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Go out and vote! The Manitoba provincial election is Tuesday, October 3rd

Your vote counts.

On October 3, Manitobans go to the polls to elect the government that they believe will serve the people best.

“I would encourage all Manitobans to get out and vote. Every vote is important and it’s your say in our democracy,” said Mike Ambrose, the director of communications and public information at Elections Manitoba.

How to vote

• To vote, you must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old on election day and a resident of Manitoba for at least six months before election day.

• You also have to bring one piece of government-issued photo ID with your address, or two other pieces of ID. Voters are encouraged to bring their voter information card, which can be used as one piece of ID.

• Advance polls are open until September 30. You can find advance voting locations and operating hours, generally from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., online.

• Manitobans who are not registered can still register at the polls when they vote.

Election day polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Oct. 3.


According to Elections Manitoba, when you go to vote in the 43rd general election, you may notice some changes to the voting process. These changes were designed to make voting quicker and more convenient for Manitobans.

More technology

• Laptops with access to the voters list.

• Scanners to scan voter information cards and quickly find voters on the voters list.

• Printers for printing ballots on demand in place of write-in ballots.

• Vote counting machines to scan and accurately record ballots and provide results.

Vote counting machines, also known as tabulators, scan and record ballots and then provide a count at the end of the night. These vote counting machines feature many levels of security to maintain the integrity of voting.

What stays the same is that all votes will still be recorded on paper ballots. Paper ballots will be retained for recount purposes.

Voting is still safe, secure, and secret. Nobody will know how you voted.

Source: Elections Manitoba

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