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Christian Music Competition 2013

Sing to the Lord a new song! (Psa 96:1) After the success of last year’s competition, we were encouraged to have this competition again this year with a different theme. We highly encourage talented musicians and song writers from all over the world to join. There is no doubt that there are many talented young people that are capable of writing and composing music. Most of these talents are not channeled into the service of the church. The purpose of this competition is to explore the talents of these young people on one hand and to provide listeners with some quality Christian music that aims to not only entertain but also to educate the listeners about their Orthodox Christian Faith. The Orthodox Church is very rich in her saints and many of these saints have written poems to help explain to people the faith of the church. A perfect example of this is the mid night psalmody especially the Theotokia (praises to saint Mary) which very accurately spells out the Orthodox Church’s theology of St Mary. A more contemporary example are the many poems of the late Pope Shenouda III. We will therefor restrict our competition to lyrics inspired from Orthodox patristic text or poems. Competitors can but are not required to use traditional church music but rather encouraged to use contemporary music. The judging process will take place in two stages. The first stage will be the judged by the monks of the monastery accourding to the criteria given below. Once that took place the winners will move to the second stage where the songs will be posted on the monastery website for the public to vote on. The person/team with the most votes wins the competition.

Theme: 1. The theme for this year’s competition is The Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is very important that the lyrics are informative and that they teach the theological point of view about the sacrament from the Orthodox perspective. 2. One of the main Biblical references for the Eucharist is John 6:28‐69. There are many ancient and contemporary Orthodox commentaries about this passage that you can use as inspiration for your lyrics. You can also use 3. Lyrics MUST have at least one of the following key phrases:

Bread of Life, Mystery, True Body, True Blood, True Manna, Living Bread, Live Forever

Rules of the compe etition:       

You can n enter the competitioon as a team m or as an individual.. The lyrrics of the ssong must ccome from or inspired d by one of f the ancien nt text. A copy of the e text must be provideed. The lyrrics must be e within th he theme giv ven above Particip pants mustt comply w with the duee dates give en below. By subm mitting you ur song, thee monasterry will have e full copyrright to the music aand lyrics o of the songss and will h have the rig ght to use tthe music o or lyrics o or both as w we wish. Particip pants are n not allowed d to post or reproduce e the songs they subm mit on any other website or sociial media or my any other meanss. The son ng must be e original w work and co ould not be used for anny other compettition.

Important Dates: 1st JJuly ‐ Last d day for can ndidates to send us the entry app plication foorm. 1st SSeptember ‐ Last day for submittting the reecording 7th –– 1st Septem mber ‐ Mu usic Files w will be availaable online for voting by public. Ann nouncemen nt of winners and givi ng of prizes will be an nnounced aat a later sttage.

Sub bmission n.   

Files su ubmitted m must me Mp p3 file form mat. A typed d copy of th he lyrics mu ust be prov vided. A copy of the anciient text ussed or was tthe inspiration for thee lyrics.

Ch hristia an Music C Comp petitio on Applic A cation n Form m

Ind dividual / group Na ame: … … …………………………… ……………… ….. 1. … ……………… ……..….

Role in the g group: …… ……………… ….

2. … ……………… ……..….

Role in the g group: …… ……………… ….

3. .……………… …..…….

Role in the g group: …… ……………… ….

4. … ……………… ……..….

Role in the g group: …… ……………… ….

Con ntact persson emaill: ………… ……………… ……………… ……………… … Con ntact persson Mobille: ………… ……………… ……………… ……………… … Titlle of the SSong: .…… ……………… ………………………… (CCan be changged before ffinal subm mission) In ttwo lines describe the conteent of the proposed d song. Th his will be e possted with your son ng during the online voting p process. …… ……………… ……………… …………………….……… …………………………… ……………… …… ……………… ……………… ……………….…………… …………………………… ……………… (Ca an be changeed before fin nal submissiion)

I, … ……………… ……………… … have reaad the rulees of the ccompetitiion and agrree to abid de by them.

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