Pilipino Express • May 1 2020

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Volume 16 • No. 9 • MAY 1 - 15, 2020 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Sarah Geronimo


Photo credit: Sarah’s Instagram

10 Take It, Per Minute, Me Ganon?

MHEL ELAGO (204) 955-4654



Re-opening Manitoba Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister announced the province’s plans on April 29 to gradually restore services and open some businesses by Monday, May 4. “We applaud Manitobans for doing their part to help flatten the curve and it is thanks to everyone’s tremendous efforts that we are able to announce today a gradual, safe restoration of services and easing of restrictions on businesses, allowing many to reopen, should they so choose,” Pallister said. “We must remain diligent in maintaining physical distancing and practising good hygiene, but our gradual, levelled approach will help us safely restore our services.” As of May 4, a variety of nonessential health-care and retail businesses will have the option to re-open under strict guidelines. All businesses and venues will be required to continue following social distancing and stringent cleaning practices to protect both employees and customers. Size restrictions of public and private gatherings of no more than 10 people will remain in place. Everyone is expected to continue to follow social distancing rules at all times and to stay home if they are sick. Travel restrictions will remain in place such as avoiding all non-essential travel outside of Manitoba, and requirements for self-isolation for 14 days following travel will continue. “Based on the evolving global public health recommendations and modelling, Manitoba is in a position to begin a methodical, phased-in approach to reopening businesses,” said Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer. “Our public health measures to date have helped us reduce case numbers and flatten the curve, but it is not practical to maintain these measures indefinitely,” said Roussin. “That is why we will gradually reduce these measures including balancing the need to protect vulnerable Manitobans from COVID-19 with the need to protect Manitobans from the unintended impacts of strict public health measures, which include health and social impacts.” Restoring services, Phase One – begins May 4 Critical public health measures and travel restrictions remain. Priority elective surgeries have been restarted, diagnostics screening will resume and some non-essential businesses will reopen but must limit occupancy to 50 per cent of normal business levels or one person per 10 square metres, whichever is lower. Services, businesses and venues include: • non-urgent surgery and

diagnostic procedures; • therapeutic and medical services; • retail businesses; • restaurants – patio/walk-up services; • hair salons; • museums, galleries and libraries; • seasonal day camps; and • outdoor recreation and campgrounds. The province will continually re-evaluate and adjust plans for further easing of secondary public health measures and may reintroduce others. Restoring services, Phase Two – no earlier than June 1 Critical public health measures and travel restrictions may remain in place. Public gathering sizes may be increased and more non-essential businesses will be considered for reopening including: • additional personal services, such as nail salons; • restaurants – dine-in services; • non-contact children’s sports; and • film production. Future phases Public health measures may be eased further. Additional guidelines will be developed, public gathering sizes will be increased and some non-essential business will fully open. Others may begin to reopen, such as bars, pools and spas, movie theatres and indoor recreational facilities.

Travel restrictions may be eased. Specific considerations for other businesses and sectors may be made including: • performing arts venues; • other non-essential businesses; • tattoo parlours, estheticians, cosmetologists and tanning studios; and • large gatherings/events. Mass gatherings such as concerts, summer festivals and major sporting events will not be considered before September 2020, Roussin noted. The Department of Families will continue to work with the child-care community to expand the temporary child-care services available, including a grant available to child-care providers seeking to open a new, homebased child-care service. More information on childcare services during COVID-19, including a self-serve childcare website, can be found at www.gov. mb.ca/covid19/infomanitobans/ childcare.html. Businesses seeking further information should visit https:// engagemb.ca/. For current information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19. A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at: https://manitoba.ca/ bg/2020/04/covid19.html. Source: Government of Manitoba



MAY 1 - 15, 2020

MAY 1 - 15, 2020





MAY 1 - 15, 2020

Is your personality type a match for remote work? In my last article, “New COVID-19 work norms,” I briefly touched on some of the challenges of working from home. There are some logistical challenges involved such as space, access to technology, boundaries, etc. Despite some of the challenges, did you know that working from home is actually an advantage for a certain personality type? Personality refers to a person’s pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make them unique. There are multiple kinds of personalities we encounter in our daily lives. If you are familiar with Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator, then you probably have heard that it is one of the most widely used personality type assessments, encompassing 16 total personality types. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung originated the theory of psychological type. He wrote that, “what appears to be random behaviour is actually the result of differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities.” He observed that each person has a different way of energizing themselves. For example “extraversion” is when a person draws energy from the

external world. “Introversion” is the opposite. You can tell the difference between extroverts and introverts by the way they behave. Extroverts mainly engage others in conversation and they like to socialize for hours on end. Introverts don’t mind socializing and chatting. They may get engaged for a while, but at some point, they may get tired of the chitchat and call it a day. After a while of talking with people, extroverts may leave the conversation feeling more energized, while an introvert may leave feeling drained. Contrary to popular belief, an introvert is not necessarily a shy person. Being shy is the fear of social judgment and being timid in the company of people. Being introverted means you think quietly before you speak and you take calculated risks. At the end of a social engagement, an introvert may require some much needed quiet time to recharge their energy. With COVID-19 in mind, introverts may actually have more advantage than extroverts during isolation. Fewer distractions – Working from home means there are no visits from chatty co-workers.

Other than family members, introverts won’t have to talk to many people at all. There may be conference calls here and there, but that is a given. With less small talk, introverts are able to focus on the task at hand with no interruption. This is an opportunity for them to be productive. Introverts are self-sufficient – We know that extroverts draw energy from others. As such, they may prefer to brainstorm ideas by talking it out with a colleague. Working from home may give introverts an advantage because they are resourceful. They find ways to research information without having to engage in too much discussion with their colleagues. Downtime is a no-brainer – For extroverts, social interaction is of high importance. Before the pandemic, drinks with friends on a Friday night may have been a regular routine for most extroverts as their way to get some downtime at the end of the workweek. With the current pandemic situation, their interactions are limited, with bars and restaurants closed. On the other hand, the introvert’s downtime is much easier during

lockdown. All they need to do is sit on the couch with a good book and a good glass of wine and voila, it’s downtime mode! Being in quarantine is not an easy thing for anyone regardless of personality type. The important trait we all need to practice right now is resilience. All we can do at this point is to make the best of our current situation and maintain a positive outlook as we adjust our lifestyle to fit our world’s need to survive. Sources • www.forbes.com/sites/ lizryan/2017/03/15/the-realreason-youre-not-allowed-towork-from-home/#1cb5c8b37084 • www.myersbriggs.org/mymbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/ c-g-jungs-theory.htm?bhcp=1 • time.com/5373403/ surprising-benefits-introvert/ This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice. Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMAACP holds an Advanced Certified HR Professional Designation with the International Personnel Management Association. E-mail her at info@pilipino-express.com

Supporting children during the pandemic There’s no doubt about it, due to the pandemic, our lives have been impacted in countless ways. Almost every part of our lives have changed including the way we work, go to school, handle finances, connect with friends and family, and get food and supplies. The ways that we can relax and have fun have changed too. Even simple freedoms such as enjoying nature and hugging a loved one have been altered. Because of all the changes that adults have to manoeuvre, it can be easy to get tunnel vision and forget that things have changed for kids too. As a parent, I am guilty of this. For weeks, my focus was on making sure that my children were keeping up with their online assignments, getting exercise, and not fighting with each other. But then my kids started saying more and more things like, “When will this end?” “I don’t like learning at home,” and “I’m bored.” Sometimes they ask, “What will happen if we catch the coronavirus?” There are several things that you can do to help kids cope with stress during the pandemic: Establish a routine • This provides children

with a sense of predictability and control. School and daycare provided structure, and this is suddenly gone. Often, the unknown can contribute to feelings of worry and anxiety. • Waking up and going to bed at the same time and having a schedule during the day can help kids with this adjustment. • Time for fun and relaxing is important too. Giving them screen time is unavoidable, but according to the Canadian Paediatric Society, try to limit it to less than one hour for children two to five years of age and less than two hours for kids older than five. Screen time is not recommended for children younger than two years of age. • Point out what is within their control. They can continue to wash their hands frequently and physically distance from people outside their household. They can call, text and video chat with their friends and family. They can make healthy choices every day. Children see the world differently than adults Language, memory and imagination are still developing in kids. Children communicate

differently. They may not be able to understand things in a logical way. Also, children are egocentric, meaning they see things from their point of view. It can be difficult for them to see another person’s point of view or understand world events. Pay attention to new feelings and behaviours • Just like adults, kids react in different ways. They may be more irritable, tearful, anxious, clingy, and even angry. • Let them know that it is normal to feel stressed out right now, and that a lot of kids and adults feel this way. Be careful not to shame them or react negatively. • Provide them with more comfort during this time. Extra hugs and cuddles can go a long way. Invite and encourage conversations • Ask your kids what they are hearing about the coronavirus and if they have any questions. • Speak calmly and honestly. If you do not know the answer to a question, offer to help them to find out. Check out credible websites such as www.canada. ca, the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. • Be available to talk to your kids about what they hear in the news. • Follow their lead. If they want

to talk more, continue with the conversation. If they want to stop talking about it, that’s fine too. Provide reassurance • Explain that most people who catch coronavirus do not need medical attention and recover at home • Talk about all of the helpers who are doing their best to keep everyone calm and safe – this includes medical professionals, cleaners, grocery store workers, truck drivers, teachers, counsellors, clergy, shelter workers, and bus drivers. • Assure them that you and a lot of adults are working hard to figure things out. Children usually do as well as their parents are doing. If they see you coping well, they will too. So one of the best things that you can do for them is to take care of yourself. My friends, be kind to yourself and to others! Sources • World Health Organization: w w w. w h o . i n t / d o c s / d e f a u l t source/coronaviruse/helpingchildren-cope-with-stress-print. pdf?sfvrsn=f3a063ff_2 • Kidshealth.org: kidshealth. org/en/parents/coronavirushow-talk-child.html Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

1045 Erin Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3G 2X1 Phone: 204-956-7845 E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com www.pilipino-express.com Publisher



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MAY 1 - 15, 2020



2020 so far... What do you do at 7 o’clock every evening? Like many, we like to bang pots and pans and applaud the essential services workers, from the confines of our home. A round of applause is the least we can do for the many nurses, doctors, health care aides, supply chain and food workers that are showing up to work during this global pandemic. My list above is an abbreviated one as there are so many people considered essential services. I am thankful that my family has our health and my work continues through this crisis, but that is not the case for millions of people around the world. Who would have known three short months ago, when it first emerged, that millions would fall ill and deaths would number in the thousands. My utmost sympathy goes out to all those who have been directly affected by COVID-19. There are also those that were suddenly faced with lay-offs. There have been unprecedented efforts from the government to provide emergency benefits. I’m sure it is welcome help, but I sincerely empathize with all of you who have been affected.

Just yesterday, I read a news article out of Alberta where a meat packing plant has suffered the largest coronavirus outbreak at one location in Canada. What caught my attention was that many of the workers are Filipino and that many of them have been the targets of racist comments. I’m not one to shout my anger from the rooftops, but this story, along with many other similar stories, have been giving me considerable reason to be angry and sad at the same time. On one hand, we have companies hiring temporary foreign workers to fill a void. There are more jobs than people to fill them. Enter our hard working brothers and sisters who will gladly take the job to support their family in Canada and back home. Filipinos have been rejuvenating cities and towns across this country with their hard work and family-first core beliefs. Yet, ignorance has reared its ugly head during our time of global turmoil. Instead of coming together in our time of grief, some choose to blame and point fingers. There should never be a time when hurtful comments are allowed, especially in Canada.

Thankfully, the hard workers at this particular company near Calgary have more supporters than detractors. How are you doing? Are you staying healthy by following the recommendations of our top doctors and government officials? Are you keeping two metres away from others when you leave the house? Are you always in search of toilet paper and hand sanitizer when you go to the store? If there were a lighter side to COVID-19, it would be the

number of people who line up to go into Costco so they can stock up on items. Never before have I witnessed the frenzy that is hoarding. What can you possibly do with 200 rolls of toilet paper? As long as you have running water and a small bucket, you’ll be fine, am I right? Amen! I’m kalbo, so this next piece doesn’t affect me. Did you hear that people are now stocking up on hair dye? Grey hairs be gone! I wonder about this since most of us are stuck at home with our loved

ones. I don’t care about white hairs; there is no judgement! My last observation has to do with Spam and Hereford corned beef. My mom and dad cooked these for me when I was little. I’m doing the same for my kids. Why, during COVID times, is it so hard to find these in the grocery stores? Once we get back to our new normal, I’m going to stock up. Don’t judge me. Dale manages the communications department for a school district in B.C.



MAY 1 - 15, 2020

Admissions to Canada and quarantine rules The current pandemic challenges our immigration authorities to continue to bring newcomers to Canada but also to ensure the health and safety of the population as a whole. Immigration authorities have the responsibility to control the admission of foreign nationals to ensure economic growth, the rights of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and also to ensure that we honour our international responsibilities to persons at risk. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canadian border Services Agency (CBSA) are also responsible for ensuring that Canada is safe from the importation of diseases such as the COVID-19 from abroad. The government of Canada has instituted an emergency order under the Quarantine Act.

It applies to all persons, with or without Canadian status, arriving in Canada and is intended to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. Failure to comply with this order is an offence under the Quarantine Act and subject to prosecution. If you are a returning Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, you must isolate for 14 days. You must remain isolated in a place without contact with vulnerable people, such as people 65 years or older, or with existing medical conditions. Further, your place must be accessible to basic necessities such as food and medication. You must use private transportation and wear a non-medical mask or face covering. If you do not have private transportation or an adequate place to isolate, the Chief Public Health Officer will

designate a facility where you must isolate for 14 days. In addition, new admissions cannot go to school, work, or any other public areas during the quarantine period. You must remain in a separate room and use a separate bathroom during the 14 days and have no visitors. Further, arrivals are advised to contact public health authorities about symptoms. Each arrival must wear a non-medical mask or face covering while travelling to the place of self-isolation. IRCC has specified that quarantine restrictions for citizens and permanent residents are extended to certain classes of incoming foreign nationals, including close family members, such as spouses and common-law partners and dependent children, parents and grandparents. Violations of the Quarantine Act could lead to six months in prison and/or $750,000 in finds.

Further, someone who causes a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another through wilfully or recklessly contravening the Quarantine Act could be liable for a fine of up $1,000,000 or imprisonment of up to three years or both. Local police authorities have been given the power to enforce the act and can issues fines ranging from $275.00 to $1,000. The good news is that Canada is still trying to accommodate foreign visitors, students, visitors and persons sponsored under family class immigration. Instead of setting up walls and admitting no one, our authorities are trying to do what is best for the country and also what is lawful under the immigration rules and regulations. It is not unreasonable for immigration authorities to impose conditions on admission to the country. It is important that we all shelter

in place and observe social distancing as way to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Immigration, Refugee and Protection Act has objectives “to see families are reunited in Canada,” s.3(1)(d), “to facilitate the entry of visitors, students and temporary workers,” s.3(1) (g); but at all times “to protect public health and safety.” 3(1) (h). Comply, stay safe, and self-isolate, and you cannot go wrong. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Canada Immigration and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with R.B. Global Immigration Consultants Ltd. 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott.ici@gmail.com.

Pipe insulation Insulating water pipes can conserve energy by reducing heat loss through the piping. Pipe insulation will minimize the formation of condensation on pipe surfaces that can lead to mould and moisture damage. Insulating pipes can prevent the pipes from freezing and breaking during the winter, which can cause significant damage in the walls, and consequently, lead to considerable repair bills. Studies have shown that heat losses in un-insulated hot water pipes can range from 16 to 23 per cent, depending on the climate zone. Installing 19 mm (3/4-inch) pipe insulation can slash overall annual water heating energy use by four to five per cent. In cold climates like Manitoba, locating water pipes close to exterior walls and in unconditioned (unheated) spaces such attics, crawlspaces and basements should be avoided. However, if this is not possible due to existing site conditions, the water pipes should be insulated. For additional pipe protection and energy efficiency, any cavity between the pipes and the exterior wall should be sufficiently airsealed and insulated. If the house is heated using a hydronic (steam or hot water) heating system, heat losses can be decreased by as much as 90 per cent by insulating the steam distribution and return pipes. It is also advantageous to align plumbing fixtures with the

interior walls. There are several types of pipe insulation: tubular pipe sleeves, spiral insulation wrap, and fiberglass batting that can be taped around the pipes. As long as the pipe insulation is properly installed, any of these three types can be effective in reducing wasted energy in water heating. The most common pipe insulation is the tubular pipe sleeve type, which are made from flexible closed-cell polyethylene or neoprene foam and usually come pre-cut with a lengthwise seam for effortless installation. Some tubular pipe sleeves come with adhesive tapes already installed on both sides of the slit. The adhesive tapes can be simply peeled off the plastic coverings and be pressed together. There are several diameters of sleeves available in most hardware stores to accommodate different pipe sizes. It is important to determine the pipe diameter before buying the sleeves because the sleeve’s inside diameter should match the water pipe’s outside to ensure a tight fit. The following are the steps in installing tubular foam sleeve pipe insulation: 1. Cut the sleeve to the desired length, then wrap it around the pipe with the slit facing down and no gaps between the sleeves. For pipe bends, form a mitered corner to match the angle of the pipe length. 2. Remove the adhesive strips,

then press the edges together. 3. Apply acrylic or aluminum foil tape over the seams and joints to increase durability. 4. Put an appropriate clamp to secure the insulation to the pipe every 600 mm. 5. Put caulk or foam to seal any pipe penetrations in walls, floors, ceilings or framing. Spiral insulation wraps are usually made of fiberglass, foil, or polyethylene foam. This type of insulation is simply installed by unrolling it and wrapping it around the hot and cold water

pipes. Another type is fiberglass insulation that typically comes with a vapour barrier that is wrapped around the pipes after the fiberglass insulation is installed. Placing hot and cold water pipes close to exterior walls should be avoided. If they must be installed in exterior walls, the pipes must be insulated with sufficient cavity insulation behind the pipes. Air-sealing wall cavities will help avoid cold air from flowing around the pipes that could lead to excessive condensation and moisture

problems. Insulating hot and cold water supply pipes minimizes the house’s carbon footprint by reducing unnecessary heat losses in the plumbing system. Norman Aceron Garcia, P.Eng. is an accredited professional in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design specializing in building design and construction. In 2015, Norman founded Mr. Peg Property Inspections, a social enterprise that advocates green building design and climate change adaptation strategies.

MAY 1 - 15, 2020



Re-starting Canada’s economy April 28, 2020 – On the night of March 25, the mountainous village of Zermatt in Switzerland – some 7,000 flight-kilometres away – projected Canada’s red and white maple leaf flag on the side of the Matterhorn, one of the highest peaks in Europe. It was the town’s show of global solidarity and hope with the people of Canada and the world during these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic. A very contagious respiratory illness, this new disease has sickened over three million citizens, claimed more than 200,000 lives, and weakened the economies of nation-states worldwide – all in barely five short months. As of today, our neighbour to the south, the USA, has, sadly, just surpassed, the one million count of citizens taken ill – a third of the world’s total. Even more difficult to understand are the more than 50,000 American patients, including healthcare providers, who perished. They constitute a quarter of the world’s total lives lost. While Canada’s shares of the sick and the deceased are, gratefully, less than those of our southern neighbours on a per capita basis, our national suffering is no less painful to bear. How fitting and beautiful then that the small Swiss village would conceive and display a “brilliant show of solidarity” and hope for all of humanity. Re-starting the Canadian economy What a nice continuity three days later from three nights ago! Today, Prime Minister Trudeau released the First Ministers’ joint statement on re-starting the Canadian economy. Their joint statement is a leadership echo of collaboration and coordination and tinctured at all times with humanitarianism, empathy and cautious optimism (see Guiding principles and criteria below). Indeed, only a cooperative and coordinated global response on all fronts has the best chance at taming the contagious COVID virus. And it begins at the national level. Canada’s 10 provincial and three territorial governments have shown what it means when 14 government leaders work creatively and collectively for the safety and well-being of their citizens – young and old, women and men, healthy and disabled, free and in prison, rich and poor, well fed and hungry. In the absence of a curative antiviral drug or preventive vaccine, SARSCoV-2 - the tiny infectious pathogen of this new respiratory malady – will continue to travel around the local and global communities and upend lives and livelihoods. All we have at our disposal to break the human chain of transmission are personal and community measures,

namely: stay-at-home or shelterin-place, physical distancing and 14-day self-isolation following travel from abroad; prohibition against non-essential travels and big public gatherings; mandatory use of face masks; advisories against neighbourly and extended family visits, dining out in restaurants, attendance at places of religious worship, and visits to recreational places, the beaches and summer cottages; closure of educational institutions; and limits to being employed in more than one residential home for the elderly. No doubt these public health orders (PHO), singly or in combination, have restricted individual liberties and interrupted normal life and living. However restrictive and interruptive these PHOs have been to all concerned, Canada has shown her citizenry and the world that through collective discipline and sacrifice as a nation, the infectious beast can be tamed. The most recent COVID-19 modeling released on March 28 confirmed that public health measures have been effective in slowing the spread of the disease. Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, observed the number of new cases of COVID-19 there were doubling every three days previously, are now doubling every 16 days. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau injected a dose of cautious optimism. “The measures we have taken so far are working… in many parts of the country... but we are not out of the woods yet … and if we lift measures too quickly, we could lose the progress we’ve made.” Gradual and phased approach to restarting the economy “A shared key objective,” said the first ministers’ statement “is to minimize the risk of another wave of COVID-19 that forces governments to re-impose severe restrictions, further damaging the social and economic fabric of communities.” They acknowledge the value of “restarting the economy through a gradual and phased approach.” The guiding principles include the following: 1. Science and evidencebased decision-making – Decisions to ease and/or reinstate measures should be based on current public health situations, as advised by public health officials. 2. Coordination and collaboration – First Ministers firmly believe that strong collaboration to date has served Canadians well, and that continued collaboration is key to ongoing success… Since provinces and territories and the Government of Canada may need to move forward at different times and in potentially different ways, it will be important to maintain the coordination and collaboration that has taken place throughout

The Canadian flag is seen illuminated on the face of the Matterhorn in Switzerland. From the MySwitzerland FaceBook page. Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter, photo by Michael Portmann the pandemic. 3. Accountability and transparency – Each government will continue to be accountable to its residents, and will monitor the impacts of measures to restart the economy and provide updates on progress. Data sharing is critical to understanding the situation across Canada and is essential to informing efforts to re-open segments of the economy. 4. Flexibility and proportionality – Public health measures should be relaxed based on the level of threat, and in a controlled and phased manner, based on information that may change over time. This includes information on risks around the disease and the health of Canadians as well as social and economic benefits to them… It is recognized that there will be differences within jurisdictions on approaches taken and that measures may need to be reimposed if the understanding of the information changes. Criteria and measures for restarting the economy Furthermore, the First Ministers recognize that there are varied factors – public health officials’ analysis of public health data, population and geographic considerations, and economic movements, to mention some – that would play a role on decisions regarding where, when, and how measures are lifted. Hence, the First Ministers “agree that decisions should be informed by the following criteria and measures (abbreviated): 1. COVID-19 transmission is controlled – The incidence of new cases should be maintained at a level that health care systems can manage, with substantial clinical care capacity in reserve. 2. Sufficient public health capacity is in place to test, trace, and isolate all cases – Testing

and contact tracing are in place so that suspected cases are detected quickly and all confirmed cases are effectively isolated, while all close contacts are traced, quarantined, and monitored. 3. Expanded health care capacity exists for all patients, COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 – Health care systems should support all needs, including dealing with any future outbreaks, recognizing that this will be achieved through having surge capacity in place and other means to enable the system support for COVID and non-COVID patients. Provinces and territories are best suited to determine how comprehensive health care services are supported, including primary care, diagnostic services, and acute care services including elective surgeries and non-COVID emergencies. … Procurement of supplies will ensure that there is adequate supply on hand in case of a resurgence of the virus and to support enhanced testing. 4. Supports are in place for vulnerable groups/communities and key populations – Measures are in place to prevent the uncontrolled spread of the virus in vulnerable populations, which can directly lead to increased community spread. Sustained measures are in place to protect seniors, residents of group living facilities, workers in close quarters, inmates, homeless people, and Indigenous people and those living in remote locations, along with health care workers and other essential workers. 5. Workplace preventative measures – Support and monitoring of workplace protocols are in place to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19... Strong collaboration and oversight processes are in place to ensure protocols are being met.

6. Avoiding the risk of importation – Restrictions on non-essential domestic travel should be eased and managed in a coordinated manner. Re-opening of international borders and access for non-Canadian residents may only happen in later stages, taking into account the spread of the virus outside Canada, and measures to avoid the spread of the virus for everyone entering the country. 7. Engage and support – The success of managing COVID-19 will depend on the ability of communities to use and keep the necessary measures, particularly for public services. Governments will support communities in managing local disease activity, including in childcare, schools, and public transportation. Governments will also work with industry and economic sectors to support optimal health, reduced viral activity, and protection of the economy as it restarts.” Hon. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, P.C, O.M., LL.D., Sc.D., M.D., M.Sc. graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and the University of Manitoba (UM) Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and trained at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital-Washington University Medical Center. He is a retired lung specialist and professor of pediatrics and child health from the Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine. As Canada’s former Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development, he made a presentation on “The Global Threat of Infectious Diseases” at the G-8 Countries’ Science Ministers and Advisors Group Meeting held on June 1315, 2003 in Berlin, Germany. reypagtakhan@mail.com.

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MAY 1 - 15, 2020





Tama ang sinabi ng isang kausap naming personalidad. Pagkatapos ng enhanced community quarantine ay isang bagong mundo na ang ating haharapin. Kung hindi na magkakaroon ng ekstensiyon ang ECQ sa May 15 ay dalawang buwan tayong pumasok sa isang tunay na nakapaninibagong klase ng buhay. Hindi natin ito hiningi, lalong hindi natin inasahang magkakaroon pala ng lockdown, pero kinailangan nating yakapin. Bahala na si Batman, sabi ng mga pilosopo, anuman ang kahihinatnan natin kapag tinuldukan na ang lockdown ay abangan na lang natin. Tama si Manay Lolit Solis, sobrang nakaka-miss na ang bonding namin tuwing Martes nang tanghali sa Take It, Per Minute.. Me ganoon, ang programang sinusuportahan lalo na ng mga kababayan natin mula sa iba-ibang dako ng mundo. Para kasing hindi muna napapanahon ang talk show sa mga ganitong sitwasyon na naliligalig ang buong bayan dahil sa corona virus. Konting panahon pa, ipagpatuloy lang natin ang pagdarasal na sana’y matuldukan na ang lockdown, para muli na tayong magkasama-sama sa programang kasalo ninyo sa pananghalian. Sa mga panahong ito na parang kinatatamaran na rin natin ang tulog at pahinga ay talagang maghahanap tayo ng mga aktibidad na magpapalipas ng ating maghapon nang hindi tayo nabuburyong. Aba, hindi na biro ang pinagdadaanan natin, ito ang pinakamahabang bakasyon sa ating buhay, pero isang uri ng bakasyon ito na walang labasan ng bahay, dahil bawal. Sabi ng isang lkaibigan naming pilosopo, “Mali ang mga nagsabing mabilis lang na mawawala ang corona virus dahil made in China. Pero hindi pala! Buong mundo na ang pinahihirapan ng salot!” Nagkatusak kasi ang mga produktong gawa sa Tsina sa


merkado natin. Mas murang di hamak kesa sa mga produktong gawa dito sa atin. Pero maraming kababayan natin ang umaangal, hindi raw matibay, napakadaling masira. Doon ikinumpara ng mga pilosopo ang corona virus na nagsimula nga sa Wuhan, China. Sa Amerika ay hindi na nakapaghintay pa ang maliliit na negosyante, nagbukas na sila ng kailang negosyo, hindi na nila pinakinggan ang anunsiyong delikadong lumabas ng kanikanilang bahay sa mga panahong ito. At nakaisip naman ng ibang paraan ang mga Kano para sila mabuhay. Ang mga spa at parlor at iba pang mga opisina ay ginawa na nilang grocery, iyon kasi ang pinakasiguradong business ngayon, dahil sa mga pangunahing pangangailangan ng sambayanan. Isang photographer naman ang hinuli ng mga otoridad sa Amerika, ilang ulit kasi itong nakakamayan na kuha nang kuha ng mga retrato ng mga sikat na lugar sa kanilang bansa, nagpakatotoo naman ang Puti sa kaniyang pahayag. Isang araw, kapag natapos na raw ang pambubulabog ng COVID-19, ay saka nito ilalabas ang mga retratong hawak nito ngayon. Pagtatabihin nito ang dating retrato ng lugar at ang naganap nang magkaroon ng lockdown. Simple lang ang kaniyang caption, “Before and after.” Napakatindi nga naman ng binago ng corona virus sa buong mundo. Kapag natuldukan na ang enhanced community quarantine sa atin ay ibang-iba na ang ating gagalawan. Maninibago na tayo, mangangapa na, dahil sa dalawang buwan na pananahimik lang sa loob ng ating tahanan. Noong isang araw ay nagdownload ng mga concert ng mga paborito naming banyagang grupo ang aming panganay na si BM. Una naming pinanood ang unang farewell concert ng Eagles sa Australia. Napakagaling na See CRISTY p11

Peace of M ind .

Pre-Arrangement relieves your family of last-minute planning and lets you choose how you’ll be remembered. Pre-arrange with Mosaic and we’ll provide peace of mind to those involved during this emotional time.

MAY 1 - 15, 2020

• Manay Lolit Solis – Nakakamiss ang aming bonding sa Take It, Per Minute • John Lloyd Cruz – Nag-aalala kung paano palalakihin ni Ellen si Elias • Direk Carlo J. Caparas – Hindi pa rin kayang mag-move on • Sen. Manny at Jinkee Pacquiao – Tinuturuan ng gawaing bahay ang mga anak • Imelda Papin – Ano kaya ang iniisip at nakikikanta sa mga Tsino ngayon? • Willie Revillame – Marami pa ring pinasasaya sa Tutok To Win • BB Gandanghari – Kawawa pa rin, hindi pa rin tanggap ng pamilya • Sarah Geronimo – Sasaya lang pag tanggap na ng mga magulang si Matteo • Lani Misalucha – Mas maganda kapag manipis lang ang make-up

L-r: Nay Cristy Fermin, Rey-Ar Reyes, Pilita Corrales, Eva Eugenio, Mr. Fu and Manay Lolit Solit.

Sarah Geronimo with daddy Delfin and mommy Divine


Fe e l at Home . I M M E D I AT E N E E D ? C A L L ( 2 0 4 ) 2 7 5 - 5 5 5 5 , W E ’ R E AVA I L A B L E 2 4 / 7 18 3 9 I N K S T E R B O U L E VA R D MOSAICFUNER AL S.C A INFO@MOSAICFUNER AL S.C A


MAY 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 10 grupo, suwabeng-suwabe ang atake, pero hindi mo bibitiwan. Siyempre’y bumibida sa kanilang mga piyesa ang Hotel California na napalahaba ng intro. Nakapaglaba ka na, nakapagsampay ka na, malapit nang matuyo ang nilabhan mo ay saka pa lang matatapos ang balanseng-balanseng tunog ng kanilang mga instrumento para simulan na nila ang pagkanta. Ang ikalawa naming tinutukan ay ang concert ng grupong Bee Gees, pinanood din namin ang istorya ng kanilang buhay at musika, doon kami naging emosyonal. Ang mga miyembro ng grupo ay ang magkakapatid na sina Barry, Maurice at Robin. Ang panganay na si Barry lang ang natitirang buhay ngayon dahil pati ang kanilang bunsong si Andy ay namayapa na rin. Sa isang bahagi ng kanilang concert sa Australia ay ihinandog nila kay Andy ang isang piyesa. Ipinakita sa wide screen ang masaya nilang kabataan, nangangabayo sila at naliligo sa dagat, matinding magmahalan ang magkakapatid. Biglang iniluwa ng hologram si Andy na kumakanta, parang buhay na buhay na kinakanta ni Andy ang Don’t Throw It All Away (Our Love), nagtayuan ang audience habang pumapalakpak. Standing ovation ang parteng iyon, iyak nang iyak si Barry, dahil siya nga naman ang pinakamatanda sa lahat pero bakit mas nauna pa ang kanilang bunso? Paboritong grupo ng Bee Gees ang The Beatles na tunay namang nambulabog ang kasikatan sa buong mundo. Noong manguna sa record chart ang kanilang mga piyesa at nakita nila ang mga fans na naghihintay sa kanilang bumaba sa isang gusali ay biglang sinabi ni Barry, “OMG! We’re like The Beatles now!” *** Habang alalang-alala si John Lloyd Cruz sa kinatatakutan niyang pagpapalaki sa kanilang anak ni Ellen Adarna na si Elias ay hayun naman ang nakahiwalay niyang sexy actress. Isa lang ang pinagkakaabalahan ngayon ng mommy ni Elias, ang mga ginagawa nitong ritwal para mapanatiling nasa tamang kurbada ang kaniyang katawan, lalo na nga’t nagkaanak na ito. Seksing-sexy si Ellen sa mga ipino-post nitong retrato, may isang picture pa nga itong ipinakita sa publiko na halos ang hiwa na lang ng kaniyang hiyas ang may takip, gusto pa yatang


kumpetensiyahin ni Ellen ang hubadera rin sa mga retratong si Ivana Alawi. Isang source na palaging kasama ni Ellen sa kaniyang mga sexy pictorials ang nagkuwento sa amin na totoong sexy ang ex ni JLC. Pero ang kaniyang komento, “Palibhasa, e, tisay siya, marami siyang mantsa sa katawan. Mayroon din siyang mga peklat sa braso at binti na maputi nga lang, kaya hindi halatado. “Magastos siya sa foundation, malalaki ang binibili niyang concealer. Kailangang takpan ang mga peklat niya para pantay ang kaniyang kulay. “Nagtatanungan nga kami kung bakit marami siyang peklat, e, anak-mayaman naman siya? Puwedeng dahil mamam na siya nang mamam kahit noong teenager pa lang siya, e, nasusugatan siya kapag umuuwing lasing na lasing siya,” seryosong kuwento ng aming kausap. Puwede! Dahil noong minsang makita ng isang grupo na lasing na lasing ang sexy actress sa isang bar ay paekis-ekis na raw kung magkalakad si Ellen Adarna. Pero sige-sige pa rin ito sa kaiikot sa bar, pasuray-suray, dahil sa sobrang dami na ng kaniyang nainom. Iyon ang naging dahilan kung bakit sila naging magkarelasyon ni Lloydie. Nagkasundo sila sa isang dibersiyon, ang walang patumanggang paglaklak, na para bang hindi kumpleto ang kanilang maghapon kung hindi masayaran ng agua de pataranta ang kanilang lalamunan. Isinanla ni John Lloyd ang kaniyang karera sa naging relasyon nila ni Ellen, tinalikuran niya ang hanapbuhay na literal na nagpabago sa takbo ng kabuhayan ng kaniyang pamilya, pero wala ngang forever. Itinuturing pang black hole ni Ellen ang halos tatlong taon nilang pagsasama ni JLC, wala itong binanggit na pangalan ng taong nagtulak sa kaniya sa depresyon, pero hindi naman tanga ang buong mundo para hindi matukoy kung sino ang taong isinasangkalan nito. Kung babalikan siguro ni Lloydie ang nakaraan ay hindi niya iiwanan ang kaniyang career nang dahil lang sa isang babae. Kung alam lang niya ang magaganap sa kinabukasan, siguro’y nag-isip muna nang libong beses ang aktor, bago niya itinengga ang kaniyang mayabong na hanapbuhay. Pero sabi nga ay dalawang argumento lang daw ang pinakamahirap ipanalo sa mundo. Relihiyon at pag-ibig. Saanman sumuot ang pagtatalo, saanman mauwi ang

pagpapalitan ng opinyon ay walang saysay, dahil hindi natin naipapanalo ang laban. *** Hanggang ngayon ay umiikot pa rin ang mundo ni Direk Carlo J. Caparas sa yumao niyang misis na si Tita Donna Villa. Ilang taon nang namamayapa ang prodyuser na mahal ng showbiz pero ang paglimot sa naganap ay hindi pa kasali sa bokabularyo ni Direk Carlo. Balot na balot pa rin siya ng lungkot, halos araw-araw siyang nasa libingan ni Tita Donna sa Mactan Memorial Garden, para ngang doon na rin halos naninirahan ang direktor. Kung hindi dakilang pag-ibig iyon ay hindi na namin alam kung anong termino ang gagamitin namin sa sobrang pagmamahal na iniaalay ni Direk Carlo para kay Tita Donna. Paminsan-minsan ay naililigaw rin naman ni direk ang kaniyang isip, kapag kasama niya ang mga anak at apo nila ni Tita Donna, parang naiiba kahit pansamantala lang ang pokus ng kaniyang buhay. Aminado si Direk Carlo na para siyang nabalian ng pakpak sa pagpanaw ni Tita Donna. Ilang dekada kasi silang magkasama, pati sa trabaho ay silang dalawa pa rin ang nagdedesisyon, talagang mahihirapan ngang makabalikwas agad ang direktor sa pagkawala ng kaniyang kapareha sa buhay. Sa Mactan, Cebu inabutan ng lockdown si Direk Carlo, ang lugar na nakasaksi sa pagkabata ni Tita Donna, ang espesyal na lugar kung saan isinabog sa karagatan ang kaniyang mga abo. Pinipilit ni Direk Carlo na gawing kasing-normal na tulad nang dati ang ikot ng kaniyang buhay. Magtatrabaho siya uli, tututok sa pagsusulat at pagdidirek, pero hindi pa rin niya iyon magawa-gawa nang lubusan. Sabi niya, “Hinahanap-hanap ko ang presensiya ni Donna. Para akong napilay noong mawala siya. Sa kaniya na kasi umikot ang mundo ko nang ilang dekada.” Sabi namin kay Direk Carlo ay magiging payapa at masaya si Tita Donna sa kabilang buhay kung babalik siya sa pagiging aktibo sa trabaho. “Alam ko iyon,” sabi ni direk, “Pero mahirap magtrabaho na ang isip at puso mo, e, nakasentro pa rin sa isang taong mahal na mahal mo pero biglang nawala sa tabi mo.” Nasaksihan namin ang dakilang pagmamahalan nina Direk Carlo at Tita Donna. Literal silang hindi pinaghihiwalay ng panahon, kung nasaan si direk ay siguradong nandoon lang din See CRISTY p12


Manny Pacquiao’s family. Photo credit: Jinkee’s Instagram

Manny Pacquiao’s family

BB Gandanghari

CR E ATE MOM EN TS TH AT L A ST Mosaic Event Centre is a 6,000f t² venue that features multiple rooms, including a gorgeous chapel, reception hall, foyer, and meeting spaces. Let us help you create new memories. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T I N G THE FILIPINO COM MUNITY

W i n n i p e g’s C h oi c e Ve n u e . D R O P I N F O R A F R E E C O N S U LTAT I O N OR CALL (204)275 -5555 10 0 6 N A I R N AV E N U E MOSAICE VENTCENTRE.C A INFO@MOSAICE VENTCENTRE.C A


CRISTY... From page 11 si Tita Donna, kaya mahihirapan talaga ang direktor na pag-aralang mabuhay nang wala na ang ina ng kaniyang mga anak. “Pilas ang mundo ko. Para akong pilay na tinanggalan ng saklay, kaya hindi ako makakilos,” paglalarawan pa ni Direk Carlo sa kasalukuyan niyang buhay. *** Dahil wala naman silang pamimilian at hindi sila ligtas sa lockdown ay ginagawang makabuluhan ngayon ng pamilya Pacquiao ang mahabang panahong magkakasama lang sila sa bahay. Maganda ang ginagawa nina Senador Manny at Jinkee Pacquiao na paraan ng pagpapalipas nila sa nakabuburyong na maghapon. Mga bagets pa ang kanilang mga anak, natural lang na dahil hindi sila nakalalabas ng bahay ay inaapuntahan na sila ng pagkainip, kalaban ng ECQ ang mga milenyal. Parehong probinsiyano sina Pacman at Jinkee, laki sa hirap, hindi na bago sa kanila ang mga trabahong bahay na kinagisnan nila sa GenSan. Sagana sila ngayon sa mga kagamitan sa bahay, mayroon silang washing machine siyempre, pero tinuturuan nilang maglaba sina Jimuel, Michael, Princess at Queenie. Ang bunsong si Israel lang ang hindi kasali sa pagtuturo nila, sobrang bata pa nito, hindi pa kasali sa bilang. Nanakit ang mga kamay nina Princess at Queenie sa kakukusot ng mga nilabhan nilang damit, tagasampay naman sina Jimuel at Michael, may kani-kaniyang toka ang magkakapatid. Kahit pa bukod-na-pinagpala ang pamilya ay gusto pa ring turuang mamuhay nina Pacman at Jinkee ang kanilang mga anak nang independente, hindi nga naman sa lahat ng panahon ay mayroon silang mga yaya at kasambahay na maaasahan, kaya mabuti nang may alam sila kung paano mamuhay nang sila lang. “Habang wala silang school, habang naka-lockdown tayong lahat, mas magandang maging productive sila. Hindi puwedeng puro gadgets lang ang hawak nila, kailangan nilang matuto ng mga gawaing bahay,” komento ni Senador Manny. Napakagandang paraan ng pagpapalipas sa mahigit na isang buwan nang ECQ. Ang nakabuburyong na lockdown. Ang bakasyon na parang hindi na rin bakasyon dahil sa inip na hatid ng corona virus. Sa madalas naming pagkukuwentuhan noon ni Pacman ay inaalala niya palagi ang nakaraan niyang buhay sa GenSan. Maaga pa lang ay tinuruan na silang magluto at maglinis ni Mommy Dionisia, pati ang paghahanapbuhay sa murang edad ay ginawa rin nilang magkakapatid, sanay na sanay siya sa hirap. “Naglalako ako ng pandesal na inaangkat ko sa isang panaderia, kapag naubos na ang paninda


ko, magpupunta naman kami sa bundok para mangahoy. “Nakikiangkas kami sa malalaking truck na kukuha ng mga troso, nakasabit lang kami, buong hapon kaming nangangahoy sa bundok. “Sanay na sanay ako sa hirap, hindi ako puwedeng takutin ng kahirapan, dahil galing ako doon. Kapag ikinukuwento ko nga ngayon sa mga anak ko ang mga hirap na pinagdaanan ko, e, parang ayaw nilang maniwala. “Pero grabe talaga ang mga pinagdaanan ko, batambata pa ako, kung anu-ano na ang trabahong pinapasok ko,” pagalala ng Pambansang Kamao. Pero dahil sa pagsisikap at pagiging seryoso sa kaniyang mga pangarap ay napakalayo na ng buhay niya noon sa ngayon. Nakatira na sila ngayon ng kaniyang pamilya sa isang mansiyon, may mga naipundar na siyang bahay dito at sa Amerika, marami pa silang pinauupahang apartment sa Los Angeles at Las Vegas. Ang lahat ng mayroon siya ngayon ay produkto ng kaniyang mga kamao. Walong dibisyon ang hawak niyang titulo sa boxing, nagkakaedad man siya ay parang hindi niya iyon nararamdaman, kaya handa pa rin siyang makipagsalpukan sa lona hanggang ngayon. At isang katangian kung bakit kinasihan ng kapalaran si Senador Manny Pacquiao ay ang kagandahan ng kaniyang puso lalo na sa maliliit. Sikat na sikat man siya sa buong mundo ay estado lang ng kaniyang pamumuhay ang nagbago, hinding-hindi ang kaniyang ugali at pagiging mapagkumbaba, kapuri-puri ang paghawak niya sa tagumpay. *** Kakambal na talaga ng bokabularyo ng Sentimental singer na si Imelda Papin ang linyang “Hindi po magagawa ng isang Imelda Papin ang magtraydor sa kaniyang bayan. “Si Imelda Papin po ay isang Pilipino at mananatiling Pilipino habambuhay.” At marami pang ibang litanyang palaging bumibida ang kaniyang pangalan. Naalala tuloy namin si Congresswoman Vilma Santos noong aktibo pa ito sa lokal na aliwan. Kapag mayroong binabati sa telebisyon ang Star For All Seasons ay bukambibig na nito ang, “Always remember, you have a friend here, and her name is Vilma!” Pinakakain ng ampalaya ngayon si Ms. Papin dahil sa pakikipagkantahan niya sa mga Tsino, ang korus nilang “Iisang Dagat,” na para sa pananaw ng mas nakararami ay isang higanteng propaganda. Usapin iyon ng West Philippine Sea na inaagaw sa atin ng China, wala kayang alam ang singer-politician tungkol sa ipinaglalaban ng ating pamahalaan, kaya nakisali-sali siya sa kantahan? “Ang tanging gusto lang po ng isang Imelda Papin ay ang magtawid ng saya sa pamamagitan ng pagkanta,” arya pa ng dakilang ina ni Maffi.

MAY 1 - 15, 2020

Willie Revillame’s Tutok To Win! Kantiyaw ng isang kaibigan namin, “Mabuti naman at hindi nakisali sa propagandang iyon si Eva Eugenio!” Naman! Hindi iyon papasukin ng isang Eva Eugenio. Mulat sa mga nagaganap sa ating kapaligiran si Ms. Tukso. *** Tuwing naririnig namin ang mga sigawan at sobrang tuwa ng mga tumututok sa Wowowin (Tutok To Win muna ang titulo ng show ngayon) ay nagiging emosyonal kami. Pagkatapos kasi ng saya ay pag-iyak na ang kasunod noon. Umiiyak na nagpapasalamat kay Willie Revillame ang nananalo ng premyong sampung libong piso. Sa panahong ito ng lockdown ay napakahalaga para sa atin ng anumang makapagtatawid sa atin sa maghapon, ang baryabaryang hindi pinapansin dati ay mutyang-mutya ngayon, lalo na’t nagkaroon pa ng ekstensiyon ang ECQ hanggang sa May 15 sa NCR. Tumatawid sa amin ang emosyonal na reaksiyon ng mga tinatawagan ni Willie, karamihan sa kanila ay pambili ng gamot at bigas ang pinaglalaanan ng kanilang sampung libo, napakalaking tulong nga naman noon sa mga panahong ito ng kawitang-palakol kung tawagin. Mula sa hirap si Willie, hindi kaila sa kaniya ang buhay na kapos na kapos, kaya ngayong mayroon na siyang kapasidad na mamahagi ng mga grasyang tinatanggap niya ay hindi siya nagdadalawang-isip na tumulong. Ideya niya ang Tutok To Win, napakasimple ng paraan para manalo ang nanonood, magpaparehistro lang sila sa website ng Wowowin para matawagan sila ni Willie. See CRISTY p13

John Lloyd Cruz and son

Imelda Papin

MAY 1 - 15, 2020

CRISTY... From page 12 Napapanood ngayon ang kaniyang show sa GMA-7, You Tube, Facebook Live at Instagram. Mula sa helipad ng Wil Tower ay nasa 42nd floor na sila ngayon dahil mas maganda ang signal sa palapag ng kaniyang gusali. Bagsak-bangon si Willie Revillame, pero palagi siyang itinatayo ng panahon, dahil sa mabuti niyang kalooban sa mga nangangailangan. Napanood namin ang replay ng isang episode ng Wowowin na hindi namin napanood nang live. Nag-drums si Willie Revillame, ang kaniyang unang pag-ibig, kung makapalo siya ay parang wala nang bukas pa. Grabe ang bilis ng kaniyang mga kamay at paa, isa ang instrumentong iyon sa pinakamahirap hawakan ayon na rin sa mga musikero, dahil pagod na pagod ang buong katawan ng drummer. Kinse minutos yata siyang palo nang palo, parang beinte anyos lang ang nagda-drums, hindi tulad ni Willie na malapit nang maging senior citizen. Maraming alaala ang linyang iyon kay Willie. Matagal muna siyang naging drummer ng banda, hanggang sa kunin na siya ni Randy Santiago, hanggang sa magkaroon na siya ng sariling programa. Barya-barya lang ang kinikita niya noon sa pagiging drummer, pero dahil bata pa lang ay pangarap na niyang humawak ng drums, hindi niya alintana ang maliit lang niyang kinikita. Aalis siya nang pagabi na sa inuupahan niyang kuwarto, eksaktong pamasahe lang ang laman ng kaniyang bulsa, malalamnan lang iyon kapag nakuha na niya ang talent fee niya para sa halos magdamag na pagpalo. Tama si Willie, kapag gusto mo ang ginagawa mo, ang trabaho ay parang nagiging laro na lang. Hindi ka napapagod, balewala sa iyo ang lakas na ibinibigay mo, dahil masaya ka sa ginagawa mo. Sabi, ang mga drummer daw ay emosyonal na tao, ang galit nila sa mundo ay idinadaan na lang nila sa pagpalo ng drums. Sabi ni Willie, “Hindi rin! Kapag gusto mo ang ginagawa mo, e, balewala na ang lahatlahat. Ako, kahit isang oras akong pumalo nang pumalo, wala akong nararamdamang pagod. “Parang therapy ko iyon, pang-alis ng stress, dahil happy hormones ka lang habang ginagawa mo ang pagdadrums. Saka hindi ko puwedeng kalimutan ang pagiging drummer. “Doon nagsimula ang lahatlahat sa buhay ko. Ang dalawang drum sticks na iyon ang nagtulak sa akin para magsikap at mangarap. “Kahit matandang-matanda na ako, magda-drums pa rin ako, iyon ang first love ko,” masayang kuwento ng sikat na aktor-TV host. *** Buong akala nati’y maayos na ang relasyon ni BB Gandanghari


sa kaniyang pamilya. Pag-asa ng marami ay natanggap na ng kaniyang ina at mga kapatid ang tunay niyang kasarian. Pero hindi pa pala. Si BB Gandanghari mismo ang naglalabas sa kaniyang social media account kung gaano siya kalungkot dahil mabuti pa ang ibang tao at tinanggap at minahal siya bilang siya. Sa mga salitang pinakakawalan ni Robin ay parang wala nang pader sa kanilang pagitan, parang wala nang problema sa paglalantad ng dating si Rustom sa kaniyang gender, pero hanggang salita lang naman pala iyon. Napakalungkot na nga ng kaniyang buhay sa Amerika ay mas matinding lungkot pa ang nararamdaman ni BB Gandanghari dahil sa kawalan diumano ng suporta ng kaniyang pamilya mismo sa sitwasyon niya. Ano kaya ang ibig sabihin ni BB Gandanghari sa kaniyang sinabi na akala niya’y susuportahan siya pero gagamitin lang naman pala? Ginamit lang ba siya sa publisidad? Para mapag-usapan lang ang kaniyang pamilya? Malalim ang pinanggagalingan ni BB Gandanghari. Nakilala kasing puro brusko ang magkakapatid na Padilla. Nakikipag-upakan sa pelikula, astig ang dating, pagkatapos ay mayroon pala silang kapatid na bading. Tama naman ang sentimyento ni BB Gandanghari na mabuti pa nga ang mga taong hindi niya kadugo at minamahal at sinusuportahan siya. Pero bigo sa kaniyang pamilya si BB, kung sino pa ang mga unang-unang inaasahan niyang makaiintindi sa kaniyang sitwasyon ang nagkait pa sa kaniya ang pang-unawa at pagmamahal, sobrang sakit nga naman noon sa kalooban niya. Nand’yan na ‘yan, nagpakatotoo na si BB Gandanghari sa kaniyang tunay na kasarian at maligaya na siya sa kaniyang katayuan ngayon, hindi pa rin ba matatanggap iyon ng kaniyang pamilya? Kesa naman sa habambuhay siyang magpanggap na lalakinglalaki siya, pero lalaki rin naman pala ang kaniyang hanap, napakahirap noon para sa kaniya. Magugutom ba ang kaniyang pamilya kung tatanggapin ng mga ito ang katotohanan tungkol sa kaniyang gender? Mababahiran ba ang kanilang pangalan dahil sa kanilang kapatid na nagpakatotoo lang naman? Sa kanilang pamilya lang ba nangyayari ang ganito? Kung tunay na kaligayahan naman para kay BB Gandanghari ang makakapalit ng kanilang pang-unawa at pagtanggap ay ibigay na sana nila ngayon ang inaasam-asam ng kanilang kapatid. Hindi sakit na nakahahawa na tulad ng corona virus ang pagiging gay. Hindi iyon dapat pandirihan. Ang bakla ay ipinanganganak na bakla at mamamatay na bakla. *** Napakaganda ng pangarap ni Sarah Geronimo. Maligaya siya

ngayon kasama ang kaniyang asawang si Matteo Guidicelli, walang kuwestiyon doon, pero magiging buo lang ang kaniyang kaligayahan kapag natanggap na sila ng kaniyang mga magulang. Mahirap ang posisyon ni Sarah ngayon. Oo nga’t natupad ang pagpapakasal nila ni Matteo ay bumabagabag sa kaniya ang nararamdaman nina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine. Mabait na anak at kapatid pa naman si Sarah, sa pinakamahabang panahon ay inuna muna niyang tuparin ang pangarap niya para sa kanilang pamilya, isinantabi niya muna ang personal na kaligayahan. Lumaki na siya at nagkaisip na ang mundo niya ay ang kaniyang pamilya lang, nalalabas na lang siya sa hawla nang mag-artista siya, pero unang prayoridad pa rin ng singer-actress ang kaniyang mga magulang at kapatid. Siguradong masaya man siya ngayon kasama si Matteo ay nasa likod pa rin ng kaniyang isip ang pamilya niya. Ibang-iba kasi ang relasyong may basbas ng mga magulang. Kumpletong kasiyahan ang pakahulugan noon. Ang pangarap ngayon ni Sarah ay dumating na sana ang araw na malaya na silang puwedeng makipagkita sa mga magulang niya. Sinunod niya lang ang kaniyang personal na kaligayahan, nasa wastong edad na siya para mag-asawa, pero ang panghihingi ng paumanhin sa kaniyang mga magulang ay hindi maituturing na krimen. May matinding dahilan naman kung bakit nila inilihim ni Matteo ang kanilang pagpapakasal, kundi nila ginawa iyon ay wala nang paraang matupad ang kanilang planong matagal na, pero nasaktan nila sina Daddy Delfin at Mommy Divine. At kapag may nasasaktan at kailangang may gumawa ng paraang mag-sorry. Kahit pa nagmamatigas ang kabilang kampo ay hindi tayo dapat magsawa sa pakikipagkita sa gitna. Kapag nangyari iyon ay saka pa lang natin masasabing maligayang-maligaya nga si Sarah Geronimo sa kaniyang estado ngayon bilang misis ni Matteo. ** Mas maganda si Lani Misalucha kapag manipis lang ang kaniyang make-up. Kapag simpleng-simple lang ang kaniyang ayos. Nawawala ang tapang ng kaniyang itsura. Maraming nagbago sa mukha ng magaling na singer, hindi niya naman iyon maitatago, napakalayo ng kaniyang itsura noon sa ngayon. Pero kahit ang mga kaibigan naming matagal nang naninirahan salas Vegas na nakakasabay ni Lani sa paggo-grocery ay nagsasabing mas maganda siya sa personal. Kuwento ng aming kaibigan, “Nakakatawa nga. Pinanood namin siya isang gabi. Ang galing-galing niyang magperform, may pagkakomedyante pa nga siya, kaya no dull moment talaga watching her.


Lani Misalucha

Direk Carlo J. Caparas and the late Donna Villa “So, siya ang naging kuwentuhan namin sa bahay paguwi namin hanggang noong next day. Magaling talaga kasi siya, hindi sayang ang ipinambayad namin ng ticket sa show niya. “Heto na. Nag-grocery kami noong bandang hapon na. Nakita si Lani ng anak ko, nandoon daw sa meat section. Hinanap namin siya, kasi nga, we just watched her the previous night. “Nagulat kami! Naka-duster lang siya, iyong presentableng duster naman, saka nakatsinelas lang siya. Nakapusod ang buhok, napakasimple niya! “Sinabi namin sa kaniya na pinanood namin siya, naku, sobra ang pasasalamat niya sa

amin, tanong siya nang tanong kung nagustuhan ba namin ang performance niya. “Nagpa-picture kami sa kaniya, wala siyang arte, pose siya agad, napaka-generous niya. Mas maganda siya kapag simple lang, saka napaka-approachable niya,” kuwento ng aming kaibigan. Noong isang linggo ay napanood namin siya sa ASAP Natin ‘To, nasa bahay lang siya habang kumakanta, konting-konti lang ang make-up niya. Totoo nga ang sabi ng aming kaibigan, mas maganda si Lani Misalucha kapag simplengsimple lang ang ayos niya, hindi pala siya alipin ng make-up. – CSF






COVID-19 Q&A Question: Can COVID-19 (coronavirus) spread through food, water, surfaces and pets? I’m practicing social distancing and following local stay-at-home orders. How susceptible am I to infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 even though I’ve taken these precautions? Answer: From William F. Marshall, III M.D. The virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads from person to person in respiratory droplets released when someone with the virus coughs, sneezes or talks. But it can also spread from a person who has the virus to any surface he or she touches, which may make you wonder about everyday situations. How risky is it to go to the grocery store? Could there be germs on that takeout container from your favorite restaurant? What about the water you drink? Experts don’t have all of the answers about potential ways the virus that causes COVID19spreads, but here’s what’s

known so far: • Food containers and packaging. There’s no evidence of anyone contracting the virus that causes COVID-19 after touching food containers and food packaging. Many restaurants are now offering no-contact takeout and delivery to lessen the risk of transmission. Still, if you’re concerned, it’s reasonable to follow general food safety guidelines. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water after handling takeout containers, and then transfer food to a clean dish using clean utensils. Wash your hands again before eating. After disposing of containers, clean and disinfect any surfaces that had takeout containers on them. • Grocery store produce. It’s possible that the new coronavirus might linger on fruits and vegetables that have been handled by a person with the virus. Whether this could make you sick with COVID-19 isn’t known. Best practice is to follow food safety guidelines and wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly

before eating them, by running them under water. Soap isn’t needed. You can scrub produce that has a rind or thick skin with a clean produce brush. Also wash your hands well with soap and water as soon as you get home from the grocery store. Clean and disinfect any reusable bags that you carried to and from the store. Most cloth bags can go through the washer and dryer; other bags can be cleaned using a disinfectant wipe or spray. Consider wearing a mask while grocery shopping, when it can be difficult to maintain social distance from other shoppers. In some areas or at certain stores, wearing a mask may be required. • Household surfaces. In a study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers found that the virus that causes COVID-19 can live up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to three days on stainless steel and plastic surfaces. Regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched household surfaces — such as tables, countertops, doorknobs, light switches, toilets, faucet handles and sinks. • Drinking water. The virus

that causes COVID-19 hasn’t been detected in drinking water. Water treatment facilities have processes to filter and disinfect water before it goes into your home. • Close contact with people. Especially to people who don’t live in your household, don’t get too close. Keep the rule of social distance in mind: Try to stay 6 feet (2 meters) away from others. Respiratory droplets from the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread to a person 6 feet or closer after someone with the virus coughs, sneezes or talks, which can put you at risk if you’re within that 6-foot circle. • Dogs and cats. There have been reports of some pets, including dogs and cats, being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 after close contact with people who had the virus. Often, the animals showed no signs of being sick. The virus that causes COVID-19 mainly spreads from person to person. Experts don’t consider animals to be a significant way that coronavirus spreads. But this is an area of ongoing investigation. Treat your pets as if they were people, keeping them at least 6

MAY 1 - 15, 2020 feet (2 meters) away from other people and animals outside your household and staying at home when possible. • Swimming pools and hot tubs. There’s no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads through swimming pools and hot tubs. • Stool, urine and other body fluids. Respiratory droplets are the main source of spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus has also been detected in the stool of some people who are sick with COVID-19. Experts don’t know yet what the risk of transmission from stool might be, but the virus that causes COVID-19 may have the potential to spread through untreated sewage. Also unknown is whether other body fluids, such as urine, vomit, breast milk or semen, could be ways the virus might spread. By following social distancing and your local public health guidelines, such as staying at home when you can and wearing a face mask when you must go out, you help to lower your risk of infection. You also help protect other members of your community. – Courtesy: Mayo Clinic with William F. Marshall, III M.D.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccine: Get the facts - Mayo Clinic A vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is perhaps the best hope for ending the pandemic. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, but researchers are racing to create one. Coronavirus vaccine research Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). COVID-19 is caused by a virus that’s closely related to the one that causes SARS. For this reason, scientists named the new virus SARS-CoV-2. While vaccine development can take years, researchers aren’t starting from scratch to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. Past research on SARS and MERS vaccines has identified potential approaches. Coronaviruses have a spikelike structure on their surface called an S protein. (The spikes create the corona-like, or crownlike, appearance that gives the viruses their name.) The S protein attaches to the surface of human cells. A vaccine that targets this protein would prevent it from binding to human cells and stop the virus from reproducing. Coronavirus vaccine challenges Past research on vaccines for coronaviruses has also identified some challenges to developing a COVID-19 vaccine, including: • Ensuring vaccine safety. Several vaccines for SARS have been tested in animals. Most of the vaccines improved the animals’ survival but didn’t prevent infection. Some vaccines also caused complications, such as lung damage. A COVID-19 vaccine will need to be thoroughly tested to

make sure it’s safe for humans. • Providing long-term protection. After infection with coronaviruses, re-infection with the same virus — though usually mild and only happening in a fraction of people — is possible after a period of months or years. An effective COVID-19 vaccine will need to provide people with long-term infection protection. • Protecting older people. People older than age 50 are at higher risk of severe COVID-19. But older people usually don’t respond to vaccines as well as younger people. An ideal COVID-19 vaccine would work well for this age group. Pathways to develop and produce a COVID-19 vaccine Global health authorities and vaccine developers are currently partnering to support the technology needed to produce vaccines. Some approaches have been used before to create vaccines, but some are still quite new. Live vaccines Live vaccines use a weakened (attenuated) form of the germ that causes a disease. This kind of vaccine prompts an immune response without causing disease. The term attenuated means that the vaccine’s ability to cause disease has been reduced. Live vaccines are used to protect against measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox and chickenpox. As a result, the infrastructure is in place to develop these kinds of vaccines. However, live virus vaccines often need extensive safety testing. Some live viruses can be transmitted to a person who isn’t immunized. This is a concern for people who have weakened immune systems.

Inactivated vaccines Inactivated vaccines use a killed (inactive) version of the germ that causes a disease. This kind of vaccine causes an immune response but not infection. Inactivated vaccines are used to prevent the flu, hepatitis A and rabies. However, inactivated vaccines may not provide protection that’s as strong as that produced by live vaccines. This type of vaccine often requires multiple doses, followed by booster doses, to provide longterm immunity. Producing these types of vaccines might require the handling of large amounts of the infectious virus. Genetically engineered vaccines This type of vaccine uses geneti-cally engineered RNA or DNA that has instructions for making copies of the S protein. These copies prompt an immune response to the virus. With this approach, no infectious virus needs to be handled. While genetically engineered vaccines are in the works, none has been licensed for human use. The vaccine development timeline The development of vaccines can take years. This is especially true when the vaccines involve new technologies that haven’t been tested for safety or adapted to allow for mass production. Why does it take so long? First, a vaccine is tested in animals to see if it works and if it’s safe. This testing must follow strict lab guidelines and generally takes three to six months. The manufacturing of vaccines also must follow quality and safety practices. Next comes testing in humans. Small phase I clinical

trials evaluate the safety of the vaccine in humans. During phase II, the formulation and doses of the vaccine are established to prove the vaccine’s effectiveness. Finally, during phase III, the safety and efficacy of a vaccine need to be demonstrated in a larger group of people. Because of the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine regulators might fast-track some of these steps. But it’s unlikely that a COVID-19 vaccine will become available sooner than six months after clinical trials start. Realistically, a vaccine will take 12 to 18 months or longer to develop and test in human clinical trials. And we don’t know yet whether an effective vaccine is possible for this virus. If a vaccine is approved, it will take time to produce, distribute and administer to the global population. Because people have no immunity to COVID-19, it’s likely that two vaccinations will be needed, three to four weeks apart. People would likely start to achieve immunity to COVID-19 one to two weeks after the second vaccination. A lot of work remains. Still, the number of pharmaceutical companies, governments and other agencies working on a COVID-19 vaccine is cause for hope. How to protect yourself and prevent COVID-19 infection Until a COVID-19 vaccine is available, infection prevention is crucial. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend following these precautions for avoiding COVID-19: • Avoid close contact. This means avoiding close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters)

with anyone who is sick or has symptoms. Also, avoid large events and mass gatherings. • Wear cloth face coverings in public places. Cloth face coverings offer extra protection in places such as the grocery store, where it’s difficult to avoid close contact with others. They are especially suggested in areas with ongoing community spread. This updated advice is based on data showing that people with COVID-19 can transmit the virus before they realize they have it. Using masks in public may help reduce the spread from people who don’t have symptoms. Non-medical cloth masks are recommended for the public. Surgical masks and N-95 respirators are in short supply and should be reserved for health care providers. • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used tissue. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you’re sick. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily. • Stay home if you’re sick. If you aren’t feeling well, stay home unless you’re going to get medical care. Avoid going to work, school and public areas and don’t take public transportation. If you have a chronic medical condition and may have a higher risk of serious illness, check with your doctor about other ways to protect yourself. – Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network


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WRHA encourages the public to seek care for urgent and emergent health concerns “It’s safe to come to the hospital if you need to, and it is ok to come to the hospital if you need to.” With the eyes of the world focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, Winnipeggers are encouraged to continue seeking care for all urgent and emergent health concerns, whether or not they are related to symptoms of COVID-19. The WRHA’s network of health-care facilities and community services remains available to the public, including our emergency departments and urgent care centres, mental health services, home care, long-term care, and hospital in-patient care, among other services. Although some services have been scaled back or postponed as we seek to flatten the curve and lower the risk of transmission in our

community, we would like to reassure patients that there is no need to avoid seeking treatment for urgent and emergency issues. “Winnipeg, like many other jurisdictions across Canada and internationally, has seen a decrease in the number of visits to our emergency departments and urgent care centres since the first COVID case was declared in our community,” said Vickie Kaminski, WRHA President and CEO. “There are likely several factors at play that are leading to this decrease in visits, but we want to make sure that people deliberately avoiding seeking care isn’t one of them.” All Winnipeg hospitals have implemented measures to ensure

the safety of patients, staff and visitors, including restrictions on visitation, staff screening, requirements for personal protective equipment, social distancing and enhanced cleaning procedures. Hospitals remain open to serve the public, and anyone with urgent or emergent health concerns should not feel they need to stay away to preserve capacity for COVID-19 patients. “We want Winnipeggers to know that it’s safe to come to the hospital if you need to, and it is ok to come to the hospital if you need to,” Kaminski said. “No one should feel bad or guilty for seeking care, and we don’t want anyone to feel unsafe seeking care either.”

Visits to Winnipeg emergency departments and urgent care centres were down by an average of 97 visits per day in March 2020, compared with the month before, just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic arriving in Manitoba. That is a decrease of more than 11% (843 visits/day in Feb 2020 vs 746 in March 2020). Preliminary numbers suggest the trend towards lower patient volumes at emergencies and urgent care centres has continued into April 2020. Similar to patient volumes, EMS (ambulance) arrivals and emergency/urgent care wait times were both down in March 2020 compared with February 2020, and with March 2019.

Winnipeggers are encouraged to call 911 for any life-threatening or emergent health concerns, or to visit one of the city’s emergency departments or urgent care centres for urgent treatment of health issues. Beyond seeking care for emergencies and urgent issues, people are also encouraged to stay in touch with their primary care providers (family doctors, nurse practitioners, etc.) and to maintain routine schedules for things like child vaccinations and prescription renewals if at all possible. Source: Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 30 April 2020

Kapuso Foundation aids front-liners, Filipinos GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF)’s Labanan Natin ang COVID-19 campaign, GMA Network’s response efforts to help the nation battle the pandemic, has so far extended help to medical front-liners in 35 public hospitals and 26,349 individuals in various poverty stricken areas. Through the funds raised from the public and partners from the private sector, GMAKF distributed 107,000 pairs of gloves, 23,996 pieces of surgical masks, 1,500 N95 masks, 4,600 face shields, 4,580 500-ml bottles of rubbing alcohol, 4,400 pieces of germicidal soap, and 5,600 sets of personal protective equipment for public hospital workers. In addition, 26,532 bottles of purified/mineral water, 15,062 packs of bread/snacks and 130 blankets and folding beds were provided as GMAKF expresses its gratitude for those who tirelessly take care of COVID-19 patients. The basic medical supplies were given to 35 public hospitals within Metro Manila as well as in Cagayan, Benguet, Pampanga, Bulacan, Marinduque, Laguna, Quezon, Rizal, Samar, Leyte,


Lanao del Sur, and up to Sulu. Also under the campaign is the Operation Bayanihan: COVID-19 to help Filipinos and their families who have lost their sources of income due to the enhanced community quarantine. As of April 28, fully loaded Kapuso grocery packs were given to 26,349 individuals from communities with a large concentration of daily wage earners. The donations were successfully packed and delivered to the beneficiaries with the help of the Philippine Army and Kapuso angels. Aside from areas in Metro Manila, GMAKF was also able to reach some barangays in Rizal, Bulacan, Laguna, and Cavite. GMAKF continues to accept monetary donations as distributions are still on-going until May 26 for both efforts. Visit GMAKF’s official website at www.gmanetwork. com/kapusofoundation/donate. Donations may be sent to all Cebuana Lhuillier branches nationwide, and online by purchasing GMA Kapuso Foundation vouchers on Shopee and Zalora. Metrobank credit card rewards points may also be converted to GMAKF donations.

alzheimer.mb.ca #ilivewithdementia



MAY 1 - 15, 2020


MAY 1 - 15, 2020



NO. 347

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Isang pandemic 5. Maunawaan 12. Silong 13. Ampon 14. Magtitiwala 16. Away 17. Nayayapos 18. Panghalip 19. Over acting 21. Kaabresete 25. Lula 27. Dagat-dagatan 29. Bihasa 31. Tigasin 32. Ibibintang PABABA 1. Puting bulaklak 2. Amen 3. ____ Morales 4. Bahagyang lagnat 6. Tabako 7. Namnam 8. Pagkahilo

9. Nakakalasing 10. Pasyal 11. Alipato 15. Hindi ko gusto 18. Maayos 20. Pagitan 21. Higaan 22. Sitaw 23. Lasa 24. Marahil







MAY 1 - 15, 2020

1 IN 10



Do you know if your kidneys are healthy or sick? You may not experience symptoms of Kidney Disease until 80% of your kidney function is lost. Visit: knowyourkidneys.ca to learn if you’re at risk for Kidney Disease.


manitoba renal program

A message from Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba Renal Program & Kidney Foundation of Canada.



MAY 1 - 15, 2020





MAY 1 - 15, 2020

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