennise Odulio

Jaden Cadag and classmates

Grade 12, Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, Best in Art Award, Alumni Merit Award. Congratulations from dad Ulyses, mom Violeta, Grandma Clarita Nazario, Grandma Natalia Fernando, and families in Canada and Philippines.

JULY 1 - 15 , 2021





JULY 1 - 15 , 2021

In our family, we make our plans together. Sa aming pamilya, sama-sama kaming nagpaplano. For all your important family events, it’s only natural that you plan ahead. It makes sense. And the same holds true for your funeral and cemetery arrangements. Take the time now to discuss your final wishes with loved ones - and with a trusted representative from Arbor Memorial. Call your local Filipino professional at Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery and ask about our FREE customized planning kit. Para sa mga mahahalagang family events, natural lang ang magplano ng maaga. Totoo rin ito para sa iyong funeral at cemetery arrangements. Maglaan ng oras upang makausap ang iyong mga mahal sa buhay tungkol sa iyong mga huling kahilingan—kasama ang isang trusted representative mula sa Arbor Memorial. Tawagan ang Filipino representative sa Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery at magtanong tungkol sa aming FREE customized planning kit.

Ruben Vila Family Services Director

Joseph/Macy De Guzman Family Services Director

Liza Cordoviz Family Services Director

Charito de Borja Family Services Director




204- 998-1494

Glen Eden Funeral Home & Cemetery by Arbor Memorial

4477 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB • glenedenmemorial.ca

Arbor Memorial Inc.


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