Pilipino Express • Nov 16 2021

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Volume 17 • No. 22 • November 16 - 30, 2021 Publication Mailing Account #41721512

Heart Evangelista

Get your booster shot All adults in Manitoba are now eligible for a third COVID-19 vaccine dose

12 Photo credit: Heart’s Facebook


Kris Aquino & her fiancé Mel Sarmiento

Manitoba expanded access to a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on November 10. All adults aged 18 or older can now book a booster shot at least six months after their second dose, or sooner in very limited circumstances. The province is recommending the third dose to individuals who are at an increased risk of serious illness from COVID-19, their caregivers, and close contacts. Third doses can be provided at any location that offers the COVID-19 vaccine. “Right now, a combination of waning immunity for some individuals and too many people who are still unvaccinated is a health risk that we want to avoid as much as possible, said Dr. Joss Reimer, medical lead of Manitoba’s vaccine task force, during a news conference. Reimer also reiterated that See BOOSTER p4

COP26 sponsor Unilever named among the world’s biggest plastic polluters by Dawn Cecilia Peña Bulatlat.com MANILA – With world leaders holding a summit to agree on how to fight the climate crisis, an international environmental group is pointing out the obvious and how it is “particularly insulting” that one of the world’s biggest single-use plastic polluters is among its principal partners. “Given that 99 percent of plastic is made from fossil fuels, and that the fossil fuel corporations are actively shifting their focus to plastic as an increasing source of revenue, Unilever’s role in See COP26 p4

Graphics by Dawn Cecilia Peña / Bulatlat



NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021





NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

Tips for adjusting to the seasonal change It’s that time of year again folks! We are breaking out the mittens, warm hats and heavy jackets and bracing ourselves for the winter months. After having an extended summer with a warmer than average September and October, it is not a surprise that some of us are having a hard time adjusting to cooler temperatures. But aside from an adjustment to the cold, what impact does this have on the individual person? I’ve noticed that people are generally more tired when fall comes around as we do not have as much exposure to sunlight. Energy levels decrease, as well as our motivation to accomplish tasks. For some people, overeating during this season is common. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, researchers believe that this increase in depression symptoms is related to lower levels of exposure to sunlight. The change in seasons can change the human body’s level of serotonin and melatonin; natural substances that influence sleep levels and mood. In severe cases, some people meet the criteria for Seasonal

BOOSTER... From page 1 while vaccines provide strong protection, they aren’t perfect; it is possible to get infected or spread COVID-19 even after a person has received two doses. However, current infection rates in Manitoba range from six to nine times higher in the unvaccinated, and hospitalization rates range from 10 to 20 times higher. “It’s dramatically different, said Reimer. The expanded eligibility for a third vaccine dose comes as Manitoba’s fourth wave of the pandemic surges, especially in the Southern Health region. That region has 15 per cent of Manitoba’s population but accounts for about half of all active cases in the province. The Southern region’s test positivity rate hit 15.6 per cent last week, compared to three per cent in Winnipeg and 6.1 per cent provincially on November 12. Southern Health has the lowest vaccination rate of the five Manitoba regions, with just over 68 per cent of eligible residents vaccinated while the provincial rate for the fully vaccinated is 84.2 per cent. The RM of Stanley has the lowest vaccine uptake at only 26 per cent. The rising number of COVID-19 cases, increased community transmission, and the growing strain on the healthcare system prompted the Manitoba government to focus new pandemic restrictions on the Southern Health Region.

Affective Disorder (SAD). Signs and symptoms to watch out for include: • changes in appetite and weight • sleep problems • loss of interest in work, hobbies, people, or sex • withdrawal from family members and friends • feeling useless, hopeless, excessively guilty, pessimistic, or having low self-esteem • agitation or feeling slowed down • irritability • fatigue • trouble concentrating, remembering, and making decisions • crying easily or feeling like crying but not being able to • thoughts of suicide, which should always be brought to the attention of a health care professional Also, some people crave more starchy and sweet food, which can lead to weight gain. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with SAD than men, and young people are more likely to develop SAD. Common forms of treatment are medication, counselling, and light box therapy. Light boxes or SAD lamps mimic outdoor light

Health and Seniors Care Minister Audrey Gordon and Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, announced the additional restrictions on Friday, November 12. • Religious gatherings are limited to 25 people unless the facility can physically divide the space into separate areas, in which case several cohorts of up to 25 can attend the same service. However, the total number of attendees at a service may not exceed 25 per cent of facility capacity, to a maximum of 250 people. Cohorts must not mingle; masks must be worn, and physical distancing rules apply. • services restricted to fully immunized people and those under 12 who are not eligible for the vaccine may occur without capacity limits; • this applies to the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region only; and • the municipalities of Cartier, Headingley, Macdonald, Ritchot (Niverville-Ritchot), St. François Xavier and Taché that are geographically located in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region, are exempt and considered to be part of the Winnipeg Capital Region. Provincewide, the following restrictions also went into effect on November 13: • proof of at least one dose of vaccination, or a recent (within 72 hours) negative test result will be required for 12 to 17 year olds for indoor recreational sports: • there will be a grace period until Dec. 5 to allow individuals

by emitting a broad-spectrum ultraviolet light. Some use these lamps at the start of their day, and this can significantly help some people to feel better during the darker and colder months. Talk to your family doctor if you have questions or concerns. Overall prevention of depression symptoms during this time of year can be fairly simple. Of course, with the COVID-19 pandemic, these strategies will have to align with the recommended public health guidelines. Steps to take care of yourself should include: • Regular exercise – dress warmly and go outside for a walk. Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more. It is also beneficial to do muscle and bone strengthening activities at least twice every week. • Increase the amount of light in your home. Open window coverings as soon as you see the sun rising. • Go to bed early and wake up

in the morning at the same time every day. • Make sure you get enough hours of sleep. Children ages six to 12 years old require nine to 12 hours of sleep, teens require eight to 10 hours, and adults need seven to nine hours every night. • Decrease screen time on phones, tablets, and computers. • Increase time engaging in stress reducing activities. For example: meditation, prayer, listening to calm music, reading, and doing art or crafts. • Eat a healthy diet, which includes reducing sugar intake. Another great strategy is to practice gratitude. At the end of every day, list three things about the day that you are thankful for. This could include a nice conversation that you had, a kind gesture from someone, or getting a task accomplished. Changing your perspective from “Why me?” to “I am so fortunate” goes a long way to help your overall mood. Cheryl Dizon-Reynante is a licensed therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

who are not yet fully immunized to comply, with the order to be in effect at 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 6; and • negative tests need to come from a participating pharmacy as provincial testing sites should only be accessed by symptomatic individuals, or those who are required to take a PCR test by public health. The updated orders keep the Pandemic Response System at Restricted (Orange) with schools at Caution (Yellow). All other public health orders remain unchanged. “Once again, we must ask Manitobans to do more to reduce the current COVID-19 case numbers and community transmission which, in turn, will help reduce the strain on the health-care system,” said Gordon. “We need everyone to work together by following the public health orders, focusing on the fundamentals, and getting vaccinated. We know vaccination works, and I encourage all Manitobans to do your part and get immunized against COVID-19.”

count and document plastic waste from a total of 440 global cleanup events in 45 countries. Phasing out of single-use plastic is among the calls of environmental groups in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 26th Conference of the Parties or the COP26, which concluded November 13. Environmentalists and human rights activists have earlier held side events and protest actions in Glasgow, Scotland to demand grassroots solutions to the ongoing climate crisis. The COP26, they added, is dominated by big economies and corporate interests. “The plastic crisis’ connection to the climate emergency and environmental justice impacts are undeniable. The cost of the continued dependence by corporations on single-use plastics and planned expansion of plastic production are too high to be ignored,” a joint statement of Break Free from Plastic and 56 other environmental groups read. Pledges have little impact so far Break Free from Plastic said pledges of multinational corporations have made little impact in resolving plastic pollution. Citing the case of Coca-Cola, the beverage company has earlier pledged to collect one bottle for every one sold by 2030. Coca-Cola, in a statement issued along with other multinational companies, said they aimed to “build a world without waste.” This includes See COP26 p5

COP26... From page 1 COP26 is particularly insulting,” said environmental group Break Free from Plastic, a coalition of more than 11,000 organizations and individual supporters. In the Top 10 Corporate Plastic Polluters of 2021, Break Free from Plastic said Unilever landed third in their efforts to

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

The recent decision of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to invite additional applicants from the Parent/Grandparent (PGP) online database has raised many questions, especially related to sponsor’s income for 2018, 2019 and 2020, along with admissibility questions about the older applicants. Did you know that health issues affect PGP applications in ways different from other family class sponsorships? First, applicants can be declared inadmissible on health grounds. The section of the Act that deals with medical inadmissibility is “health grounds” or s.38 (1): “A foreign national is inadmissible on health grounds if their heath condition (a) is likely to be a danger to public health; (b) is likely to be a danger to public safety; or might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health of social services.”

COP26... From page 4 making packaging 100-per cent recyclable by 2025 and to work with stakeholders, non-profits, communities, governments, and industry partners to recycle and reuse. However, this year’s audit still showed that Coca-Cola products still topped the list and had more trash than the next two top plastic polluters combined. This has been the trend for CocaCola since 2019. The same went for PepsiCo, which is still one of the top three plastic polluters for the past three years. This is despite the company’s recent commitments to halve the use of virgin plastic by 2030. This goal is said to be executed through scaling new business models and reducing absolute tonnage or virgin plastic derived from non-renewable sources. “PepsiCo will need to make a more ambitious shift to reusable containers in order to move down the list, given the sheer volume of PepsiCo branded plastic pollution being collected around


Inadmissibility on health grounds cover (a) being a danger to the public health refers to applicants who have an infectious disease such as tuberculosis or have been in close contact with someone who has an infectious disease. IRCC must determine how the disease could affect people who are living in Canada, or (b) being a danger to public safety, which would cover someone who could be a risk of suddenly becoming incapacitated physically or mentally. It would also cover someone who has unpredictable violent behaviour. Finally, IRCC may consider applicants inadmissible if their health condition would cause (c) an “excessive demand on health or social services.” There are no exemptions from IRPA s.38 (1) (a) and (b) but only for (c). The exemption is set forth in the following section, IRPA s.38(2), which specifies that “paragraph (1)(c) does not apply in the case of a

the world,” said the BFFP. Why phase out single-use plastic Both Greenpeace and BFFP said plastic is a threat to the planet and contributes significantly to the climate crisis. “Every stage of plastic’s life cycle produces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuel exploration and extraction from the ground to its end of life. Plastic production and use were responsible for over 850 million metric tons of GHG emissions in 2019,” they added. Apart from fueling the climate crisis, the groups pointed out that plastic harms wildlife and disrupts ecosystems. As it stands, the United Nations Environment Program said in a report that plastic pollution has affected an estimated 800 marine and coastal species through ingestion, entanglement, and habitat change. “Plastic surfaces or particles can carry disease-causing organisms, cause inflammation, and traverse highly selective membranes in animals. Plastics also threaten soil fauna functions and can leach toxic additives into the soil and groundwater, some


Inadmissibility on health grounds and “excessive medical demand” foreign national who (a) has been determined to be a member of the family class and to be the spouse, common-law partner or child of a sponsor within the meaning of the regulations; (b) has applied for a permanent resident visa as a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances; (c) is a protected person.” There are other family class applicants, especially parents and grandparents who are not excluded. Your sponsored mother and father or grandmother or grandfather can be refused on health grounds for “excessive medical demand.” The likelihood of this occurring amongst PGP’s normally increases with age. In terms of excessive costs for PGP, it would cover wait times in Canada or if the services needed to treat their heath condition might exceed the excessive demand threshold. IRCC updates the cost threshold

every year based on the latest Canadian average. It amounts to about three times the average cost for health and social services. In 2021, that sum came to roughly $21,796 per year. If the estimated cost is less than that amount the costs for the applicant’s care would not be deemed excessive. If the PGP applicants are receiving medical care in the home country, they could anticipate being challenged in the form of a warning letter or procedural fairness letter. IRCC has a responsibility to give applicants and their sponsors a reasonable chance to respond to questions they may have about the applicant’s health and possible excessive demand on the health and social services in Canada. You would be given 60 days to respond by coming up with a mitigation plan such as surgery, change of medication or services and a different assessment from a specialist who has been treating

the same applicant over time. The dollar figure quoted above was a big improvement (over the three times rule) in terms of giving a realistic figure for ones that were too low. It is important to anticipate potential challenges, and consulting your own physician goes a long way to identify treatment options. Excessive medical demand sounds threatening but it can be confronted and even overcome by changes in the health of the applicant and treatment. Michael Scott is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC, R525678) who has 30 years of experience with Immigration Canada and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. He currently works as a licensed consultant with Immigration Connexion International Ltd. Contact him at 204-691-1166 or 204-227-0292. E-mail: mscott. ici@gmail.com.

Leading plastic polluters in the Philippines, according to Break Free From Plastic (Graphics by Dawn Cecilia Peña / Bulatlat) of which can disrupt the hormone systems of vertebrates and invertebrates,” they explained. Plastic, too, poses several health risks to people – from its

production to disposal as they are exposed to hazardous chemicals during extraction, toxic emissions during production, and pollutant contamination.

“In the Global North, petrochemical refineries which produce components of plastics, and incinerators which burn them, See COP26 p6



NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

Raise your sights The feng shui views that can change your life Too often we fall into the rut of day by day living to the point that we can’t imagine anything different or anything better and our life’s vision gets cut off. And who can fault us for this? Most of the time, the thought of something better in our lives never enters the picture because we’re so busy just trying to get through the day, get the bills paid on time, the kids fed, car gassed, and attend to all the other little details of our life. Meanwhile, the big things slip by silently and we can’t see anything different for ourselves. However, the idea that shifting your view can make a meaningful change is sometimes hard to imagine. But it can. In fact, what we look at and view day to day has an impact on our lives, and where we want our lives to go. Take, for example, a psychotherapist who specializes in trauma victims. Her desire was to create a thriving practice built on helping others thrive in their lives and move past old wounds. However, the moment she walked into her office, the lucky corner (the corner diagonally opposite the door) held a dying plant. Far from helping clients, her business was dying, too, and patients were falling away. After a co-worker took mercy on the plant and removed it, the psychotherapist made a special trip and purchased a beautiful silk floral arrangement to replace the dying plant in the corner. Now, when she walked into her office, the vision of what she saw was of something beautiful, blooming, and vibrant. Her business shot up and within a few short days had calls and new clients coming in. In short, chi flows where the eye goes. What you look at and what you see has a strong bearing on your life because we experience our lives through our eyes. No one loses their way intentionally, it’s just that we

COP26... From page 5 are usually near communities of color and low-income areas. These communities suffer immediate health impacts such as asthma, cancer, and mental health disorders,” they said. These effects mirrored what was seen in the Global South where poor communities residing in the vicinity of landfills are faced with increasing plastic pollution because of illegal imports from high-income counties. This leaves people vulnerable to various health risks brought by air pollution. False solutions cannot resolve the plastic crisis While it is necessary to put a stop to the long-enduring

can’t see anything differently and that’s when we need to look at our feng shui to help change our views and raise our sights. Feng shui is a tool to help you align what you see with what you want. Use these feng shui tips to help you look up from the grindstone and raise your sights to the greater possibilities in your life. Create a vision for your life What would you like to see happen in your life? Find images and words that represent what you want to achieve or to happen for you. Vision boards are powerful ways to create a new way of seeing things, as well as aligning a vision for your life with the life you’re living. Place your desires correctly Place a whiteboard, a vision board, or a big sticky note of where you want to go on the left of your vision or in front of you as you sit at your desk. You can place your accomplishments on the right of your desk or behind you. By putting your goals on the left, dragon side, you infuse them with positive, yang energy, because, after all, you want to get there, right? That green dragon can give you a hand. Want more mojo? Place an image of a dragon by your goals. Do make sure that you place your vision board in a well-lit area and where you see it often. Place your name and image high Never buy a welcome mat with your name on it like so many businesses have because (besides wiping feet on your good name), it causes you to look down. If you have a business or if you want to highlight your accomplishments, put anything with your name on it (like a sign or diploma) up high and prominently placed in your office or home, where you will look up to see it.

Maybe your newspaper clippings, published articles, or diplomas are languishing in a closet. If so, get them out, frame them and hang them where you can see them. Add images of things you want to achieve to the mixture of your accomplishments. Place them where you see them as often as possible. Follow the 6 Star Six is the number of heaven in feng shui and where the 6 Star is located is also the location of where people are who can help you. Look at the location of where it flies to open a portal of energy to those who can help you move in the direction you want to go. In 2021, it’s in the centre, so family and those in your inner circle will help you the most. And isn’t that true? We’ve had to really rely on those closest to us during the pandemic. When it moves to the northwest in 2022, look for extra support overseas or from older people, those in authority, or those at a distance. When it moves to the west, young people will provide the most support, in the east, it will be family who is the most helpful and in the southwest, women will offer the most support. Watch the annual feng shui movements to check on its annual location. Paint your ceilings white White is the colour of heaven and if your ceilings are painted a colour other than white, you may find that your aspirations are either drowned (blue ceilings), fail to take off (yellow or beige ceilings), or you’re scattered (green ceilings). Heaven is also an energy of protection, and we can all use that. White ceilings provide heavenly protection overhead and lift your potential. Activate your lucky corner Look at every corner in every room that is opposite and diagonal to the door. Be sure to

put some kind of activator there, such as a tall lamp, a plant, or a beautiful object to bring beauty and significance to your vision. These corners exert a powerful influence on our minds and our thoughts. What to put here? Try a beautiful floor lamp, a tall plant, or a lucky frog to hold the wealth potential of the lucky corner. Be choosy about representations of yourself Look for photos of yourself that are positive and uplifting regardless of whether that’s a photo at home, your driver’s license, or your Facebook or Twitter photo. A menacing or sad-looking photo is a powerful

representation of you. Make sure your picture, Avatar, or any representation makes a positive statement of happiness, success, and vitality. Kathryn Weber has over 20+ years of feng shui study, practice and professional consultation. Her witty, no-nonsense style appeals to audiences, making her a popular speaker and radio show guest. She is often called on by media to explain feng shui in down-to-earth terms, and has been featured in Seventeen, First for Women, Faces, Conceive, Martial Arts Professional, and Natural Health magazines, and on websites around the world.

environmental crisis around the globe, organizations and defenders were quick to point out that band-aid solutions do not make the situation any better. “For decades, the plastic industry has worked alongside fossil fuel corporations to present false solutions that allow both to continue with business-as-usual and produce more and more plastic while largely evading their responsibility to prevent this problem,” they noted. The industry’s most recent strategy is ‘plastic neutrality,’ a term adopted by companies such as Nestle and NutriAsia. The groups explained, “Plastic neutrality does not mean companies produce zero or less plastics, but that they will collect the same amount of

plastic they produced themselves or via offsets, a strategy that does nothing to address plastic pollution.” Waste-to-energy plants, which were being passed off as renewable energy sources, were also given a thumbs down as “these waste-burning plants are not only inefficient and nonrenewable but are also highly polluting and harmful to human health.” The group cited a statement by the US Environmental Protection Agency which listed WTE facilities as major sources of mercury and dioxin emissions. They added, “These chemicals are carcinogenic substances that also result in developmental issues, immune system dysfunction, and internal

organ damage. WTE also requires a huge volume of waste in order to operate, encouraging a society that produces more waste.” Lastly, bioplastics were pointed to give industries license to continue using disposable plastic products and do not resolve issues related to the throwaway culture. “Designed to be disposable, bioplastics mass disposability is as wasteful, resource-intensive, and unsustainable as regular plastic. Relying on bioplastics may also lead to exploitation of regulatory loopholes for biodegradables, false marketing or improper labelling, and unintentional pollution.” Adopt reuse systems To phase out single-use plastics, the organizations

appealed to consumer goods companies to urgently act on the intensifying effects of the plastic crisis. “Urgently begin the phase-out of all single-use plastic packaging and products in their operations. Implement a just transition to affordable and sustainable plastic-free systems, including prioritizing the adoption of reuse and refill systems. Promote accountability by showing full transparency about their plastic footprint, and the environmental, public health, and climate impact of their packaging,” they ended. (JJE, RVO) The author, Dawn Cecilia Peña, is a fellow in the 2021 GAIA-BFFP Asia Pacific Media Fellowship – Philippines. Article courtesy of Bulatlat.com

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021



Is it safe to fly during the COVID-19 pandemic? Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, social distancing has been key to preventing infection and staying healthy. Avoiding air travel has been an important part of that distancing. But sometimes flying is necessary. If you need to fly, take comfort in some recent research on in-flight infection risks. And plan a few precautions to help protect yourself and others. Reassuring research Although the COVID-19 virus is too new to have been studied extensively yet, research indicates that the risk of infection in flight may not be higher than it is elsewhere. A 2018 study found that there’s little risk of catching a virus on a plane unless you’re within three feet of an infected

person. That’s equivalent to one row in front or back, or within two seats to either side. And that study, conducted over 10 almostfull transcontinental flights, was done without anyone wearing a face mask. Face masks provide an extra layer of protection against airborne virus transmission. They are now in common use throughout the world, both on airplanes and in other public places, to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, the air circulation system on airplanes may help. Recirculated air passes through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which are also used in hospitals. And the regular churn of air prevents infectionspreading droplets from lingering

for long. Boosting your safety on a flight Mayo Clinic experts say that when a flight can’t be avoided, air travellers should still take precautions to lower their risk of infection. • Wear a mask and keep social distance. Wearing masks

and keeping a safe social distance (Two metres, if possible) is important, especially while waiting in security lines and during the flight. • Don’t travel if you feel ill. Postpone travel if you feel sick, have a fever, or are having signs and symptoms of a cold, like

coughing and sneezing. • Wash your hands. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds before and after going through security and before and after boarding your flight. If you can’t find a sink, seek out hand sanitizer. – By Mayo Clinic Staff, Mayo Clinic News Network

Unplug: 12 tips to manage kids’ screen time Concerned about how much time your child spends on the computer, watching TV or playing video games? Try these suggestions. Although watching TV or playing computer games can be educational, it’s easy to overdo it. The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages media use by children younger than age two and recommends limiting older children’s screen time to no more than one or two hours a day. Need convincing? Too much screen time has been linked to obesity, irregular sleep, behavioral problems, impaired academic performance, violence and less time for active play. How to limit screen time Your children may be racking up more screen time than you realize. Start monitoring it and talk to them about the importance of sitting less and moving more. Also, explain screen-time rules — and the consequences of breaking them. In the meantime, take simple steps to reduce screen time. For example: • Eliminate background TV. If the TV is turned on — even if it’s just in the background — it’s

likely to draw your children’s attention. If you’re not actively watching a show, turn off the TV. • Keep TVs and computers out of the bedrooms. Children who have TVs in their bedrooms watch more TV than children who don’t have TVs in their bedrooms. Monitor your kids’ screen time and the websites they are visiting by keeping TVs and computers in a common area of your home. • Don’t eat in front of the TV. Allowing your children to eat or snack in front of the TV increases the time they are passively sitting rather than moving. The habit also encourages mindless munching, which can lead to weight gain. • Set school-day rules. Most children have limited free time during the school week. Don’t let your kids spend all of it in front of a screen. Also, avoid using screen time as a reward or punishment. This can make television shows or computer games seem even more important to your children. • Talk to your children’s caregivers. Encourage other adults in your kids’ lives to also limit screen time for them.

• Suggest other activities. Rather than relying on screen time for entertainment, help your children find other things to do, such as reading, playing a sport, helping with cooking or trying a board game. • Set a good example. Be a good role model by limiting the time you spend “plugged in.” • Unplug it. If this issue is becoming a source of tension in your family, unplug the TV, turn off the computer or put away the smartphones or video games for a while. You might designate one day a week or month as a screenfree day for the whole family. To prevent unauthorized TV viewing, put a lock on your TV’s electrical plug. Become an active participant Make screen time as engaging as possible: • Plan what your kids view. Instead of flipping through channels, seek quality videos or programming. Consider using parental-control settings on your TV and computers. Preview video games and smartphone applications before allowing your children to play with them. • Watch with your children.

Whenever possible, watch programs together — and talk about what you see, such as family values, violence or drug abuse. If you see a junk-food ad, explain that just because it’s on TV doesn’t mean it’s good for you. • Record programs and watch them later. This will allow you to fast-forward through commercials selling toys, junk food and other products. When watching live programs, use the mute button during commercials. • Encourage active screen time. Have your kids stretch or

What to do if you have any Covid-19 symptoms Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid-19 should self-isolate and visit www. manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links–Info Santé at 204788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing.

Symptoms may include: • Cough • Headache • Fever/ chills • Muscle aches • Sore throat/ hoarse voice • Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties • Loss of taste or smell

• Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours • Poor feeding if an infant • Runny nose • Fatigue • Nausea or loss of appetite • Conjunctivitis (pink eye) • Skin rash of unknown cause

While many people will develop only mild symptoms, some groups appear to be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Those at higher risk typically develop more serious, even fatal, symptoms such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure.

do yoga while watching a show. Challenge your family to see who can do the most jumping jacks during a commercial break. Choose video games that encourage physical activity. It can be difficult to start limiting the time your children spend in front of a screen, but it’s worth the effort. By creating new household rules and steadily making small changes in your kids’ routines, you can curb screen time and its unhealthy effects. – Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network

High risk groups include those: • 60 years of age and older • living with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart, renal or chronic lung conditions) • with weakened immune systems (e.g. cancer) Symptoms of COVID-19 or other coronaviruses may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.



NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

John Keith Leo Indico Simba Manggagawang Pilipino of the Year – 2021 Golden Balangay Award John Keith Leo Indico Simba of Winnipeg is the recipient of the 2021 Golden Balangay Award for Manggagawang Pilipino of the Year. John works with the provincial government. Now in his 10th year of service, he was recently promoted, from Manager of Administration, to Legislative and Policy Analyst. He is responsible for the analysis and project support of legal, legislative, regulatory and policy initiatives in the areas of advanced education, immigration, and economic development. He graduated from University of Manitoba and Red River College with a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) and Diploma in Business Administration, and has completed programs in Washington, D.C., and the United Nations. John was seven years old when he immigrated to Canada with his parents 20 years ago. His parents, an engineer and a medical doctor in the Philippines, put their careers on hold to immigrate to Canada to provide better opportunities for their children. Winnipeg is their home. John says that his parents instilled in him good Filipino values such as hard work, professionalism, respect, and academic excellence. Prior to the COVID-19

pandemic, he volunteered with The Winnipeg School Division (WSD1) English as an Additional Language (EAL) Program and at Frontier College. He spent some of his weekday evenings teaching in-class English, literacy and numeracy skills to new immigrants, refugees, and inner-city youth. He says that his volunteer work at the WSD1 EAL Program helped new immigrants and refugees become eligible for citizenship and workforce preparation. His volunteer work at Frontier College helped innercity youth and provided a path for improved academic performance and excellence, and a foundation for post-secondary success. He will soon start volunteering remotely as an EAL Language Tutor at a local immigrant centre in downtown Winnipeg. In his desire to bridge a connection between his Filipino roots and the Filipino community in Canada, John also volunteers remotely, to support the Office of the Philippine Honorary Consul for Manitoba. John’s advice to his kababayans: “Know and do not forget your value. Do not forget all your accomplishments that helped you get to this point in life. You have knowledge, skills, and experience – no one can take away from you. No matter where in the world we are, we find our fellow kababayan. We continue

to share and celebrate our values, achievements and legacies.” The Golden Balangay Awards is a nationwide search for outstanding Filipino Canadians. It was held virtually on October 16, 2021. The Manggagawang Pilipino of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding impact at his place of work and in the community, inspired other people, earned the respect, trust and confidence of his employer and co-workers, and contributed to the growth and wellbeing of the work environment. Information submitted to the Pilipino Express by Jessaidie Ledda John Keith Leo Indico Simba

Perla Javate, 2021 Golden Balangay Award for Outstanding Community Service

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021






Tapos na ang mga panghuhusga kina Derek Ramsay at Ellen Adarna na hanggang pagtitikiman lang naman ang kanilang relasyon. Kung gaano kabilis ang pagkabuo ng relasyon nila ay ganoon kabilis na maglalaho ‘yon. Mag-asawang sampal sa mukha ng mga nagdududa ang ipinatikim sa kanila nina Derek at Ellen, humantong sa kasalan ang kanilang pagmamahalan. Mister and Misis Ramsay na sila ngayon. Kailangang kumuha ng seminar kina Derek at Ellen ang mga magpapakasal na artista na gustong gawing pribado ang kanilang pagpapakasal. Talagang wala silang pinagsabihan tungkol sa kanilang kasal kundi ang kanilang pamilya lang, mga ninong at ninang, ang lahat ng bahagi ng pagharap nila sa altar ng sumpaan sa isa’t isa.

Kami nga ay napagod na sa kakukumusta kay Derek kung kailan ang kasal nila ni Ellen, puro paiwas kasi ang kaniyang sagot, basta magaganap daw ang kasal bago matapos ang taon pero ayaw niya namang magbigay man lang ng impormasyon kung kailan at saan. Pero ang mahalaga ay napaninindigan nila na gawing pribado ang kanilang kasal. Pribado at simple pero elegante. Binigyan ng disenteng kasal ni Derek si Ellen. Naging malungkot lang si Ellen dahil hindi na nasaksihan ng kaniyang ama ang kanilang kasal dahil pumanaw na ito. Tumayong ring bearer si Elias Modesto, anak nila ni John Lloyd Cruz, nandoon din ang anak ni Derek na si Austin. Ayon See CRISTY p14

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

• Derek Ramsay at Ellen Adarna – Ikinasal na • Dennis Trillo at Jennylyn Mercado – Malapit na ring ikasal • Bea Alonzo – Di pa rin daw nakaka-move-on? • John Lloyd Cruz – Isa nang ganap na Kapuso! • KC at Gabby Concepcion – Maganda ang samahan • Richard Reynoso – Humihingi ng panalangin • Kris Aquino – Nakakabahala ang sobrang kapayatan • Jinkee Pacquiao – Hinding hindi magiging Imelda Marcos • Enchong Dee – Sinampahan na ng kaso • BB Gandanghari – Inupakan muli si Ogie Diaz • Vice Ganda – Binakbakan na naman sa social media • Mahal – Saan daw napunta ang naipong pera?

Ellen Adarna & Derek Ramsay

Bea Alonzo

Dennis Trillo & Jennylyn Mercado

John Lloyd Cruz

KC & Gabby Concepcion

Richard Reynoso

Kris Aquino & her fiancé Mel Sarmiento

Mygz Molino & Mahal

Enchong Dee

Ogie Diaz

BB Gandanghari

Vice Ganda

Jinkee Pacquiao

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021





Tadhana marks 4th year with host Marian Rivera They say life is a myriad of experiences, of possibilities, and of ups and downs. Every chapter is a colourful narrative of one’s difficulties and triumphs— with each success deserving a celebration. This November, as Tadhana marks its fourth year on air, the award-winning drama anthology hosted by Marian Rivera continues to celebrate the stories of every Filipino’s triumph, sparking hope and inspiration to viewers here and abroad. “Apat na taon na tayo mga Kapuso. Ako at ang lahat ng mga taong bumubuo sa Tadhana ay See MARIAN p13

Marian Rivera

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

I Left My Heart in Sorsogon Heart Evangelista returns to primetime TV GMA Entertainment Group proudly presents the teleserye comeback of Queen of Creative Collaborations Heart Evangelista, along with the newest Kapuso leading man Richard Yap and multi-awarded Kapuso actor Paolo Contis, in a romantic drama that will take your breath away - I Left My Heart in Sorsogon Kapuso viewers are in for a visually romantic treat as Heart steps into the role of Celeste, a fashion designer and socialite engaged to a dashing debonair, Tonito, brought to life by Richard. “I can relate to Celeste in See HEART p13

Heart Evangelista

Your favourite Kapuso stars return to primetime on GMA Pinoy TV With GMA Pinoy TV, Filipinos abroad are sure to never miss a moment with their favourite Kapuso shows and programs and this November is no exception! Set to debut on primetime this November is I Left My Heart in Sorsogon’ starring versatile and multitalented actor , leading man Richard Yap and actress-TV host-socialite Heart Evangelista on her primetime comeback. On November 22, Alden Richards is sure to make viewers swoon once again in the season return of The World Between Us together with award-winning actress Jasmine Curtis-Smith and prime actor Tom Rodriguez. Completing the powerhouse

Kyline Alcantara, Richard Yap, Heart Evangelista, Paolo Contis, Michelle Dee & Mavy Legaspi ensemble of this hit drama series are Dina Bonnevie, Sid Lucero, Yana Asistio, Kelley Day, and Jaclyn Jose. Real-life Kapuso couple Gabbi Garcia and Khalil

John Lloyd Cruz happy to make TV comeback on GMA It’s official – very exciting times are ahead as John Lloyd Cruz makes his showbiz comeback through a special Kapuso series soon. The multi-awarded actor, bankable leading man and topcaliber endorser is rightfully one of the biggest names in the industry. Aside from receiving multiple accolades from local and international award giving bodies, he also has a stream of certified blockbuster movie hits to boot. On November 9, John Lloyd See JOHN LLOYD p13

John Lloyd Cruz

Ramos take the center stage in Stories from the Heart: Love OnAir on November 29. With its different episodes, Stories from the Heart highlights how social See KAPUSO p13

Tom Rodriguez, Alden Richards & Jasmine Curtis-Smith

Mars Pa More welcomes Kim Atienza as new host GMA Network’s wellloved family-oriented talk show introduces its newest host and welcomes viewers in their new studio with all-new and exciting episodes in Mars Pa More with Pars Kim Atienza. As the show’s official Pars, expect to see Kuya Kim share his male perspective on the chikahan and paandaran of resident hosts Kapuso mommies Camille Prats and Iya Villania. His banter and opinions will surely be full of amazing trivia about things that interest every viewer. The trio is set to lead a more interactive and engaging bonding See MARS p13

Iya Villania, Camille Prats & Kim Atienza

Love Together, Hope Together: GMA Network makes the season brighter As adversities continue to test the Filipino spirit, GMA Network is making the Yuletide season brighter as the country’s leading broadcast company enjoins everyone to Love Together, Hope Together in its 2021 Christmas station ID (CSID). A holiday treat that Kapuso viewers always look forward to every year, the Network’s Christmas station ID also serves as a reunion for the Kapuso artists and personalities joining forces in See LOVE p14

Lani Misalucha, Julie Anne San Jose, Aicelle Santos & Christian Bautista

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021


MARIAN... From page 12

HEART... From page 12

nag-uumapaw ang pasasalamat sa inyong walang-sawang pagsuporta sa aming programa mula umpisa hanggang ngayon,” said Marian. She said that viewers can only expect great things from the show. “Makakaasa kayo na mas lalo pa naming pagagandahin ang mga kuwentong ibabahagi namin sa inyo. Kaya naman sa ating ika-apat na taon, samahan ninyo ako at ating saksihan ang mga kuwentong magbibigay sa atin ng inspirasyon at pag-asa sa pagtahak natin sa ating tadhana,” she added. As part of its fourth anniversary celebration, Tadhana is also giving away a house and lot to a lucky overseas Filipino worker (OFW) or his/her family member. For more details, visit Tadhana official Facebook page, www.facebook. com/TadhanaGMA. For its month-long anniversary special, Tadhana has lined up heartwarming episodes featuring some of the country’s highly acclaimed actors. For its November 20 edition, witness the complicated story of two parents and a daughter caught between them in Sa Ngalan ng Ama. The formidable cast includes award-winning actor Gabby Concepcion, Thea Tolentino, Ariella Arida, Bubbles Paraiso, and Eula Valdez. Viewers should also catch the second episode of Tadhana’s 4th Anniversary Special, Kabayaran which is set to air on November 27 and December 4. Join Marian Rivera in celebrating the stories of your triumphs in life. Watch Tadhana on GMA Network.

some ways because she’s so fashionable, she’s always dressed up yet somehow she uses her clothes as armor because you don’t really know the turmoil that is happening inside her,” shared Heart. For Richard, his character is a different game, “Si Tonito, masyado siyang giving minsan to a fault.. ‘di ko yata magagawa sa totoong buhay ‘yun,” he laughs. “But one thing you can learn here is to just give and give love until it hurts because that’s really all you can do. Hindi mo lang maexpect na you will receive the same love, but as long as you give it sincerely, you’ll be happy with whatever it is that you get.” When Celeste reluctantly returns to her hometown, Sorsogon, she is forced to face the emotional baggage that she left behind when she moved to Manila. She still resents her father, who is now critically ill, and her father’s second family for looking down on her glitzy fashion life. She wants nothing more than to leave, but she finds herself face-to-face with her old flame, Mikoy, portrayed by Paolo, who stirs up feelings she thought she had long forgotten. “It’s the story that I always choose.” Paulo shared. “Kung maganda ‘yung kuwento, that’s when I get hooked sa isang project. But more than me choosing this project, I’m happy that GMA chose me, to be honest. May nakita sila na Mikoy in me and I’m very thankful that they gave me this opportunity to do a ‘mabait’ role on television.” Kapuso viewers can expect

that some of the province’s most picturesque and stunning spots such as Paguriran Island and Lagoon, Bulusan Lake, Sorsogon City Rompeolas, and Sorsogon State University Library will be featured on the show, with the guidance and support of the Sorsogon Tourism Office. The series is made more exciting by an excellent roster of talented Kapuso stars. Featuring two of the Network’s fast-rising teen stars: Kyline Alcantara as Tiffany, and in his first soap opera, Mavy Legaspi as Sebastian. Also starring in the show are Michelle Dee as Hazel, Rey PJ Abellana, Isay Alvarez, Shamaine CenteneraBuencamino, Marina Benipayo, Debraliz Valasote, Issa Litton, Jennie Gabriel, Jennifer Maravilla, Zonia Mejia,Bryce Eusebio, Dayara Shaine, Elias Point, and Victor. The series is directed by Mark Sicat Dela Cruz.

KAPUSO... From page 12 media affects the relationship of lovers as well as the people surrounding them. Meanwhile, FilipinoAmerican viewers can catch the fourth season of All in the Family with Dr. Tess. The reality show, bannered by ‘America’s favourite dermatologist’ Dr. Tess Mauricio-Lee along with her vibrant family, has a diverse cast showcasing Filipino culture and tradition as US immigrants. Subscribers can also continue watching GMA Pinoy TV’s original content specially made

for overseas Filipinos -- Global Pinoy Unlimited, Becoming Pinoy, and Pinoy A+: Filipino Stories for Kids.” GMA Pinoy TV subscribers can also catch the airing of the October-rific FunCon soon this November. Kapuso abroad can relive the moment where they got to bond virtually with the hosts of Dapat Alam Mo! as well as the stars of Las Hermanas, and Stories from the Heart

JOHN LLOYD... From page 12 signed a partnership agreement with GMA Network for his highly-anticipated program. “Maraming salamat sa pagbibigay ng tahanan sa aming munting pamilya at programa. Napakalaking bagay ‘ho na nakahanap kami ng tahanan sa GMA. Sa lahat ng mga nagpaabot ng pagbati… sana talaga lahat tayo ay mabigyan ng pagkakataon na magkatrabaho. Kung may time kayo sana madalaw ninyo kami sa aming programa. I-we-welcome namin kayo sa aming munting pamilya,” said John Lloyd. GMA Chairman and CEO Atty. Felipe L. Gozon expressed his delight over the partnership and hopes that the milestone deal paves way for more future projects, “John Lloyd is one of the most sought-after actors of his generation. That’s why I’m very happy he chose to partner with GMA for his TV comeback. I’m sure all our Kapuso viewers are excited to watch and support you as you begin a new season in your life. May we continue to work on more projects in the

PAGE 13 future.” Meanwhile, Direk Bobot promises to do his best for GMA, “Nais ko lang magpasalamat sa GMA management. Nagpapasalamat yung buong team namin na binigyan niyo kami ng opportunity na makagawa ng programa dito. We will do our best na makagawa ng isang magandang programa para sa GMA.”

MARS... From page 12 moment through the show’s fresh segments. In Mars/Man of the Hour, Filipinos whose accomplishments have brought prestige to the country are given the spotlight; in Mars/Pars of the World, viewers are given a virtual tour of scenic and exotic locations abroad by fellow Filipinos living there; and in Benta Box, the hosts personally converse with online followers who are handed a surprise, hidden in mystery boxes. An entertaining spin on intrigahan with celebrity guests also awaits viewers in Lightning Laglagan and Pasabog Na Chika. Meanwhile, watch out as Kuya Kim hits the road to bring viewers to exciting dining destinations, outdoor activities, and celebrity encounters in his special segment. Gear up for more fun games, viral videos, recipes, hacks, and workouts that are bound to jumpstart your weekday mornings in Mars Pa More with Pars Kim Atienza, which also airs abroad via GMA’s international channel GMA Life TV.



NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

LOVE... From page 12 one touching video to celebrate this season of cheer. Opening the Christmas video were GMA News pillar Jessica Soho, Dingdong Dantes, Marian Rivera, and Alden Richards. Heart Evangelista and one of the newest Kapuso Bea Alonzo graced the CSID in special vignettes along with the growing roster of Kapuso stars and News and Public Affairs personalities. In this year’s CSID, which was released on November 12, they were seen writing messages of hope in heart-shaped pieces of paper and hanging them on the ‘tree of hope.’ With the heartwarming messages dedicated to Filipinos from different sectors and walks of life, we are again reminded that despite the challenges that come our way, love is the best gift that we can give one another this Christmas. Expressing love in any manner whether through words or action truly goes a long way as it helps spark hope in everyone’s hearts and feel God’s love especially this season. The latest Kapuso Christmas offering was made even more unforgettable with the jingle performed by the talented Kapuso singers led by Julie Anne San Jose, Lani Misalucha, Aicelle Santos, and Christian Bautista. The catchy upbeat tune paired with uplifting lyrics was composed and arranged by Simon Peter Tan with words by BJ Camaya, Emman Rivera, and Jann Lopez. Love Together, Hope Together is also available for streaming worldwide on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.

CRISTY... From page 10 sa aming source ay malaki ang ginastos ni Derek sa kasal dahil sa mga bulaklak pa lang na galing pa sa ibang bansa ay magkano na ang inabot. Ang pagpapasarado nila sa Rancho Bernardo nang eksklusibo lang para sa kanilang mga bisita, ang catering na bonggang-bongga, ang sinagot niyang damit ng mga principal sponsors at ng kanilang pamilya. Sabi ng aming source, “Naku, hindi masasaktan si Derek sa ginastos niya, kahit bilyonaryo pa ang family niya, e, may sarili siyang pera. “Saka talagang gusto niyang ibigay kay Ellen ang the best sa lahat ng aspect ng kasal nila. At nagawa naman niya,” komento ng aming impormante. *** Ilang tulog at gising na lang ay ikakasal na sina Dennis Trillo at Jennylyn Mercado. Ayon sa balita ay civil wedding lang muna ang magaganap. Natawa kami sa tanong ng kaibigan naming propesor, “Saang lokal kaya gaganapin ang kasal nila ni Jennylyn?” Akala nito ay miyembro ng INC si Dennis dahil sa mahusay niyang pagganap bilang tagapamuno ng INC noon

Alden Richards

Marian Rivera

Heart Evangelista & Richard Yap

Dingdong Dantes

Bea Alonzo

Mel Tiangco

Jessica Soho

Mike Enriquez

Vicky Morales

Howie Severino

Arnold Clavio

sa isang pelikula. Hinog na hinog na ang husay bilang aktor ni Dennis. Kahit walang dialogue ay nakapagtatawid siya ng mensahe sa pamamagitan lang ng kaniyang mga mata sa Legal Wives. Kayang-kaya nang magalit ng kaniyang mga mata, wala na siyang kailangan pang sabihin, aktor na aktor na nga si Dennis. Maraming maligaya sa nalalapit na nilang pagpapakasal. Tahimik kasi ang kanilang relasyon, mahusay silang magdala ni Jen kahit pa masasabing hindi naman perpekto ang kanilang pagmamahalan, sa simbahan talaga ang tuloy ng matagal na nilang pagsasama. Siguradong iiyakan ni Jennylyn ang pagharap nila sa altar ni Dennis, hindi na kasi makikita ni Mommy Lydia ang isa sa pinakamaligayang araw sa kaniyang buhay, ang pumanaw nitong nanay-nanayan ang humubog sa kaniyang pagkatao. Nagtagal din bago lumabas ang katotohanang nagdadalantao na si Jen, hindi nila agad kinumpirma ang kaniyang kalagayan, may munting anghel na ngang pumipintig ngayon sa kaniyang sinapupunan na mas magpapatibay pa sa pundasyon ng pagmamahalan nila ni Dennis. ***

Nabubuhay ngayon ang mga artista sa isang panahon na kahit ano ang sabihin nila ay kailangang sumailalim sila sa matinding panghihimasok ng ibang tao. Maayos ang kanilang komento ay may masasabi ang mga bashers, bibigyan ng ibang kulay, wala nang ligtas na artista ngayon. Ang pinakahuling biktima ay si Bea Alonzo. May binanggit lang siyang higad ay nagmarakulyo na agad ang mga tagasuporta ni Julia Barretto. Ito raw ang pinariringgang higad ni Bea. Kinakapa lang naman ni Bea ang laman ng kahon sa isang panayam, hindi sinasadyang nagsabi siya ng marami talagang higad sa paligid ngayon, ‘yon na! Pakikisali ng kaibigan naming propesor sa isyu, “Kapag sinabi kasing higad, of course, ang kapaniwalaan doon, e, makati ang girl. Malandi, ganoon! “Natural, magkalaban ang magkabilang kampo dahil kay Gerald Anderson, kaya ang feeling ng mga fans ni Julia, e, ang idol nila ang tinutukoy na higad ni Bea! “Wala namang binanggit na pangalan si Bea, pero nag-react agad ang kampo ni Julia, hindi pa rin daw siya nakakapag-move-on ngayon!” natatawang komento ni prop. Talagang wala nang ligtas

ang kahit sino ngayon dahil sa pinalilitaw na insinwasyon ng mga taong ginagawa na lang na libangan ngayon ang pamba-bash. Pahabol pa ni prop, “Bakit sila nag-react sa salitang higad? Di ba dapat, sa anaconda?” *** Pumirma na ng contract si John Lloyd Cruz sa GMA-7. Natural, isang grand welcome ang naganap sa pangunguna ng mga ehekutibo ng network, isa siyang karagdagan para sa istasyon. Kuwento ng aming source ay natagalan lang ang pagpirma ng kontrata ng magaling na aktor dahil hindi pa plantsado ang mga gagawin niyang proyekto. Gusto nilang nakahanda na agad ‘yon para maisabay na nila sa contractsigning. Si Willie Revillame ang unang nagbigay ng balita na may gagawing sitcom si Lloydie sa GMA-7 na si Direk Edgar Mortiz ang mamamahala. Mayroon din siyang nakalinyang gawing pelikula. Sabi pa ng aming kausap, “Pero mauuna muna ang movie nina Bea Alonzo at Alden Richards, matagal nang nakakalendaryo ‘yon. Tatapusin lang muna ang airing ng continuation ng The World Between Us ni Alden. “Akalain mo ‘yon? Ang isa sa pambentang tambalan ng ABS-

CBN, e, nasa GMA-7 na ngayon? Wala talagang permanent at walang imposible,” opinyon pa ng aming source. Natural lang na pagsabungin sina JLC at Alden Richards sa pagpasok ng aktor sa balwarteng pinaghaharian ng Pambansang Bae. Pero hindi pa man nagaganap ang pagkawala ng prangkisa ng ABS-CBN ay palagi nang sinasabi ni Alden sa mga interbyu na idolo nito si John Lloyd. Nasa isang network man sila ngayon ay wala pa ring punto para sila paglabanin dahil may kani-kaniya naman silang talento at napatunayan na sa kanilang propesyon. *** Siguradong bumubulwak ang kaligayahan ni Sharon Cuneta dahil sa napakagandang komplimentong ibinigay sa kaniya ng panganay niyang si KC Concepcion. Nag-ugat ang kuwento sa masarap na pagbati ni KC sa kaniyang ama sa kaarawan nito kamakailan. Natural, may mga Maritess na nagbigay ng insinwasyon na mas mahal ni KC si Gabby kaysa kay Sharon, ramdam na ramdam kasi ‘yon. Pero maagap si KC. Agad nitong ibinigay ang papuri sa See CRISTY p15

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

CRISTY... From page 14 kaniyang ina na never na siniraan sa kaniya si Gabby. Totoo ang sinabi ni KC na kadalasan ay sa pagpapalaki ng ina humuhugot ng respeto at pagmamahal sa nakahiwalay na ama ang isang anak. Dati nang sinasabi ng Megastar na kahit kailan ay hindi niya nilason ang isip ni KC tungkol kay Gabby. Kahit pa marami siyang puwedeng sabihin, kahit pa tunay na nagkulang si Gabby sa kanilang anak, walang narinig na anuman si KC mula sa kaniya. Salamat at si KC mismo ang nagpatunay sa maayos na pagpapalaki sa kaniya ni Sharon, napakasarap na komplimento noon para sa isang ina, si KC ang nagselyo sa isyu. Sa maraming kuwentuhan namin ni Sharon ay iniiyakan na lang niya noon kapag nababaligtad pa siya sa mag-isang pagpapalaki kay KC. “May mga kulang, pero hindi ko ‘yon sinasabi sa anak ko. Ayokong maapektuhan ang respeto niya sa tatay niya. Never ko siyang sinabihan ng mga pagkukulang ng father niya. “Tatay pa rin niya ‘yon, anuman ang nangyari sa amin, hindi dapat madamay si KC,” madalas sabihin sa amin ni Sharon. Ang magandang samahan nina Gabby at KC ang repleksiyon ng maayos na pagpapalaki ni Sharon sa kanilang anak. Walang naaalalang masamang salita si KC na ipinangtukoy kay Gabby ng kaniyang ina. Hindi bitter ang kaniyang ina, sabi pa ni KC, dahil kahit minsan ay hindi siniraan ni Sharon si Gabby sa kaniya. Sabi ni prop, “Sana, all. ‘yon kasi ang nakakalimutan ng ibang mommy. Bali-baligtarin man ang mundo, e, hindi mabubuo ang binhi nang sila lang. May tatay ang anak nila na kailangang irespeto at mahalin.” *** Wala po muna kaming blind item ngayon. Ibibigay namin ang espasyo sa panghihingi ng panalangin para sa pamilya ng OPM singer na si Richard Reynoso. Nagpositibo silang magasawa at ang dalawa nilang anak sa COVID-19. Ang kanilang mga anak ay sa bahay lang nagquarantine pero si Richard at ang kaniyang maybahay na si Amor ay nasa ospital ngayon. Habang sinusulat namin ang kolum na ito ay nakatanggap kami ng tawag mula kay Amor, hindi halos namin maintindihan ang kaniyang sinasabi dahil sa kaiiyak. Matindi ang pinagdadaanan ngayon ng kaniyang asawa dahil sa pneumonia. “Close monitoring po si Richard. Iba po ang tumama sa kaniya, ni hindi po siya makalakad nang ilang steps dahil sa hirap niya sa paghinga. “Magkaiba po kami ng room, hindi po maganda ang sitwasyon ni Richard, ililipat na po siya sa ICU,” humahagulgol na impormasyon ni Amor. Sa isang panahon na ayon sa balita ay pababa na nang pababa


ang bilang ng mga tinatamaan ng COVID-19 ay saka naman nagkaroon ang pamilya ng singer. Bakunado sila, nagpapa-swab test, pero hindi pa rin sila naging ligtas sa virus. Ayaw na lang magturo ni Amor pero minsan lang silang nagsama-sama ng kanilang mga kamag-anak na sa kaniyang palagay ay nakahawa sa kanilang pamilya. Humihingi ng panalangin si Amor, harinawang maligtasan nila ang matinding paghamong ito sa kanilang pamilya, lalo na kay Richard na talagang binabantayan

ngayon sa ospital dahil sa malubha niyang sitwasyon. Akala pa naman natin ay puwede na tayong lumabas ng bahay nang malaya, pero sa nangyari sa pamilya Reynoso ay nakakapagdalawang-isip pa rin ang paglabas, wala pa ring garantiya ang panahon. Si Richard pa naman, hindi siya nakakalimot, palagi siyang tumatawag sa amin para lang alamin kung maayos ang aming pamilya. Bahaginan po natin ng panalangin ang kanilang pamilya,

lalo na ang kalagayan ngayon ni Richard na binabantayan ng mga doktor at nurses, dahil ayon na mismo sa kaniyang maybahay ay hindi maayos ang kalagayan ngayon. *** Isa pang ikinababahala ng publiko ay ang sobrang kapayatan ngayon ni Kris Aquino. Dati na niyang pinoproblema ang kaniyang allergies, nakapagpagamot na siya sa iba-ibang bansa para mahanap ang kalapat na gamot sa kaniyang problema, pero hanggang ngayo’y inaabala pa rin si Kris ng kaniyang

PAGE 15 sakit. Sobra ang pagbagsak ng timbang ni Kris, siya na mismo ang nagsasabi na sobrang naging lampa pa siya ngayon dahil sa pagkawala ng kaniyang balanse, huwag na sana siyang pumayat nang pumayat. Komento nga ni SOS, “Sobra po kaming nabahala at naawa kay Kris noong makita namin ang latest picture niya. Sobrang payat na nga niya kaya parang humaba ang mukha niya. “Ngayon niya deserve na See CRISTY p16




CRISTY... From page 15 maging masaya at healthy. Sa panahon ngayon, kung ano ang makapagpapaligaya sa kaniya, e, gawin na niya. “Tama po kayo, ibigay na natin kay Kris ang makapagpapasaya sa kaniya. Kung happy siya with Mr. Mel Sarmiento, ibigay na natin sa kaniya ‘yon,” komento ni SOS. Hiling ng mas nakararami na panatiliin na lang sanang pribado ni Kris ang kanilang relasyon ni Mr. Sarmiento. Hindi naman daw ang publiko ang karelasyon nito, siya naman, kaya kung puwede sana ay huwag nang ipinagmamakaingay pa ng TV host ang kanilang pagmamahalan. At sabi pa ni prop, “Huwag na rin sanang sagot nang sagot si Mr. Sarmiento sa tanong ng mga netizens. Mahilig din kasing sumagot ang boyfriend ni Kris, e! “May nag-insinuate lang na baka sa hiwalayan din mauwi ang relasyon nila, sumagot na agad si Mr. Sarmiento nang tapos! Hindi raw sila magkakahiwalay dahil

mahal na mahal niya si Kris! “Patola? Nahawa na siya kay Kris? Tantanan na ang ganoon, hindi na bagay sa age niya!” matalim na opinyon ni prop. Kung walang inilalabas na kuwento si Kris sa kaniyang IG account ay wala namang paguugatan ang pagpansin sa kanila ni Mr. Sarmiento. Nagkakaroon lang naman ng isyu kapag naglalabas ng video si Kris, kapag naglilitaniya siya tungkol sa kanilang pagmamahalan, kung wala ‘yon ay magiging tahimik naman ang kanilang relasyon. Si Kris din ang naglalawit ng pain sa mga Maritess, kung wala siyang kuwento ay walang intriga, ganoon lang naman kasimple ‘yon. Pero si Kris Aquino nga pala ang pinag-uusapan natin, hindi ibang Kris, si Kris Aquino nga pala na parang hindi mapakali nang hindi siya magiging inconsistent. *** Galit na galit ang mga loyalista ng pamilya Marcos sa madalas sabihin ni Senador Manny Pacquiao na hinding-hindi


NO. 381

Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot

PAHALANG 1. Kapayapaan 5. Makasisingit 12. Ipasyal 13. Sabi nila 14. Bitag 16. Uri ng pagbati 17. Pinasama 18. Magalang na sagot 19. Sabaw ng sinaing 21. Ipaayos 25. Maanghang na gulay 27. Ligpit 29. Tila 31. Taba ng alimango 32. Sobrang tulin PABABA 1. Tikom 2. Tahimik 3. Guhit ng mga lugar 4. Inang perlas 6. Alipato 7. Palagay 8. Daluyong 9. Sakit sa balat 10. Kopya

11. Isang punungkahoy 15. Merkuryo 18. Dala 20. Maybahay 21. Dulas 22. Asar 23. Libang 24. Bulong 26. Nanay 28. Inam 30. Huni ng daga 31. Tipo ng dugo


magiging Imelda Marcos ang kaniyang misis na si Jinkee. Ang pagpuna at pagkukumpara ay nag-ugat sa pagiging paboloso ng misis ni Pacman, alahada pa rin ito at puro branded stuff ang suot sa kanilang pag-iikot sa mga probinsiya, kaya palaging binabash si Gng. Pacquiao. Pabolosa ang dating Unang Ginang, napakaganda nitong gumayak, sikat na sikat din sa buong mundo ang mga sapatos nitong koleksiyon. Nagagalit ang mga Marcos loyalist, kinukuwestiyon nila si Pacman, bakit daw nagbibitiw ng salita ang senador-boksingero na hinding-hindi magiging Imelda Marcos ang kaniyang misis? Komento ng isang tagasuporta ng pamilya Marcos, “Tantanan na nila ang paggamit sa dating First Lady! Talgang no comparison! Natural ang kagandahan ni Imelda Marcos, hindi siya retokada! Hindi pinagkukumpara ang fake sa totoo! Nilinaw rin ng kampo ng dating Unang Ginang na ang mga isinusuot nitong sapatos ay regalo lang sa kaniya ng magagaling nating sapatero mula sa Marikina. “Puro regalo ‘yon, si Madame Imelda ang parang model nila. Hindi niya ‘yon binibili, bigay lang sa kaniya! Saka locally-made products ang ginagamit ni Frist Lady, hindi tulad ni Jinkee na puro branded at binibili niya! “Huwag na nilang idinadamay pa si First Lady, hindi sila pinakikialaman noong tao! Tama na ang panggagamit, gumawa sila ng ingay sa sarili nilang paraan!” matinding buwelta sa magasawang Pacquiao ng loyalista ng pamilya Marcos. *** Nasampolan si Enchong Dee. Isang bilyong pisong danyos ang kakambal ng asuntong cyber libel na isinampa laban sa kaniya ng tagapamuno ng DUMPER Party List na si Representative Claudine Bautista Lim. Sa kaniyang dating post kasi ay mabigat ang akusasyon ng aktor laban sa kinatawan, pinalalabas niya na ang pondong

pera sa organisasyon ay ginastos ni Rep. Claudine sa kaniyang pagpapakasal sa Balesin, matindi nga ‘yon. Pero pagkatapos noon ay binura na ni Enchong ang mapanghusga niyang post, pinalitan niya ‘yon ng panghihingi ng paumanhin, pagbawi na hindi rin pala pinagbigyan ng kinatawan ng DUMPER Party List. Tuloy pa rin ang kaso, isang bilyong piso na ang danyos na hinihingi sa kaniya ay napakalayo pa ng lugar kung saan didinggin ang asunto, kaya sa umpisa pa lang ay talagang mahihintakutan na si Enchong. Sa mga personalidad na nakahiligan na ang pagpo-post ng kanilang saloobin tungkol sa mga kaganapan sa ating bayan ay isa si Enchong Dee sa pinakamatapang. Madiin siyang magbitiw ng mga salita, matulis ang kaniyang dila, parang wala nang bukas kung magpahayag si Enchong ng kaniyang damdamin. Pero laging may first time. Kung pinalampas lang ng ibang politiko ang kaniyang maaanghang na paghusga ay nakatiyempo siya kay Representative Claudine Bautista Lim. Hindi ‘yon pinalampas ng politiko, hindi nito tinanggap ang pagbawi ni Enchong sa nauna niyang post, kaya sa korte mauuwi ang kuwento ngayon. ‘Yon ang sinasabi ng marami, bago mag-click ay mag-isip muna nang maraming beses, dahil madaya ang emosyon. Huwag magpapadala sa galit, sa inis, dahil siguradong may kapupuntahan ang ganoong paghusga. Harinawang sa kalagitnaan ng kanilang laban ay makapag-usap nang masinsinan ang magkabilang kampo. May mga problemang nadadaan ang solusyon sa maayos na komunikasyon. *** Ano kaya ang nakain ni BB Gandanghari para upakan uli ang manunulat-manager-vlogger na si Ogie Diaz? Matagal nang ininterbyu ni Ogie si Robin Padilla sa kaniyang You Tube vlog pero bakit ngayon lang nagbibigay ng reaksiyon ang dating Rustom Padilla? Maganda ang daloy ng panayam, noon din inamin ni Robin na hiwalay na nga sina Aljur Abrenica at Kylie Padilla, at mayroon daw third party sa hiwalayan. Kung tutuusin ay napasadahan lang naman nina Robin at Ogie ang paksa tungkol kay BB Gandanghari, hindi nila tinutukan ‘yon, saka positibo naman ang mga binitiwang kuwento ni Robin tungkol sa kaniyang kapatid. Walang dapat ikagalit si BB, binigyang-katwiran pa nga siya

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021 ni Robin tungkol sa kaniyang sitwasyon ngayon, hindi siya siniraan ng nakababata niyang kapatid. Pero hindi nagustuhan ‘yon ni BB. Pinagtsismisan daw siya nina Robin at Ogie, kung mayroon daw gustong sabihin si Binoe ay bakit hindi na lang siya kausapin nito? Galit si BB, sinungaling daw si Ogie, hinding-hindi raw niya tatantanan ang manunulatmanager-vlogger. Bakit kay Ogie nagagalit si BB samantalang nagbato lang naman ito ng tanong kay Robin tungkol sa relasyon nilang magkapatid? Kung sana’y si Ogie ang nagmagaling na nagkuwento tungkol sa kaniya? Si Robin ang nagkuwento, hindi si Ogie, tanong lang ang naging partisipasyon ni Ogie. Nagagalit siya kay Robin sa pakikipagkaibigan nito kay Ogie. Dapat daw iwasan ni Binoe ang sinungaling na si Ogie, sabi pa niya, talagang apektado si BB Gandanghari. Tuloy ay lumalabas ang katotohanan na hindi pa rin pala sila maayos ng kaniyang mga kapatid. Si Mommy Eva lang pala ang regular niyang nakakakumustahan. Wala kay Ogie Diaz ang problema, nasa kanilang magkakapatid, ‘yon na lang sana ang tutukan ni BB para maging maayos ang kanilang relasyon. *** Binabakbakan ngayon si Vice Ganda dahil sa pinakahuli niyang pagresbak sa kaniyang mga bashers. Pakomedya ang kaniyang mga kuda, pero alam na alam mong pikon na pikon si Vice Ganda, kaya umabot sa sukdulan ang kaniyang pagyayabang. Totoong may tema ng pagmamaangas ang kaniyang mga salita, ipinakadiin kasi niya na mas yumaman pa raw pala siya ngayong pandemya, samantalang ang kaniyang mga bashers ay walang pag-unlad ang buhay kaya ipagdarasal niya. Isinama rin ni Vice sa kaniyang mga parunggit ang kaniyang ina na masayang-masaya ngayon, lalo na siya, dahil magkasama pa rin sila ni Ion Perez at tatlong taon na ang kanilang relasyon ngayon. Kung hindi pagkapikon ay wala kaming maapuhap na tamang termino para gamitin sa kaniyang pagmamayabang. Narindi na nga siguro si Vice sa masasakit na salitang ibinabato laban sa kaniya ng mga bashers. Nagmayabang lang siya para maiangat ang kaniyang sarili kontra sa kaniyang mga bashers pero iba ang naging pagtanggap ng publiko sa kaniyang mga lintanya. Sa kaniya mismo bumalik ang See CRISTY p17

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

CRISTY... From page 16 kaniyang mga sinabi, galit na galit sa kaniya ang mga nakapanood sa kaniyang TikTok video, kailangan na raw talagang kalusin ang kayabangan ni Vice Ganda. Sa kaniyang estado ngayon ay wala nang kailangan pang patunayan si Vice Ganda. Sobra pa sa pinangarap lang niya ang ibinigay na biyaya sa kaniya ng kapalaran. Sobra-sobra. Bilyonaryo na siya ngayon, popular pa rin, at siya na ang nagsasabing maligaya siya sa piling ni Ion Perez. Ano pa ba ang kulang sa kaniya? Wala na kaming maisip, nasa kaniya na ang lahat-lahat, lalo na nga at nandiyan pa ang kaniyang ina na nabigyan niya ng kaginhawahan sa buhay. Sabi ng isang nagbigay ng reaksiyon sa social media, “Alam sana ni Vice na kapag nagpantay ang dalawang paa niya, ang ipinagmamayabang niyang laman ng bank book niya, e, mawawalan ng saysay. “Ipinagpapasalamat ang mga biyayang tinatanggap natin, hindi ipinagyayabang, lalong hindi ginagamit na armas sa pangmamaliit sa ibang tao,” sabi ng komento. Noted. *** Dapat ay nananahimik na ngayon ang kaluluwa ng komedyanang si Mahal. Dapat ay ipinagdarasal na lang natin ang katahimikan ng kaniyang kaluluwa pero hanggang ngayon ay may mga nagaganap pa ring kaguluhan tungkol sa kaniyang pagpanaw. Kinukuwestiyon ng kapatid ni Mahal kung saan napunta ang naipon niyang pera mula sa mga proyektong ginawa niya noon. Said na said daw ang bank book ng munting komedyana. Hindi naman naghahabol ang pamilya ni Mahal, nagtatanong lang sila, wala rin silang tinutukoy kung sino ang umubos sa pera ng kanilang kapatid. Natural, sa paglabas ng pagtatanong ng kapatid ni Mahal ay papasok sa isip ng marami ang kaniyang kaibigan na si Mygz Molino, sa poder nito pumanaw ang komedyana. Matagal na panahong tumira sa bahay nina Mygz sa Batangas si Mahal, masayang-masaya siya sa mga vlogs nila ni Mygz,

PILIPINO EXPRESS kitang-kita ang kaligayahan ng komedyana kapag magkasama sila. Sa pagkakaalam namin ay palagi pa ngang abonado si Mygz sa mga munting kapritso ng komedyana. Mahilig sa magagarang damit si Mahal, sa magagandang sapatos, si Mygz ang bumibili noon para sa kaniya. Mas magandang huwag nang kinukuwestiyon ang pera ng komedyana. Matagal na panahon na namang natulungan ni Mahal ang kaniyang pamilya. Mapagmahal si Mahal sa kaniyang mga kapatid lalo na sa kaniyang pumanaw na ama. Isantabi na lang sana ang isyu ng pera. Hindi maganda sa panlasa ang ganoong pagtatanong kahit pa wala namang naghahabol. Alalahanin na lang natin ang masasayang panahong nakasama natin si Mahal. Nagbigay siya ng aliw sa ating mga kababayan, marami siyang pinasayang mga Pinoy sa ibang bansa, ‘yon na lang dapat ang ating tutukan. Ipanalangin na lang natin ang katahimikan ng kaniyang kaluluwa saanman siya naroon ngayon. ‘Yon din ang gusto ni Mahal. Ayaw niya ng may mga nag-aaway-away. Lalo na kung pera ang dahilan. – CSF




NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

Potato Corner grand opening, St. Vital Mall, November 14

L-r: Estrella Rodriguez, owner; a staff member; Jon Reyes, Minister of Economics and Jobs; Nestor Rodriguez, owner; Kevin Lamoureux, MP-Winniprg North; Orontes V. Castro, Consul General, Toronto and Ronaldo V. Opina, Honorary Consul a.h.

Nestor and Estrella Rodriguez, owners of Potato Corner

NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021





NOVEMBER 16 - 30, 2021

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