3 minute read
Having the Gift of GAB Doesn't Mean Talk a Lot
by Lin Schussler-Williams
People have funny ideas about networking. Sometimes it gets associated with others trying to sell you stuff over drinks or at the very least, shoving their business card in your face at a Chamber of Commerce after 5 o’clock social (yuck).
No one wants that. I know I don’t.
But the truth is, we all network. And at its best, networking is about building relationships, giving your best to those relationships and knowing the truth of the old saying: “What goes around, comes around.” (HINT: Remember that old saying, we will be coming back to it.)
No matter whether your business is in the consumer retail space or the business-to-business service arena, networking is essential to success in business.
After decades in sales and more than a decade as a sales coach, I’ve landed on three principles that will serve you well if you practice them with your networking efforts. I call them the Gift of GAB.
They go like this:
The G stands for being Generous. Always ask yourself: How can I serve the person with whom I’m interacting? To be clear, that is not code for: What can I sell them? To be generous, one must understand what others need and then respond with that in mind. Connecting people with other people they need to meet, for instance. We are talking about giving with no expectation of return. And about the time you think, well, this sounds like a slow boat to sales, think back to the old saying above.
The A stands for being Attractive. No, it doesn’t mean wearing the right clothes, or hair or whatever (although being clean and neat is something my mother would tell you to make a priority), it means the energy we give off with our presence either brings people in or turns them away. Literally, be attractive. Be the person people want to hang out with. If you’re not sure how, revisit G for being Generous. Make sure your positive energy is consistent and authentically you.
And finally, the B stands for being a Builder of relationships. Relationship-building is about long-term connection. Be sure to continually revisit Generous and Attractive in the process. Networking can be fun. And it can be a speedboat to referrals and sales.
I encourage you to ask yourself, “How am I practicing the Gift of GAB in my business?” And not only keep the old saying above in mind, but I offer you this thought from Keith Ferrazzi: “The currency of real networking is not greed, but generosity.”
Networking is about making connections, with generosity of spirit, positive energy and an intention of real connection when you have no idea what will come of it. Networking is building a strategy filled with positive relationships and results. Put that strategy to work, and you will be glad you did.